Forward Magazine March 2024

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Shattering Glass Ceilings

A Look at the Rise of Women’s Collegiate Basketball

The Power ofProbiotics

How to Incorporate Gut-Healthy Foods into Your Diet

Eating with Ease

Managing Dietary Restrictions in the Dining Hall

Don't Wait Until Tomorrow

How to Turn Procrastination into Motivation

Remix Your Cravings

Healthy Alternatives to Your Favorite Junk Food

MAR 2024


Boldly Marching Forward

As we move into the spring season, it’s an opportunity to embrace new beginnings and make positive changes in our lives. This month is all about taking action towards our goals and dreams and stepping boldly into the future.

Whether it’s making changes to your health and wellness routine, pursuing a new career opportunity, or taking on a personal challenge, this is the time to move forward with boldness and determination. Don’t be afraid to take risks and try new things that will help you grow and evolve.


Spring into a new season of bold and bright flavors with the Tangy flavor profile this April. Challenge yourself to incorporate tangy ingredients like mustard, vinegar, lemon, or lime into your meals and snacks for a burst of freshness and zing. Whether you prefer your tangy flavors in a savory or sweet dish, explore the endless possibilities of this bold flavor profile and discover new and exciting ways to add brightness to your favorite recipes. From tangy dressings to tangy marinades, there’s a world of tangy flavors waiting to be explored this month.

ThePowerof Probiotics

How to Incorporate Gut-Health Foods into Your Diet

When considering your health, you may first think of working out, your mental health or eating healthy. The healthier you are, the more you will have the energy to take on the day. It takes time to figure out what is normal for you, and it is always necessary to consult with a medical professional to learn what is best for your body. However, while thinking about your overall health, many often forget how important it is to care for your gut health.

Your gut or gastrointestinal system includes your stomach, intestines, and colon. When you eat, your gastrointestinal system digests and absorbs the nutrients from the items and excretes waste. This absorption of nutrients helps support other bodily functions and serves as the center of communication for the nervous and immune systems. With all the body functions working together, it is essential to ensure that everything works properly to ensure maximum health and wellness.

Looking deeply into gut health, one of the most critical components is the bacteria in the microbiome and the magic that takes place in your large intestines. Microbiomes are the bacteria that live in your gut. The bacteria in your gut aid your immune system’s health as they help you break down food and find anything attacking your system.

A new study by Medical Doctor Value in Prevention ( in 2023 found that younger Americans have experienced many digestive issues, with 73% of adults ages 18-44 seeing symptoms a few times a month. This data is a result of the lack of knowledge they have about gut health, including 3 in 5 Americans are unaware that an unhealthy gut can increase the risk of heart attacks, stroke, and dementia.

There are many ways to incorporate gut-healthy foods into your diet that ensure exceptional health, with prebiotic foods being a great source of healthy gut bacteria. If you need a way to start or want to continue, here are a few ways to add gut-healthy foods to your everyday meals.


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because you fuel your body with nutrients after a long night of rest. Adding yogurt to your breakfast meals is a great way to help keep your gut healthy. Some yogurts contain probiotics, live bacteria, and yeast that are good for you and can help you maintain a healthy community of microorganisms. Yogurt can also boost digestive health by reducing symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders, including bloating and constipation. Oats are also great for gut health as they balance complex carbohydrates, plant-based protein, and fiber.


Including a variety of beans in your lunch on the side is excellent for your health as they are a plant-based source of protein that includes various vitamins and minerals. Soybeans are a type of beans great for gut health, and in 2021, the National Library of Medicine and the publication Molecules noted that soybeans are a great source of prebiotics.


Consider drinking tea with ginger for dinner and as you end the day. Fresh ginger can help your stomach acid as it helps keep food moving through your gut. Ginger encourages great and effective digestion to prevent food from lingering long in the gut. You can also add a salad as a side dish, as leafy greens are a good fiber source, which feeds helpful gut bacteria.

Healthy Alternatives to Your Favorite Junk Food Remix Your Cravings

Nothing is better after a long and stressful day than indulging in your favorite things. From doing your favorite activities to hanging out with friends, finding ways to relax is crucial to our mental well-being. Comfort foods are another way that helps us de-stress, as the familiar taste can relax us. However, many foods we find comfort in are bad for our health. It is expected to crave your favorite foods, and when you feel strong emotions such as sadness or stress, comfort foods are a great way to ease your feelings. Studies from the National Library of Medicine on stress and eating behaviors show that people often feel less anxious and irritable after consuming carbohydrate-rich foods, which helps decrease the emotional stress response.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a spike in the consumption of comfort food due to the high stress of the time. The temporary sense of goodness and well-being from your favorite treats allows stimulation in the brain. Serotonin is created and results in your feeling much calmer than before. The increase in comfort food intake helped many people ease their minds and cope during the uncertainty of the pandemic. Many people’s favorite comfort foods are considered junk food because they are high in sugars, fat, and salt, and too much consumption can lead to a decline in health.

Though junk food is more accessible, eating your favorite snacks in moderation is essential. Many junk food items have little to no nutritional value, and many high in sugar can stimulate the brain, making you crave it more. However, too much consumption can lead to many health problems, including heart disease and type 2 diabetes. It may be hard to cut out your favorite junk food; therefore, try to diversify your snack, eating your favorite food item on holidays, special events, or once every few weeks. If you need alternatives for your favorite sweet and salty treats, look no further because we at Campus Dining by Thompson Hospitality are here to help!

Trade Ice cream for Frozen Yogurt

Frozen yogurt offers more benefits than ice cream as it can contain probiotics that can help boost your immune system and improve your digestive tract. This delicious dessert also has lower lactose levels, nutrients for good bone health, and fewer calories than ice cream, solidifying that it is a healthier option.

Trade Milk Chocolate for Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate offers less sugar and fat than milk chocolate despite its higher flavanol content. Dark Chocolate also does not contain milk products and is rich in disease-fighting antioxidants. Studies have also found that it can help reduce blood pressure and lower the risk of heart disease.

Trade Chips for Carrots and Cucumbers


Weallcravesomethingsweet,butinsteadofchoosing yourfavoritecandy,pickupyourfavoritefruit.Fruits containessentialvitaminsandmineralsthatarebeneficial tothebody.Theyalsoincludefiber,whichhelpsthebody regulatesugarsandkeepsyourbloodsugarsincheck.


Commonlyeatenforbreakfastbutcanbeagreatmidday snack,yogurtandgranolaaregreatalternativesforcookies. Yogurtisanexcellentsourceofproteinandprobioticsthat aregreatfordigestivehealth.Granolaishighinfiberbecause ofthenutritiousoatsitismadeoutof.Toomuchyogurtand granolacanbeharmful;however,ifyoumonitoryoursugar intake,thisisaperfectsnack!

The crunch of delicious potato chips can be infectious. However, high salt intake can lead to high blood pressure (hypertension). Try eating carrots and cucumbers as an alternative to get that crunch you are craving. These vegetables are low in calories and carbohydrates and are a good source of fiber. Carrots have also been found to increase red blood cells and are great for eye health. Cucumbers have been found to help keep you hydrated because they consist mainly of water.

6 | March 2024 forward

Shattering Glass Ceilings

A Look at the Rise of Women’s Collegiate Basketball

On April 2nd, 2023, 20-year-old Angel Reese led her team, the Louisiana State University Tigers, to a historic 102-85 victory against the Iowa State University Hawkeyes. According to ESPN, the game saw record-breaking views, garnering over 9 million viewers, making it the most viewed NCAA women’s basketball game. Though the match saw a lot of controversy over how players expressed themselves on the court, this game made people realize that women’s basketball needs just as much attention as men’s basketball.

The story of women’s basketball begins a year after James Naismith invented it at a Massachusetts YMCA school in 1891. Senda Berenson organized the women’s basketball team at Smith College in Massachusetts using the same rules and strategy as Naismith, with three zones and six players on the teams. In 1893, the first women’s college basketball game was played at Smith College, with men barred from entry. Following the game, more women’s basketball teams were created at Iowa State College and Newcomb College in New Orleans, to name a few.

As the years passed, more colleges and universities added women’s basketball teams. The rise of women in the sport was met with backlash in 1899, with Stanford University banning women’s basketball and other intercollegiate women’s sports, claiming “that for the good of the student’s health,” the ban is necessary. Meanwhile, although the sport wasn’t banned at the University of California and other schools, many refused to support women’s basketball.

After founding the National Basketball Association (NBA) in 1946, men were allowed to play professional basketball while women were still trying to get recognition. With the creation of Intercollegiate Athletics for Women (ICAW) in the 1970s, the Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women (AIAW) and Title IX protected people from discrimination; women were allowed to get athletic college scholarships and eventually became recognized as an official Olympic sport.

With the NBA growing in popularity in the 1980s and 90s, women’s basketball began to push for a more prominent professional status, yearning to create a permanent organization for women’s basketball. Following the first women being inducted into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame, including the female high school Player of the Year award and the United States women’s basketball team winning the Olympics, the future of the sport for women was looking bright.

In 1996, the NBA established the Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA) with eight teams, and Sheryl Swoopes being the first woman to sign with the new organization. From then on, the WNBA saw continual success. However, many changes have yet to be made. One of the significant disparities comes from the pay gap, with the average NBA player making 5.3 million per year and the average WNBA player making $130,000 yearly.

The continual pay gap comes partially from the lack of fundraising and money that goes into the WNBA. Because of that, many players opt to play basketball overseas to see a substantial profit. In the meantime, many WNBA players currently playing in the USA hope to be paid the same percentage of revenue instead of asking for the same amount as men.

With the success of the recent NCAA tournament and the growing celebrity of Angel Reese and Flau’jae Johnson from LSU and Caitlin Clark from Iowa Hawkeyes, the future of the WNBA looks better than it has ever been. The recent change in Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL) rules allowing college athletes to make money through their brand and endorsement deals has opened new doors for the future of women’s basketball. Now, athletes on the collegiate level can expand their brand, leading them to make more money than ever. As the WNBA is severely underpaid, this gives aspiring players opportunities to live their dreams and make a substantial living for themselves. This also brings more attention to the professionals, as brands may use this expansion to extend endorsements.

Women’s basketball has seen a lot of pushbacks throughout the years and is often overlooked. However, with new stars on the rise, the sport is projected to increase in popularity and hopefully get the recognition it deserves.

8 | March 2024 forward

Managing Dietary Restrictions in the Dining Hall Eating with Ease

10 | March 2024 forward


Ifyouneedanaturalpick-me-upthroughouttheday,lookno furtherthanGoGoFresh!Inspiredbyislandflavors,GoGoFreshaims tomakenutritionforyoureverydaylifefun.Withourfreshingredientsanddeliciousrecipes,youwillenjoyourphenomenaljuicesand smoothiesonthego.Ourcarefullypickedingredientswillfuelyourbody andsatisfyyourtastebuds.Ourmenuiscenteredaroundfreshfruitand vegetables,herbs,andsuperfoods.Whetherheadingtoclass,ameeting, orreturningtoyourdorm,stopbyGoGoFreshforadeliciousdrink.


OurCityMarketInnovationLabhasvariousfoodstationswithitems thatwillmeetyourdietaryneeds.OurALTVeganKitchenstationsoffer analternativetaketothemainmenu,offeringexclusiveveganandvegetarianoptions.From MeatlessBeefBourguignon,JamaicanBrownStewChick’n,VegetarianMexicanLasagnaandsomuch more;therearemanydeliciousfoodchoicestotry.


Nothingisbetterthanahome-cookedSundaydinner,hangingoutwithfriends,talkingtofamily,and discussing theupcomingweek’splans.ThemomentsataSundaydinneraremissedwhileyou’reatschool. Looknofurther thanSundays:Plant-PoweredSoulKitchen,bringingyouahomecookedmealawayfrom home.Thoughthe fooditemsmaylookfamiliaronthemenu,theyareallplant-based.Withseasonedcollard greens,candiedyams, Chick’n,anddumplings,thesevegandishesareatestamenttothenotionthatplant-baseddishescanbejustas satisfyingasmeat-basedmeals.


Areyouinahurry?Doyouneedaquickbiteonyourwaytoclass?OntheGoistheperfectone-stop-shopjust for you.Thisall-inclusivefoodsolutionprovidescustomerswithsimple,fresh,convenientfood,takingaprovocative approachtograb-and-gofooditems.Therearedeliciousfooditemstosatisfymanypalates,includingvegetarian andveganitems.


Ourcitymarketinnovationlabincludesourwonderfulsaladstationwithvariousrecipestosatisfymultipletaste buds.Frompastasaladsupreme,GreekFarroSalad,ChipotleCarrotSalad,pestopastasalad,andsomuchmore. Inthisstation,weofferavarietyofextratoppingsforyoutomakeyourowncreationsorspiceupour hand-craftedrecipes.


Lookingforawaytoputyourownflareonyourmeal?RollingLeafistheplaceforyou!AtRollingLeaf,weare celebratingdiversity,startingwithyourmeal!Fromtherefreshingcrispnessoflettuce,thewholesomenessof pita bread,orthenutrient-packedgoodnessofavibrantsalad,wehavealltheitemsneededtosatisfyyour taste budswitheverybite.


Don't Wait Until tomorrow forward March 12 |

How to Turn Procrastination into Motivation 12 | March 2024

Whenthinkingaboutprocrastination,manyoftenassociatethetermwithlaziness.Itis easytocometothatconclusion,asdelayingoravoidingataskcanbemisinterpretedas someonebeinglazy.However,thetwotermsarenotsynonymous.Whilelazinesshas moretodowiththereluctancetoexerteffort,procrastinationisdelayingunnecessarily. Whilebothcanleadtoanunproductiveday,turningyourprocrastinationintomotivation ispossible.

TheAmericanPsychologicalAssociationfoundthataround50percentofcollege studentsprocrastinatechronically.Somestudentsprocrastinatebecausetheyare disengagedfrom thecourseoftheassignment,aredistractedbysocialmediaand television,arefatigued fromwork,donothavegoodstudyinghabits,orsimplyforget abouttheassignmentor tasktheymustcomplete.

Tocombatdelayingyourtask,beginwithchangingyourhabits.Often,procrastination stemsfromtheoverwhelmingnatureoflife,resultinginchoosingtoengageinactivities thatmakeushappyandnotproductive.Changingyourhabitsandroutineswillpushyou tofinishyourto-dolist.Hereareafewwaysyoucantransformyourprocrastinationinto motivation.


Wantingtofinishyourtasksasquicklyaspossibleisnormal;however,itcancauseyou morestressthanneeded.Tacklingtoomuchatoncecanmakeyoufeeldefeatedifoneof thosetasksisnotcompleted.Ontheotherhand,youmayfeeloverwhelmedcombating a lotoftasksatonce,resultinginyoustoppingcompletely.Insteadofrushingtheprocess, takeitonestepatatime.Trybreakingupyourbigtasksintosmalleronesandallowinga reasonabletimetocompletethem.Thismethodwillalleviatestressandmotivateyouto domoreasmorethingsonyourchecklistwillbecheckedoff.


Procrastinationalsocomeswhenyoutakeonalotofresponsibilitiesatonce,resultingin youleavingsomethingbehind.Itisokaytosaynoandfocusoncheckingoffthingson yourchecklist.Whileincollege,itisessentialtokeepyourgoalsattheforefront;therefore, ifyourschedulelacksspace,itisokaytosayno.


Withoverfourmillionactiveusersworldwideandabout150millionnewusersbetween April2022andApril2023,accordingtoTheSearchEngineJournal,itisclearthatsocial media hasbecomeatrendypastime.However,whileItmaybeentertainingtoscroll through yourtimelinethroughouttheday,youcanquicklyforgettocheckoffthingson your checklist.Reducingyourtimeonsocialmediawillallowyoutoallocateyourtime better tohandlecriticalresponsibilities.Thoughyoumaywanttokeepupwiththelatest trends, itisessentialtorememberthatitisbettertofinishyourworkfirstsoyoucan spendthe remainderofyourtimescrollingtorelax.


Withmanythingsonyourplate,itmaybehardtotackleeverythingatonce.Sometimes, itisbesttotakeastepbackandreevaluate.Thinkaboutthis:whatistheonethingyou mustdotoday?Whatisthemostimportantthingyouneedtodo?Thatonethingyou needtodocouldbeanassignmentduethisweek,aprojectyoumayneedtogetstarted on,helpingoutafriend,orworkingforaleadershiprole.Lookdownyourlistoftasks,think aboutthemostcrucialtask,andshiftyourfocus.



• 100% Orange Juice

• Frozen Mango Chunks

• Fresh Banana, sliced

• 1/2 cup Vanilla Yogurt

How to Prepare

1. In a blender, combine 100% orange juice, frozen mango chunks, sliced banana, and 1/2 cup vanilla yogurt.

2. Blend on high until all ingredients are well combined and the mixture is smooth.

3. Pour the smoothie into plastic cups.

4. Place the cover on the cup and serve immediately.

5. If not serving immediately, ensure the smoothie is kept at or below 41 degrees F.

| 15


ChefTalkSeason03,Episode08: Women

Rise: TheAscensionofWomeninHospitality


03: SoupsThatHeal:Pho

ChefTalkSeason02,Episode04: TheArtof WomeninHospitality:PanelDiscussion


16 | March 2024 forward

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