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The Importance of Eating in Season

There’s something special about biting into a crisp apple during autumn, or enjoying fresh berries on a hot summer day. Or even better, handpicking your own ingredients from your home garden or local farmer’s market. While most produce items can now be found in grocery stores year-long, you may not be aware of the benefits of enjoying produce while it’s in season. Here are four benefits of eating seasonal produce:

1) Cost Efficient

Enjoying produce while it’s in season can save you money. Supply and demand play a major role in how much you’re spending on produce- items that are in season are more abundant, therefore causing them to cost less. If certain foods are bought out of season, there are additional labor costs included to get the items to you.

2) Better Flavor

Another benefit of eating in season is the overall taste and quality of your produce. Fruits and vegetables that are harvested when they’re ripe tend to have better flavors. However, if the produce is being shipped across the country, it is usually picked before it’s ripe, changing the quality of the food before it gets to you.

3) Improved Nutrition

Along with its flavor, the nutritional quality of produce also improves when it’s in season. If produce is picked prematurely or genetically modified, the amount of nutrients available in the produce can be significantly decreased.

4) Benefits the Community

Whether its flowers, herbs or fruits and veggies, starting your own home garden is easier than you think. Having access to fresh produce right in your backyard is great for your health and the environment.

5) Clear Your Mind

Perhaps one of the best ways to get the most nutrient-packed and flavorful produce is by visiting your local farmer’s market or community garden. By visiting a farmer’s market in your area, you can support local business owners, purchase fresh produce and learn more about where your produce is coming from.

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