The Inevitbale Outcome of Conventional Banking

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This is stupid.


He’s gonna eat me...

All you gotta do is run up to the porch

Isn’t that weird guy from “The Gentlemen’s Club?” supposed to live there?

It’s not “The Gentlemen’s Club” dummy, it’s “The Gentry.”

This is stupid

Look John you gotta do it. Everyone’s gonna think you’re a sissy...

HE’S GONNA EAT ME! I thought they were just a myth.

They are. No one really believes that crap anymore.

Yeah, except for him.

Except for him.

Script: Robert Lefebvre Art: Kierston Vandekraats

A little higher and ‘is head woulda been taken off!

Yes, And what a shame that would have been

Aye, my point exactly


Some more than others o’course

HMPH! We’ve all been in a bloody bad spot here and there.

I believe our dear mechanic is suggesting we all bet on ourselves to live the longest.

HAH! Dreadful business, betting on which one of us will die first

What precious little money I have is already spent

Thank you

OI!? No, no that’s not what I mean.

It was just a bloody thought

I still say it’s dreadful

Thats the spirit!

I can’t say that I’m proud of you husband

Does this infernal scheme of yours have a name?

Aye, they call it a tontine

Oh, Blast it!

Just the two of us left than is it?

So it would seem

80 Years Later

I imagine I shall enjoy this

Nonsense, the pleasure is all mine!



DAmnable kids

He’s gonna eat me!

He’s gonna eat me!

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