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Luke Roberts

Luke Roberts

By Cult Price £188 95 Material Resincast

The head of production and development at Dutch company Cult Scale Models, Mark Asbreuk, is a serious Anglophile, which helps explain why it offers fabulous large-scale models of some very unexpected British car subjects – such as this ‘wedge’ Princess But then again, why not? With its avant-garde Harris Mann styling, and super-supple Hydragas suspension, the Princess could hold its own with a Citroën CX in the looks and ride departments; only lacklustre performance (and build quality) let it down If it were French, everyone would be lusting after one So, hats off to Cult for being brave enough to offer a 1:18-scale Princess Also available in metallic green or metallic bronze, it’s beautifully finished and has a fully detailed interior, complete with fake wood Go on, embrace your inner ’70s – you know you want to


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