1 minute read
from Swiftta35 magzus.org
by Thomas Swift
November 1-4
What: SEMA Show Where: Las Vegas, Nevada Hosted by: Specialty Equipment Market Association Info: semashow.com
November 3-5
What: Death Valley Exploration Trip Where: Death Valley, California Hosted by: Jeep Jamboree USA Info: jeepjamboreeusa.com
November 6
What: Sasquatch Hunt Where: Attica, Indiana Hosted by: Badlands Off-Road Park Info: badlandsoffroad.com
November 10-13
What: Lone Star Jeep Club & Scrambler Fall Gathering Where: Hot Springs, Arkansas Hosted by: Hot Springs Off-Road Park Info: hotspringsoffroadpark.com
November 10-13
What: Trucks Gone Wild at Redneck Mud Park Where: Punta Gorda, Florida Hosted by: Trucks Gone Wild Info: trucksgonewild.com
November 11-12
What: Savage Offroad Toys for Tots Where: Pine Grove, Pennsylvania Hosted by: Rausch Creek Off-Road Park Info: rc4x4.org
November 11-13
What: Great American Crawl Where: Big Bear Lake, California Hosted by: Mickey Thompson Tires & Wheels Info: mickeythompsontires.com
November 11-13
What: Panamint Valley Days Where: Trona, California Hosted by: California Four Wheel Drive Association Info: cal4wheel.com
November 15-20
What: 55th SCORE Baja 1000 Where: Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico Hosted by: SCORE International Info: score-international.com
November 18-19
What: Trucks Gone Wild at Twitty’s Mud Bog Where: Ulmer, South Carolina Hosted by: Trucks Gone Wild Info: trucksgonewild.com
November 25-27
What: Turkey Bog Where: Palatka, Florida Hosted by: Hog Waller Mud Bog Info: hogwallerfl.com
November 26-27
What: Ohio Ford Expo Fall Super Swap Where: Columbus, Ohio Hosted by: Ohio Ford Expo Center Info: ohiofordexpo.com
Address your correspondence to: Calendar, Four Wheeler, 831 S. Douglas St., El Segundo, CA 90245, or email jered.korfhage@fourwheeler.com. All submissions become the property of Four Wheeler, and we reserve the right to edit them for length, accuracy, and clarity. The editorial department can also be reached through the website at fourwheeler.com. Due to the volume of mail, electronic and otherwise, we cannot respond to every reader, but we do read everything.