Those Bird Cartoons

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Those Bird Cartoons by Mick Elliot M i ck Elli o t takes a lo o k at li f e th r o ug h th e ey es o f h i s ch ar mi ng li ttle f eath er ed f r i ends - th i s b o o k i s th e per f ect anti do te to taki ng li fe to o s er i o us ly .

Keep a lookout for elephants

h ttp : / / www. fa c e bo o k . c o m / Th o s e B i r d C a r to o n s e m a i l : m i c k e l l i o t@ m e . c o m


What some of the world's toughest critics say about 'those bird Cartoons'

"This book has helped me and my hordes get through the hardships of conquering places that don't really want to be conquered... " Genghis Khan "Verily this is a very funny book, and I should know because I know a bit about writing funny books...." William Shakespeare "This is the funniest book what I have ever read... Samuel Johnson More GENUINE praise on the next page

"I only found this book recently and it has inspired me to go out and find other things ... " Christopher Columbus "When I first read Those Bird Cartoons I was fascinated by how they got funnier and funnier as I progressed my way through the book, this got me thinking ... " Charles Darwin "Ten minutes flicking through Those Bird Cartoons helps me re focus on my music ... " Ludwig Van Beethoven "I'm going to buy lots of Those Bird Cartoons books and send them to my lady friends as special presents on Saint Valentines Day ... " Al Capone


i phone

What's that?

What are you doing?


it's what i do!


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons


where else?

elliot Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

Keep a lookout for Cuckoos


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

Remember before the recession when we used to fly everywhere?


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

You look a bit down

It's my wife, she wants me to get a job

what for?

says she's sick of living on crumbs

Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

What's everyone waiting for?

the burger man



bugs nuts



Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

She says my what's with the shorts?

my wife made them

what for?

legs are too skinny


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

that's how humans make love - fancy giving it a try?

we'll need to get a wardrobe


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

watch out for that hawk, it can see us from more than a mile away

what hawk? elliot

Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

OK OK! next time, we fly mutter mutter

groan moan


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

I told you, no more brown


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

fancy making some eggs?

let's not get carried away by the moment


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

wanna see a grown man cry?

Any response? yes

he's running... waving his club!

this should do it we have tears


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

are you flying south for the winter?

not flying train, ferry, hire car

you got that right

easyjet hand luggage policy why not fly?



Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

another dawn another chorus

you go ahead, I'll give it a miss this morning


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

yo, man yo, dude

Thanks, man. but they keep falling off Nice shades, dude

no ears, man why's that dude?


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

what's his problem?

he thinks he's a bat


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

Can you play the Guitar?

No, but I'm pretty good on the piano

sorry,I really need a guitar player

how about the violin?

I just need a guitarist - not a freak show What a loser!


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

I've been waiting all day for you


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

What's his problem?

He thinks he's an ostrich


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

is it just me, or are worms getting bigger?


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

what's with the kilt?

Scottish ancestry

shouldn't you have a sporran?


that would look silly


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

How can you tell? Bankers!

They look smug

and ashamed


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

You're standing on my mum!


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

why won't you buy me a guilded cage?

They're not all they're cracked up to be elliot Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

go on, do it again

promise not to laugh?


do it again, promise we won't laugh

ha ha ha

he he


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

he he he

ha ha ha


Er... nothing!


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

Where did you get that?


Why didn't you use home delivery?

Internet's not working

Have you tried switching it off... then on again?

Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

I wonder what gave them the idea that we liked peanuts


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

don't you listen to the bbc

you're in a no-fly zone

what's a no-fly zone ?

No, why?


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

left a bit.. no right... no left left... left sorry... it's r ight! min d that cloud... no, the one on the left.....

I hate migration ... I've got another 2,000 miles 0f this


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

What's wrong with you?


come on, something's upsetting you

I'm fine really

Just tell me - it can't be that bad


ok I don't like yellow! Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

I think we should have turned left at southampton


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

what's with the stilts, bud? Can't swim, dude!


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

Hello - what do you do?


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

each week, we throw out the least silly of you

This is how it works, everyone gets into the cage and does really silly things

the winner is the last one left

what's the prize?

brief celebrity status... humiliation... breakdown... me



me me me

Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

do you think these glasses make us look more intelligent?



Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

That's the 747-100. capacity of 366 first and 452 second class passengers, RollsRoyce rb211's with 50,000 lbs of thrust, 185,000 litres fuel, maximum range 6,100 miles blah blah etc....

Get a life, dad!


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

I'm thinking of making it into a nest

It needs a lot of work

Just do it!


I su


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

My Brother got hit by one of those

And nothing

just a few feathers


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

cuckoo! Cuckoo!


elliot Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

Very cute - but I couldn't eat a whole one!

I agree, it's definitely a Share


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

It's a bit slow but it's cheap and the ride is silky smooth

Yeah Right


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

Can I be in a cartoon?

OK... say something funny

wooa! racist!

two chicks come into a bar...

too sexist

Not as easy as it looks - is it?

OK - a sparrow, a pigeon and a.. elliot Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

I wish he'd mow the lawn - I haven't seen a worm for weeks


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

elliot Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

sorry only birds allowed in these strips

Ok - but don't bring any of your weird friends round

I am a bird

Prove it

er,,, tweet tweet?

woof woof!

elliot Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

what's your story?

I'm from his first cubist cartoon


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

ThaT'S THE THiRD ONE TONiGHT. Do you think we ought to tell someone?


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

That is a pathetic cry for attention


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

I can't see a thing in here... and it's full of creepy crawlies

well it was your idea to move to the country


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

It doesn't pay much but the publicity's great...

he tells everyone to watch the birdie


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

Oh no! not another walking Holiday


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

Call yourself a duck? That's pathetic


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

The edge of the universe is 90 billion trillion miles away

wow! lets fly up to that branch and get a closer look


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

OK, Team, we're 15 nil down in the first half... any ideas?

smaller Ball?

elliot Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

what happened to you?

I flew into a car wash


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

there should be government legislation on the use of pruning shears


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

what's the parachute for?


unexpected ones

What kind of emergencies?


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

it's a fun ride but he has absolutely no homing instincts

elliot Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

These feeders are all very well but i always feel a bit sick after dinner


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

we're covering all our options



elliot Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

this is amazing i feel like i'm actually flying


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

Have you had your cup of tea this morning?

not yet...

my kettle's broken


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

THat dog will do anything for a bit of attention


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

facebook? are you on facebook?

www and all that


You know, the internet

OH w w w of course woof woof woof

y ou hav e to admit, he is cu te

elliot Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

why don't we just fly?

what! in this weather?


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

fancy a dance?

No thanks, i think dancing looks a bit silly at my age

pretty please

oh all right

still got it

He's rubbish!

elliot Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

It's a horse shoe... they're meant to be lucky

cool, lets look for the other one


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

Are you an agent?

What's an agent?

Someone who sells your talents and makes you rich and famous

Sounds good will you find one for me?

And what are your talents? Apart from asking silly questions.

elliot Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

Oh the pain... the pain

it's his first sureal cartoon... works rather well don't you think?



Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

whats an omlette, mum?

are you going to tell him? or shall i?


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

fancy a day out, do lunch somewhere? yes, why not?

Train, car or bus? I thought i'd fly actually

can't afford public transport


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

can I have my ball back, please

what ball?

elliot Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

why don't you fly anymore?

but you're a bird, flying's something you never forget

like riding a bike

what's a bike?

lost my nerve


Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

er - what about the last cartoon?

He'll think of something, come on let's get a cup of tea

Š Mick Elliot - Those Bird Cartoons

http :/ / www. f ac e book. c om/ T hos e Bi r d C ar toon s - e mai l : mi c ke l l i ot@me . c om

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