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1 Is Your (Indoor Air Fit to Breathe?

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Ahead of the Curve

Ahead of the Curve

P. 56

Safer Cycling Check out innovations like a sensor that detects when it’s okay to open your car door.



1 0 What We’re Testing in Our Labs … Robotic vacuums, affordable toaster ovens, headphones for $50 or less, portable air conditioners, and more.


12 Ask Our Experts Why children should get vaccinated against COVID-19, an easy way to save on gas, and the risks of “buy now, pay later” online deals. 13 CR Insights How to fix a dented bumper at home, decoding confusing labels on milk, budget-friendly blenders, and seven dressers that failed CR’s tip-over tests.



2 1 Is Your (Indoor) Air Fit to Breathe? The best air purifiers for removing pet dander, dust, smoke, and other pollutants.

R AT I N G S P. 21


6 From the President: Getting the Internet We Need Join our drive for more accessible service for all. 7 Building a Better World, Together We’re fighting for infant safety, electric car reforms, and better enforcement of product recalls.

8 Your Feedback Readers’ comments about our recent content.

20 Recalls 66 Index 67 Selling It


55 Ahead of the Curve Auto ratings, news, and advice.

56 What’s Next in Car Safety? Six lifesaving innovations, from “smart” headlights to sensors that spot hard-to- see pedestrians.

62 How to Get the Best Car Insurance What to skip, where you can save, and when to pay more.

6 3 Road Test We test the Acura MDX, Buick Envision, Ford Mustang Mach-E, and Polestar 2.


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