1 minute read
Burns are a pathology characterized by a very wide spectrum of potential severity.
There is a large difference between a superficial burn of a few square centimeters (which heals without sequelae within a few days) and a deep burn covering most of the skin, which is both life-threatening and compromising to the patient’s functions.(1)
Burns are very frequent cause of injury. Worldwide, an estimated 6 million patients seek medical help for burns annually.(1)
The decision to treat in a specialized unit depends on the type of burns and their location, the depth of the lesions and the surface area burnt on the body(2) .
The treatment of scars with compression
With a second degree deep burn, the patient is confronted to a major risk of having a hypertrophic scar possibly escalating into a keloid (2) .
Wearing compression garments reduces (2): • Blood flow (reduced flow of oxygen) • Fibroblast proliferation • Collagen synthesis • The risk of local inflammation (prurit, edema...)