AU - Explosive Ordnance – Fire Safety

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combatant platform and active landand platform Australia. Staff has worked with every active futureinnaval combatant platform and active land platform in Australia. Currently working with DNE, DSTG and organisations delivering working capability to the Royal Australian Navy. Currently with DNE, DSTG and organisations

Protective Design & Security apabilities Capabilities bilities bility ty ivability lities abilities lity ability vivability Capabilities Capabilities Protective Capabilities Explosive Survivability Capabilities –Survivability Survivability Capabilities –Testing Survivability Capabilities Survivability –Testing Capabilities –Testing –Testing –Testing Design Ordnance(EO)/Fire –Testing –Testing Capabilities –Testing Capabilities –Testing Capabilities –Capabilities Testing & Capabilities –Testing Security Testing – Testing ––Testing – Safety Testing –Testing Testing

ng machine; heavyweight shock testing.

delivering capability to the Royal Australian Navy. Our team in Australia has 60+ years of combined experience ng machine; heavyweight shock testing. working on Australian Defence projects. Our teamdirectly in Australia has 60+ years of survivability combined experience Relevant Experience Relevant Relevant Relevant Relevant Experience Relevant Experience Relevant Experience Relevant Experience Relevant Experience Relevant Experience Relevant Experience Relevant Experience Relevant Experience Experience Experience Experience Relevant Relevant Relevant Relevant Relevant Experience Relevant Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience working directly on Australian Defence survivability projects.

Certifications, Standards & Awards Certifications, Standards & Awards Security control system design integration for

Hostile vehicle mitigation solutions for Flinders Hostile vehicle mitigation for Flinders OverOver 50 Over years 50 Over years 50 of Over years vulnerability-reduction 50 of Over years vulnerability-reduction 50 of Over years vulnerability-reduction 50 of Over years vulnerability-reduction 50 of Over years vulnerability-reduction 50 of Over years vulnerability-reduction 50 experience of Over years vulnerability-reduction 50 experience of Over years vulnerability-reduction 50 experience of years vulnerability-reduction 50 experience of years vulnerability-reduction experience of vulnerability-reduction experience of vulnerability-reduction experience Ourexperience Over team Over 50experience Over years in 50 Over experience Australia Over 50 years ofexperience 50 years vulnerability-reduction 50 years of experience years has vulnerability-reduction ofsolutions vulnerability-reduction of 60+ of vulnerability-reduction vulnerability-reduction years of combined experience experience experience experience experience experience St. Station, Princes Bridge and High Court of Australia. St. Station, Princes Bridge and High Court of Australia. on naval on naval on platforms naval on platforms naval on platforms for naval on platforms ADF, for naval on platforms ADF, for UK naval on platforms ADF, for MOD UK naval on platforms ADF, for MOD UK naval and on platforms ADF, for MOD UK naval and US on platforms ADF, for MOD UK naval DOD. and US on platforms ADF, for MOD UK naval DOD. and US platforms ADF, for MOD UK DOD. and US platforms ADF, for MOD UK DOD. and US ADF, for MOD UK DOD. and US ADF, for MOD UK working on DOD. and US ADF, naval MOD UK DOD. on and USon MOD naval UK directly platforms DOD. and US on naval MOD on DOD. and US naval platforms naval on platforms DOD. and US for Australian platforms platforms DOD. ADF, US for DOD. for ADF, UK for Defence ADF, for MOD ADF, UK ADF, UK MOD and UK survivability MOD UK US MOD and MOD and DOD. US and US and DOD. projects. US DOD. US DOD. DOD.


Security control system design integration for StaffStaff hasStaff worked hasStaff worked hasStaff with worked hasStaff with every worked hasStaff with every worked has active Staff with every worked has active Staff with and every worked has active Staff with and every future worked has active Staff with and every future worked has active naval Staff with and every future worked has active naval with and every future worked has active naval with and every future worked active naval with and every future active naval with and every future active Staff Performed naval and every future active naval Staff has and future Staff active naval worked has and future Staff Warship Staff naval has worked and future has naval worked with has future in worked naval every worked Harbor with with naval every active with every support with every active and every active work active future and active and for future naval and the future and future RAN. naval future naval naval naval

Sydney Opera House perimeter security. hock testing, from designing Key AUS staff have either chartered engineering status, Sydney Opera House perimeter security. combatant combatant combatant platform combatant platform combatant platform and combatant platform and active combatant platform and active combatant land platform and active combatant land platform platform and active combatant land platform platform and active combatant land platform in platform and active combatant Australia. land platform inplatform and active Australia. land platform inplatform and active Australia. land platform inplatform and active Australia. land platform inand active Australia. land platform incombatant and active Australia. land platform inactive combatant Australia. land platform in combatant Australia. combatant land platform platform incombatant Australia. platform in platform Australia. platform and inplatform Australia. platform active in and Australia. and active and land active and active platform land active land platform land platform land in platform Australia. platform in Australia. in master’s Australia. in in Australia. Australia. ohock conducting testing. degrees in weapons and ordnance or doctorates focused Created bespoke Directorate Ordnance-Safety software.on the testing, from designing Key AUS staff have either chartered engineering status, master’s Blast engineering services for a range of Blast engineering services for aDSTG range of Currently Currently Currently working Currently working Currently with working Currently with working DNE, Currently with working DNE, DSTG Currently with working DNE, DSTG Currently with working DNE, and DSTG Currently with working DNE, and organisations DSTG Currently with working DNE, and organisations DSTG Currently with working DNE, and organisations DSTG with working DNE, and organisations DSTG with working DNE, and organisations DSTG with DNE, and organisations DSTG with DNE, and organisations Currently DSTG DNE, and organisations DSTG Currently and organisations Currently DSTG working Currently and organisations Currently working and organisations working with organisations working working DNE, with with DNE, with DNE, with DNE, DSTG DNE, and DSTG DSTG organisations and DSTG and organisations and organisations and organisations organisations protection of structures. defence andordnance diplomatic facilities worldwide. focused on the equipment testing. up to 5 tonnes. oofconducting degrees in weapons and or doctorates

and diplomatic facilities worldwide. delivering delivering delivering capability delivering capability delivering capability todelivering the capability todelivering Royal the capability todelivering Royal the capability Australian todelivering Royal the capability Australian todelivering Royal the capability Australian todelivering Royal Navy. the capability Australian todelivering Royal Navy. the capability Australian to Royal Navy. the capability Australian to Royal Navy. the capability Australian to Royal Navy. the Australian todefence Royal Navy. the Carried delivering Australian to Royal Navy. the Australian delivering Royal Navy. delivering out Australian capability delivering Navy. fire delivering Australian Navy. capability safety capability Navy. tocapability studies the capability Navy. toRoyal the toand the to Royal Australian to the safety Royal the Royal Australian Royal Australian case Navy. Australian Australian development Navy. Navy. Navy. Navy. for a wide-range of clients in the resources sector. Blast model of complex loading on infrastructure; protection of structures. Blast model of complex loading on infrastructure; shock ne; achine; esting yweight ght g able ck-testing eavyweight portable shock-testing machine; heavyweight shock shock-testing testing. machine; heavyweight shock shock-testing testing. machine; heavyweight shock Blast JASSO testing. machine; heavyweight shock JASSO model testing. machine; JASSO heavyweight portable shock testing. JASSO machine; heavyweight incorporating shock JASSO portable testing. portable heavyweight shock-testing shock portable testing. heavyweight portable shock shock-testing testing. shock-testing shock terrain testing. shock-testing shock-testing shock machine; testing. and shock machine; testing. structures; machine; testing. heavyweight machine; machine; heavyweight heavyweight heavyweight heavyweight shockshock testing. shock shock testing. shock testing. testing. testing. ock testing of equipment up to 5 tonnes. Our Our team Our team in Australia Our team in Australia Our team in Australia Our team has in Australia Our team 60+ has in Australia Our team 60+ has years in Australia Our team 60+ has years inofAustralia Our team 60+ has years combined inofAustralia Our team 60+ has years combined inKey ofAustralia Our team 60+ has years combined inof experience Australia team 60+ has years combined inof experience Australia 60+ has years combined inof experience Australia 60+ has years combined of experience 60+ has years combined of Our experience 60+ has years combined of experience team Our 60+ years combined Our of experience team inyears Our combined team Australia of Our experience in combined team of experience team Australia in combined Australia in experience has in Australia Australia experience 60+ has has experience years 60+ has 60+ has years of 60+ years 60+ combined years ofyears combined of combined of of experience combined combined experience experience experience experience AUS staff have received awards from Defence for their model of HVMbarrier barrier impact. model of HVM impact. CFD modelling of fire and smoke. on with Defence. working working directly working directly working on directly working Australian on directly working Australian on directly working Australian on directly working Defence Australian on directly working Defence Australian on directly working Defence survivability Australian on directly working Defence survivability Australian on directly working Defence survivability Australian on directly Defence projects. survivability Australian on directly Defence projects. survivability Australian on Defence projects. survivability Australian on Defence projects. survivability Australian working Defence projects. survivability working Defence projects. survivability working directly Defence projects. survivability working working directly projects. survivability on directly projects. survivability directly Australian directly on projects. on Australian on Australian projects. on Defence Australian projects. Australian Defence Defence survivability Defence Defence survivability survivability survivability projects. survivability projects. projects. projects. projects. ock testing contributions to land/maritime platform survivability, as well

Key AUS staff have received awards from Defence for their of structures and platforms. onequipment, with Defence. as other international awards for their work. contributions to land/maritime platform survivability, as well Certifications, Standards Awards Capabilities Certifications, Certifications, Certifications, Certifications, Certifications, Certifications, Standards Certifications, Standards Certifications, Standards Certifications, Standards Certifications, & Standards Awards Certifications, & Standards Awards Certifications, & Standards Awards & Standards Awards & Standards Awards & Standards Awards & Certifications, Standards Certifications, Awards & Standards Awards Certifications, & Certifications, Awards & Certifications, Certifications, Awards & Awards & Standards Awards Standards Standards Standards Standards Standards &&& Awards Awards && Awards & Awards &Awards Awards s bilities ties Capabilities Capabilities Capabilities Capabilities Capabilities Capabilities k and vibrationstructures qualification of equipment, and platforms. as other international awards for their work. m testing partners. DISP Accreditation kdesigning and vibration qualification Blast Analysis & Design Key AUS staff have either chartered engineering status, master’s of aspects yng, testing, rom ock g gning cts all out shock from of aspects testing, designing all shock from of aspects testing, designing Blast shock •Blast, from of testing, designing shock Carry Analysis from of testing, •designing Ballistic shock •Carry from out testing, designing •Carry & •from all Key testing, designing Carry out & Design Carry aspects Fragmentation out from Key AUS designing allout all aspects from Key out AUS designing staff aspects all ofall Key AUS designing aspects shock staff have aspects ofKey AUS staff Protection shock of have testing, either shock Key AUS ofstaff have of shock either testing, Key AUS shock chartered staff have testing, from either Expert Key AUS chartered testing, staff have testing, from designing either Key AUS chartered staff from have Advice engineering either designing Key AUS from chartered staff have from designing engineering either Key AUS chartered designing staff have engineering either designing Key AUS chartered staff have status, engineering either AUS chartered staff have status, engineering either chartered master’s staff have status, engineering either chartered master’s have status, engineering either Key chartered master’s status, engineering either chartered AUS master’s status, engineering AUS Key chartered master’s staff Key status, engineering AUS staff Key master’s status, AUS engineering have Key have staff master’s AUS status, engineering AUS staff either master’s have either staff status, have staff master’s chartered status, either have chartered have master’s either status, either chartered master’s either chartered engineering master’s engineering chartered chartered engineering engineering status, engineering status, engineering status, master’s master’s status, status, master’s status, master’s master’s master’s of structures. degrees or doctorates focused on the protection of structures. m partners. DISP Accreditation accepted esting. ducting ally pted g. ng conducting stests totesting testing. accepted conducting tests totesting. conducting tests conducting tests to globally testing. conducting to testing. globally conducting globally accepted testing. degrees globally globally accepted testing. degrees accepted testing. tests degrees accepted in accepted weapons tests degrees in to weapons tests conducting degrees in to tests weapons tests conducting and to degrees in conducting weapons to and ordnance degrees in to conducting testing. weapons conducting and ordnance degrees in testing. weapons and ordnance degrees in testing. or weapons and doctorates ordnance testing. degrees in or testing. weapons and doctorates ordnance degrees in or weapons and doctorates ordnance degrees in or focused weapons and doctorates ordnance in or focused weapons and doctorates ordnance in or on focused weapons and doctorates ordnance the or on focused and doctorates ordnance degrees the or on focused and doctorates ordnance the or on focused degrees doctorates ordnance or the degrees on focused in doctorates degrees the weapons or on focused degrees doctorates in the or weapons on focused in doctorates weapons the in focused on and in weapons the weapons on focused ordnance and the and on focused ordnance and the ordnance on and or protection ordnance the on doctorates ordnance or the doctorates or doctorates or of or doctorates structures. focused doctorates focused focused on focused the focused on on the on the on the the ••totesting. Empirical Analysis Empirical Analysis Fire System Audits protection protection & Fire protection of protection Safety structures. of protection structures. of Studies protection structures. of protection structures. of protection structures. of protection structures. of protection structures. of protection structures. of protection structures. of structures. of structures. of structures. protection protection protection of protection protection structures. of structures. of structures. of of structures. structures. up portable ng s. ent nnes. esting ble ipment de 5equipment to tonnes. of up portable testing 5equipment to tonnes. ofup testing 5equipment tonnes. of•up testing 5equipment Provide to tonnes. ofup •5equipment to tonnes. of •Provide up 5equipment •Provide portable to tonnes. up • Provide 5 Provide to tonnes. portable up 5portable to testing tonnes. up portable 5 portable to tonnes. testing 5of testing tonnes. equipment testing of testing equipment of equipment ofof equipment upequipment to up 5 tonnes. up to 5up totonnes. up 5totonnes. to 5 tonnes. 5 tonnes. CFD/FEA Modelling harge, shaped charge, IED and ••to CFD/FEA Modelling of structures. DISP accreditation DISP accreditation duct vyweight gck heavyweight ight sting shock testing heavyweight shock testing shock testing • shock Conduct testing • shock testing • Conduct • Conduct testing heavyweight • Conduct Conduct heavyweight heavyweight heavyweight heavyweight shock shock testing shock shock testing shock testing testing testing ial management, risk assessment Fire & EO/Blast Key Risk Key AUS Assessments Key AUS staff Key AUS staff have Key AUS staff have received Key AUS staff have received Key AUS staff have received awards Key AUS staff have received awards Key AUS staff have received from awards Key AUS staff have received from awards Defence Key AUS staff have received from awards Defence Key AUS staff have received from awards Defence AUS for staff have received from their awards Defence for staff have received from their awards Defence for have received from their awards Defence for Key received from their awards Defence for AUS from Key their awards Defence forKey from their awards AUS staff Defence for Key AUS Key from their Defence have for staff AUS AUS from staff their Defence for have received staff their have staff Defence forreceived have their for have received awards their received for received awards their awards from awards awards from Defence from Defence from from Defence forDefence their Defence for for contributions their for their for their their charge, IED and Hostile Vehicle Mitigation (HVM) Analysis &with Design nes) onjunction nction efence. ce. nin hharge, tonnes) with Defence. conjunction inwith Defence. conjunction inshaped Hostile with Defence. conjunction with Defence. (<27 Vehicle with Defence. (<27 tonnes) (<27 with Defence. tonnes) Mitigation (<27 Defence. (<27 tonnes) in conjunction tonnes) tonnes) in (HVM) conjunction in conjunction in in conjunction with Analysis conjunction Defence. with with &Defence. Design Defence. with Defence. Defence. contributions contributions contributions contributions to land/maritime contributions to land/maritime contributions to land/maritime contributions to land/maritime contributions platform to land/maritime contributions platform to land/maritime contributions platform survivability, to land/maritime contributions platform survivability, to land/maritime contributions platform survivability, to land/maritime platform survivability, to asland/maritime well platform survivability, to asland/maritime well platform survivability, to asland/maritime well platform survivability, ascontributions towell platform survivability, as land/maritime contributions well platform survivability, as contributions well platform survivability, as contributions contributions to well survivability, as land/maritime platform well to survivability, asland/maritime towell as land/maritime tosurvivability, to well land/maritime as land/maritime platform well as well platform platform as survivability, platform well platform survivability, as survivability, other survivability, survivability, as international well as as wellwell asas well well ntation, firing officers, advanced ial management, risk assessment nd es uipment, orm ater ctures ng testing fent, structures n-water equipment, and platforms. ofin-water testing structures equipment, and platforms. oftesting structures equipment, and platforms. of •Safety testing structures equipment, and Perform platforms. of•structures equipment, and platforms. •of Perform structures equipment, •Perform and platforms. in-water •Development structures Perform and Perform platforms. in-water structures in-water and platforms. testing structures in-water and platforms. in-water testing of testing and platforms. equipment, testing and of platforms. testing equipment, ofplatforms. equipment, of of equipment, structures equipment, structures structures and structures structures platforms. and and platforms. and platforms. and platforms. platforms. 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Façade Façade Hardening Hardening sis. nhock age alification ation of uite ull and vibration qualification shock suite full of and vibration qualification shock suite of and vibration qualification shock • of and vibration qualification Manage shock •and vibration qualification •Manage and vibration qualification •Manage full • Manage vibration qualification suite Manage full qualification full suite of full suite shock qualification full of suite suite shock ofand shock ofof shock vibration and shock and vibration and vibration and qualification vibration vibration qualification qualification qualification qualification ntation, firing officers, advanced

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