1 minute read
from Orthocare catalog 2023 NL
by Thuasne
Depending on design and structure, cervical collars immobilise the cervical spine, and help limit flexion, extension and rotation movements.
They act on several levels:
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Pain-relieving effect
By limiting movements and painful mechanical stresses
Relaxing effect
By increasing local heat, thereby promoting muscle relaxation
Stabilisation/immobilisation of the cervical spine
Varies depending on the degree of rigidity
Stimulation of proprioception
By reinforcing control sensations from the spinal column
(1-2) American College of Rheumatology. Patients and Public, Patient Education – Neck Pain, American College of Rheumatology. [Consulted on 24 February 2009].www.rheumatology.org
(4) Léna, P. (2013). Le cou, première victime de la vie au bureau. (The neck, the first victim of office life). Le figaro santé.
(5) Passeport santé. (s.d.). Les symptômes, les personnes à risque et les facteurs de risque des troubles musculosquelettiques du cou (entorse cervicale, torticolis). (Symptoms, people at risk and risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders of the neck (cervical sprain, torticollis). Consulted on Passeport santé: https://www.passeportsante.net/fr/Maux/Problemes/Fiche. aspx?doc=troubles-musculosquelettiques-cou-pm-symptomes-des-douleurs-au-cou