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C OM I N G 2 0 2 3 The Private Garage Country Club @ Palm Beach International Airport Vi s i t o u r we b s i te to l e a r n m o re. t h e h a n g a rg roup.com
• 68 INDIVIDUAL AIR-CONDITIONED HANGARS FROM 1,174 FT.2 • E XC LU S I V E D R I V I N G A N D S O C I A L EV E N T S FO R OW N E R S . • 24 H O U R ACC E S S W I T H STAT E O F T H E A RT MO N I TO R E D S EC U R I T Y A N D O N S I T E CO N C I E R G E . • PRIVATE OWNERS LOUNGE WITH SIMULATORS, MEETING AREAS, BOARD ROOM AND ROOFTOP SUNSET DECK. Fo r s a l es a n d ava i l a b i l i t y p l ea s e e m a i l s cot t @ t h e h a nga rg ro u p.co m
© 2 02 2 P o r s c h e C a r s N o r t h A m e r i c a I n c Porsche re c ommends se at b el t us age and obser vanc e of all traf fic laws at all t imes C o n t a c t u s a t 8 3 3 -76 8 - 3 7 0 5 o r P o r s c h e U S A c o m /C l a s s i c O ur nex t mo del reveal has a dozen do or s , a hundre d windows , and is also an inst ant classic. Open for business in early 2023, Porsche Classic Factor y Restoration has a new facilit y c oming in Atlant a. To learn more or schedule your appointment , email us at: classic ser vic e@porsche us or scan the QR c ode Por sche C lassic Factor y Re storat ion

Aero Force

In remarkable fashion, the collaboration helicopter produced by Airbus and Aston Martin brings the stylings of the automaker’s DB11 to the sky We reveal the six most anticipated car deliveries of 2023 With the all-electric Spectre, Rolls-Royce upholds its ethos of elegance

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The Aston Martin DB11 inspired interior and exterior elements of the ACH130 Aston Martin Edition (shown behind)

Finished Business

Trace the origins of your classic Porsche with a new website Discover a few of our favorite vehicle releases that we’ve tested over the last year Since joining the grid in 2007, Sebastian Vettel has become a fan favorite in Formula 1; here’s a look back at the recent retiree’s career

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Take Flight

The possibilities of private air travel have ascended to new heights, thanks to established and emerging companies that are making major strides in both technology and material comfort Plus, three award-winning watches raised the bar at the Grand Prix d’Horlogerie de Genève

At the Northeast Florida Regional Airport, Old City Jets is the only private jet sales and management company with its own hangars


Looking for a new addition to your garage? Find hundreds of listings for pre-owned exotic, luxury, and classic cars ready for a new owner For more information on listing your vehicle, contact us

Cavallino Rosso St Louis has an expansive inventory filled with exquisite Ferraris looking for new owners to take them home.

the lead in that championship.

4 dupontregistry com J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 3 CONTENTS NO 452/JA N UA RY 2 0 2 3 A S T O N M A R T N x A I R B U S C O R P O R A T E H E L I C O P T E R S M O T O R S P O R T M A G E S O L D C I T Y J E T S ; C A V A L L I N O R O S S O S T L O U I S • • •
1 B U Y 3 L I V E 2 . D R I V E 4 . S E L L
Vettel’s 2018 crash in Germany allowed Lewis Hamilton to pass him in points, taking
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Will Chapman


Ken Harte


Victor Gomez IV

V P O F O P E R A T I O N S & P U B L I S H E R Cindy Carr

S E N I O R V I C E P R E S I D E N T O F S A L E S David Schwartz


Lauren Purse

A S S I S T A N T C O N T R O L L E R Ovidio Santistevan

S T A F F A C C O U N T A N T S Nicole McCallister, Sheryll Woodhouse

D I R E C T O R O F M A N U F A C T U R I N G A N D D I S T R I B U T I O N Tony Alvis

C I R C U L A T I O N C O O R D I N A T O R Audrey Crowder


M A N A G I N G E D I T O R Jeff CampBell

A D V E R T I S I N G A R T D I R E C T O R Khoi Nguyen

G R A P H I C A R T I S T Jessica Plymale


D I R E C T O R O F M A R K E T I N G Brad Neuendank

S A L E S E N A B L E M E N T M A N A G E R Joelle Sturm

S O C I A L M E D I A D I R E C T O R Emet Evjen

A S S O C I A T E D I G I T A L E D I T O R Tyler Rampersaud



Doug Martin, Manny Obordo, Jamey Owens


D I R E C T O R O F C L I E N T S E R V I C E S Todd Reinbolt

C L I E N T S E R V I C E S A D V I S O R Stephen Nosworthy

S E N I O R A C C O U N T E X E C U T I V E S Ron Barreto, Rodney Campo, John Chapman, Dylan Orluck, Lele Paul, Hal Reddick, Bucky Worboys

A D V E R T I S I N G A S S I S T A N T Cheryl Rosenlund

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I TO R I A L C O N T E N T E D I T O R - I N - C H I E F
Steven Chapman Jr A U T O M O T I V E C O N T E N T M A N A G E R Gabriel Vega Cortés D E S I G N E R Jenn Roberts
John Neff
Tom Brown (TMBRWN)
Ed Jones
Emily Chavous Foster
Jordan Aquistapace
Roberta Naas
The duPont REGISTRY™ s copyr ght 2023 by duPont Pub ishing Inc ISSN 0890-362X All r ghts reserved duPont REGISTRY A Buyers Gallery of F ne Automobi es®, A Buyers Ga lery of Fine Boats® A Buyers Ga lery of F ne Homes ® the Steer ng Wheel design dupontregistry com™ duPont REGISTRY™ Tampa Bay and var ous titles and headings herein, are trademarks of duPont Publ sh ng, Inc and may not be reproduced without wr tten consent Printed in the U S A Pub ished 12 times per year Sing e cop es available at your newsstand or ca l our publ sh ng office for sh pp ng informat on Canad an GST not included in cover price Annual subscr ption ava lab e Cal (888) 465-2957 or write to duPont Registry™, P O BOX 433036 Palm Coast FL 32143-3036



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January is when we celebrate the hits and misses of our last 365 and hope the next batch of days brings nothing but bull’s-eyes

This month’s issue is all about looking forward and back. Our cover vehicles represent the highest hopes for the year to come: parking an Aston Martin DB11 next to a matching ACH130 Aston Martin Edition helicopter in your combination hangar/garage We love high-end brand collaborations like these, especially when they go airborne. Read more on page 12

We stick to the skies in this issue with our annual “Aviation Guide” (page 66), designed to help you navigate private aviation companies vying for your dollars with the most luxurious, accommodating, and fastest air travel that money can buy

A banner 2023 may put you in a position to purchase the very first electric vehicle from Rolls-Royce (page 26) or one of six other highly anticipated automotive releases on deck to be delivered this year (page 20).

We’re not just looking forward this month Last year was an amazing one for new cars, and we reviewed the best of the best We reveal our favorites on page 32

Likewise, 2022 was the end of an era in Formula 1 with the retirement of Sebastian Vettel, who is not only one of the sport’s best drivers but also one of its nicest, most generous, and well-liked ambassadors Vettel’s popularity and success is proof one not need be the villain in order to win Take a look back at his storied career on page 46

The world of watches f i n i she d t he ye ar s t rong a s wel l , c u l m i na t i ng i n t he an nua l Grand P r i x d’Horlogerie de Genève award ceremony in Switzerland It ’s where the industry ’s best brands and master watchmakers come together to honor the most celebrated timepieces of the year Find a few of the winners on page 94

We also found a service that lets one look farther back in time than just the last year. There’s a new website that lets owners of classic Porsches trace the origin of their car through the decades On page 37, we take it for a test run in the hopes that every owner will do the same to catalog their car ’s history

We’re not big on resolutions, so we chose this issue to share our reverence for the past and forecast for the future. With hard work, perseverance, and a little luck, we’ll all be looking back on 2023 from the cockpit of our limited-edition helicopter and cabin of our private jet Happy New Year, and good fortune to you and yours

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Subscribers receive an artforward cover with less text that’s crafted to collect.

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M HO 4 5 2 AERO
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O 4 5 2
J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 3 dupontregistry com 11 s e c t i o n 1 . Browse the latest new exotic and luxury vehicles to hit the market, and discover the next dream car to add to your collection p. 1 2 As ton Mar tin te ame d up w i th Air bu s Cor p orate Helic opte r s to de v elop a l u x ur y airc raf t th at mimic s the s t ylin g s of a DB 1 1 . Af te r more th an a y e ar in de v elopme nt , the ACH 13 0 As ton Mar tin E di tion i s fin al l y hi t tin g c u s tome r s ’ h an gar s . p. 2 0 T hi s y e ar ’ s mos t antic ip ate d deli v e r ie s are p o i s e d to th r i l l . p. 26 Rol l s -Roy c e uphol d s i t s s t an d ard s of ele ganc e an d fine ae s the tic s in the al l- ele c t r ic S p e c t re . O ur p ar t ne rs : I N T H I S S EC T ION, YOU ’ L L A L S O F I N D I N FOR M AT ION A B OU T B E N T L EY PASA DE NA I N CA L I FOR N I A ; P R A NC I NG HORS E F E R R A R I I N NAS H V I L L E , T E N N E S S E E ; ROL L S -ROYC E TA M PA B AY I N F L OR I DA ; A N D STA N FOR D C H EV ROL E T I N M IC H IGA N I N S I D E

W h e n t w o s e g m e n t s c o l l i d e , r o a d l u x u r i e s t a k e t o t h e s k i e s . WOR

• • • H a r n e s s i n g a e s t h e t i c c u e s f r o m t h e A s t o n M a r t i n D B 1 1 , t h e A C H 1 3 0 A s t o n M a r t i n E d i t i o n h a s d e l i v e r e d a n e w l e v e l o f s o p h i s t i c a t i o n t o t h e h e l i c o p t e r m a r k e t

E d Jone s

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S T O N M A R T N x A R B U S
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14 dupontregistry com J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 3 • •
The three-blade ACH130 Aston Martin Edition is available in four livery options (Xenon Grey shown here). Each derives from the automaker ’s signature palette.

A s ton Mar t i n fan s c an now ta ke t he i r love for t he brand sky-h igh thanks to a partnership between the automaker and Airbus Corporate Helicopters The first creation to come out of this partnership is the AC H 1 3 0 A s to n Ma r t i n E d i t i o n . This stunning new helicopter was created af ter more than a year of the two brands working hand-inhand to de s ig n a hel ic opte r t hat p e r fe c t ly re pre s e nt s A i r b u s a nd Aston Martin standards

T h e AC H 1 3 0 A s t o n M a r t i n Edition debuts with four different l i ve r y opt ion s St i rl i ng Gre e n , Xe non Grey, U l t ramar i ne B l a ck , a n d A r i z o n a . E a c h h a s i t s o w n c omple me ntar y i nte r ior p a le t te . S ig natu re A s ton Mar t i n touches appear throughout , adding to the aircraft’s luxurious styling.

A s t o n Ma r t i n’s i c o n i c w i n g s a re l o c a te d o n t h e h e a d re s t s o f the le ather- appointed seats that are not only comfor table but lavish, just like the automaker ’s fine

J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 3 dupontregistry com 15

• • • A u t o m o t i v e s t y l i n g t h r e a d s t h r o u g h t h e a i r c r a f t , w h o s e l u x u r i o u s i n t e r i o r c a b i n f e a t u r e s o n e o f f o u r l e a t h e r c o l o r t h e m e s , c o m p l e m e n t i n g t h e e x t e r n a l l i v e r y s e l e c t i o n


Scan this QR code with your preferred mobile device to view additional photos of the ACH 130 Aston Martin Edition

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automobiles Each of the front seats m i m ic s t he bro g ue deta i l i ng of a DB11 that runs down the center of the backrests It’s quite remarkable how well of a job ACH and Aston Ma r t i n d i d i n b r i n g i n g t h e f i n e cabin features of a vehicle like the DB11 to a helicopter Needless to say, they accomplished the task at hand with flying colors.

A Skyfall Silver canopy and Pure B l a c k u l t r a - s u e d e f u s e l a ge p a i r w i t h one of fou r i nte r ior le a t he r c olor t he me s , de p e nd i ng on l i ve r y s el e c t i o n : O x fo rd Ta n , P u re Black, Ivory, and Cormorant Each AC H 1 3 0 A s t o n Ma r t i n E d i t i o n ordered comes with a plaque that fe at u re s t he lo go s of b ot h A s ton Ma r t i n a n d AC H , a s we l l a s t h e owner ’s name (optional) and the edition number of the helicopter

Up to six passengers can sit in forward-facing seats, each of which is perfectly plush, promising a relaxed ride A 952-shaft-horsepower engine will propel the helicopter to a peak cruising speed of 134 knots, traveling up to 347 nautical miles and maxing out at four hours of air time, or endurance

The ACH130 is a perfect example of the potential for a collaboration between companies from two separate segments By combining their core principles, Airbus Corporate Helicopters and Aston Martin have created a wonderful product that truly represents both brands in a meaningful way. Hopefully, we will see more from this partnership in the near future

J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 3 dupontregistry com 17

After a year of highly anticipated announcements and debuts from leading automotive manufacturers, orders have been received, and customers are eagerly awaiting the delivery of their dream car configurations. Although all of the newest models highlight innovative design, technology, and performance, some stand out as milestone examples that catapult brands into the future of vehicle production In this special, we have compiled a list of our picks for the most anticipated car deliveries of 2023. From inaugural Italian super-SUVs to one-of-a-kind four-seater mega- GTs, these popular new models are sure to create excitement in the industry as each is delivered to their rightful homes

20 dupontregistry com J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 3
1 B U Y T h e s e a re t h e m o s t h ot l y a nt i c i p ate d v e h i c l e d e l i v e r i e s of 2 02 3 . WOR D S : Jord a n Aq u i s t a p a c e B R I G H T F U T U R E M C L A R E N A U T O M O T V E 1.


McLaren Solus GT

Born from a historic lineage of motorsport excellence, McLaren Automotive continues to engineer its line of supercars and hypercars that focus on creating a true track-like experience Since the initial announcement of McLaren s new ultra-rare race platform, each of the lucky 25 owners of the Solus GT waits in anticipation as their configurations are set for a 2023 delivery The unique monocoque houses a naturally aspirated 5 2-liter V10 engine that revs beyond 10,000 rpm and generates more than 830 horsepower

J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 3 dupontregistry com 21

2 Ferrari Purosangue

Finally making its anticipated debut in the super-SUV market, Ferrari introduces the Purosangue as its firstever four-door model with four seats More than 75 years of manufacturing and engineering led Ferrari to create an SUV with Prancing Horse DNA , utilizing the perfect blend of road performance, off-road capability, and everyday practicality The naturally aspirated V12 engine in the new Purosangue makes it a true Ferrari, delivering an astonishing 725 horsepower to its sophisticated all-wheel drive system Showcasing its abilities to perform in all conditions, owners of the new Ferrari Purosangue can expect to test out their super-SUV toward the end of this year

3 Porsche 911 GT3 RS 992

Ever since its introduction into Porsche’s lineup, the 911 GT3 RS continues its uprise with updates that make it one of the most popular sports car models in automotive history The 911 GT3 RS family is made up of seven generations that all incorporate characteristics and aspects from its predecessors, setting the benchmark for performance car production around the world Nineteen years after its initial debut, Porsche is proud to keep its historic lineage going with the new 992 generation 911 GT3 RS

Because of the incredible power of the 911 GT3 RS engine, Porsche focused on aerodynamics and weight reduction to make the 992 Porsche 911 GT3 RS better than ever

4 Pagani Utopia

Leading the way for hypercar development and manufacturing, Pagani Automobili generates its forward-thinking approach from the mind of founder Horacio Pagani Gracing the automotive world with impressive creations like the Zonda and Huayra , the all-new Pagani Utopia continues the brand’s legacy with state-of-the-art design, technology, and performance Originally debuted with the code name “C10,” the Utopia revolves around three benchmarks: simplicity, lightness, and the pleasure of driving Producing 864 horsepower and 809 pound-feet of torque from a 6 0-liter twin-turbocharged AMG V12, only 99 examples of the Pagani Utopia are planned for 2023 production

22 dupontregistry com J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 3
C O U R T E S Y O F A U T O M A K E R S 4. 3. 2.

5 Lamborghini Huracán Tecnica

The new Lamborghini Huracán Tecnica represents the latest evolution of the Huracán range, providing the purest Lamborghini driving experience The exterior lines emphasize distinctive new expressions inspired by the racing DNA of the Huracán Super Trofeo EVO2 Bridging the gap between the Huracán EVO and Huracán STO, the Tecnica features the same 5 2-liter naturally aspirated V10 and seven-speed dual-clutch gearbox Lamborghini notes that the Huracán Tecnica will have a 0 to 60 mph time of 3 2 seconds and a top speed of around 202 mph Taking the lead as Automobili Lamborghini’s next generation of Italian hypercar, the Huracán Tecnica will light up the streets in 2023

6 Koenigsegg Gemera

Since the Koenigsegg Gemera first made waves as the automotive industry ’s first four-seater hypercar, the anticipation for future owners grows as the delivery date for the mega-GT draws near Behind the massive dual vertical doors lies a spacious interior cabin that welcomes three additional passengers, offering more luggage space for longer journeys on the road Along with an EVonly mode that allows for up to 31 miles of efficient travel, the Gemera features Koenigsegg’s hybrid 2 0-liter twinturbocharged three-cylinder, producing an incredible 1,700 horsepower With only 300 examples of the Koenigsegg Gemera being created, we can’t wait to catch a glimpse out in the wild


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Chicago, IL 888 710 5463 Nick Mancuso

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Cory Cooley www ForeignCarsItalia com


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Corstiaan Westerhuis www BoardWalkFerrari com


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Keith Humphreys Austin FerrariDealers com

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Dan Bush

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Franklyn Freeman Washington FerrariDealers com


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From winter testing in the arctic circle to on-road refinement in the French Riviera, the all-electric Rolls-Royce Spectre has already covered more than 1.5 million miles, simulating 400 years of use, during development This stylish coupe is crucial for the British carmaker, as it’ll usher in the brand’s electrified future

At a glance, it ’s tough to tell that the Spectre is electric Unlike some EVs that lean into a more futuristic design language, Rolls-Royce’s take is stylish, elegant, and true to its brand aesthetic There’s still a clear focus on aerodynamic efficiency It’s just hidden in plain sight. Take its new Pantheon grille as an example. It is the widest ever fitted to a Rolls-Royce and helps channel air around the car ’s sizable front end

Rolls-Royce envisioned the Spectre as the Phantom Coupé’s s p i r i t u a l s uc c e s s or. Howeve r, i t s fa s t b a ck de s ig n and sloping roofline show subtle hints of Wraith. It may only have two doors, but the Spectre is a sizable vehicle Its 214 7-inch length is 2 inches longer than a Ghost and 4 inches longer than a Cullinan Thanks to its 6,559-pound curb weight , it is also the heaviest Rolls-Royce ever

Although the automaker has yet to release official figures, Rol l s -Royc e e s t i ma te s t ha t t he Sp e c t re w i l l del i ve r aro u nd 577 horsepower, 664 pound-feet of torque, and deliver an EPA range of 260 miles with the standard 23-inch wheels These figures are good enough to match the Black Badge Ghost’s 4 4-second run to 60 mph. It’s important to note that Rolls-Royce has not published specifics on motor count, battery size, or charging speeds. However, we know that the Spectre will integrate its batteries into

26 dupontregistry com J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 3 R O L L SR O Y C E M O T O R C A R S
W R I T I N G’S O N T H E WA L L 1 B U Y Ro l l s -Ro y c e re v e al s i t s f i r s t - e v e r al l- e l e c t r i c c ou p e w i t h t h e S p e c t re . WOR D S : G abr iel Ve ga Cor té s 57 7 Horsepower 6 6 4 lb-ft Torque 1 5 5 mph Top Speed

the car ’s overall structure, making it at least 30 percent stiffer than any previous Rolls-Royce

The Spectre rides on the same Architecture of Luxury platform as the Phantom, Ghost, and Cullinan Its floor offers a perfectly smooth surface thanks to clever engineering and packaging This allows the Spectre to offer a lower seating position while its battery pack results in a claimed nearly 700 kilograms (1,543 pounds) of sound deadening

To keep its weight in check through corners while still delivering the brand’s “magic carpet ride,” the Spectre counts on the latest iteration of the carmaker ’s Planar suspension. It allows the large EV to decouple its anti-roll bars, so each wheel acts independently The goal is to prevent rocking motions and disturbances caused by road imperfections. As the Spectre detects a corner, it’ll recouple its anti-roll bars and stiffen its dampers. Additionally, a four-wheel steering system helps to effectively shorten its wheelbase, allowing for more agile handling

Inside, the Spectre builds on the carmaker ’s existing interior design language with plush seating for four and a highly customizable dashboard, as well as a new digital instrument cluster with redesigned gauges Alongside the brand’s Starlight Headliner, the Spectre debuts new Starlight Doors, with 4,796 luminous stars in addition to those that decorate the roof

Since opening its books, Rolls-Royce has received hundreds of Spectre orders and expects to deliver the first customer cars in Q4 2023. At press time, the marque had yet to announce official pricing figures

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2 02 3 R O L LS - R OYC E S P ECT R E L E N GT H 214 7 inches P OW E R Dual-motor electric powertrain generating 577 horsepower 0 - 6 0 M P H 4 4 seconds C U R B W E I G H T 6,559 pounds R A N G E 260 miles estimated EPA
The Rolls-Royce Spectre takes a recognizable interior and exterior design language and streamlines it with aerodynamics, efficiency, and comfort in mind
©2023 Por sche Car s Nor th America, Inc Por sche recommends seat be t usage and obser vance of traf fic aws at al times European mode shown Some opt ons may not be available in the U S E x p e r i e n c e t h e M a c a n G T S . C a r p e c o r n e r T h e M a c a n G T S i s d e s i g n e d t o h e l p y o u l i v e e v e r y d a y t o t h e f u l l e s t W i t h 4 3 4 h p o f s p o r t s c a r-i n s p i r e d p e r f o r m a n c e . A n u p d a t e d y e t d i s t i n c t i v e l y P o r s c h e d e s i g n D N A A n d t h e f u n c t i o n a l i t y a n d c o m f o r t you expec t from an SU V A ll to help you seize ever y day and road tightly FLORIDA The Collection Contact: Nicholas Edwards Coral Gables, FL (305) 476-2014 thec ollectionporschemiami c om Por sche Orlando Contact: Ben Ellis Maitland, FL (407) 262-0800 porscheorlando c om Por sche South Orlando Contact: Raj Alexander Orlando, FL (407) 853-2100 porschesouthorlando c om Suncoast Por sche Contact: G ordon Hunter Sarasota, FL (941) 923-1700 sunc oastporsche c om GEORGIA Por sche Atlant a Perimeter Contact: Mike Boyd Atlanta, GA (770) 234-2100 porscheatlantaperimeter c om NE W YORK Manhat t an Motorcar s Contact: Brian Kelly New York, NY (212) 594-6200 manhat tanmotorcarsporsche com NORTH CAROLINA Por sche Greensboro Contact: Mat t Davis Greensboro, NC (336) 344-9896 porschegreensboro c om Por sche Hickor y Contact: Nick Kincaid Hickor y, NC (828) 248-7856 porschehickor y c om OHIO Por sche of the Village Contact: A J Murphy Cincinnati, OH (513) 271-3200 porscheofthevillage c om PENNSYLVANIA Por sche Main Line Contact: John Hediger New town Square, PA (610) 886-1000 main-line porschedealer c om


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s e c t i o n
p. 32 O v e r the l a s t y e ar, w e ’ v e te s te d an d re v ie w e d s ome of the b e s t ne w automoti v e rele a s e s . He re are fi v e of our fa v or i te s . p. 3 7 Cl a s s ic Por s che owne r s c an now u s e a ne w w ebs i te to t rac e the or ig in s of the ir pr i zed vehicle s an d obt ain do c ume nt ation on the ir hi s tor ie s . p. 4 6 Four - time w orl d ch am p ion For mu l a 1 d r i v e r S eb a s ti an Ve t tel b i d s a die u to the s p or t . He re ’ s a lo ok b ack at hi s time on the g r i d . O ur p ar t ne rs : AU TOB U F F F I N E AU TO DE TA I L I NG A N D R E ST Y L I NG ; C U N N I NG H A M AU TOMOT I V E CORV E T T E ; O S P R EY C USTOM CA RS ; P OT E N T I A L MOTORS E L EC T R IC OF F-ROA D R EC R E AT IONA L V E H IC L E S ; A N D T I N T WOR L D AU TOMOT I V E ST Y L I NG C E N T E RS I N S I D E
Discover reports from behind the wheel, ideas to enhance your time on the road, and stories about what’s happening in Formula 1 racing



1 C H E V RO L E T

CO RV E T T E Z 0 6

Given how capable the Stingray is as a sports car, the Chevrolet Corvette Z06 was positioned to be great Far surpassing “great,” it blew us away The hand-built LT6 5 5-liter naturally aspirated V8 is a masterpiece Not only does it redline at 8,600 rpm, but it also delivers 670 horses without a turbocharger in sight It also has the suspension, aero, and tires necessary to use that power in full It is a clear example of what s possible when the bean counters take a back seat With a base price of $106,395, there is no better bargain on sale today




WOR D S : G abr iel Ve ga Cor té s

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We’ v e s te p p e d b e h i n d t h e w h e e l to te s t a n d re v i e w s o m e of t h e b e s t c a r s re l e a s e d i n 2 02 2 . He re a re f i v e of ou r fa v o r i te s .
The BMW M5 CS is easily among the most athletic sports sedans of 2022 Equipped with stiffer springs, a lower ride height, and firmer anti-roll bars, the M5 CS shreds up a canyon road It is also the most powerful BMW ever, delivering 627 horsepower and 553 pound-feet of torque from its 4 4-liter twin-turbocharged V8 Despite weighing in at over 4,100 pounds, it’s agile, and thanks to a clever all-wheel drive system, it seemingly never runs out of grip The biggest shame is that the M5 CS is only available for one model year, and it’s completely sold out 5. B U G A T T C H E V R O L E T G A B R E L V E G A C O R T E S


Out of the dozens of cars we tested in 2022, we’ve easily covered the most miles in the Rolls-Royce Black Badge Ghost From a 1,000-mile run through California to the snow y roads of Sun Valley, Idaho, we tested this large sedan in almost every condition imaginable With a 591-horsepower 6 75-liter twin-turbocharged V12 under its hood, a darkened edgy aesthetic, and a cabin filled with unique materials, the Ghost’s sportiest variant strikes a perfect balance between speed, handling, and tremendous comfort


The Lamborghini Huracán STO encompasses everything a modern Italian supercar should, and it lingers in the mind long after your last drive It’s loud, brash, attention-grabbing, and, most of all, thrilling to command The STO’s naturally aspirated 5 2-liter V10 remains one of the best-sounding in production and delivers 631 horsepower to the rear wheels Factor in a strippeddown interior, bodywork seemingly lifted from the GT3 EVO race car, and one of the loudest stock exhausts in production, and you get a supercar that prioritizes rewarding experiences over impressive stats


Scan the QR code to discover additional “First Drive” reviews and reports


It should come as no surprise that the $4 3 million Bugatti Chiron Super Sport makes this list However, it isn’t the price tag, sleek styling, or massive 1,578-horsepower output that impressed us most Making immense power is easy

The Super Sport is unique because its over-engineered approach distills that speed and makes it approachable, taking the idea of a hypercar and refining it to an extreme degree so just about everyone can feel comfortable behind the wheel, ripping up a canyon road

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3. 4.
d u p o n t @ h e n n e s s ey p e r fo r m a n ce . co m w w w. h e n n e s s ey p e r fo r m a n ce . co m /d u p o n t 1 . 9 7 9 . 3 0 7 . 6 8 9 4 3 YEAR / 36,000 MILE LIMITED WARRANT Y


Po r s c h e i nt ro d uc e s a n o n l i n e s e r v i c e fo r c l a s s i c c a r o w n e r s t h at h e l p s to i l l u s t rate a v e h i c l e ’ s h i s to r y.

WOR D S : Tyler Ramp ers aud

Buy ing a classic car can be a real labor of love . W h i le t he ide a of a dd i ng a v i nta ge model sounds like a dream on the surface, classics (and even more recent used cars) can come w ith plenty of headaches when it comes to ownership.

Just think about it: You’re buy ing a car a nd t r u s t i n g t h a t a nyo ne who ow ne d i t before you to ok prop er care of it that can be a big risk to take. Of course, it helps whe n yo u fi nd a me t ic u lo u s ow ne r who keeps caref ul documentation of the car ’s histor y, from the original w indow sticker to a detailed record of all the ser v ice and maintenance that has been done, but even for car enthusiasts, finding a vehicle tha t has been maintained like that can be like looking for a needle in a haystack

Po r s c h e , a b r a n d w h o s e c l a s s i c s a r e a m o n g t h e a u t o m o t i v e w o r l d ’s m o s t d e s i r e d , h a s a n e w s o l u t i o n . Re c e n t l y, t he b ra nd i nt ro d u c e d a n o n l i ne s e r v i c e t h r o u g h w h i c h o w n e r s c a n a c c e s s a detailed archive of documentation on their c a r s . Wi t h t h e s e r v i c e , c l a s s i c Po r s c h e ow ners are able to re t r ieve two ty p e s of

impor tant records on their vehicles that a l l o w fo r m o r e a u t h e n t i c r e s t o r a t i o n s , a s w e l l a s e f f i c i e n t a n d t h o r o u g h m a i nte n a n c e A n a d d e d p e rk : D e t a i l e d documentation on the histor y of a classic Porsche is always great to have on hand at events and car shows

The first record is a Porsche Production S p e c i f i c a t i o n ( P P S ) d o c u m e n t , w h i c h o u t l i n e s t h e o r i g i n a l e x t e r i o r a n d i nter ior c olors, opt ions , p ower t ra i n and drivetrain specifications, production date, a nd M S R P. It ’s ava i l able fo r a l l Po r s c he V I N s fo r $ 1 2 5 . T h e s e c o n d re c o rd t h a t owners can obtain is the Porsche Classic Te ch n ic a l Ce r t i fic a te (C TC ) It i nclude s a n i n s p e c t ion f rom a Por s c he te c h n ic a l e x p e r t t h a t g o e s i n t o g r e a t d e t a i l , a n d i n d i c a t e s i f o r i g i n a l p a r t s h a v e b e e n replaced It’s only available from a Porsche C l a s s i c Pa r t n e r o r a q u a l i f i e d Po r s c h e d e a l e r fo r m o d e l s a s n e w a s t h e f i r s tgeneration Cayenne and star ts at $500 Wi t h t h e s e n a s c e n t s e r v i c e s , c l a s s i c Po r s c h e ow n e r s h i p go t m u c h e a s i e r and even more entic ing

J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 3 dupontregistry com 37 P O R S C H E
2. D R I V E • • • Two types of records are now available for owners of classic Porsches (like the 1970 911 2 2 Targa shown here), allowing for an even deeper understanding of a vehicle’s history
RETHINK PAYING CASH N O P R E P A Y M E N T P E N A LT I E S . N O B A L L O O N P A Y M E N T S . N O N O N S E N S E . L O W E S T P A Y M E N T S I N A M E R I C A G E T P R E - A P P R O V E D T O B I D AT T H E S C O T T S D A L E A U C T I O N | J A N U A R Y 2 1 - 2 9
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E A R N I N G H I S W I N G S The Red Bull Years

After a brief stint with Red Bull’s Toro Rosso team where in 2008 Sebastian Vettel became the youngest driver to win a Formula 1 grand prix (beat in 2016 by Max Verstappen) team bosses noticed his potential and moved him to Red Bull Racing In his first year with Red Bull, he finished second in the World Drivers’ Championship standings In 2010, Vettel would take first place and become the youngest World Drivers’ Champion in Formula 1’s storied history, a record he still holds today Over the next four years, Vettel continued to dominate, racking up three more championship titles for a total of four in a row

J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 3 dupontregistry com 47 F I N I S H E D B U S I N E SS G e r m a n d r i v e r S eb a s t i a n Ve t te l h a n g s h i s h e l m e t af te r a m e m o ra b l e c a re e r. WOR D S : E d Jone s P HOTO G R A P H S : Motor s p or t Ima ge s
2. D R I V E

S E E I N G R E D Ferrari’s Rise and Fall

In 2015, Vettel took Fernando Alonso’s seat at Scuderia Ferrari, where he stayed for six years Unfortunately, his time with the Italian team would not be as fruitful as it was with Red Bull He saw his best championship results with the Prancing Horse in 2017 and 2018, placing second both years Ultimately, Vettel concluded his time with Ferrari with a 13thplace finish in 2020 As for Ferrari, they finished sixth that year in the constructors’ standings

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T H E F I N A L S E AS O N Shifting Priorities

When Sergio Perez made the move from Aston Martin to Red Bull, it opened up a spot that Vettel snapped up In 2021 and 2022, Vettel raced well but only well enough for 12th-place finishes both years Still, his final seasons were filled with memorable moments for him, including being given the nickname “Inspector Seb” and having the chance to become Mick Schumacher’s mentor In July, Vettel announced his retirement, and on Nov 20, he took part in his last Formula 1 grand prix It’s been an honor to watch Vettel over the years, and we can’t wait to see what he does next

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A u t o s t a c k e r ’ s l o w - p r o f i l e e n t r y r a m p h a n d l e s a u t o s l i k e o t h e r l i f t s w i s h t h e y c o u l d . W i t h i t s i n t u i t i v e s a f e t y f e a t u r e s a n d s l e e k d e s i g n , A u t o s t a c k e r i s t r u l y w o r t h y o f y o u r g a r a g e .

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discover the world’s top timepieces p 66 O ur annual “Aviation Guide” spotlights private aviation companies that are shaping the way we fl y through their respective ad vancements in technolog y, design , comfor t , and speed . Whether you seek a travel solution for business or pleasure, these brands will overdeliver. p. 94 The watch industr y recognizes the world’s top timepieces of 2022 at the Grand Prix d’Horlogerie de G enè ve. Here are three award winners you ought to know.


Officina Amare

Known for designing architecture, yacht, and aviation solutions that are uncompromising in quality and sophistication, Officina Amare’s latest project, the Bombardier Global 6000 jet, features luxury every where you look Designed for a discerning client, the interior takes inspiration from art, architecture, yachting, and cars Materials and motifs are most notably informed by the art deco period, and the jet is perfect for traveling while conducting business, entertaining, or simply relaxing officinaarmare com

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Scan the QR code with your mobile device to check out all of our articles on aeronautics and the latest innovations in private aviation

In l o c k s te p w i t h s e c to rsh ap ing in novation s in the a u to m o t i v e s p h e re , s t r i d e s in p r i vate a v i at i o n h a v e re d e f in e d t h e w a y t h e w o r l d t ra v e l s . St ate - of - t h e - a r t te c h n o l o g i e s al ig n w i t h s o p h i s t i c ate d , m o d e r n c o m fo r t s , re s u l t in g in airc raf t t h at n ot on l y g e t s y ou wh e re y ou n e e d to g o fa s te r, but al s o t ra n s p o r t s y ou t he re in u n r i v al e d s t yl e . T h e s e c o m p a n i e s a re a m o n g t h o s e re s p o n s i b l e fo r wh at ’ s ne w an d wh at ’ s nex t in t h e w o rl d of a v i at i o n .

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flyexclusive.com • 833.359.2582 Scan Explore Jet JET CLUB | FRACTIONAL | PRIVATE CHARTER | MRO SERVICES | AIRCRAFT PARTNERSHIPS f l y r e l i a b l y f l y s a f e l y f l y l u x u r i o u s l y Our complete private aviation solutions include our “Best of the Best ” Jet Club, Fractional Ownership program, and on- demand Private Char ter In addition, we own and operate our fleet of 90+ Light , Mid, and Super-Mid aircraf t , allowing us to provide a combination of savings, flexibility, simplicity, and personalized service. The flyExclusive Jet Club Member experience is built upon guaranteed aircraf t availability, guaranteed competitive hourly rates, 24/7 Member Services assistance, and our commitment to maintaining the highest safety ratings in the industry

2 Honda Aircraft Company Operating under the constant pursuit


Honda Aircraft Company continues to evolve private air travel with advancements in performance and comfort

The newest addition to its fleet, the HondaJet Elite II, made its grand debut at the 2022 National Business Aviation Convention and Exhibition It takes the title of the fastest, highest, and furthest-flying aircraft in its class, with new upgrades that ensure safety and security at all times hondajet com


JetASAP connects fliers in real time directly to charter operators, commission free App features include the ability for fliers to receive live bookable quotes and access to a previously unpublished list of 1,000plus daily trips, including empty legs previously only available to industry insiders, many offered at discounted rates All operator details are displayed in the app, including name, FAA-issued certificate number, safety ratings, and contact info jetasap com

4 Jet It

While most private travel options are measured by the hour, Jet It’s fractional ownership experience allows owners to plan their travels by the day In doing this, Jet It gives owners the ability to enjoy all of the luxuries of private travel as well as the convenience of traveling to multiple locations in a single day Jet It’s approach to fractional ownership lets owners gain more control than ever before gojetit com

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2. 4. 3.

B e l l

A b o ve a n d B e yo n d F l i g h t

Many call it a SUV in the sky Helicopter owners know, and those new to the world of rotary wing are quickly finding out, that a helicopter is the perfect work tool to maximize efficiency during the week and getaway vehicle on the weekend, creating epic memories with friends and family

Quickly dash between meetings, work sites, or offices to complete your routine while still making it home for dinner with the family When you can avoid traffic, and even an airport, a helicopter gives business owners an efficient tool that is unlike any other in the world Owners are finding their ability to complete more in person meetings and visits, without the need to overnight, improves their quality of life exponentially With the ability to store your helicopter directly on your property, you avoid the drive to the airport, crowded FBOs, and waiting on the taxiway Many cities today also offer convenient downtown helicopter

landing areas, sometimes referred to as Vertiports, creating easily accessible parking areas for your aircraft

When the weekend rolls around, a helicopter is the perfect escape Many hotels and campsites have the ability to accommodate helicopter parking within walking distance of your accommodations The time saved in transits gives you more time with family and friends and less time in traffic wishing you were on the beach or mountain slope Much like a car, helicopters offer plenty of cargo space so that you can take everything with you on your adventures

To learn more about how a helicopter can give you time back in your week, whether making it home for a family dinner or extra hours of an already too short weekend, visit our website below

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Air King Aviation Air King is a premiere choice for the maintenance, modifications, and management of your aircraft Rather than worrying about the aforementioned chores, you can sit back and relax while Air King takes care of them for you The company offers scheduled inspections, complete restorations, and modifications of your turboprop or piston aircraft, all of which can be customized to your schedule airkingaviation com


Aston Martin x Airbus

Both Aston Martin and Airbus create rare and exclusive products for personal travel, allowing the collaboration to be filled with shared passion and enthusiasm The ACH130 Aston Martin Edition seeks to bridge the experience between the driver of DB11 and the pilot of the ACH130 In both cases, you are in a luxury cocoon designed to keep you alert and comfortable airbuscorporatehelicopters com

7 Embraer Executive Jets

This new concept from Embraer Executive Jets for a medium-size cabin jet rewrites the rules of aviation It features a cabin with three highly efficient and innovative zones The craft shows off an inviting lounge with plenty of space for seating and conversation; that’s because the concept plane is fully autonomous and thus has no need for a cockpit The plane is designed to run on fully sustainable propulsion and has a unique design that leaves the wings free of engines executive embraer com



Undoubtedly one of the largest private jet companies in the States, flyExclusive provides complete private aviation solutions In addition to their Jet Club, fractional ownership program, and on-demand private charter services, owners looking for OEM-quality refurbishment can utilize flyExclusive’s MRO services, which include paint, interiors, and maintenance flyexclusive com

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S P EC I A L AV I AT I O N S ECT I O N 8. 6.

At Jett Aircraft we are more than aviators. It is our desire to share our love for aviation with our customers and provide services that are

Beyond First Class j e t t a i r c r a f t . c o m | 8 4 4 - 2 3 8 - 9 3 7 8

Je t t A i rc r a f t

Un a f r a i d t o L e a d

Jett Aircraft was built from the ground up with commitment to safety, convenience, and transparent pricing After over 30 years of experience with buying, selling and operating aircraft, Jett’s owner Lance Creamer founded his own private charter business in 2011 Since then, he and his Northwest Arkansas based operation have been dedicated to promoting the industry and providing their clients with an unforgettable and flawless experience

Jett Aircraft is committed to providing a world-class travel experience from our home in Northwest Arkansas and beyond Each time you book a trip, you can count on simplicity, transparency, and excellence

No matter what your mission is in aviation, Jett Aircraft is the premier destination for private charter travel

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Personal and Business Charters / / Professional and High-End, Aircraft Ownership Management & Sales / / Tax Deductible Expenses / / Private Lounge & Secured Covered Parking SERVING NORTHEAST FLORIDA AT ST. AUGUSTINE AIRPORT Hassle-Free Aircraft Ownership and Private Aircraft Chartering Without Compromise o l d c i t y j e t s . c o m • 9 0 4 . 8 3 8 . 8 9 2 6 4 4 5 H a w ke y e V i e w L a n e • S a i n t A u g u s t i n e , F L 3 2 0 9 5 SAINT AUGUSTINE, FLORDIA HALF OWNERSHIP AVAILABLE IN A PILATUS PC24 AND A HONDA JET

9 Old Cit y Jets

Headquartered at the Northeast Florida Regional Airport in St Augustine, Old City Jets is the only private jet sales and management company with its own relaxation lounge and aircraft hangars, reserved exclusively for clients While others have to use the general aviation and public areas for all their trips, Old City Jets customers can relax in peace Whether for business or pleasure, Old City Jets is truly an excellent choice when it comes to private jet ownership and management oldcityjets com


ONEflight International

This global private aviation company seeks to revolutionize the luxury private jet travel industry Since the company ’s founding in 2010, ONEflight International has grown to provide its members with access to nearly 500 top-rated charter operators and more than 5,000 private aircraft ONEflight also offers the Book-A-Jet Program, a proprietary online booking platform that makes finding private flights easier than ever before oneflight net


Piper Aircraft

The Piper M600 SLS was unveiled as a single-engine pressurized turboprop that’s based around luxury, safety, and support; it exceeded expectations and raises the bar in its segment Each M600 SLS comes standard with Piper ’s EXP package, providing owners with a wonderfully appointed interior that can be customized to their liking Piper Aircraft also offers a wide range of other package upgrades that build upon the incredible platform of the M600 SLS piper com

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O L D C I T Y J E T S ; O N E F L I G H T I N T E R N A T I O N A L P I P E R A R C R A F T 9. 11. S P EC I A L AV I AT I O N S ECT I O N


Leverage the experience and resources of Duncan Aviation. Put 65+ years, more than 2,500 team members worldwide, and the experience that comes with more than 3,500 aircraft transactions to work for you

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When looking at top companies in business aviation, well-known jet maintenance and refurbishment service provider Duncan Aviation comes to the forefront

Founded as an aircraft dealer selling new and pre-owned aircraft, Duncan Aviation has been guiding jet and turboprop purchasers and owners on the sale and acquisition of aviation assets for more than 65 years. During this time, Duncan Aviation has developed an unparalleled network of contacts by providing service to more than 4,000 business aircraft every year and maintaining relationships with 60,000 business aircraft owners, operators, and industry sources worldwide

“The market and business intelligence collected through this

network can be leveraged by Duncan Aviation’s Aircraft Sales & Acquisitions team in jet sales and aircraft acquisitions for clients worldwide,” explains Doug Roth, a longtime member of Duncan Aviation’s Aircraft Sales & Acquisitions team “Our longevity and experience can provide significant advantages to clients looking to purchase in tough market conditions ”

Duncan Aviation Aircraft Sales & Acquisitions is the only broker/dealer that can immediately provide direct access to the extensive technical resources for airframe, engine/AP U, avionics, accessories, interior, paint, engineering, components, parts, and flight operations

I N P A R T N E R S H I P W I T H D U N C A N A V I A T I O N w w w. D u n c a n Av i a t i o n . a e r o / a i r c raf t s a l e s
u n c a n Av i a t i o n
i r c r a f t B r o ke r a g e S e r v i c e s He l p D u n c a n Av i a t i o n C u s t o m e r s S o a r


Stratus 9

Based on the West Coast, Stratus 9 serves up a new aviation management format that’s angling to become a goto for fractional ownership in both the business and private aviation sectors At the core of the business is the legendary Pilatus PC-12, one of the most popular single-engine turboprops on the market Those looking for long-range flights can rest easy knowing that Stratus 9 offers access to a fleet of other jets through its network flystratus9 com

13 Titan Aviation Group

Founded in 2004 by a team of aviation professionals, Titan Aviation Group provides the highest quality of worldwide jet charter services The luxury aviation brand seeks to provide the ultimate jet charter experience through a worldwide presence, exceptional customer service, and a large fleet that consists of all types of aircraft From light jets to ultra-long-range jets and even helicopters, Titan has it all titanaviation aero

14 Verijet

With deep roots and expertise in technology, AI, and aviation, this private aviation company is forging the way in regional air mobility for trips covering 600 nautical miles or less Verijet allows customers to fly direct between more than 1,400 local airports in the Southeastern, Northeastern, and Western United States With two years of operation, Verijet has already chalked up 5,583 trips flown and has a 100 percent safety record verijet com

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S T R A T U S 9 T T A N A V A T O N G R O U P ; V E R J E T 12. 14. 13. S P EC I A L AV I AT I O N S ECT I O N

As a long time jet card and charter customer, I have found the JetASAP app very useful. I have been able to reduce my costs on many bookings by 15-30% compared with my regular options. I now use the JetASAP app to shop the market before every trip.

-Jan Verleur, Miami, FL

Aircraft operated by Skyways Charter

M a g e l l a n Je t s - P u re l y P r i v a t e

As one of the largest private aviation providers, Magellan Jets remains rooted by their core values: Lead with Safety, Care Deeply, and Create Amazing They ’ve won Robb Report’s 2021 “Best of the Best” Private Jet Membership award and made the Inc 5000 seven times however, Magellan is proudest of their 93% client retention rate, made possible by their commitment to safety, transparency, and highly personalized service. They ’re proud to sit on the same side of the table as clients, helping them secure the best travel solutions with services including Jet Cards, Membership, Charter, and Aircraft Sales & Management

Each Magellan guest has a dedicated Private Aviation Consultant, 24/7/365 Flight Support department, and Guest Experience team to ensure the highest level of service and safety With zero blackout days and guaranteed year-round access, members fly on their schedule without concern of peak days or de-prioritization Magellan exhibited commitment to service during the pandemic, keeping all programs open and launching its award-winning Membership while

other companies shuttered their doors to clients

Magellan continues to lead from the front by upholding the highest safety standards for aircraft, flight crews, and operations Company leadership has twice led the Air Charter Safety Foundation, advancing safety across the entire industry. Magellan maintains the world’s most comprehensive Service & Safety Management and Quality Assurance System, providing real-time audit status of thousands of aircraft and personnel. A rigorous inspection checklist is completed for every leg of every flight, and all pilots and crew are hand-screened Headquartered in Boston, Magellan’s operations achieve global reach without outsourcing any aspect of client interaction to third parties Magellan is a zero-debt, privately held company; client funds aren’t used to operate a fleet or run the business When you make your Jet Card, Membership, or asset investment with Magellan, you reinvesting in peace of mind, unparalleled experience, and a partner you can trust

I N P A R T N E R S H I P W I T H M A G E L L A N J E T S w w w m a g e l l a n j e t s c o m


Owning an aircraft is wrought with convenience and challenge We provide solutions to those unique ownership challenges. In addition to incredible convenience and personal support we can dramatically increase the long-term value of your asset At Air King Aviation we offer complete and comprehensive management of your asset as needed for your specific circumstances Our attention to detail and exclusive customer service will leave you very satisfied with your ownership experience.

New Aircraft Feel and Performance Adam James 4 3 2 . 6 6 4 . 6 4 3 8 adam james@airkingaviation com Paul Armstrong 4 3 2 . 9 3 4 . 5 3 3 4 paul@airkingaviation com 8 8 8 - 5 6 7 - 1 5 1 7 a i r k i n g a v i a t i o n . c o m Contact us for all your acquisition, sales, consulting and maintenance needs. Modifications will upgrade a turboprop to the light jet performance level for HALF THE COST FOR HALF THE COST Quick Turn Around Times DEALERSHIPS



Titan Aviation Group is a premier luxury aviation company providing the ultimate jet charter experience Through our excellent customer service and attention to detail, we serve our clients with the highest quality of worldwide jet charter services. Not only can you expect greatness within your flying experience, but a trustworthy relationship that will last a lifetime.

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H E A S T, T E N N E S S E E o n l y a f e w m i l e s o u t s i d e o f C h a t t a n o o g a s i t s a 1 5 0 0 a c r e m a s t e r p l a n n e d f l y - i n r e s o r t a n d c o m m u n i t y B u i l t b y p i l o t s , f o r p i l o t s , P h a s e 1 w i l l b e c e n t e r e d a r o u n d a 4 3 0 0 ’ r u n w a y, F B O/C o m m u n i t y C e n t e r, a fa r m - t o - t a b l e r e s t a u r a n t , a n d t h e c o m m u n it y ’ s o w n lo c a l g r o c e r. F u t u r e p h a s e s c a l l f o r a b o u t iq u e h o t e l , b r o w l o t s o v e r l o o k i n g t h e r u n w a y, a n d e q u e s t r i a n t h e m e d a r e a s o f t h e d e v e lo p m e nt Li v i n g a t T h e F ie ld s of fe r s m a n y li fe s t yle b e n e f it s , i n c lu d i n g n o s t a t e i n c o m e t a x , t h e a b i l i t y t o a c c e s s y o u r a i r c r a f t f r o m y o u r h o m e , a n d t h e c e n t r a l l o c a t i o n u n l o c k s e a s y t r a v e l t o m a n y m a j o r c i t i e s a l o n g t h e e a s t c o a s t Ta x i w a y a c c e s s l o t s a r e n o w a v a i l a b l e f o r r e s e r v a t i o n

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As w e r i n g i n t h e n e w y e a r, i t ’ s a g re at c h a n c e to l o o k b ac k at h i g h l i g ht s of t h e w atc h w o r l d , p a r t i c u l a r l y at t h e w i n n e r s of t h e i n d u s t r y ’ s re d c a r p e t a w a rd s

WOR D S : Ro b e r t a Na a s

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3 .

Every industry has its own celebrations that honor the finest brands, the most innovative solutions, or the most creative designs The watch industr y is no exception Annually for the past 22 years, watch lovers have flocked to Geneva to the glamorous Grand Prix d’Horlogerie de Genève (GPHG) award ceremony Top brands, CEOs, master watchmakers, and collectors gather together at the Théâtre du Léman to see which timepieces unveiled during the year were the most celebrated

Just as in the automotive world, entries are categorized and judged. In fact , the GPHG Academy consists of 650 key figures in the watch profession who vote on watches in more than a dozen different categories, including complications, astronomy, art, high-jeweled, mechanics, chronometry, and best in show This year, that distinction went to independent watch brand MB&F for its Legacy Machine Sequential EVO watch, which we featured in our November watch guide.

Essentially, the brands that take the top spot in each category, and even the runners up, represent the best and brightest in the industry From small independent brands to big household names, the list of nominees and winners reads like a veritable who’s who Here, we take a look at just a few of the winners


M A D Editions M A D 1 Red

At a glance, anyone who knows the visionary mind of Maximilian Busser, founder of MB&F, can see his signature touches on the M A D 1 Red watch, which took the top spot in the Challenge category (watches retailing for $3,500 or less)

A secondary label for MB&F, whose wristwatches typically sell for well over $100,000, M A D Editions creates more accessible time machines offered to MB&F “friends” via a raffle The automatic mechanical watch is crafted in stainless steel and boasts a lateral time display on the case side leaving the dial side totally free for the titanium and tungsten triple-blade winding rotor to take center stage The blades constantly rotate with every move of the wrist, not just powering the watch, but offering a visually stunning attraction

2 Ferdinand Berthoud

FB 2RSM.2-1

Taking the winning position in the Mechanical Exception category, this Ferdinand Berthoud watch boasts a h ghly complex movement with a fusée-andchain transmission tourbillon to compensate for errors in timekeeping due to the effects of gravity when the watch is in certain positions on the wrist, and with deadbeat seconds The manualwind mechanical movement is a COSC-certified chronometer

In this watch, the barrel and inverted fusée are suspended and patented The regulator style d al displays hours at 2 o ’clock, minutes at 12 o ’clock, and offers a central seconds hand Just 20 pieces of the 18-karat ethical 5N rose gold watch will be made


Hermès Arceau

Le Temps Voyageur

To view the winners in six additional categories, scan the QR code with your preferred mobile device

Crafted in platinum and titanium, with a lacquer and galvanic engraved dial, the 41-millimeter Hermès Arceau Le Temps Voyageur won the Men’s Complications category (and a 38-millimeter blue-dial steel version won the Women s Complications prize) The watch houses a specially made selfwinding mechanical movement that offers a new way to read the time in the cities around the world via a 122-part “traveling time” module that is integrated into the caliber Essentially, the inner dial that showcases the hours and minutes moves around the dial, and the red arrow indicates the world time in pointer style An aperture at 12 o’clock uses 24-hour time indication for day/night information

95 J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 3 dupontregistry com
3. 2. M B & F / M A D ; F E R D I N A N D B E R T H O U D H E R M È S
fully machined from bl ock bille t s teel and hand built by a single gunsmith The World’s Finest Custom Pistols www.nighthawkcustom.com
unpar alleled qualit y and cr af t smanship. BUILT TO BE PASSED FROM GENER ATION T O GENER ATION Proudly Hand Built in Berryville, Arkansas 866-618-4492 www.nighthawkcustom.com ONE GUN, ONE GUNSMITH
895 E. TALLMADGE AKRON, OH 44310 330-576-5527 INDOOR SHOWROOM | NATIONWIDE SHIPPING | MASSIVE SELECTION ALWAYS STRIVING TO BE BETTER, IMPROVING EVERYDAY. DRIVEN TO BE THE BEST, DRIVEN BY DISTINCTION. LEARN WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU AT: PERFECTAUTOCOLLECTION.COM IT’S NEVER ABOUT PERFECTION, IT’S ABOUT THE PURSUIT. 2017 Bentley Continental GT V8 S Granite Metallic - Beluga Interior 8,330 Miles 2016 Ferrari Califor nia T Rosso Corsa - Nero Interior 17,957 Miles VIN#218031 2017 Rolls-Royce Ghost Base Darkest Tungsten - Crème Light Interior 26,224 Miles 2016 Mercedes-Benz AMG GT S Designo Selenite Gray 842 Miles 2017 Audi R8 V10 Spyder Ara Blue - Carbon Pkg 3,663 Miles 2015 Porsche 911 Turbo S Carrara White Metallic - Gar net Red 35,194 Miles 2012 Aston Martin DBS Volante Carbon Black Edition 17,943 Miles 2019 Porsche Panamera 4S Premium Package Plus 34,374 Miles 2019 BMW 7 Series ALPINA B7 xDrive Caramel Black Merino Leather 20,122 Miles 2021 Audi S7 2 9T Prestige Package 16,203 Miles 2016 Bentley Continental GT V8 S Onyx Metallic - Beluga Interior 26,124 Miles 2016 Rolls-Royce Ghost English White - Consort Red Interior 32,538 Miles 2017 Mercedes-Benz S-Class S 63 AMG Swarovski Crystal Led Headlamps 20,552 Miles 2020 Bentley Flying Spur W12 Midnight Emerald - Saddle Interior 6,126 Miles 2016 Porsche 911 GT3 RS Lava Orange - PCCB 7,849 Miles 2021 BMW M4 Competition Kyalami Orange/Black Interior 12,632 Miles 2006 Ferrari F430 Berlinetta Charcoal Interior With Giallo Inserts 12,729 Miles VIN#145554 2021 Porsche 911 Targa 4S Night Blue - Bordeaux Red Interior 239 Miles 2020 Porsche Panamera Turbo S E-Hybrid Executive - Sport exhaust 12,437 Miles 2016 Mercedes-Benz AMG GT S Magnetite Black Metallic - Black 14,246 Miles 2019 BMW 7 Series ALPINA B7 xDrive Black Merino Leather Interior 29,681 Miles 2019 Mercedes-Benz E-Class E 63 S AMG Obsidian Black - Macchiato Beige 17,011 Miles
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2022 MERCEDES-BENZ MAYBACH S 580 4MATIC Black/Black 20" Maybach whls, Burmester 3D audio Only 22 Miles!! 2017 MERCEDES-BENZ MAYBACH S650 CABRIOLET Cote dAzur Light Blue Metallic/Mercedes-Maybach Exclusive 20” Forged Maybach wheels, Four-piece luggage set Only 2,511 Miles!! CLEVELAND 888-420-7938 NOW 2 LOCATIONS! 44 YEAR ANNIVERSARY! www.marshallgoldman.com 2018 MERCEDES-BENZ MERCEDES-MAYBACH S 560 4MATIC Obsidian Black Metallic/Silk Beige/Titanium Grey Pearl Rear seat entertainment, Executive rear seat pkg plus Only 54,589 Miles!! 2020 MERCEDES-BENZ AMG GT R ROADSTER designo Graphite Grey Magno/Macchiato Beige/Black Burmester system, Convenience pkg Only 5,527 Miles!! 2018 MERCEDES-BENZ G63 AMG designo Manufaktur Mauritius Blue/designo Porcelain/Black Only 16,765 Miles!! 2019 MERCEDES-BENZ G63 AMG EDITION 1 designo Night Black magno/Black Exclusive interior package with red accents Only 28,993 Miles!! 2016 MERCEDES-BENZ S65 AMG COUPE Black/Black Metalized ash wood interior trim, Active front seats Only 8,575 Miles!! 2019 MERCEDES-BENZ AMG GT 63 Graphite Grey Metallic/Black Burmester audio, Driver assistance pkg Only 12,630 Miles!! BEVERLY HILLS 888-726-4644 2007 MERCEDES-BENZ G500 CABRIOLET Black/Black 6-spoke 18” wheels, Burl walnut int trim Only 11,966 Miles!! 2011 MERCEDES-BENZ SLS AMG Obsidian Black Metallic/designo Black Exclusive Leather Only 12,294 Miles!! 2022 MERCEDES-BENZ G550 4MATIC Iridium Silver Metallic/Classic Red/Black Night package, Sport exhaust system Only 1,979 Miles!! 2020 MERCEDES-BENZ MAYBACH S 650 Selenite Grey/Obsidian Black Metallic/Black Copper stitching, Rear seat pkg plus Only 11,591 Miles!!
2021 ASTON MARTIN DBS SUPERLEGGERA VOLANTE Liquid Crimson/Metallic Black Special AML color, Triaxial quilting Only 3,581 Miles!! 8825 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211 424-430-1400 | www.marshallgoldman.com | 888-726-4644 2022 LAMBORGHINI URUS Bianco Icarus/Nero Ade with Rosso Alala Stitching in Rosso, Bicolor Sportivo interior Only 1,617 Miles!! 2019 BENTLEY MULSANNE Glacier White/Linen Only 8,459 Miles!! 2022 ROLLS-ROYCE GHOST BLACK BADGE Arctic White/Arctic White Only 12,877 Miles!! 2010 ROLLS-ROYCE PHANTOM DROPHEAD COUPE Diamond Black/Seashell Santos Palisander and piano black veneers Only 4,721 Miles!! 2023 LAND ROVER RANGE ROVER P530 SE LWB Santorini Black Metallic/Ebony 7-Pass, Pixel LED headlights,Technology pack Only 2,037 Miles!! OVER $30MILLION ININVENTORY! 2019 ASTON MARTIN DB11 VOLANTE Jet B ack/Obs dian B ack Black calipers, Technology pack, Piano inlays Only 1,658 Mi es!! 2020 ROLLS-ROYCE DAWN Black Diamond/Black Bespoke interior editing, Arctic White piping Only 1,833 Miles!! 2019 FERRARI 812 SUPERFAST Blu Tour De France/Cuo o Suspension l fter, 20 Forged wheels Only 6,006 Miles!! VIN#239561 2016 FERRARI CALIFORNIA T Nero Daytona/Cuoio 5-Spoke forged wheels in matte b ack Only 10,300 Miles!! VIN#212289 2021 FERRARI F8 SPIDER Nero/Rosso Ferrari 20” Diamond-turned forged r ms, Red calipers Only 1 748 Mi es!! VIN#261363 2022 MCLAREN 765LT SPIDER Papaya Spark/Carbon Black Gloss b ack laser etched whls, Carbon ceram c brakes Only 229 Mi es!! 2018 LAMBORGHINI HURACAN LP 640-4 PERFORMANTE SPYDER B anco carus Meta lic/Nero Cosmus with Rosso Ala a Carbon ceramic brakes, Front-end lift Only 14,362 Mi es!! 2016 MCLAREN 650S SPIDER Wh te/Carbon Black Enhanced technology pack Black calipers Only 1,508 Miles!! 2018 LAMBORGHINI AVENTADOR LP 740-4 S Verde Mantis/Nero Ade Only 4,652 Miles!! 2016 PORSCHE 911 GT3 RS White/Black/Lava Orange Only 355 M les!! 2021 ROLLS-ROYCE CULLINAN Black Diamond/Black Only 3,378 Miles!! 2006 FORD GT Mark IV Red Clearcoat/Ebony Black Leather BBS whls, McIntosh prem um aud o (all four opt ons) Only 4,481 Miles!! 1989 LAMBORGHINI COUNTACH 25TH ANNIVERSARY Rosso Seviglia/Beige 5-Spd manua , Forged 2-piece OZ wheels Only 7,888 Miles!! 2017 BENTLEY MULSANNE Glacier White/Linen Ventilated front and rear seats Naim audio Only 5,001 Mi es!! 2021 PORSCHE 911 TURBO S Black/Black w/Chalk St tch ng Carbon ceramic brakes, Black calipers Only 9 757 M les!!
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(210) 675-8989 www.themarkmotors.com 140 Enterprise Parkway Boerne, TX 78006 2017 LAMBORGHINI AVENTADOR SV Verde Scandal over Nero Ade Ad Personam interior, One of 600 built, Full Car PPF, Transparent Engine Bonnet, Sensonum Sound. 2,219 Miles - $599,777 - Stock#PA05419 2019 FERRARI 488 PISTA Agrento Nurburgring over Nero interior. Full Car PPF, CarbonFiber Wheels 2,668 Miles -$569,888. - Stock#P245966 - Vin#245966 2021 MCLAREN 765 LT Onyx Black over Carbon Black, Roof Scoop, Full Car PPF, Stealth Pack, Track Telemetry, 360 degree Park Assist 1,392 Miles - $579,888 - Stock#T765114 2018 LAMBORGHINI HURACAN PERFORMANTE Rosso Mars Metallic over Nero Cosmus Performante interior, Lifting System, Branding Pkg., Park Assist with Front and Rear Sensors. 6,339 Miles - $339,888 - Stock#PA08402 2018 LAMBORGHINI HURACAN PERFORMANTE White over Black interior, 4-Wheel Vented Ceramic Disc brakes, Carbon Fiber Throughout interior. 5,236 Miles - $339,888 - Stock#PA08774 2021 LAMBORGHINI HURACAN EVO SPYDER RWD Blu Sideris Metallic over Nero Ade/Verde Fauns interior, One Owner, Style & Lifestyle Pkgs , Sport Seats, Sportivo Trim 418 miles - $329,888 - Stock#PA17851 2020 MCLAREN 720S PERFORMANCE SPIDER Full Stealth PPF, RYFT Hood & Long Tail Wing, MSO Black Pack 5,758 Miles - $319,777 - Stock#P005147 2018 FERRARI 812 SUPERFAST Grigio Silverstone over RossoFerrari/Nero Leather interior, Full Tubi Exhaust 5,074 Miles - $398,888 - Stock#234633 - Vin#234633 2005 FORD GT White over Black leather, Manual, 5 4 L DOHC MPFI Supercharged Handbuilt All Aluminium V8 Engine 5,280 Miles - $469,888 – Stock#P402061 2022 PORSCHE 911 GT3 Black over Black interior, Touring Edition, One Owner, CarbonCeramic Brakes, Carbon Fiber Roof 1,600 Miles - $324,888 - Stock#T270634 2022 LAMBORGHINI URUS Pearl CapsuleArancio Borealis Metallic over Nero Ade/Arancio Leonis interior. 4.0L Twin Turbocharged V8, Automatic. 2,023 Miles - $338,888 - Stock#PA16589 2019 LAMBORGHINI HURACAN PERFORMANTE SPYDER Nero Nemesis Matt over Nero Cosmus/Verde Faurus Performante interior, Carbon Ceramic Brakes, Sensonum Lamborghini Sound System, Lifting System 373 Miles - $419,888 - Stock#PA11616
108 dupontregistry com J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 3 Scan to view more on dupontregistry com 4 S E L L B E N T L E Y Bentayga $236,765 | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 45 CONTACT: 415-501-9182 labukweik@boardwalkautogroup com B E N T L E Y Flying Spur Hybrid $263,215 | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 5 CONTACT: 385-318-2783 travis@slcmotorcars com B E N T L E Y Flying Spur W12 $244,950 | YE AR: 2021 | MILES: 13,033 CONTACT: 877-250 -3476 pheenan@suburbancollection com B E N T L E Y Continental GT Speed $334,950 | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 4,750 CONTACT: 877-250 -3476 pheenan@suburbancollection com B E N T L E Y Bentayga $310,195 | YE AR: 2023 | MILES: 45 CONTACT: 402- 415-2322 Bentle ysales@woodhouse com B E N T L E Y Azure $109,800 | YE AR: 2007 | MILES: 13,457 CONTACT: 888-558-7405 pat@cople ywest com B M W M8 COMPETITION $139,998 | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 405 CONTACT: 888-322-9289 sales@eurocar.com B U G AT T I Chiron $3,750,950 | YE AR: 2019 | MILES: 1,470 CONTACT: 954-607-1722 ravila@holmanauto.com D O D G E Power Wagon $379,000 | YE AR: 1946 | MILES: 300 CONTACT: 877-7 97-9246 desertpower wagon@gmail.com FO R D Mustang Eleanor $499,950 | YE AR: 1968 | MILES: 1,073 CONTACT: 818-773-8181 concierge@fusionluxur ymotors .com FO R D GT Carbon Series CALL FOR PRICE | YE AR: 2020 | MILES: 15 CONTACT: 888-598- 4849 sales@bjmotors .biz FO R D F-350 Sintor $265,000 | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 2,500 CONTACT: 800 -677-1580 brian@sintortrucks .com
110 dupontregistry com J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 3 L A M B O R G H I N I Urus $245,918 | YE AR: 2020 | MILES: 20,128 CONTACT: 877-975-8333 dupont@germainmotorco com L A M B O R G H I N I Aventador SVJ Roadster $909,999 | YE AR: 2020 | MILES: 903 CONTACT: 866-205-9328 jhrad@boardwalkautogroup com L A M B O R G H I N I Aventador S Roadster $599,999 | YE AR: 2018 | MILES: 6,069 CONTACT: 866-205-9328 jhrad@boardwalkautogroup com L A M B O R G H I N I Aventador SVJ $759,999 | YE AR: 2019 | MILES: 5,174 CONTACT: 888-322-9289 sales@eurocar com L A M B O R G H I N I Urus $349,998 | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 736 CONTACT: 888-322-9289 sales@eurocar com L A M B O R G H I N I Aventador Ultimae Roadster $1,195,000 | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 46 CONTACT: 385-318-2783 travis@slcmotorcars com L A M B O R G H I N I Huracan $225,000 | YE AR: 2015 | MILES: 27,763 CONTACT: 551-213- 4884 rich@lac-east.com L A M B O R G H I N I Huracan STO $509,991 | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 419 CONTACT: 415-501-9182 labukweik@boardwalkautogroup.com L A M B O R G H I N I Huracan Evo Spyder $314,950 | YE AR: 2020 | MILES: 5,451 CONTACT: 877-250 -3476 pheenan@suburbancollection .com L A M B O R G H I N I Aventador Ultimae CALL FOR PRICE | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 97 CONTACT: 281-674-7778 pdelgado@indigoautogroup.com L A M B O R G H I N I Aventador SVJ 63 Coupe CALL FOR PRICE | YE AR: 2020 | MILES: 2,856 CONTACT: 888-627-1564 parin@chicagomotorcars .com L A M B O R G H I N I Aventador SVJ Roadster $949,950 | YE AR: 2020 | MILES: 1,837 CONTACT: 954-607-1722 ravila@holmanauto.com Scan to view Lamborghinis on dupontregistry com 4 S E L L
J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 3 dupontregistry com 111 Scan to view more on dupontregistry com 4 S E L L L A M B O R G H I N I Huracan Evo Spyder $339,000 | YE AR: 2021 | MILES: 2,367 CONTACT: 888-676-8895 Max@hgreglux com L A M B O R G H I N I Huracan Evo Spyder $297,948 | YE AR: 2021 | MILES: 4,468 CONTACT: 888-601- 4852 kmilordis@lamborghinipalmbeach com L A M B O R G H I N I Huracan STO $439,951 | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 220 CONTACT: 888-601- 4852 wsaunders@lamborghinipalmbeach com L A M B O R G H I N I Urus $279,951 | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 92 CONTACT: 888-601- 4852 Tomp@lamborghinipalmbeach com L A M B O R G H I N I Diablo Roadster CALL FOR PRICE | YE AR: 1999 | MILES: 9,811 CONTACT: 855-7 96-7704 sales@wearecurated com L A M B O R G H I N I Huracan EVO RWD Spyder $324,950 | YE AR: 2021 | MILES: 4,752 CONTACT: 866-751-2942 ngamarra@prestigeimports com L A M B O R G H I N I Urus $225,734 | YE AR: 2019 | MILES: 19,913 CONTACT: 877-975-8333 dupont@germainmotorco.com L A N D R OV E R Defender 110 $249,995 | YE AR: 1984 | MILES: 3,500 CONTACT: 407-749-0932 info@ecdautodesign .com L A N D R OV E R Defender 110 $234,900 | YE AR: 1994 | MILES: 3,950 CONTACT: 855-971- 4092 webleads@holmanmotorcarsstl.dsmessage.com L A N D R OV E R Overfinch Defender 110 $169,900 | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 3,300 CONTACT: 888-319-3098 Chris@premiercars .com L A N D R OV E R OC Soft Top $159,950 | YE AR: 1997 | MILES: 300 CONTACT: 910 - 465-0270 ospre ycustom@gmail.com L A N D R OV E R Defender 110 LS3 $219,950 | YE AR: 1993 | MILES: 300 CONTACT: 910 - 465-0270 ospre ycustom@gmail.com
YOUR PREMIER DESTINATION FOR ALL THINGS LAMBORGHINI 2019 Lamborghini Urus Grigio Lynx Metallic 27,476 mi • $217,951 2022 Lamborghini Huracan STO Bianco Monocerus Metallic 221 mi • $ 439,951 2020 Lamborghini Huracan EVO RWD 9,551 mi • $267,951 2020 Lamborghini Huracan EVO Grigio Lynx Metallic 4,539 mi • $279,951 2022 Lamborghini Urus Marrone Alcestis Metallic 5,268 mi • $294,951 2020 Lamborghini Sian Orange 478 mi • $3,299,951 2021 Lamborghini Urus Blu Eleos Metallic 3,646 mi • $279,951 2007 Lamborghini Murcielago Black 7,646 mi • $399,951 2003 Lamborghini Murcielago Silver 10,993 mi • $369,951 THE NEW URUS PERFORMANTE Contact Lamborghini Palm Beach to Pre- Order Yours . 2021 Lamborghini Huracan EVO RWD Spyder 4,468 mi • $309,951
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114 dupontregistry com J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 3 Scan to view more on dupontregistry com 4 S E L L FO R D Mustang GT 500 $400,000 | YE AR: 1968 | MILES: 2,273 CONTACT: 888-854- 4717 the vaultms@gmail com FO R D F-250 MegaRaptor Lariat Ultimate $169,000 | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 1 CONTACT: 910 - 465-0270 megarexxtruck@gmail com G R EC H Strada $225,900 | YE AR: 2023 | MILES: Call CONTACT: 951-590 -3978 sales@grechr v com G R EC H Turismo-ion 4x4 $228,900 | YE AR: 2023 | MILES: Call CONTACT: 951-590 -3978 sales@grechr v com H E N N E S S E Y VelociRaptor 600 $150,000 | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 406 CONTACT: 888- 442-1070 soakleaf@sarchione com H E N N E S S E Y VelociRaptor 600 $150,000 | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 411 CONTACT: 888- 442-1070 soakleaf@sarchione com H U M M E R H1 $199,000 | YE AR: 2006 | MILES: 23,998 CONTACT: 888-676-8895 Max@hgreglux .com JAG UA R F-Type 400 Sport $58,000 | YE AR: 2018 | MILES: 16,580 CONTACT: 424-722- 4002 eric .m@smautoco.com KO E N I G S EG G Regera CALL FOR PRICE | YE AR: 2021 | MILES: 28 CONTACT: 323-843-2880 chadwick@sendthe wire.com L A M B O R G H I N I Huracan Evo $267,951 | YE AR: 2020 | MILES: 9,551 CONTACT: 888-601- 4852 Brent@lamborghinipalmbeach .com L A M B O R G H I N I Huracan STO $495,000 | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 1,057 CONTACT: 330 -818-7535 dbiasella@sarchione.com L A M B O R G H I N I Aventador Roadster LP700-4 $450,000 | YE AR: 2016 | MILES: 8,371 CONTACT: 330 -818-7535 dbiasella@sarchione.com
118 dupontregistry com J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 3 4 S E L L Scan to View Dimmitt Automotive Group’s inventory $100,999 | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 1,435 RIVIAN R1T 2022 Rivian R1T Adventure is an electric truck built for whatever you call a road! CONTACT: 888-538-8468 kstella@dimmitt com T E S L A Model S $72,899 | YE AR: 2019 | MILES: 36,460 CONTACT: 888-538-8468 kstella@dimmitt.com ASTO N M A RT I N DBS Superleggera OHMSS Edition $349,900 | YE AR: 2020 | MILES: 2,286 CONTACT: 888-538-8468 kstella@dimmitt.com B E N T L E Y Continental GTC V8 $164,500 | YE AR: 2017 | MILES: 13,7 90 CONTACT: 888-538-8468 kstella@dimmitt.com B E N T L E Y Continental GT $289,900 | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 3,047 CONTACT: 888-538-8468 kstella@dimmitt com M C L A R E N GT $199,997 | YE AR: 2020 | MILES: 1,877 CONTACT: 888-538-8468 kstella@dimmitt com ASTO N M A RT I N DBS Superleggera Volante $375,900 | YE AR: 2021 | MILES: 1,005 CONTACT: 888-538-8468 kstella@dimmitt com B E N T L E Y Bentayga $132,070 | YE AR: 2018 | MILES: 50,517 CONTACT: 888-538-8468 kstella@dimmitt.com R O L LS - R OYC E Cullinan $429,569 | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 3,942 CONTACT: 888-538-8468 kstella@dimmitt.com P O R S C H E 911 Carrera $139,900 | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 2,449 CONTACT: 888-538-8468 kstella@dimmitt.com
1 20 dupontregistry com J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 3 M C L A R E N 720S Spider Luxury $324,886 | YE AR: 2020 | MILES: 1,307 CONTACT: 877-282-7498 internet@mclarenphl com M C L A R E N 570 S $162,995 | YE AR: 2016 | MILES: 15,001 CONTACT: 888-598- 4849 sales@bjmotors biz M C L A R E N 720S Performance $272,000 | YE AR: 2018 | MILES: 3,351 CONTACT: 330 -818-7535 dbiasella@sarchione com M C L A R E N 720S Spider $305,000 | YE AR: 2020 | MILES: 3,875 CONTACT: 330 -818-7535 dbiasella@sarchione com M C L A R E N 720S Performance $267,499 | YE AR: 2019 | MILES: 8,372 CONTACT: 877-975-8333 dupont@germainmotorco com M C L A R E N 765LT $559,170 | YE AR: 2021 | MILES: 1,559 CONTACT: 877- 493- 4130 dcantu@avondale com M C L A R E N 720S $246,500 | YE AR: 2018 | MILES: 9,001 CONTACT: 904-750 -6150 danny@bentle yjacksonville.com M C L A R E N 720S $269,991 | YE AR: 2018 | MILES: 13,896 CONTACT: 480 -809-2333 sales@lapinmotorcoaz .com M C L A R E N 675LT Coupe $395,789 | YE AR: 2016 | MILES: 5,281 CONTACT: 888-703-2070 jared@mclarenscottsdale.com M C L A R E N 650S Spider $179,900 | YE AR: 2016 | MILES: 5,665 CONTACT: 855-777-1607 sales@mclarenboston .com M C L A R E N 720S Spider Luxury $309,860 | YE AR: 2020 | MILES: 4,708 CONTACT: 888- 489-3788 lsmeenk@mclarencf.com M C L A R E N 650S Spider $174,800 | YE AR: 2015 | MILES: 12,075 CONTACT: 650 -238-5520 abdel@nubaniexotics .com Scan to view McLaren on dupontregistry com 4 S E L L
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1 22 dupontregistry com J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 3 Scan to view more on dupontregistry com 4 S E L L M E R C E D ES - B E N Z GLS 600 Maybach $189,999 | YE AR: 2021 | MILES: 28,773 CONTACT: 888-322-9289 sales@eurocar com M E R C E D ES - B E N Z GT 63 Carbon Edition $179,800 | YE AR: 2020 | MILES: 14,765 CONTACT: 480 -372-2733 s y@creativebespoke com M E R C E D ES - B E N Z AMG GT Black Series $454,996 | YE AR: 2021 | MILES: 2,319 CONTACT: 704-370 -9999 info@charlottemclaren com M E R C E D ES - B E N Z Diplomat Luxury Sprinter CALL FOR PRICE | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: Call CONTACT: 417-831-3535 rfugitt@ecblimo com M E R C E D ES - B E N Z Diplomat Luxury Sprinter CALL FOR PRICE | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: Call CONTACT: 417-831-3535 rfugitt@ecblimo com M E R C E D ES - B E N Z AMG GT Black Series $479,000 | YE AR: 2021 | MILES: 1,116 CONTACT: 855- 421-8824 george@tsgautohaus com M E R C E D E S - B E N Z Sprinter Magnum Opus Launch Edition CALL FOR PRICE | YE AR: 2021 | MILES: Call CONTACT: 917-397- 4008 vip@faricars .com M E R C U RY Woody Station Wagon CALL FOR PRICE | YE AR: 1947 | MILES: 48,518 CONTACT: 888-715-2112 sales@canepa.com OV E R F I N C H 90 V8 STATION WAGON $369,990 | YE AR: 1993 | MILES: 1,000 CONTACT: 888-717-7181 inquiries@overfinch .com P O R S C H E Cayenne Turbo GT $215,313 | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 518 CONTACT: 877-975-8333 dupont@germainmotorco.com P O R S C H E 911 GT2 RS Clubsport $789,998 | YE AR: 2019 | MILES: 310 CONTACT: 778-726-1766 sales@porschelangle y.com P O R S C H E Carrera GT CALL FOR PRICE | YE AR: 2004 | MILES: 2,281 CONTACT: 888-688-7568 scott@grahamrahalperformance.com
J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 3 dupontregistry com 123 4 S E L L Scan to view all The Collection’s inventory P O R S C H E 911 Carrera S Cabriolet $129,900 | YE AR: 2018 | MILES: 10,949 CONTACT: 888-335-0789 nedwards@thecollection .com P O R S C H E 911 Turbo S $189,000 | YE AR: 2017 | MILES: 1,041 CONTACT: 888-335-0789 nedwards@thecollection .com M C L A R E N 570S Spider $165,780 | YE AR: 2019 | MILES: 9,037 CONTACT: 888-335-0789 acruz@ferrariofmiami.com JAG UA R F-Type $120,125 | YE AR: 2023 | MILES: 25 CONTACT: 888-335-0789 acruz@ferrariofmiami.com P O R S C H E 911 Turbo S $260,992 | YE AR: 2021 | MILES: 12,246 CONTACT: 888-335-0789 nedwards@thecollection .com F E R R A R I SF90 Stradale Assetto Fiorano $999,900 VIN#: 2637 98 | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 2,231 CONTACT: 888-335-0789 acruz@ferrariofmiami com B E N T L E Y Continental GT $269,000 | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 1,675 CONTACT: 888-335-0789 acruz@ferrariofmiami com M AS E R AT I Levante $133,316 | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 39 CONTACT: 888-335-0789 acruz@ferrariofmiami.com F E R R A R I 812 Superfast $459,900 VIN#: 245275 | YE AR: 2019 | MILES: 1,636 CONTACT: 888-335-0789 acruz@ferrariofmiami com $1,685,000 | YE AR: 2020 | MILES: 45 MCL AREN Senna GTR Lightest, Most Aggressive And Engaging McLaren To Date! Not Road Legal 1 of 75 Produced Worldwide! CONTACT: 888-335-0789 acruz@ferrariofmiami com
1 24 dupontregistry com J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 3 P O R S C H E 911 GT3 RS $249,998 | YE AR: 2019 | MILES: 10,388 CONTACT: 888-322-9289 sales@eurocar com P O R S C H E 911 GT3 $319,999 | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 1,506 CONTACT: 888-322-9289 sales@eurocar com P O R S C H E Taycan Turbo S $169,190 | YE AR: 2021 | MILES: 3,549 CONTACT: 877- 493- 4130 dcantu@avondale com P O R S C H E 911 R $499,900 | YE AR: 2016 | MILES: 1,800 CONTACT: 877-362-9720 sales@isringhausen com P O R S C H E 911 Turbo S Cabriolet CALL FOR PRICE | YE AR: 2021 | MILES: 2,216 CONTACT: 888- 484-1966 cmarin@joeperillo com P O R S C H E 911 Speedster $394,900 | YE AR: 2019 | MILES: 3,096 CONTACT: 888-710 -5463 nmancuso@lfsc com P O R S C H E 911 GT2 $309,950 | YE AR: 2002 | MILES: 12,282 CONTACT: 818-773-8181 concierge@fusionluxur ymotors .com P O R S C H E 911 GT3 $190,991 | YE AR: 2018 | MILES: 6,702 CONTACT: 480 -809-2333 sales@lapinmotorcoaz .com P O R S C H E 911 Targa 4S $158,800 | YE AR: 2019 | MILES: 15,211 CONTACT: 212-651-9955 paul.dumont@manhattanmotorcars .com P O R S C H E 911 GT3 RS $269,996 | YE AR: 2019 | MILES: 7,512 CONTACT: 704-370 -9999 info@charlottemclaren .com P O R S C H E 911 GT3 $299,900 | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 485 CONTACT: 480 - 418-6699 pohara@penskeautomotive.com P O R S C H E 911 Turbo S Cabriolet $272,471 | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 5,436 CONTACT: 778-726-1766 sales@porschelangle y.com Scan to view Porsches on dupontregistry com 4 S E L L
(514) 852-2886 www.automobilesetcetera.com Passionately delivering since 2006 For all inquiries, please contact Kelly Strong 514-795-5277 kelly.strong@automobilesetcetera.com 2021 Bugatti Chiron Sport NOIR 1 of 20 examples in the World, Matte Black Carbon on Beluga Black leather and Carbon $4,499,995 00 USD | 000417 miles 1989 Pontiac Firebird 5.7 GTA $68,795 USD | 468 miles 2009 Ferrari F430 Scuderia Spider 16M $359,995 USD | 5,862 miles | VIN 166910 2009 Bentley Azure $106,995 USD | 12,190 miles 2005 Lamborghini Murcielago Roadster $259,795 USD | 19,036 miles 1993 Ferrari Mondial T Valeo $114,995 | 5,028 miles | VIN 095437 2006 Lamborghini Murcielago $275,995 USD | 3,500 miles 2000 Qvale Mangusta $45,895 USD | 20,278 miles 1994 Porsche 964 Turbo 3.6 $382,995 USD | 24,256 miles 2011 Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG $229,995 USD | 6,593 miles 2001 Aston Martin DB7 Vantage Volante $53,995 USD | 19,659 miles
1 28 dupontregistry com J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 3 4 S E L L Scan to view Ferraris on dupontregistry com F E R R A R I 365 GTB/4 Day tona CALL FOR PRICE VIN#: 16099 | YE AR: 1972 | MILES: 24,854 CONTACT: 888- 481-5271 cople ycars@gmail com F E R R A R I F355 CALL FOR PRICE VIN#: 107569 | YE AR: 1997 | MILES: 24,595 CONTACT: 888-709-3977 info@thecultivatedcollector com F E R R A R I 360 Modena 6-Speed Manual $179,000 VIN#: 12457 9 | YE AR: 2001 | MILES: 29,045 CONTACT: 888-603-6681 Eddie@ferrarisouthbay com F E R R A R I F430 Spider $165,500 VIN#: 161014 | YE AR: 2008 | MILES: 4,891 CONTACT: 904-750 -6150 danny@bentle yjacksonville com F E R R A R I F430 Spider $159,900 VIN#: 168004 | YE AR: 2009 | MILES: 21,372 CONTACT: 888- 449-0220 ekaba@boardwalkautogroup com F E R R A R I F430 Scuderia $324,900 VIN#: 166319 | YE AR: 2009 | MILES: 9,905 CONTACT: 888-716-5173 r yan@celebrit ycars com F E R R A R I 458 Italia $224,995 VIN#: 177005 | YE AR: 2011 | MILES: 18,827 CONTACT: 888-751-3485 mhausauer@ferrariofsanantonio.com F E R R A R I 458 Spider $289,985 VIN#: 202410 | YE AR: 2014 | MILES: 10,110 CONTACT: 888-842- 47 94 mrandolph@ferraritampabay.com F E R R A R I F12 Berlinetta $258,788 VIN#: 200804 | YE AR: 2014 | MILES: 7,065 CONTACT: 866-995-9859 dan@ferrarisales .com F E R R A R I 488 Spider $329,900 VIN#: 224032 | YE AR: 2017 | MILES: 12,952 CONTACT: 888- 483- 4189 tfazio@caule y.net F E R R A R I F12 tdf $1,559,500 VIN#: 220568 | YE AR: 2017 | MILES: 859 CONTACT: 888-550 - 4911 arun .shama@fmsocal.com F E R R A R I California T $191,904 VIN#: 228969 | YE AR: 2018 | MILES: 3,672 CONTACT: 716- 427-0773 fahmad@westherr.com
J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 3 dupontregistry com 1 29 Scan to view Ferrari Fort Lauderdale’s inventory 4 S E L L CALL FOR PRICE | YE AR: 2021 | MILES: 4,387 VIN#: 261765 F E R R A R I Roma Grigio Titanio Metallic over Nero - 2 Owners - Low Miles - Excellent Condition - Many Fine Options CONTACT: 888- 434-5748 cmarks@ferrarifl com CALL FOR PRICE | YE AR: 2021 | MILES: 6,570 VIN#: 262110 F E R R A R I F8 SPIDER Rosso Scuderia over Nero, Two Owners, Pristine Condition, Sold as New by Our Dealership CONTACT: 888- 434-5780 cmarks@ferrarifl.com CALL FOR PRICE | YE AR: 2021 | MILES: 1,894 VIN#: 263598 F E R R A R I SF90 Stradale A ssetto Fiorano Certified Pre-Owned, Giallo Triplo Strato over Charcoal, Two Owners, Low Miles, Pristine Condition CONTACT: 888- 434-5780 cmarks@ferrarifl com
W W W . S A R C H I O N E A U T O G A L L E R Y . C O M Proud Partner corporate partnership with the Cleveland Browns! 2 014 F E R R A R I 4 5 8 I TA L I A 15,19 6 M i l e s | $2 37, 5 0 0 | V I N # 2 0 3 0 27 2 022 L A M B O R G H I N I U R U S 51 M il e s | $ 3 4 5,0 0 0 2 019 L A M B O R G H I N I U R U S 18 ,70 4 M i l e s | $2 3 9,0 0 0 2 022 M E RC E D ES - B E NZ SL 5 5 AM G 70 0 M i l e s | $15 5,0 0 0 2 019 L A M B O R G H I N I U R U S 27, 24 9 M i l e s | $24 3 ,0 0 0 2 022 AU D I R 8 V10 2,70 2 M il e s | $19 3, 5 0 0 2018 LAMBORGHINI HURACAN LP580 -2S 7,75 0 M i l e s | $24 5,0 0 0 2022 M ERCEDES - BENZ MAYBACH S 580 4 6 5 M i l e s | $242, 5 0 0 2 022 G M C H U M M E R E V E D I T I O N 1 3 , 2 37 M i l e s | $18 8 , 5 0 0 2 02 0 L A M B O R G H I N I U R U S 13,4 5 6 M il e s | $257, 5 0 0 2 021 B E N T L E Y F LY I N G S P U R V 8 5, 9 3 9 M i les | $257,0 0 0 2 017 R O L LS - R OYC E W R A I T H 13 , 3 4 9 M i l e s | $ 2 5 5 , 0 0 0 2 018 M E R C E D E S - B E N Z S 6 3 A M G 24, 5 42 M i l e s | $118 ,0 0 0 2 021 M E R C E D E S - B E N Z G 6 3 10,011 M il e s | $2 07,0 0 0 2 016 F E R R A R I 4 8 8 S P I D E R 24, 3 8 3 M i l e s | $27 7,0 0 0 | V I N # 219 413 2 022 M E R C E D E S - B E N Z S L 6 3 A M G 470 M i l e s | $19 4,0 0 0
4643 Everhard Road NW Canton, OH 447 18 330-818-7535 Family owned for over 100 years! W W W . S A R C H I O N E A U T O G A L L E R Y . C O M 2 021 B E N T L E Y B E N TAYGA V 8 9, 9 81 M i l e s | $2 2 0,0 0 0 2 021 L A M B O R G H I N I U R U S 3, 23 5 M iles | $2 91,0 0 0 2 014 F E R R A R I 4 5 8 S P I D E R 6 , 2 3 0 M i l e s | $287, 5 0 0 | V I N #19 8 5 9 6 2 016 M C L A R E N 6 75 LT S P I D E R 15,13 8 M i l e s | $27 7, 5 0 0 2020 ASTON MARTIN DBS SUPERLEGGERA 70 2 M i l e s | $2 97, 5 0 0 2 013 L A M B O R G H I N I AV E N TA D O R 2 0, 0 6 5 M i l e s | $ 3 0 5, 0 0 0 2 021 L A M B O R G H I N I U R U S 13 ,011 M i les | $28 5,0 0 0 2 017 F E R R A R I 4 8 8 GT B 1, 8 01 M i l e s | $2 9 5,0 0 0 | V I N # 2 2 3 8 0 2 2 022 L A M B O R G H I N I U R U S 7 75 M i l e s | $ 3 3 0,0 0 0 2 02 0 R O L LS - R OYC E W R A I T H 3,70 9 M iles | $ 3 9 0,0 0 0 2016 L AMBORGH IN I AVENTADOR 18 , 371 M i l e s | $ 4 5 0,0 0 0 2 017 F E R R A R I 4 8 8 S P I D E R 8 ,19 3 M i l e s | $ 32 2, 5 0 0 | V I N # 2 214 3 6 2 02 2 R O L L S - R OYC E C U L L I N A N 2, 9 97 M i l e s | $ 4 5 6 ,0 0 0 2 022 L A M B O R G H I N I AV E N TA D O R U LT I M A E 57 M il e s | $ 8 8 9,0 0 0 2 0 0 6 F O R D GT 5 0 M i l e s | $ 5 6 5 , 0 0 0 2 019 F E R R A R I 812 S U P E R FAST 2, 9 41 M i l e s | $ 413 ,0 0 0 | V I N # 24 0 4 6 0
132 dupontregistry com J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 3 4 S E L L Scan to view Ferraris on dupontregistry com F E R R A R I 812 Superfast $449,995 VIN#: 235457 | YE AR: 2018 | MILES: 3,090 CONTACT: 877- 425-6316 scott gorski@fmsandiego com F E R R A R I 488 Spider $319,000 VIN#: 23597 9 | YE AR: 2018 | MILES: 18,233 CONTACT: 866-704-3397 james@ferraribe verlyhills com F E R R A R I 488 Spider $369,900 VIN#: 243650 | YE AR: 2019 | MILES: 2,927 CONTACT: 888- 449-0220 ekaba@boardwalkautogroup com F E R R A R I 488 Spider $349,000 VIN#: 237177 | YE AR: 2019 | MILES: 6,517 CONTACT: 866-972-1927 tmcafee@boardwalkautogroup com F E R R A R I Portofino $224,992 VIN#: 247171 | YE AR: 2019 | MILES: 14,611 CONTACT: 877-636-9377 cblank@ferrarisiliconvalle y com F E R R A R I 488 Pista $619,990 VIN#: 249159 | YE AR: 2020 | MILES: 1,551 CONTACT: 612-230 -7 977 joseph fabiano@carouselmotor com F E R R A R I 488 Pista $550,000 VIN#: 254172 | YE AR: 2020 | MILES: 14,647 CONTACT: 888-693-8775 khumphre ys@ferrariofaustin .com F E R R A R I 488 Pista $539,900 VIN#: 250052 | YE AR: 2020 | MILES: 5,873 CONTACT: 888-803- 4555 rperrina@ferrariofseattle.com F E R R A R I 812 Superfast $427,851 VIN#: 248613 | YE AR: 2020 | MILES: 1,815 CONTACT: 314-332-1944 anoderer@cavallinorossostlouis .com F E R R A R I Roma $289,000 VIN#: 267 928 | YE AR: 2021 | MILES: 2,432 CONTACT: 888-699-9351 james@ferrarilosangeles .com F E R R A R I F8 Tributo $399,900 VIN#: 260703 | YE AR: 2021 | MILES: 1,837 CONTACT: 888-710 -5463 nmancuso@lfsc .com F E R R A R I 812 GTS $698,500 VIN#: 259781 | YE AR: 2021 | MILES: 2,707 CONTACT: 888-323-6132 marc@toybarncars .com
J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 3 dupontregistry com 133 4 S E L L Scan to view Ferraris on dupontregistry com F E R R A R I 812 GTS $709,800 VIN#: 268442 | YE AR: 2021 | MILES: 602 CONTACT: 888-703-2070 jared@mclarenscottsdale com F E R R A R I Roma $289,000 VIN#: 262702 | YE AR: 2021 | MILES: 4,103 CONTACT: 866-972-1927 tmcafee@boardwalkautogroup com F E R R A R I SF90 Stradale $699,995 VIN#: 263591 | YE AR: 2021 | MILES: 556 CONTACT: 888-690 -2155 rdohogne@ferrariofhouston com F E R R A R I Roma $286,985 VIN#: 261241 | YE AR: 2021 | MILES: 8,175 CONTACT: 888-842- 47 94 mrandolph@ferraritampabay com F E R R A R I SF90 Stradale $749,730 VIN#: 266755 | YE AR: 2021 | MILES: 421 CONTACT: 866-995-9859 dan@ferrarisales com F E R R A R I SF90 Stradale $844,800 VIN#: 264305 | YE AR: 2021 | MILES: 1,355 CONTACT: 949- 478-6288 jason@amadormotorcars com F E R R A R I F8 Spider $589,000 VIN#: 277631 | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 60 CONTACT: 888-743-7784 james@ferrariwestlake.com F E R R A R I SF90 Stradale $739,888 VIN#: 271058 | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 317 CONTACT: 760 -610 -0366 anthony.king@ferrariofrm .com F E R R A R I SF90 Stradale $789,988 VIN#: 271624 | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 232 CONTACT: 855- 482-2900 ffreeman@f wash .com F E R R A R I SF90 Stradale $759,990 VIN#: 270534 | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 1,050 CONTACT: 480 - 418-6699 pohara@penskeautomotive.com F E R R A R I 612 Scaglietti $134,900 VIN#: 147446 | YE AR: 2006 | MILES: 16,788 CONTACT: 561-765-6699 gar yycg@aol.com F E R R A R I 4 5 6 GT $175,000 VIN#: 119224 | YE AR: 2000 | MILES: 15,917 CONTACT: 888-776-9046 paula@speedartmotorsports .com
134 dupontregistry com J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 3 4 S E L L Scan to view Ferrari of Central New Jersey ’s inventory $345,000 | YE AR: 2016 | MILES: 4,596 VIN#: 217749 $459,000 | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 826 VIN#: 268956 $749,000 | YE AR: 2021 | MILES: 1,121 VIN#: 260930 F E R R A R I F12 Berlinetta F E R R A R I F8 Tr ibuto F E R R A R I SF90 Stradale 2016 Ferrari F12 Berlinetta in special paint, Rosso Corsa Metallic With Nero 8500 Interior This Single-Owner 2022 Ferrari F8 Tributo is in Rosso Scuderia and Nero interior with just 826 Miles SF90 Stradale Is A brilliant Encapsulation Of The Most Advanced Technologies Developed In Maranello! CONTACT: 732-709-7 97 9 r yan grant@ferraricnj com CONTACT: 732-709-7 97 9 r yan grant@ferraricnj com CONTACT: 732-709-7 97 9 r yan .grant@ferraricnj.com
1966 Nova Chevy II | $69,900 Equipped with an LS2 engine It rides with a 4L60E automatic overdrive transmission with ten bolt rear end Headers and dual stainless exhaust The body is laser straight finished in black base coat/clear ( 8 6 6 ) 2 7 7 - 6 0 6 4 J e r r y @ J J R o d s . c o m w w w . J J R o d s . c o m 1969 Chevrolet Camaro SS | $92,500 This 1969 Chevy Camaro SS just received a comprehensive restoration with limited test miles since completion Arrow straight body with new paint Period correct 396/375 HP e n g i n e w i t h a R o c k C r u s h e r M 2 1 4 - s p e e d trans 12 Bolt Posi with 3:73 gears 1953 Ford F100 Truck | $72,500 This ‘53 custom Ford comes with a Ford in a Ford! 351 Cleveland engine built to factory specs with C-6 Auto transmission with a 9” rear end JJ Rods ( 8 6 6 ) 2 7 7 - 6 0 6 4 3 5 L i b e r t y A v e | N e w a r k , O h i o 4 3 0 5 5 1957 Chevrolet Pickup | $85,000 Frame off completion with a 454 CI big block e n g i n e . T u r b o 4 0 0 a u t o m a t i c t r a n s m i s s i o n . W e i a n d a l u m i n u m i n t a k e m a n i f o l d , H o l l e y carburetor, Sanderson headers, Ace custom aluminum radiator and Spal low profile fan 1971 Ford Bronco Custom | $139,900 C o m p l e t e F r a m e O f f b u i l d o n t h i s 1 9 7 1 Ford Bronco with a little over 50 miles since c o m p l e t i o n ! P o w e r e d b y a 3 4 7 C I S t r o k e r e n g i n e , b a c k e d w i t h a N V 3 5 0 0 f i v e s p e e d manual transmission 1956 Chevrolet Handy Man Wagon | $125,000 Frame off Nut and bolt restoration Powered b y a R A R E C h e v r o l e t Z Z 3 5 0 / 4 3 0 H P c r a t e engine #13 with a Holley 4-barrel carburator It has a custom firewall and inner fender well. 700R4 automatic transmission 1969 Chevy Camaro SS | $110,000 Crate ZZ 427 480hp, Tremec 5-speed TKO600. F i t a n d f i n i s h i s o u t s t a n d i n g o n t h i s c a r Finished in Porsche GT Silver with only 300 m i l e s N e w p e r i o d c o r r e c t i n t e r i o r d o n e i n black. 1939 Ford Coast to Coast | $69,900 The first 1939 Ford Coast to Coast ever sold in the US–yes you read that right, the FIRST Coast to Coast! We were fortunate to acquire this 12,000-mile car from the original owner/ builder. Own a piece of history! 1956 Chevrolet Bel Air Rest Mod | $92,500 N e w L S 1 w i t h a i r c o n d i t i o n i n g , p o w e r s t e e r i n g , p o w e r f o u r - w h e e l d i s c b r a k e s , d u a l f a n s , P e r f o r m a n c e R o d a n d C u s t o m aluminum radiator Body, paint, fit and finish are outstanding.
136 dupontregistry com J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 3 P O R S C H E 911 Turbo S Coupe CALL FOR PRICE | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 869 CONTACT: 888-539-3369 JLitton@porschesouthorlando com P O R S C H E 911 GT2 RS $449,000 | YE AR: 2018 | MILES: 902 CONTACT: 888-539-3369 JLitton@porschesouthorlando com P O R S C H E 911 Turbo S $699,000 | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 100 CONTACT: 951-251-1277 Alphamotive motors@gmail com P O R S C H E 911 GT3 $319,995 | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 83 CONTACT: 888-690 -2155 rdohogne@ferrariofhouston com P O R S C H E 911 Turbo S Cabriolet $292,880 | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 870 CONTACT: 888- 489-3788 lsmeenk@mclarencf com P O R S C H E 918 Spyder CALL FOR PRICE | YE AR: 2015 | MILES: 1,592 CONTACT: 888-627-1564 parin@chicagomotorcars com P O R S C H E 911 GT3 $319,999 | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 29 CONTACT: 888-586-2286 Val@grandprimotors .com P O R S C H E 911 GT2 RS $429,900 | YE AR: 2018 | MILES: 5,200 CONTACT: 888-586-2286 Val@grandprimotors .com P O R S C H E Carrera GT CALL FOR PRICE | YE AR: 2004 | MILES: 4,750 CONTACT: 855-971- 4092 webleads@holmanmotorcarsstl.dsmessage.com P O R S C H E Cayman GT4 $122,995 | YE AR: 2016 | MILES: 15,225 CONTACT: 888-607-7 998 porschecrm@4porsche.com P O R S C H E 911 GT3 $279,995 | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 2,654 CONTACT: 888-607-7 998 porschecrm@4porsche.com P O R S C H E 918 Spyder CALL FOR PRICE | YE AR: 2015 | MILES: 11,044 CONTACT: 888-776-9046 paula@speedartmotorsports .com Scan to view Porsches on dupontregistry com 4 S E L L
J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 3 dupontregistry com 137 4 S E L L Scan to view Specialty Vehicle Engineerings’ inventory CALL FOR PRICE | YE AR: 2023 | MILES: Call SVE GMC YUKON SPORT EDITION 800HP YENKO Only 50 800HP Supercharged Sport Edition Yukon SUVs will be built!! Call Now! They ’ll go fast!!! CONTACT: 732-929-6619 bsalisbur y@drivehuebner com CALL FOR PRICE | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: Call SVE CHEVROLET Silverado 8 5 0HP Yenko Lowered Only 50 2022 850HP YENKO® Silverado trucks will be built Don’t sleep on this future collectible! CONTACT: 732-929-6619 bsalisbur y@drivehuebner.com CALL FOR PRICE | YE AR: 2023 | MILES: Call SVE CHEVROLET TAHOE 800HP SUPERCHARGED YENKO Only 50 2023 800HP Supercharged YENKO/SC® Tahoe SUVs will be built!!! They ’re disappearing fast!!! CONTACT: 732-929-6619 bsalisbur y@drivehuebner com
138 dupontregistry com J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 3 4 S E L L Scan to view more on dupontregistry com CALL FOR PRICE | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 277 PORSCHE 911 Turbo S 2022 911 Turbo S Incredible performance whilst being comfortable and fully suitable for everyday use CONTACT: 855-927-0458 dRs@dupontregistr y com P O R S C H E 718 Cayman GT4 CALL FOR PRICE | YE AR: 2020 | MILES: 7,858 CONTACT: 855-926-5393 dRs@dupontregistr y.com ASTO N M A RT I N V 1 2 VA N TAG E CALL FOR PRICE | YE AR: 2023 | MILES: 54 CONTACT: 855-926-2721 dRs@dupontregistr y com M C L A R E N GT CALL FOR PRICE | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 9,726 CONTACT: 855-927-0454 dRs@dupontregistr y.com R O L LS - R OYC E Wraith CALL FOR PRICE | YE AR: 2021 | MILES: 4,985 CONTACT: 855-927-0457 dRs@dupontregistr y com AU D I R8 V10 Decennium CALL FOR PRICE | YE AR: 2020 | MILES: 8,541 CONTACT: 855-926-2867 dRs@dupontregistr y.com P O R S C H E Taycan 4S CALL FOR PRICE | YE AR: 2020 | MILES: 4,913 CONTACT: 855-926-9448 dRs@dupontregistr y com ASTO N M A RT I N Vantage CALL FOR PRICE | YE AR: 2021 | MILES: 572 CONTACT: 855-927-0456 dRs@dupontregistr y com L A N D R OV E R Defender 110 007 Edition CALL FOR PRICE | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 434 CONTACT: 855-927-0452 dRs@dupontregistr y.com M E R C E D ES - B E N Z S63 AMG CALL FOR PRICE | YE AR: 2021 | MILES: 11,573
dRs@dupontregistr y.com
CONTACT: 855-926-7043
www.elderfordoftampa.com | 855 625 8441 | 9560 North Florida Avenue, Tampa, FL 33612 #1 Shelby, Tuscany, Roush, Hennessey Dealer # 1 P E R F O R M A N C E T R U C K H E A D Q U A R T E R S I N T H E S O U T H E A S T E R N U S A ! NOW TAKING ORDERS ON ALL MODELS! NATIONWIDE SHIPPING ALL-NEW 2023 FORD BRONCO RAPTOR®
VANTAGE MOTORWORKS, INC® Celebrating 49 Years! LSGT635C -
Young SCV100 Alloy Bodied Sport
One of only 2 left drives ever built T6747
Young Blue, Baroda Blue Connolly hides, boot A/C as originally supplied Complete tools, correct handbook & supplement, factory build files. 22,624 miles indicated. 2 California owners
new. An exciting opportunity, warranty available. I f t h e a c q u i s i t i o n o f a n u n c o m p r o m i s e d s o u r c e o f p l e a s u r e , o r t h e r e f u r b i s h m e n t o f y o u r p r e s e n t m o t o r c a r i s o n y o u r a g e n d a , w e ’ d a p p r e c i a t e t h e o p p o r t u n i t y t o s e r v e y o u T h r o u g h o u t m o r e t h a n f o u r d e c a d e s a s o n e o f t h e l e a d i n g c o m p l e t e l y self-contained restoration and sales facilities in this area of the industry, our view has been that the responsibility
rolling works of art is at least
L S G T 3 7 1 – 1 9 6 5 S i l v e r C l o u d I I I . S h e l l G r e y , C o n n o l l y V M 3 2 4 4 B l u e G r e y h i d e s , f a c t o r y a / c A n e x c e p t i o n a l , n e v e r c o r r o d e d e x a m p l e o r i g i n a l l y d e l i v e r e d t o C a l i f o r n i a F u l l p e d i g r e e R e m a r k a b l e c o n d i t i o n i n c l u d i n g o r i g i n a l b o o k s , t o o l s & f a c t o r y l u g g a g e SCX1 - 1963 Silver Cloud III H.J. Mulliner Drophead Coupe. Garnet, Tan top & hides 58,302 miles The very first Silver Cloud III Authentic left drive conversion Celebrity pedigree BC66LAR - 1960 Bentley S-2 Continental H.J. Mulliner Design 7508 Flying Spur. One of 49 left drives built Blue - Grey, Blue Grey hides as originally supplied US delivered example, fine older UK restoration of an undamaged very elegant example Interesting pedigree Fitted with proper A/C. Original wood veneers refinished to show quality. LSFE451 – 1958 Silver Cloud I H.J. Mulliner Style 7410 Aluminum Convertible. One of 11 left drives. Tudor Gr ey, Red hides, wonder ful older r estoration of a never damaged, fully pedigr eed example XCX80540 - 1999 Silver Spur Park Ward Touring Limousine. Black Sapphire with Champagne hides piped Navy 6 106 miles Meticulously maintained & prepared. The second of three 14” extended wheelbase examples built for N. America. Ex-N Cage. D C 0 1 7 5 0 8 – 2 0 1 3 B e n t l e y M u l s a n n e , A one owner, 18,446 mile, nicely optioned example in extraordinarily well preserved order finished Onyx with Twine hides piped Beluga. Offered at approximately 50% of its original $300,000+ MSRP. THANKYOU,SOLD!
1964/65 Silver Cloud III James
due these
equal to that owed
long list of satisfied clients and friends
sampling of
appears below. Each will be thoroughly prepared in our workshops so that only your enjoyment, rather than further attention will be required upon
Their pricing is regularly reviewed and adjusted where appropriate, so that they may provide, in light of superior condition, excellent value as well Your inquiries, trade proposals, and visits to our premises, if only to share enthusiasms, are all most welcome BC1LDJ – 1957 Bentley S1 Continental Sports Coupe. 1st of 11 left drives, Paris Show Car. Alpine Grey over Black Garnet with Parchment hides 2018 Amelia Island Concours People’s Choice Trophy Winner. Superb 2009 restoration still in impressive order
www.vantagemotorworks.com • (305) 940-1161 • 1898 N.E. 151st St. • N. Miami, FL 33162 URGENTLY REQUIRED: High quality examples of the type of automobiles shown. Immediate payment, pickup virtually anywhere in the world. FOLLOW US L C A L 1 7 - 1 9 6 3 S i l v e r C l o u d I I I L W B James Young SCT100 “Baby Phantom” Tourer. Antelope over Garnet lacquer, Tobacco Connolly hides. One of 2 left drive, non-division split bench examples Great 3 owner pedigree, e x t r a o r d i n a r y p e r f o r m e r . M e c h a n i c a l w a r r a n t y available PRICE ADJUSTMENT 5 L B V 6 9 - 1 9 6 1 P h a n t o m V P V 5 5 Touring Coupe. The first of two built. Sand over Garnet, Tan hides, Arrestingly beautiful 19' 10" long masterpiece. Nice history, written mechanical warranty available Amelia
Winner. 3 C X 0 1 2 1 4 - 2 0 0 3 B e n t l e y A z u r e Mulliner. Final series performer one of 47 left drives. Black Sapphire, Magnolia interior with Dark Blue carpets. 10,723 three owner miles An excellent example of a limited production run. LSFU633 – 1964 Silver Cloud III Radford Equipped Sedan. 59,470 miles. Outstanding order throughout. Documented pedigree with a multitude of special options including folding Webasto Sunroof with wind deflector, factory a/c, power windows & more. May be
by appointment in
Italy JCX22271 – 1988 CORNICHE II. S i l v e r Sand over Black, Beige hides, Black piping & top 9,595 two owner miles from new Written comprehensive mechanical warranty available. Full compliment of books & tools LSFE99 – 1958 Silver Cloud I James Young 2 door Sedanca Coupe. The better o f 2 b u i l t G a r n e t o v e r B l a c k , B e i g e h i d e s E f f i c i e n t A / C f i t t e d . I n t e r e s t i n g c o l l e c t o r pedigree L S L G 1 1 2 – 1 9 5 9 S i l v e r C l o u d I H . J . Mulliner Radford Estate Wagon. The first of 4 built finished as originally supplied in Sand over Sable, Tan hides This meticulously r e s t o r e d a n d m a i n t a i n e d e x a m p l e m a y b e viewed in Florence, Italy by appointment VCX53340 - 1997 Bentley Continental T. B l a c k , d u o t o n e B l a c k & M a r o o n h i d e s , e n g i n e t u r n e d d a s h , c h r o m e w h e e l s 2 1 , 5 1 6 m i l e s C e l e b r i t y p e d i g r e e J C X 2 4 1 2 7 – 1 9 8 8 C o r n i c h e I I . A c r y l i c W h i t e , W h i t e t o p , R e d C o n n o l l y h i d e s Optional wir e wheels. 6,070 miles since new. Outstanding single family ownership pedigr ee Written compr ehensive mechanical warranty available
Island Concours
142 dupontregistry com J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 3 Scan to view more on dupontregistry com 4 S E L L P O R S C H E 911 GT3 $289,555 | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 1,667 CONTACT: 512-7 92-2666 Shealea@alphaonemotors com R O L LS - R OYC E Dawn $249,895 | YE AR: 2018 | MILES: 31,225 CONTACT: 888-518-0448 ejones@lamborghiniofparamus com R O L LS - R OYC E Ghost $369,000 | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 229 CONTACT: 856- 499-5299 rbayard@kerbeck net R O L LS - R OYC E Dawn $359,342 | YE AR: 2020 | MILES: 17,371 CONTACT: 941- 444-6227 rghag@lamborghinisarasota.com AU ST I N H E A L E Y 100 $226,000 | YE AR: 2056 | MILES: Call CONTACT: 888-854- 4717 the vaultms@gmail.com R O L LS - R OYC E Wraith $389,990 | YE AR: 2020 | MILES: 4,157 CONTACT: 888-250 -9229 dcaldwell@indigoautogroup.com M E R C E D ES - B E N Z S65 AMG $110,000 | YE AR: 2015 | MILES: Call CONTACT: 313- 447-0017 info@broadarrowgroup.com L A M B O R G H I N I Urus $294,991 | YE AR: 2015 | MILES: 1,694 CONTACT: 415-501-9182 labukweik@boardwalkautogroup.com S H E L BY 289 Cobra $1,275,000 | YE AR: 1965 | MILES: Call CONTACT: 313- 447-0017 info@broadarrowgroup.com L A N D R OV E R OC Soft Top $159,950 | YE AR: 1997 | MILES: 300 CONTACT: 910 - 465-0270 ospre ycustom@gmail com LOT U S Evora GT CALL FOR PRICE | YE AR: 2020 | MILES: 2,327 CONTACT: 866-751-2942 ngamarra@prestigeimports com M AS E R AT I GranTurismo Sport $87,000 | YE AR: 2018 | MILES: 17,063 CONTACT: 424-722- 4002 eric m@smautoco com
J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 3 dupontregistry com 143 4 S E L L Scan to view Fort Lauderdale Collection’s inventory CA D I L L AC Series 75 Town Car CALL FOR PRICE | YE AR: 1939 | MILES: 427 CONTACT: 877-708-2426 danny@fortlauderdalecollection com B E N T L E Y Continental GTC Speed CALL FOR PRICE | YE AR: 2014 | MILES: 26,373 CONTACT: 877-700 -9212 ste veg@fortlauderdalecollection com F E R R A R I 430 CALL FOR PRICE VIN#: 146217 | YE AR: 2006 | MILES: 12,287 CONTACT: 877-700 -9212 ste veg@fortlauderdalecollection com P O R S C H E 911 GT3 Touring CALL FOR PRICE | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 224 CONTACT: 877-700 -9212 ste veg@fortlauderdalecollection com R O L LS - R OYC E Wraith Black Badge CALL FOR PRICE | YE AR: 2018 | MILES: 4,436 CONTACT: 877-700 -9212 ste veg@fortlauderdalecollection com R O L LS - R OYC E Cullinan CALL FOR PRICE | YE AR: 2020 | MILES: 7,921 CONTACT: 877-700 -9212 ste veg@fortlauderdalecollection com ASTO N M A RT I N DBS CALL FOR PRICE | YE AR: 2009 | MILES: 15,345 CONTACT: 877-700 -9212 ste veg@fortlauderdalecollection com B M W Isetta 300 CALL FOR PRICE | YE AR: 1957 | MILES: Call CONTACT: 877-708-2426 danny@fortlauderdalecollection com L A M B O R G H I N I Urus CALL FOR PRICE | YE AR: 2019 | MILES: 9,317 CONTACT: 877-708-2426 danny@fortlauderdalecollection com R O L LS - R OYC E Dawn CALL FOR PRICE | YE AR: 2018 | MILES: 14,634 CONTACT: 877-708-2426 danny@fortlauderdalecollection com LOT U S Evora GT CALL FOR PRICE | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 767 CONTACT: 877-708-2426 danny@fortlauderdalecollection com F E R R A R I F8 Tributo CALL FOR PRICE VIN#: 257395 | YE AR: 2006 | MILES: 3,331 CONTACT: 877-708-2426 danny@fortlauderdalecollection com
14 4 dupontregistry com J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 3 $51,900 | YE AR: 1965 | MILES: 1 BACKDRAFT RACING Roadster Hand-built 60’s style roadster Your choice of engines, and rolling chassis starts @ $51,900 CONTACT: 561-752-3693 reg@backdraftracing com $159,900 | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 25 MERCEDE S-BENZ Sprinter Executive Class Built on a 3500 170 Extended Chassis, Ultra Modern Design, 8 passengers rear, Two 43” Smart TV’s CONTACT: 888-7 92-9295 jay@fccustomsinc com $189,900 | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 25 MERCEDE S-BENZ Sprinter Private/CEO Class Built on a 3500 170 Extended Chassis, Loaded with New technology, Ultra Modern , Private Bathroom CONTACT: 888-7 92-9295 jay@fccustomsinc com Scan to view more on dupontregistry com 4 S E L L
146 dupontregistry com J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 3 Scan to view Ultimate Toys’ inventory 4 S E L L CALL FOR PRICE | YEAR: 2023 | MILES: Call ULTIMATE RV Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Save up to $45K | A True RV | Full Bath with Shower 20-Year Financing CONTACT: 855-963-3636 duPont@UltimateToys com CALL FOR PRICE | YEAR: 2023 | MILES: Call ULTIMATE CAMPERVAN RAM ProMaster Save up to $45K | Best value on the market Bath with Shower | 20-Year Financing CONTACT: 855-963-3636 duPont@UltimateToys com CALL FOR PRICE | YEAR: 2023 | MILES: Call ULTIMATE JEEP Wrangler Ultimate Jeep by Ultimate Toys Simply the boldest Jeep on the market Free nationwide delivery CONTACT: 855-963-3636 duPont@UltimateToys .com
J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 3 dupontregistry com 147 Scan to view more on dupontregistry com 4 S E L L CALL FOR PRICE | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: Call MOKE Woody This is a real head-turner! Home of the custom-built Moke Everybody loves that Woody look! CONTACT: 626-945-9745 zach seidner@bertsmegamall com $136,000 | YE AR: 2025 | MILES: Call POTENTIAL MOTORS Adventure 1 Adventure 1 off road UTV Dual motor, all electric, compact overlanding solution Full camp kitchen! CONTACT: 902-877- 4460 sales@potentialmotors com $240,000 | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 465 MERCEDE S-BENZ Maybach S 5 8 0 Diamond White 2022 Mercedes-Benz Maybach S 580 With Exclusive Maybach Nappa Leather Upholstery! CONTACT: 330 -818-7535 dbiasella@sarchione com
14 8 dupontregistry com J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 3 Scan to view more on dupontregistry com 4 S E L L $147,900 | YE AR: 2009 | MILES: 8,276 ROLLS-ROYCE Phantom Super clean, fully loaded, and a great color combination Very low miles This will not last! CONTACT: 561-765-6699 gar yycg@aol com $87,992 | YE AR: 1988 | MILES: 46,344 BMW M6 This 1988 BMW M6 is finished in Cinnabar Red over Natur Nappa leather upholstery! CONTACT: 888- 420 -2555 mattk@lovemylincoln com $175,000 | YE AR: 2022 | MILES: 750 HENNE SSE Y VelociR aptor 500 Ford Bronco R aptor Vehicle has engine management software upgrade and upgraded exhaust system high-flow air filtration! CONTACT: 866-838-097 9 john@hennesse yperformance.com
150 dupontregistry com J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 3 Issue no 452 / January 2023 ADVERTISER INDEX B U Y S EC T I O N D R I V E S EC T I O N F RO N T O F B O O K B E L L & RO S S 5 D I M M I T T AU T O M O T I V E G RO U P 9 O R B I TA C O R P 7 P O R S C H E C A R S N O RT H A M E R I C A 2 T H E H A N G A R G RO U P I F C P R A N C I N G H O R S E O F NA S H V I L L E 1 0 RU S NA K B E N T L E Y PA S A D E NA 1 9 S TA N F O R D C H E V RO L E T 1 8 AU T O B U F 6 2 AU T O S TAC K E R 5 2 C O M B AT M O T O R S 3 4 C U N N I N G H A M AU T O M O T I V E 5 6 D E A L E R S C H O I C E AU T O T R A N S P O RT 6 1 E X E C U T I V E C OAC H B U I L D E R S 5 9 G E R M A N T U N I N G C O R P O R AT I O N 3 6 G T E C H N I Q LT D 5 8 H E N N E S S E Y P E R F O R M A N C E 3 5 L O K I 3 0 L U X U RY L E A S E PA RT N E R S , L L C 5 5 M E C U M AU C T I O N S 4 4 M E G A R E X X T RU C K S 6 0 M E T RO N G A R AG E 4 3 O S P R E Y C U S T O M 6 2 P O T E N T I A L M O T O R S 6 0
J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 3 dupontregistry com 151 L I V E S EC T I O N S E L L S EC T I O N R M S O T H E B Y ’ S 5 7 S I N T O R T RU C K S 4 2 S P E C I A LT Y V E H I C L E E N G I N E E R I N G 5 3 T I N T WO R L D 5 4 U LT I M AT E T OYS , I N C . 4 0 WO L F R I G S 3 9 WO O D S I D E C R E D I T 3 8 A I R B U S 8 2 A I R K I N G AV I AT I O N 8 6 B E L L F L I G H T 7 0 C A N O S S A E V E N T S 8 8 D U N C A N AV I AT I O N 7 8 F LY E XC L U S I V E 6 8 T H E F I E L D S 9 0 J E T I T 8 0 J E TA S A P 8 3 J E T T A I RC R A F T 74 M AG E L L A N J E T S 8 4 N I G H T H AW K C U S T O M F I R E A R M S 9 6 O L D C I T Y J E T S 7 6 O N E F L I G H T I N T E R NAT I O NA L 6 4 RO C K I S L A N D AU C T I O N C O M PA N Y 9 2 S T R AT U S 9 9 1 T I TA N AV I AT I O N 8 9 V E R I J E T I N C 8 7 AU T O M O B I L E S E T C E T E R A 1 2 5 C A R R I O M O T O R C A R S 1 1 6 D I M M I T T AU T O M O T I V E G RO U P 1 1 8 E L D E R F O R D 1 3 9 F E R R A R I M A S E R AT I O F C E N T R A L N E W J E R S E Y 1 3 4 F E R R A R I O F F O RT L AU D E R DA L E 1 2 9 F O R E I G N C A R S I TA L I A 1 2 6 F O RT L AU D E R DA L E C O L L E C T I O N 1 4 3 , 1 5 2 G AU D I N F O R D 1 1 5
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w w w . F o r t L a u d e r d a l e C o l l e c t i o n . c o m Fort Lauderdale Collection South Fort Lauderdale Collection South (877) 700-9212 1301 E Sunrise Blvd. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 (877) 700-9212 1301 E Sunrise Blvd. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 2020 R O L L S - R OYC E C U L L I N A N Black exterior with Mandarin leather interior 7,921 miles This Cullinan is loaded with options including Shooting Star Headliner, Panorama Roof, blacked out grille and exterior trim along with 24” wheels 2022 PORSCHE 911 TURBO S C ABRIOLET Chalk exterior with Bordeaux Red/ Black Leather 391 miles from new Very well equipped with a long list of options including front axle lift, Exclusive design wheels, double stripe on front trunk lid in gray, sport exhaust and much more 2009 ASTON MARTIN DBS MANUAL TRANSMISSION Storm Black over Obsidian Black Leather 15,039 miles 0-60 in 4.2 seconds. Fine leather, navigation, premium audio and much more 2006 F E R R A R I 430 CO U P E 6- S P E E D M A N UA L 6-Speed Manual Nero exterior over Nero Leather interior 12,287 miles from new A pure driver’s car powered by a 483hp V8 with no extra weight tacked on with unneeded options VIN#146217 2020 BENTLEY CONTINENTAL GTC V8 MULLINER Jetstream II exterior with Imperial Blue leather interior Only 2,058 miles from new Fantastic color combination and all the most desirable options, totaling around $65,000, including Mulliner, Touring, City and Centenary Specifications 2016 R O L L S - R OYC E W R A I T H M A N S O RY Diamond Black over Seashell Leather 23,696 miles Over $26,000 i n f a c t o r y o p t i o n s w i t h t e n s o f t h o u s a n d s o f d o l l a r s s p e n t o n p e r f o r m a n c e a n d c o s m e t i c u p g r a d e s I n c l u d i n g s t a r l i g h t headliner, custom front fenders, rear spoiler and much more 2014 BENTLEY CONTINENTAL GTC SPEED LE MANSORY II Onyx Metallic exterior with Hotspur leather interior 26,373 miles Features the Le Mansory II package with newly designed front apron, carbon fiber bonnet, 22” wheels and exhaust 2017 R O L L S - R OYC E W R A I T H B L AC K B A D G E Diamond Black Metallic, with Cobalto Blue and Black leather interior 4,436 miles from new Over $84,000 in factory options i n c l u d i n g , S t a r l i g h t h e a d l i n e r , t h e S i g n a t u r e P a c k a g e , B l a c k Badge Interior Environment and much more 1970 M E R C E D E S - B E N Z 280S E Black exterior over Cognac Leather interior 65,384 miles from new A rare piece of automotive history Only a few hundred 280SE Low Grille Cabriolets were made Expertly restored in 2010 2018 R O L L S - R OYC E W R A I T H B L AC K B A D G E Nero DS 1250 over Nero Leather Only 1,482 miles from new Black wheels. Powered by a 730hp V12, this is the ultimate road car VIN#223174 2022 P O R S C H E 911 GT3 TO U R I N G PTS Slate Grey exterior with Black interior Only 224 miles from new Options include front axle lift, bucket seats, sport chrono package, yellow seat belts and much more 2014 B E N T L E Y CO N T I N E N TA L GTC S P E E D Hallmark Metallic exterior over Beluga Leather interior 15,460 miles from new Options include dark-tint aluminum fascia and console trim, 21” Speed 10-twin-spoke wheels, ventilated and massage front seats, neck warmers and more
Fort Lauderdale Collection Fort Lauderdale Collection (877) 708-2426 500 N. Federal Hwy. Pompano Beach, FL 33062 (877) 708-2426 500 N. Federal Hwy. Pompano Beach, FL 33062 w w w . F o r t L a u d e r d a l e C o l l e c t i o n . c o m 1939 C A D I L L AC S E R I E S 75 TOW N C A R Open top limousine sedan Black exterior with beige interior Only 427 miles since restoration Cabin amenities include plush seating, vanity mirrors hidden behind wood doors, 2 foot rests and a rollup glass divider 2 0 2 2 L A M B O R G H I N I U R U S Giallo Auge Metallic exterior over Nero Ade Leather interior Only 28 miles from new Factory options include 23’ Taigete wheels in black, high-gloss black style package, panoramic roof and much more 2020 FERRARI F8 TRIBUTO Bianco Avus exterior over Bianco Leather 3,331 miles from new Unique color combo with a lengthy list of factory options including suspension lifter, carbon fiber steering wheel, Daytona racing seats and much more VIN #257395 2 0 0 9 A S T O N M A R T I N VA N TAG E Red over Beige Leather interior Only 10,565 miles from new Over $7,600 in options including 19” wheels, red brake calipers and heated seats 2019 L A M B O R G H I N I U RU S Verde Hebe exterior over Terra Asia Vintage / Nero Leather 9,317 miles from new Factory options include panoramic roof, Q-Citura leather trim, 22’ Nath wheels and much more 2021 LOT U S E VO R A GT Evora Silver Metallic over black interior Only 769 miles from new 6 speed manual transmission, leather and alcantara seats, carbon fiber door sills, rear panel trim and dash trim 2009 L O T U S E L I S E White with Black interior 8 825 miles from new Excellent condition and drives great. Touring Pack age with leather seats and interior trim, alpine audio and more 2022 F E R R A R I F8 S P I D E R Novitec Carbon Fiber Aero Package Giallo Modena over Nero Leather Only 532 miles from new Options include Suspension lifter, Daytona Racing Seats, Novitec rear spoiler, side skirts, rear bumper and much more. VIN#269666 2018 ROLLS-ROYCE DAWN Lyrical Copper over Black Leather 14,634 miles from new Inspired by Music Pack age ($49,450) includes Fawn Brown accents, Commission Collec tion clock , open pore tudor oak canadel paneling with RollsRoyce bespoke audio system 1 9 9 2 F E R R A R I 3 4 8 Rosso Corsa exterior with Beige leather interior 36,453 miles from new 3 4 liter V8 paired to a 5 speed manual transmission VIN#090768 2017 BENTLEY CONTINENTAL GTC Diamond Black Metallic over Linen Leather 7,931 miles from new Mulliner Specification and more including Diamond-Quilted seats and door panels, Bentley Embroidered Seats with Neck Warmers 1957 B M W I S E T TA 30 Red exterior with Light Grey interior Fully restored 298cc motor paired to a 4 speed manual transmission

ground, not capsuled.’

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