Why is Vitamin C important ?

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Vitamin C or the popular L-ascorbic acid, plays an important role in the collagen production. This valuable protein has the function to make blood vessels stronger and help in the growth and development of all tissues. Although very rare, vitamin C deficiency is still possible. One of the popular diseases connected with vitamin C deficiency is scurvy. This disease is frequent in people who avoid eating fruits and vegetables, for some reason. It usually causes spots on the skin of the legs, gum problems, which can further leave to teeth loss. Another dangerous side effect of vitamin C deficiency is the inability of the blood to clot (because of the collagen), which can cause the affected person to bleed to death. Some other vitamin C deficiency symptoms are: • dry hair • bleeding from the nose • obesity caused by slow metabolism • anemia • weak tooth enamel • arthritis • impaired growth of the bones It is suggested that the best dose of vitamin C should be somewhere between 60 mg- 3 grams per day. Vitamin C can be easily obtained through fresh fruits and vegetables. Let us name just a few of them: broccoli, strawberries, peppers, kiwi, spinach, lemon or orange juice, etc. What are the Benefits of Vitamin C? The side effects and symptoms of the diseases we have mentioned previously can be greatly reduced if you take enough vitamin C every day. Additionally, vitamin C has many other benefits, like: • It is a powerful anti-oxidant which means that it successfully lowers the risk of stroke and heart attack. This happens because it doesn't allow the cholesterol in blood to oxidize. • It plays a vital role in the regulation of blood pressure levels and also the levels of blood sugar. • Men and women struggling with infertility problems can really benefit from vitamin C. • Since it is an anti-oxidant it successfully prevents cancer and similar diseases. • It is good for the skin and it makes the healing of wounds faster. • The treatment of cold and some allergies cannot be imagined without vitamin C. What about taking too much vitamin C?

Several health complications may occur in case vitamin C is taken excessively and for a longer period of time: digestive problems, diarrhea, fever, intense back pain, headaches, formation of kidney stones and many more. For this reason, it is important to use vitamin C and any other vitamin in the recommended doses. There are plenty of foods rich in vitamin C so the recommended daily amounts can be easily obtained; all you have to do is to change your eating plan a bit.

You can read much more important information about great sources of vitamin C on this useful vitamin site

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_M_Dotox

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