5 minute read
“He GOOD people!” is a saying I would always hear as a child growing up. As I began to learn and experience life lessons, I understood the meaning of the phrase. “He GOOD people” is defined as an impactful person adding great value to our world. Being in their presence made us better.
Reflecting on what I wanted to write about, I thought about my journey: growing up in a small town, playing college football, earning college degrees, having the privilege of being a teacher/ coach/administrator, becoming an author, speaker, ambassador, advisor and a board member. This reflection reminded me; although there was lots of hard work involved, none of those things were achieved alone. I have been blessed to have some amazing people along my journey, in all of those environments. They truly helped mold me into the person I have grown to be today. I have been around some “GOOD People” who taught me great things throughout my life and career.
The “GOOD People” exhibited traits I would like to share with you. These traits will allow you to know what to look for while you are in search of putting yourself around “GOOD People!”
"Pure actions come from pure hearted intentions."

The first trait they exhibited was that they were GENUINE . They were sincere in all of their actions. It meant something to them to show people that they cared about them. They were genuinely goodhearted. They never wished any ill will on anyone. Their good and kind hearts led to them showing pure intentions by their actions. They always looked out for the people they were around. It seemed like they were organic with the way they showed their genuine care and concern for others.
"Sharing the knowledge that you have been blessed to experience allows the next generation to grow efficiently and effectively."
The second trait they exhibited is that they were always ON POINT. They were knowledgeable about so much. It seemed like they knew how to do all of the things we wanted to learn. Although they had so much knowledge, they knew when to say the right thing. They would encourage and impart knowledge upon those that were blessed to be around them. Not only were they wise enough to impart knowledge, but they were also wise enough to know when it was the right time to say nothing. In those moments, we were allowed the opportunities to learn from the tough lessons. They would then coach us up on how to be better from the experience. They were competent in every situation, and in most cases, they knew how to respond to any challenges that came their way. If they did not know how to respond, they were not afraid to say, “I don’t know that, but I am going to reach out to someone who does know, and I will have an answer for you.”
"Common people achieve uncommon things when they do the common things consistently, in an outstanding way."
The third trait they exhibited is that they were OUTSTANDING . They cared in an outstanding way. People were important to them, not titles and status. They went above and beyond to help others. You could see, by the pure joy they had daily, they loved what they did and the people they did it with. They were outstanding with their compassion. They were understanding and stayed in line with the priorities that were important for life growth. They knew who they were and held firm to their core common values. They self-scouted themselves and always pushed themselves to be better.
"The little you have to give today will make a huge difference in the life of someone tomorrow."
The fourth trait they exhibited is they were DESERVING . They were worthy of deserving all of the good things that came their way. They deserved the accolades and praise that was earned because they served others. They always put others first. It was important to them to strive to meet the needs of others. They were deserving because they did all of those things not seeking rewards or accolades. They did all of those things because the core essence of who they were was “GOOD People!”
“GOOD People” add so much value to our world and make us better each day. The traits explained come from having the opportunities to observe great people along my journey. These people exhibited the traits of “G.O.O.D. PEOPLE!” They were G- genuine, O- on point, O- outstanding and D- deserving.

I hope you are able to put yourself around “G.O.O.D. People” that will influence you. This influence will impact you in a major way. It will ignite the fire within you to continue to learn, grow and maximize your potential.
Go Get It!!!