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While navigating the professional world, it is essential to remember that building a solid network is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Whether you are a seasoned professional seeking new opportunities or a newcomer ready to expand your network, discovering how to elevate at any level will directly contribute to your long-term progress. Building connections in the workplace can lead you down the road to success. The beauty of joining the workforce is the different people you will meet from various backgrounds that can teach you the skills needed to thrive. One of the ways you can build connections is through networking, a tool used to exchange information to help further career goals and social contacts. Networking is not reserved for people looking for a job but continues throughout your time at your company. Here are a few ways you can easily network throughout your career.
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Document Your Progress On LinkedIn
Did you receive a promotion recently? Is your company hosting an industry event? If you need a place to share your professional accomplishments with other professionals, LinkedIn.com is your place to be. LinkedIn is a social media website that creates a space for people to build their professional careers and a platform that can help you elevate your field. The post you make on the website does not have to include personal information about yourself; instead, you can focus on what you do at work and the progress you may be making in your career. Like other social media websites, LinkedIn is a great way to connect with people and build relationships by interacting with others’ posts. Expanding how you communicate can allow you to take your career to new heights.
Welcome Newcomers
Everyone knows how it feels to be a new person in the workplace. The first-day nerves can quickly extend to a week or longer as you adjust to the new environment. To help build relationships, welcome new employees to the workplace with open arms. This will not only ease any stress they might have but will allow you to get to know the new person professionally. You can help each other grow in the field and the workplace with that connection.
Attend Company Events
Networking often happens in casual settings where people can hold more extended conversations. Company events are curated to show employees’ appreciation and help people connect outside the workplace. Use company events to get to know the people you see daily and connect with them. At company events, professionalism is still expected; however, this is a perfect place to talk to someone new.
Offer Help And Support
It is easy to get caught up in the routine of waking up, going to work, going home, and forgetting the people around you. While at work, if you see someone needing a helping hand, help them. As easy as that may seem, some people do not think about helping others at work because of the praise they may want to get instead. Nevertheless, offering help and support looks good on you as an employee as it shows you are a team player. As you help your coworker, you will develop trust within them that can help you navigate your career moving forward.
Nurture Connections
Following meeting people at professional events or having a conversation on the go, remember to keep in contact with them. The best way to connect with people you meet is by sending a follow-up email thanking them for the conversation or wisdom they provided you with. The email should be brief but emphasize who you are and where you met them to jog their memory of you. Continuing to nurture connections directly shows interest and can lead you to be considered for job positions or promotions. These connections can also lead to mentorship as you navigate your professional career.