PORTLAND WALDORF Tissue paper window in the Rose K - photo by grandparent John Blades
Reaching Towards the Future During this season of giving, we hope you consider the richness that this education and Portland Waldorf School bring to you and your family. Annual Giving provides you the opportunity to contribute towards the school’s future. Your valuable support through the building blocks of Tuition and Fees, Annual Giving, and other Fundraisers are the foundation of our school, our future, and most important, the education of our students. If you have questions, contact Stephen at November stephen.guntli@portlandwaldorfschool.org or 503-654-2200, ext. 210
inside Flour Mill Auction Concert & Community Development Guest Speaker & invites High School Open House Talk Classroom life & Store Board Community" January Calendar
2 3 4 5 6 6-8 9 10 11 12
auction faq’s class item description due 12/15 procurement forms available soon tickets for sale in January teams to support the event are coming together nicely we’re still looking for a Volunteer Coordinator for the evening-so if you’re unflapable, organized and a great communicator email Kelly. dinner is going to be GREAT (stay tuned for an exciting announcement about that when we return from break)
March 3, 2012
oh, and the music - the music is going to be good too!
Portland Waldorf School Monday Planning Meetings Each Monday we meet at Milwaukie Kitchen and Wine at 8:30 am. In additional to general planning, we also have the following list of topics for each meeting. Please feel free to pick one that sparks interest and join us.
Great donations from the past •Handmade items •Services (don’t forget babysitting) •Lessons to learn something •Did we mention services? •One of a kind experiences (strawberry picking?)
MEETING dates with tentative topics 1/9 silent auction 1/16 look and feel of the evening 1/23 tickets 1/30 music 2/6 volunteers 2/13 logistics
•Food, food of all sorts - what about food carts? •Getaways (who wants to get to the beach?) Consider hosting an easel party, email Stephanie Paris miss.stephanie.paris@gmail.com Julianne Renzema momartist@yahoo.com
DEVELOPMENT Shield Event a smashing success by Stephen Guntli
The Shield Event held on November 18th was an artistic
and financial success. Over $7,500 was raised for tuition
!"#$%&'()*+,#-./)0%")1202-" 32&4.&'()+')0%")5#/0
raffle tickets. Thanks to our volunteer committee:
assistance for PWS. Thanks to all who purchased shields or December Carson, Jamie Lee Edwards, Patricia Lynch, Anne Mavor, Julianne Renzema, and Pat Wojciechowski. A very special thank you to the following artists who provided
their time and creativity to turn an ordinary wooden shield
into a beautiful work of art.
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Ben Brill
Anne Mavor
Adriana Caliri
Lisi McCarthy
Kelly Chappie
Tom Myers
Carlotta Collette
Aaron and Ayumi Kajikana Piland
Yvonne Cseko
0"/ 123%%,
!"#$#%& '(()
0"/4 '"$"/(
*&&"+, *--(+,
MJ Davison
Katherine Pomeroy
Tripper Dungan
Julianne Renzema
Jennifer Feeney
Maya Roddy
Vivian Hansen
Neriman Sagar
Gary Hirsch
Jenny Siegel
Koral Hooser
Linda Sirianni
Martie Kilmer
Cooper Stites
Susan Lake
Elizabeth Webber
Patricia Lynch
Erin Welsh
Raya Lieberman
Pat Wojciechowski
Photo by Nicole Spring, parent
Wreath Sale Results The annual wreath sale brought in close to $9,000 to the school. Thanks to all who purchased and sold wreaths and to the many volunteers and staff who made it possible.
PWHS High School Orchestra in concert! January 24th, 2012 7:30
The painting below is by alumni parent Jennifer Finn and recently on display at the Albina Press as part of the Siren Nation art show
Concert Location: Mary’s Woods 17400 SW Holy Names Dr Lake Oswego, OR 97034
Featuring Soloists: Mary Evans-violin, Forrest Palamountain-violin, Natalie Condon (conducting) James McLennan, guest artist, on trombone Program: Christmas Concerto by Corelli Tachanka a Russian folk Melody Mama Mia by ABBA Strangers in the Night High Hopes All I Have to Do is Dream by the Everly Brothers Cantata by JS Bach Everyone is welcome. No tickets required. Contact: Corey Averill, Music director singandbow@comcast.net 503-407-6256 cell 503-654-2200 x 216 office
Pears to Support our Community by Diane Rowley I was having a conversation with Julia McCarl about her two initiatives to bring “fun raising” to our school (Community Square Dances and Movie night) when she mentioned that she had a donation of fruit from the Mt. Hood Organic Farms for the school to sell as a fundraiser for the Special Circumstance Fund.# This came out of a conversation she was having with the owners of the farm about the financial challenges a family in our school was having, which caused them to withdraw their child# They offered up this donation to help keep the family in the school.# This was part of an effort that made that possible. There is a lot of good heartedness out there. Thank you to all!
Renewal Magazine
To help cut expenditures this school year, rather than order and distribute the Renewal magazine to all parents in the school as we have done in past years, we have ordered just a few to be shared around.# A copy has been given to each early childhood and class teacher to read and pass on articles they may find useful to share with parents in their class.# I have given Kate McGill a few copies for the high school teachers and put copies in the faculty room for teachers and staff to see.# There will be a few copies in the library and parent box area for parents to read and enjoy.# It is also possible for anyone to subscribe to the magazine directly if you would like to get it. Go to the AWSNA website to subscribe.
OPPORTUNITIES FOR PARENTS Creating Healthy Spaces for Young Children: An evening talk and conversation with Susan Weber Waldorf educator and Director of Sophia’s Hearth Family Center in Keene, New Hampshire We are all sensitive to the environment around us, but as adults, we may not always realize how sensitive we are. For the young child, the environment speaks even more strongly – it does not whisper, but calls loudly! The environment is essential for the development of the physical and sensory capacities of a child. But even more deeply, the world around them helps to develop the life of their soul. In this way, the intentional environments in which we live are crucial, as the child begins to discover what it means to be a human being. This evening talk and conversation will focus on the following questions: • How do indoor and outdoor spaces speak to the young child? • What opportunities and responsibilities do we encounter when we create intentional environments for young children? • How can children be invited to thrive in these spaces? Slides from special settings for young children will illustrate Susan’s presentation.
Susan WEBER brings many years of experience as a mother, Waldorf early childhood teacher, and adult educator. She presently serves as the director of Sophia’s Hearth Family Center in Keene, NH, a training center for early childhood professionals as well as a center for community-based programs for parents, infants and very young children.! Her writing has appeared in the Waldorf Early Childhood Association of North America, the Bulletin of the Research Institute for Waldorf Education, and Lilipoh magazine. Sophia’s Hearth Family Center bases its work upon the resources of Waldorf early childhood education and the work of the Pikler Institute. Susan regularly presents the work of Sophia’s Hearth Family Center as well as themes relating to the very young child, at local, national, and international conferences, including New York, Dornach, Switzerland, and Budapest.
Walk Through the Grades The first Wednesday of the month from 9-10:30 am (except Jan and April), we host a Walk Through during which we visit most classes while they are in session. This event is intended to introduce PWS to prospective parents, but current ones are always welcome. Please let Kelly Chappie or Mary Beaton know if you’d like to join in the future. Feel free to invite friends or family to join you!
Lower School Enrollment by Mary Beaton I am delighted to be helping Kelly Chappie in the Admissions Office working specifically with the Early Childhood and Grades.! In the past few weeks I have had the pleasure of meeting the lovely new families joining our community, getting to know better the dedicated faculty and staff, and the great fun of peeking into the classrooms during our monthly Walk Through The Grades.! Although our family has been with PWS for eight years now, I have, these past few weeks, discovered many new aspects of our exceptional school – hidden treasures that can be shared with the broader Portland area!!!Kelly and I are working on an outreach action plan. We look forward to getting into different communities our parents work, play or support in an effort to get the word out regarding our wonderful school, faculty and community. The upcoming months will bring more information about this..! In the interim, this is a great time for brainstorming, and I would welcome your ideas.! Feel free to email me at mary.beaton@portlandwaldorfschool.org, give me a call at ext 209, or even better, pop by my office (between the gym and library).! You can find me here Tuesday through Friday, 8:30-3:00.! Also, an Enrollment Committee is in the making…if you have a few hours of volunteer time, I’d love to hear from you!!
Tuition Assistance for the 2012-2013 School Year by Sarah Rice
For the 2012-2013 school year, we will use TADS as a trusted third party to help us objectively assess what a family is able to contribute to its education expenses.
Application Deadline: January 25, 2012 To apply go to www.tads.com or www.portlandwaldorfschool.org or contact sarah.rice@portlandwaldorfschool.org
HIGH SCHOOL Next year’s 9th grade is quickly taking form click here to download HS application.
HS Enrollment Jan 21, 2011
HS Applications Due
Jan 25, 2011
Tuition Assistance Applications Due
First week in March
Tuition Assistance grants mailed and Acceptances mailed Thank you to grandparent John Blades for the photo above of the 10th grade in their humanities class
Preparing Flexible Thinkers for a Changing World
computer world, he had a hard time seeing the point of the class,
(from a talk given at a recent High School Open
friend took things too far. He had pushed too many buttons and
by Rich Hatfield, HS Science and Math Teacher House) The sense of change is lingering in many aspects of our lives… the climate, Wall Street, our food system, energy, etc. While we are very good at identifying the need for change, creating that change seems to be more difficult. Who are the people who will create the changes that are needed? These will be the next great thinkers. To tackle this topic, I’m going to start with a story. I have a good friend who was a bit mischievous in high school. He had a hard time focusing or seeing the point of much of what high school had
and the teacher was having a hard time controlling not only my friend’s difficulties, but a classroom full of difficulties. Eventually my the teacher lashed out at him: “Get out of my classroom and don’t come back, ever!” Well this delighted my friend; he was free from typing class forever! In an effort to get the last laugh, as he walked out the door he turned around and said to the teacher: “Hah, like I’ll ever need to know how to type anyway!” Well I think we know who had the last laugh in that situation. Thankfully, this particular story has a happy ending. Somehow my friend went on to graduate from Dartmouth College and ultimately from Stanford Medical School. But, I still have images of my friend sitting in the computer lab in medical school hunting and pecking his ways through papers.
in store for him. While he has many fantastic stories from this
This story tells the tale of education from the perspective of both
era of his life, my favorite takes place in typing class. He and his
the student and the teacher. From the student’s perspective, it is
teacher did not get along from the start. In a mostly pre-personal
hard to see the point in learning all of what is expected. While
HS Open House talk continued this is certainly not true for all of our young people, many of them
The logical question that follows all of this is: “If these are some of
still struggle with education: “Why does it matter that I
the challenges that education poses for our students and
memorize dates in history, mathematical formulas or scientific
teachers, what is the Portland Waldorf High School doing that is
laws?” Often their answers are along of the lines of: “I don’t like
different and will meet the needs of the next great thinkers?” The
them or I don’t care about them, and if I need to know them, I
answer I think lies in many places within our curriculum. While
can look them up.” This is becoming ever more true today.
enrolled in our high school, the students are exposed to a wide
Students have access to a large chunk of historical knowledge in
array of academic offerings and artistic media. Every student
their pockets. A quick Google search on a cell phone brings up
takes Transcendentalism, Blacksmithing, Music, Painting, Computer
millions of hits in millionths of a second.
Technology, Modern Art History, Bookbinding, Botany and
From the teacher’s perspective, things are a bit different: “How do I bring this subject that I love, to students in a meaningful way so that they will make a personal connection with
Modern Physics among many others. Each subject gives the student an opportunity to interact with a body of knowledge or a skill and their own personal relationship to that subject. Such exposure to such a
it? How do I make the material relevant and approachable?” But even bigger than that is how do we prepare our students for a future which we cannot know? That typing teacher had no idea that computers would go from 15% of US homes in 1990 to 80% by 2011. 100 years ago students were learning about quantum physics for apparently no reason at all except to satisfy curiosity. Today our
It is these series of relationships, day to day, main lesson block to main lesson block and year to year that help
broad array of curriculum is a rare gift in high school education. However,
students to develop the capacities to think and find creative solutions to the
it is how our
challenges that meet them.
the curriculum that
cars, phones, computers and information systems all run on principles developed through the
students engage with makes the real difference.
exploration of quantum mechanics. We have no idea what the
One way that this personal relationship between subject and self
next big concept will be, nor what impact that it may have. Still,
is fostered in our school is through the main lesson book. The
we must find a way to prepare our students for the future based
school day begins with an hour and 45 minute class called
on material that was conceived of in the past.
morning lesson. These morning lessons rotate their subject
At the same time, most students do not realize that there is more to education than facts and methods. They get caught up in the minutiae, the details. However, through learning these facts and methods students are developing the capacity to take on their own thinking, to solve their own problems and answer their own questions. So our challenge then, as educators, is to indirectly help students develop the capacities to be great thinkers through direct contact with curriculum. So in a sense, both the student’s and the teacher’s perspectives are valid. Ultimately the nuts and bolts of the curriculum are not essential (or at least each nut and each bolt has limited value), but it is through meaningful engagement with the curriculum that students engage their head, heart and hands to find a sense of self and develop important life capacities.
matter and teacher every 3-4 weeks. For each block, every student creates their own main lesson book artistically and academically telling the tale of their journey through the material. Because each student works to create their own body of work, individualization is necessary. Moreover, during each main lesson students are engaged in multiple modalities of learning. Rather than purely sitting and listening to lectures, students are often building projects and working in small groups to solve problems. Students are then asked each day to reflect upon the material and what each subject matter means to them and put those thoughts down on paper to create their own book. While this is not an easy task, and many students struggle with it at first, we see the progression of growth through the high school grades. What are quick, black and white observations in 9th grade become curious and eloquent explorations by twelfth grade. Moreover, the material becomes more than just a concept or a fact, it becomes a
HS Open House talk continued relationship. It is these series of relationships, day to day, main
then shared their joy with their community. Seniors leave our
lesson block to main lesson block and year to year that help
school with the notion that they can accomplish anything that
students to develop the capacities to think and find creative
they put their mind to. What a fantastic way to enter adult life;
solutions to the challenges that meet them.
full of optimism, a sense of accomplishment and eager to pursue
Another aspect of our curriculum that develops the next great
the next challenge that assails them.
thinkers is our Outdoor Education Program. Our school has a
Why does all of this give me hope? When I consider the present
commitment to helping students foster a relationship with the
situation and then look into the near and distant future I see a
out of doors and nature. Each year in grades 9 through
future faced with many challenges. If we are to continue living at
12,students embark on a week-long trip to investigate a different
our current standard of living we will need to find alternatives to
part of human relationship with nature. In shelter, in
grade they explore
grade they explore animal tracking, in
solve our dependence on fossil fuel energy, figure out how to
mediate the effects of a changing climate and rethink an economy
that, in my opinion, is built largely on unrealistic and unsustainable
they explore human connections with botany, and finally, in
grade the students embark on a solo experience where they will
goals. These are not small tasks and are certainly not an
combine their skills learned in previous years to have an intense
extensive list. But, as Albert Einstein said: "We can't solve
personal experience in nature. Through individual and group
problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we
experiences outside, students learn to collaborate to solve
created them." Meaning that in order to create positive change,
problems and observe the world around them. By just breaking
our thinking must evolve, and the Waldorf student gives me hope
the rhythm of a daily schedule, students are reminded of the
that our thinking is indeed evolving. I see students that are
importance of slowing down and taking time for self, to reflect, to
willing to meet the world with curiosity and joy, each from their
learn, to think.
own unique perspective. They are ready for a challenge and
The last aspect of our curriculum that I will touch upon is the senior project. During the senior year, students develop an independent project proposal. After the proposal, the project is broken down into three parts: A
welcome the opportunity to work on it. If young people are heading out into the world with curiosity, hope and creativity, there is much for which to be hopeful. seniors at the coast last week
Research Project and paper, a related project activity, and an oral presentation that is given to the community about their experiences. Every year, the seniors tackle an astounding array of topics, from cooking the perfect meal and writing a cookbook to developing a set of speakers fit for an audiophile. As such, each Waldorf student personally connects with a subject that is near and dear to them and sets out to accomplish a task within it, using critical thinking and practical application. When the senior is done, they have set a personal goal, accomplished that goal and
1st and 8th Grade Buddies
by Virginia Berg, 1st Grade Teacher Our school has long had the tradition of pairing up first and eighth graders--"buddies." I got to see it last Autumn as the eighth grade teacher, and now I see it from the first grade perspective. We have "buddy recess" alone with the eighth graders every Friday, our buddies taught us to knit, they helped us carve the pumpkins that we brought back from the pumpkin patch, we sit with them at assemblies, and they give us giant hugs and highfives in the hallways whenever we see them. !!! Eighth grade teachers, in particular, feel a lot of pressure to fit their curriculum into a tight schedule, and it's hard to put that all that aside so that one can spend half an hour every Friday building fairy houses or playing chasing games with a buddy.! !!! Yet, when we see what these relationships bring out in all of our students, teachers are so grateful for this tradition. The way the first graders feel so special in the glow of the big kids' attention builds a bridge into the Grades. Eighth graders forget their own self-conscious concerns and remember how to freely play, and willingly let their buddy win the races. Soon, there is a palpable warmth in the room whenever the buddies are together. They come to speak one another's language.
7th Grade Creative Writing Block by student Sean Grealish -- description of The Storm (see right) Wildly ran the lovers, the wind tearing at their backs like a pack of lions. ! They ran, barefoot through the forest over sticks and stones that scratched their feet. ! The lady's outer garment they held over themselves in case of rain, and as both were thinly dressed, the couple hoped to reach a shelter before the real storm passed overhead. ! The man was a young shepherd dressed in goatskins and of a merry disposition, almost enjoying the chase. ! The maiden was a fair lady of the nearby village, and since her main garment billowed overhead, she wore only a transparent underlayer and was quite cold as well as terrified by the turmoil that was starting to enclose them. ! As they ran, they came to a cave and decided to stay the night there sleeping on some dried heather the shepherd found nearby. ! At daybreak the couple heard a horn, and a hunting party rode into the clearing outside the cave. ! They said they had come searching for the pair, because they had not been back when the gates closed. ! So the lovers were reunited with family and friends, and I'm happy to say, married the next day and lived a happy life until their end.
SPRING CREEK STORE Holiday Hours Reminder Open Tuesday, December 20th from 9:00am – 1:00pm for last minute Holiday shopping. Enjoy music and hot apple cider. 2012 Calendars We have several lovely Calendars for sale this year; The Waldorf School Calendar, The Portland Events, with photography from parent, Mark Gamba, and The Elsa Beskow Calendar. All Calendars will be on sale for 15 – 20% off. Happy New Year Sale Selected Holiday items will be discounted 25% - 50% starting January 3rd. This is a great opportunity to put lovely items away at a savings for next year. P.W.S. Community Cookbook With the holidays tucked in our memories we can devote time to our 30th Anniversary, Community Cookbook. We are asking that you submit one or a couple favorite recipes to share. We would like to start formulating the book by the end of February. But please don’t wait until then to send yours in. Send recipes to; Gypsygal1961@gmail.com or Kellyatidrick@gmail.com . Blessings on our meals!
The Storm by PierreAuguste Cot 1837-1883
New First Grade Teacher The College of Teachers is pleased and honored to announce that Jim Conlon, our present Eighth grade teacher, will be the Grade 1 teacher in the fall of 2012. Mr. Conlon was raised in Detroit, Michigan and went to college at the University of Vermont where he studied secondary school science (biology) and Pomology at Cornell University. He received his Waldorf teacher training at the Waldorf Institute in Detroit, Michigan and studied biodynamic agriculture at Emerson College in England. In addition he completed the Spatial Dynamics training in 1994. For a number of years Mr. Conlon owned and operated an organic apple orchard in Ithaca, New York before taking his first class through at the Hawthorne Valley Waldorf School in 1986. While there, he completed one cycle (grade 1-8) and then taught movement/PE in grades 2 through 12, and Geography and Astronomy main lessons in the high school for 8 years.! In 2004 Mr. Conlon came to Portland, along with his wife Sue and their 5 daughters, so he could take the first grade class.
From the Board of Trustees by Bruce Evans, Board President Your Board of Trustees has had an exciting Fall. We have been able to support, participate in, and witness some exciting new initiatives at the school. Under the guidance of Diane Rowley in her new role as interim School Chair, a number of new projects have been completed, a number continue to move forward, and new initiatives are just taking flight. Jeff Smith and Sarah Rice are up and running with our new billing processes and technology and are embarking on the implementation of a new accounting system which will further integrate our business systems and improve our controls and efficiency in business operations. Kelly Chappie continues to work to get the word out to prospective students about the wonders of Waldorf education. Kelly has also taken on some more community development work, including taking a lead role in this year’s auction event and publishing the new-look Heartbeat newsletter. On a grander scale, Kelly has been working on a new Marketing initiative for the school intended to increase exposure, understanding, and enrollment. Stephen Guntli has recently completed the compilation and next-step planning of our five year strategic plan. He also has
Exit Survey Feedback by Diane Rowley
This fall, for the first time, we sent an Exit Survey and letter to the parents of the seniors that graduated in June 2011.! In the past, Exit Surveys have been sent to any family that leaves the school at the end of 8th grade, mid-year, or at the end of a year.!! We value and appreciate the feedback we get from these surveys.! The information we receive is shared with the College of Teachers and with individual teachers, as appropriate, to help us continue to grow and improve as a school.! We receive and welcome both constructive criticism and expressions of gratitude.! A recently returned survey from a 12th grade parent was too wonderful to keep to myself, so I asked their permission to share it with the community:
completed grant application work that we hope to hear about before the new year. Also, Stephen has led the launch of the Building Blocks Annual Appeal Campaign The 2011-12 Annual Appeal has begun with an initial mailing and posters in the school. PWS, like virtually all private schools, does not charge a tuition that fully covers the entire cost of educating our students. Rarely does tuition for a private school cover more than 85% of cost. PWS is no exception. As an independent school with no tax support or religious affiliation, we count on donations, such as Annual Appeal gifts, to bridge the gap between tuition and cost. This model is intended to support diversity in our school and strengthen community by supporting each other and our school. Please fill out your pledge cards and give generously. On behalf of myself and the PWS Board of Trustees, I would like to wish everyone Happy Holidays. May your celebrations be safe and warm.
“My daughter’s experience was outstandingly wonderful!! The curriculum and teachers met her at each stage of growth.! We were seeking a high quality grade 7-12 Waldorf school experience and found it at PWS and PWHS.! My daughter was inspired to continue with science in college by her experiences at PWHS.! We as parents have been very grateful for the high quality of thought and discourse at PWHS, and for the love and encouragement our daughter received as a developing young adult from all her teachers.! We feel that this care and concern for each student is very exceptional in its universality and is indicative of the academic, social and spiritual quality of the education offered, and the culture of the high school as a whole.! Thank you all so much for your work as educators.”
A Book Review by Michelle Marcyk, PWS alumni parent I'd like to bring to your attention an! important!book which is an excellent complement to Kim Payne's Simplicity Parenting, Soul of Discipline and other lectures. Hold on to Your Kids, by Canadian psychologist Dr Gordon Neufeld and!Dr Gabor Matte`(MD),!examines the widespread phenomenon (crisis) throughout North America!of "peer orientation" and addresses the!importance of parents staying connected with their kids, especially through tween/teen years. Peer orientation refers to the tendency of children and youth to look to their peers for direction (re: values, sense of right and wrong, identity and codes of behavior), a pattern which undermines family cohesion, squelches the child's individuality, curiosity and intelligence; and provides a powerful source of schoolyard bullying and youth aggression. Once understood, it becomes evident -- as do the solutions. The concepts and practical advice in Hold On to Your Kids will!empower!parents!to satisfy their children's inborn need to find direction by turning towards a source of authority, contact and warmth. Simplicity Parenting!Leader Raelee Pierce (new outreach director!of Emerson!Waldorf School in NC),!states!on her!parenting website that Simplicity Parenting and Hold on to Your Kids may be the "only two" books needed in today's world for the basics of good parenting.!!Both are about!recognizing the importance of connection in families,!and working!with intention to!create space!for these connections to flourish. !As the New Year unfolds, I!encourage!initiatives within PWS!to take up either (or both)!of these books in parent-led discussion groups, or your class meetings.! One copy of Hold on to Your Kids will soon be available in the PWS library.!You'll also find Kim Payne's book/CD's there, and!in the Spring Creek store.
! Pet’s Point of View
Thank you to First Friday Volunteers by Diane Rowley
"Helping animals and people find their full potential with each other" We can!enhance the life of our animal companions with gentle holistic methods to improve health, wellness and behavior. The services I offer include: TTouch, Behavior Consulting, Animal Communication, Hospice Support. Gift Certificates available. For information contact Ute Luppertz 503 774 2986 or go to www.petspointofview.vpweb.com
A huge bucketful of thanks goes to Nancy Peirce for spearheading and enthusiastically providing in person a strong Portland Waldorf School presence at the downtown Milwaukie First Fridays all summer and into the freezing chill of winter.! Thank you to all who joined Nancy on first Friday evenings to support this effort along the way. Special thanks go to Heidi Tate who along with Nancy braved the cold winter winds of December, freezing fingers as they helped people fold magical transparency stars.! Many Milwaukie residents have enjoyed and appreciated the variety of art projects that have been offered each month.! Thank you, Nancy!
Fri & Sat
3 School Resumes
Adult Eurythmy 8:45-9:45 am
Circus Skills Class 1:30-3:00 pm
Community Choir 8:45 am
Parent Council 7pm
Adult Woodworking 6pm
Adult Blacksmithing 6pm
9 Creating Nurturing Enviornments for young children with Susan Weber 6:30-8:30 pm
School in session
Hearing and Vision Screening
Hearing and Vision Screening
Adolescence Study Group w/Christopher Zinn 7pm
Adult Eurythmy 8:45-am
Circus Skills Class 1:30-3:00 pm Adult Woodworking 6pm
Community Choir 8:45am Martin Luther King Assembly 2-3pm Girls & Boys HS Basketball 4:00-& 7 pm
Adult Woodworking 6pm
17 Girls & Boys HS Basketball 4:30-& 7:30 pm Adult Blacksmithing 6pm
1st Gr pt mt 9am -Noon Rose K pt mt 9:30-11am 5th & 6th Grade BB skills Camp 12- 1:30 boys, 1:30- 3 girls
Adult Eurythmy 8:45 am
Circus Skills Class 1:30-3:00 pm
Community Choir 8:45am Girls & Boys HS Basketball 4:30 & 7:30 pm
6th Gr pt ev 6-8
Adult Woodworking 6pm
21 6th Grade BB Skills Camp 1-3pm Community Movie Night 5:30-7:30 pm (for gr 5+)
Adult Blacksmithing 6pm
Adult Eurythmy 8:45 am
Adult Woodworking 6pm
Community Choir 8:45am
Adolescence Study Group w/Christopher Zinn 7-9pm
Portland Playback Theater HS Music Rm 7-9pm
Adolescence Study Group w/Christopher Zinn 7-9pm
Community Sock -Hop and Square dance 5:30-7:30 pm
Adult Blacksmithing 6pm
5th & HS pt ev 7pm
MLK Service Day
4th Grade pt ev 6:30 pm
Girls & Boys HS Basketball 4:00-5:30pm
28 6th Grade BB Skills Camp 1-3pm
31 Girls & Boys HS Basketball 4:30-6 & 7:30 pm Adult Blacksmithing 6pm
Diane Rowley Interim School Chair, Editor Kelly Chappie Publication To submit photos or story ideas newsletter@portlandwaldorf.org Leadership Council Francine Adams Patricia Lynch Carrie Mass Robin O’Brien Board President Bruce Evans Parent Council Co-Chairpersons Stephanie Baartz-Bowman & Dave Renzema
Sculptures from the 8th grade
photo by grandparent John Blades