Thongsbridge Army Cadets March 2012 Newsletter

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Thongsbridge Army Cadets

March 2012 Newsletter Issue 1

Thongsbridge Army Cadets Huddersfield Road, Thongsbridge, HD9 3JQ Mobile number: 07917086623 E-mail: Web: Detachment Commander: Sgt Ashley Brook

Introduction Dear Readers,

Recent Awards & Promotions! Congratulations to Aaron Taylor, Joshua Baldwin, Callum Robinson and Ben Cornforth for achieving their Basic Star Army Proficiency Certificate. Also congrats to Lucy Cornes and Ben Kuziow for achieving their 1 Star Army Proficiency Certificate.

Cadet of the Month January Cdt Robinson February Cdt Haigh

We are now well into 2012 and Thongsbridge Detachment has got off to an amazing start, in the last 3 months we have had new instructors, promotions, new recruits and lots of passes and qualifications in all areas! It is all steam ahead for us and there is a great buzz at the detachment but there is still much do.

We have started up a detachment newsletter because we have lots to tell, so much goes on in the army cadets and at our little detachment that nobody knows or gets to find out about, from training camps to BTEC qualifications and shooting competitions! It’s all happening and what’s more is we want more people to join us and get involved!

In this newsletter we have given you just a taste of what we do, to find out more why not call down or visit

From the student to the teacher! Lance Corporal Peter Steadman changed roles from the student to the teacher on a recent Junior Cadet Instructors Cadre. Peter attended the Instructors cadre to learn how to teach lessons to the junior cadets. The course lasted a full

weekend; he was taught the basic principles of instruction, learning the best way to teach cadet lessons, how to prepare lesson plans and was then tested on his teaching skills. Through the course of the weekend, Peter taught lessons to his peers on Foot Drill and Weapon Handling, Above: L/Cpl Steadman

he was assessed on his knowledge of each lesson, safe handling of the weapons and his teaching method.

Recruit of the Month

When asked about the course, Peter said “I am looking forward to taking what I have learnt and using it to teach the younger cadets at my detachment”

January Cdt Waller February Cdt Green

The course is a qualification that forms part of the Army Proficiency Certificate within the cadet force, Peter also hopes that the course will help him in his promotion to Corporal. From Left to right: Cadet of the month, Cadet Haigh, Sgt Brook and Recruit of the month: Cadet Green

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Thongsbridge Army Cadets 2 * First Aid Cadre Cadet Henry Haigh and Cadet Ben Kuziow recently gained a nationally recognised Young First Aider award. The award is governed by St. Johns Ambulance, the nation’s leading first aid charity.

Both cadets were put through their paces on the second day which required them to complete theory and practical tests.

“I really enjoyed the course, learning how to save lives is a pretty cool skill to have!” Cadet Kuziow said

Cadets at Thongsbridge are introduced to first aid as soon as they join and the training is continued until they leave. The qualification is just the start as cadets can now enter regional and national first competitions to represent the detachment and show off their new skills!

The 2 day course covered a vast amount of first aid showing presentations on fainting, choking, bone injuries and severe bleeds. The cadets both learnt how to manage an incident and provide first aid which included CPR, recovery position, bandages and slings. Above: Cdt Kuziow on the first aid course

“Camp was cold but fun, I was very happy to pass my rifle test and the tactical snow ball fight was brilliant” fight was brilliant!”

February D Company Weekend On Friday 3rd of February, 18 cadets and Detachment Commander, Sergeant Ashley Brook from Thongsbridge detachment arrived at Queen Elizabeth barracks in Strensall ready for an action packed weekend in the cold weather! Cadets were briefed on the weekend activities Friday night and were straight up Saturday morning at 6.30am, washed, had breakfast and on parade with nearly 200 other cadets! Cadet James Stewart was attending his first training weekend, he jumped straight into action Saturday morning, getting his hands on the No. 8 Rifle and passing his weapon handling test before being taken on the range so he could fire the rifle on the indoor range! James said “I really enjoyed camp, we were taught all about the different rifles but my

favourite part was camouflage and concealment, the only part I disliked was the early mornings, but you got used to it” L/Cpl Michael Holmes, a senior cadet from Thongsbridge learnt how to do Rifle drill on Saturday before passing his weapon handling test on the 5.56mm A2 Cadet Rifle he said “Camp was cold but fun, I was very happy to pass my rifle test and the tactical snow ball fight was brilliant!”

Cadets attend weekend training camps throughout the year, passing subjects like drill & turnout and weapon handling tests that count towards their Duke of Edinburgh’s Award and eventually a BTEC Qualification. Thongsbridge cadets are now looking forward to their next camp in April which is an action packed full week, including shooting, field battle drills and expeditions!

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Thongsbridge Army Cadets

Message from the Detachment Commander I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself, and welcome everyone reading this to Thongsbridge Detachment. It has been a while since the detachment has had a newsletter, and since then there have been a few key changes, mainly in staff, and also the cadets attending. In November I attended Holmfirth High School to do 2 presentations, for years 8 and 9, this has had a huge affect to our attendance taking us up to 30 attending cadets. At the moment we have a large group of basic training cadets coming to the end of their Basic Course and will start moving up the chain. I would like to welcome back Colour Sergeant Dan Heneghan an experienced instructor who has taken the nd role of 2 in command at the

detachment, also Mr Liam Boland-Quinn, and Miss Amy Scoffield, both exThongsbridge cadets that have come back to help Thongsbridge develop into a fantastic training unit. My main aims as Detachment commander for the following 12 months are to ensure Progressive training to a high standard for every cadet. To ensure Thongsbridge is at the forefront of every competition and subject To ensure that every cadet that wants to can come away with a qualification, be it in first aid, D of E, or BTEC. The Detachment has started the year as I want it to continue with good attendance and high quality lessons. The detachment has shooting competitions, and

also have cadets that have achieved various qualifications from Heartstart, to D of E’s, But most importantly I believe everyone is enjoying themselves and long may this continue!! Forward As One Sergeant Ashley Brook Detachment Commander - Thongsbridge

Duke of Edinburgh’s Award for Thongsbridge Cadets Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE) was set up in 1956; the Army Cadet Force embraced the award almost immediately after its inception and many of our activities cross over in order for our cadets to achieve each level of the award, Bronze, Silver and Gold, achieving Gold will mean the cadet is personally presented their certificate by HRH The Duke of Edinburgh or HRH The Earl of Wessex!

the will to achieve, which is why we encourage all our cadets to take part! Thongsbridge Detachment is at the forefront of DofE, currently we have over 10 completions from the last 12 months and we are enrolling new cadets onto the scheme every month.

Recently 6 cadets from Thongsbridge Detachment achieved their Bronze Award, a big congratulations to Cpl Nunns, L/Cpl Steadman, L/Cpl Holmes, Cdt Horn, Cdt Collins and Cdt Kuziow! Next stop, Silver!

The Duke of Edinburgh’s award is recognised throughout the UK as a challenging and rewarding programme, from employers to universities, participants are seen by these to be people that like a challenge and have

Cdt Kuziow and L/Cpl Holmes with their Bronze DofE Certificates

Around 275,000 participants are taking part in their DofE Programme at any time in the UK

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Thongsbridge Army Cadets Winter shooting competition

Calendar of Events March - June 6-12 Apr Junior Annual Camp, Strensall 14-Apr Thongsbridge Det Bag Packing TBC 20-22 Apr Target Rifle Practice 1 Catterick 21-Apr County 1st Aid Competition Strensall 28-Apr County Hockey, Tug Of War, Athletics JCC Stadium Leeds

A cold Saturday morning at Huddersfield TA Centre and a team of 4 budding cadets arrive to represent Thongsbridge detachment at the Annual Winter smallbore shooting competition.

68th County Small bore Championships

4 - 7 May County Expedition 1 Ripon 11-13 May Target Rifle Practice 2 Warcop

Cadets Haigh and Baldwin were selected to shoot in D Companies Junior shooting th competition in February for the 68 Annual small bore competition. It was a last minute dash to get them on the team but that didn’t affect their shoot as they both came back with Silver Medals, helping the team come second in the competition!

18-20 May 15 (NE) Bde Target Rifle SAAM Strensall 19th May – Thongsbridge Visit to Police HQ

25-27 May D Coy JCIC (2) Thongsbridge - TBC 27-May Regional Athletics Cleveland 1-4 June County Expedition 2 TBC 03-Jun Thongsbridge Det Meltham Gala Meltham 8-10 Jun D Company Weekend Strensall/Galtres

We’re on the Web! See us at: or email us for more info

Each shooter had been coached on the discipline of shooting and the patience required in getting a top score. The results are yet to be published.

Cadets, Haigh, Ettienne, Cornforth and Wormald were all ready to put their shooting skills to the test in this competition between detachments throughout West Yorkshire.

28th Apr – Detachment training day @ Thongsbridge

18-20 May D Coy JCIC (1) Thongsbridge - TBC

The competition shoot required them to fire a grouping of 10 rounds at a small target using a No. 8 Rifle.

Recruitment – Adult Volunteers! The Army cadet force is always looking for Volunteers to help run our units. At the moment Kirklees army cadet detachments (Thongsbridge, Huddersfield, Mirfield and Spen Valley) are on the lookout for new volunteers.

All we ask for is volunteers who can attend 90% of detachment nights which is 2 nights a week, and willing to spend some weekends away training cadets. All Training is given, there is no pre-requirement of military or cadet service,

and we will teach you everything you need to know. If you are interested and aged 18 or over please get in contact with us.

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