THRIVE Loveland Magazine (January 2019)

Page 1

January 2019

Nofle McClanahan & Shar on Sheets in

Love Letters Photo by: Elizabeth Jane Photogr aphy, LLC

by A.R. Gur ney

Upcoming Events Business Spotlight Upcoming Events M on . 1/ 7

THRIVE Fr ee M on t h ly Pizza Din n er f or Older Adu lt s (50+), 4:00pm -5:30pm 325 E 5th St, 1st floor Community Room (Use residence entrance), Loveland Topic: Explor in g Sen ior Livin g Opt ion s Space is limited, please RSVP at 720-252-6880

Tu es. 1/ 8

TLC - Th e Lovelan d Con n ect ion 9;00am -10:30am All Saints Episcopal Church, 3448 N. Taft Ave., Loveland Speak er s: Sain t Tr an spor t at ion an d M eals on Wh eels Light refreshments will be served.

Tu es. 1/ 8

Lovelan d?s Talk in g - Past , Pr esen t , Fu t u r e 1;30pm -3:30pm Chilson Center, 700 E 4th St, Oak Room, Loveland Topic: Cr eat in g a Vision Boar d Join us as we develop a vision for our future. Light refreshments will be served. Please RSVP at: 720-252-6880

Weds 1/ 16

Savvy Sen ior s - 2:00pm -3:00pm Perkins, 2222 W Eisenhower Blvd, Loveland Topic: Agin g in Place Space is limited, please RSVP at 720-252-6880

Fr i 1/ 25

Sen ior Opt ion s Sim plif ied - 11:00am - 12:00pm Longmont Senior Center, 910 Longs Peak Ave, Longmont Topic: Explor in g Sen ior Livin g Opt ion s

M on . 2/ 4

THRIVE Fr ee M on t h ly Pizza Din n er f or Older Adu lt s (50+), 4:00pm -5:30pm 325 E 5th St, 1st floor Community Room (Use residence entrance), Loveland Topic: We are going to play Bingo this month! Space is limited, please RSVP at 720-252-6880

Tues. 2/5

Loveland?s Talking ? Past, Present, Future 1;30pm-3:00pm Chilson Center, 700 E 4th St, Oak Room, Loveland Topic: What's the Most Impactful Relationship You've Ever Had? Light refreshments will be served. Please RSVP at: 720-252-6880

Tu es. 2/ 12

TLC - Th e Lovelan d Con n ect ion 9;00am -10:30am All Saints Episcopal Church, 3448 N. Taft Ave., Loveland

Weds 2/ 20

Savvy Sen ior s - 2:00pm -3:00pm Perkins, 2222 W Eisenhower Blvd, Loveland Topic: Th e h ealt h ben ef it s of u sin g CBDs Space is limited, please RSVP at 720-252-6880

In This Issue... Important Numbers

Impor tant Phone Number s4. Bus Schedule


Chilson Rec Center (main)


Chilson Senior Center


Even t s.....................................2

Crime Report Submission


In dex of Spon sor s..................5

Drivers License


In n ovat ion ..............................6



Clu b View s.............................10

Legal View s............................15

Fire and Rescue (non-emergency) 970-962-2537 Golf Tee Times


Local Bu sin ess.......................11



M ar k et Place.........................14

Loveland Water and Power


Ou t & Abou t ..........................12

Meals on Wheels


Para-transit System


Rialto Theater


Sheriff (non-emergency)


Utility Bill Payments


Vehicle Licensing


VOA Lunch Program


Pu blish er s' View s..................4 Residen t Spot ligh t ................8 Spon sor Spot ligh t .................13

Š 2018 THRIVE Loveland, 1635 Foxtrail Ct., Loveland CO 80538 970-852-4900 All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is strictly prohibited. Advertisements contained within this publication do not represent endorsement by the publisher. Publisher may not be held liable or responsible for business practices of these companies.

THRIVE Loveland


Publ isher s' View It seems I?ve spent my entire life putting off being content until I reached the ?next milestone?. When I was a pre-teen, I couldn?t wait to be a teenager so I could drive, wear make-up, and start dating. When I was a teenager I couldn?t wait to get out of my parent?s house and live on my own. In my 20?s I couldn?t wait until I got out of the Navy. In my 30?s I couldn?t wait to be done homeschooling my children so I could figure out what I wanted to do with my life. In my 40?s I was picking up the pieces of my unraveled life due to an unexpected divorce. The shift in my thinking began when a car landed on the hood of my treasured orange Honda Element, while I was waiting at a stop light in 2014. That accident was a revelation to me that in a split second, my life could end or be changed forever. A year later, my mom passed just four days before my 50th birthday. Her sudden passing helped me to understand how precious time is, and how I would be best served to live in the present, instead of living for the "next thing".

This photo is the last time I was with my mom - we were visiting the Wee Forest Folk Factory in Carlisle, Massachusetts. Husband, Mark on the right in the back, I'm on the right in the middle, Mom Claire Plourde, white shirt in front. Oh how I cherish this memory!

Now in my 50?s, with the new understanding that my time on the planet earth is limited, I have found a certain peace and purpose that I have never experienced before. At 50 something, I get to serve others, and (hopefully) make a difference in their lives. I get to live in a community that has "Love" in its?name, filled with people who are caring, supportive and down to earth. For the first time in my life, I finally feel like I?m home. Thank you Loveland!. As we enter into a new year, I would encourage YOU (yes you), that wherever you are in your life, that you reach out for support if you need it, and if you have something to give (your time, yourself, etc), that you give it. Just remember that each gift, no matter how small, is priceless to someone. My wish for you, is that 2019 will be filled with all that you need, some of what you want, and an abundance of unexpected joy. If there is anything I may do to serve you, please feel free to let me know. Danita Nixon Publisher, THRIVE, Loveland

P.S. As a young girl, I was an aspiring poet, and thus surrounded myself with books of poetry. The poem on page seven has been my favorite poem since I was a teenager. It speaks to how I view life and people, and how I truly hope to come alongside others on their journey..


THRIVE Loveland

Index of Sponsor s Our Sponsors make it possible to provide this monthly publication to the community. We ask that when you have a need for their type of product or service, that you contact them and give them a chance to earn your business. Please tell them you found them in the THRIVE Loveland magazine!

At t or ney

Loveland Senior Magazine

Jorgensen, Brownell & Pepin, P.C. 800-598-4348

THRIVE Loveland 970-852-4900

Financial Advisor

Phot ogr apher

Edward Jones, Art Aldrich 970-663-0554

Elizabeth Jane Photography, LLC Elizabeth Fehringer, 720-250-6067

Hear ing Aid Bat t er ies Hearo Club 833-547-8362 HEAROCLUB.COM

In Home Car e Medical & Non-Medical Phoenix Home Care 970-667-2273

Real Est at e Re/Max Alliance Eve McCormack, 970-430-0722

Senior Living Advisor s Senior Living Advisors of Colorado Danita Nixon, 970-541-4592


THRIVE Loveland


Innovation Per sonal Safet y Devices By: Danita Nixon

Many older adults want to age in place. One of the biggest challenges to aging in place is safety.

Seizure Alert/Monitoring, and Wandering Prevention Devices.

The commercial "I've fallen and I can't get up" has played over and over like a bad song that you can't get out of your head. The commercial hasn't changed in 21 years, but the safety device market most certainly has.

While safety devices are easy to purchase on-line, the biggest challenge is making sure you've selected the right device, and that it gets set up properly. A safety device that is not properly set up may end up being useless.

Home devices now include Medical Alert Systems, Medication Adherence Devices,

Some of the personal safety devices currently on the market include: Fall Detector ? A Safety device that automatically calls a monitoring company when it detects a fall. It doesn't wait for the wearer to push a button. Wandering Detector - A GPS watch-like device that the individual wears and if they wander, their contact person is able to find their location and the direction they are walking, through a web portal with maps. Seizure Detector - A device that detects (and records) seizures, notifying the contact list when one occurs. Medication Reminder- A device that dispenses medication on a set schedule. It is important to note that Medicare may cover some personal safety devices.


THRIVE Loveland

The House by t he Side of t he Road by Sam Walt er Foss (1858-1911) There are hermit souls that live withdrawn In the peace of their self-content; There are souls, like stars, that dwell apart, In a fellowless firmament; There are pioneer souls that blaze their paths Where highways never ran;But let me live by the side of the road November THRIVE Meeting And be a friend to man. Let me live in a house by the side of the road, Where the race of men go byThe men who are good and the men who are bad, As good and as bad as I. I would not sit in the scorner ?s seat, Or hurl the cynic?s ban;Let me live in a house by the side of the road And be a friend to man.

Nor live in my house by the side of the road Like a man who dwells alone. Let me live in my house by the side of the road Where the race of men go byThey are good, they are bad, they are weak, they are strong, Wise, foolish- so am I. Then why should I sit in the scorner ?s seat Or hurl the cynic?s ban? Let me live in my house by the side of the road And be a friend to man.

I see from my house by the side of the road, By the side of the highway of life, The men who press with the ardor of hope, The men who are faint with the strife. But I turn not away from their smiles nor their tearsBoth parts of an infinite plan; Let me live in my house by the side of the road And be a friend to man. I know there are brook-gladdened meadows ahead And mountains of wearisome height; That the road passes on through the long afternoon And stretches away to the night. But still I rejoice when the travelers rejoice, And weep with the strangers that moan,

THRIVE Loveland


Loca l Rea l Est a t By: Danita Nixon

Photos by Elizabeth Jane Photography, LLC at Dickens Alley

Love Letter s Written by A.R. Gurney Performed by Sharon Sheets and Nofle McClanahan At t h e Rialt o Th eat er , Lovelan d, CO. Febr u ar y 15 &16, 2019 They call themselves, ?twins from another mother ?, as Nofle McClanahan and Sharon Sheets were both born at Hardy?s Sanitarium in Ardmore, Oklahoma. While they grew up in the same town, and knew some of the same people, their paths did not cross until they were auditioning for Hello Dolly at the Carousel Dinner Theater in Fort Collins back in the 90?s. As fate would have it, Nofle and Sharon both were cast into the lead roles, and the story of their decades long friendship began. One of the greatest connections that Nofle and Sharon share, is their love for theater. When asked why they are putting on the play Love Letters, Nofle explained, ?we both love performing and we love to work with each other. It is hard to find something for an Octogenarian and his friend.? They had talked about doing something together for a long time, and finally decided this year, ?let?s do it?! Love Letters is a Pulitzer Prize winning play, written by A.R. Gurney and most notably performed by Earl Jones and Elizabeth Taylor. Love Letters is about a young boy and girl who meet when they are six and the 50 year romantic relationship that ensues, documented in the letters that they send each other through the mail. This moving story highlights the highs and lows of their separate lives, their brief affair, and the untimely ending of their lifelong friendship. Nofle and Sharon are producing Love Letters themselves, any profits that they make will be donated to the Loveland Opera Theater, also known as ?LOT?. This two person production will take place in the Devereaux room of the Rialto Theater on Feb 15, and 16th. There will be a cash bar and limited food menu available through Door 222. Tick et s f or Love Letters can be pu r ch ased at t h e Rialt o Th eat er , at 228 E 4t h St ., Lovelan d.


THRIVE Loveland

Sh ar on Sh eet s

Nof le M cClan ah an

Sin ger - Act r ess - Ar t ist - Fr ien d

Teach er - Wr it er - Act or ? Lover of People

Loveland resident Sharon Sheets is the mother of three sons, has three grand-children and two great-grand children ages five and seven.

Nofle has been a resident of Eaton since 1970. He had been teaching in Nebraska when he and his wife came to Colorado to interview for a job in Alaska; they fell in love with Colorado and decided to stay. He has two children, and three grand children.

Sharon has been a resident of Loveland since 1967. Loveland became her new home when her husband was retiring from the military and considering moving to Colorado. They looked at 24 different towns, created a ?pros? and ?cons? list of each town they visited, and Loveland was the best fit for their family. Sharon has a long list of theater accomplishments that range from local to international singing and acting engagements. She is unusual in that her love for music spans from opera to country! If you cou ld go back an d t alk t o you r you n ger self w h at w ou ld you say? ?Though I have no regrets, I would encourage my younger self to give more, as I believe that altruism is very important.?

Th in gs Sh ar on loves abou t Lovelan d: The 1st Methodist Church and church choir, Rabbask (and Jacki)

Nofle is passionate about theater and writing. He has just released his book called Supercilious Peer. The book encompasses stories about himself and his family that he wants to ensure get passed down to the next generation. If you cou ld go back an d t alk t o you r you n ger self w h at w ou ld you say? ?I would tell my younger self to do it, and do it more often, not to be afraid, and don?t hold back!? Th in gs Nof le lik es abou t Lovelan d: Sweet Heart Winery Sharon Sheets Nof le?s f avor it e play: You Can?t Take It With You

Sh ar on?s f avor it e plays: Mame, Dolly and Bloody Mary

THRIVE Loveland


Club Views

Senior Bookwor ms

November book club attendees

The mor e that you r ead, the mor e things you will know. The mor e that you lear n, the mor e places you?ll go. - Dr. Seuss Loveland Parks and Recreation has a monthly book club for older adults called "Senior Bookworms". Th is f r ee dr op in clu b is h eld m on t h ly on t h e 4t h M on day f r om 11:30 am - 12:45 pm . at t h e Ch ilson Sen ior Cen t er Bel Canto by Ann Patchett was the book that was being discussed at the November meeting. "Bel Canto is a complex book. This is the book that put Ann Patchett on the map", explained one attendee. While it seems there were several things about Bel Canto that weren't particularly liked by those in attendance, everyone indicated they would highly recommend this book. The Senior Bookworms invite you to join them for their next book club meeting. To find out what book they are reading go to the Loveland Parks and Recreation Events page on-line.


THRIVE Loveland

The Nomads Needle

Local Business

By: Stelle Barnett

M elan ie Hu t ch in son Ar t ist ~ Seam st r ess ~ Teach er Melanie, a Loveland resident for one and a half years, was an Air Force brat who traveled the world. Wanting to hone her sewing skills, at seventeen years of age she apprenticed to a Polish tailor who paid her $1.00 per day. Eventually she worked her way up to minimum wage and after one year was offered the opportunity to purchase the tailor shop. She declined, and moved to Sarasota, Florida to work for Ringling Brothers Circus. No, she was not a high wire artist, but sewed beautiful costumes for ?The Greatest Show on Earth". When offered the job of traveling with the circus, again she declined and opened her own business, a costume and alterations shop in Michigan. She received a full scholarship to Siena Heights College in Adrian Michigan, where she pursued a fine arts degree and a teaching certificate for grades K through 12 and graduated with honors, magna cum laude. Melanie then moved to Colorado in 1990 and worked for dance companies and theater groups. When her son and daughter joined the Army in 2005, she traveled to India for five weeks to help in a training center in Hyderabad, teaching sewing to skills to young girls, rescuing them from a life of forced labor and exploitation. Melanie stayed in Hyderabad for ten years where she set up seven NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) training programs. This itinerant nomad then moved to Loveland to enjoy her grandchildren and concentrate on her alterations business for men and women, fittingly named The Nomads Needle, while still pursuing her art. Her beautiful embroidered textile art can be seen in galleries throughout Colorado. Melanie?s latest enterprise is re-doing an RV in order to pursue a mobile alteration business which will also incorporate teaching, opening the next chapter in her sewing business to serve our Loveland community with her skills. For all you r 970-691-4967

alt er at ion

n eeds,

con t act

M elan ie


THRIVE Loveland


Out & About

THRIVE Loveland Mont hly Dinner

The THRIVE Loveland monthly dinner crew held a holiday White Elephant Auction in December. The snowman built out of a plunger and toilet paper (brought by Kim Caldwell) was one of the most creative gifts of the evening. The FREE THRIVE Loveland dinner occurs on the first Monday of every month from 4:00-5:30pm. For more information, check out the calendar on page two of this publication.

Bill's Annual Senior Pr ime Rib Dinner

Bill "The Prime Rib Guy"!

The THRIVE Loveland table of ladies enjoying conversation before the meal.

Special "Kudos" go out to Bill McBride for his successful 6th Annual Senior Prime Rib Dinner. Bill has crafted this annual event to bring seniors together for a nice meal, he pours his heart and soul into putting this event on every year! THRIVE Loveland guests throughly enjoyed the gathering. Thank you Bill for bringing us all together, we truly appreciate all of your hard work.


THRIVE Loveland

Sponsor Spotl ight

Wh at is you r bu sin ess? As a full-service law firm with a track record of success, we at Jorgensen, Brownell & Pepin, P.C. are known for achieving favorable results in and out of the courtroom. We utilize our years of experience and tradition of excellence to help our clients succeed.

Wh at Ser vices do you pr ovide? With more than 30 practice areas, JBP is a diverse firm. We choose to have a multi practice area law firm as often our clients have cases with more than just one or two components. We have experienced attorneys available to provide counsel to clients who need legal services in areas of real estate, divorce, elder law, auto accidents, custody, construction defect, estate planning, probate, criminal defense, business formation, evictions, elder law, and DUI just to name a few. Whatever your needs may be, our legal team is ready to discuss your unique case, your options, and how we may help. Wh at m ak es you r com pan y dif f er en t t h en you r com pet it or s? As a family owned law firm with over 30 years of experience, we place a large emphasis on communication with our clients. Through strategic problem solving, sound advice, and a customized strategy for each case, we at Jorgensen, Brownell & Pepin, P.C. help our clients reach solutions tailored to their unique needs and goals. We actively take a role in educating our clients about their cases and the law. We want them to understand the risks and rewards of their choices. Our motto is driven by four basic principles, Experienced, Attentive, Tenacious, and Efficient. We are driven by dedication to our community and the law which enhances our experience when litigating complex cases. Regardless of the specific situation, our client?s best interests are always our primary concern. Wh en sh ou ld som eon e call you ? The attorneys at Jorgensen, Brownell & Pepin, P.C. are here for clients anytime they have a legal question. Some matters may or may not be time sensitive, we suggest when legal issue arises, contact the trusted attorneys at JBP for consultation right away.

Need h elp? Call f or you r appoin t m en t t oday. 800-598-4348 w w

THRIVE Loveland


Holiday -- would you like t o accomplish SoundShopping Bites What

in 20 19?

Roger H.

Christine H.

J.D. A.

Eunice R.

"Make it to 70, and enjoy retirement."

"Enjoy and explore some walking trails."

"Find a job which will allow me to walk & sit."

"Get my health under control, and understand my insurance."

The Mar k et Pl ace

For Sale:

Regist er ed M er in o f u ll r am s. Ages 6 months to 8 years old, prices ranging from $400-$600 each. Text Joan at 970-232-8394 Aw ar d Win n in g M er in o f leeces, raw and batted, many colors. Text Joan at 970-232-8394

Ser vices Of fer ed: Hou seh old goods an d f u r n it u r e r em oved an d given t o t h ose in n eed. Contact Cal at: 303-898-7597 Seam st r ess - M obile & af f or dable. Nom ad's Needle Contact Melanie Hutchinson at 970-691-496 Plan n in g t o pu r ch ase or lease a car ? As the purchaser of 52 vehicles, I can help you: 路 Determine the best car to fit your needs

路 Shop for best pricing and assist with negotiation

路 Navigate finance

路 Stand by you until everything is signed, sealed and delivered

Reasonable rate. References available. Con t act Fr ed at 720-841-8684 or f r edebar n et t @gm To submit a classified listing send it to or call 970-852-4900


THRIVE Loveland

Slip and Fall Accident s

Legal View s Legal View s

Oh , t h e Weat h er Ou t side is Fr igh t f u l: Usef u l In f or m at ion Abou t Slip an d Fall Acciden t s in t h e Win t er M on t h s

Winter is in full swing here in Colorado. The Front Range averages between 10 and 15 inches of snowfall per month between November and April. With that comes the increased risk of slip and fall accidents. There are preventative measures pedestrians can take to minimize the risk of a slip and fall. Wearing appropriate footwear and taking the time to find the safest route to your destination are important. Also, it?s important to minimize the distractions when walking during the winter months. This means putting away the smart phone and being aware of your surroundings. Small precautions help prevent slip and fall accidents.

other documents you receive as part of your medical treatment or follow up with the property owner. Consider contacting the personal injury attorneys at Jorgensen, Brownell & Pepin if you suffered injuries from your fall. Our team of experienced attorneys can help walk you through what your options are based on your unique circumstances. JBP can help you negotiate with the insurance, bring a lawsuit if needed, and help you obtain the best outcome from your slip and fall.

If you fall and are injured, make sure you get the medical attention you need. Your primary concern should be addressing your injuries as quickly and effectively as possible. Sometimes pain develops after the first 12-24 hours. Make an appointment with your doctor. Again, your priority should be getting better and taking the steps necessary to recover. Try to document details of your slip and fall. Who was around? Get names and contact information. What was around? Take pictures of the area, the conditions, the weather, and your shoes and injuries. These details may become important if you decide to file a claim or bring a lawsuit. Save all medical records and bills, letters from the property owner ?s insurance provider, and

THRIVE Loveland


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