1 minute read
Not to mention the fact that we help in the water cycle

Even though we help them to do many important activities they still choose to cut us down
We inhale their farts practically everyday and transform them into clean air
It is so lets go and find out where that noise came from Umm... Ryan did you hear that?
I thought this was the private forest that your dad owns?

Yeah thats because the personsnin mention obviously ran away

Dude lets just leave. The lecture starts in 20 minutes
I could have sworn that the sound came from here it’s not like trees are useful anyway

Did I tell you that my dad is planning on cutting down the forest?

No! Why would he do that?

He wants to build his company headquarters there.

The trees in the eastern and southern parts of the forest were completely cut down.

Bluey!!! We sent you out get information not to bring back your lies.

Prove it
I overheard the engineer say how his going to cut down the trees in the southern part next so if you are cut down in the next two weeks it is proof.
Five days later
Urgh!!! Pine!! What is the sound it is ruining my beauty sleep you better open your eyes and see this

Bluey wasn’t lying
I’m seven years later in the new office headquarters
This heat is way to extreme!!!
Remember when this place was a forest

Everytime I go outside I feel like am being burnt alive.

Because of us deforestation is happening at rapid rates causing increased green house gases in the enviroment, climate change, fewer crops, soil erosion and many others. If more of us actually paid attention to what is happening we can make a real change.