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Meal Planning Made Easy for Student-Athletes
Proper and consistent fueling is important for high performance, as an athlete and as a student. Every meal is an opportunity to provide the energy and nutrients your body needs, plus it gives you an edge over athletes who don’t focus on nutrition.
Eat a Balanced Diet.
Incorporate dairy, whole grains, lean proteins, fruits, veggies, and healthy fats into your daily diet to ensure proper fueling and recovery.

Putting MyPlate into Practice
Meal planning can be fun and simple. Utilize MyPlate when choosing your meal to help you build a balanced plate. Check out these easy ideas to fuel using MyPlate!
• Breakfast: Mix up overnight oats the night before and grab it from the refrigerator on your way out the door in the morning.
• Lunch: A turkey sandwich, an apple, and a glass of low-fat chocolate milk is a quick, easy lunch idea.
• Snacks: String cheese and grapes is a portable, nutrient-rich snack option.
Dairy’s Role on the Athlete’s Plate
The diversity, convenience, and taste of dairy foods like Greek yogurt, cheese, and milk are great additions to meals and snacks. Chocolate milk after exercise is an example of a great-tasting recovery snack to promote muscle recovery.
With a little planning, meals and snacks can provide the nutrition to fuel you as an athlete and a student!