The Last Will and Testament of the Crimson Comet (2015) - SAMPLE

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EXT. NEW YORK, LIBERTY ISLAND - NIGHT BLACK The sound of a large brass marching band plays music fitting for a coronation. ThenThe sound of a explosions, screams, and chaos. sirens.

Police CUT TO

A WEALTHY WOMAN and overweight, aging POLITICIAN stand on the dockside overlooking Manhattan before a crowd of wealthy citizens- the tattered banners of a failed gala billowing in the breeze. The woman screams atA gargantuan mechanical squid is emerging from the bay disrupting the fleet of yachts . A beak between its legs open up and a large cannon begins to spray fluid onto the dock. A spark from the beakThe damned thing is spraying napalm all around the frightened party-goers. With monstrous strength the beast strikes a yacht in the water sending it hurling straight towards the crowd. The people on the docks scream as the boat soars through the air towards them. They recoil in horror, accepting their imminent demise untilMetal screeches. The citizens slowly open their eyes and relax. The Wealthy Woman clasps her hands together and lets out a fan-girlish squeal. WEALTHY WOMAN It’s him! Him: standing six foot seven, muscular, well chiseled face and a killer haircut and garbed in red spandex complete with cape- and effortlessly holding the yacht in one hand. WEALTHY WOMAN It’s the Crimson Comet! The CRIMSON COMET winks at her, the grunts as he swings the yacht back towards the squid. Impact.


The squid begins to erupt in flames and sinks into the harbor. The citizens on the dock all begin to cheer and the Woman runs to the Crimson Comet. WEALTHY WOMAN I just knew that you would come! CRIMSON COMET Every time. He leans her back for a very Gone With the Wind inspired kiss as the last vestiges of the squid explode in a blaze of glory behind them. Their moment is cut short byEXPLOSIONS, SCREAMS, and a maniacal laugh. Comet looks up-

The Crimson

The Statue of Liberty is beginning to lift from its pedestal, hoisted by a network of cliched looking rockets. Circling around it is a round Korean man encased in a rocket-propelled egg-shaped robotic suit: CRIMSON COMET Dr Deviant. The Comet drops the woman to the ground and takes off flying through the air to meet the Doctor. Dr Deviant cackles. DR DEVIANT You didn’t think it would be that easy, did you?! The Crimson Comet soars towards the man and the two rear up to deliver what appear to be mighty punches of equal strength. Just before they meetCUT TO EXT. NEWS STAND, NY - DAY A newspaper showcasing this epic moment with a headline that reads: "CRIMSON COMET DEAD AT 50".


The streets of New York are somber. Rain falls, and everyone outside is wearing black clothing and sporting crimson bands on their arms emblazoned with The Crimson Comet’s celestial-themed logo. Police cars escort a funeral procession through the streets. Instead of a hearse, the Crimson Comet’s body is being carried by a large parade float adorned with red roses. BEGIN MONTAGE: New Yorkers in bars watching a newscast. the house.

Not a dry eye in

NEWS REPORTER (V.O.) A sad day for America as beloved super hero Crimson Comet has fought his final battle. Police in a precinct shaking their heads in sadness at the telecast. Inmates in cells behind them are equally as bummed out. NEWS REPORTER (V.O.) A symbol of hope and patriotism for the better part of the last several decades, The Crimson Comet has been credited with the reduction of crime city-wide by a staggering 95% since his arrival on the scene in 1985. Students holding candles in a high-school gymnasium watch a large television setup before them. Preps, jocks, goths, and weirdos all embrace one another in a rare display of brotherhood. NEWS REPORTER (V.O.) Equally famed were his philanthropic efforts and work to improve local schools- and rehabilitate even the most sinister of his foes. END MONTAGE INT. NEWS STUDIO - DAY The REPORTER, a Katie Couric type, sits across from a middle-aged man wearing a polo shirt covered in tattoos. The News Lower Thirds identify him as: ’EX-SUPERVILLAIN THE FANATICAL FAIRY’. An accompanying


graphic shows him in his hey-day, dressed like a fairy wielding a Swastika-topped wand. He speaks in a hard-bitten, fast-moving Southern "trailer trash" voice. FANATICAL FAIRY I tell ya what man, I used to get up to all kinds of shit back in the day man, shootin dope, whorin and such- man, Crimson Comet done whupped my ass and when the boys at Ryker’s done had a crack at it, Comet comes in, sets down and says: look son, you wanna change? REPORTER And he helped you turn your life around? The Fairy’s face breaks into extreme sadness as he begins to cry. FANATICAL FAIRY (voice breaking) Dang old saved my life man. He falls into her, sobbing sloppily into the Reporter’s shoulder. The Reporter looks up at the camera awkwardly. REPORTER Well there you have it, the death of a hero, and we are going live to our team on the ground at the funeral. EXT. TIME’S SQUARE - DAY We see a SECOND REPORTER, a waif-like wallflower of a man in Coke bottle glasses standing in front of: Crowds fill Time’s Square surrounding the parade-float. A large screen displays The Crimson Comet in his prime, hands on his hips in front of an American flag. REPORTER 2 Thanks Carol, we’re here at what might be the largest memorial service in New York’s history. The great unwashed has come out in droves to bid farewell to our proudest son and hear his final message to us all.


The large screen behind the float flickers and a pre-recorded message begins to play: INT. APARTMENT - NIGHT The video is grainy, shot on a home camcorder. Gray cinder block backdrop, a wooden table and chair barely in frame. The sound of a cooler opening off-screen and careless fumbling with glass bottles and ice. The Crimson Comet in full regalia shuffles into frame holding a bottle and takes a seat at the table. He is slightly subdued, certainly not the brash hero we saw before, and when he speaks, it is with the timidity of a high school loser who somehow got a ton of people to listen to him. CRIMSON COMET If you’re watching this, then it finally happened. I’m sure there’s been a lot of- eh- pageantrysurrounding my death. Thank you Mayor for your efforts. Your spending of tax dollars is, as always, above reproach. EXT. TIME’S SQUARE - DAY By the parade float, the CITY MAYOR, overweight and wearing a top-hat, puffs himself up in pride. INT. APARTMENT - NIGHT The Crimson Comet shifts nervously in his seat. CRIMSON COMET Look, uh... I’m not a proud man, but I know what you all must think of me. I’ve cut enough ribbons and kissed enough babies to know the pedestal I’ve been placed on. He shakes his head.


CRIMSON COMET The truth is... you guys deserved better. Over the years... the drug trafficking, the racketeering, the super-villains... all that STUFF that I’ve busted up in my time- and made good money at crushing... The Crimson Comet takes a deep breath. CRIMSON COMET I orchestrated it all. EXT. TIME’S SQUARE - DAY You could hear a pin drop. The city’s populace, Mayor included, are absolutely dumb-founded. CUT TO BLACK SUPER: THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF THE CRIMSON COMET.

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