15 minute read
www. justbikes. com. au
Pre 65-70-75-78 evolution & sidecars Meeting 2nd Monday of the month at Motorcycle Sportsman, 35 Crosby Rd, Albion, at 7 30 pm Website: www brisbanemotorcycleclub com au PO Box 1035, Park Ridge, QLD, 4125 secbrismcc@gmail com
BRITISH MOTORCYCLE OWNERS QLD For enthusiastic restorers and owners of British Bikes. Meetings 2nd Sunday of each month, 9:30am at Mackay Aero Club Contact Andy 07 4951 1565 or 0402 213 972 www bmoa org au PO Box 591, Mackay, QLD, 4740
BRITISH SCR AMBLE REGISTER Designed to bring together like-minded enthusiasts of the era of the booming British Scrambles Motorcycles, 4 stroke or 2 stroke If you own one or more of these machines and want to help preser ve this era by using these motorcycles in the way they were intended, and/or showing them off British Scramble Register, PO Box 86 , Everton Park, QLD, 4053 07 3353 1874 Ph:
BRITISH SINGLES MOTORCYCLE CLUB INC, QLD with an interest in Euro and British bikes Meeting 7 45 pm 2nd Monday each month at 1485 Old Cleveland Rd, Belmont, 1st club house RHS with palm trees PO Box 771 , Nanango, QLD, 4615 Ph: 0403 212 545, Ph: 0411 222 484
SOCIAL CLUB For ser ving & ex-ser ving members of the Defence Forces Family orientated, regular rides & social events EMail Warren Strong ( Wazza), Australia wide Website: biammsc-aus tripod com po box, Darling Downs , QLD, 4401 Warren (President) Ph: 0411 053 531, wwwazza1@bigpond com
BSA OWNERS CLUB OF QLD The BSA Owners Club meets at 9 am on the 3rd Sunday of each month at the Beeleigh Historical Village, 205 Main Street, Beenleigh Website: www.bsaqld.org.au PO Box 714, Runaway Bay, QLD, 4216 0418 761 361, bsaoc qld@gmail com
Australia's first Chopper, Bobber, Lowrider, Custom & Trike modified Motorcycle organization standing for rights of builders, restorers, riders, lifestyle related businesses More ride & activities contacts & coordinators needed, Australia wide PO Box 508, Bowen, QLD, 4805 Aussie (President) Ph: 0438 897 693
CHOPPERS DOWN UNDER CLUB QLD So you dig Choppers ah! We like them long and lean or fat and mean, high in the head or low instead Stretched, ranked, rigid, plunger heal or sing arm Any make, any model, any captivity, 50's, 60's, 70's and 80's style, they're all Kool to us. If you're a rider, restorer, builder, dreamer or related business, you're welcome to register with us Members in all states of Aust and NZ Monthly newsletter 'scoot'n on', active website, much more Website: www choppersdownunder com PO Box 508, Bowen, QLD, 4805 Aussie 0438 897 693, choppadu@yahoo com au
Provides fellowship for Christian Motorcyclists see web or email for more info Website: cmaaus orgqld PO Box 1100, Aspley, QLD, 4034 steveb105@hotmail com
Ladies social group monthly meeting last Wednesday of the month, open rides & closed rides, any type of bike welcome Website: nel2308 wix comgladstonechromedivas#! 36 Stoneybrook Dve, Glen Eden, QLD, 4680 Janelle Ph: 0447 635 543, nel2308@yahoo com au
CL ASSIC HARLE Y CLUB INC QLD For Harley Davidson Motorcycles up to 1970. Phone or write for more info PO Box 536, Kenmore, QLD, 4069 John McEwan (President) Ph: 0412 692 428, Kelvin Swayn, Mob (Secretar y) Ph: 0417 768 324, Kelvin Swayn (Secretar y) Ph: 07 3886 0010
Established 1977 Social rides, track days, events and displays, quarterly magazine "Desmochronicle" Meets 1st Wednesday of each month, Shannons Insurance Clubroom, Unit 5B, West End Corporate Park, 303-315 Montague Road, West End, Brisbane 6 30pm for BBQ, drinks and socialising, meeting starts 8pm Website: www docq com au PO Box 302, Nundah, QLD, 4012 Robert President 0417 773 559, president@docq com au
BR ANCH Meeting up on the Northside of Brisbane Website: hhtp:/easyriderssunshinecoast.webs.com Brisbane, QLD Gremlin Ph: 0406 096 018
EASYRIDERS AUSTR ALIA SMC A family orientated Social Motorcycle Club founded 1975 on the far North Coast Australia by three brothers from the Osborne Family, with chapters all over Australia and internationally Free to join , All makes of motorcycles welcome All ages, male and females, all your family members included. Ipswich, Ipswich, QLD, 4305 0499 396 193, easyridersaustralia@hotmail com
Easyriders is a social motorcycle club open to all bike and trike riders, friends and families NO committee, NO fees and NO hard rules, it's all about fun, friendship and the bikes Meet at Illawong Hotel ever y Friday night, ask for 'Doggie' visit for more info www freewebs com/easyridersaustralia, QLD Website: www.freewebs.comeasyridersaustralia QLD
EASYRIDERS AUSTR ALIA SMC LITHGOW Contact Stony Eastriders is a social motorcycle club open to all bike and trike riders, friends and families. NO committee, NO fees and NO hard rules, it's all about fun, friendship and the bikes For more info www freewebs com/easyridersaustralia, QLD Website: www freewebs comeasyridersaustralia QLD
For people who love their motorbikes & their kids BUACA intends to create a safer environment for abused children and to foster a brotherhood dedicated to motorcycle riding We welcome sponsorship from Local Business Website: www buaca org QLD Ph: 0427 427 850
BUSHR ANGERS MOTORCYCLE CLUB Meetings held monthly at Raubers Rd, Northgate Classic & modern sidecars Classic, modern & junior solos Race meetings held monthly Raubers Rd, Northgate, QLD, 4014 Susan Crothers Ph: 0438 189 423
CABOOLTURE TOURERS All riders from learner to advanced, all ages, this club is a family/social club Sidecar members welcome. PO Box 361 , Caboolture, QLD, 4510 Chris Ph: 07 5499 1917
Dedicated to restoration of older motorcycles & stationar y engines The monthly meeting is held on the first Saturday of the month, at a location in or around Cairns Website: www cmrc org au PO Box 6560, Cairns, QLD, 4870 Gar y Eames (Secretar y) Ph: 07 4054 1214, secretar y@cmrc org au
CELTIC WARLOCKS BROTHERHOOD & SISTERHOOD Clubrooms located at Jimboomba, QLD Open to the public from 7pm Friday nights Club rides monthly Sundays, details for rides and parties on Facebook Visitors most welcome We are a tight social club open to both males and females with a hang around period for those wanting to become full members The type of bike you ride is your choice as long as you can keep up with the club on runs We ride and party hard and mix with a variety of other clubs so potential new members must be able to fit in with us and our lifestyle Visit us at the clubhouse, check up on Facebook or call, 0411 332 834 Website: www.freewebs.comcelticwarlocks 19-23 Tamborine St, Jimboomba, QLD, 4280
CHARTERS TOWERS RETORERS PO Box 847, Charters Towers, QLD 4820 Contact P Jones, ph 07 4787 1042 Contact Phil 0488 660 757 or email clubbluff@bigpond com, QLD QLD
CHOPPER FEDER ATION NSW Rides & activities
Regional contacts & co-ordinators needed City & State Wide QLD Donnel (President) Ph: 0413 881 477
CHOPPER FEDER ATION NORTH QLD Regional Rides & Activities contacts & co-ordinators needed City & State Wide QLD Tex (President) Ph: 07 4787 8195
CL ASSIC HARLE Y CLUB QLD For Harley Davidson Motorcycles up to 1970. Sec Kelvin Swayn, 07 3886 0010 or 0417 768 324 PO Box 536, Kenmore, QLD, 4069 John McEwan, Ph 07 3806 9621, 0412 692 428 CLUB L AVERDA - QUEENSL AND Laverda Ownership not mandator y, club runs monthly Hosting Laverda concourse since 1986, fun group Monthly meetings at Aussie Nash Hotel 8pm first Tuesday of the month Website: www clublaverdaqld com au PO Box 5399, West End, QLD, 4101 Cosi (President) Ph: 0414 466 906
COASTAL BIKERS LOCATED BRISBANE Meeting info: we organise social rides in SE QLD North NSW, at least one per month, all bikes accepted, except cruisers, as may have trouble in the corners, FJ owners more than welcome, phone for info or visit www. geocities com/coastbikers, ph Paul 0405 106 403, QLD Website: www geocities comcoastbikers, QLD
D.S.M.R.A. BUNDABERG Dual Sport Motorcycle Riders Assoc Welcomes new riders for exploration rides to our National Parks & State Forests Monthly meeting first Wednesday of month, at 6.30, at Brothers Club, Bundaberg Website: www facebook comDSmraBundaberg Bundaberg, QLD Adrian (President) Ph: 456000213, Shaun (Secretar y) Ph: 412266676
DOWNS MOTORCYCLE SPORTING CLUB The Downs Motorcycle Sporting Club, located in Toowoomba Queensland, is a non-marque motorcycle club Whether it's Jap, Yank or Brit- racer, cruiser or chook chaser- fast or slow- old or new- if it's got two wheels then welcome aboard Website: www dmcsc org au 61 Water Street South, Toowoomba, QLD, 4350 Chris Howard (President) Ph: 0400 740 009
DR AG R ACING Nostalgic Drag Bikes and OF'S = Old Farts Sealed, Sand and Salt Any make, any mode, any capacity, from lil Puts to Big Buggers State teams now being appointed If you and your bike fit the above description, you're welcomed No membership fee applies, monthly newsletter 'Scoot'n On' $45 per annum subs Interactive website coming soon We need your old world and current pics and editorial for the news rag and website We're currently negotiating for National Nostalgic Drag Racing recognition. Riders and support pack phone or email, Aussie 0438 897 693 evenings and weekends or email ofsdragn@yahoo com au, QLD PO Box 508, Bowen, QLD, 4805
Easyriders is a social motorcycle club open to all bike & trike riders, friends & families NO committee, NO fees & NO hard rules, it's all about fun, friendship & the bikes Website: www freewebs comeasyridersaustralia QLD Roger Ph: 0415 670 821
EASYRIDERS AUSTR ALIA WIDE BAY QLD A social motorcycle club to go on day rides or overnighters. Phone for further details Website: www freewebs comeasyridersaustralia QLD Further Details Ph: 0429 774 557
Tourers Open to current & ex-ser ving Emergency Ser vices personnel 1940 Gold Coast Hwy, Miami, QLD, 4220 Stuart Phillis Ph: 0413 097 753
EURO BIKE CLUB OF NTH QLD For owners & riders of all European motorcycles PO Box 8932, Mount Pleasant, QLD, 4740 Jewel Schmidt (President) Ph: 07 4951 1565, Amani Fanous Ph: 07 4954 0365
FARRIDERS FarRiders aims are to encourage safe long distance riding within Australia Covering 1000k or more in a day is not a big deal to these riders FarRiders is non bike or club specific, it is a group that takes in all types of motorcycles and riders Website: www farriders com P O Box 510, Eumundi, QLD, 4562
FATREAR MOTORCYCLE TOURS Contact Julian: cbr600@fatrear com or www fatrear com Meeting last Sunday ever y month for tours around S-E QLD, departing from Eight Mile Plains Check out the 'fatrear' website for full ride details All bikes welcome for fun day out! 0412 084 419,QLD Website: www fatrear com QLD
Thursdays approx 7 30 pm at Sheridan St Gourmet Seafood. Sunday rides, camping weekends 1/52 Bamard Dr v, Tamarind Gardens, Caims, QLD, 4868 Paul Ph: 07 4036 2112
FORT LY T TON MOTOCROSS CLUB INC The Fort Lytton Mx facility is the only motocross facility in Brisbane The venue is lit for night time practice and racing We cater for riders from the age of 5 and all levels of ability Professional coaching is available for 1 on 1 lessons No MA licence required Website: www fortlyttonmx com 1880 Lytton Rd, Lytton, QLD, 4178 0412 813 763, admin@fortlyttonmx com
FRONT LINE TOURERS (E .R.A.) QLD Open to all current and ex-ser ving members of the Ambulance Ser vice, State and Federal Police Forces and fulltime Firefighters All types of bikes catered for Broadbeach Police Station, Cnr Surf Pde and Phillip Ave, Broadbeach, QLD, 4218 Ph: 015 514 753
GIN GIN AUTO GROUP Contact Alan Lawson, PO Box 327, Gin Gin, QLD 4671 Meeting 3rd Wednesday of ever y month at 7:30pm, phone 07 4157 2899 for more info QLD
We are a Branch of the National Ulysses Club, we meet at the Big Fish Tavern each Wednesday Night from 6:00pm untill 8:30pm There are meals available and Bar ser vice. We have about 250 members in our Branch Ride each Sunday, check Web Site June Langtree 0419 769 169 Website: glasshousemountains. ulyssesclub org PO Box 380, Morayfield, QLD, 4507 President Peter Field 0419 769 169, glasshousse sec@ gmail com
GOLD COAST CRUISER CLUB Rides fortnightly, Saturday 9am unless notified other wise, all rides will depart from Uncles Takeaway in the Shopping Centre located at 1 Mudgeeraba Rd, Worongar y For more info contact Michael: 0401 634 355 Peter: 0416 031 959 Paul: 0408 958 783 Mick: 0409 076 822 Website: www goldcoastcruiserclub com Mudgeeraba Rd, Worongar y, QLD, 4213 gccruiserclub@gmail com
CLUB Regular solo & sidecar speedway, dirt track, juniors, seniors & classics PO Box 231, Nerang, QLD, 4211 Ph: 07 5577 3522, 07 5577 1516
HONDA CB750/4 SOHC CLUB INC, QLD For owners of CB750s from pre-K1 to K7 and F1 to F2 Associate membership available for other interested motorcycle r iders, 2560cc and up PO Box 1465, Browns Plains, QLD, 4118 ROSS Ph: 0404 033 544, AH 07 3275 1968
K AWASAKI Z OWNERS CLUB QLD INC Meeting first Tuesday ever y month at Motorcycle Spor tsmans Clubhouse, 35 Crosby Rd, Albion, star ting 7 30pm Website: www zownersqueensland com 6 Chablis Cour t, Ashmore, QLD, 4214 John (President) 0418 877 871, zownersqld@hotmail com
AUSTR ALIA SMC Social club based Logan
Unlike lots of Clubs we dont sell membership, it's gained by your involvement within The ERA Chapter Logan meets 1st Sat each month 6pm at The Greenbank Spor ts Club, an infor mal dinner & social activity Guests welcome www easyr idersaustralialoganchapter webs com Website: w w w e a s y r i d e r s a u s t r a l i a l o g a n c h a p t e r w e b s c o m Greenbank Spor ts Club, Logan, QLD, 4207 MACK AY CENTR AL COAST MOTORCYCLE
TOURING CLUB A fun club open to all r iders & all types of bikes, a full events calendar of tour ing & local r ides, rallies etc Location Mackay & Nth QLD distr ict Major events; W O G S in the Bush Rally & Finch Hatton Rally QLD Ber t Ph: 0428 540 843
Motorcycle Riding Social Club P O Box 1658, Mareeba, QLD, 4880 (President) Ph: 07 4092 3662, 07 4092 3959
SE QLD Phone for more info P O Box 641, Aspley, QLD, 4034 Reg (Membership Officer) Ph: 0438 438 258
O F'S DR AG R ACING CLUB Nostalgic Drag Bikes
Sealed, Sand&Salt Any make/mode/capacity If you're an 'Old Far t' & your bike fits the descr iption, you're welcome No membership fee-$45 p/a subs Riders & suppor t team members sought, all States/ Areas Contact for info pack PO Box 508 , Bowen, QLD, 4805 Aussie Ph: 0438 897 693
OLD COOTS ON SCOOTS AUSTR ALIAN BARRIER REEF CHAPTER 14 Riders to enjoy r ides and fr iends company. Established 1947 in USA, 74 chapters in USA and Europe Club meetings anytime, one each month Chapter 14 is first in Australia from 2014 Any bike any r ider. PO Box 842, Hyde Park, QLD, 4812 Jerr y Ph: 0429 683 680, Craig (Secretar y) Ph: 0467 226 048
OZSTOC (AUSTR ALIAN HONDA ST OWNERS CLUB) The aim of OzSTOC is to provide a for um where owners (and prospective owners)of the Honda ST1100/ST1300 can find and share infor mation about this great motorcycle Website: www ozstoc com QLD Ph: 0497 176 256
If you are are ser ving or retired member of the Defence Forceand want to r ide with like minded people, we are setting up a new Chapter QLD Gibbo Ph: 0438 381 416
The Goondiwindi & District Vehicle Restorers Club was founded in 1983 and aims to support and encourage the care, restoration and use of vehicles and memorabilia for the purpose of enjoyment, ensuring the preser vation of automotive histor y for this and future generations
All our welcome to our meetings which are held on the third Thursday of ever y month at 7 30pm at the Victoria Hotel PO Box 867, Goondiwindi, QLD, 4390 07 4671 7415, wgarthe@grc qld gov au
HIGHL AND MOTORCYCLE RESTORERS CLUBATHERTON TABLEL ANDS Meet ever y Sunday morning at the Whistlestop Cafe, Yungaburra Old and new bikes welcome, Regular club rides and events. Contact facebook or Phone PO Box 595, Malanda, QLD, 4885 Don Sheppard (President) Ph: 417707693
HISTORICAL MOTOR CYCLE CLUB OF QUEENSL AND INC. HMCCQ is dedicated to the restoration, preser vation and use of veteran, vintage and historic motorcycles constructed more than 30 years ago The Club comprises 15 Areas and 1300 members located throughout southern and central Queensland, and runs numerous rallies, shows, swap meets and other events Details and contact information are available on the Club website Website: www hmccq org au 5 Lacebark Court, Bellbowrie, QLD, 4070 secretar y@hmccq org au
HISTORICAL MOTORCYCLE CLUB OF QLD INC, GYMPIE Club has about 45 members of which just over half are regularly involved and active Gympie Branch was the second Club established in Queensland Meetings First Tuesday of each month except Januar y at the Railway Hotel 7.00PM. EventsPoker Run 5th June this year, Gold Miners Rally 1st2nd October this year Website: www gympiehmccq org au PO Box 237, Gympie, QLD, 4570 Secretar y Mac Hosking 0429 799 489, machosking1@gmail com
HISTORICAL MOTORCYCLE CLUB QLD Monthly meetings at the Phoenix Hotel (upstairs) on Red Hell Rd, 7:30pm, first Tuesday each month, discussing rides, rallies, shows and old bikes Club's aim is to encourage proper restoration and preser vation of historic motorcycles Visitors always welcome Phone for more info, Sec Peter Mcintyre, 0407 525 169 QLD
HISTORICAL MOTORCYCLE CLUB QLD INC, MOUNT TAMBORINE Meets ever y last Sunday of the month at 11 00am at Canungra RSL on the main street and guests are welcome. Usually there is a ride before the meeting at 8 00am and on the second Sunday of ever y month at 8.00am Website: www historicmotorcycle org au QLD Andrew Leach (Secretar y) Ph: 07 5544 6474
MOTO GUZZI CLUB OF QLD Meetings at Motor Cycle Spor tsmans Club,35 Crosby Rd ,Albion,First Wensday of the month accept Januar y Meetings star t 7 30 New members and visitors welcome Email - info@motoguzziclubqld org Website: www motoguzziclubqld org PO Box 1159, For titude Valley, QLD, 4006
MOTORCYCLE ENTHUSIASTS CLUB GOLD COAST Encouraging restoration & r iding of classic motorcycles Membership open to all ages & motorcycles Website for details Meeting last Wednesday each month star ting 7 30pm at clubhouse Her itage Centre 238 Mudgeeraba Rd Mudgeera V isitors Welcome Website: www mecgc net PO Box 451, Mudgeeraba, QLD, 4213 Wayne Br yan Ph: 0400 818 801
Meetings are held on the Second Tuesday of Ever y Month star ting at 7 30pm at Queenspor t Taver n & Motel, 49 Gospor t Street, Hemmant 4174 Website: mraq org PO Box 1273, Slacks Creek, QLD, 4127 mraqsecretar y@gmail com
The Motorcycle Spor tsmen of Queensland Inc. is a Motorcycling Australia affiliated Road Racing and Super moto club based in Br isbane, Australia. We provide dedicated coaching days, track days and race weekends throughout each year at Morgan Park Raceway, War wick Queensland. Our office is based at 35 Crosby Road. Website: www.motorcyclespor tsmen. com au PO Box 201, Albion, QLD, 4010 0439 326 322, manager@motorcyclespor tsmen com au
Meetings 7 30pm 2nd Monday each month at the Mor ningside School of Ar ts Building, Cnr Wynnum & Thynne Rds, Mor ningside PO Box 190, Mor ningside, QLD, 4170
Competition Motorcycle tr ials This club provides open competition & club day r ides for all grades from introductor y to exper t Riders & spectators welcome QLD Competition Secretar y (Secretar y) Ph: 07 3341 0793
MOTORCYCLING QUEENSL AND State controlling body for motorcycle spor t and recreation in Queensland Find your local club and get involved see website for details Website: www mqld org au PO Box 2072, Nor th Ipswich, QLD, 4305 07 3281 2255, info@mqld org au
PATRIOTS AUSTR ALIA QUEENSL AND CHAPTER INC For ser ving & ex-members of Defence Force Family or ientated. Regular r ides/socials. Website: www patr iotsqld com 379 Boundar y Road, Narangba, QLD, 4504 Rob Fletcher (Pops) Ph: 07 3888 1043
PATRIOTS AUSTR ALIA SOUTH QUEENSL AND CHAPTER Are you a ser ving or ex-ser ving Member of the Defence Forces? We conduct day & over night r uns on a regular basis, with great social & suppor t aspect. K iwis, Poms & Yanks most welcome Website: patr iotssthqld com PO Box 70, Caboolture, QLD, 4510
QLD BIKERS FEDER ATION INC Fun r iding environment, r ides one per month minimum, rallies, etc All welcome QLD Tinman Ph: 0412 089 660
CLUB Mackay & Surrounds based Tour ing Club welcomes all r iders on all makes For tnightly meetings Wednesday nights 7pm, & monthly r ides first Sunday of ever y month at 9am Meet at ShellHungr y Jacks, Br uce Hwy, Nor th Mackay Phone for more info. Luke 0439 761 421, QLD Luke (President) Ph: 0439 761 421
QLD VINTAGE MOTOCROSS CLUB INC Br isbane - Natural Terrain V intage MX, senior licence holders, men & women, pre 65,70,75,78 & EVO MX Website: www qvmx com QLD Trevor Peren (President) Ph: 0400 679 021
Meetings 8pm 2nd Tuesday each month at Redbank Plains Taver n, Redbank Plains Rd, Redbank Plains QLD Gavin or Helen Hansen Ph: 07 3814 0051
QUEENSL AND EARLY MOTORCYCLES SPORTS CLUB (QEMSC) Promoting histor ic road racing in Queensland Website: www qemsc com au PO Box 3188, Southpor t, QLD, 4215 0408 454 986, secretar y@ qemsc com au
QUEENSL AND FL AG MARSHALS LEAGUE INC Provides flag marshals for all disciplines of motorcycle spor t in Queensland New members always welcome Get close to the action with Australia's No.1 Marshals. Full professional training in super fr iendly club Website: www qfml org au QLD
REAPERS MOTORCYCLE CLUB, BRISBANE Riders Etiquette Action Per for mance, Endurance & Road Social Motorcycle Club Wr ite or phone for info P O Box 5251, Manly, QLD, 4179 Ph: 07 3396 4850