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LIFE LESSONS FROM THE PA N D E M I C There has been so much loss. But with it comes new wisdom that may help positively reshape the way we go forward. BY K E V I N LO R I A I L LU S T R AT I O N S BY LO U I SA C A N N E LL


UR WORLD has certainly seen its share of generationdefining events, from global wars to the 1918 influenza pandemic to the attacks of 9/11. And now, the COVID-19 pandemic. While each was unique, they all altered the lives of those who experienced them. With the coronavirus pandemic, we’ve surely learned a lot. Some lessons have been painful—COVID-19 spotlighted healthcare inequities and the higher rates of infection and death in Black, Latino, and Native American populations. But recognizing what’s been wrong will help push our systems in the right




direction, experts say, and some of the disruptions the crisis caused may produce lasting benefits. “There has been often a lot of focus on loss ... now people are beginning to reflect on what was gained,” says Vaile Wright, PhD, senior director of health care innovation at the American Psychological Association (APA). For instance, many people say they want to continue to spend more time at home as the pandemic eases, according to a March 2021 Consumer Reports nationally representative survey of 2,144 American adults. And the vast majority hope the emphasis on cleanliness and hygiene continues. But what pandemic-related changes are we most likely to hold on to? Here, five key lessons and how they may improve our lives in the long run.

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