1 minute read
Selling It
from sin46th magzus.org
by Thomas Swift
Supermarket Madness
If these signs are to be believed, strange things are happening at stores this spring
Something Stinks Think skipping your a.m. shower is responsible for that odor in the produce aisle? Blame the smelly durian fruit instead. Submitted by Eric, via email Good Thing They Have 9 Lives Cat lovers may want to skip this section. Submitted by Travis McCann, Sacramento, CA

A Very Pricey Pie This is a pretty flaky amount to pay for a frozen crust. Submitted by Rosemary Brining, via email Penny Wise, Pounds Foolish You’d have to eat a whole lot of ice cream for these savings to add up. Submitted by John Turowski, Pasadena, MD

Be on the lookout for goofs and glitches like these. Share them with us—by email at SellingIt@cro.consumer.org or by mail to Selling It, Consumer Reports, 101 Truman Ave., Yonkers, NY 10703—and we might publish yours. Please include key information, such as your name and location.