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Nigel Sandell has made a habit of welcoming RREC members to an open day at his workshops in Isleworth, and late in 2022 the day came round again. The Middlesex section of the Club was invited, along with customers and friends, producing a creditable turn-out of 27 Rolls-Royce and Bentley cars and 56 people.

On arrival, everyone was greeted with a bacon roll and hot beverage, after which Nigel and his team took groups around the workshop showing members some of the interesting projects under way at the moment. Visitors saw a lot of different aspects of work being undertaken, from engine rebuilds to diagnostic work on modern Continental GT models. Nigel took time to show the members a Silver Shadow that was without engine, gearbox and subframe – all the components including every nut and bolt were in one box for Nigel and his team to reassemble! Other diversions included a 6.75-litre V8 engine running in a test bed.


Nigel enjoys these open days, both for all the people he gets to see and the excellent cars that turn up – as well as the chance to show the range of vehicles that pass through the workshop.

‘We were very lucky on this particular Sunday that there were motor cars on site for members to view dating from 1926 up to 2019, including a pair of classic Phantoms,’ said Nigel.

At 12.30pm lunch was served and washed down with a customary glass of prosecco. Will Bate and Nigel Sandell then gave rides out in Will’s 20HP and Nigel’s 25/30, which had also been on the stand at the Classic Car Show at the NEC in November –sharp-eyed customers of Nigel’s may have spotted it on the RREC’s Club House page in our previous issue.

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