Thunder Roads Magazine Tennessee July 2015

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We are GRATEFUL and THANKFUL for all the ANGELS that lend us a wing, on a daily basis.

National Photojournalist Cooper Chilton

Ronny Mangrum aka “Rebel Ron” SCOTT & DENISE HIGH &“Taz aka Thunder Dawg” Publishers/Owners – Thunder Roads Tennessee

LAYOUT & DESIGN Merry Hancock

Layout & Design Graphic Design Artist

Ron Baptiste aka Pastor Ron


Melissa Barrett “Miz B”

Mechele MacDaniel

Chaplain’s Corner


Bob “Bulldog” Ousley

BECOME A THUNDER ROADS CONTRIBUTOR – Call Us With A Solid Lead, We’ll Close It Out And You Get 10% Immediately Upon Customer Payment. No Fuss, No Upkeep, We Handle It All! Big Supplemental Revenue $$$$ Potential!

NATIONAL FOUNDERS Toni McCoy Shearon & Brian Shearon 1528 Matlock Drive Chapmansboro, TN 37035 Founders Office: 615-792-0040 Fax: 615-792-7580 e-mail:


ON THE COVER Photographer: Allen Manus – PE Photography Bike: 2007 Softail Custom Builder: Appleton H-D in Clarksville, TN Paint: Dave @ GUNS of the SOUTH (530) 713-3166 Bike Owner: Danny E. Cotton of Chapmansboro, TN Model: Theresa Pasquinelli of Franklin, TN MUAH: Sky Blood (702) 239-7661

July 2015

CALENDAR OF EVENTS LISTINGS Contact: Denise High, Events Calendar Administrator for TRM 615-389-1016 or, e-mail them to: What’s on the site goes in the mag!


(We Have State Owners/Publishers, Not Regional Sales Areas)

Just How Many Mags From The Wannabe’s Actually Stay In Tennessee When They Sell To So Many Regional Areas?


July 2015

Whew! We have been busy as Grand Central Station this last month with so many events to attend, but we had a blast at all of them!! The Smoky Mountain Thunder Memorial Ride was so incredible, they broke a record this year and it was a great memorial for those who paid the ultimate price for our freedoms. The Tennessee State HOG Rally was a huge success, we met so many amazing people and made some new friends too. Three Dog Night ROCKED the stage Saturday night and sounded as good as ever! Pastor Ron’s Tennessee Biker Medical Clinic Poker Run was so much fun even though it was blazin’ hot, we survived and maybe lost a couple of pounds, all for a great cause. We are proud the magazine played a part in making each of these events successful and you can read all about these events in this issue. If you have the chance to attend these events next year, I would suggest that you not miss them, we won’t! We attended so many other great events, too many to list, but just know we always love to come cover our advertisers’ events if our schedule allows us to. As I write this letter, next Saturday there are 4 big events happening and we can only cover 2 of them :/ There are only two of us and we just can’t possibly cover everything, but we try our best. By the time you get this issue, you’ll probably be getting ready to celebrate Independence Day. On this day in 1776, the Continental Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, setting the 13 colonies on the road to freedom as a sovereign nation. As always, this most American of holidays will be marked with red, white and blue flags, fireworks, parades and backyard barbecues across the country. Fireworks are synonymous with our celebration of Independence Day. Yet, the thrill of fireworks can also bring pain. 240 people on average go the emergency room every day with fireworks-related injuries in the month around the July 4th holiday, so please everyone be safe and maybe go somewhere to watch the fireworks instead of doing them yourself, but whatever you choose to do just be safe! FYI: It’s my Birthday Month and my Birthday is on a Friday this year so we will be celebrating it at one of our advertisers’ place, so come join us if you can and have a cold one with us! I will announce when, where and what time on Facebook, so check our Facebook page for details coming soon :) Also, July is the month we bought the magazine last year from Founders, Toni and Brian. Even though our first issue was the September issue, we can celebrate one year of owning the magazine, so check our Facebook page because we may celebrate somewhere and we might be giving away Thunder Roads Tennessee t-shirts on our Facebook page too! This last year has sometimes been overwhelming, scary, and crazy and some tears were shed, but it’s also been filled with fun, excitement, laughter, and proud moments and we wouldn’t change any of it even if we could. We LOVE our job, we love and appreciate our advertisers and readers, and the magazine has grown every month and wouldn’t be where it is today if not for y’all, so THANK YOU ADVERTISERS and READERS!! Have a safe and happy 4th of July! Ride Hard Live Free Denise, Scott and Thunder Dawg


By: Rebel Ron n June 6th several pals and I rode to Springfield, TN to support a long time pal’s worthy fundraiser. I’m talking about the biker who is everyone’s pal, Pastor Ron Baptiste of the Covenant Confirmers MC who heads up the Tennessee Biker Medical Clinic. The clinic/church does a lot of good work for the biker community and if you are unaware of their work then please go to their web page and inform yourselves at or call 615419-3643.



We rolled into the Clinic’s parking lot just in time to enjoy lunch and the pleasure of meeting many riding pals from that area and several from KY too. One of the perks of this ride is the fantastic back roads they lead us on every year. At noon Bro. Ron had the 80 bikes and several vehicles line up for our police escort out of town on our way to Appleton Harley-Davidson in Clarksville. After checking out the dealership and enjoying some cold drinks we headed back out in the sun filled day for more miles of scenic TN roads. Next stop was at a two wheeling

July 2015

buddy I have known since the late 1970s when he had a small Custom Van and Bike shop on Charlotte Ave, in Nashville. Yep, that would be Phil Chamblee who along with his son Curt now owns the successful and well decorated Hwy 12 Motorsports shop. It is worth the ride to see it sometime, I promise. Soon we get the command from the bull horn to «Mount Up!” We climb on our iron horses and meander through the back roads into North Nashville to complete the poker run at the Outlaws MC clubhouse. As usual I never win anything in poker but I did see many long time patch holding pals and made a few new friends in the process. Great day to ride and for a great cause too. Be sure to join us next year! continued...

July 2015


Bro. Baptiste wanted to thank all the M/Cs, M/Ms, and Independents who showed up to support the clinic. The “Tennessee Biker Medical Clinic” offers free medical help for bikers with access to Doctors, Chiropractors, Dentist, Eye Care, and Physical Therapy. Please contact them with your needs. Ron also wanted to send a special thanks to the sponsors, Appleton H-D, Hwy 12 Motorsports, Pan Head 6

Phil’s Music City Motorcycles, Donnie’s Music City Cycles, Cycle Gear and Denise & Scott High with Thunder Roads Magazine of Tennessee for taking time away from their hectic schedule to ride with us today. Take care of one another & ride safe, Rebel Ron

July 2015

Chaplain’s Corner Pastor Ron Baptiste Founder of Covenant Confirmers Ministries Inc. Founder of Tennessee Biker Medical Clinic Inc. TN.COC State Chaplain Member of NCOM Christian Unity Council Pastor Ron’s messages can now be downloaded off the website Leadership Skills can now be downloaded off the website

“SLEEP ON” Mat.26:20-46 we read where Jesus “sat down w/ His disciples,” the thing to understand is that Jesus handpicked all of the disciples, He chose them as individuals just like He does us today. But then Jesus shocks them all with an accusation, “one of you shall betray me.” Then Jesus said “he that dips his hand with me in the same dish, the same shall betray me.” One has to be right next to you to dip his hand in the same dish with you. The only ones that can betray you are the ones closest to you. Jesus shocks them again with “All of you shall be offended because of me this night.” All of the disciples said “Not me Lord!” Peter said “Though all men shall be offended because of thee, yet will I never be offended… Though I should die with thee, yet will I not deny thee.” Then Jesus take them to a place called “Gethsemane” known as the “Pressing Place” for this is where they would press the olives to get the olive oils from the olives. As Jesus walks into the front gate He instructed eight of His disciples to “Sit here, while I go and pray yonder.” There are some places that you can’t take everybody, even other Christians. Jesus knew what He was about to enter into and He also knew that some of His own disciples were not ready for that kind of spiritual battle, so He left eight at the gate and took three with Him to the “yonder place.” That’s a place in prayer that the devil can’t get into, where sickness & disease cannot stay. “And He went a little farther, and fell on His face and prayed…” in this “yonder place” is not where you stand up or get on your knees to pray, you totally submit yourself to God, if it was good enough for Jesus then it’s good enough for me! Jesus took with Him Peter, James & John to this place because He had already taken them to the “Mt. of Transfiguration” where they saw the glory of God being revealed, they were ready for this place of pressure. He told them to “tarry here, watch & pray with me.” Jesus come back and “finds them asleep and says unto Peter; what, could you not watch and July 2015

pray with me for one hour?” We Christians today have gotten so use to two minute prayers, like “As I lay me down to sleep” or “Bless this food that we are about to eat.” We would fall asleep too if we tried to pray for one hour. But Jesus came back three times and each time they were asleep! Finally Jesus said to them “Sleep on now, and take your rest, behold the hour is at hand, and the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners.” Those of us that are busy about God’s business cannot wait on the others. If you need rest then “SLEEP ON.” If you can’t finish the race then “SLEEP ON.” You must realize that some people will never be what you want them to be, “SLEEP ON.” They cannot be who they are not, “SLEEP ON.” You can’t get from them what they do not have, “SLEEP ON.” They just cannot do what they cannot do, so “SLEEP ON.” Until next time, keep your face in the wind and your kickstand up. To be found faithful, Pastor Ron


K.I.S.S. page composed & edited by: Toni McCoy Shearon aka “Thunder MaMa” of Thunder Roads National Founders’ Office.

I thought since this will be the big Independence Day 4th of July issue, y’all will probably have your meat or meats of preference already picked out. So, I’m just doing drinks, sauces, dessert and tips. ENJOY THE HOLIDAY & PLEASE REMEMBER WHAT IT’S TRULY ABOUT. God Bless You Bikers. Love you. MINT LIMEADE WITH RUM FLOATER 1 Glass Gallon Pitcher 1 Cup of Regular Sugar (or Splenda) 5 Cups of Ice Water; Divided 1 Packed Cup of Mint Leaves; roughly chopped 2 Cups of Fresh Squeezed Lime Juice 2 Cups of Quality White Rum 4 Sprigs of Mint In a saucepan combine the sugar and water. Bring to a boil and gently whisk till sugar dissolves. This is called a “simple syrup”. Remove from heat & add the mint leaves. Let the simple syrup cool completely; 30 mins. Strain out the mint. To glass pitcher, add the lime juice and stir in simple syrup, remaining 4 cups of ice water and quality Rum. Stir completely. Add the mint sprigs and it’s ready to drink ASAP! Serve over cubed ice. We had these on the Island and they are SO refreshing! And everyone uses limes as there’s virtually thousands of lime trees everywhere. This will end up being your “go-to” summer drink. THE 3 CLASSIC BBQ SAUCES The Classic: 1 Cup Ketchup 1/2 Cup Plus 2 Tbls. Water 1/4 Cup, Plus 1 Tbls. Apple Cider Vinegar 1/4 Cup Plus 1 Tbls. White Vinegar 1/4 Tbls. Plus 1-1/2 tsp. Brown Sugar 2 Tbls. Plus 1-1/2 tsp. Worcestershire Sauce 1 Tbls. Chili Powder 1 Tbls. Ground Cumin 1-1/2 tsp. Kosher Salt 1-1/2 tsp. Coarse Black Pepper 1/2 Cup of Honey (optional) for good ole’ stickiness Combine all ingredients in a pot and warm gently over medium heat w/o bringing mix to an actual boil; stirring occasionally, about 5 minutes. Pour into Mason jars and let cool before capping. This cooking method will apply to this and next sauce. Keep it Simple, baby. That’s how we roll, right? 8

SPICY VINEGAR BBQ SAUCE 1 Cup White Vinegar 1 Cup Apple Cider Vinegar 1 Cup Ketchup 1 Tbls. Brown Sugar 2 Tbls. Brown Sugar 2 Tbls. Hot Sauce Dash of Worcestershire Sauce 2 tsp. Smoked Paprika 1 tsp. Kosher Salt 1/2 tsp. Coarse Black Pepper VERY SPICY MUSTARD BBQ SAUCE 2 Cups Apple Cider Vinegar 1 Small Purple Onion; peeled & quartered 1 Large Garlic Clove; peeled & smashed 1 Chipotle in Adobo; plus 1 Tbls. of it pureed 3 Tbls. Quality Bourbon 1 tsp. Roasted Coriander 1/2 tsp. Paprika 1 Cup Spicy Brown Mustard 1/2 Cup Yellow Mustard In medium saucepan, combine vinegar, purple onion, garlic, chipotle pepper, bourbon, coriander and smoked paprika. Bring mix to a hard boil, then reduce to a simmer. Simmer for 10 mins. & strain into a medium bowl and then pour into a Mason jar. CORN TIP: Take a whole ear of corn, husk on, & put in micro 3 mins for S-M, 4 mins for L-XL. Remove. Slice off top tip and get ahold of bottom and shake, shake, shake till ear drops out. It will be totally silk free, piping hot and ready to butter it up. Perfection! PINEAPPLE TIP: Put on garden gloves if you’re a wimp (lol) and get up under crown top, pull up while twisting and top comes right off. Slice off 1/2 inch for a clean cut and turn upside down and place in bowl and just let it sit in fridge this way until ready to cut. Pineapples are cut and stored on their bottom their whole life so this way, all the juices are redistributed back through the entire fruit. Who knew? STUPID EASY, GRAHAM CRACKER CRUST STRAWBERRY & CRÈME’ CHEESE SPLENDOR In 13x9 glass bake dish layer 1 solid layer of graham crackers then another layer going other way. Mix up 2 cups Cool-Whip, 1 pkg. Philly Whipped Crème’ Cheese & 1 cup sugar. Mix up 2 pkgs. strawberry gelatin, 2 cups boiling water, 2 pkgs. frozen sweetened sliced strawberries; thawed. Put filling over graham crackers, then Cool Whip mix. Chill for 5 hours. Sprinkle with crushed graham crackers. Phenom! HAPPY 4TH ALL YOU INDEPENDENT BIKERS!

July 2015

July 2015


Carve the Cumberland


Once again, Gary Bagwell was the Rally Coordinator (for the 7th time!) for the Tennessee HOG Rally. He and his team, with the support of the local dealer, Boswell’s H-D, the other participating Tennessee H-D dealers, numerous sponsors, and especially the ultrafriendly City of Cookeville, put together arguably the best state rally in the U.S.! Over 2,500 attendees from 39 states and 3 countries will vouch for that fact. For instance, in 2014 one couple attended from a Canadian Chapter, this year 13 showed up. Though I always try to do every event, for our readers, there’s no possible way to do it all. All of the concerts were sponsored by Allstate Ins., Steelhorse Law, and Miller Lite. The rally opened early, very early, and well. Through the close of registration Tuesday, over 1,300 HOGs had already checked in, primarily due to a $10,000 guaranteed pay-out poker run, sponsored by Appleton’s H-D. Darlene Green picked up $6,000 and Lynn O’Reily and Jerrod Goodwin tied for 2nd and split the $4,000. And how about The Kentucky Headhunters, as the opening act of the rally? Performance artist Dale Henry, the “Paint Man”, also made the first of several demonstrations of his instant paintings. Each painting was auctioned with the majority of the proceeds going to St. Judes Children’s Hospital. Another rally-long poker run for $1,000, sponsored by Upper Cumberland Tourism Assoc., 10

ran from Tuesday through Saturday. If you look up PERSISTANT in the dictionary, the first entry would be Gary Bagwell. Jimmy Yates has built his own antique city, complete with all the appropriate accessories, named Hard Times USA, population 1. Mr. Yates doesn’t open his development to outside groups, but, after two years of reaching out, Gary’s response to “I don’t open for groups” was “why not? - let’s talk”. Needless to say, on Wednesday morning, we had a great time at the farm, including a BBQ lunch and a hillbilly “shotgun wedding” performed by the Cumberland Playhouse Players. Knoxville H-D sponsored the ride to Fall Creek Falls and Rock Island State Parks and then on to Hard Times USA for lunch. (See Hard Times USA Pop 1 in this issue). Next, Boswell’s H-D hosted a welcome party, with the Mayor and city officials, followed by another party, at the host hotel, with the ConSoulers, a Motown and Soul Band. Thursday morning started with a ride to Lynchburg, with Jack Daniels’ tours, lunch, and welcome from Moore County Mayor. Tom Bumpus led the ride, sponsored by the Bumpus H-D dealers. Jack Daniels would etch your bottle to commemorate the rally and passed out bandanas. This was quite a treat for the out-of-towners, who drink a little Jack. Upon returning from Lynchburg,

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the HOGs headed to downtown Cookeville, where the streets were blocked off for a Block Party, including entertainment by Sarah Gayle Meech and The Meech Boys, Artist Dale Henry, Loud Pipes Contest, bike show, and Cruise-in Car Show. Boswell’s H-D, the City of Cookeville, and Roland Advertising sponsored the event. If that weren’t enough, it was off to the host hotel for a rocking Vinyl Radio concert. Vinyl Radio is a favorite of lots of Nashville area HOGs, playing their 70’s rock. How about meeting with the local Cookeville P. D. officers, Putnam County Sheriff’s deputies, and State Troopers, for a donut and coffee, provided by Ralph’s Donuts, at 7:30, Friday morning. Trust me these officers are the greatest you’ll find. Other communities and agencies could take a cue from this event. Moral was high and relations between officers and riders was seamless. Everyone appeared to have equal amounts of fun. The donuts are so good, that my wife wants to get off the highway and go to Ralph’s, whenever we go past Cookeville. Suddenly, a police chase broke out, as an officer chased a “convict” around the street in front of the shop. After a sugar high breakfast, Scott Maddux led a ride to the Mid-TN Dragway, where the HOG’s could test their drag racing skills. Rain squashed the finals between Scott and Terence Hines, so a draw from the hat awarded Scott first place and Terence second. Smoky Mountain H-D sponsored the event and Scott won a nice trophy to be displayed in the dealership. Also during the day, Betsy Boswell led

an “Irish Happy Hour” She Ride, to the Bull and Thistle Restaurant, and Field Games, and finals of the HOG Skills Competition were held. See what I mean about not being able to do everything? Capping the night, The Yochim Tucker Band opened for the always favorite Charlie Daniels Band. Life Members started Saturday with a big, free breakfast. Maybe not such a great idea, if they joined Bubba Boswell for his heart pounding Adrenaline Ride, to the Mid-TN Dragway, for an afternoon of dirt drags, followed by the first race of the AMA Pro Hillclimb Series, sponsored by Boswell’s H-D (see the article on the hillclimb in this issue). At 4:30 the Parade of Flags led to the fairgrounds for the HOGs vs Pigs National Skills Riding Competition. Jimmy Kelly outdid himself with the challenge of this year’s course. Once again, the HOG’s proved too talented for the officers. Then, how better to close out the rally, than having Vinyl Radio opening for Three Dog Night? Memphis, you’ve got your work cut out for you for next year’s rally to be bigger and better than this year’s. I hear that an Elvis themed day and Beale Street are probably going to be included in the rally. I’m really looking forward to what will be available to the HOGs, in Memphis. Hopefully, the people of Memphis will love the HOGs as much as Cookeville has and that the HOGs will love Memphis as much they have loved Cookeville, during the three rallies held there. Ride Safe and Have Fun!! Cooper

July 2015



Don’t think Gary Bagwell, Rally Coordinator, for the 2015 Tennessee State HOG Rally, ever gives up on what he feels will give the rally goers a memorable event! Bagwell has been working with the AMA Pro Hillclimb Series folks for the past 2 years to get a climb in conjunction with the HOG Rally. This year, the series came to the Mid-Tenn Dragway, in Buffalo Valley, for the first time ever in Tennessee. Lots of HOGs were in attendance, most getting their first exposure to this wild event. Per the hillclimb officials, the hill was best groomed on the circuit. Hillclimbing competitors have no practice or qualifying, so their first run was their first ever for the hill and also the first, in 2015. for their bikes. These runs were nothing like the old movies of bikes failing to make the climb and falling down the hill. These guys are pros and flew (literally flew part of the way) up the hill. For example, John Koesler piloted his nitro Honda, to the top, in 7.678 seconds, to win the class. Check the AMA Pro Hillclimb website for the remaining events in the series. The results were:


UNLIMITED CLASS 1 John Koester Honda 2 Jay Sellstrom Yamaha 3 Vinny Nuzzolilli Honda

7.678 7.698 7.822

XTREME 1 Philip Libhart 2 Vinny Nuzzolilli 3 John Koester

Triumph Honda Honda

7.557 7.907 7.979

PRO SPORTS 1 Johnny Curry 2 Nick Briggs 3 Adam Holmes

Yamaha Yamaha Honda

10.421 10.575 11.019

The HOGs and the Competitors had a great time. The HOGs free admission, alone, covered the rally fee. Gauging from the reviews by spectators, track owner, AMA officials, and racers, the event will likely return to Tennessee in 2016. If you were not able to attend the Hillclimb, this year, keep an eye out for the 2016 AMA Pro Hillclimb Series calendar. Ride Safe and Have Fun!! Cooper

July 2015

HARD TIMES USA, POP. 1 If you had 700 acres and owned a construction company, what would you do? Jimmy Yates of Rock Island, TN, decided to build his own town to display his antiques and classic automobiles. Not one to waste valuable trees, he used the lumber mill on his property for the wood to build his beautiful buildings. The interior of his private home is cherry! The slab of cedar comprising the bar, as well as the cedar saloon furniture, is striking, as are the antique guns in holsters, beside the bar. One of the cabins has solid cedar furniture, making the aroma wonderful. What a great place to visit! It is only open to the public only one time a year, the first Saturday in October, for Heritage Days. Only Gary Bagwell’s (Rally Coordinator) persistence, over the last two years, gained access for the HOGs attending the state rally. Included in the private park are: a chapel, a complete Gulf Service Station, a leather shop, a saloon, cabins, a wooden bridge, a water tower, a livery stable, a barber shop, a hardware store, saloon, a fire hall, a post office and telegraph station, a doctor’s office, and a general store. Each building is accurately filled with antiques. Now, that’s a real antique Tennessee town. As we entered the chapel, two HOG ladies were playing and singing Amazing Grace--a real surprise. They said that it just seemed appropriate and I agree. In the service station, besides beautifully restored autos, is a stage coach. It was built by the Amish, from beautiful woods. On the days visitors are invited, the stage coach is used for rides around the grounds. The Cumberland County Playhouse players put on a mock hillbilly wedding complete with barefooted, pregnant bride, shotgun toting dad, July 2015

and Mason jar swilling bridesmaids. When I asked the preacher the difference between a mock and real wedding, he said in a real wedding, the gun would be loaded. Turned out that bride and groom were 1st cousins, but the father was willing to accept that they were married, so everyone survived. Many thanks to Jimmy Yates, for sharing his treasure with the HOGs. It was a real hit! Ride Safe and Have Fun!! Cooper


BRINDY is a young female Mountain Cur/Terrier (Unknown Type, Medium) Mix, already spayed, up to date with shots, good with kids, and good with dogs. Brindy has been with us for a couple of months while in training, but today this girl has arrived! She is just over a year old and her past life didn't provide her with the skills to be a dog people that wanted. As a result, she was passed over time and time again at her shelter. However, that is no longer true! Brindy has become a calm, very loving, sweetheart of a dog that is very well-behaved. She walks very well on a leash, does fantastic with other dogs, is a perfect car rider, knows all of her basic commands and is simply stunning! All Brindy needed was a little bit of education, just like we do from time to time. This girl has graduated with honors and is officially ready to meet her family!

CAMO is a young male American Staffordshire Terrier Mix, already neutered, housetrained, up to date with shots, good with kids, and good with dogs. Camo is a

young dog that sadly spent the first 8 months of his life on the end of a chain in his "owners" backyard. He didn't have any training and had no idea how to behave properly which didn't exactly leave a line of people waiting to adopt him at the shelter. Camo is however a great dog that is very happy and eager to learn new things. We took him into our rescue and he has been learning how to be a model dog with skilled trainers. He absolutely loves attention and is so appreciative when people love on him. It's such a simple thing, yet affection was something he was denied for all of his young life. We can't change his past, but we can ensure his future is full of love and happiness! Camo LOVES to run and play, he is a dog that will do best in a home with regular exercise. He also knows how to walk on a treadmill ;) His ideal home would have a fenced-in backyard, with another female dog his size, or he is just as happy to soak up all the attention as an only dog. Because of his bouncy, bubbly personality, we think he would do best in a home with no small children as he may knock them over. We also feel that his need to play with everyone might be a little too much for cats or small dogs. He wants to be everyone's play pal, but we aren't sure they find his shenanigans fun :)


is an adult female American Bulldog Mix, already spayed, up to date with shots, good with kids, and good with dogs. Cleo is a foxy 2-3 year old American Bulldog with an adorable face and equally precious underbite. She has one of the cutest faces I have ever seen! Cleo is a sweet girl that loves belly rubs and sits politely for her treats. She is on the smaller size for her breed mix, weighing just 45 pounds. She is the perfect size for a travel buddy and who would not want to hang with this girl every day? Whoever adopts her will be the envy of their friends because she is truly awesome! Cleo does well with other dogs her size and loves to go for walks. She is going to make a loving, loyal companion that will add a healthy level of coolness to anyone's life!

EDDIE is a young male American Staffordshire Terrier Mix, already neutered, housetrained, up to date with shots, good with kids, and good with dogs. Eddie is

30 lb, jet black Amstaff mix and the perfect size for a travel buddy! He was seized by authorities in a dog-fighting raid and at just 12 weeks old, had already been put outside, forced to live on a chain. He struggled with some growth issues in his front legs from not being able to walk dragging the 30+ lb chain. When he first took him into our care, he was terrified of people, looking to other dogs for guidance. We knew Eddie was going to need some training to help him build some confidence, so that he can live a happier life. Since working with trainers, Eddie has slowly blossomed into a loving dog that loves human affection. The days of cowering in fear are over and he has adjusted beautifully to a normal life. Eddie has even made some dog friends, who he loves to play a good game of tag with. He has learned to walk really well on a leash, and knows "sit", "down" and "place". No longer does he see the world as a terrifying place, but one full of wonder and fun! We are so proud of Eddie and everything he has overcome to reach this point in his life. Eddie is ready to go HOME and we are working hard to find him the perfect family!


is an adult female Terrier (Unknown Type, Medium)/Bulldog Mix, already spayed, housetrained, up to date with shots, good with kids, and good with dogs. Sweet Miss Mercy is the happiest dog you’ll ever meet and she’s looking for a forever family that wants to cuddle, play, and then cuddle some more! She prefers to spend her days relaxing on her dog bed, sniffing around the yard, or following her human around in hopes of some good scratches on the sweet part of her back. Mercy is pretty laid back, but she’ll definitely get excited when you come home from work each day! She has been through training, and is easily redirected to the commands she learned. When you walk in the door each day, her little tail will go crazy, but only until you make her sit for her cuddles. Mercy currently lives with an 11-month old baby, and adores him. She excels at giving kisses, helping with kitchen cabinet exploration, and cleaning up highchair

messes. As a laid back dog, Mercy has no problem getting along with other dogs. She hasn’t really been cat tested yet, but as she is exposed to cats we will update her profile. Mercy enjoys chewing on Nylabones and cuddling (but not really chewing on) stuffed toys. She isn’t yet interested in playing fetch. She loves snacking on popcorn, heading for walks in the neighborhood, and going for a car ride. Mercy is house trained, crate trained, and generally well-behaved. She’s quite a catch, and she would like to meet YOU!

RENE is a 4 month old Feist/Mountain Cur Mix, already spayed, up to date with shots, good with kids, and good with dogs. Rene is an adorable 4 month old

puppy who himself homeless and was picked up by a local shelter. Upon arrival, it was discovered that he was born with a very rare birth defect that caused his genitalia not to fully form. This required gender reassignment surgery in order to live a full life without the risk of infections and complications. Rene is now a she and a typical sniffy, curious and active puppy. She is working hard on her potty trainings and is enjoying her walks on a leash. Rene also loves her trips to the pet store to pick out her new toys, she really loves rides in the shopping cart too! Every night she goes to sleep with her little teddy bears and one of her favorite things to do is slide down the stairs on her belly. There is never a dull moment around this little one, she is quite comical! Rene is also a smart little girl who is eager to please and learns new things quickly. She is a very sweet and affectionate puppy, who is going to grow up to make someone an excellent companion!

XENA is an adult female American Staffordshire Terrier/Pointer Mix, already spayed, housetrained, up to date with shots, good with kids, and good with dogs.

This lovely girl is Xena and she is full of personality! Xena is around 3 years old and her DNA test reported that she is an American Staffordshire Terrier/Pointer/Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier mix! She is a petite girl, weighing around 45 pounds. Xena is a very happy dog that is eager to learn new things. She learned how "sit", "down", "shake" and "place" in no time! Xena is always up for a new adventure, loves car rides and going for walks. She has excellent leash skills and walks at your side like a lady. Xena has perfect manners, is house-trained and crate-trained. She would do best in a home with no small children, as her bouncy zest for life might knock little ones over. Xena also does great with most dogs and would do best in a home with another male, or as the only dog. Xena is a fantastic dog and is going to make a wonderful companion for one very lucky family!


is a senior male American Staffordshire Terrier/Shar Pei Mix, already neutered, housetrained, up to date with shots, good with kids, good with dogs, and good with cats. For 10 years, Kenny lived chained up at the home of a dog fighter that was raided last year in Nashville. 38 dogs were found there and seized by Metro Nashville Animal Care and Control, and those who passed behavioral testing were lucky to find rescues willing to take them in. We stepped up for Kenny when he became one of 3 dogs left from that ran out-of-time to find places to go. We reached out to help and only had room for one and was told that Kenny was the least likely to be rescued. Not because he was aggressive, but because Kenny had mentally shut down and was very withdrawn. After surviving for 10 years in hell, Kenny had just given up on life and all of his hope was gone :( He had been forced to fight for his life more times than I even want to think about. Of course we would take Kenny, because our mission is to help those most in need. Visit our website for information about Kenny....


July 2015

BIKE OF THE MONTH 2009 Harley-Davidson Street Glide

Congratulations to Danny Farmer Jr on winning our monthly Bike Contest on Facebook! My Bike is a 2009 Harley-Davidson Street Glide and the color is light and dark Root Beer Candy. The bike was actually bought by my lovely wife Lisa. The day she bought me the bike we were on our way to buy a Hummer H2. On the way to the Hummer Dealer, she said, let’s stop and look at Harleys at Appleton Harley-Davidson, I said I didn’t want a Harley, but to make her happy we stopped to “look around”. We looked at several bikes, and the next thing I know she asked if I like this Street Glide. I told her if I was going to buy one that would be the one, but I had no intention of buying it, I wanted the Hummer. I was ready to go get it, so a little while longer I said let’s go, the man is waiting on us to come get the Hummer, but she said in a minute. I was starting to get a little upset and I just wanted to go, then she comes over to me and said she bought it! I didn’t believe her, I was like yea right, but she handed me the keys and said I Love You Honey! Needless to say I was Speechless... Thanks Honey! I love my bike, there is not another one like it around here. Thank you to everyone that voted for my bike on Facebook. If you have a cool custom bike you would like to have featured in our magazine, enter it in our monthly contest by submitting a pic of your bike to

July 2015


Smoky Mountain Thunder Memorial Ride


By Thunder Roads Tennessee

emorial Day is a federal holiday to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice serving our country in the armed forces. In 1998, and again in 2000, Ron Giddis, an Army Veteran, who served in the Vietnam War, and his wife Sandy, rode their bikes to Rolling Thunder, a memorial ride in Washington D.C. to bring awareness to POW/MIA issues, and when they got home, they decided it was time to put together an event to Honor our Fallen Military, Law Enforcement, Fire, and EMS on Memorial Day weekend, and do it in Sevierville, TN. So in 2001 they held the first Smoky Mountain Thunder Memorial Ride. The ride starts in Downtown Sevierville and crosses 5 counties nonstop for 65 miles and ends atop Clinch Mountain at Veterans Overlook in Grainger County. That first year they had 75 bikes. Fast forward to 2015, and Smoky Mountain Thunder XV has seen tremendous growth, actually, that’s an understatement, this year a record 4006 bikes made the annual escorted ride past the crowds of flag waving people lining the roads, and patriotic decorated boats waiting for us on Douglas Lake, to the closing ceremonies on Clinch Mountain. Besides the fact that the ride honors those that paid the ultimate price for the freedoms we still enjoy, one of the greatest things about the Smoky Mountain Thunder Memorial Ride is how it happens. The Smoky Mountain Thunder Memorial Ride is a free ride. That’s right, it’s free, and there are no commercial vendors,


and nobody asks for donations, or tries to sell you anything, and except for a couple of Veterans organizations selling refreshments, nobody makes a penny. It is truly an event to Honor our Fallen Military, and remind others to remember the fallen, and the true meaning of Memorial Day, and organizing the event is a selfless labor of love for Ron and Sandy Giddis. They do it out of respect, honor, and sense of duty to the fallen, and Gold Star Families. Having 4000+ motorcycles riding across 5 counties raises a lot of awareness, so Ron and Sandy go out and ask for sponsorships to help publicize the ride and pay for it all so the rest of us can enjoy the ride, and what it means, and believe me there are a lot of cost involved with getting that many people together at 2 different locations, even the money from the t-shirt sales and anything left over after the event are used to get a head start on next year. Ron and Sandy didn’t want us to tell this part of the story, but we think it’s such a great thing they do, that we wanted to recognize the effort they put into it every year. Now we’ll let Sandy thank everyone who helps them in her own words.

July 2015

By Sandy Giddis he sound of thunder was upon us again for Smoky Mountain Thunder Memorial Ride XV. This year was a mile stone, 15 years, so we planned an extra event to help commemorate it. We invited Marshall Teague, star of the movie “Last Ounce of Courage”, and a Newport, TN. native, to come and present the movie and be our guest speaker for the Memorial Ride. He told us he would be honored to be part of our tribute to our fallen military. This article is to say so many words of thanks to so many that made this year possible. The picture above is all our sponsors that made this year’s SMT possible and an extreme success. Marshall and Lindy Teague would not have been a part of the Memorial Weekend festivities if not for Doug Estey, of Smoky Mountain Medical Group and Larry Cole of Five Oaks Tire. The two were to fly Doug’s plane to Texas to pick the Teague’s up on Friday and return them on Monday. Texas had been hit by tornados, heavy rains and severe storms one after another and was not getting any breaks in the systems. To be sure all concerned stayed safe, they took it upon themselves to pay for the round trip tickets for the Teague’s to keep all the plans of the weekend intact without


July 2015

any hiccups. A very huge thank you to both Doug and Larry. A big thank you to Deborah Selby and the staff at the Hampton Inn on Winnfield Dunn Parkway, Sevierville, for going the extra mile to be sure of the Teague’s and all associated guests who were there for Smoky Mountain Thunder received our southern hospitality. They did a tremendous job with making all feel welcome and comfortable, including, Denise and Scott High, owners of “Thunder Roads Magazine of Tennessee.” The staff went out of their way to see to everyone’s comfort. With the combination of Sevierville Commons Association, Sevierville Chamber of Commerce, Sevierville Police Dept, Court House Donuts, and Sevier County Library, the Saturday


night screening of the movie “Last Ounce of Courage” went well for our first event of this type. The movie, about Freedom, Family and Faith, was shown on an outdoor screen, and Marshall Teague was there to talk about what it meant for him to do the movie and why he wanted to do it. He and his wife Lindy graciously stayed after the movie and talked with everyone that wanted to speak with them. Saturday night also kicked off the silent auction, bidding on a knife from “Ross Tyser Custom Forged Knives,” and Ross was also there to talk about his custom knives. He contacted us


July 2015

He comes in on his day off to do this for us every year. The Sevierville Police Dept., Michael Maddron and Robby Nelms close the streets to vehicle traffic to keep all the bike riders safe. Michael and Robby were also there to place the Memorial Wreath in honor of our fallen, followed by Gold Star parents, Kelly and Gary Swanson who lost their son, Chris, in Iraq. Thank you to Jennifer Dyer and Court House Donuts for opening on their day off so anyone hungry could have coffee and breakfast. Owner of “The Diner” drove his company truck down with hundreds of iced down bottles of water to keep everyone hydrated. Boy Scout Troop 119 and Missy Williams were there to

to donate the specially made knife to us, with all proceeds from the auction to be used for Smoky Mountain Thunder. Sevierville Police Dept. Officers Michael Maddron, Robbie Nelms and Newport Police Chief Maurice Shults, were there to keep Marshall and Lindy from being overwhelmed in the crowds. Sunday’s Memorial Ride was a great success, due to so many more who made this possible. Duane Dodgen who opens the courthouse side door so the eagle from American Eagle Foundation stays calm amidst the sounds of motorcycles.

July 2015


hand out the water to those who wanted it, and stayed after the ceremony was over and the bikes had left to clean up trash and collect decorations. This is a tremendous help for us not to have to worry what shape the area is left in. Huge thank you to the Fire and Iron Motorcycle Club for doing an awesome job of staging all the bikes and getting everyone out in a fashionable and safe manner when we leave for the 65 mile ride. Without the organization by the club, it would be utter chaos. Another huge thank you to Don Miller of Tennessee Helping Hearts and his crew and Pat White, for selling t-shirts to commemorate this 15th year of Smoky Mountain Thunder. A thank you to TC Barnett, Jessie Barnett, Kaleb Jacob Wright, TAPS Player Greg Stout, Scott Johnson and Hugh Warren all from Smoky Mountain Opry who came to perform our Patriotic music. What a performance they all gave for our tribute to our fallen military. With the combination of the Sevierville Police Dept. leading us safely out of town and the Sevier County Sheriff’s Dept. taking over where Sevierville City Police Dept. break away, always do an outstanding job taking care of getting all the bikes safely to Grainger County Veteran’s Overlook on top of Clinch Mountain. Crossing 5 counties and many jurisdictions 20

of law enforcement, all the different Counties lend a hand and take over the lead at each of the county lines. Without the combined efforts of Jefferson County Sheriff Dept., Newport City Police Dept., Cock County Sheriff’s Dept., Morristown City Police Dept., Hamblen County Sheriff’s Dept. and Grainger County Sheriff’s Dept., it would be difficult to arrive safely and in one group. Many thanks to all of the Officers who help keep us safe. This year, 4006 bikes made for a challenge that they haven’t had until this year. This year the Grainger County Sheriff, James Harville, also had a trailer parked at the overlook with iced down bottled water to keep everyone cool and hydrated in the heat. Upon arriving on top of Clinch Mountain for the closing ceremony, everyone was pleasantly surprised to have a Huey Helicopter flying over the bikes as they ascended the mountain. With the help of Tommy White, Fire Marshal in Sevierville and the Knox County Sheriff’s Dept. SGT. Tony Chamberlain, this was all made possible. They did many fly overs, which were an awesome site and to feel the thumping of the rotors in your chest. We had the Volunteer State Honor Guard helping to round out the tribute with folding of the flag, placing the wreath with Ron Giddis and Marshall Teague and Taps done by Smitty Giles and more Patriotic music by TC Barnett. We concluded with the silent auction knife highest

July 2015

bidder being announced. The knife brought in $850.00, all going to support Smoky Mountain Thunder next year. Thank you to Ross Tyser for his generous donation and hard work making a beautiful knife. Thank you to Smoky Mountain Harley-Davidson for the loan of a bike and helmets while Marshall was here. Without the offer we would have to borrow a bike from someone and everyone knows how hard that is to do! Thank you to Colboch HarleyDavidson for feeding everyone after the closing ceremony, and this year’s crowd was huge. Last but certainly not least, we want to thank Thunder Roads Magazine of Tennessee, for all their support and helping us get our event out to as many people and bikers we possible could. Denise and Scott High “rock” at working this magazine in the biker community and getting the whole state involved in everything there is to do with biking. What an asset to have in Tennessee and to help our biker community when they are

July 2015

looking for rides, events, bike shops, new places to check out, repair shops and so much more. None of this would be possible without all the biking community to help make this the largest tribute of its kind. What a site to see from the air as all of the bikes head across country to show the support and the bikes stretch for miles and miles. You want to burst with pride as you ride along and see everyone lining the roads and highways waving their flags, decorated boats on the lakes as we go by, crossing bridges and more boats waiting to honk and wave flags, fire trucks from Jefferson County, Newport, White Pine and the very first one waiting for us, Hamblen County Station 6 with Chief Clark Taylor and Preston Mayes, with their ladders up holding a huge American flag waving in the breeze. This always brings tears to our eyes with pride. Thank you everyone and we hope to see you next year, 2016! Stay tuned to your best magazine, Thunder Roads Magazine of Tennessee.



July 2015

by Bob “Bulldog” Ousley Dear Fellow Veterans and Patriots of Tennessee: War, War, War, War, War!!!! Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines war as the following: “a state of usually open and declared armed hostile conflict between states or nations, a period of such armed conflict, state of war, the art or science of warfare, state of hostility, conflict, or antagonism, a struggle or competition between opposing forces…” A friend called this past week and asked if I had heard about the Vietnam Wall being vandalized recently. I had not so I got on line and did a search and found that the last publicized vandalism of the Vietnam Wall was in 2007. If something happened recently it didn’t rise to the level of getting media attention or maybe never happened at all. I remember the events of 2007 and participated in an event that was called the “Gathering of Eagles.” My memory is not what it used to be so I offer the following account from Wikipedia; “Gathering of Eagles (GoE) originated in February 2007, according to organizers, in response to a January 27, 2007, antiwar demonstration in Washington, D.C., at which time “a military recruiting station and other landmarks were vandalized. Photographs of some vandalism that occurred… Two instances of spray-paint on the Capitol steps (“We will win” with an anarchy sign, painted with green spray paint, and “All cops are pigs” with a middle finger, painted in black spray paint), and an impromptu march to a recruiting station resulted in a smashed window.” “Another antiwar demonstration was scheduled to occur March 17, 2007, in Washington.” The word spread like wildfire among veterans and veteran’s organizations. Thousands of veterans gathered in Washington DC at the Vietnam Wall to make sure the anarchists didn’t harm the Wall. All of the ultra-radical leftist groups were there and ready to trash it. America’s veterans didn’t give them a chance. I was President of a Veterans organization chapter at the time and chartered a bus. Members paid $100 each to ride all night to Washington from Smyrna Tennessee. We got there at daybreak and stood guard in freezing cold until the

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protesters slinked off into lefty land then got back on the bus and rode most of the night to get home. Most of the veterans that were there had on leather jackets and motorcycle boots. It turned into a war between veteran warriors and anti-war warriors. Today we hear the term war applied to many things. War on women, war on the economy, war on the environment, war on blacks, war on the police, war on education, war on drugs, war on illegal immigration, war on ISIS, war on gluten, war on cancer, war on heart disease. All you have to do is name something and there is probably a war on it by someone. To me the biggest war is the war on American’s by big government. The Art of War by Sun Tzu was written in the 6th Century BC and translated into western languages beginning in 1910. The Art of War describes the strategy of “divide and conquer.” Is it possible the intent of all these hyped wars is to help government divide and conquer and in the process to consolidate government power over we the people? We are a nation of approximately 319 million people. The federal government employs about 2% of that population and yet the federal government is able to make hundreds of new laws and grow their power to dominate us at will. How do they do it? By pitting us against each other. They want minorities fighting with the police, conservatives fighting with liberals, citizens fighting with illegal aliens, religions fighting against each other, different economic classes fighting, socialists fighting with corporations, etc. etc. etc. It goes on and on. In the midst of that chaos they want to disarm us so we can’t resist. Who loses? We do. People we need to come together as a nation, quit fighting with each other and recognize who is pushing “Lets you and him fight!” The price of American freedom was paid in blood by thousands of young men and women who battled enemies both foreign and domestic. Are we really going to let a few power hungry bureaucrats do this to us? Our founding fathers made great sacrifice to plant their feet in the Declaration of Independence. When and where do you plant your feet? Food for thought on the 4th!! Keep the faith. Thank a vet for the freedoms we still enjoy and support politicians who will bring back the ones we’ve lost. Fly the flag of the people and be proud you’re an American. Hug the families of those still missing because their quest for closure has not ended. Live the good life and ride for those can’t. Bulldog * My monthly column reflects my personal point of view and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Publishers of this magazine, but they, like me, acknowledge the sacrifices made for the privilege of Freedom of Speech, therefore, they gratefully let me rant. Thank you for reading my rants. Hope my opinions don’t offend anyone, but, we all should be grateful for the right to have free opinions.


History of Motorcycles


Part 5: war machines reconnaissance and patrol, as ammunition and medical supply carriers, and for casualty evacuation. They also modified motorcycles to act as field ambulances, as well as mounting machine guns to sidecars for combat.

he importance of the motorcycle in The Great War is often overlooked, although the motorcycle was one of the most prolific tools in the Allied arsenal. Messengers on horseback were replaced by riders on motorcycles, and quickly became the most reliable source of communication in battle. Communications technology was highly unreliable during WWI, and based on the virtue of speed alone, motorcycles became the best way for the military to transfer orders, reports, and maps between units.

When the US entered WWI, we brought motorcycles from several US companies to help on the front lines. The bulk of motorcycles came from Indian and Harley Davidson, but motorcycles produced by Excelsior, Henderson, and others also made it into battle in Europe. So what does all of this do to the motorcycle industry? Let’s take a look at three key players from the start of the production era, and where they end up at the end of WWI.

Now, I know what you’re thinking… Riding is dangerous enough on any given day, so who the hell wants to do it in the middle of full blown combat? I have to admit, at first thought the motorcycle seems like an unlikely choice for combat equipment. It lacks armor, leaving the operator totally exposed and it can be quite easily damaged. But sometimes what is needed in battle is speed and agility…and the nimble motorcycle was irreplaceable on the battlefield. Imagine the kahones on those guys (or maybe they were just nuts in general), but whatever the reasoning behind the action, riding through shot and shell to secure victory is pretty damn impressive to me. Motorcycles were used for more than just messaging in WWI. The versatility o f these machines clearly helped them play a hugely significant role in the logistics of war…even more so than cars. In addition to dispatch and courier duties they were used for 26

Harley Davison introduced the first side car in 1914, followed by a brief return to the use of chain versus belt driven motorcycles to help combat the problems associated with using leather belts. (The slippage, stretching, and rotting of leather belts was unacceptable to the manufacturer.) Some of these models were briefly available with a two speed transmission in the rear hub. In 1915, Harley introduced the three speed sliding gear transmission with the final and primary drive on the same side. By 1917, one third of Harley Davidson production is purchased by the US Army. 1917 also brought about the creation of Harley’s Quartermaster School, designed to train Army mechanics, the school was retained after the war as the July 2015™

Service School; providing factory trained mechanics for Harley Davidson dealerships. By 1918 almost half of all Harley Davidson motorcycles are sold for use by the US military, with a total of 20,000 motorcycles produced for the troops in WWI. After Armistice was signed, Corporal Roy Holtz became the first American soldier to enter Germany, and he did so, on a Harley. During the war, Indian Motorcycles were continuing to grow. By 1914, Indian had over 3,000 employees working on a seven mile long assembly line in its Springfield, Massachusetts plant. This same year, Indian debuts the world’s first motorcycle with electric lights and starter. By 1916, Indian has also introduced the 61 cubic inch Powerplus side valve engine. In 1918, Indian improves upon this by introducing the overhead cam, 4 valve per cylinder Powerplus model. By the end of the war, Indian had supported the war effort with an incredible 41,000 machines. Despite its strong connection to Germany, Triumph takes its place in WWI history on the Allied side. How’s that for an uncomfortable partnership? In 1914, Triumph was chosen by Colonel Claude Holbrook to supply the Type H motorcycle for Allied military service. The Type H was the first motorcycle produced by Triumph without pedals, the first “true motorcycle” for the company. The Type H originally had a belt driven rear wheel and a 499 cc air cooled 4 stroke single cylinder engine. The re-vamped model H, in particular, was regarded by many as having been the first “modern motorcycle” introduced in 1915; it had a 550 cc side valve 4 stroke engine with a 3 speed gear box and belt transmission. It was so popular that it gained the nickname “Trusty Triumph”. Triumph would eventually contribute 30,000 motorcycles to the military over the course of WWI. The versatility of motorcycles clearly helped them to play a significant role in the logistics of WWI…even more so than cars. Motorcycles were integral in the success of the Allied troops, and turned a relatively new and underdeveloped industry into a world-wide phenomenon. Next time we will take a look at post war motorcycle history, and how the Great Depression turned motorcycle production into a sink or swim industry. Melanie Schwarte Thunder Roads Iowa July 2015


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July 2015

July 2015


Late in the night, “Buzzard” finally regained consciousness. He was in the hospital, agonizing in pain. The last thing he remembered was going down on his bike and of course was wondering if “she” was alright. He found himself in the ICU with tubes in his nose, needles and IV drips in every arm, a breathing mask, wires monitoring every function and yet a gorgeous nurse hovering over him. Buzzard realized he was obviously in a life-threatening situation. He had heard the Nurses talking out at their station that there was a 50/50 percentage that he could have temporary paralysis from the waist down. The nurse entered his room, gave him a serious, deep look, straight into the eyes, and he heard her slowly say, “For now, you may not feel anything from the waist down.” Somehow Buzzard managed to mumble in reply, “Can I feel your boobs, then?” ___________________________________________ Two women in their early 50’s pass away and meet up for the first time in Eternity. They hadn’t seen each other for quite some time. SYLVIA: Hi! Wanda. WANDA: Hi! Sylvia. How’d you die? SYLVIA: I froze to death. WANDA: How horrible! SYLVIA: It wasn’t so bad. After I quit shaking from the cold, I began to get warm & sleepy, and finally died a peaceful death. What about you? WANDA: I died of a massive heart attack. I suspected that my husband was cheating, so I came home early to catch him in the act. But instead, I found him all by himself in the den watching TV. SYLVIA: So, what happened? WANDA: I was so sure there was another woman there somewhere that I started running all over the house looking. I ran up into the attic and searched, 30

and down into the basement. Then I went through every closet and checked under all the beds. I kept this up until I had looked everywhere, and finally I became so exhausted that I just keeled over with a heart attack and died. SYLVIA: Too bad you didn’t look in the freezer -- we’d both still be alive. ___________________________________________ WHY is lemon juice made with artificial flavor, and dishwashing liquid made with real lemons? WHY isn’t there mouse-flavored cat food? WHY do they sterilize the needle and the arm for lethal injections? WHY don’t sheep shrink when it rains? WHY do banks leave mammoth vault doors wide open and then chain the pens to the counters? ___________________________________________ Charlie was installing a new door and found that one of the hinges was missing. He asked his wife Tilly if she would go to Home Depot and pick up a hinge. Tilly agreed to go. While she was waiting for the manager to finish serving a customer, her eye caught a beautiful bathroom faucet. When the manager was finished, Tilly asked him, “How much is that faucet?” The manager replied, “That’s a gold plated faucet and the price is $500.00.” Tilly exclaimed, “My goodness, that’s an expensive faucet and certainly out of my price range!” She then proceeded to describe the hinge that Charlie had sent her to buy. The manager said that he had them in stock and went into the storeroom to get one. From the storeroom the manager yelled, “Ma’am, you wanna’ screw for that hinge? Tilly shouted back, “No, but I will for the faucet.”

July 2015

July 2015


Lady Rider

Kim Fry

For the last 8 years I have trained and managed Insurance Brokers for a large Medicare Advantage Company in Middle TN. I’ve been riding for 8 years as well. I bought my first Harley in 2007 (1200 Custom Sportster) from an auction. I had a friend ride it to my house since I didn’t know how to ride it yet. I had ridden as a passenger for many years and many Rallies (Laconia, New Hampshire, Laughlin, Nevada, etc.) and had wanted one of my own. I was determined to ride on the front instead of the back. I bought my second bike in 2009 (883 Low Sportster) I changed many things on that bike and then I bought my current bike (2005 Softail Deluxe) in 2010. I immediately started making changes….from a windshield to a fairing then from leather bags to hard bags painted to match and of course ….more chrome! :) This year when I got back from Daytona bike week I decided it was time for a change. Not a new bike, but new color. Change is good, right? Riding my own gives me a freedom that I cannot explain. Only riders will understand the peacefulness and calm that it gives you. I rarely ride as a passenger now because I don’t feel like I am in control like I do when I am riding my own. I believe it is important to always keep God in your life and with you especially when you ride. My faith is strong and I believe you can do all things through Christ’s strength. I would encourage any woman who is interested in being all that she can be… learn to ride. :)

We would love to hear your story!

ALL ladies are welcome and encouraged to join and contribute to our monthly Lady Rider column. Please submit your story and photos to: 32

July 2015

by donna kay

106 Public Square Watertown, TN 37184 Motorcycle Apparel & Accessories Christian Apparel - Fashions Costume Jewelry - Gifts - Decor Custom Design T-Shirts Donna & Greg Harrell, owners 615-423-0059



July 2015



July 2015

July 2015


Bullet Points PET PEEVES OF THE GUN WORLD Courtesy of Wolverine Shooting Sports, Inc. ~ Dani Sparks Each of us have our own pet peeves, but in some industries, like the firearms industry, there are shared ones. We laugh about them, most of the time, but sometimes they inadvertently cause a little (or a lot of!) trouble. Many people don’t understand why they matter, so this month, I’m going to talk about a few of the gun world’s shared pet peeves.



These are magazines. They entirely enclose and protect the ammunition and have moving parts. A slang term for magazine is mag. Each magazine consists of a body, a base plate, a spring, and a follower. Some magazines will indicate how many rounds have been loaded by the use of small holes on the back or side of the body of the magazine. Some compact handguns come with extended magazines, which add to the overall grip length, sometimes by use of an extension plate and sleeve, or with simply an extended base plate.

These are bullets. They are the projectile component of loaded ammunition. Ammunition, also called ammo for short, is comprised of several components – the bullet, the case (often made of brass and can be called brass, shell, shell casing, etc.), the primer, and smokeless powder (also called just powder for short). The difference actually really does matter. There are many people who choose to reload their own ammunition, and so when someone comes into the store asking for bullets, we lead them to the reloading section. Often, people who call ammo, “bullets” become frustrated with us, because they expect us to understand that they were looking for the entire cartridge, not just the projectile. In many stores, this may not be an issue, but we sell lots of reloading supplies, so someone asking us for just the projectile (as well as powder and primers) is actually very common. Please understand we’re not being intentionally obtuse, but rather, that proper terminology is important. PULLING A FIREARM OUT OF A HOLSTER OR CASE

These are examples of clips. They do not enclose nor protect the ammunition. They simply hold it, which makes storage more convenient, and are used with different types of firearms. A full moon clip, as seen in photo, is designed for revolvers that shoot semi-automatic rimless ammunition. In order for the rimless ammo to be able to be shot out of a revolver, a full moon clip must be used. A stripper clip, as seen as seen in photo, is used for (traditionally military) rifles with internal magazines. Not only does it keep the ammunition bundled nicely for carrying, but it also serves as a loading device for such rifles. The picture shows both of these styles of clip with ammunition. Everyone will understand you if you ask for a clip for your hand gun, but there really are major differences between the two. 36

This is not only a pet peeve, but it is also a safety issue. Now, this may seem like common sense, but I assure you, in a gun shop, we have to tell a lot of people that firearms in a holster or case must stay there. No one can tell, simply by looking at this gun, whether or not it is loaded. Most often, this rule is broken by those who are looking for a holster, or who want a gunsmith to take a closer look at their firearm. Please, ALWAYS ask the employee behind the counter how they would like you to present your firearm to them. They will have specific procedures to follow, so just ask!

July 2015


Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish, National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM)

DOT REGULATORS TO CRACK DOWN ON NOVELTY HELMETS U.S. transportation regulators on Wednesday, May 20 called for stronger rules for motorcycle helmets, proposing additional safety requirements in an effort to crack down on “novelty” helmets that do not meet federal standards. Department of Transportation officials say such uncertified helmets are unsafe and do not protect riders in crashes despite being sold and marketed for use on the road. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) proposes to amend Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) No. 218 to modify the existing performance requirements of the standard by adding construction requirements. Its Proposed Rulemaking changes would further define what makes an acceptable motorcycle helmet, from its thickness to its compression ability, “in an attempt to help riders and state law enforcement officials identify inferior helmets.” Such changes aim “to reduce fatalities and injuries resulting from traffic accidents involving use of motorcycle helmets” that fail to meet federal standards, DOT regulators told Reuters news agency, adding that rider deaths are disproportionately high due in part to the high number of motorcyclists wearing substandard helmets. It is not clear why so many motorcycle riders use inferior helmets, said the regulators, but they say part of the problem seems to be that riders do not understand the risks. Novelty helmets can also be cheaper and appear “more comfortable or stylish,” they added. So-called “Novelty” helmets generally cover a smaller area of the head, have thin liners and are often sold with disclaimers stating that they are not for highway use “yet they are sold to highway users and used in great numbers by motorcyclists.” Tougher standards are expected to help authorities prosecute sellers of noncompliant helmets in states where helmets are mandatory, regulators said. The public can comment on the proposal for 60 days, up until July 20, 2015, before the department moves to issue its final regulation. “DOT LOBBY BAN” REPEAL ATTEMPT THWARTED A provision contained in a federal appropriations bill could have struck down the “DOT lobby ban” implemented by Congress in 1998 to prevent the Department of Transportation from strongarming states on helmet laws and other unwanted legislation. However, thanks to the swift actions of national and state motorcyclists rights organizations, riders across the country rose to the occasion and supported an amendment introduced by Congressional Representatives Tim Walberg (RMI), Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI), and Reid Ribble (R-WI) to strip the offending provision. When the U.S. House of Representatvies addressed the 38

2016 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations act (H.R. 2577) on June 3-4, Section 102 was removed. WEIRD NEWS: COPS CREATE TRAFFIC JAM TO CATCH BIKERS SPLITTING LANES New York police officers were recently caught on camera intentionally causing a traffic jam on the highway to catch motorcyclists splitting lanes through the stopped vehicles. The YouTube video has gone viral on the Internet, and was picked up by, a conglomerative blogging service documenting police abuse otherwise ignored by traditional media outlets. The narrator of the YouTube clip claims that the police actually shut down the entire highway for the sole purpose of catching bikers driving in between lanes. Several unsuspecting bikers can be seen in the video being pulled over as cops demand their license and registration, while the video shows the rest of the traffic on the highway at a complete stop for some time so that the cops can generate ticket revenues; “This appears to be one of the most epic parasitic wealth-extractions in recent memory.” NEVADA AMENDS HANDLEBAR HEIGHT LAW After passing the state Assembly unanimously, AB422 was signed into law by Governor Brian Sandoval on May 21, 2015 to amend the state’s handlebar height law. Effective October 1, 2015, Section 1 of this bill prohibits a local authority from enacting an ordinance governing the operation and equipment of a motorcycle or a moped which is in conflict with any existing state laws. Under existing law, a person is prohibited from driving a motorcycle or a moped equipped with handlebars which extend above the driver’s shoulders. Section 2 of this bill provides that handlebars may extend not more than 6 inches above the driver’s shoulders. OREGON MOTORCYCLISTS GET “LIMITED EXCEPTION” TO RED LIGHTS Changing traffic laws that affect motorcyclists often sparks plenty of debate in state legislatures, but that was not the case with a measure allowing two-wheel vehicles to go through malfunctioning stoplights that passed the Oregon legislature unanimously and was signed into law by Governor Kate Brown on May 21st. Under SB 533, riders will be allowed to proceed through a red light only after it fails to go through one full cycle -- and then only if done with caution. State Representative John Davis (R-Wilsonville) calls it a “very, very limited exception” to the normal rules covering red lights. Effective January 1, 2016, Oregon will join 16 other states with similar “dead red” laws that allow riders to proceed through red lights that do not detect their presence and fail to provide a green light: Minnesota (2002), Tennessee (2003), Arkansas (2005), Idaho (2006), Wiscon-

July 2015



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Visit us us on on the the web web at at Visit for sinAIM-2622-F-Ad (2006), North Carolina 11(2007), South Carolina (2008), AIM-2622-F-Ad for Tennessee.indd Tennessee.indd Missouri (2008), Oklahoma (2010), Kansas (2011), Virginia (2011), Illinois (except Chicago – 2012), Nevada (2014), Indiana (2014), Kentucky (2015), and Washington (2015). In Texas and California, state law requires stoplights to be fitted with sensors that detect motorcycles.

MOTORCYCLE LICENSE BILL PASSES IN ALABAMA Alabamians will need to have a motorcycle classification on their license, and take a written exam or safety course, under a bill that has passed the state Legislature and awaits the governor’s signature. Alabama is the only state that doesn’t require a specific motorcycle license, and this measure “will make sure that those who are riding motorcycles are qualified and know enough about motorcycle safety,” said the bill’s sponsor State Rep. Phillip Pettus (R-Greenhill). Pettus’ House Bill 212 now goes to the governor for his signature. Currently, only motorcyclists age 14 and 15 have to take a written test and get the M classification. Those older than that may get the classification, but don’t have to. Motorcyclists who already have the M classification will be grandfathered in. Upon Governor Robert J. Bentley’s approval, the new licensure law will become effective January 1, 2016, and law enforcement will then be able to issue tickets to motorcyclists who don’t have the M classification. The bill also allows drivers to complete a safety course instead of the written test. There’s a $5 fee for the written test. TEXAS LAW LEGALIZES SLINGSHOT THREE-WHEELER A new law now legalizes the three-wheel Polaris Slingshot in Texas. Polaris’ Slingshot reverse-trike ended up in legal limbo last year after it was determined that it didn’t fit the letter of any of Texas motor vehicle laws. It didn’t have the safety equipment required to define it as a car, but since it had seats, and not a saddle, it couldn’t be considered a motorcycle, either. That changed last week when Governor Greg Abbot signed an amendment to the law that essentially removed the July 2015

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11/1/11 saddle requirement, allowing three-wheel “autocycles” to PM be 11/1/11 5:06 5:06 PM registered as motorcycles, as they are in many states. A motorcycle license is still required to drive one, but you can take the test in a three-wheeler if you only plan to drive that type of vehicle. The laws that govern vehicles like the Slingshot vary from state to state, and it’s still not street legal in a few. That includes Connecticut, Hawaii and Maryland, while Indiana recently passed its own “autocycle” law authorizing its use. In most states it follows the same helmet rules as a motorcycle, but in California can be driven without one and only requires an automobile license to operate.

MOTORCYCLIST FATALITIES DROP FOR SECOND STRAIGHT YEAR Riding a motorcycle in the U.S. is continuing to get a little safer. Based on a preliminary survey of 2014 fatality data, the Governors Highway Safety Association is predicting a second consecutive year-over-year drop in deaths for the first time on record since 1997. The GHSA is predicting 4,584 motorcyclist deaths in 2014, a 1.8-percent drop. The organization bases its forecasts on motorcycle fatality data for January through September in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. From this raw info, deaths fell in 27 states in 2014, increased in 19 and remained the same in four, plus DC. While good in the short term, the GHSA still thinks there’s a lot to do to reduce rider deaths; 28% of fatal crashes in 2013 involved riders with a blood alcohol concentration above 0.08, 34% of those killed were speeding, and 25% didn’t have a valid motorcycle license. Of course the GHSA recommends that all states adopt universal helmet laws, noting that currently only 19 states and D.C. require all riders be helmeted. QUOTABLE QUOTE: “Knowledge is power [Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est].” ~ Francis Bacon (1561-1626) English Renaissance theorist



Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs of the The Great State of Tennessee

Board of Directors State Chairman Tommy 1%er AOA State Vice Chairman Reagon 1%er AOA State Secretary Kato American Steel MC State Treasurer Doc 4 Way In MC State COC Chaplain Pastor Ron Baptiste Covenant Confirmers MC AIM/NCOM Attorney James Ramsey (Pops) Keltics MC Tennessee Member Listing 2014-2015 4-Way In MC American Steel MC ARM MC Bikers For Christ MM Black Pistons MC Bond Slaves MC Boozefighters MC Brothers of Believers MM Brothers of the Wheel MC Cohorts MC Confederate Drifters MC Confederates MC Copperheads MC Covenant Confirmers MC Currahee MC Double Knuckle MC E.B.G.B MC Fire and Iron MC Grim Reapers MC Highlanders MC His Laboring Few MM Iron Horsemen MC Iron Riders MC Keltics MC Leathernecks Confederation MC Leathernecks International MC Marines MC Misfits MC Mountain Rebels MC My Brothers Keepers MC New Attitudes MC Nightriders MC Outlaws MC Peaceful Few MC Peacemakers MC Soliders for Jesus MC Sons of God MC Sons of Pennyrile MC Southern Journeymen MC Southern Sons MC Southern Souls MC Tri-Cities MC True Sons MC U.S. Military Vets MC Unforgotten MC Vendettas MC Veterans of Vietnam MC Vietnam Vets MC/ Legacy Vets MC Wind and Fire MC Widowmakers MC Zombies MC

ORGANIZATIONS BACA Volunteer State Chapter-Lebanon, TN (865-951-4224) E Volunteer State Chapter-Vonore, TN (615-715-5039) BIKERS WHO CARE Bikers Who Care is a organization of motorcycle enthusiasts dedicated to supporting The Dream Factory of Clarksville, TN by sponsoring Camp Rainbow, a summer camp for seriously ill children BLUE KNIGHTS The BLUE KNIGHTS® is a non-profit fraternal organization consisting of active and retired law enforcement men & women who enjoy riding motorcycles. www.blueknightstnv. CMT/ABATE CMT/ABATE, Inc. is not a •Biker Club”, but a nonprofit, political organization that was formed to preserve feedom and safety for all Tennesseans who enjoy motorcycling. Our major goals are to modify existing laws that are detrimental to motorcycle safety and enjoyment, and to enact new legislation in support of motorcyclists who ride in Tennessee. If you are concerned about preserving personal freedom and motorcycle safety, we urge you to join. Local charters play a major rote in making CMT/ABATE, Inc. an effective organization by contacting their area legislators to inform them of how the local membership feels about issues affecting motorcyclists. PO BOX 1991 MADISON, TN 37116 615-860-1991 Email:


MOTORCYCLE AWARENESS FOUNDATION OF TENNESSEE WWW.MAFT.US MAFT is a non-profit 501-C-3 tax-exempt organization. We believe that educating the public to have the proper respect for motorcyclists as well other highway users will reduce accidents and deaths on our highways. We hope to reduce motorcycle accidents caused by inattentive

drivers resulting in avoidable right of way collisions. Our Campaign Save A Life program is teaching new drivers in our High Schools awareness and defensive techniques to avoid these accidents. MAFT honors the survivors, the lost and the families of these accident victims at a Vigil each autumn. = Awareness, Respect and Education MAFTINFO@AOL.COM 615-799-8600 Motor Maids, Inc. A diverse group of women motorcyclists united through a passion for riding while fostering a positive image and promoting safe riding skills. PATRIOT GUARD RIDERS If you have any questions, please feel free to contact PGR State Captain Annette (Dreamcatcher)  615-974-3046 ROLLING THUNDER TENNESSEE Rolling Thunder®, Inc.’s major function is to publicize the POW-MlA issue. To educate the public of the fact that many American prisoners of war were left behind after all past wars. To help correct the past and to protect the future veterans from being left behind should they become prisoners of war-missing in action. We are committed to helping American veterans from all wars! ROLLING THUNDER®, INC., CHAPTER 1 TN Pres. Jay Barnes, Murfreesboro 615-364-1029, ROLLING THUNDER®, INC., CHAPTER 2 TN Pres. Gerri Tramel , Soddy-Daisy 423-843-1061 ROLLING THUNDER®, INC., CHAPTER 3 TN Pres. Clay Tumlin, Knoxville 865-457-4507 ROLLING THUNDER®, INC., CHAPTER 4 TN Pres. Alan Sipe, Johnson City 423-329-3152, ROLLING THUNDER®, INC. Rolling Thunder Chapter 6 Pres. Mike Morel, Martin City 731-431-2411 SONS OF LIBERTY RIDERS Action Not Words - NOW! Riders organizing to support and defend this country. A political movement of riders. All riders welcome! In addition to welcoming members of any other organization or affiliation. Welcoming non-riders and supporters as well. T.H.R.C.A. The Tennessee Honda Riders Club Kerbela Motor Corps Donnie Anderson 865-806-2097 TN VALLEY RIDERS Fayettevilte,TN Web page: Doesn’t matter what you ride or who you are everyone welcome. No dues, Fun Riding Group helping those in need. For more info   GWRRA We are the world’s largest single-marque social organization for owners and riders of Honda Gold Wing & Valkyrie motorcycles and, some would say, the world’s largest family. Dedicated to our motto, Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge, GWRRA members enjoy the freedom of belonging to a not-for-profit, non-reigious and non-political organization. MID SOUTH RIDERS Meetings held the 2nd Sunday of the month @ Shady Rest Biker Bar,Timbte,TN MUSIC CITY AMCA Music City Chapter of the Antique Motorcycle Club of America ​ ASSOCIATIONS VFW Post 5266 Morristown, TN Riders Association Open to all active duty, reservists, guards, and retired military members who are eligible to join the VFW. We meet at 11AM the 2nd Saturday of each month at the Morristown VFW Post 5266. We are a Veteran driven Association, that supports the surrounding areas Veterans. We also support locally “The Daily Bread and Food On Foot.” Contact Michael Jacobs, President VFW Riders Association @ 423-312-6220 or on FaceBook @ VFW Riders Morristown, TN Christian Motorcyclists Association Organized in 1975 for the purpose of reaching the motorcycle world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The only requirement for becoming a member of CMA is that you be a Christian. For more info contact the TN State Coordinator, JW Allgood, 615-830-3183 or TENNESSEE CHAPTERS Athens/Trinity Warriors #994 Kingsport/Rays of the Son #199 Chattanooga/Choo-Choo Wheels Knoxville/Inspiration Riders #64 of Worship #204 McMinnville/Holy Spirit Clarksville/Prayerborne Reigns #887 Eagles #467 Memphis/Wheels of Grace #710 Cleveland/Gatekeeper #615 Morristown/Lakeway Warriors #999 Columbia/Knights for Christ #448 Murfreesboro/Cornerstone Cookeville/Blood Bought Riders #940 Bikers #614 Mt. Juliet/Steel Witness #1205 Covington/Ransomed Riders #898 Nashville/Lions of Judah #405 Crossville/Cumberland Cruisers Paris/West TN Cruisers for Christ #802 for Christ #1002 Cumberland Gap/Clinton Pulaski/Redemption Riders #1100 Forming Chapter #2508 Springfield/ Bikers of Grace Dover/Iron Horse Revelators #1210 Forming Chapter #2738 Dyersburg/Dyersburg Tullahoma/Outriders for Christ #616 Disciples #978 Union City/Reelfoot Light Jackson/Steelhorse Prophets #709 Riders #897 Jonesborough/Fellowship of the Unashamed #1208

Revelators Motorcycle Ministries Bristol TN Meeting and ride 1st Sat each month @ Burger king on west state st @ 830 am more info frank@ 423-963-5850 chaplin john @423-323-8812   Road Riders for Jesus Ministries Road Riders For Jesus is an independent, Christian faith based, motorcycle ministry that began in 1999 near St. Louis, MO. We now have over 4,000 members worldwide. To find a local chapter, call Mike at 615-828-6446 or go to the national website at Also check us out on Facebook! Confederate Sons Association Cookeville, Tennessee see our web site for more info or e-mail Mercy Hands Street Ministries P.O. Box 1515 Dickson, TN 37056 931-670-2351 Hog Heaven Ministries Harley Riders for Jesus Vic Richardson 931-729-1091 GOLD WING TOURING ASSN. CHAPTER HARPETH VALLEY RIDERS Contact Damy & Joyce Emter, Chapter Directors Phone: 615-244-1456 e: American Legion Riders (Post 95, Eastridge,TN) Open to American Legion Members and Associates. We participate in parades, ceremonies, and promote motorcycle safety. We also provide a social atmosphere for Legion members who share the same interests. Join us for Fun, friendship and interesting motorcycle rides. Black Sheep Black Sheep Harley-Davidsons for Christ is more than just a motorcycle club. It’s a motorcycle ministry of men and women that ride for Jesus: helping and serving H.O.G. members and chapters across the country. For more information contact Jeff Pierce 615.653.5065 or visit our web site: Road Riders for Jesus Motorcycle Ministries Chattanooga, TN. Meeting and ride 3rd Sat each month @ City Cafe on corner Lee Hwy and Bonny Oaks @ 11:00 AM more info Johnny @ 423 605 5026 , The Biker Church Covenant Confirmers Ministries Inc. Three Degrees Masonic Motorcycle Club Contact: Grang Chapter Secretary @ e-mail: or Past President: Free Bird @

#435 Beech River #273 Bristol #034 Chatanooga #058 Clarksville #410 Copperhill #323 Covington #285 Crossroads #320 Cumberland Gap #423 Eagle Bluff

Southern Cruisers #211 Golden Circle #250 Greenville #282 Highland Rim #000 Memphis #006 Middle #059 Montgomery Bell #077 Northeast #483 Northwest #153 Shiloh

Wheels Of Faith Ministry A nondenominational organization with the purpose and goal of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ through word & work, and to provide a Christian atmosphere where we gather and ride our motorcycles. www.wheelsoffaith. com W.O.W. Women on Wheels Cool Lady Cruisers Chattanooga, TN HOG CHAPTERS The Dragon Chapter, Maryville 865-977-1669 Eastern TNChapter 865-457-7893 Ghost River Chapter Collierville, TN

Mule Town Chapter 931--540-0099 Nashville Music City Chapter 615-242-6067 Northwestern 731-885-1792

Golden Circle Jackson Chapter 731-627-2288

Thunder Creek Chattanooga Chapter 423-892-4888

Middle Tennessee 615-771-7775

Tri City Chapter 423-283-0422

Murfreesboro Chapter 615-849-8025 615-242-6067

Tuckessee Clarksville Chapter (931)648-1607

The Dragon Chapter, Maryville 865-977-1669

Twin Lakes Morristown Chapter 423-586-5343

Memphis Chapter


#246 South Central #001 Tennessee Valley #130 Upper Cumberland #193 West Tennessee

July 2015

If You Are A BIKER FRIENDLY BUSINESS And Would Like To See Your BUSINESS LISTED And Receive Thunder Roads Tennessee Magazines Each Month

Call 615-389-1149


Magazine Each Month At These Fine Locations

DEALERS & SHOPS Abernathy’s Harley-Davidson 1703 West Main Street Union City, TN 38261 866-452-2775 Appleton Harley-Davidson/Buell 2501 Hwy 41A Bypass Clarksville, TN 37043 931-648-1607 Boswell’s of Cookeville 1421 Interstate Dr Cookeville, TN 38501 931-526-3139 Boswell’s of Downtown Nashville 180 2nd Ave. N. Nashville, TN 37201 615-242-7078 Boswell’s of Nashville 401 Fesslers Ln Nashville, TN 37210 615-242-6067 Boswell’s of Rivergate 2200 Gallatin Pike N Madison, TN 37115 615-855-1001 Bumpus Harley-Davidson of Murfreesboro 2250 NW Broad St Murfreesboro, TN 37129 615-849-8025 Bumpus Harley-Davidson of Memphis 2160 Whitten Rd Memphis, TN 38133 901-372-1121 Bumpus Harley-Davidson of Jackson 326 Carriage House Dr Jackson, TN 38305 731-422-5508


Bumpus Harley-Davidson Shop Of Collierville 325 S Byhalia Rd Collierville, TN 38017 901-316-1121 Bumpus Harley Davidson 325 S Byhalia Rd Collierville, TN 38017 901-376-1121 Colboch Harley-Davidson 1830 N Davy Crockett Pkwy Morristown, TN 37814 (423) 586-5343 H-D of Columbia 1616 Harley Davidson Blvd Columbia, TN 38401 931-540-0099 H-D of Cool Springs 7128 S. Springs Drive Franklin, TN 37067 866-667-8836 Highway 12 Motorsports 5110 Ashland City Highway Nashville, TN 37218 (615) 891-7850 Across From Lewis Country Store Knoxville Harley-Davidson 605 Lovell Rd Knoxville, TN 37932 865-671-2454 Knoxville Harley-Davidson 5800 Clinton Highway Knoxville, TN 37912 865-689-2454 S&G Custom Cycles 1114 Galloway St Columbia, TN 38401 931-381-7282 Sloan’s Motorcycle & ATV 2233 Northwest Broad Street Murfreesboro, TN 37129 (615) 893-0150 Smoky Mountain Harley -Davidson 1820 Lamar Alexander Pkwy Maryville, TN 37801 865-977-1669


The Shed 1820 Lamar Alexander Pkwy Maryville, TN 37801 865-977-1669 Rustique Restaurant & Bar 7080 Dale Ridge Road Lancaster, TN 37095 (615) 548-8010 CAMPGROUNDS Cacklebery Campground “Home of the Big Rooster” 560 Tomoka Farms Rd CR 415 New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 386-428-5459 Hidden Creek Camp Ground 2576 W Antioch Road Springville, TN 38256 (731) 641-0034

GROCERIES Lewis Country Store 5106 Old Hickory Blvd. Nashville, TN (615) 255-7755 Gas-Up, Unique Shop, Fresh Food

MOTORCYCLE INS. C. Bo Brumit Ins. Agcy., 5608 Hwy 11 E. - Suite C3 Piney Flats, TN 37686 Toll Free: (866) 700-4218 Specializing in Biker Ins. Rates

MINISTRIES Covenant Confirmers Ministries, Inc. Pastor Ron Baptiste A “Biker Church” for All Bikers & Their Families. (615) 384-9010

PAINT/PINSTRIPING Paint By Lemon 3418 Old Hickory Blvd D41 Old Hickory, TN (770) 344-7279

SERVICES A & A Powder Coating Inc 1207 Louisville Hwy Goodlettsville, TN 37072 (615) 859-9479

Bent Wrench Roadhouse 4724 Ashland City Road Fredonia, TN 37146 931-362-4774 www.

Avon the company for women & now men too! For Easy On-Line Ordering Visit:

Double E Bar/Grill 4957 Lebanon Pike Old Hickory, TN 37138 615-885-3400

Amsoil 615-389-1149 Reference #1569065

Buckle and Hide Leather 197 Enon Spring Road West Smyrna, TN 37167 615-768-5041 Bullseye Gun, Gear & Pawn, LLC 130 Shelby Street Murfreesboro, TN (615) 900-1098 Charlie’s Leathers 108 W Main St Lebanon, TN 37087 615-449-6065 FTD Customs 156 Commerce Drive Hendersonville, TN 37075 (615) 824-2811 Gatherings by Donna Kay 106 Public Square Watertown, TN 37184 615-423-0059 Stereo City 6725 Ringgold Road, Suite B Chattanooga, TN 37412 423-504-9874 Tennessee Biker Medical Clinic 300 10th Ave E Springfield, TN 37172

TRAILERS L&S Motorcycle Trailer Rentals Ask for Larry Cell: 615-308-1288 All size trailers for your needs!

LEGAL AIM/NCOM Richard M. Lester 800-531-2424/ 1-800-on-a-bike

TRAVEL Mechele MacDaniel AAA Travel 1701 Mallory Ln, Ste 200, Brentwood Tn 37027 615-376-1601 ext 265 Call for all your travel needs.

July 2015

July 2015


GOT EVENTS ? Submit your events to:

Rally in the Alley @ Losers in Cool Springs Date: 07/02/2015 Time: 6:00 PM Location: Losers Most Wanted Bar & Grill 1000 Meridian Blvd Franklin, TN Rally in the Alley @ Losers in Cool Springs! 1000 Meridian Blvd., Franklin, TN 6pm - 9pm /Live Music, Giveaways, Vendors, Food & Drink Specials. Cheatham County Cruise-In Date: 07/03/2015 Time: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Location: River Bluff Park Contact phone: 615-347-9778 Cars/Trucks/Bikes Music-Fun-Vendors Welcome People’s Choice picked each month Find us on Facebook Contact Charles King 615-347-9778 or Sandra Gregory 615-957-8834 Rustique Restaurant, Bar, Live Music Date: 07/03/2015 Time: 8:00 PM - 12:00 PM Location: Rustique 7080 Dale Ridge Rd, Lancaster TN @The Company Store Contact phone: 615-548-8010 Humps and the Blackouts Bent Wrench Roadhouse Bike Night Date: 07/03/2015 Time: 7:00 PM Location: Bent Wrench Roadhouse 4724 Ashland City Rd Fredonia, Tennessee Contact phone: 931-362-4774 July 3rd Bike Night and Live music feat. Chad Baker Rustique Restaurant, Bar, Live Music Date: 07/04/2015 Time: 8:00 PM - 12:00 PM Location: Rustique 7080 Dale Ridge Rd, Lancaster TN @The Company Store Contact phone: 615-548-8010 Rapture The Shed Concert Series Presents: Zoso Date: 07/04/2015 Time: 6:00 PM Location: The Shed Smokehouse & Juke Joint 1820 W Lamar Alexander Pkwy Maryville, TN Contact phone: 865-977-1669 July 4th- Independence Day Weekend Zoso: The Ultimate Led Zeppelin Experience performs at The Shed Event Time: 6:00 PM Led Zeppelin comes alive on the 4th of July! Local rockers Finkelsteen will kick off the show! Bent Wrench Roadhouse Bike Night Date: 07/10/2015 Time: 7:00 PM Location: The Bent Wrench Roadhouse 4724 Ashland City Rd Fredonia, TN Contact phone: 931-362-4774 July 10th Bike Night and Live music feat. Payton Taylor 44

Rustique Restaurant, Bar, Live Music Date: 07/10/2015 Time: 8:00 PM Location: Rustique 7080 Dale Ridge Rd, Lancaster TN @The Company Store Contact phone: 615-548-8010 Band TBD The Shed Concert Series Presents: Unknown Hinson Date: 07/11/2015 Time: 6:00 PM Location: The Shed Smokehouse & Juke Joint 1820 W Lamar Alexander Pkwy Maryville, T Contact phone: 865-977-1669 Unknown Hinson is a 400 year old hillbilly vampire playing magical searing guitar riffs and funny as hell lyrics. Tight as a tick band with perfect pitch. And he’s coming back to the Shed! Texas Tony & The Tornado Ramblers will round out the bill as the support act! Bent Wrench Roadhouse 4th Anniversary Party Date: 07/11/2015 Time: 12:00 PM Location: The Bent Wrench Roadhouse 4724 Ashland City Rd Fredonia, TN July 11th Red River Sirens Poker Run 12pm Bent Wrench 4th Anniversary Party 4pm Live Music feat. Williams and Company 4pm-8pm Rustique Restaurant, Bar, Live Music Date: 07/11/2015 Time: 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM Location: Rustique 7080 Dale Ridge Rd, Lancaster TN @The Company Store Contact phone: 615-548-8010 Humps and Blackouts 2-6; bike day Smoky Mountain H-D Ride the Ridge Date: 07/12/2015 Time: 10:30 AM Location: Smoky Mountain Harley-Davidson 1820 W Lamar Alexander Pkwy Maryville, T Contact phone: 865-977-1669 Join the SMH-D crew for a 3 day journey on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Day one will end in Little Switzerland, NC. Day two will end in Bedford VA. Day three will end back in Little Switzerland. Please call ahead to set up your reservations! (ask for the SMH-D group rate) Sunday & Tuesday Night Switzerland Inn (828-765-2153) Monday Night - Peaks of Otter (866-387-9905) Double E Bar and Grill Goody’s Fish Fry Date: 07/12/2015 Time: 1:00 PM Location: Double E Bar and Grill 4957 Lebanon Pike, Old Hickory, TN Goody’s Free Fish Fry, 1pm Yummy food, Killer Drinks, Darts and Pool, Sports on TV’s, 2 for 1 drafts, Happy Hour 11am until 6pm.

July 2015

GOT EVENTS ? Submit your events to: Sloan’s Motorcycle & ATV Mystery Dinner Ride Date: 07/16/2015 - 07/16/2015 Time: 6:00 PM Location: Sloan’s Motorcycle 2233 NW Broad St. Murfreesboro, TN Contact email: July 16, 2015 6:00pm - 8:30pm Meet at Sloan’s by 6:00 pm and join us for a scenic backroads ride to a local eatery! All makes and models are welcome, and we won’t keep you out too late! H-D of Cool Springs Bike Night Date: 07/16/2015 Time: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Location: H-D of Cool Springs, 7128 South Springs Drive, Franklin, TN Live Music, Free Beer, Vendors on site The Shed Concert Series Presents: Rock The Cradle Benefit Concert Date: 07/17/2015 Time: 7:00 PM Location: The Shed Smokehouse & Juke Joint 1820 W Lamar Alexander Pkwy Maryville, T Contact phone: 865-977-1669 Rock The Cradle Event Time: 7:00 PM A Benefit Concert for Secret Safe Place for Newborns Rustique Restaurant, Bar, Live Music Date: 07/17/2015 Time: 8:00 PM Location: Rustique 7080 Dale Ridge Rd, Lancaster TN @The Company Store Contact phone: 615-548-8010 Band TBD The Bent Wrench Roadhouse Friday Night Bike Night Date: 07/17/2015 Time: 7:00 PM Location: The Bent Wrench Roadhouse 4724 Ashland City Rd Fredonia, TN Contact phone: 931-362-4774 July 17th Bike Night and Live music feat. Sugar Lime Blue The Shed Concert Series Presents: Drivin’ N Cryin’ Date: 07/18/2015 Time: 6:00 PM Location: The Shed Smokehouse & Juke Joint 1820 W Lamar Alexander Pkwy Maryville, T Contact phone: 865-977-1669 Drivin’ N Cryin’ Event Time: 6:00 PM Get ready to see the greatest garage rock band in Shed history- Drivin’ N Cryin’ featuring guitarist extraordinaire Warner E. Hodges (Jason & The Scorchers)! Local rockers and Shed veterans Kelsey’s Woods will open up for DNC!

July 2015

Rustique Restaurant, Bar, Live Music Date: 07/18/2015 Time: 8:00 PM Location: Rustique 7080 Dale Ridge Rd, Lancaster TN @The Company Store Contact phone: 615-548-8010 Paradox 8-12 Sloan’s Motorcycle & ATV Off -Road Vehicle Ride Date: 07/18/2015 - 07/18/2015 Time: 10:00 AM Location: Coalmont, TN 37313 FREE ORV Ride at Coalmont (The Gulf) - details TBA Harley-Davidson of Cool Springs Dinner RIde Date: 07/19/2015 Time: 5:30 PM Location: H-D of Cool Springs, 7128 South Springs Drive, Franklin, TN Dinner Rider Leaving HDCS @ 5:30 / A Great Ride to dinner with friends Americas Motor Sports bike night Date: 07/23/2015 Time: 6:00 PM Location: Americas Motor Sports 629 Myatt Drive Madison, TN Join us from 6:00 pm until 7:30 pm for live music and good times The Bent Wrench Roadhouse Friday Night Bike Night Date: 07/24/2015 Time: 7:00 PM Location: The Bent Wrench Roadhouse 4724 Ashland City Rd Fredonia, TN Contact phone: 931-362-4774 July 24th Bike Night and Live music feat. Cody Pennington Smoky Mountain H-D SCHAS Sevier Ride Date: 07/25/2015 Time: 2:00 PM Location: Rocky Top Harley-Davidson, 105 Walden’s Main Street, Pigeon Forge, TN SCHAS Sevier Director, Lena Howington, lost her son and daughter-in-law in a motorcycle accident on Boyd’s Creek Road. She would like to do a fundraiser that would benefit the people she serves, in honor of her son and his wife. All monies raised at this event will go towards SCHAS Sevier County’s clients who need financial assistance. WHAT: SCHAS Sevier Ride in honor of Jeffrey & Amanda Adams WHERE: Start point: Rocky Top Harley-Davidson, 105 Walden’s Main Street, Pigeon Forge, TN 37863 End point: The Shed @ Smoky Mountain Harley-Davidson, 1820 W. Lamar Alexander Pkwy, Maryville, TN 37801 WHEN: Saturday, July 25th 12pm-6:30pm Online registration – May 15 – July 24th at 5pm – Day of Registration: 12noon-1:45pm Kickstands up: 2pm


GOT EVENTS ? Submit your events to:

The Shed Concert Series Presents: Neil Young Tribute Concert Date: 07/25/2015 Time: 6:00 PM Location: The Shed Smokehouse & Juke Joint 1820 W Lamar Alexander Pkwy Maryville, T Contact phone: 865-977-1669 Neil Young Tribute Concert Event Time: 6:00 PM The first ever Shed Tribute concert featuring Knoxville’s finest local musicians! Appleton Harley-Davidson 13th annual Buddy and Glen Memorial Poker Run Date: 07/25/2015 Time: 10:00 AM Location: Appleton Harley-Davidson Best Hand $500 Gift Card, Live Music by Tim Lynch, All Proceeds to Benefit St. Jude’s Rustique Restaurant, Bar, Live Music Date: 07/25/2015 Time: 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM Location: Rustique 7080 Dale Ridge Rd, Lancaster TN @ The Company Store Contact phone: 615-548-8010 July 25, car show and bike day Sloan’s Motorcycle & ATV Bike Night at Woody’s BBQ Date: 07/28/2015 Time: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Location: 352 W Northfield Blvd, Murfreesboro, TN July 28, 2015 6:00pm - 9:00pm Sloan’s Bike Night @ Woody’s BBQ” is the last Tuesday of each month – 6p to 9p Be the slowest rider in Rutherford County at the “Bike Night Slow Race”! Music! Prizes! Bike Show (off) opportunity! Rustique Restaurant, Bar, Live Music Date: 07/31/2015 Time: 8:00 PM Location: Rustique 7080 Dale Ridge Rd, Lancaster TN @ The Company Store Contact phone: 615-548-8010 Rapture The Shed Concert Series Presents: Blackberry Smoke: The Holding All The Roses Tour Date: 08/01/2015 Time: 6:00 PM Location: The Shed Smokehouse & Juke Joint 1820 W Lamar Alexander Pkwy Maryville, T Contact phone: 865-977-1669 46

10th Annual Confederate Flag Benefit “Ronnaroo” for the Tennessee State Museum Date: 08/01/2015 Time: 3:00 PM Location: Peytonsville, Tenn Contact phone: 931-374-8368 10th Annual Confederate Flag Benefit “Ronnaroo” for the Tennessee State Museum on August 1 in Peytonsville, Tenn. Gates open at 3pm, cost is $20 per person & first 200 get free event shirt. Live music by Skinny Molly, Howlin Brothers Band, Miranda Louise Blues Band, Phoenix Rising, Big Daddy Cool & the Bomb Shell Kittens, & more. BYOB. 21 & up to enter. Food vendors on site, silent auction, camping, & you can shoot our cannon!! Call Ronny Mangrum for more info 931-374-8368 or look for us on Facebook. Cheatham County Cruise-In Date: 08/07/2015 Time: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Location: River Bluff Park Contact phone: 615-347-9778 Cars/Trucks/Bikes Music-Fun-Vendors Welcome People’s Choice picked each month Find us on Facebook Contact Charles King 615-3479778 or Sandra Gregory 615-957-8834 Americas Motor Sports bike night Date: 08/27/2015 Time: 6:00 PM Location: Americas Motor Sports 629 Myatt Drive Madison, Tn Join us from 6:00 pm until 7:30 pm for live music and good times IRON RIDERS MC FIELD PARTY Date: 08/28/2015 - 08/30/2015 Time: 7:00 PM Location: 347 Hammit Rd Bulls gap Tn. 37711 Contact phone: 423 823 0145 IRON RIDERS MC invites you to our annual field party Live music, biker games, cold beverages, hot food, and great brotherhood. Vendors allowed with gate admission, free camping all weekend. Admission is $10.00 location 347 Hammit Rd Bulls gap Tn. 37711 starts at 7 pm on Friday Aug 28 and runs through Sunday Aug 30 till????? If you have any questions about the event please feel free to contact Demon (president) 423 823 0145 Hawk 423 218 5891

LIST YOUR EVENT HERE! Submit your events to:

July 2015

NAME:___________________________________________________ ADDRESS:_______________________________________________ CITY:____________________________________________________ STATE:___________________________ ZIP:____________________ Make checks payable to: Thunder Roads Tennesse, 3030 Quail Court, Greenbrier, TN 37073



T-Shirt (Short Sleeve)

Tank Tops

T-Shirt (Long Sleeve)


S - XL: $15.00 XXL: $17.00 XXXL: $20.00 + S/H & TAX S - XL: $20.00 XXL: $22.00 XXXL: $25.00 + S/H & TAX

S - XL: $13.00 XXL: $15.00 XXXL: $17.00 + S/H & TAX S - XL: $30.00 XXL: $32.00 XXXL: $35.00 + S/H & TAX

PLEASE include $5 per shirt for tax & shipping and include shirt size.Get a FREE Wrist Band & Koozie with each shirt when you order TWO or More!! Make check or money order payable to: Thunder Roads Tennessee Send to: Thunder Roads Tennessee 3030 Quail Court, Greenbrier, TN 37073 No refunds or exchanges 48

July 2015

July 2015


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