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Kelsey Publishing Ltd, The Granary, Downs Court, Yalding Hill, Yalding, Kent, ME18 6AL
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Wedding belle
When my wife and I were planning our wedding in 2000, the publisher of the classic car magazine I was working for at the time said I could use his company car, an X308-generation of XJ8. A 4.0-litre in metallic red, I reckoned it was the perfect choice for my impending nuptials.
But a last minute clash of dates meant I couldn’t borrow the Jaguar after all so a colleague arranged a BMW 750iL instead. With a 4.8 V8 and more equipment than my house, the big Beemer was a magnificent car but like wearing someone else’s shoes, it never felt right.
This wasn’t just because I like Jaguars more than I do BMWs, but rather the X308-generation of XJ8 was far prettier than the awkward-looking E65 7-Series and therefore would have made the better wedding car. Yet I’d go even further now and say it’s the best looking out of the nine iterations of XJ. I admit that’s a bold An identical XJ8 to the one Paul was statement but after drivingsupposed to use for his wedding in 2000 three examples for our feature on page 24 to mark its silver anniversary, it’s one I’m happy to make. With its perfect proportions and subtle references to Jaguar’s past, it remains a handsome car.
Plus there’s more to the X308 than just its design. As part of our interview on page 34 with Jaguar’s now retired chief test driver, the legendary Mike Cross, he reckons the V8 saloon was the first model he made a genuine impact on - meaning it’s still a great handling car. Yet its interior offers the sort of old-school levels of luxury Jaguar was once famous for.
I might not have had an X308 as my wedding car but what made it the perfect choice 22 years ago hasn’t changed.

Paul Walton Editor
Ben spends the day with Jaguar’s legendary test driver, Mike Cross, on the eve of his retirement after 37 years at the company [p34] ROB HAWKINS
Our tech ed looks at a 2007 XK 4.2 that was bought new by the owner’s father and has just been restored [p60] SAM SKELTON
Sam gets to drive a rare Daimler Series 3 manual [p52] before introducing his own pair of X300 XJs [p88]