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Bahara Pride Project in Parternership with IRISE International (Schools and Community Outreaches)
We worked with four secondary schools and four primary schools which are Kitumba secondary school, Kamengo secondary school, Smaling Peas High school Kahinju secondary school, Green Circle primary school, kiguma primary school, Butebe Primary school and Butebe Primary school which are eight schools in total.
We carried out carrier guidance, menstrual health hygiene where we shared with them the experiences of menstruation where they shared with us what they know about menstruation. During the menstrual hygiene session girls were asked to share what materials they use when they are in their periods and they mentioned disposable pads, cotton and clean pieces of cloth ,GPCC facilitators shared with them other possible materials they can use where we mentioned menstrual cups, reusable pads tampons among others where by one of the facilitators also shared with the girls how women in Karamoja use sand when they are in their periods since it is not easy to access water in their area. We also shared about reproductive health and also did pad making training where every girl had a chance to make her own sanitary towel. We also distributed a packet of disposable pads and one reusable pads to each student to help them during their periods.
Purposes of the project in schools
• Students and teachers’ engagements in menstrual hygiene awareness
• Teaching students about sexual reproductive health
• Awareness on sexual transmitted diseases
• Teaching students on how to use other menstruation objects like menstrual cups and reusable pads since most of them are only familiar with disposable pads

• Train girls how to make disposable pads
• Create or start up clubs in schools where girls can make pads in their free time and sell them
• Socialize with students and teachers through carrying out girl talks where girls can ask different questions and also share experiences and seek guidance or help.
In the community outreach, we went to Harugongo village where we did menstrual hygiene, reproductive health and also donated clothes to the women and men of Harugongo and we were able to associate with both women and men of Harugongo. Engaging men in menstrual health is an advantage since we are all responsible and concerned about the girl child since these girls are our sisters, daughters, wives and mothers therefore it is necessary for men to learn about menstrual health as well.
Purposes of the outreach in communities
• Engaging both men and women in menstrual health hygiene

• Training men and women how to make reusable pads
• Sexual reproductive health and menstrual hygiene awareness