THRIVE Loveland Magazine (November 2018)

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November 2018

We Pr om ise t o Rem em ber .

Photo by Danita Nixon 2018 Loveland Alzheimer 's Walk

Upcoming Events Business Spotlight 11/Upcoming 4 Tr ibu t e To Vet er an s an d t h eir Fam ilies, 11:00am -2:00pm Events Embassy Suites, 4705 Clydesdale Pkwy, Loveland Family event with Entertainment, Inspiration & Encouragement RSVP with Renata at: 970-667-7340 or email 11/ 5

THRIVE Fr ee M on t h ly Pizza Din n er f or Older Adu lt s (50+), 4:00pm -5:30pm 325 E 5th St, 1st floor Community Room (Use residence entrance), Loveland Topic: Br ain Healt h w it h Alzh eim er 's Associat ion of Color ado's Region al Dir ect or Kat ie Fah r en br u ch . Healthy Living for Your Brain and Body: Tips from the Latest Research For centuries, we?ve known that the health of the brain and the body are connected. Science is now able to provide insights into how to optimize our physical and cognitive health as we age. Join us to learn about current research in the areas of diet and nutrition, exercise, cognitive activity and social engagement. Space is limited, please RSVP at 720-252-6880

11/ 6

Sen ior Opt ion s Sim plif ied 1:30pm -2:30pm Perkins, 2051 Main Street, Longmont Topic: Legal Planning. Space is limited, please RSVP at 720-252-6880

11/ 6

Lovelan d?s Talk in g ? Past , Pr esen t , Fu t u r e 2:00pm -3:30pm Ch ilson Cen t er , Oak Room . Topic this month: Inner-Generational Show & Tell Join us for a social afternoon centered around coffee, treats and discussions of the past, present and future. This fun monthly gathering is an opportunity to become more connected to one another through our life stories. Bring an item to show. RSVP at: (970) 962-2386

11/ 13 Th e Lovelan d Con n ect ion (TLC) 9:00am -11:00 at All Sain t s Episcopal Ch u r ch . 3448 N Taft Ave. All are welcome! 11/ 13 Sen ior Opt ion s Sim plif ied 1:30pm -2:30pm Perkins, 2051 Main Street, Longmont Topic: Real Estate Realities. Space is limited, please RSVP at 720-252-6880 11/ 18 Th e Alt er n at ive Givin g Fair 9:00am -2:00pm The Plymouth Congregational Church in Ft. Collins. 916 W Prospect Road 11/ 28 Savvy Sen ior Sem in ar s, 2:00pm -3:30pm Perkins, 2222 W Eisenhower Blvd, Loveland Topic: Late Life Disability Planning. Space is limited please RSVP at 720-252-6880

12/ 3

THRIVE Fr ee M on t h ly Pizza Din n er f or Older Adu lt s (50+), 4:00pm -5:30pm 325 E 5th St, 1st floor Community Room (Use residence entrance), Loveland White elephant gift exchange. Space is limited, please RSVP at 720-252-6880

12/ 4

Lovelan d?s Talk in g ? Past , Pr esen t , Fu t u r e 2:00pm -3:30pm Ch ilson Cen t er , Oak Room . Topic this month: How Are the Holidays for You Now? RSVP at: (970) 962-2386

12/ 12 Savvy Sen ior Sem in ar s, 2:00pm -3:30pm Per k in s, 2222 W Eisen h ow er Blvd, Lovelan d Topic: Preparing your house to sell. Space is limited, please RSVP at 720-252-6880

Impor tant Phone Number 4.s In This Issue... Important Numbers Even t s.................................2

Bus Schedule


Chilson Rec Center (main)


Chilson Senior Center


Givin g Th an k s...................14

Crime Report Submission


Hon or ed Vet er an .............12

Drivers License


In dex of Spon sor s..............5



Legal View s.......................15

Fire and Rescue (non-emergency) 970-962-2537 Golf Tee Times




Ou t & Abou t .......................7

Loveland Water and Power


Residen t Spot ligh t .............8

Meals on Wheels


Sen ior Ser vices.................10

Para-transit System


Rialto Theater


Sheriff (non-emergency)


Utility Bill Payments


Vehicle Licensing


VOA Lunch Program


Non -Pr of it High ligh t ..........6

Spon sor of t h e M on t h ....13 THRIVE Lovelan d...............4

Š 2018 THRIVE Loveland, 1635 Foxtrail Ct., Loveland CO 80538 970-852-4900 All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is strictly prohibited. Advertisements contained within this publication do not represent endorsement by the publisher. Publisher may not be held liable or responsible for business practices of these companies.

THRIVE Loveland


Important Numbers THRIVE Loveland w as created to serve seasoned adult s (50+) in Loveland, Colorado. We believe t hat people need THREE t hings in order to THRIVE: -

Someone to care about t hem. Somet hing to do. Somet hing to look forw ard to.

It is our mission to help meet t hese needs by creat ing meaningful, local connect ions t hrough t his mont hly publicat ion and local event s. We invite you to cont ribute! We are looking to feat ure t he follow ing t ypes of art icles t hat spot light older adult s (50+) or are of interest to older adult s in our communit y: Local Heroes, Volunteers, Art ist s Home & Garden Loveland Senior Event s Travel

Senior-ow ned businesses Organizat ions t hat serve seniors Recipes Pet s

Senior Spot light - Professional photos are t aken for t his art icle. One free image is given to t he part icipant as a t hank you for allow ing us to spot light you in THRIVE Loveland. (addit ional images may be purchased from t he photographer if desired)

Meet t he Publisher s Danita & Mark Nixon are the proud publishers of THRIVE Loveland. Prior to moving to Loveland in 2017, they owned a community magazine in Highlands Ranch, CO. Mark is a native of Colorado, he was born in Ft. Collins. Danita was raised a Navy brat, and considers Colorado home.

Danit a & Mark Nixon 970-852-4900 Danit

Let 's meet for coffee, our t reat ! 4

THRIVE Loveland

Danita and Mark also own Senior Living Advisors of Colorado ( They help older adults (and those who care for them) find resources that meet their needs, desires and budget. When they aren't working or serving in the community, Danita & Mark can be found spending time with friends and family, geocaching, traveling or soaking in hot springs!

Index of Sponsor s Index of Sponsors

At t or ney

Loveland Senior Magazine

Jorgensen, Brownell & Pepin, P.C. 800-598-4348

THRIVE Loveland 970-852-4900

Financial Advisor

Phot ogr apher

Edward Jones, Art Aldrich 970-663-0554

Elizabeth Jane Photography, LLC Elizabeth Fehringer, 720-250-6067

In Home Car e Medical & Non-Medical

Real Est at e

Phoenix Home Care 970-667-2273

Re/Max Alliance Eve McCormack, 970-430-0722

Local Media

Senior Living Advisor s

I Love Loveland

Senior Living Advisors of Colorado Danita Nixon, 970-541-4592

Im por t an t Dat es in Novem ber : Nov 4 Nov 12 Nov 22

Daylight Savings Time ends Set clocks back 1 hour Veterans Day Observed Thanksgiving

" Gr at it u de m ak es sen se of ou r past , br in gs peace f or t oday, an d cr eat es a vision f or t om or r ow." ? M ELODY BEATTIE

THRIVE Loveland


Non-Pr ofit Spotl ight

Bigger Than Beads

By: Danita Nixon

A Loveland 2006 concert featuring Ugandan singers transformed not only Pam McCormick?s life but the lives of many. It was at this concert that Pam met the founder of H.E.L.P. International, Jean Kay of Johnstown. Neither Pam nor Jean Kay had any idea how this chance meeting would change the course of their lives and many others across the globe. Two years later, Pam accompanied Jean Kay on a medical mission trip to Kenya and Uganda. In the impoverished village of Masese, Uganda they met a compassionate young man who desperately wanted to start a school for the young children who could not afford to go to public school. Pam learned that teachers in Uganda make between $40 and $100 per month. She had been thinking about sponsoring a new child. Instead, she decided to sponsor the young man to support his family and to enable him to teach the children of his village.

Pam M cCor m ick

The school was started in 2009 in a building with no floor, no walls, and no furniture, just a roof. The only supplies were paper and a marker for the teacher, the children had nothing. The young man began to teach English to the children who enthusiastically showed up for school. This school now teaches 550 children, and 90 have graduated to the next level of schooling with scholarships provided by donations through H.E.L.P. International. Funding was an ongoing need for the school. Pam and Jean Kay collaborated to figure out a way to keep the school running and to help the village become more economically self-sustaining. They developed ?Bigger Than Beads" to bring the beautiful hand made Ugandan jewelry to the United States. One hundred percent of the Masese women?s jewelry sales proceeds go to their village and school. With the holiday season upon us, Pam asks you to explore purchasing these unique Ugandan creations as gifts from Each purchase supports the village of Masese, its children and the school and makes a global impact bigger than beads. Su ppor t t h is n on pr of it by pu r ch asin g jew eler y at : -

Biggerthanbeads. com


The Alternative Giving Fair, Nov. 18 from 9am-12pm The Plymouth Congregational Church 916 W Prospect Road , Fort Collins


Contact Pam to purchase directly or schedule a trunk show. Email Pam at:

Out & About THRIVE Loveland Mont hly Dinner Penny with Penny Wise Coaching was our guest speaker at the October FREE THRIVE Monthly dinner. Penny had great tips on "Planning on where your money will go, so you won't be wondering where it went". For more info check out her website at:

October THRIVE Meeting

The FREE THRIVE Loveland dinner occurs on the first Monday of every month from 4:00-5:30pm. For more information, check out the calendar on page two of this publication.

Mak ing Fr iends w it h Deat h

Affinity Community Director Frank welcoming attendees

Laura Pritchett

Eldercare Network

Eldercare Network of Northern Colorado hosted an author 's book talk at Affinity in Loveland. Local, award-winning author Laura Pritchett, spoke on her book Making Friends With Death. She highlighted her travels around the world researching how individuals and cultures embrace the inevitable. Laura's book presents a light, practical how-to work guide, that is infused with wisdom, advice, and humor. You can find out more about Laura and all of her books at

Cat t ail Cr eek Women's Golf End of Year Luncheon The Cattail Creek Women's Golf club held their end of year luncheon at the Fireside Cafe. A great meal was shared, and awards were given out. The ladies enjoyed reading the article about their group in the October issue of THRIVE Loveland. (left photo)

Loca l Rea l Est a t

Meet Loveland Resident Jack i Mar sh By: Danita Nixon

Photos by Elizabeth Jane Photography, LLC

Meet Jacki Marsh. Some people know her as the Mayor of Loveland, and behind the title is a very strong, generous, creative, and humble woman. Jacki was born and raised in San Jose, California. The middle child of three, her father was an attorney, and her mother, Jacki describes as, ?The strongest person I have ever known?. Jacki began breaking barriers at the age of 17. She was a strong long-distance runner during a time when women were not ?allowed? to run long-distance races because women were believed to be too weak. In 1972, Jacki?s perseverance led her to win the world's 1st women's professional long distance road race, The Crazylegs Mini Marathon - 6 miles in New York City?s Central Park. Jacki is willing to take calculated risks for the right reasons. In 2003, as an act of kindness, she purchased a large lot of expensive beads from a friend who was in a financial bind. She bought the beads thinking her friend would buy them back,


THRIVE Loveland

or that she would be able to sell them to recoup her investment. She did not sell the beads! This bead purchase pivotally launched her into a new creative career and she became a successful jewelry artisan. Jacki?s necklaces have sold in galleries and high-end stores all over the United States. The birth of her only grandchild in 2004 compelled Jacki to move to Utah to be near her son, daughter-in-law, and precious new grand-daughter. When her son?s family moved to Colorado in 2012, Jacki followed. When she saw that Loveland was such a great art town, she decided to turn her art business into a brick and mortar gallery and she purchased a building in downtown Loveland to open her shop Rabbask Designs. The shop highlights her beautiful artwork and also serves to promote 90 plus Colorado artisans of all types. Jacki?s describes herself as someone who ?bucks the system?. She is passionate about standing up for the little guy, and speaking up for those who aren?t heard because either they don?t speak up for

themselves or people aren?t listening to them. This characteristic is most apparent in Jacki?s role as Mayor of Loveland as she listens and works to address the broad and diverse needs of its citizens. When asked what the secret of her success is, Jacki says, ?do the right thing, and live by the golden rule?. She seems to be doing a great job doing both! Stop by and say hello to Jacki at Rabbask Designs downtown in Loveland at 243 E 4th St. and check out the beautiful selection she carries. Join the monthly ?jam session? for local musicians she hosts in her store on the 3rd and 4th Weds of the month from 7pm-10pm. Spend some time and get to know this amazing woman and how she is making an incredible difference in our community. Th r ee of Jack i's Favor it e Th in gs: (besides friends & family) Music - especially blue's music. Listening to the sound of water; be it creek, fountain, river or ocean Reading novels when time allows.

THRIVE Loveland


Senior Services

Alzheimer 's Associat ion We all have a reason to end Alzheimer ?s ? whether it?s to honor friends or family we?ve lost, to show support for a caregiver or person living with the disease, or to slow rising health care costs and put a stop to this global epidemic.

We know we?re facing a relentless and devastating disease that can?t yet be prevented, cured or even slowed - at least not yet. But we also know that this is a fight that Katie Fahrenbruch we CAN win. Every step we take in this fight is a Katie Fahrenbruch is the Regional Director for step forward. We must continue to lead the the Alzheimer 's Association. Below is an way. Because ? together? we can end excerpt from the powerful speech she gave at Alzheimer ?s disease!" the Larimer County Alzheimer 's Walk that was held on September 22nd at Chapungu Park in For in f or m at ion an d su ppor t , con t act t h e Lar im er Cou n t y Alzh eim er ?s Associat ion at Loveland. 970-472-9798 or t h e 24 h ou r Nat ion al "The Larimer County Walk to End Alzheimer ?s is Alzh eim er ?s Associat ion h elp lin e at a part of the world?s largest event to fight this 800-272-3900. disease. It is one of over 625 Walks in the US and 12 in Colorado. Currently, in the United States, nearly 6 million people are living with Alzheimer ?s and over 16 million individuals are serving as their unpaid, volunteer caregivers. As the number of people living with Alzheimer ?s continues to grow, the cost of care is escalating into the hundreds of billions, and it ?s dest r oyin g ou r f am ilies, ou r f in an ces an d ou r f u t u r e. This disease is relentless, but so are we. Together, Larimer County has raised $210,000 toward our goal of $235,000. The money we raise will enable the Alzheimer ?s Association to continue to provide critical care and support programs to those living with the disease ? as well as their caregivers. These services are offered at no charge to all Colorado families. Our efforts are also moving us closer to discovering methods of treatment, prevention and, ultimately, a cure.


THRIVE Loveland

Alzheimer 's Walk Th e Lar im er Cou n t y w alk h ad 100 volu n t eer s, an d appr oxim at ely 1200 w alk er s w h o w er e en t h u siast ically ch eer ed on by t h e Color ado Eagle Ch ick s an d ot h er volu n t eer s!

THRIVE Loveland


Honor ed Veter an

"Bar t " Bar t holomew, USN By: Danita Nixon

?The contract I signed with that young lady 49 years ago, was for better or worse.? Loveland resident ?Bart? Bartholomewe has a long history of service. Bart served in the U.S. Navy during Vietnam, he was a Colorado Highway Patrolman for twenty years, and now he is the primary caregiver for his wife Dot who is living with Alzheimer ?s. His life truly epitomizes service. Bart was born and raised in Burlington, Colorado. He served in the U.S. Navy from 1967-1970. Bart came home on emergency leave in late 1967 due to a family emergency. While on leave he had the opportunity to spend time with friends cruising Main Street. They spotted two cute girls in a 59 Ford with Kansas license plates cruising main as well; one of those cute girls was Dorothy his future wife. When the opportunity presented itself, Bart jumped into their car to introduce himself, three dates later they were engaged to be married, and the rest they say, is history. Bart and Dot have been blessed with two daughters and five grandchildren ranging from 10 to 23 years old.

Bar t , h is Dau gh t er Dar i an d h is w if e Dot at t h e 2018 Alzh eim er 's Walk

Bart is passionate about taking care of his wife and believes it is a part of the commitment he made when they said, ?I do?. ?The contract I signed with that young lady 49 years ago, was for better or worse.?

Bart is also passionate about the military, and recently started an organization "Veterans Honoring Veterans". They honor those who Dot began to show signs of dementia in have served by giving them a military statue to 2007. Since then, Bart has watched his commemorate their service. wife slowly fade; it is hard for him to even remember what she was like prior to If you bump into Bart out in the community, being afflicted with this disease. In 2014 you will meet a man with kind eyes, a Dot started to rapidly decline, Bart began welcoming smile, and an optimistic viewpoint to worry about her being safe when he on life that is truly contagious. was at work, so in 2015 he retired in order Th an k you Bar t f or bein g su ch a gr eat to become her full-time caregiver. exam ple of "ser vice over self " !


THRIVE Loveland

THRIVE Loveland


Giving Thank s

Nor ma Knox Norma with her brothers Dick & Bill

By: Debye Wolf

During this time of Thanksgiving I wish to give thanks for a wonderful mother, Norma Knox, who recently passed on to the next great life. She was born in Lincoln, Nebraska during the Great Depression, the middle child of five siblings and the only girl. When Norma?s mother was diagnosed with Parkinson?s disease, Norma helped care for her mom and brothers. Norma's natural care giving abilities were evident even as a teenager. Her daughter Catherine was born with Down?s Syndrome and Norma knew that life would give Catherine many challenges. She nurtured Catherine into a very capable, independent person. Mom treated each of her five children with an eye to their personal needs and gifts and it has served each of us well throughout our lives. Norma extended her care giving beyond her immediate family, and graced many others with her care. People were naturally drawn in by her generous nature and her kindness. While she might not always have agreed with you, she would always support you. She offered her wisdom and advice, allowing you to decide your own next course of action. She was considered ?Mom? or ?Grandma? by many who were not related to her! She also shared her spirit with her new friends at Big Thompson Manor, singing in the choral group and enjoying time with friends. Her impact on people?s lives will be felt for a lifetime.


THRIVE Loveland

Norma with her five children: Left to Right: Debye, Skip, Sandi, Pam with Catherine in the front.

Norma very graciously accepted her health conditions in the last two weeks of her life, helping all of her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, accept the heart condition that would take her from us. True to her nature she helped all of us through the challenges of her care, lifting our spirits and reassuring us that she was more than ready to join Catherine in heaven. Norma will be greatly missed as Mom, Grandma, GG, sister and friend. We all give much thanks for our precious time with her!

Gr andpar ent Visit at ion Right s Meet Jorgensen, Brownell & Pepin, P.C., THRIVE Loveland?s monthly legal contributor. For over 25 years, our full-service law firm is proud to have assembled a group of dedicated and passionate lawyers. With three office locations serving Northern Colorado, our firm is known for achieving favorable results in and out of the courtroom. Each month we will present a new legal topic, the facts associated with Colorado Law, and how the attorneys at Jorgensen, Brownell & Pepin, P.C. are able to assist you with your needs. This month we focus on Estate Planning.

Legal View s Legal View s

child?s best interest. The grandparent seeking visitation against the wishes of a parent must rebut this presumption by clear and convincing evidence that the parent?s determination is not in the child?s best interests and that the grandparent?s visitation schedule is in the child?s best interest.

Gr an dpar en t Visit at ion Righ t s in Color ado What rights do grandparents have for visitation with their grandchildren? Colorado courts recognize the fundamental right of fit parents to make decisions regarding the care and custody of their children. What does this mean for grandparents? There is no automatic right to grandparent visitation. Colorado grandparents can petition a family law court for reasonable grandchild visitation in the following instances:

In determining what is in the best interest of the child, courts consider several factors such as the prior relationship of the child with the grandparents, the child?s wishes, and whether the grandparent?s child can exercise parenting time. For more information on this important topic, contact the family law attorneys of Jorgensen, Brownell & Pepin, PC.

1. The child?s parents have an existing custody case, are divorced or legally separated, or their marriage has been annulled, 2. The child is placed in the legal custody of someone other than a parent, excluding a child who was adopted (therein terminating parental rights), 3. The child?s parent - who is the child of the grandparent - is deceased. If one of the above situations exists, and it is in the best interests of the child, a court can grant grandparent visitation. Once granted, grandparent visitation is treated in a similar manner to parental visitation, and it may be modified if the court finds changes are in the child?s best interest. Grandparents can enforce these visitation rights if they are not honored by child?s parents. Parents have a fundamental constitutional right to the care, custody and control of their children. To protect this right, courts have a presumption that the parent?s decision concerning grandparent visitation is in the

THRIVE Loveland


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