Dove Nest Brand Guidelines

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The following Dove Nest brand mark guidelines are integral to maintaining a consistent brand identity and must be used across all communication material from December 2011 onwards.

Standard brand marks The standard brand mark is the Dove Nest logo. There are two main versions, called ‘stack’ and ‘long’. Use ‘stack’ as the primary choice and if needed due to format or available space ‘long’ should then be used.



Improper usage The Dove Nest brand mark must only be used as shown in these brand guidelines in order to project a consistent visual identity. It is therefore important that the brand mark is not misused or altered in any way. Illustrated here are examples of misuse. Any alteration of the brand mark is not permitted.

Do not change the way the logo is set by rotating it on an angle. The logo must be set horizontally at all times.

Do not stretch the logo in any way.

Do not alter the logo in any shape or form by removing the segments of the ident.

Use only the approved colour palette as specified and demonstrated when altering colours within the logo.

Dove Nest Do not use any other font to replace the Dove Nest type within the logo.

When placing the logo onto coloured backgrounds. Make sure it is clear and legible at all times.

Exclusion zone For greater visual impact, other elements must not encroach on the brand mark. There must be a zone of clear space around the brand mark that is the cap-height of the letter ‘s’ on all sides as shown below.

Minimal size usage of logo For legibility the minimum sizes of brand mark are as follows:

No less than 15mm

No less than 24mm

No less than 8mm

Single colour brand marks If printing restrictions or layouts require the use of a single colour logo, always use the options show here. Single colour BLACK, WHITE. or GREYSCALE.

Different colour brand marks The following colour palette is a sample of the colours that can be used within marketing collateral. Feel free to use additional colours, but remain true to the ‘essence’ of style, fun and consideration of the Dove Nest brand.

13C 16M 19Y 2K

69C 8M 7Y 0K

1C 56M 71Y 0K

210R 210G 201B

124R 181G 213B

245R 145G 80B

HTML # dbd2c9

HTML # 7cb5d5

HTML # f59150

3C 99M 16Y 14K

52C 8M 100Y 0K

173R 2G 105B

166R 193G 45B

HTML # ad0269

HTML # a6c131

2C 11M 82Y 0K 242R 216G 87B HTML # f2d857

Patterned, coloured & photographic backgrounds Always use a version of the brand mark that gives best legibility when placed on a coloured background or photographic image. When placing the image on a photographic image please position the logo for best legibility. If there are issues then use either the alternate ‘white’ or ‘black’ version. Do not place the logo on a busy or heavily patterned background.




Using the ident By ident we refer to the graphical symbol in all it’s colour variations. It is allowable to use the ident as a separate element. The ident can also be used as a design feature, for example as a ‘watermark’ effect shown below.

Typefaces To maintain a consistent visual identity across all Dove Nest communications ‘digital & Print’ there are two fonts that are used:

Swiss 721 Extended

Open Sans ‘Google Font’

This typeface is used within the logotype. It should be used only in the creation of ‘SubBrands’ and other name devices that echo the Dove Nest logo. It is not to be used as a staple typeface for use within marketing collateral.

This typeface is used within all marketing collateral. This ‘Google’ font is being used due to the fact collateral being produced in-house needs to match the online presence and professionaly produced peices. All IT at Dove Nest will require the font, so picking one that is free, and that almost all internet browsers have existing access to via ‘Google’ is key. It also radically reduced the IT implementation costs. Adding a 120% stretch in an attempt to echo Swiss Extended.

100% Horzontal Scale 120% Horzontal Scale

Open Sans ‘Google Font’ Open Sans ‘Google Font’


Swiss 721 - Light Extended AB C D E F GH I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V WX YZ a bc de fg h i j k l m n o p q rst u v w x y z Swiss 721 - Extended AB CD EF G H IJ KL M N O P Q R ST U VWXYZ ab cd e f gh i j k l mn o pqr s t u vw x yz Swiss 721 - Bold Extended A B CD E F GHI J K LM N OP QR S T U VW XYZ a bcdef g hi j k l m nop q r s t uv w x y z

Open Sans

Open Sans - Light ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Open Sans - Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Open Sans - Extra-Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

Dove Nest Group The Old Corn Mill Crosthwaite Kendal Cumbria LA8 8BS

Published January 2012

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