Manual "manual"

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owners manual

Definition: (1) A skateboarding trick where, while rolling, the front wheels of the skateboard are lifted off the ground, but the tail does not touch the ground. This is called a manual or manualing. (2) or relating to the hands; “manual dexterity” (3) Requiring human effort; “a manual transmission” (2) A small handbook



- welcome -

Skate and Create

con tent

Skate and Create

- welcome -


Tuts & tools 11 12.13 14.15 16.17 18.19 20.21 22.23 24.25 26.27

- pocircles - the movable grid - form & figure

- typography

scene scentre 37.38 - laurenz conicnkx 39.40 41

play 2 practice 45.46 - practice grids 47.48 49.50 51.52 53.54 55.56 57.58 59.60 61.62 63.64 65.66 67.68

30.31 - certificate 32.33 - subscription form - marker coupon


edito All Art requires courage

our filosophy;

special thanks to my helping hands;

We specialize ourselves in the freestyle expression of our creative abilities, explore the strange hybrid of skateboarding and creativity. This Manual guides you, tips you & flips you. We don’t want to force you in any direction but your own. Because we care about authenticity & doing your own thing we provide handy tools and lots of colors . So enjoy the graphics and get to practice!

Liesbeth Boucher Nadia Tweepennincx - Lisa Vervaeke - Sam Vanhovels mom & dad - Kevin Fricke Tim Schoenmakers en Olivier.

national periodical publications inc. Onze Lieve Vrouwe straat 8 - 2800 Mechelen - 032 Belgium


Tuts s l o o t &


Skate and Create

- popcircles -

manual: Use this spiral to create beatifull smooth round acrs or cirles, when optically devided in two, each side contains multiple sizes of circles you can use on the grid



- the movable grid -

what you see = what you get

Tis movable look trough grid helps you to find and draw objects and compositions.

tip ; It helps to pick a reference point to make sure you have not strayed from your starting position.

Skate and Create










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- the movable grid Skate and Create

form & figure

How 2 grind the grid

An easy way to draw objects in obligue is to use one of our obligue Manual grids, as shown below. On an Manual grid, there are 2 types of lines: vertical lines and 45° lines. The drawing above shows the grid with a cube drawn on it. In all of these drawings, the faces are shaded to make it look more “solid.” This kind of shading is not necessary, but you may do it if you like.

Oblique drawing is the crudest drawing method but the easiest to master. Oblique is not really a ‘3D’ system but a 2 dimensional view of an object with ‘forced depth’. You can use an oblique grid to draw many different shapes. Here are some examples of simple shapes drawn using an oblique grid, and some lifesize large Manual grids to use to create your own cool graphics.

TYPES OF OBLIQUE PICTORIAL VIEWS When an oblique view is prepared to the exact dimensions of an object, it is called a cavalier projection. In many instances, however, cavalier projections make objects appear distorted. To reduce distortion, the dimensions of receding contours of objects can be drawn half-scale. When this is done the resulting pictorial views are called cabinet projections.

If you draw on practice grids first, you can look at the grid with your drawing and the drawing will look much nicer than if you draw directly on the skateboard. Begin with simple shapes and then combine shapes to form more complex drawings.

Skate and Create

- Form & figure -



- form & figure -

Skate and Create



- form & figure -

Skate and Create

Skate and Create

- Form & figure -


typography the idea of language made visible, executed trough the crafting of material and shaped by context Beginner's Calligraphy - Letter Formation Tip Calligraphy is not writing. When you write, you make a string of symbols - a rough circle for '0', a hook shape for 'r' that you learned many years ago. Approximations are fine and the exact shape doesn't matter too much. We write without much thought. By contrast, in calligraphy, the exact shape of the letter matters a great deal. The angle or slope of the line, its placement next to the other letters, the angle of our hand, all affect the look of the finished letter. The fastest way to improve your calligraphy is not to think of it as writing, but to DRAW the letters. Look at the shape of each one, and draw it as a form that you must copy exactly. Don't try to write a whole word at once, but consider one letter at a time.

tooltip: The popcircle is a perfect tool to construct letterforms, try it !

When it comes to techniques for hand lettering, no matter what tool you are using you should be familiar with the six basic strokes. These six strokes are the basic strokes used in the formation of all letters; 1)Vertical downwards stroke, 2)Downwards diagonal stroke to the left, 3)Downwards diagonal stroke to the right, 4) Straight horizontal stroke to the right, 5)Downwards curved stroke to the right, resulting in an almost half circular “c” shape, 6)Downwards curved stroke to the left, similar to #5.

Skate and Create

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Skate and Create

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trik t a e r t


manual 2 manual The Manual is where the skateboarder balances on his or her back wheels while rolling along. The Manual is a great skateboarding trick to learn - it’s different from all the regular technical flip tricks, and adds a good variety. Plus, learning to manual on your skateboard isn’t all that hard - it just takes balance and lots of practice. If you are brand new to skateboarding, you may want to take some time getting used to riding your skateboard before learning to manual. It will also help if you’ve already learned how to Ollie. Of course, it is totally up to you – if you are aggressive and want to learn to manual on your skateboard before learning how to actually ride, that’s up to you! Make sure you read all of these instructions before you try to manual. Once you are familiar with them, jump on your board and manual away!

Personal note make sure you wear a helmet when learning to manual! Learning to manual is learning to balance, and while practicing, you will likely fall a lot.

- manual 2 manual -



Skate and Create


1 - Foot Placement Foot placement for manualing is important. You’ll want to have your back foot covering most of the tail of your skateboard, and the ball of your front foot right behind your front trucks. Take a look at the photo to see.


Now remember - there is no right or wrong way to skateboard! So, if you feel more comfortable with your front foot more toward the nose of your skateboard, or back more, or even over to the side - feel free. Do what works. But, right at the start, I recommend putting your feet in this position. It works best for most people.


2 - Need for Speed And now to start manualing! You’ll want to have plenty of flat ground to practice on. The skate park, sidewalk, or a large flat clean parking lot should do the trick. Just make sure it’s flat, and mostly smooth.

Once you have your spot, get going at a pretty good speed. You’ll need to be good enough at cruising around on your skateboard to be able to get up speed quickly, and keep it up for a little while without more pumping. Choose a line (a route you will go), get up some speed, and get ready to manual.

- manual 2 manual -

Skate and Create




3 - Balance Now we’re at the core of manualing - balance. Normally while skating, you have your weight spread out to about 50% on each foot, right? And if you are going downhill, you shift some of your weight to your front foot (perhaps making it 60% instead of 50%).

For the manual, you shift your weight toward your back foot (slowly at first), while you lean a little forward (also slowly at first). Make sure you do NOT lean backward. Instead, lean the upper part of your body (your shoulders and head) toward the nose of your skateboard, while you shift your weight to the back foot. Take a look at the photo to see what I mean. This is pretty tricky stuff, and you will probably feel like you are loosing your balance. It’s perfectly OK to hold your arms out and use them to catch your balance. Everyone does it - even pros!

4 - Landing Make sure you keep those shoulders forward, and when you are done manualing, just shift your weight back on that front foot and put the front wheels down. You should be able to ride away from a manual comfortably.


scene e r t n e c


Skate and create

- laurenz conincks -

Laurenz Coninckx a.k.a

b o o b


- laurenz conincks -


text: Thomas Verschueren

“Zo gaven we eens een feest, kochten wat stiften en verf, en tekenden alles vol.” De Wet van Murphy aan je been? Zoiets ja. Eerst raakte ik gekwetst aan mijn pols en daarna aan mijn knie. Een stukje van mijn meniscus is weggehaald! Daarna brak ik mijn scafoid, een vervelende breuk in de pols. Na enkele weken bleek dat er een pin, die in mijn pols geplaatst werd, door mijn vel groeide omdat de doktersassistent een fout maakte bij het gipsen. Wat spookte je allemaal uit als je niet kon skaten? In 2008 ging ik samenwonen met Mikkjel, Said, Tomme en de Goezze (Svenne Gooskens). We vonden een huis in Onze-Lieve-Vrouwe-Waver dat afgebroken ging worden. Toen we er in gingen wonen, was het nog helemaal in orde en van de huisbaas kregen we carte blanche. Ik werkte toen in de horeca in Mechelen en feestte te veel en skate te weinig. We gingen zwaar uit in Antwerpen, Gent, Leuven en Mechelen, zowel op café als thuis. In het begin skate ik nog tijdens de week maar door al die grote en kleine blessures begon het in mijn hoofd te spoken. Bij de simpelste tricks kreeg ik al schrik om opnieuw iets te breken. Op het gebied van skaten had ik geen zelfvertrouwen meer en als je er dan toch nog voor gaat, dan loopt het vaak fout af!

Skate and Create

Skate and create

- laurenz conincks -



- laurenz conincks -

Zo’n huis is inderdaad perfect om feesten te geven. Echt, ik beleefde er een goeie tijd. Het was bijna elk weekend prijs: we konden doen wat we wilden! Zo gaven we eens een feestje, kochten wat stiften en verf, en schreven en tekenden alles vol. Er stond ook een pooltafel in het huis en in de tuin werkten we aan een skateparkje. Dat is door gemakzucht nooit afgewerkt geweest.

Skate and Create

Maar je herpakte je? In mei vorig jaar begon ik van nine to five te werken en sindsdien veranderde er veel. Die regelmaat had ik nodig. Ik kon opnieuw goed sparen, voelde mij beter in mijn vel en had enorm veel zin om te skaten. Ik was volledig gerecupereerd en skate die zomer veel in de bowl in Mechelen en in een mini in Heffen. Ik kreeg mijn zelfvertrouwen volledig.

Skate and Create

- laurenz conincks -

Switch 180 Manual Fakie Manual Bigspin

is er een verband tussen skaten en creatief zijn ? Ik vermoed dat er een verband is maar denk vooral dat er een levensles in schuilt. Wanneer ik als kind voor het eerst iemand met een plank, en zonder touwtjes, een ollie zag landen was ik gefascineerd door die mystieke beweging.Dat wilde ik ook kunnen. En als je iets wil kunnen,of het nu schilderen kantklossen of skaten is, dan vraagt dit een bepaald engagement. Een creatief proces is steeds een zoektocht met vallen en opstaan.

wat betekend dit voor jou persoonlijk ? Ik hou van het sociaal culturele. Skaten is een schouwspel dat ons ertoe brengt om buiten te komen en samen op zoek te gaan naar uitgelezen plek. Een zitbank als “stedelijk object” dient niet louter om op te zitten wanneer je ze door de ogen van een skater bekijkt.Skaten is niet eenduidig en overkoepelt verschillende subculturen. Er zijn punk, hiphoppers, regae-ers en voor mijn zelfs jhonny’s die allemaal dezelfde passie delen.



play 2 e c i t c pra


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Skate and create

e t a c i f certi



We specialize ourselves in the freestyle expression of our creative abilities, explore the strange hybrid of skateboarding and creativity.

Let us show your artistic temperament and how it applies to being a skateboarder. Manual

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You can choose 5 standard markers for free when you have purchased and registered your own custom Manual skateboard at our Manual shop.

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