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Land Rover Defender

A CHANCE to recently (you

What Steve loves most about his current car, which he’s lived with for the past eight months, is just how easy Land Rover has made using the car every day. And that’s whether it’s the simplicity of selecting from one of the various off-road modes (which came in very handy in December’s snow), or the myriad storage spaces for putting away the paraphernalia that comes with everyday life these days


The large infotainment system is put to good use displaying various views to help parking, while the audio system is getting better with age. On top of all that, Steve is a big fan of the way the Defender looks – especially on the rare occasions that it’s not covered in mud. It’s a car that will be sorely missed when it’s gone.

OUR plug-in hybrid Jaguar has a new custodian for its final few months with us – and snapper Pete Gibson found an instant audience for the F-Pace when he brought it home for the first time. By coincidence, Pete’s father-in-law Dennis had popped around, so the P400e ended up sharing a driveway with his much-loved XE.

A lifelong Jag fan, Dennis was understandably keen to have a poke around Pete’s new arrival. He was impressed by the stance of the F-Pace, as well as the cabin – but he’s also a strong advocate of pure-petrol power and six-cylinder engines, so the F-Pace’s combination of four-pot motor and electric power might be a harder sell

It’s early days for Pete, but he’s already enjoying the F-Pace’s boot, which is a decent size when compared with his outgoing Kia Niro long-termer Fuel efficiency may prove another matter, but time will tell

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