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Grace Forbes comes to terms with losing her sport


Grace Forbes has a sweatshirt that she would wear before every race. Her grandfather, who died when she was young, bought it as a souvenir at the 1998 Rose Bowl, before it was passed on to her.


“He grew up from nothing. He managed to become a steelworker, he provided for his family … I take inspiration from the hardships that he’s been through, and that he’s pushed through them as well,“ Forbes said. “I haven’t worn it since, what, [September 30].”

That day, Forbes, who took second place in the 10,000-meters at last year’s NCAA outdoor track championships, set a new personal-best in the 6k at the Paul Short Run in her native Pennsylvania.

“I didn’t know it was going to be my last race ever, but it was a good race to end at because I grew up racing that course in high school,” Forbes said. “So it was a full circle moment.”

Nine days later, Forbes, an aspiring

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