THRIVE Local Magazine March 2020

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Ber t houd-Est es-Johnst ow n-Loveland


Mak ing Music

2 2 March 2020


Impor tant Phone Number s Ber t h ou d Berthoud Area Transportation Sys. (BATS) Rural Alternative For Transportation (RAFT) Library Parks & Recreation Senior Center

970-344-5816 970-532-0808 970-532-2757 970-532-1600 970-532-2730

Est es Par k Estes Valley Community Center Library Estes Park Senior Citizens Center (EPSCC) VIA Transportation

970-586-8191 970-586-8116 970-581-2195 303-447-9636

Joh n st ow n 60+ Ride Library Senior Center

970-352-9348 970-587-2459 970-587-5251

Lovelan d Library SAINT Transportation Chilson Senior Center

970-962-2665 970-223-8653 970-962-2783

THRIVE Local Wr it er s Coming Soon!

Bob McDonnell Johnstown

Phyllis Kennemer Loveland

Terry Rustin Estes Park

Danita Nixon Loveland

Mark Nixon Loveland

Virginia Huppe Berthoud

Cover Ph ot o by Ali Alm qu ist , AM A Divin e Ph ot ogr aph y

In This Issue..... Pu blish er s' Not es......................... 4 In dex of Spon sor s........................ 5 Ou t & Abou t ................................. 6 Local Even t s.................................. 7 In t h e Spot ligh t ............................. 8 Lovelan d Sen ior Cen t er ............... 10 M ak in g a Dif f er en ce.................... 11 Ou t & Abou t .................................. 12 Volu n t eer Oppor t u n it ies............. 13 Ask t h e Doct or .............................. 14 Est es Par k Sen ior Cen t er ............. 16 Est es Par k Residen t ..................... 17 Est es Valley Com m u n it y Cen t er . 18 Br ain Gam es................................. 19 Joh n st ow n Sen ior Cen t er ............ 20 Region al Spot ligh t ........................ 21 Legal View s................................... 22

Š2019 THRIVE Local, 1635 Foxtrail Dr., Loveland, CO 80538 970-852-4900 All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is strictly prohibited. Advertisements 3 contained within this publication do not represent endorsement by the publisher. Publisher may not be held liable or responsible for business practices of these companies. March 2020


THRIVE Local Magazine...CONNECT. We believe t hat one of t he t hings missing in our societ y today is real, meaningful connect ion. One of our goals w it h st art ing t he magazine w as to get t he word out about event s t hat we hold aimed at connect ing seasoned adult s. We also believed t hat if we told t he stories of seasoned adult s in our communit y, t hat t hat too would create new opport unit ies for connect ions.

Don't Miss a Single Issue Pick up har d copies of t he magazine at : Ber t h ou d:

Library, Senior Center, Hays Market

Est es:

Recreation Center, Senior Centers, MedX

Joh n st ow n : Senior Center Lovelan d:

Library, Chilson Senior Center, Pizza Ranch, Perkins & Golden Corral, Mimi's

Have THRIVE Local deliver ed t o you mont hly! Last but not least , we know t here are a ton of amazing organizat ions and businesses in t he communit y t hat serve seasoned adult s. We w anted to spot light t hose organizat ions and businesses to connect t hem w it h seasoned adult s w ho could use t heir product s or services.

There are two ways to subscribe:

This mont h, we welcome you to CONNECT w it h us. Join us at our mont hly pizza dinner (it 's free AND fun!). We would love to meet you!!

Or , call 970-852-4900 t o set u p you r su bscr ipt ion

Please cont inue to send us your ideas for art icles, upcoming event s, book signings, birt hday and anniversary celebrat ions...t his magazine is all about YOU! Send your ideas to content @t or call 970-852-4900. Danit a & Mark Nixon We are looking for t he follow ing t his mont h: Classic car ow ners in Bert houd, Estes, Johnstow n, Loveland & Milliken! 4 March 2020

Digit al Su bscr ipt ion : Free - Email your email address to Har d copy m agazin e, m ail su bscr ipt ion : $24.00 for 12 issues. Mail a check to THRIVE Local Magazine, 1635 Foxtrail Dr., Loveland, CO 80538

Meet t he Publisher s Danita & Mark Nixon are residents of Loveland. Mark is a native of Colorado, he was born in Ft. Collins. Danita was raised a Navy brat, and considers Colorado home. When they aren't working or serving in the community, Danita & Mark can be found spending time with friends and family, (5 grandkids), "sampling" craft beers, 4

geocaching, traveling or soaking in hot springs!

Index of Sponsor s

Our Sponsors make it possible to provide this monthly publication to our community free of charge. When you have a need for our sponsors' products or services, we ask that you give them a chance to earn your business. Please tell them you found them in the THRIVE Local magazine! Adult Day Car e



At t or ney

Jorgensen, Brownell & Pepin, P.C.


Aut o Glass

Prime Time Auto Glass


Chir opr act or

Beukelman Chiropractic Center


Cof fee & Smoot hies

Maui Wowi

116 Peridot Ave

Comput er

All-In-One Computer Services


Elect r ician

Grayson Electric


Financial Advisor

Edward Jones, Art Aldrich


Gr aphic Design

Lotus Design


Heat ing & Air

Custom Heating & Air Conditioning


In Home Car e

Phoenix Home Care


Insur ance

Mark Nixon, Secure American Insurance



Northern Colorado Massage


Medical Equipment

Mobility & More


Mor t gage

Family Mortgage CO


Moving Company

Exodus Moving


Phot ogr apher

AMA Divine Photography


Real Est at e

Kimberly Caldwell


Senior Living

Senior Living Advisors of Colorado


St or age

Freedom Self Storage


Who do you k now t hat you would r ecommend t o your neighbor s? THRIVE Local Magazine is looking for introductions to the following businesses: Audiologist Optician Orthopedic doctor Auto repair Auto sales Bank Handyman Roofer Travel Agent Organizer

Dentist Auto body Remodeler Painter Seamstress

Call Dan it a at 970-852-4900 or em ail dan it a@t h r ivelocalm agazin

5 March 2020


Din e Ou t Wit h Hear t is a t w o-w eek f u n dr aisin g per iod in t h e Lovelan d/ Ber t h ou d com m u n it y du r in g M ar ch 1-14, organized by Loveland Philo Club, a century-old women?s service organization. The mission of Dine Out With Heart is to reduce hunger and food insecurity in our community with a focus on our most vulnerable, especially children. Community members are asked to ?dine out? at their favorite local participating business, which includes breweries, wineries, coffee shops, and bakeries. Afterwards, they can ask for a donation envelope and make an individual monetary contribution to the Dine Out With Heart fundraiser. Often the envelopes have five or ten dollars, but sometimes people donate large amounts. The fundraiser has benefited Catholic Charities, Thompson?s Early Childhood program, Thompson Education Foundation, Community Kitchen, Associated Veterans of Loveland, food pantries at local schools and clinics, Alternaties to Violence, and others. To don at e on lin e or f or m or e in f or m at ion abou t t h e even t , par t icipat in g bu sin esses, spon sor s, an d past r ecipien t s, please visit u s at w w w.din eou t w it h h ear t .or g or lik e u s on Facebook @din eou t w it h h ear t lovelan d. Don at ion s ar e accept ed at an y t im e t h r ou gh ou t t h e year . Qu alif yin g local n on pr of it s w h o addr ess h u n ger in ou r com m u n it y ar e in vit ed t o apply f or a gr an t begin n in g Apr il 1, 2020. Par t icipat in g Bu sin esses: B Sweet Cupcakes Mo' Betta Gumbo Casa Real Mexican Grill C.J.s Patio Grill Crossroads Tavern & Grill Dark Heart Coffee Bar Doug?s in Loveland Five Tables Cafe Henry?s Pub Lazy Dog Sports Bar & Grill Loco Artisan Coffee House Loveland Tap and Tavern McGraff ?s American Grill Old Chicago Pizza & Taproom - Loveland Sweet Heart Winery The Black Steer Tilted Barrel Brew Pub Verboten Brewing & Barrel Project West End Lounge 6 March 2020


Local Events Event s in Mar ch M on . 3/ 2

THRIVE Local Fr ee M on t h ly Pizza Din n er f or Season ed Adu lt s (50+) 4:00 pm -5:30pm 2500 N. Garfield Ave., Mountainview Presbyterian Church, Loveland CONNECT with other local seasoned adults in a fun and relaxing atmosphere. Topic this month: Stroke Prevention. RSVP required. 970-852-4900 or

Tu es. 3/ 10

TLC - Th e Lovelan d Con n ect ion 9:00 am -10:30pm All Saints Episcopal Church, 3448 N. Taft Ave., Loveland Speaker: Greg Ward, Operations Chief - Loveland Fire Rescue Authority Connect with other seasoned adults, open to all, no cost to visit. $15 annual membership. Light refreshments served. RSVP requested at 970-852-4900 or

Wed. 3/ 18

Savvy Sen ior s 2:00 pm -3:00pm First Advantage Bank, 1475 N. Denver Ave., Loveland - east door, 2nd floor Topic: Moving Forward in Reverse! Reverse Mortgages. Please RSVP at 970-852-4900 or

Wed. 3/ 25

Righ t -Sizin g Reim agin ed Wor k sh op 101 Charlotte St, Johnstown Senior Center Please RSVP at 970-852-4900 or

10:00 am

Wed. 3/ 25

THRIVE Local Season ed Adu lt Lu n ch Bu n ch at t h e Pizza Ran ch 3451 Mountain Lion Dr, Loveland, CO 80537 Tired of eating alone? Open to all seasoned adults. Join us for a fun casual monthly lunch gathering. $9.89 for 65+ Please RSVP at 970-852-4900 or

11:30 am

Save t he Dat e for Apr il M on . 4/ 6

THRIVE Local Fr ee M on t h ly Pizza Din n er f or Season ed Adu lt s (50+) 2500 N. Garfield Ave., Mountainview Presbyterian Church, Loveland

Tu es. 4/ 14

TLC - Th e Lovelan d Con n ect ion All Saints Episcopal Church, 3448 N. Taft Ave., Loveland

Wed. 4/ 15

Savvy Sen ior s First Advantage Bank, 1475 N. Denver Ave., Loveland - east door, 2nd floor

Wed. 4/ 22

THRIVE Local Season ed Adu lt Lu n ch Bu n ch at t h e Golden Cor r al 1360 Sculptor Drive., Loveland. Join us for our monthly lunch gathering.

11:30 am

Sat .

NEW! THRIVE Local Sen ior pr en eu r Lu n ch & Lear n at t h e Pizza Ran ch 3451 Mountain Lion Dr, Loveland, CO 80537 CONNECT with other local seasoned business owners around a meal.

11:30 am

4/ 25

4:00 pm -5:30pm 9:00 am -10:30pm 2:00 pm -3:00pm

Suppor t Gr oups 2n d & 4t h Tu es. 10:00am M on .1-3pm & Weds. 9-11am

Est es FT.CO

M ar ch 10t h & 31st 11:15-12:45 Lvld

Car egiver Su ppor t Gr ou p - Con t act Nan cy Bell 970-586-2273 Estes Park Good Samaritan, 1902 Ptarmigan Trail, Estes park Lif e Tr an sit ion s Gr ou p, Tim or Dan it a 970-221-0406 Elderhaus Adult Day Program, 6813 S. College Ave., Ft. Collins Wise Wom en Gr ou p - Bet h Fir est ein (970) 635-9116 7 The Life Center Loveland 1511 East 11th St., Busy Bee Room March 2020


In the Spotl ight

Mak ing Music by Dan it a Nixon

Bruce Cook is making music in Colorado! A native Californian, he has been married to his wife Holly for 21 years. Together they have five children, six grandchildren and two fur baby Shih Tzus. They live in a tiny home that they built together, Holly added her magical touch to create a dreamy and inviting home.

wanted to play?, he explained. He and his friends started a band, so he learned the guitar and violin. ?I did a paper route in order to save for a guitar which I eventually bought at a swap meet. It was a piece of junk Saint George. I worked to eventually buy a Fender guitar ?, he shared. Bruce enjoys and plays many types of music, to include jazz, R & B, blues, funk, and country.

Ten years ago, Bruce and Holly were ?passing through? Colorado. They thought ?this is a nice place, let?s move here, give it three years, and if we don?t like it we can move back to California." Needless to say, like many other transplants, they fell in love with Colorado, planted their roots and stayed. Bruce?s music career started out when he was fourteen years old. ?I saw the Beatles on TV and 8 March 2020

In his ?spare time? he enjoys woodworking, building things and spending time with his family. If you are lucky, you will spot Bruce at the Masonville Merchantile with has his guitar in hand, ready to play a tune or three. For fun you can find out where he is playing by going to his website at: 8

Estes Par k

by T. A. Ru st in

M ason ville M er can t ile St af f

Th e M ason ville M er can t ile 9120 N. Co Rd 27, Masonville, CO 80541

Specializin g in Vict or ian , Vin t age, St eam pu n k , West er n , Am er ican a, Br idal, & M or e! The Masonville Mercantile is a hidden local gem. It's not JUST a retail truly is an experience. They carry everything from gifts, to children's, men and women's apparel. Enjoy a scenic drive out to the store and experience firsthand the magic of The Masonville Mercantile!


Loveland Senior Cent er 700 E. Fou r t h St ., Lovelan d


Hou r s: M on day - Fr iday Sat u r day & Su n day

8am - 5pm Closed

Sat u r day Dr op-in billiar ds, Sept -M ay, 9am -12pm

Lunch Ser ved M-T-TH-F at Noon A healthy meal is served to those who are 60+ and their spouses at the Chilson Senior Center every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday at 12:00 noon. Sponsored by the VOA Senior Nutrition Program for a suggested donation of $2.50. Monthly entertainment is provided. Reser vat ion s ar e r equ ir ed. Please call 970.472.9630 by 1:30 p.m . t h e pr eviou s day. Check-in for lunch is from 11:30 -11:45 a.m., lunch at noon at the Chilson Senior Center. Loveland resident Ken Keeler held a book signing for his newly released book, Never Pee on an Electric Fence. His book is a collection of short stories: adventures of a 12 year old boy who lived, worked and roamed the foot hills of the Allegheny mountains. Con gr at u lat ion s t o Ken f or t h is am azin g accom plish m en t !

THRIVE Local Magazine sponsored a donut social in Februrary at Affinity in Loveland! Several seasoned adults in the Loveland area came out for Donut Haus donuts and some good old fashioned conversation! " It w as im possible t o get a con ver sat ion goin g, ever ybody w as t alk in g t oo m u ch ." Yogi Berra 10 March 2020


Making a Difference

St . Mat t hew 's Medical Clinic by Ph yllis Ken n em er

People with no or inadequate medical insurance often ignore treatable symptoms until they become so severe that they end up in hospital emergency rooms.

between jobs, or are homeless. The clinic is presently staffed with 48 volunteers, none of whom receive any pay. They come from all areas of medical expertise, including doctors, nurses, physicians assistants, etc. Nonmedical volunteers help with clerical and administrative tasks. The clinic is funded by grants, donations, and loans.

There is an alternative. St. Matthew's Medical Clinic offers free primary and preventative medical care to anyone in need. The clinic is located in the House of Neighborly Service Life Center in Loveland and accepts everyone. All ages are welcome without qualifications or cost.

Patients in need of prescription medications, Kar en Lin dqu ist , RN volu n t eer f or St . M at t h ew s Clin ic The clinic, founded in 2010 by lab work, and further tests Dr. Scott Stundheim, the Medical Director, is or counseling are referred to medical facilities that dedicated to expressing God's love by providing have contracted with the clinic to provide services care to people in northern Colorado with primary free or at reduced costs. medical care services. Spiritual counseling is At t h e pr esen t t im e, ser vices ar e of f er ed by available whenever the clinic is open. appoin t m en t on ly. Pat ien t s ar e ask ed t o call Sandy Hilliker, PhD., Chairman of the Executive 970-624-3425 an d leave a m essage. Calls ar e Board and nurse volunteer, related that about half gen er ally r et u r n ed w it h in a w eek . Th e clin ic is of the people served are over the age of 65 and on open on Tu esdays an d Th u r sdays f r om 6:00 9:00 p.m . an d on som e Sat u r day af t er n oon s. Medicare. They do not have supplemental insurance and cannot afford the 20% co-pays charged by most medical providers. Others are working in jobs with no insurance benefits, are

For f u r t h er in f or m at ion go t o: w w m at t h ew sm edicalclin ic.or g

11 March 2020


Out & About

First Advantage Bank - Advantage 50 Plus Club went on an outing to the Swan House in Loveland for tea. Many of the ladies donned their fancy attire and hats to enjoy the outing in style. For more information about the Advantage 50 Club and all the benefits of being a member contact Flo Mikkelson at 970-353-0171.

" Wh er e t h er e?s t ea t h er e?s h ope." -Arthur Wing Pinero

(above) The above ladies are a traveling tea group! Every month they try to get to a different tea event. How fun is that? They attended the tea outing at Swan House with Flo Mikkelson.

12 12 March 2020

(L) The Berthoud Renegade Red Hatters were spotted enjoying tea at the Swan Tea House in Loveland.

Volunteer Opportunity

Volunteering is very good for us ? everyone knows that, right? Volunteering provides us with purpose and social interactions, counteracts stress, benefits our community, strengthens us physically and mentally, and it MAKES US HAPPY! SAINT provides a wonderful opportunity to volunteer and fulfills a tremendous need. If you enjoy driving, meeting people and helping individuals maintain their independence, SAINT is for you.

prevents them from driving. We drive Monday ? Friday, morning (8:15am ? 12:00pm) and afternoon (12:00pm ? 4:00pm) shifts, within the boundaries of the city limits of Loveland. That?s it! If you would like more information, or are interested in volunteering, please contact Theresa Holbrook, Volunteer Coordinator, at 970-223-8604 ext 3. You, too, can be a SAINT!

SAINT( Senior Alternatives IN Transportation) has been in Loveland for over 25 years. I?m sure you?ve seen the SAINT signs on the doors of our volunteers' cars as they travel the streets of Loveland, carrying our passengers to their destinations ? whether it?s doctors appointments, exercise classes, grocery shopping or wherever! SAINT provides a very important ingredient in helping people maintain health and independence ? we provide a ride. The secret to SAINT?s longevity and success? Keeping it simple! SAINTdoes one thing, and we do it well. We provide rides. SAINT is a small non-profit organization consisting of two full time and two part time employees, and over 135 volunteers! But even with this wonderful number of helpers, we are turning down rides weekly. And obviously, the more volunteer drivers we have, the more rides we can provide to our community. Our volunteers use their own vehicles to provide rides to individuals who are either over 60 years of age, or have a disability that 13 March 2020



Ask the Doctor Som e m edical pr of ession als ar e n ot above scam m in g t h eir pat ien t s. In 2015, 243 people, including 46 medical professionals, were charged with Medicare fraud. These scams netted approximately $712 million, according to Medicare . The most common scams run by medical professionals are unnecessary prescriptions for narcotic medication, unnecessary wheelchairs and motorized scooters, and unnecessary braces. Typically, the provider writes a prescription and the supplier submits an exorbitant charge to Medicare.

?I got a let t er in t h e m ail of f er in g m e f r ee gen et ic t est in g f or can cer .If it 's f r ee, w h y n ot do it ??

Ter r y A. Ru st in , M D

Seniors are understandably concerned about their health, and most rely on Medicare to help pay their healthcare bills. When they get a phone call regarding their health issues or their Medicare coverage, they pay attention. Unfortunately, the majority of these calls are scams. Here are a few to watch out for:

If you receive a phone call, email offer, or someone comes to your door offering goods or services that will cost you nothing? it is most likely a scam. If they want your Medicare or Social Security number for any reason, they are planning to steal your identity.

Pr oblem s w it h you r n ew M edicar e car ds. Your Medicare number used to be the same as your Social Security number, but that led to identity theft. Medicare has issued new numbers with new cards. Scammers are taking advantage of this by calling and saying that there is a problem with your new card, so please give us your Social Security number so we can straighten it out. This is a scam. Medicare already knows your Social Security number and will never ask for it over the phone.

Neit h er M edicar e n or Social Secu r it y w ill ever call you on t h e ph on e t o t r an sact bu sin ess or ask f or per son al in f or m at ion . If som eon e calls an d says t h ey ar e f r om M edicar e or Social Secu r it y, t ell t h em , ?n ice t r y,? an d ju st h an g u p.If t h ey call back again , t ell t h em t o h old on

About the Author: Terry A. Rustin, MD is a summer resident of Estes Park. He recently retired after 40 years in the practice of Internal Medicine and Fr ee t est in g. Scammers will call, knock on your door, Psychiatry. or set up a booth at a street fair to offer one or another kind of testing, for free (?We will bill Information provided in this article is informational Medicare for you!?) Genetic testing is a common one, only, and is not intended to be personal medical using a swab for cells on the inside of your mouth; advice. Dr. Rustin will answer general questions in others are tests using saliva or hair. This is a scam. this column; write to Medicare will only pay for testing ordered by an approved medical professional, in an approved laboratory, and then only when the testing has a legitimate purpose. Fr ee equ ipm en t . Scammers will send offers through the mail, by email, or call on the phone to offer you a wheelchair, a special cane, a back or knee brace, or some other equipment. They will tell you that Medicare will pay the cost of the equipment and you will be charged nothing. They may show you the item and demonstrate it, and offer to bill Medicare for you. This is a scam. The only purpose of this scam is to get your Medicare number.They have no intention of providing you with free equipment. 14 14 March 2020

15 March 2020


Est es Senior Cit izens Cent er 1760 Olym pian Lan e, Est es Par k 970-581-2195 Est espar k sen ior s.or g Hou r s: M on day - Fr iday 9am - 2pm Sat u r day & Su n day Closed

M on , Wed, Fr i:.10:30-11:15am Tri-Fit: A cardio, strength & flexibility workout for all levels of fitness. Tu es & Th u r s: 9:15?10:15am Elements of Balance: Gentle chair & floor yoga. All exer cise classes ar e FREE t o EPSCC m em ber s, Silver Sn eaker s & M edX m em ber s!

Tu es:10:00am?2:00pm Mah Jongg: Learn to play and enjoy this ancient Chinese game.

Lunch Served Monday-Friday at 11:45 am Reservations MUST be made by 1:00 pm at least one business day in advance. For reservations please call 970-581-2195 COST: Member - $5, Non-Member - $8

Mar ch Lunch Menu M ar ch 2-6 Mon. Taco salad with chicken Tues. Blue cheese bacon burger, homemade chips Wed. Country fried chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy & vegetables Thurs. Meat lasagna with garlic bread & side salad Fri. Baked cod with rice pilaf & clam chowder M ar ch 9-13 Mon. Chicken quesadilla with soup Tues. Beef pot roast with mashed potatoes, gravy & vegetables Wed. Philly chicken sandwich with homemade chips Thurs. BBQ pulled chicken and pork with baked beans & coleslaw Fri. Fish, homemade chips with clam chowder

Tues. Corned beef & cabbage with vegetables Wed. Shrimp alfredo with spaghetti, garlic bread & side salad Thurs. Crispy chicken BLT sandwich with coleslaw Fri. Salmon with rice pilaf and clam chowder M ar ch 23-27 Mon. Monte Cristo Sandwich with pasta salad Tues. Swiss mushroom burger with 3 bean salad Wed. Fried chicken with mashed potatoes, gravy, & vegetables Thurs. Chicken parmesan with spaghetti, garlic bread & side salad Fri. Shrimp (5 grilled/5 fried), homemade chips & clam chowder M ar ch 30-Apr il 3

Mon. Taco salad with chicken Tues. Blue cheese bacon burger with potato salad Wed. Country fried chicken with mashed M ar ch 16-20 potatoes, gravy & vegetables Mon. Signature salad with grilled chicken & ranch Thurs. Chicken alfredo, garlic bread & side salad dressing Trout with rice pilaf & clam chowder 16 Fri. 16 March 2020

Estes Park Resident junior high and high school. In high school, a U.S. Air Force field band played a concert at my high school. Although I had not yet been assigned a lottery number for the draft during this Viet Nam era, playing in an Air Force band sounded like a better option than waiting to see if I was going to be drafted into the army. I auditioned after the concert and, on the spot, was guaranteed a place in an Air Force band. By the time I Tim M cLem or e is t h e Execu t ive Dir ect or of graduated, the draft had been discontinued, Elder h au s Adu lt Day Pr ogr am , an d a local but I still deployed. I served two years at m u sician w h o plays ever y Sat u r day & Barksdale Air Force Base in Shreveport, Su n day at Nick y 's St eak h ou se in Est es Par k . Louisiana, primarily on clarinet, but also Tim h as been an Est es Par k Residen t f or played guitar, organ, and piano in various m an y year s, bu t h as r ecen t ly t r an splan t ed smaller combos. I spent the last part of my t o Lovelan d. four-year enlistment as a guitar player in the Air Force Band at Howard AFB, Panama Canal Zone. Wh at in st r u m en t s do you play? I have

Musician Tim McLemor e

played clarinet, piano, guitar, and electric bass professionally. I tinker around on a few other instruments. Wh en did you get you r st ar t as a m u sician ? I started playing clarinet in sixth grade band. My first "pay gig" was at the grand opening of a pizza restaurant in Beaumont, Texas, in 1970 - a brand new place called "Pizza Hut". I was 14 years old, and the band consisted of me on 12-string guitar, clarinet, and back-up vocals, and my friend Jeff on 5-string banjo, guitar, and lead vocals. Wh at pr om pt ed you t o st ar t as a m u sician ? Some of my earliest memories are listening to Ferrante & Teicher, and to big band music, on my father 's Hi-fi. (Yeah, that was a thing a half-century before Wi-fi.) Music helped me find my place socially in the difficult years of

Wh at is you r f avor it e t ype of m u sic? I enjoy melodic jazz arrangements and a wide range of music. I play light jazz, 60s and 70s pop, old standards, and whatever gets requested on a regular basis from patrons in the restaurants where I've played through the years. Fon dest m em or y abou t you r year s as a m u sician ? I played six nights a week working my way through four years of seminary while earning my Master of Divinity degree. Some people might describe my workplace as a piano bar, but I prefer to think of it as a fine dining establishment. One night, a patron asked if it was true that I was studying to be a minister. When I replied in the affirmative, she responded: "You can play the piano like that, and you're going to be a preacher? What a waste!" 17 March 2020


Est es Valley Communit y Cent er 660 Com m u n it y Dr ive, Est es Par k 970-586-8101 Sen ior an d Adu lt Act ivit ies Hou r s: M on day - Fr iday

9am - 4pm

(som e act ivit ies f all ou t side t h ese h ou r s)

Come Celebr at e! Com e celebr at e M ar ch bir t h day ?s w it h u s at t h e Com m u n it y Cen t er Gam e Room on Tu esday, M ar ch 10, 2020 at 10:00am . Be on t h e look ou t f or m on t h ly bir t h day celebr at ion s ever y 2n d Tu esday of t h e M on t h w it h u s!

Mar ch Act ivit ies M ar ch 11, 2020, 9:00am - 3:00pm Fee: $25 Location: KUNC Radio and Colorado Sound Registration Deadline: March 9, 2020 Day Tr ip t o KUNC Pu blic Radio St at ion - Our tour will include a visit to the broadcast studios, a look at the engineering equipment needed to broadcast the stations and an opportunity to see where both the news and music staff work. Lunch is on your own at Cables Pub and Grill in Greeley, CO. M ar ch 18, 2020, 1-2pm Fee: Fr ee For t h e Healt h of It Sponsored event by Estes Park Health ? Right Care in the Right Place Emergency Department, Urgent Care or Community Paramedics, we now have many health care options in Estes Park. Learn which service is the right one for you when your healthcare need is different than a visit to your physician. M ar ch 19, 2020, 4-6pm Fee: $15/ per son Please pre-register by calling 970-586-8191 Cr af t in g 101 ? Rain bow Cat ch er s an d Key Ch ain s Join us for a special craft class put on by longtime crafter and creative thinker Nicki Marshall. March?s class we will be making fun rainbow catchers to hang in your windows and unique key chains!

18 18 March 2020

Br ain Games

Feb ruary's Puzzl e Sol uti ons

19 March 2020


Johnst ow n Senior Cent er 101 W. Ch ar lot t e St ., Joh n st ow n 970-587-5251 Hou r s: M , T, W, F Open 8am - 4pm Closed n oon t o 12:30pm 1st & 3r d M on day - 1:30pm Sh oppin g t r ip

Lunch Ser ved on Wednesday at 11:45am The Senior Center held its' first Valentines High Tea. The room was beautifully decorated, the treats were sweet, the conversation and tea were lovely! Thank you to all who made it possible!

A h ealt h y m eal is ser ved ever y Wed. at 11:45am t o t h ose w h o ar e 60+ f or $4.00. Reser vat ion s ar e r equ ir ed. Please call 970-472-9630 by 1:30 p.m . t h e pr eviou s day. Check-in for lunch is from 11:30 -11:45am at the Senior Center.

M ar 4 BBQ Pork on a Wheat Bun, Creamy Potato Salad, Corn on the Cob M ar 11 Cabbage Casserole, Marinated Vegetables, Morning Glory Muffin M ar 18 French Dip Sandwich, Au Jus Sauce, Oven Browned Potatoes, Creamy Coleslaw M ar 25 Chicken Cacciatore over Rotini, Tuscan Vegetables, Wheat Roll

20 20 March 2020

Regional Spotlight

St r ike up t he Band By Bob McDonnell

Many people took part in band or orchestra during their high school days. The vast majority did not continue playing after completing their formal education. There is an organization in northern Colorado for those that want to be part of a musical group again. New Horizons Band (NHB) is an international nonprofit music organization providing those over the age of 50 an opportunity to play in a band. The Northern Colorado NHB boasts members from Loveland, Fort Collins, Windsor, Longmont, Berthoud, Wellington, Eaton, Greeley and Milliken. Ann Hansen, who used to live in Johnstown and now is in Milliken, has been part of the group for many years. ?I just love playing the music and the instrument,? Ann said. She had not played music since her high school days before NHB. Glenn Shull, the current director of NHB, has been with the group for 20 years. He points out that many in the group have not played for years, and some take the challenge of learning a new instrument. Glenn says many are 21 absolute beginners.

In addition to levels of competency, there are various bands including concert band, beginning and intermediate band, swing band, Dixieland band, woodwind ensemble and hand bell choir. NHB puts on four formal concerts a year, and also performs at schools and senior citizen facilities. They enjoy performing but Glenn believes ?It?s not about performance, it?s about learning to play, enjoying each other and comradery.? NHB meets from September through April with rehearsals on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at Good Shepherd Church, 3429 N. Monroe Avenue, Loveland, CO. For m or e in f or m at ion go t o n or t h er n color adon h b.or g. March 2020


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22 22 March 2020



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