Thunder Roads Magazine Tennessee September 2020

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Motorcycle Accident?

Call 1-800-Law Tigers | Law Tigers is not a referral service, but a service mark used to identify a lawyer’s membership in the American Association of Motorcycle Injury Lawyers © 2020. 446 James Robertson, Nashville, TN

Thunder Roads® Tennessee P.O. Box 645, Greenbrier, TN 37073

2 Thunder Roads® Tennessee Staff 3 Index of Advertisers 3 From the Editors – By Denise High 6 America the Beautiful – By Cooper Chilton 9 Bullet Points – By Mike Noriot 10 Chaplain’s Corner – By Pastor Ron Baptiste 13 From the Corner of Veteran’s Drive and Patriot’s Way –

Scott High Denise High 615-389-1149 615-389-1016 2017 Recipient of the NCOM (National Coalition of Motorcyclists)

Silver Spoke Award for Media

2016 Recipient of the Thunder Roads® National Network Publisher of the Year Award

By Bob “Bulldog” Ousley 15 Centerfold Calendar 16 Race for Vets – By Cooper Chilton 18 NewsBytes – By Bill Bish 20 Jokers Wild 21 TRTN Word Search 23 Will Ride to Eat – By Bill Hall 24 Events

Cooper Chilton National Photojournalist “America the Beautiful”

Merry Hancock Hancock Media

27 Biker Friendly Directory

BECOME A THUNDER ROADS® CONTRIBUTOR – Ron Baptiste aka “Pastor Ron” “Chaplain’s Corner”

Bill Hall

Call Us With A Solid Lead, We’ll Close It Out And You Get 10% Immediately Upon Customer Payment. No Fuss, No Upkeep, We Handle It All! You Close It Out And You Get 20%! Big Supplemental Revenue $$$$ Potential!

VISIT US ON THE WEB Bob “Bulldog” Ousley “From the Corner of Veteran’s Drive and Patriot’s Way”


Mechele MacDaniel

NATIONAL FOUNDERS thunderroadsmagazinetn

To receive Thunder Roads® Tennessee’s 2020 Media Kit and Advertising Rates, please email Mike Noirot “Bullet Points”

Toni McCoy Shearon & Brian Shearon 1528 Matlock Drive Chapmansboro, TN 37035 Ron Giddis “Will Ride to Eat”

Founders Office: 615-792-0040 Fax: 615-792-7580 e-mail:

Hank Bonecutter "Dodging The Roadkill"



Photographer: Scott Powers Bike: 2009 H-D Street Glide Bike Owner: Keith Baker Model: Jess Howe


INDEX OF ADVERTISERS A & R Texas BBQ...............................22 Amsoil..................................................4 Apple Valley Mountain Village............7 Appleton Harley-Davidson...............IFC



Bettencourt Originals........................21 Birdsong Resort, Marina, & Campground....................................7 Brushy Mountain.................................5

The oldest and best known free biker magazine can be delivered right to your door every month for ONLY $36 a year

Buckle and Hide Leathers................21


Catalyst Cycles....................................7


Chilhowee Sportsman’s Club...........11


Chopper’s Bar & Grill..........................7

STATE:________________________________ ZIP:______________________

Full Throttle Bar and Grill....................7 Garza Law Firm..................................BC Keri Gilles Realtor.............................21

Make checks payable to: Thunder Roads® Tennessee P.O. Box 645 Greenbrier, TN 37073

Law Offices of Richard M. Lester......19 Law Tigers............................................1 Leslie W. Watson Memorial Toy Run.........8 Michigan Thunder Fest.....................26 Miss Kay’s Country Store & The Nutcracker Shed.....................22 Punkin Center Motorcycle Resort.....12 Tennessee Gun Country.....................9 The H.U.T...........................................21 The Redneck Rumble........................22 Thunder Roads Magazine® Celebrating 21st Anniversary...........28 TRTN Advertise With Us....................22 TRTN Subscription...............................3 TRTN Thunder Store............................3

Ride Hard Live Free, Denise & Scott

West TN Valley Rally.........................IBC SEPTEMBER 2020


all is almost here, officially it starts on the 22nd of this month and I can’t wait!! It is my favorite time of the year in general, but it’s also my favorite time of the year for riding because the scenery is ideal, there is a lot of beauty to be seen in our neck of the woods! Autumn is one of the best times to ride and experience the splendor of nature. There’s no better way to see the fall foliage than on a motorcycle ride. On a bike, you’re immersed in the everchanging panorama of foliage colors— unobstructed by a car’s roof and its pillars. Even a convertible places a frame in your line of vision. On a motorcycle, you glide visually unrestricted through the majesty of the trees. Fall foliage season is very symbolic for us riders. It’s a yearly mile marker in our riding season. The swelter of late summer is gone, transformed into the delightful daytime warmth and cool nights of fall. The trees tell us that temperatures are about to fall, as the leaves flutter to the ground. In my opinion autumn is the perfect time for riding. We have some exciting news… we just found out that we have a new grandbaby on the way, that will make three. Our son and his significant other are expecting their first baby next March and we are so excited! Grandchildren are a gift and a blessing and we intend on loving and spoiling him or her to death, after all that’s our job! This month is Patriot and National POW/ MIA Recognition Days and we would like to take a moment and remember those who were injured or died during the terrorist attacks in the United States on September 11, 2001 and to remember those who were prisoners of war (POW) and those who are missing in action (MIA), as well as their families. With Scott being a fireman, and me the wife of a fireman, 9-11 is an especially difficult day at our house. I don’t think anybody will ever forget where they were that morning, I know we won’t. NEVER FORGET. Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend and be safe on the road. As always, please support to our amazing advertisers that support us by shopping at their businesses when you’re in need of a product or service they provide, they are what keep this magazine going and free to you every month.





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exas has been a territory of Spain and France and has been a part of Mexico, The Republic of Texas, the Confederate States and the United States. Only Nacogdoches contained the Republic of Fredonia. In 1825 Mexico gave Haden Edwards the right to settle 800 families in the Nacogdoches area, but the settlers currently living in the area, upset by Edwards’ actions, convinced Mexico to revoke his contract. In December 1826, Edwards’ supporters arrested and removed several municipal officers who were affiliated with the original settlers and declared their independence from Mexico forming the Republic of Fredonia. This country was short lived when 100 Mexican soldiers and 275 Texas Militia marched into Nacogdoches on January 31, 1827. It is thought that this rebellion led the way for the Texas Revolution which gained independence for the Republic of Texas in 1836. Nacogdoches is the oldest town in Texas and the site of the first oil field with the first well dug in 1866. It had Texas’ first two story building, first oil pipeline, first newspaper, and even the first ceiling fan (in a drug store with blades turned by a mule outside). A visit to this quaint Texas town is not complete without reading the historical markers. Some are very entertaining, including the Wettermark Bank being robbed in 1903 by none other than Ben S. Wettermark, president of the bank, who took the contents of the vault valued at $500,000, and moved to Costa Rica. By the way, Wettermark was also the Mayor. Surprised? The town has many historic sites and buildings and still has brick streets. It makes a


good place to stretch your legs and get a little history lesson. The Fredonia Hotel still harkens back to the one month existence of a tiny free country. Be sure to visit the Old Nacogdoches University Building and the Sterne-Hoya House. The town is one of the Top 10 tourist destinations in Texas. On a sadder note, the Space Shuttle Columbia exploded over the Nacogdoches area showering down debris. Be sure to visit the Old Post Office, now home to the Visitors Center, for historic photos, including the remembrance of the Columbia. The staff is very friendly and knowledgeable. Ride Safe and Have Fun!! Cooper




Bullet Points



reetings, fellow bikers. It’s hard to believe that by the time you are reading this article, Labor Day will be upon us – the unofficial end of summer. But it is also the best time of the year to ride, in my opinion. I hope you can take advantage of the nice riding weather. This month’s column is the second in a series on the fundamentals of a selfdefense claim. Last month’s column dealt with the first essential component of a self-defense claim – Innocence. This month will be devoted to Imminence. In review, here are the five components which must all be answered affirmatively for you to prove you acted in self-defense: 1. Innocence 2. Imminence 3. Proportionality 4. Avoidance 5. Reasonableness In the event that you have responded to a situation with lethal force, you first need to be the innocent party – meaning you were not the aggressor or provocateur. Without innocence, your claim of self-defense will quickly fall apart. Next, there has to be imminence. A quick Google search of legal websites will lead you to Black’s Law Dictionary. Imminence relates to their discussion of homicide in self-defense and is defined as: “….immediate danger, such as must be instantly met, such as cannot be guarded against by calling for the assistance of others or protection of the law…. such an appearance of threatened and impending injury as would put a reasonable and prudent man to his instant defense.” – Black’s Law Dictionary In other words, you have to respond immediately to the threat or risk being seriously maimed, injured, disfigured or killed. Lethal force, or for that matter non-lethal force, used too early, or too late (after the threat is gone), will fail the imminence test. Massad Ayoob has been training in self-defense principles for years and I have read several of his books, most recently, “Deadly Force: Understanding Your Right to Self Defense.” Mas has written much on building a self-defense case and it might be helpful in our discussion on imminence to bring into play his concept of imminence, which is often referred to as the AOJ Triad: Ability, Opportunity, Jeopardy. Ability: Is your attacker able to hurt you? Opportunity: Can the attacker get to you? Jeopardy: Does the attacker, who has ability and opportunity, intend to use illegal force against you? I will take a deeper dive into Ability in next month’s column on proportionality, but it is worth mentioning now that anyone has the ability to hurt you. Be it with their fists, an impact weapon - like a knife or hammer - or with a gun. It is, however, germane to the next leg of the AOJ Triad, opportunity.

Opportunity relates specifically to whether or not the thug can get at you. If you are in your locked car, at a stoplight, and the thug approaches you with nothing more than his fists, yelling he is going to kill you, he does not have the opportunity to get at you. Using lethal force in this scenario will likely fail in a selfdefense litmus test. However, if the same thug is coming at you with a large brick in his hand, he may well be able to get to you. The car, in the first scenario, can be an obstacle and obstacles are something you need to use to your advantage. Let’s consider another scenario. You are walking to your car in a dark parking lot. You are being approached by a person that appears intent on doing you harm. Can you put an obstacle between you and the thug? Perhaps you can get behind a car in the parking lot and use it as a shield against a potential attack? In this scenario, immediately resorting to lethal force on the individual would be a bad idea. Distance is also a consideration when speaking of opportunity. If the same thug is coming at you with a gun, distance becomes a non-issue since he can reach out to you with hot lead. But if he is brandishing a machete, distance is certainly an opportunity limitation. Granted, he might throw the machete at you, but he is unlikely to hurt you from more than a few yards away. The same holds true with other impact weapons like a hammer of a knife. But at what distance does the hammer or knife wielding thug become a substantial threat? This is dependent on how quickly you can bring proportional force into play. A good rule of thumb is the Tueller Drill. Sergeant Dennis Tueller, of the Salt Lake City police department, came up with this drill by measuring how much ground a knife wielding attacker could cover in 1.5 seconds – the time it took an average police officer to un-holster his service pistol and accurately fire two rounds, center mass. Using many volunteers, Tueller came up with a distance of 21 feet. Your Tueller Drill distance will likely be greater than 21 feet since your ability to draw your pistol and fire two rounds accurately may well take longer than 1.5 seconds. The last leg of the AOJ Triad is the most important – Jeopardy. Does the person intend to use illegal force against you? An armed police officer standing next to you has the ability and opportunity to hurt you. But the AOJ triad would fail because he does not intend to hurt you. However, a thug standing less than 21 feet away from you, brandishing a knife, does possess all of the elements of the AOJ Triad. In review, if you are the innocent person, and there is an imminent threat of severe injury, or death, you have two of the five components of a self-defense claim. Next month, we will discuss proportionality – the third component of a selfdefense claim. Until then, ride often with the shiny side up. Molon Labe, Mike Noirot Note: I am not a lawyer and nothing in this column represents legal advice. My article is based on common sense and many years of studying self-defense.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Thunder Roads® Magazine Owners/Publishers. Any content provided by our authors are of their opinion, and are not intended to malign any religion, ethic group, club, organization, company, individual or anyone or anything.



CHAPLAIN’S CORNER Pastor Ron Baptiste Founder of Covenant Confirmers Ministries Inc. Covenant Confirmers Ministries; a “Certified Recovery Congregation” Founder of TN. Biker Medical Clinic Inc. Messages Available on Podbean Live You Tube covenantconfirmers1/live

“THE DARKNESS” Isaiah 60: 1-2 “Arise, shine, for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and His glory shall be seen upon thee.” This is referring to the “City of God,” Jerusalem. America is a lot like “The City of God,” God has truly blessed America, but like Jerusalem America has walked away from God. Today there is a “darkness that covers the earth, and a gross darkness the people.’ I believe that this same verse that was spoken to the children of God is also applied to God’s people today. We see biblical prophecy being fulfilled before our very eyes. I believe that just before Jesus comes back for His people, that there will be a last end-time revival like the world has never seen! “Arise, shine” means to “do something,” to stand up in these hard times for God and His righteousness. To be able to “shine” is to be a reflection of “The glory of the Lord.” For those of us who continue to stand for God, not to cave in, not to quit, “For thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.’ God will bless those that have endured and became overcomers, God wants to bless his people to be the light that draws the rest of the world to Him. This is not the time to stop going to Church, it’s not time to stop following God’s principles that work, or to stop praying. Moses asked the big question when God’s people were about to quit, “who is on the Lord’s side?” That same question is being ask today.

Rom. 8:28 “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose.”

After Joseph had been beaten by his brothers, sold into slavery, cast into prison, he became in charge of all of Pharaoh’s government, his brothers came to see him for help. When they recognized it was Joseph, they fell on their face for fear.

When we look at everything that Job went through; lost all he had, lost his children, lost his health, even his wife said to him “why don’t you just curse God and die?”

Gen.50:19 “And Joseph said unto them, fear not: for I am in the place of God.” Joseph never quit on God, but maintain his walk with God through it all.

Job 1:22 “In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly.” In all that is going on today, be very careful that you don’t “charge God foolishly.” If you have been in a bible believing church, Pastors have been preparing the Church for this, for years!

Vs. 20 “but as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good…”

Until next time, keep your face in the wind and your kickstand up.

Make sure that your “in the place of God,” and whatever evil darkness comes your way, “God will turn it into your good.”

10 10

To be found faithful, Pastor Ron




by Bob “Bulldog” Ousley

Dear Fellow Veterans and Patriots of Tennessee: Why is there so much violence and turmoil in our country today? I believe communism is the base culprit in what we see in our nation. Karl Marx was born in 1818, in Treves Germany. His life was spent trying to answer the basis of human existence and as a result came up with complex but shallow answers to the existence of the universe and his philosophy that man is God and the result of matter coming together. His philosophies are in total contradiction to religion and God. A great read to see what is behind the communist movement is a book by W. Cleon Skousen, titled “The Naked Communist.” Skousen was an FBI agent during the era of J. Edgar Hoover and a period in America when communism was visibly on the rise in many parts of the world. Skousen clearly dissects Marxism/Communism and why it fails! If you look at the Democrat Party and truly evaluate what they have promised for decades and what they have delivered it’s pretty easy to see they will promise anything to get elected and what they deliver is very different. You can generally tell what they are doing by listening to what they accuse Republicans of doing. All of this is in line with Communist doctrine. Skousen relates in his book, “… the founders of communism realized they would have to develop a whole new approach to morals and ethics for followers. Lenin summarized it as follows: “We say that our morality is wholly subordinated to the interests of the class struggle of the proletariat,” In other words, whatever tends to bring about the Communist concept of material betterment is morally good, and whatever does not is morally bad. This concept is simply intended to say that the end justifies the means.” It is not wrong to cheat, lie, violate oaths or even destroy human life if it is for a good cause. This code of no moral’s accounts for the amoral behavior on the part of Communists which is frequently incomprehensible to nonCommunists. Communism requires the destruction of history and to replace it with Marxist utopian goals. This is why schools and universities are now teaching that America was founded on racism by white supremacists. They need to keep our culture divided and turn us away from the actual founding based on the principle of individual and religious freedom and that


“We the people” are ultimately in charge. Communism requires the state to replace God as the almighty force in the world and to replace individual freedom with group think directed by the state. This is what underlines political correctness and the movement to break down our morals based in the bible. God and Marxism can only coexist on a bumper sticker, not in real life. Those in the streets battling police, committing murder, burning buildings are executing actions necessary to undermine our constitutional government and convert it to a communist state. They were taught in schools, paid for with your tax dollars, that America is bad, the founders were bad and that our system needs to be transformed. This has gone on long enough to grow a couple of generations trained to be “Woke” Marxists combined now with Marxist politicians allowing them to act with little resistance. The pandemic is useful to keep us at home so they can act. The movement to defund police is necessary to replace our legal system with revolutionary societal control and a new order of armed enforcers. The second amendment was put into our constitution for us to protect ourselves from this type of oppression by tyrants. Joe Biden has already stated he’ll send his military to confiscate our guns. Democrats originated gun control to stop blacks from defending themselves after the civil war. To achieve total domination, they have to make us all defenseless. The media joined the Marxist train years ago and now hypes racism and hides much of the violence by the revolutionaries. Racial division politics is just a cover for communist actions to overthrow our constitution. Hillary Clinton was engineered to be the final step of the overthrow but Trump won. They now have to remove Trump because he is working against Marxists and trying to save our nation. If Biden is elected the communists win and our freedom will be gone. Do we save our constitutional freedom with a vote or try to rescue it from Marxists with a bullet???? Keep the faith. Thank a vet for the freedoms we still enjoy and support politicians who will bring back the ones we’ve lost. Fly the flag of the people and be proud you’re an American. Hug the families of those still missing because their quest for closure has not ended. Live the good life and ride for those who can’t. You can comment at - Bulldog * My monthly column reflects my personal point of view and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Publishers of this magazine, but they, like me, acknowledge the sacrifices made for the privilege of Freedom of Speech, therefore, they gratefully let me rant. Thank you for reading my rants. Hope my opinions don’t offend anyone, but we all should be grateful for the right to have free opinions.




n July 18, Law Tigers and Crusty Grunt Cycles presented the 1st Annual Race For Vets at the Maury County Fairgrounds in Columbia. Also included was round four of the Tennessee Hooligan State Championship Series. Flat track races are always fun to participate in or just to watch. Gabriel Wren and his crew put on a fine event with his next event on September 2nd at the same venue. Tennessee has some great racers putting on a great show, especially when combined with the out-of-staters who are some of the best in the sport. This is one of the many flat track events available in the state and I don’t understand the small crowds of spectators attending. These events are held in large venues where those who want to “social distance” have plenty of space and I know bikers enjoy the banging and clanging of motorcycle racing. Let’s support these events and the good causes they fund. This particular event benefitted the local military vets who need help. Boswell’s H-D is sponsoring the Hooligans and we can always count on the Bumpus and Moonshine teams to show up. The little kids on their e-bikes race to hone their skills providing a future to motorcycling and entertainment at the same time.

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The following are the class results: CLASS




Cameron Shanks

Ethan Hagar

Mad Dog Main AM A

Justin Day

John Gilligan

Mad Dog Main AM B

Mason Mc Donald

Nickson Shanks Tom Cleppe

Vintage Open Main

Greg Nichols

Justin Stover

450 AM Main

JD Flowers

Ty Porter

450 PRO Main

Max Porter

Ty Porter

40+ Main

Bubba Boswell

Greg Nichols

Tom Cleppe

Hooligan Open Main A

Chris Boone

Bubba Boswell

Dylan Plush

Hooligan Open Main B

Justin Burgoyne

Cody Wilson

Rodney Mancini

Eric Reed

Richard Brodock

Be sure to mark September 2nd on your calendar for the next event at this venue. Ride Safe and Have Fun!! Cooper




NCOM BIKER NEWSBYTES Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish, National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM) NCOM CONVENTION ON TRACK FOR INDY

The 35th Annual NCOM Convention, rescheduled due to the Coronavirus outbreak from Mother’s Day weekend to October 16-17 at the Marriott Indianapolis East (7202 East 21st Street in Indianapolis), is still on track and heading into the final stretch. Hundreds of concerned motorcyclists from across the country are heading to “The Crossroads of America” to address topics of concern to all riders, so plan now to be a part of this historic gathering of motorcycle rights activists. Some of the motorcyclists’ rights movement’s most accomplished Freedom Fighters will teach seminars and lead group discussions on legal and legislative issues such as anti-profiling and “Save the Patch” efforts, with “Protect Your Rights/Probable Cause” and “Vulnerable Road Users Legislation To Protect Our Riders” seminars, and Special Meetings for Veterans Affairs, Women in Motorcycling, Clean & Sober Roundtable and World of Sport Bikes, as well as the Christian Unity Conference and Confederation of Clubs Patch Holders Meeting. Renowned EMT Dick “Slider” Gilmore will present his “Save a Biker’s Life” seminar on The Golden Hour. Capping off Convention activities will be the Silver Spoke Awards Banquet, highlighting outstanding freedom fighters for their contributions to the cause of “Freedom of the Road”: author and filmmaker John E. (Black Dragon) Bunch II (ENTERTAINMENT); Jad Breiner - Sons of Silence MC, editor of Brothers Behind Bars (BBB) Newsletter (MEDIA); Pete Leehey - AIM Attorney, Iowa (LEGAL); with SPECIAL RECOGNITION AWARDS presented to Nancy Nemecek and Fred “Sarge” Matthews and NCOM's highest honor, the RON ROLOFF LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD going to John Bilotta Jr. of the NCOM Board of Directors and Operations Director for ABATE of Virginia. With the Indianapolis Convention racing toward the finish line, preregister now by calling the National Coalition of Motorcyclists at (800) 525-5355 or visit For more info, click on http:// TARIFFS ON MOTORCYCLES SUCCESSFULLY OPPOSED, AGAIN

The Office of United States Trade Representative once again proposed tariffs of up to 100% on all 500-700cc motorcycles and scooters, as well as all parts and accessories, imported from the European Union and the United Kingdom, but opposition led by the motorcycle community led to the successful elimination of the ill-conceived ‘tax’ stemming from a dispute over aircraft subsidies. The proposed trade sanctions would not only have negatively impacted the motorcycle sales industry, including the aftermarket equipment sector, it could have deeply affected motorcyclists who rely on imported parts for general maintenance. "We're incredibly pleased that European motorcycles, parts, and accessories have been removed from the most recent round of EU tariffs in relation to the Airbus situation," said John Hinz of the Motorcycle Industry Council (MIC) and CEO of KTM North America 18 18

Inc. "We are extremely thankful that the U.S. Trade Representative heard our concerns and recognized the unintended and potentially devastating impacts that tariffs could have on our industry. This would not have been possible without the support of the MIC and its members, the efforts of Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D., Congressman Tim Walberg, Congressman Ken Calvert, Congressman Jim Jordan, our dealers and our employees, and the support of all our industry partners. Thank you to all who wrote letters, made phone calls, and let Washington, D.C., know the value of our industry and our businesses here in the United States." It was an international effort as well, with written comments supplied by Antonio Perlot, secretary general of ACEM, the Motorcycle Industry in Europe. "This was the third time the USTR made this proposal, and the third time the industry was able to prevail with combined support," said Erik Pritchard, MIC president and CEO. MOTORCYCLE SALES UP DESPITE PANDEMIC

“Despite economic downturn, powersports sales have been surprisingly robust,” according to Cycle World Magazine, which notes; The streets are quiet. Supply chains have disintegrated. Unemployment is at record highs. So it would stand to reason that all economic indicators and consumer spending in particular would be down for the year as well but, perhaps counterintuitively, motorcycle sales are up. “You heard that right,” declares CW. “Across the board, retail sales for the last three months have shown a steady uptick. It’s more obvious in certain segments but the trend is undeniable; year-to-date powersports sales are better than they’ve been in years. Can you say pandemic paradox?” Following a series of declining years, 2020′s data was already looking fairly optimistic; motorcycles sales in February of 2020 were up 3.5% year-to-date, according to, but when the pandemic hit in early March and the auto industry began its sales freefall, most business insiders assumed the same fate would befall the motorcycle sector. The surprising news came in early June, when the smoke cleared and the Motorcycle Industry Council (MIC) reported that year-to-date retail powersports sales were better than they’d been in the past three years. “The powersports industry is in a much more positive place than where we thought we’d be earlier this year, when the full impact of the pandemic began to come into focus,” MIC President and CEO Erik Pritchard said. Of course, “powersports” includes ATVs, side-by-sides, and motorcycles, but in fact, sales were up 18.9% through March, according to the MIC’s Retail Sales Reporting System. In sum, sales were relatively strong from January through April, and May was a great month for most. Pritchard also pointed out, “The first four months of 2020, it’s the second-best performance only to 2016 -- in the midst of a pandemic.” STURGIS CROWD SETS RECORDS

Some 400,000 bikers rumbled into the small South Dakota city of Sturgis for the 80th Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, one of the largest public gatherings since the COVID-19 pandemic began, despite fears it could become a “super-spreader” triggering a massive Coronavirus outbreak. Though city officials reportedly expected a much smaller crowd this


year, perhaps by as much as half, according to the Department of Transportation, the seven-day total for the 10-day rally as of Friday, August 14 was 365,979 people, which is down just by 7.5% compared to last year at the same time. In spite of a drop-off in attendance of those in the 60-70 age range, which is understandable during the pandemic, the rally surprisingly experienced historically high numbers in first-time attendees, vendors and spending. “Screw COVID” t-shirts nearly outnumbered mask sightings, as Republican Gov. Kristi Noem adopted a largely hands-off approach to the pandemic, avoiding a mask mandate and preaching personal responsibility. She supported holding the Sturgis rally, pointing out that no virus outbreak was documented from the several thousand people who turned out to see President Donald Trump and Fourth of July fireworks at Mount Rushmore. SIOUX TRIBE BLOCKS RIDERS FROM GOING TO STURGIS

The Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe established strategic checkpoints at entrance locations to the reservation to turn away tourists and bikers going to Sturgis as a means to control the spread of the Coronavirus into Native American territory. The Rapid City Journal reported that the Cheyenne River Reservation authorities would not allow those attending the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally to pass through the road blocks onto reservation land. South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem (R) opposed this move, saying the traffic checkpoints are unlawful and demanded that they be removed. The Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe sued the federal government to keep its checkpoints, citing what they called Noem’s inappropriate request for federal assistance. The seven tribes that make up the Sioux Nation are now in a fight with federal and state officials regarding the legality of the checkpoints. NEW HAMPSHIRE MANDATES MASKS FOR LACONIA MOTORCYCE WEEK

Nationwide media images of mask-less, closely packed, attendees broadcast out of South Dakota at this year’s Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, with just days before the August 22 start of the 97th annual Laconia Motorcycle Week, convinced Governor Chris Sununu to institute the first broad face-covering mandate in New Hampshire SEPTEMBER 2020

for all events of 100 or more people. “Sturgis was a real warning sign to us,” said the two-term Republican Governor, hoping to avoid a COVID controversy. To add some teeth to the statute, the state will deploy Liquor Commission enforcement teams to levy fines on those not observing the directive during bike week, and state regulators also have the authority to seize the liquor license of offending establishments. PHILIPPINES REQUIRES MOTORCYCLE PASSENGERS TO CARRY PPE SHIELDS

Over the past four months of COVID-19 quarantine restrictions, the Philippine government has outlawed carrying passengers on a motorcycle, and although they now permit pillion (passenger) riding only for couples who live in the same household and share the same bed at night, all backriders are now required by law to carry a clear plastic shield or barrier in between the pillion and the rider as Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Pasig City mayor, Vico Sotto, has sided with the riders and their plight, but says that for now, all we can do is follow guidelines, because there is no other choice. “It is true that this shield is dangerous. But for now, we have no other choice if we want to carry pillions as this is required by the government.” At the moment, the government stands firm on its ground that the required barrier shield is safe and effective, insisting that “these approved designs underwent a thorough study which includes the concept of aerodynamics and were also tested for quality safety standards.” Motorcycle safety experts, bike manufacturers, and the Motorcycle Rights Organization all disagree with the mandate and have called on the government to “hear the opinion of experts and professionals in the motorcycle industry before enacting protocols that would affect the lives of motorcycle riders unnecessarily.” QUOTABLE QUOTE: "If a man seeks a righteous life, his first act of abstinence should be from telling others how to think and live." ~ Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) Russian novelist, author of “War and Peace”


If a man whispers “fuuuuuuuk” as soon as he puts it in...You best enjoy the next 9 seconds, darlin’. -------------------------------------------------------------Raise your hand if someone is still alive today because you didn’t want to go to prison? -------------------------------------------------------------Barbie turns 61 this year. Kinda’ think we can all start calling her Barbara or Miz B. now. -------------------------------------------------------------The “NEW” NFL Announcers...”It’s not his knee. It appears his feelings are hurt and the official team Psychologist is rushing out onto the field.” -------------------------------------------------------------I’m gonna’ hang a Batman outfit in my hubby’s closet just to majorly screw with him when/if he ever gets Alzheimer’s. -------------------------------------------------------------Before the coffee lawsuit, do you also remember that Mickey D’s apple pies were literally served at the surface temperature of the planet Mercury! -------------------------------------------------------------Until you ride with someone that has a suspended license, you really don’t know how many back roads there are in your town. -------------------------------------------------------------I think we all need to pray for Karen’s husband. He was walking by the pantry on his way to the bathroom and saw her taking five Oreos out of the container and commented, “I thought you said you were on a diet?”. -------------------------------------------------------------Very vivacious 22 year old to her 72 year old, very rich husband, after the wedding ceremony, “I love you so much I want you to wear this manly beloved bracelet that belonged to my Grandfather, and feel my love always. Husband: Why does it say “Do Not Resuscitate?” -------------------------------------------------------------O.K., you gotta’ sing this in the same melody... “Aint no sunshine when she’s gone..... Aint no borderline psychotic emotional bullchit either” -------------------------------------------------------------Grandpa is such a grump. Lil’ Joey was taking a selfie and his Grandpa said ‘that’s about stupid!”. Lil’ Joey said, just cause’ y’all didn’t have selfies in your day don’t make it stupid.” Grandpa said, “Oh, we had selfies alright, whenever I was in the mood and your Grandmother didn’t feel like putting out, that’s when selfies came into play.” 20 20

Have you ever just laughed your ass off at something Really dark or weird and just sat there like, what is wrong with me? -------------------------------------------------------------So was lying in bed with my new bf after sex and knew he was thinking about how that was just mind blowing sex, but when I asked him he said, ‘actually, you just blew a tiny little fart on my dick and it gave me a boner.” *read the joke above this one again. --------------------------------------------------------------The garbage man stuck a pamphlet for AA on my recycling bin. Judgmental prick, mind your own damn business! --------------------------------------------------------------Confucius say: It is only when a mosquito lands on your balls that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence. --------------------------------------------------------------You ever wish you could meet someone for the very first time and walk straight f’ing past them? --------------------------------------------------------------Two Unicorns on Noah’s Ark ---- “Hey! Sexy, looks like it’s gonna be up to you and me to re-populate the Earth with Unicorns, Huh? By the way I’m Gregg, what’s your name cutie-pie? Arnold, now get your horned ass outa’ here. And that folks, is why we have no Unicorns. :( --------------------------------------------------------------Things that make you go Hmmm? If Hooters starts delivering wings, will it mean they might change their name to Knockers? --------------------------------------------------------------It’s a little known fact that cows’ farts come from the dairy air. (if you don’t get it, don’t even ask) --------------------------------------------------------------You know what unites us the most is when you stop and acknowledge the absolute fact that every single adult hand you’ve ever shaken has held a dick at some time or another, and some more than others. --------------------------------------------------------------Ladies, it’s hot out there and tempers flare, so while you’re running around half-naked and guys shouting obscenities, please do your best not to be Twatsicles Guys, just carry on not having a f’ing clue. --------------------------------------------------------------September is one Hot ass month so stay cool! As my Great Grandpappy used to to say..... Hells Fire! It’s hotter out there than a Hooker’s door knob on Nickel Night!




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By Indian Rider Bill

he Tail of The Dragon, US 129, is well known for its 318 curves in 11 miles, and on the corner of US 129 and TN 72, you’ll find A & R Texas BBQ. With its ample front row motorcycle parking, open air seating and the Texas size smoker working its magic, you can’t miss it. Owned and operated by Ryan McDonald, a self taught pit master right out of Bonham, Texas, A & R is serving up authentic Texas BBQ. Ryan, while out riding in the area one day over a year ago, passed by the restaurant and noticed it was shuttered. He immediately became interested in the property. By combining his passion for BBQ and motorcycles, what better place could there be to bring Texas style BBQ to East Tennessee’s most iconic destination ride, The Tail of The Dragon. As is the case with everything Ryan does, he went all in on developing a simple and honest menu that showcases the art of his BBQ style. A & R has hand cut beef brisket, half and full racks of Baby Back and Beef ribs, homemade sausage, sides of smoked Mac n Cheese, slaw, beans and so forth. All great stuff, but he reserves his specialty for weekends, the Texas Twinkie. The Texas Twinkie is a Jalapeno pepper, a large one as you can imagine. After all, everything is bigger in Texas, right? The Twinkie is stuffed with chopped brisket, cheese, wrapped in bacon and smoked. Ryan and his crew only make a couple hundred of them, as it takes them over 4 hours to make, they’re only available on weekends. Come early to get some!! I recently stopped in and chose the chopped brisket sandwich with a side of smoked Mac n Cheese. Opting to sit at the bar atop an Ostrich leather barstool, it was a perfect spot to watch bikes and cars roll on by. My sandwich arrived with a heap of tender and perfectly smoked brisket and two sauces to choose from, sweet and tangy or spicy. I gave it a double shot of the signature spicy sauce. The sauce was packed with flavor, spice flavor not heat, a Bonham, TX dry rub mix incorporated into Ryan’s own BBQ sauce. As if the brisket couldn’t get any better, it just did. The smoked Mac n Cheese was rich, gooey and with a hint of smoke, Mac n Cheese just got better too. If The Dragon is your destination ride, or if you’re out for a great Ride to Eat day trip, be sure to include A & R Texas BBQ in your plans. Connect with A & R at: @AANDRTXBBQ or on Facebook, A&R Texas BBQ. If you are out riding to eat and see us, please come up and tell us your favorite places to go when you’re hungry and thirsty. “Will Ride to Eat” will be an ongoing article in Thunder Roads® Magazine of Tennessee and we want to put the spotlight on the great history and variety of Tennessee’s biker friendly establishments.



Birdsong Resort & Marina Tennessee River Fresh Water Pearl Farm Museum Tour & Jewelry Showroom Date: 06/01/2020 – 12/31/2020 Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Location: Birdsong Resort Marina & Campground, 255 Marina Rd., Camden, TN 38320 Join us for a Free world-class tour of our pearl museum ~ uniquely its own. It is open 7 days/week but please call ahead to schedule an appointment with our reservation hostess so she can book your tour guide! 731-584-7880. We are proud to be the only fresh-water pearl cultivating farm left in North America. You don’t want to miss this opportunity! Smoky Mountain H-D Project Ridemore / Fall Creek Falls Date: 09/01/2020 Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Location: Smoky Mountain H-D, 1820 W Lamar Alexander Pkwy, Maryville, TN 37801 Join us as we take a ride out to Fall Creek Falls! We’ll be meeting at the dealership at 9am. Make sure your bike is gassed up and you’re ready to ride.

The H.U.T Bike Night Date: 09/03/2020, 09/10/2020, 09/17/2020, 09/24/2020 Time: 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM Location: The H.U.T, 815 Parkway, Sevierville, TN 37862 Join us at The H.U.T every Thursday for Bike Night! Free entry, free parking, live music, raffles, door prizes, $10 32oz beer with select shot and half price appetizers! Punkin Center Motorcycle Resort Bike Night Date: 09/04/2020, 09/11/2020, 09/18/2020, 09/25/2020 Time: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Location: Punkin Center Motorcycle Resort, 7304 Old Railroad Bed Rd., Maryville, TN 37801 Join us every Friday night 6-8pm. The only bike night on the famous Tail of The Dragon-TN 129! Come hangout with friends, throw back a cold one and enjoy live music, BBQ, happy hour prices, food specials, cornhole and more! Sit by our fire pit or hang out in the shade by our creek and be sure to try our famous smoked eggs! No cover charge, paved roads, free tent camping on bike nights.

Chopper’s Grill Ladies Night Date: 09/01/2020, 09/08/2020, 09/15/2020, 09/22/2020, 09/29/2020 Time: 7:00 PM – 11:00 PM Location: Chopper’s Grill, 1200 Donelson Ave., Old Hickory, TN 37138 Tuesday night is Ladies Night with Drink, Beer, Shot Specials, and Karaoke 7-11pm. Come on down Ladies, this night is just for you.

Hillbilly’s Wing Shack Karaoke Night Date: 09/04/2020, 09/11/2020, 09/18/2020, 09/25/2020 Time: 7:00 PM – 11:00 PM Location: Hillbilly’s Wing Shack, 26280 Hwy 69, Adamsville, TN 38310 Friday night karaoke is a lot of fun. We start at 7pm so you can come in early and eat so you have plenty of energy to get up and sing, ha ha, or just come in and watch as you eat and have a good time with friends and family. Come see why we are the #1 karaoke place around. We love to get out and talk to the crowd. Large groups, please call ahead and we will have you a table ready!

Hillbilly’s Wing Shack Free Bingo Date: 09/02/2020, 09/09/2020, 09/16/2020, 09/23/2020, 09/30/2020 Time: 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM Location: Hillbilly’s Wing Shack, 26280 Hwy 69, Adamsville, TN 38310 Every Wednesday from 5-7pm. Win drinks, appetizers, burgers...and Wings!

Chopper’s Grill Karaoke Night Date: 09/04/2020, 09/11/2020, 09/18/2020, 09/25/2020 Time: 8:00 PM – 12:00 AM Location: Chopper’s Grill, 1200 Donelson Ave., Old Hickory, TN 37138 Friday Nights are Rockin’ at The Lil Shack on the Corner! Come sing your favorite songs with us and enjoy our Famous Chopper Burgers and ShackWacker’s!

Full Throttle Bar & Grill Bike Night Date: 09/02/2020, 09/09/2020, 09/16/2020, 09/23/2020, 09/30/2020 Time: 6:00 PM Location: Full Throttle Bar & Grill, 333 Swinging Bridge Road, Nashville, TN 37138 Join us every Wednesday for Bike Night and enjoy a cold one, good food, and some music!

Smoky Mountain H-D Cars, Coffee, and Cycles Date: 09/05/2020 Time: 7:00 AM – 11:00 AM Location: Smoky Mountain H-D, 1820 W Lamar Alexander Pkwy, Maryville, TN 37801 Car and Motorcycle Meet-up 1st Saturday every month March - October.

Chopper’s Grill Bike Night & Crystal Karaoke Date: 09/02/2020, 09/09/2020, 09/16/2020, 09/23/2020, 09/30/2020 Time: 8:00 PM – 11:00 PM Location: Chopper’s Grill, 1200 Donelson Ave., Old Hickory, TN 37138 Every Wednesday all year it’s Bike Night with Crystal Karaoke at Chopper’s Grill with Free Beer Dog’s and Fixin’s. Come on down and get a Shackwacker and Ice Cold Beer! Best and cheapest in town! The Lil Shack on the Corner… The Place to Be! Smoky Mountain H-D Food Truck Thursday Date: 09/03/2020 & 09/17/2020 Time: 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM Location: Smoky Mountain H-D, 1820 W Lamar Alexander Pkwy, Maryville, TN 37801 Good Food, cold beer, great friends! This is a community event with everyone welcomed to join! Crazy Cubans, BurgerRitos, Sof-T-ee Serve, Pizza & Amore, Genos Curbside Diner, Lobster Dogs, REO Cheesewagon, and Daddy O’s will be on site.


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CVMA Fallen Brothers Memorial Ride Date: 09/05/2020 Time: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM Location: Coach’s Eastgate Grille, 6750 Eastgate Blvd, Lebanon, TN 37090 Please join the Combat Veteran Motorcycle Association for our 8th annual Fallen Brothers Memorial Ride. Registration starts at 9am - 10:30am. KSU at 11am. Fee is $15 per bike and $5 for the passenger. Final stop, Keller’s Restaurant at 325 TN-25 in Hartsville TN. There will be a live drawing for an 80 quart Pelican cooler worth over $600 plus other great prizes. Tickets are $20 each for the cooler. POC Andrea “Squeaky” Forte (615) 752-8221. Shady Valley Country Store Biker Cookout Weekends Date: 09/05/2020, 09/06/2020, 09/12/2020, 09/13/2020, 09/19/2020, 09/20/2020, 09/26/2020, 09/27/2020 Time: 10:00 AM – 9:00 PM Location: Shady Valley Country Store, 110 Highway 133, Shady Valley, TN 37688 Shady Valley Country Store & Grill, the Home of “The Snake”, invites all riders to our Biker Cookout Weekends! New owners Chris & Collin Mahala are serving up old fashion grilled burgers, hot dogs, Philly subs and more. Every Saturday & Sunday, 10am-9pm.

Smoky Mountain H-D Demo Days Date: 09/05/2020 & 09/12/2020 Time: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM Location: Smoky Mountain H-D, 1820 W Lamar Alexander Pkwy, Maryville, TN 37801 Test one. Test them all. Stop in and ride today! Hwy 64 Gym Labor Day Show Date: 09/05/2020 Time: 5:00 PM Location: Hwy 64 GYM, 5800 Highway 64, Copperhill, TN 37317 Come out to Hwy 64 Gym, Home of the 12oz. curl and enjoy a super show by Appachee Don. We are the biker bar and grill for everything between Cleveland, TN and Murphy, NC. Last stop before NC on 64. Thursday: $1 Taco and $1 mystery beer. Rafters, hippies and bikers welcome. Chopper’s Grill Crystal Karaoke Date: 09/05/2020, 09/12/2020, 09/19/2020, 09/26/2020 Time: 8:00 PM – 12:00 AM Location: Chopper’s Grill, 1200 Donelson Ave., Old Hickory, TN 37138 Saturday Night just got better in Old Hickory with Crystal Karaoke 8-12! Come sing your favorite songs and have some awesome drinks and food at The Lil Shack On The Corner! Always a great time with Crystal! Chopper’s Grill Funtastic Sunday Date: 09/06/2020, 09/13/2020, 09/20/2020, 09/27/2020 Time: 3:00 PM – 7:00 PM Location: Chopper’s Grill, 1200 Donelson Ave., Old Hickory, TN 37138 Funtastic Sunday’s at Chopper’s are awesome with Live Music and Free Cookout (until it’s gone), Drink and Shot Specials and $1 Jello Shots. This is the place for all your sports and drink specials and a great way to end your weekend! Smoky Mountain H-D Project Ridemore / The Rattler Date: 09/08/2020 Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Location: Smoky Mountain H-D, 1820 W Lamar Alexander Pkwy, Maryville, TN 37801 Join us as we take a ride out to The Rattler! We’ll be meeting at the dealership at 9am. Make sure your bike is gassed up and you’re ready to ride. Smoky Mountain H-D Project Ridemore / Helen GA Date: 09/11/2020 – 09/12/2020 Time: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM Location: Smoky Mountain H-D, 1820 W Lamar Alexander Pkwy, Maryville, TN 37801 Join us as we take an overnight trip to Hellen, GA! We’ll be staying at the Country Inn & Suites. Meet at the dealership on Friday at 9am and be ready to ride! Smokey Mountain St. Jude Ride Date: 09/12/2020 Time: 8:00 AM – 11:00 PM Location: Bootlegger Harley-Davidson, 605 Lovell Rd., Knoxville, TN 37932 Join riders from IL & MO as the Smokey Mountain St. Jude Ride departs Knoxville and heads to Dyersburg, TN and on to Memphis, TN. This is a multi-State event honoring a fallen rider with strong ties to TN. More info @ our Fb pageSt. Jude Rides, Knoxville TN Hwy 64 Gym Ride With Gibbs Date: 09/12/2020 Time: 10:00 AM Location: Hwy 64 GYM, 5800 Highway 64, Copperhill, TN 37317 All vehicles welcome for our 2nd Annual James Gibbs Memorial Ride. This is not a benefit ride. Just come out, ride, have fun and enjoy the camaraderie and celebration with us. We’ve a great route planned that James would love. See FB for actual route. Rain date: 09/19/2020



Punkin Center Motorcycle Resort Swap Meet Date: 09/13/2020 & 09/27/2020 Time: 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM Location: Punkin Center Motorcycle Resort, 7304 Old Railroad Bed Rd., Maryville, TN 37801 Join us every 2nd and 4th Sunday for a Swap Meet. Vendors wanted! Contact Punkin Center for details on set up at (865) 856-5455

Smoky Mountain H-D Project Ridemore / Pinnacle Overlook Date: 09/22/2020 Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Location: Smoky Mountain H-D, 1820 W Lamar Alexander Pkwy, Maryville, TN 37801 Join us as we take a ride out to Pinnacle Overlook! We’ll be meeting at the dealership at 9am. Make sure your bike is gassed up and you’re ready to ride.

Smoky Mountain H-D Project Ridemore / Sequatchie Valley Date: 09/15/2020 Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Location: Smoky Mountain H-D, 1820 W Lamar Alexander Pkwy, Maryville, TN 37801 Join us as we take a ride out to Sequatchie Valley! We’ll be meeting at the dealership at 9am. Make sure your bike is gassed up and you’re ready to ride.

West TN Valley Rally Date: 09/24/2020 – 09/27/2020 Time: 8:00 AM – 12:00 AM Location: 805 Foster Road, Crump, TN 38310 (Behind Hillbilly’s Wing Shack) Join us for an Old School Motorcycle Rally Sept. 24th – 27th featuring Live Music, Contest, Bike Show, Bike Games, Poker Run, Corn Hole Tourney, Vendors, Onsite Camping and Much More! For more info call (731) 412-8452 or visit

15th Annual Redneck Rumble Car Show & Swap Meet Date: 09/18/2020 – 09/19/2020 Time: 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM Location: Wilson County Expo Center, 945 E Baddour Pkwy, Lebanon, TN 37087 Join us for the South’s biggest and baddest hot rod show! Cool customs, hot rods, rat rods and motorcycles. Huge swap meet, vintage and memorabilia. Live music. Flat track motorcycle races. Camping, food vendors and more! The South’s greatest gathering of gear heads! Benefit Ride & Auction Date: 09/19/2020 Time: 9:00 AM Location: Woodland Park, 821 West 9th St., Columbia, TN 38401 Registration 9am; KSU 10am @ Rotary Shelter in Woodland Park. Ride fee is $20/Bike, includes lunch. Lunch and silent auction following the ride. All riders and vehicles welcome! Proceeds benefit Gary & Miriah Chapman. The Chapman’s were injured in a bad rollover accident in their Razor (ATV). Gary broke his neck and severely damaged his spinal cord; Miriah has severe injuries to her arm. Their recovery will be costly due to their injuries. So come out and ride for a great cause! FMI: events/278243256747886 Nirvana Roadhouse Biker Chick Nation / Women Riders Rally Date: 09/19/2020 Time: 10:00 AM Location: Nirvana Roadhouse, 704 Britton Hollow Road, Pulaski, TN 38478 Hey ladies!! So many more women are riding now, so let’s get together and support each other, find new friends and riding buddies and have a great party! We will meet to ride together in the Trail of Tears ride going through Huntsville, then back to Nirvana for bike games, chicken drop, cornhole and a 100 ft. slip n slide, then get ready to party with Phoenix Rising, an awesome band with the coolest female lead singer around, heck she even hula hoops fire!! Camp with us, plenty of primitive camping, some hook ups and hot showers on site at our backwoods bar on a beautiful 100 acre farm in southern TN. Focus is to bring women riders together, but all are welcome over 21. Call Nyla at (931) 309-2581 for more details. BWC Leslie W. Watson Memorial Toy Run Date: 09/19/2020 Time: 11:00 AM Location: Wilma Rudolph Event Center, 8 Champions Way, Clarksville, TN 37040 Join us for the 39th Annual Leslie W. Watson Memorial Toy Run Saturday, Sept. 19th! Line up at 11am at the Wilma Rudolph Center, ride departs at 1pm, and ends at Appleton Harley-Davidson. Contactless toy and donation drops, food trucks, limited toy run t-shirts will be available, and live music.



Appleton H-D Fall Open House Date: 09/26/2020 Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Location: Appleton Harley-Davidson, 2501 Hwy 41A Bypass, Clarksville, TN 37043 Join us Sat., Sept. 26th for our Fall Open House! Over $2,500 in gift cards and prizes given away throughout the day, Live Music by Lucian Greene & Fever Band, Food, Cold Brew, Vendors, Up to 50% Off Select Official Licensed Products. Text HD4U to 68683 to be the first to hear about Special Promotions, Events & Exclusive Offers. Smoky Mountain H-D Project Ridemore / Dinner Bell Date: 09/26/2020 Time: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM Location: Smoky Mountain H-D, 1820 W Lamar Alexander Pkwy, Maryville, TN 37801 Join us as we take a ride out to Dinner Bell! We’ll be meeting at the dealership at 10am. Make sure your bike is gassed up and you’re ready to ride. Appleton H-D Buddy & Glen Memorial Poker Run & Fish Fry Date: 09/26/2020 Time: 11:00 AM Location: Appleton Harley-Davidson, 2501 Hwy 41A Bypass, Clarksville, TN 37043 Join us for the Buddy & Glen 18th Annual Memorial Poker Run & Fish Fry! Proceeds of the benefit will go to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital! Giveaways, live music and more! Smoky Mountain H-D Project Ridemore / Mercier’s Orchard Date: 09/29/2020 Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Location: Smoky Mountain H-D, 1820 W Lamar Alexander Pkwy, Maryville, TN 37801 Join us as we take a ride out to Mercier’s Orchard! We’ll be meeting at the dealership at 9am. Make sure your bike is gassed up and you’re ready to ride. BWC Oktober Fest Date: 10/03/2020 Time: 12:00 PM – 10:00 PM Location: Downtown Commons, 215 Legion St. Clarksville, TN 37040 Tell A Buddy & Bring All Your Friends…Something for the whole family. $5 entry for everyone 10 and older. A traditional Bavarian Bier Garden with a variety of Fall & German Brews. German Foods & Other Food Vendors. Stein Hoist Competition, Brat Eating Contest, Wiener Dog Races, and Live Music. Everyone is encouraged to dress up in their Favorite German/Bavarian Costumes. There will be a Kids Zone with Pumpkin & Face Painting, Inflatables, & Much More! All Proceeds Benefit Special Needs Children Charities. FMI:


Brushy Mtn. State Pen / Jamey Johnson Live Date: 10/03/2020 Time: 8:00 PM – 11:00 PM Location: Brushy Mtn. State Pen, 9182 Hwy 116, Petros, TN 37845 Returning to the Brushy Mountain stage is a crowd favorite, Jamey Johnson on October 3rd! Bring your lawn chairs and join us in the prison yard! Gates open at 6pm, show begins at 8pm and fireworks to follow. Camping and Parking will be Free. Show is ages 21+. We are Covid conscious, come out and safely enjoy with us. Grab your tickets now at!

Brushy Mtn. State Pen / 2nd Annual Pistons at The Prison Date: 10/10/2020 Time: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Location: Brushy Mtn. State Pen, 9182 Hwy 116, Petros, TN 37845 Ride your rat rod, custom rod, classic oldie, vintage or shiny new motorcycle to our Pistons show! See ad in this issue for details or visit 24th Highway 41 Toy Convoy & Show Date: 11/01/2020 Time: 12:00 PM Location: Raider Academy, 865 McMinnville Hwy, Manchester, TN 37355 The 24th Highway 41 Toy Convoy will roll Sunday, Nov 1st at noon. You are welcome to join the grandfather of Toy Convoys in TN and the only convoy that invites All Vehicles. This year we are saluting our men and women in blue and Cathy Hinners, highly decorated retired police officer will be our grand marshal. Only $10 per vehicle to ride or $20 per vehicle to show, plus a new unwrapped toy or two. Trophies will be given to the winners of the show. All decisions final. Door prizes given throughout the day. Route is police escorted from Raider Academy up to Hwy 41 north to Beech Grove and west to Wartrace square. All show entries must register and ride in the convoy. Motorcycles, jeeps, trucks, rat rods, hot rods and big rigs are expected. Please fly the American flag or the thin blue line flag. We roll at noon rain or shine. FMI: Katy 931.857.3643. Find us on FB Punkin Center Motorcycle Resort / Rumble On The Dragon Date: 11/05/2020 – 11/08/2020 Time: 4:00 PM – 10:00 PM Location: Punkin Center Motorcycle Resort, 7304 Old Railroad Bed Rd., Maryville, TN 37801 Let’s Get Ready To Rumble! Rumble on the Dragon Fall 2020 is going to be our biggest yet! 4 days of live music, vendors, raffles, poker run, bike games, and so much more! Band lineup and more details coming soon! EVENT LISTINGS ARE FREE Increase your attendance by posting your event in Thunder Roads® Magazine of Tennessee! All Advertised Events in our Magazine will have their event posted on the Centerfold Calendar (when admissible) and your Event will be Highlighted on the Thunder Roads® Events page of the Magazine. Thunder Roads® Magazine of Tennessee, Your TN Biker Connection (Call about our Special Discounts for Charity Events). To get your event listed in Thunder Roads® Magazine and on our website, submit the information on the Event Form on our website. Event information must be submitted prior to the 10th of the month preceding the event month to be posted in the magazine. Remember to call ahead before planning to attend any event as the information/ dates may change. Thunder Roads® is NOT responsible for errors or omissions.












If You Are A BIKER FRIENDLY BUSINESS And Would Like To See Your BUSINESS LISTED And Receive Thunder Roads® TN Magazines Each Month, Call (615) 389-1149 **(BFD LISTING ONLY $240 PER YEAR)** READERS Pick Up Your Copy Of Thunder Roads® Magazine of TN Each Month At Any Of These Fine Locations DEALERS & SHOPS Abernathy’s Harley-Davidson® 1703 West Main Street Union City, TN 38261 (866) 452-2775 Appleton Harley-Davidson® 2501 Hwy 41A Bypass Clarksville, TN 37043 (931) 648-1607 Bootlegger Harley-Davidson® 605 Lovell Rd. Knoxville, TN 37932 (865) 671-2454 Boswell’s H-D Country Roads 1424 Interstate Dr. Cookeville, TN 38501 (931) 526-3139 Boswell’s of Nashville 401 Fesslers Ln. Nashville, TN 37210 (615) 242-6067 Boswell’s Ring of Fire H-D 2200 Gallatin Pike N Madison, TN 37115 (615) 855-1001 Bumpus Harley-Davidson® Of Collierville 325 S Byhalia Rd. Collierville, TN 38017 (901) 316-1121 Bumpus Harley-Davidson® of Jackson 326 Carriage House Dr. Jackson, TN 38305 (731) 422-5508 Bumpus Harley-Davidson® of Memphis 2160 Whitten Rd. Memphis, TN 38133 (901) 372-1121 Bumpus Harley-Davidson® of Murfreesboro 2250 NW Broad St. Murfreesboro, TN 37129 (615) 849-8025 Colboch Harley-Davidson® 1830 N Davy Crockett Pkwy Morristown, TN 37814 (423) 586-5343 Crockett Powersports 4113 S Access Rd. Chattanooga, TN 37406 (423) 760-3670 Harley-Davidson® of Columbia 1616 Harley Davidson Blvd. Columbia, TN 38401 (931) 540-0099


Indian Triumph Of Knoxville 5820 Clinton Hwy Knoxville, TN 37912 (865) 689-4321 Knoxville Harley-Davidson® 5800 Clinton Highway Knoxville, TN 37912 (865) 689-2454 Moonshine Harley-Davidson® 7128 S. Springs Drive Franklin, TN 37067 (866) 667-8836 Music City Indian Motorcycle 1003 8th Ave S Nashville, TN 37203 (615) 401-9341 Rocky Top Harley-Davidson® 105 Waldens Main St. Pigeon Forge, TN 37863 (865) 774-3445 Sloan’s Motorcycle & ATV 2233 Northwest Broad Street Murfreesboro, TN 37129 (615) 893-0150 Smith Brothers Harley-Davidson® 3518 Bristol Hwy Johnson City, TN 37601 (423) 283-0422 Smoky Mountain Harley -Davidson® 1820 Lamar Alexander Pkwy Maryville, TN 37801 (865) 977-1669 White Lightning Harley-Davidson® 7720 Lee Hwy Chattanooga, TN 37421 (423) 892-4888

Miss Kay’s Country Store & The Nutcracker Shed 960 Brownfield Rd. Dover, TN 37058 (931) 305-6064 The H.U.T 815 Parkway Sevierville, TN 37862 (865) 365-4979 The Warden's Table 9182 Hwy 116 Petros, TN 37845 (423) 324-8687

CAMPGROUNDS Birdsong Resort, Marina & Campground 255 Marina Rd. Camden, TN 38320 (731) 584-7880 Punkin Center Motorcycle Resort 7304 Old Railroad Bed Rd. Maryville, TN 37801 (865) 856-5455

GUN SHOPS/SHOOTING RANGE Chilhowee Sportsman's Club 7601 Old Railroad Bed Rd. Maryville, TN 37801 (865) 856-0565 Tennessee Gun Country 1435 Fort Campbell Blvd. Clarksville, TN 37042 (931) 552-2118



A & R Texas BBQ 4407 Calderwood Hwy Maryville, TN 37801 (903) 744-2613

AIM/NCOM Richard M. Lester 800-531-2424 1-800-on-a-bike

Birdsong Resort, Marina & Campground 255 Marina Rd. Camden, TN 38320 (731) 584-7880

Garza Law Firm PLLC 550 West Main Street #340 Knoxville, TN 37902 (865) 329-6982 Toll Free: (866) 893-8413

Chopper’s Grill & Bar 1200 Donelson Ave. Old Hickory, TN 37138 (615) 894-7020

Law Tigers Motorcycle Lawyers 1-844-533-2913 1-800-LawTigers

Full Throttle Bar & Grill 333 Swinging Bridge Rd. Old Hickory, TN 37138 (615) 300-0645 Hillbilly’s Wing Shack 26280 Hwy 69 Adamsville, TN 38310 (731) 632-2222

LEATHER & REPAIR Buckle and Hide Leather 197 Enon Spring Road West Smyrna, TN 37167 (615) 768-5041

MINISTRIES Covenant Confirmers Ministries, Inc. Pastor Ron Baptiste A “Biker Church” for All Bikers & Their Families (615) 384-9010

MUSEUMS Birdsong Resort, Marina & Campground 255 Marina Rd. Camden, TN 38320 (731) 584-7880 Brushy Mtn. State Pen 9182 Hwy 116 Petros, TN 37845 (423) 324-8687

PARTS & ACCESSORIES Amsoil (615) 389-1149 Reference #1569065 Catalyst Cycles 1074 Courier Place, Ste 402 Smyrna, TN 37167 (615) 984-7969

SERVICES Bettencourt Originals Tracy Bettencourt Artist (931) 257-6938 Ventis Realty Keri Gilles Realtor 128 N. 2nd St., Suite 105 Clarksville, TN 37040 M: (931) 320-8028 O: (931) 444-5678 Tennessee Biker Medical Clinic 300 10th Ave E Springfield, TN 37172

TRAVEL/ACCOMMODATIONS Birdsong Resort, Marina & Campground 255 Marina Rd. Camden, TN 38320 (731) 584-7880 Mechele MacDaniel AAA Travel 1701 Mallory Ln., Ste 200 Brentwood TN 37027 (615) 376-1601 ext 265 Call for all your travel needs


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