1920 Canadian Scrap Book Taylor Trottier
Soldiers returning from war When soldiers returned from Europe they could not find jobs, health care was limited and pensions were often unpaid. Unemployment rates were between 50-‐60%. almost all the workers in Winnipeg went on strike against there employers and Unions were born. This picture shows how the soldiers were welcomed when they returned home.
The picture on the bottom shows soldiers returning to Canadian soil for the first time since they left for war.
Roaring twenties Economy improves and people begin to take part in leisure activities. Planes and automobiles begin to be reliable modes of transportation. Phones movies and radios are now available to the public.
Culture fashion People began to relax and participate in sports and activities like art and music. Women’s Clothing also became less formal. They were not expected to where a dress everywhere.
This picture shows people using their leisure time playing sports.
This picture shows how clothing became less formal.
This picture shows an example of Canadian art.
New entertainment Radios, art, silent movies, sports and music became more common and easily accessible. But only the middle class and the rich could experience these new developments.
An upper class family using their new radio.
These are pictures of 1920s Canadian art.
Arts/Sports/Jazz Art became more positive and colorful, baseball, football basketball and hockey grew in popularity and ordinary people began to play. Jazz music was growing and more people could enjoy it thanks to the new radios.
1920s Canadian art.
1920s jazz band
Canadian football game
Role of women-‐persons case During the war women proved they were more than capable of being helpful citizens of the community. When the men returned they wanted there jobs back and hoped everything would return to “normal”. After many years the women got to the Privy Council in London and passed the case, women were now officially people by law and gained many more rights thanks to the famous five, Henrietta Muir Edwards, Nellie McClung, Louise McKinney, Emily Murphy, and Irene Parlby.
Monument of famous five located in Alberta.
Inventions Inventions included automobile, traffic lights, q-‐tips, hair dryer, Band-‐Aid, lie detector, bulldozers and practice, safe planes.
Minorities Canadian minorities during the 1920s included Chinese, African American, Indian, immigrants, and First Nations. Anyone who was an enemy during the war was also considered a minority, Canada was very racist until about the seventies.
This picture shows an Asian family in Canada during the twenties.
A good example of Canada’s racism during that time was the komogata maru incident; Canada said that if you could sail from your home port to Canada without stopping than you would be let in to Canada. When hundreds of Indians accomplished what seemed like the impossible they were denied access to Canada and sent home.
Canada’s national identity Because of Canada’s brave and relentless war efforts, they were recognized for there quality solders and pilots. They did not have a big army but they made up for it with their bravery and effort. The battle of vimmy ridge was Canada’s claim to fame during ww1.
These pictures show Canadian soldiers in different situations.
Politically Unions
Unions were created to increase pay and working conditions, many workers were not getting payed enough to compete with inflation.
This photo shows some minorities along with Canadians, employers toke advantage of minorities because they had trouble finding work so they were payed less.
This photo shows workers on strike.
Some women worked during the strike, they could not afford to lose their newly acquired jobs.
Citizens committee of 1000 The people went on strike because they were not treated right as workers and wanted more rights. The citizens committee was about anti-‐union and anti-‐strike they did not want anything to change.
These are pictures of the Winnipeg general strike.
Bloody Saturday The strike ended on June 21st with the RCMP killing two people, injuring thirty and arresting many others. Many people lost there jobs and some had to promise not to join the union.
These are all pictures of the riots on bloody Saturday.
NDP/CCF Regionalism The political parties were split in to different regions. Each political party has its own set of beliefs and goals like the political parties of today. Some parties wanted everyone to be equal and others want to have the rich people of society rule the country.
These are political posters from the 1920’s.
Maritime rights movement All cargo ships passing through countries waters had to report to the country and could be inspected, but they were not allowed to be stopped unless they threatened the country. They had to make these rules because no one trusted Germany.
Progressive party sir Robert Borden was the prime minister of Canada during ww1. He was part of the progressive party and the eighth prime minister of Canada. One of the problems he faced was legalizing conscription.
Robert Borden is on the one hundred dollar bill.
William Lyons Mackenzie king William Lyon Mackenzie was the most dominant politician from the 1920s to the 1940s. He was part of the liberal party.
William Lyon Mackenzie is on the fifty-‐dollar bill.
Arthur meighan Arthur Meighan was Canada’s ninth prim minister and he was also a lawyer. Arthur Meighan was the ninth prime minister serving two terms as the conservative leader.
Canada’s independence Canada was an underdog going in to the war, rather than referring to them as British allies they were THE CANADIANS And after the war Robert Borden requested a seat in the peace treaty and Canada became a little more independent.
Canadian troops and there Ross rifles.
Shorts s-‐38
King Byng crisis lord Byng wanted to dissolve parliament and hold an election, William Lyon Mackenzie refused the request and there was a disagreement between the Canadian and British government.
King Byng British government
William Lyon Mackenzie Canadian prime minister
Balfour report and Statute of Westminster The representatives of the King who acted as the crown, should no longer also serve automatically as the representative of the British government in diplomatic relations between the countries.
Halibut treaty The halibut treaty was an agreement between America and Canada stating that they could only fish during selected months and they could not exceed their quota. It was the first big decision Canada made without getting Britain’s approval.
These are pictures of Canadian fishing boats during the 1920’s.
Imperial conference Imperial conferences were meetings between Canada and Britain discussing their problems, but Canada did not need Britain’s help anymore.
Pictures of people from the imperial conference.
Chanak crisis Chanak crisis was Mackenzie kings first test under the new foreign policy laws. Turkish troops threatened to attack British and French troops stationed in the neutral zone, when Britain wanted Canada’s help they were reminded of the stature of Westminster. The crisis was resolved relatively quickly by the French and British.
National resources During the 1920s Canada was a big exporter of lumber, farmed goods they also made newspapers for other countries, especially the United States. They made about ninety percent of there newspapers.
U.S. investment Canada invested some of its national income in to the United States, not all money but they also made 90% of their newspapers, the idea was to be friends with America since they were clearly more powerful.
Branch plants Canada builds factories in other countries like America and Britain to increase productivity and profits. It reduces costs since there is no taxes or shipping fees.
Probation & Bootlegging Between 1920 and 1933 America banned alcohol because they thought it was the reason people committed crimes. Canada then saw an opportunity, they opened new breweries and began to make as much alcohol as they could then they smuggled it illegally across the border (bootlegging) and made huge profits. Some tried to make there own alcohol but it was so bad it often resulted in blindness.
Stock market crash In 1918 after the war the economy was booming and continued to increase until 1929 when The market crashed because everyone bought stocks then there was a mini crash, everyone panicked and sold their stocks. Then the market had no value and it plummeted. The market collapsed and the start of the depression began. There you can see the mini crash. Before things got worse.
FUN FACT-‐ I spent three blocks and a lunch hour (4 HOURS) on the organizers and I completed it. As I typed the last word the person sitting across from me kicked the desk and my computer turned off and I lost everything, so I have done the P.E.E. organizers twice now. J
Topic Challenges solders faced when returning home.
Point When soldiers returned from was they had trouble finding jobs Injured soldiers had to adapt to their new life style.
The Spanish flu was brought ta Canada with the returning soldiers.
Example Many soldiers also did not got the medical care and pensions they needed Returning soldiers often had hearing, vision problems or prosthetics. The flu killed approximately the same number of people that died in the war.
Women had taken many of the men’s jobs.
Canada was not used to accommodating these types of injuries. It was extremely hard for soldiers because they just saw their friends die in the war, now there families.
Topic How did the Persons case further women’s rights in Canada?
Point Women wanted more rights and they wanted to be recognized as people.
If their husband died for any reason the land would then go to a brother or father. Women were Before women Now they now legally were could go to considered considered court. (and people. property by eventually the law. vote.)
Example They had proven during the war that they were capable of basically sustaining Canada. Women were Before women now allowed could not own to own land land, it belonged to their husband.
Explanation Five women eventually got to court and succeeded in the person’s case.
Topic Canada’s national identity.
Point Canada was During and after the always seen war Canada grew as a British more independent. colony before the war.
Canada was known for its grate soldiers, they are determined and willing to capture anything.
Canada becomes known for their exports.
Explanation After the war Canada was known for there pilots and growing business opportunities (logging, stocks, etc. ) Canadian troops are Canadian taken advantage of troops because everyone captured knows they are vimmy ridge, willing to try it was there anything. (they claim to were sent to fame. slaughter in the battle of Somme and Dieppe). Canada exports Canada made coal, lumbar, cars, 90% of alcohol during the America’s American newspapers. prohibition and It was newspapers. cheaper because the lumber and paper mills were already in Canada.
Topic Labor unions and Winnipeg’s general strike.
Point Unions had not been introduced to Canada yet.
Example Unions were supposed to help workers.
Explanation Unions improved wages and working conditions. Government If unions toke They would and Employers effect they cut down on did now want would have to employer’s unions. pay workers profits. more and give them holidays. Workers Workers They felt they wanted unions. eventually were not paid went on strike enough (with until they rising food could prices) and unionize. they had to work six days a risk loosing there job.
Topic Regionalism in the development of Canada’s political parties.
Point Canada was gaining political parties during the late 1800s.
Example The two main parties were still the conservatives and the liberals.
Canada was still developing its government at that time
The Canadian political system was not grate.
Explanation The conservative party was the most dominant party at that time.
Canada had just become independent from Britain so they were still learning how to run politics smoothly. Canada did The parties Canada had some not have were good prime many political unorganized ministers during parties during but the that time like, the twenties. leaders were William Lyon grate. Mackenzie King, Arthur Meighen, Sir Robert Borden, and Sir Wilfred Laurier.
Topic William Lyon Mackenzie in Canada’s independence.
Point William wanted Canada to become independent from Britain.
Example He started making decisions without involving Britain.
Explanation Stature of Westminster takes effect; British Parliament can no longer make laws for Canada. Canada Countries If Canada did needed to that don’t not become become become independent independent. independent we would still aren’t taken be drinking tea seriously by and living other under British countries. laws. Some parts of Vancouver They say being Canada have island is independent taken this to currently would be seriously. trying to better for both become its the island and own B.C, but B.C. province. will be a shame if we lost one of the worlds largest islands.
Topic Canadian and American stock market crash.
Point Economy was good so everyone bought stocks.
Some were able to make it through the depression without suffering.
Example Stock market had a mini crash and everyone panicked
Some people made money off of the depression because they could afford to buy stocks when everyone else sold there’s When the It was mainly economy due to buying crashed some stock with the people killed banks money themselves and not being able to pay it back.
Explanation When people panicked they also sold there stocks and the market could not recover and the depression started. Then many years later when the economy recovered they were filthy rich
Buying on a margin-‐ buying stocks with borrowed money, it is not a good idea.