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Back on the Yard: Tips to Safely Enjoy Returning to Campus
With fall comes the beginning of a new semester, and after a long year of social distancing and mask mandates, students are more excited than ever to return to campus. COIVD-19 has definitely redefined the “college experience,” but as the pandemic begins to slow down, here are a few ways to remain safe on the way back to campus.
Be Informed
There’s no doubt that many students are ready to get back into the groove of the original college experience. However, with the coronavirus still present, make sure to stay up-to-date on the most recent announcements from The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which provide regular updates on the COVID-19 pandemic. The CDC also provides information on the COVID-19 vaccine — and everyone 12 years of age and older are now eligible to receive it. Countless vaccine distribution centers across the country, from college basketball stadiums to grocery stores, are vaccinating hundreds of thousands of people each day. Virginia State University, for example, has distributed almost 100,000 vaccines from their Multi-Purpose Center. Take time to learn about the different vaccines, and register to receive the one that’s right for you!
Be Comfortable
The COVID-19 pandemic has cast a lot of uncertainty on college campuses, so it’s important to stay true to yourself. It’s okay to have varied opinions about the vaccine. It’s also okay to move at your own pace with mask-wearing. It’s important to remember that what may be comfortable for one person could be uncomfortable for the next. To avoid clashing with your classmates later on, make sure to set boundaries early. In addition to setting boundaries, don’t be afraid to ask questions! As the CDC and World Health Organization learn more about the virus, information will be shared with the public. With so much information being shared over the Internet and social media, it can be a little hard to keep up. Be sure to find information that is relevant to your state and your school to ensure you are making the best decisions.
Be Smart
Most schools are releasing plans for the fall semester sometime during the summer. Once these plans are announced, read them carefully to understand the guidelines for moving-in, COVID-19 testing protocols, and mask requirements. Those that are fully vaccinated may be exempt from certain requirements as well — the CDC has lifted the majority of COVID-19 restrictions for vaccinated people, but colleges can still place requirements they deem necessary.