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A need or desire that causes a person to act, why did someone do something? Sometimes a person or groups or nations motivations are obvious sometimes the motivation for action can be subtler. Wellington's campaign against Napoleon was all planned around getting Napoleon to follow towards Waterloo. The motivation was Wellington had reconnoitered the area years before and thought to himself this would be a great spot for a battle. Sometimes the motivation is arrogance or just a fatal error as in Custer, which was an example of both. All of us have our motivations; very few of us do anything without motivation. Lets take a look at the motivations for the parties involved in 911. I stayed away from 911 for a long time because it was just too painful and I came around slowly to the possibilities of a black op lest I be called conspiracy theorists. To be called a conspiracy theorist is to be admitted to the tin foil hat society because anyone who suspects a conspiracy about anything is a nut. Unless of course you work for military intelligence or the FBI or the CIA or the NSA who have entire floors of office buildings with thousands of operatives and foot soldiers hard working government employees looking day in and day out looking for conspiracies but you and I were nuts! Lets take a look at conspiracy theorist's motivations, money notoriety or true belief. Maybe to sell a book or to get attention maybe meet girls and move out of mom's basement. If conspiracy theorists were to say, " The moon is controlled by space aliens" He will not receive any attention; no evidence pro or con and hence no perceived threat. But if I were to say, "Mexican illegal immigrants are smuggling in weapons" No more evidence than space aliens on the moon but Mexican immigrants are real the border is pourous so it seems very possible because it has the most important element fear. Even still I could write letters to the editor and contact media outlets and probably still not get a blip of attention. The NSA the FBI the CIA would pay no attention. But if I were to produce a documentary proposing the government was complicit in 911 or complicit by negligence. Suddenly the media stands up and takes notice, why? Why the intense impassioned resistance, why not just ignore me? Why would magazines run counter arguments? And trot out so called experts to refute that which your eyes tell you. Where have we seen this before? Who does this sort of thing? Until John Kerry ran for President he was an unquestioned decorated war veteran. Then suddenly he didn't deserve them and the navy was just passing them out like candy and his wounds weren't that bad. Government manipulation of the press is not new. J. Edgar Hoover used the press in the thirties to obtain and to keep his position as FBI director amassing files on all his possible opponents and during the sixties the Co Intel pro routinely printed false information about peace movement and civil rights leaders. During the seventies it was disclosed that the Readers Digest routinely published articles at the behest of the CIA. So, when such an august scientific journal as Popular
Mechanics declares conspiracy theorists all wrong what is left to debate? Still the question remains why are we debating it all? We don't debate space aliens on the moon. Why because it just doesn't look right that's why, their stories don't jive, we can put three hundred fighter aircraft in the middle east but we have less then twenty five to defend or own east coast? The largest military budget in the world and yet when attacked we stand like a pauper on the street corner digging in our pockets looking for something to defend ourselves with? Let's look at the players, shall we? The President is on the most curious mission flying half way across the country to read to school children. If it were you and I and we were suspected of involvement in a crime the police might ask us, were you running for reelection? Was this something you'd done in the past or since? What was the purpose of reading to these school children sir? After all you are the only man on the planet that could issue shoot down orders. So the question is not why did he sit there staring blankly into the camera, the question is why was he there in the first place? In a word the answer is alibi, he had to be someplace so he is in this place surrounded by happy school children being a nice man. Compare this to his performance during Katrina laughing joking playing air guitar during a disaster. No matter what camp your in this looks bad Imagine the police want to ask you about a crime, where were you at the time of the crime? A. I was reading to school children or B. I was cutting up playing air guitar, enough said. Meanwhile Deadeye Dick Cheney was holding down the fort in the White House. Not known as a man of arms he parleyed five draft deferments into a political career no military experience of any kind. Yet secret service agents reported they had difficulty getting his Dickship to leave the oval office and enter the shelter, why? Hijacked aircraft are moving in the vicinity of Washington and Dick won't go down in to the shelter, was he afraid of being out of the loop? No, he would have the same communications in or out of the shelter. Perhaps he saw himself like Churchill watching the Nazi bombers from the rooftops of Whitehall. Or, get your tin foil hats out boys and girls; perhaps he didn't think there was a need to go into the shelter. This was a military crisis so where was the smartest man in the room? Dandy Don Rumsfeld why he was in his office and on his post just like Deadeye no need of a shelter for him, He was safely ensconced in the pentagon and we will leave him there for now but we will return for we will leave the good guys for awhile and move our focus to the bad guys. Osama Bin Laden a combat leader in Afghanistan for ten years you would think with that much experience he would know what he was doing wouldn't you? You would think with the alleged skill in planning he would pick the best targets. Lets look at the targets, The World Trade Center was a target because? Supposedly it represented American imperialism and American intervention into Arab lands. Huh? Was Bin Laden a communist? Did he have some problem with capitalism it didn't seem to bother him while his family racked in millions doing business with American capitalists? While some theories are Bin Ladens comments regarding the Reagan administrations shelling of Beirut by the Battleship Missouri after the marine barracks bombing, the shells striking high-rise apartment buildings. Maybe, sounds plausible but perhaps a little too subtle for mass appeal, easy target perhaps easy to find hard to miss seem likely as well. Remember now, think like a terrorist you hate America that is your motivation, you want to do the most damage and kill the most Americans possible you want to strike America with a blow they will never forget.
Well? What did the administration tell you? What was that dirty sneaky Saddam up to? Why he was going to build nuclear weapons and what was he going to do with them? Why he was going to give them to terrorist groups! I didn't say that the administration did. They said it about the North Koreans and they said it about the Iranians they all want to spend billions of dollars just to give them away. Would you do that? Spend a fortune on a weapon and then give it to someone to commit a crime? A crime that if found out would spell absolute doom for your nation? The administration thinks so! Why go to all that trouble if you're Bin Laden? I mean your shopping at Bombs are us trying to find that special nuclear devise to hit America with, I mean the expense the transportation, those things are dangerous and your people aren't scientists or nuclear technicians they are Saudi Military intelligence what am I saying I mean they are goat herders What if you could find a bomb right here in the good old USA? Why not Indian Point nuclear power plant? Twenty million people live within the 50-mile "Peak injury" zone of Indian Point, located 24 miles north of the Bronx on the banks of the Hudson River in Westchester County. A large radioactive release triggered by a terrorist attack on or accident at the facility could have devastating health and economic consequences, rendering much of the Hudson River Valley, including New York City, uninhabitable. Due to the plant's vulnerability to a terrorist attack, a laundry list of safety problems, including the storage of 1500 tons of radioactive waste onsite But now your silly Osama what to do? Knock down the two towers or make New York City uninhabitable because you hate America! It kind of reminds me of the movie "The Jerk" with Steve Martin targeted by a serial killer while working at a gas station as the oil cans explode from rifle fire Martin exclaims "He hates these cans!" Here is Osama ten year combat commander with a chance to make New York uninhabitable for six hundred years yet chooses to flick the lint off our shoulder by hitting the two towers. The Indian River nuclear plants have two reactors with egg shaped concrete containment buildings. The concrete is four to five feet thick and impenetrable according to the NRC but you don't need to destroy it just crack it, a crack is as good as a ten foot hole in an accident just as catastrophic. And the World Trade Center buildings were designed to withstand collisions with airliners as well but according to the 911 report it didn't work did it? The egg shaped design of the containment building was it put in place to protect from an internal explosion or external explosion and collision? Could the design withstand a direct strike from airliners with engines that weigh six tons each moving at five hundred plus miles per hour? I shook up my magic eight ball and it answered, "Odds say no." Harry Houdini used to escape from locked safes said, "Safes are made to keep people out of not in" By it's name containment building is designed to contain not defend. Look at the damage to the Pentagon, Ok what if they miss? What do you think? The failures at Chernobyl and Three Mile Island were they in any where near as catastrophic as two airliner crashes on their grounds? So, as a military commander what would you do? A punch in the nose? Or a slap and remember the retaliation will be the same either way. So you have four airliners, which to strike America with two headed for New York and two headed
for Washington. You have chosen the easy New York target over a doomsday strike but now for DC. This is going to be tough, all those monuments The White House with deadeye Dick on the bridge, the Capital Building? Oooh, that would be sweet and if you google Earth the location you'll see the most novice pilot could find it and only a moron could miss it. But you choose the pentagon, why? Why the pentagon? Do Americans love and treasure the pentagon like say Capital building or the White House? George Washington laid the corner stone for the White House the pentagon was started during world war two a patriotic building for sure but hardly a treasured monument in the Washington catalog. Ok, so you chose to hit the pentagon, five equal sides and you're a terrorist, what difference does it make to you which side you hit? Why, would you a rookie pilot make a one hundred and eighty degree banked turn to hit the one side of the building that had been reinforced and remember Dandy Don the smartest guy in the room was there. Turning an aircraft is much more complicated than turning a car, when you turn you lose airspeed and lift the plane will tend to sink into the direction of the turn making it difficult to stay on course. Buts it's a good thing you made that turn because otherwise you wouldn't have hit that building as mathematical as far away as possible from Don as you could get and still hit the building. Is the location of the secretary of defense office a well-guarded state secret? No? Why would a terrorist who's goal it is to hurt America appear to go out of his way to miss Don's office or hit the pentagon in the first place? That's the easy one that's almost a gimme, there had to be a strike on a US military target, now apply the old axiom "Who gains from this?" Does Bin Laden? What does he achieve by hitting the pentagon? Are US military operations upset in the slightest? Well maybe if you hit Don's office maybe. But for Bin Laden this is a wasted shot, but for the US government or anyone who might complicit this it would be a strike on a US military asset an act of war requiring a military response not a civilian response. The delineation may seem small but it changes the entire equation after all the Nazis burned the Reichstag not the Kaisers palace and the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor not Honolulu. So there you have it, trained combat commander Osama Bin Laden burning with hatred for America avoids the best targets and the easiest targets and chooses targets which favor his adversaries. What is his motivation for that? In Real Estate there is a rule a property appreciates at 5% a year and depreciates at 2% a year, the World Trade Center was almost twenty five years old or had lost 50% of it's initial value. I wonder how you would find if the WTC was making money or losing money? There is another rule in Real Estate When ever a commercial property starts losing money it almost immediately becomes a fire hazard, successful business burn down at a fraction of the rate of unsuccessful ones. Verses the motivations of the Members of The Program for the New American Century? They said what was needed was "A New Pearl Harbor" I didn't say it! Not me and not Bin Laden they said it. If I said "I sure would like to see old so and so dead!" and they ended up dead would the police be wrong to take me in for questioning? What would their motivation for taking me in be? And would you call them then conspiracy theorists?
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_Cox
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