July 2013

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Thunder Roads® magazine ohio www.thunderroadsohio.com www.facebook.com/thunderroadsohio

Main Office: 24381 Aurora Road, B-8 Bedford Heights, OH 44146 (440) 232-0340 (216) 754-8103 fax

Unplug from the Matrix

Office Hours: M-Th 10am-4pm Publisher Derek Smith ThunderRoadsOhio@gmail.com, (440) 785-7331 Sales & Marketing Iron Cowboy Productions, LLC info.ironcowboy@gmail.com, (440)678-8608 Layout & Design Meredith Hancock/Hancock Graphics Subscriptions to Thunder Roads Ohio are available for $29.95. Check or Money Order, payable to Iron Cowboy Productions, can be sent to: Iron Cowboy Productions 24381 Aurora Road, B-8 Bedford Heights, OH 44146 Or you can email: Acct.TRO@gmail.com for subscription information and to charge.



Years ago, The Matrix came out as a cutting edge “science fiction” movie with the over-thetop but thought provoking premise that our entire lives were just imagined - dreams in essence.. In reality we are all simply plugged into a super computer and sleeping our days away. From there the movie and it’s two sequals seemed to just get a little carried away and by the end even the most die-hard aficionado was scratching his head. Looking back the Matrix is recalled for revolutionary special effects and that cool “bullet time” effect which they invented for the movie. It occurred to me today, that our society seems intent on plugging ourselves into “the matrix”. Instead of experiencing life - we can just act it out online. Instead of planting a garden - play farmville. Instead of visiting with friends, just chat online. Instead of going outside and playing a yard game - the thought is to play lawn darts, badminton, or volleyball inside on the wii. Amazingly, we seem to have reached a point where playing “Wii” on the TV is considered exercise and shunned by some kids and adults alike as too strenuous. We are plugging ourselves into a virtual reality and slowly sedating ourselves as a society. Lately, Thunder Roads Ohio has been expanding our focus into motorsports - including motocross, racing, trail riding, and long distance adventure riding. There are a lot of reasons we have gone into these areas, and the “Matrix” is a key one. I strongly believe that we need to RE-ENGAGE life.. and focus on the reality around us. And it’s not enough to simply tell our kids to do it - we need to help create the excitement and support their interests. Motocross and racing are motorsport areas that we can involve our kids. Not all of us are going to head out to race ourselves, but we can attend a race with our kids or grandkids. Our partners at CRA (racecra.org) are hosting races almost every weekend all summer. Check them out and you might just get hooked. For less then the cost of the PS10, XBOX2000, and their accompanying games and services - you can most likely pick up a 50 (dirt bike) for your kids to bang around on. Sure there’s some danger. There’s a little risk in just about everything - why there’s a chance that they might just live a little and have some fun. Maybe dirt bikes and motocross isn’t your thing. How about just a ride with your kid? Next time you’re considering a movie for the family - consider checking out Long Way Round or Long Way Down. My new favorite actor from England - Ewan McGregor and his riding partner Charey Boorman take you along on spectacular road trips around the world. You can find them on some of the digital services - or you can just order them online like I did. It’s hard to watch either of these without feeling inspired. Maybe not to take a ride across Russia - but to simply get out and push the limits a little. It’s not just about our kids either. We are all falling for the lure of our electronic age. Instead of watching TV this evening, head out for a ride. And whether it’s your kid, girlfriend / boyfriend, husband or wife on the back - warn them about the risk of taking their iphone, ipad, or other digital device along. Something about the vibrations or “electromagnetic field” caused by outdated machinery - regardless, they need to leave their stuff behind or at the very least stow it in a side bag. We all need to unplug from our digital lives just a little and experience life a little more. Thank you, Derek Smith Publisher Thunder Roads Ohio


Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

Mail Bag................................................................................................4 Road Tales.............................................................................................6 Sturgis................................................................................................. 10 WWII Combat on a HD: Africa 1943...................................................... 16 ABATE Update...................................................................................... 21 Oklahoma...........................................................................................26 Ohio Veteran’s Home Run....................................................................30 Nancy Beach: From the Bike of the Bike...............................................42 Buckeye Thunder Run..........................................................................45 1946 HD WL.........................................................................................54 Calendar..............................................................................................58 Custom Feature: Soper’s Rocket Sled....................................................60 Vets Corner..........................................................................................64 Mods Vs. Rockers.................................................................................66 Thunder Roads Interview: Jarrod “Durty J” Daniel................................72 CRA Schedule.......................................................................................82 CRA Update..........................................................................................84 Motocross Gear....................................................................................86 DIY: Spark Plug Performance...............................................................90 Buckeye Firearms Report.....................................................................92 Iron & Ink............................................................................................95 Tabasco Report: Day Tripper.................................................................98 Sippin’ Shine with HillBilly...................................................................99 Live Music Listings............................................................................. 100 Biker Friendly Directory..................................................................... 101 Thunder Roads Marketplace............................................................... 106 Joker’s Wild........................................................................................116 Events.................................................................................................117 Bike Nights........................................................................................ 126

On the cover... Brent and Tammy Soper’s Snowmobile driven Suzuki as shot by Bob Mazur with cover model Lisa M.

Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO



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As told by

The Iron Cowboy

Dulle Ride - July 27 Mason, Ohio On Saturday, July 27; The Iron Shields LE MC and Powder Keg HOG Chapter 2713 host a benefit ride honoring Warren County Deputy Sheriff Sgt. Brian Dulle, who was killed in the line of duty on May 10, 2011. Sgt. Dulle is survived by his wife and three young children one of which is the namesake of a non-profit group called Maddie’s Hope, which raises money for cancer research. While it’s always tragic when we lose one of the good guys, this one is especially because Sgt. Dulle was one that actively worked for the benefit of others. A US Army Veteran, he worked hard to protect and serve those in the community and was considered a leader amongst his peers. On May 10, a memorial was unveiled at the Lebanon Justice Center to commemorate his passing three years ago. In addition, a portion of Route 42 and Utica Road in Turtlecreek Township, where he was killed, was named in his honor. 6


Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

CRA sanctioned races and events on their property in Lorain county, just south of Lake Erie. Motorcycle Pioneer John Penton and his brother Ted were the original President and VP of the club. Thunder Roads is proud to partner with the Meadowlarks and help promote the events they host. We believe that clubs such as this create a tremendous opportunity for young riders - as well as those young at heart. They play an essential role in developing young riders and their interest in motorsports such as motocross. These long established clubs, such as the Meadowlarks and Dayton Motorcycle Club, maintain a proud history that is a foundation of these sports. For more information on the Meadowlarks, upcoming races, or the gun raffle - visit them online at www.meadowlarks.org

Insurance Institute For Highway Safety petitioning Federal Government to Require ABS on All Motorcycles Registration begins at 8am at Powder Keg (2382 Kings Center Ct, Mason OH) and the ride leaves at 10am sharp. Riders will also be departing Tri-County Harley-Davidson, Fairfield. Festivities follow the ride - including live bands, door prizes, a gun raffle, and split the pots til 3pm. All proceeds will go to support the Brian Dulle Scholarship Fund, The Shield, and Maddie’s Hope. We ask that you consider joining us for this worthwhile event.

Motorcycle Club - Gun Raffle The Amherst Meadowlarks, a Northern Ohio motorcycle club established in 1954, is hosting a gun raffle on Saturday, July 20th at 5pm. Ten new guns including a Bushmaster AR-15 and assorted handguns, shotguns, and rifles will be given away as part of a fundraiser for the club and property. All guns are provided by Gander Mountain. Food and beverages will be provided - and tickets are $10 each for the raffle. The Club also invites everyone to stay afterwards for a bonfire and camping on their property.

Motorcycles with antilock braking systems (ABS) are 31 percent less likely to be involved in fatal crashes than those same motorcycles without ABS, a recent analysis by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) shows. Meanwhile, a new study from the Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI) shows a 20 percent reduction in the rate of collision claims with ABS and a 28 percent reduction in the frequency of claims for rider injuries. HLDI analysts found that ABS had an even bigger effect in conjunction with combined braking systems, which integrate a motorcycle’s front and rear brake controls. The two technologies together reduced collision claim frequency by about a third. IIHS and HLDI first reported significant reductions in crashes and fatalities with motorcycle ABS in 2008 and again in 2010. The findings prompted IIHS to urge the government to make ABS mandatory on all motorcycles. Now that several more years’ worth of data are confirming the benefits, IIHS and HLDI are formally petitioning the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) for an ABS requirement. “The data continue to accumulate in support of motorcycle ABS five years after we first reported on its effectiveness,” says Adrian Lund, president of both IIHS and HLDI. “We hope NHTSA will agree that it’s time to take action to ensure all riders get the benefit of this lifesaving technology.”

The Amherst Meadowlarks is a family oriented club that hosts

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Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO 5/14/13 9:43:03 AM

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STURGIS If you’ve never been - you need to go.

We pretty much spend all year attending motorcycle events and rallies across the country. (Not complaining - I know that there are harder jobs out there.) We attend rallies from Texas to Florida, and throughout the Midwest. We ride up and down the East Coast and up as far as New Hampshire. At the end of the year, we have some great stories to share - but admittedly a lot of the trips seem to run together. A lot of the rallies and shows tend to follow the same game plan, so they take a familiar tone after awhile. There is one huge exception to this - though, and that’s Sturgis!

I always hesitate to say this, for fear of offending some hard core folks - but I consider Sturgis to be something of a religious experience for me. Sturgis is a celebration of the open road as it spans multiple states and hundreds of miles. I’d say it was all about the ride - but the folks you meet along the way are often times more unique and engaging then any scenic view or landmark. Just when you think you’ve seen it all - you see something more amazing or meet someone that’s even crazier. Between The Buffalo Chip, Glencoe, Full Throttle and the other big name bars - there are easily at least a half dozen of the biggest parties on the planet being held right down the road from each other. I wonder how many “camp grounds” Kid Rock and Toby Keith are playing at this year. They both are playing the Buffalo Chip this year, along with ZZ TOP, Rob Zombie, Sublime, and so many more. Any one of these destinations could be a rally unto themselves - but they are all just a short ride from each other. Just as amazing are all the little towns and spots that overflow with


bikers during the rally that would otherwise be fairly sparse. It’s kinda surprising when you ride into a little town in Wyoming, past the “Population 167” sign; and you find yourself in the midst of a cookout with a few thousand riders. Folks come from all over the country and world to join the party (eh, rally) and everyone has their favorite spots. Whatever you do, though, don’t chisel that list in stone. If you’re out riding around and checking out the sites, you will be AMAZED at all of the unique stops and folks you’ll find. And after you think it can’t possibly get any bigger or amazing - you jump on your bike, ride a few hours and come across an even bigger party.

All of this is situated in the midst of some of our nation’s most scenic lands. The Black Hills, Sturgis, Deadwood, Mount Rushmore, the road to Spearfish - these are all sights to be seen. It’s one thing to look at a map and consider how large our nation is. It’s an entirely different thing to ride for hours - with virtually no sign of civilization anywhere on the horizon other then the black strip you’re flying down. No street lights, no buildings, no cars nothing but the road you’re on carving it’s way through fields and hills. Then you pull over at an old abandoned stone house that’s become a waystation for thousands of riders over the years - and you meet a few new brothers from around the world. All drawn to make the journey. I made the trip to Sturgis for the first time in 2007, and I’m headed back this year. I’d encourage everyone that can - to join us on this ride. If you’ve never been and can’t make it this year begin planning for next year. It’s just one of those things that you


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have to do. If you love to ride - and love our country; Sturgis is a must hit on your bucket list. A little about the History of Sturgis In Sturgis, S.D., on August 14, 1938, a group of nine men raced their motorcycles with a small group of people watching. The bikers were known as the Jackpine Gypsies Motorcycle Club which later organized the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally along with a fellow member and owner of the Indian Motorcycle Shop, J.C. “Pappy” Hoel. Pappy Hoel worked for his family’s ice business before buying an Indian motorcycle franchise and becoming one of the most successful dealers in South Dakota. Since then, the rally has continued every year since that first race in 1938 -with the exception of two years during World War II. Now, more then seven decades after the first rally, the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally is still going strong and doesn’t show any signs of slowing down. An event that started out as a small group of racers has turned into the largest motorcycle gathering in the world. All types of motorcycles are represented at the rally as well as all different types of people. In 1960 the attendance of the rally topped only 800 people and in 1970 that number grew to 2,000. The Rally mentions in its official guidebook that after 1970 the attendance of the weeklong event grew exponentially. In the year 2000 about 550,000 people attended the rally. Of course, Daytona Beach, Fla., is infamous for its Bike Week event, but one of the things that makes the attendance of the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally so exceptional is that the city of Sturgis normally only has a population of about 6,000 people. In addition to the city of Sturgis’ small population, the entire state of South Dakota nearly doubles its population when the rally bikers show up each year. The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally keeps its traditional racing roots by offering a half-mile (.8-kilometer) motorcycle race similar to Hoel’s first race. Other races, competitions, concerts and far more entertainment than the original founders ever planned have been added, too.

South Dakota Motorcycle Driving Laws Equipment: • Every motorcycle must be equipped with at least one but no more than two headlamps. • The handlebars of a motorcycle must be no higher than the shoulder height of the person operating the motorcycle. • All persons under the age of 18 must wear motorcycle safety helmets that are approved by the South Dakota Department of Transportation. • A person riding in an enclosed cab attached to a motorcycle does not have to wear a safety helmet. • A motorcycle operator must wear an eye protective device unless the motorcycle is equipped with a windscreen of sufficient height and design that protects the motorcycle operator. When headlights are required to be on, a motorcycle operator cannot wear protective eye devices that are tinted or shaded to reduce the light transmission of the device below 35 percent. • Motorcycles must have at least one tail lamp, which when lighted emits a red light visible for a distance of 500 feet. Noise Limits: Every motorcycle must at all times be equipped with a muffler in good working order and in constant operation to prevent excessive or unusual noise. Source: AAA Motor Law Digest Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO





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World War II Combat on a Harley Davidson: Africa 1943 First American Soldiers meet the British Army, 70 years ago, April 7, 1943 In 1943 Allied forces of the Western Task Force under the command of Major general George C. Patton were operating in North Africa. He was attacking the Axis powers, specifically, German Field Marshall Erwin Rommel, notoriously called “the Desert Fox”. The 899th Tank Destroyer Battalion was part of the Western Task Force and was providing support for the battles at Gafsa and el Guettar. I was a messenger with the 899th Tank Destroyer Battalion attached to its command post and it was my duty to carry messages, by motorcycle, between Battalion command and my Company Commander. After landing at Casablanca January 25th, 1943 we trained in desert warfare and broke in the new equipment we were issued. Where we were bivouacked I could see, from my pup tent, the white building where on January 14, 70 years ago, Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Charles DeGaulle met in Casablanca. On one training exercise we had to get into a fox hole and have one of our tanks run over us. They had about 12 fox holes all in a row. I was in the last hole. I could hear that tank coming and the ground shaking. I had a feeling that something just wasn’t right. When he got over my fox hole he turned the tank right on top of me and the side of my fox hole caved in on me. They blew the whistle to get up; I couldn’t move. They yelled “Peepers get up!” I yelled back “I can’t”. So they had to dig me out. I was ok, but a little shook up. This is what they call ” friendly fire”. I had plenty of that in France, Belgium and Germany. When I got my new Harley Davidson about three weeks after we arrived at Casablanca, Africa, I had to put 500 miles on it to break it in. That fun ended on March 1st, 1943 when we started the long trip to the front. It took us 7 ½ days and 1,400 miles. I got a good view of Africa riding my motorcycle. Some mornings when I got up I had frost all over me and my motorcycle. One day I got so cold riding I had to stop and jump up and down on the road to warm up. A French farmer saw me and had one of his workers bring a big arm full of straw and set it on fire so I could get warm. It sure helped a lot. We arrived at our new bivouac area on March 14, 1943. It was just east of Bouchebka which is just across the Algerian border in Tunisia. East of Tunisia is Libya. This is the area where the British and Germans had been fighting for about 3 or 4 years. Last year with the war in Libya, television reports showed Libya and all of North Africa: the whole area where I spent 10 months and put about 3 thousand miles on my motorcycle. It was during this time that I stole little Moe, our “C” Company mascot, on orders from my First Sergeant. When the Sergeant wanted a jeep driver, he always picked me. I had to drive him and another first Sergeant into town and the first stop was a bar. The Bartender and owner had a little black puppy that belonged to his little daughter. He put it up on the bar so we could pet it. The Sergeant put a little brandy in a saucer and the puppy got drunk. The first Sergeant said to me, “Peepers, when we get ready to leave, you put the puppy in your jacket”. I said, “Sergeant the puppy belongs to the bartender’s little daughter, I can’t do that”. He said, “It’s an order!” So that is how we got our company mascot. Little Moe went to Italy, England, France, Belgium and Germany with us. In England Moe liked to ride on my motorcycle. I was in the hospital when Little Moe got left in a German house being used as the Company command post. They pulled out during the night and forgot about Moe. The last time I saw Moe, she was setting on a soldiers lap in a big army truck that went by me as I was standing on a street corner in a small town in Germany. That was the first and 16

the last time I saw Moe since a week before “D” day, June 1st 1944. Moe landed at Utah beach on “D” Day and I landed on Omaha Beach June 10th. On the morning of April 7th at about 7:00am I was given a message originating from Patton’s headquarters to deliver to the Company “C” Commander of the 899th. The message contained orders to move his tanks up toward Tunis. They spread a map of the area over the hood of a jeep and showed me the “C” Company location and said they were getting ready to pull out and might be gone by the time I got there. I was directed to find them and make sure the Captain got the message. On this assignment I met the British in Africa. We were about one mile into no-man’s-land. The Germans were retreating and the British were attacking and I and George Keyges were in between. That is no-man’s-land. George A. Kegyes Jr., a tank driver from my company was looking for a ride back to “C” Company. He had just gotten out of the hospital and had one of his hands still bandaged. I told him to get on the back of my motorcycle since we were going to the same place. For the next half hour we didn’t see another soldier or hear any shooting. It was quiet except for my loud motorcycle. At one point we took a spill and damaged the muffler at the end of the exhaust pipe so I took it off. We got to where “C” Company was supposed to be but they had already pulled out. We stopped on a small hill and, looking around, did not see any soldiers or vehicles. We did see about five or six wild camels and they were moving fast right toward us. I told George we needed to get out of there. Something had spooked the camels. We continued down the road looking for “C” Company. George saw a scout car on a hill off to our right so I stopped the motorcycle to get a better look. I think they were watching us closely and were probably scouting for Germans. I knew it wasn’t an American scout car and I hadn’t heard anything about the British being that close. I knew the German Army was close because we had been fighting them for the last five months. I told George we should go down the road a little further and then we will turn back if we didn’t see Company “C”. We went over a small hill and right in front of us was the British 8th Army convoy.


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I think that is why I completely forgot about meeting the British 8th Army for 50 years. I was also lucky that I fell on my motorcycle near an ambulance rather than near the maintenance truck or alone somewhere in the desert. When I saw that article in the Elyria Chronicle, it all came back to me. Before April 7th, 1943 at the Battalion command post, I didn’t even know George Kegyes. He was from Company “C” but in a different Platoon. We were both from Ohio and lived about 13 miles from each other, I was from North Olmsted and George was from Elyria. Now I live just two streets from where George lived on 6th Street. George Kegyes is buried just miles from where I now live in Elyria.

They were stopped and standing by their trucks and tanks. When they saw we were Americans, they let out a yell, “Yanks, Yanks!” and their cheers ran down the convoy. They shook our hands and took our picture. We were as much a boost to their morale as they were to ours. We spent about five minutes with them and left to find “C” Company. We caught up with them in about a half hour. I gave the message to the Captain and I didn’t even tell him that we met the British 8th Army. I had completely forgotten about the incident until I was reading the Chronicle-Telegram on April 7th 1993 about what had happened in history 50 years ago. It described the meeting of the Americans and the British 8th Army on that date. I exclaimed to my wife that the Americans were me and George Kegyes. When George and I met the British on April 7 1943 and they let out that cheer “Yanks” and it went all the way down their convoy, I wonder how many times that word was said that day. We sure made lots of British soldiers happy and me and George also. It’s been 70 years and I still can hear “yanks”.

Harley Davidson Messenger as a Target

About 5 hours after we met the British I took a spill on my motorcycle and ended up in the hospital for 24 days. It had happened after “C” Company pulled out. We had just had lunch and I had lingered to finish my coffee. (Since I had my own transportation, I was pretty much free to do what I wanted unless I had a specific messenger assignment.) After coffee I left and rode to catch up with Company “C”. When I caught up with the convoy, the first vehicle I passed was the maintenance truck that always brings up the rear, then the kitchen truck and then the ambulance. I just got by the ambulance and ran into a shell hole on the shoulder of the rough road and took a bad spill. The soldiers in the ambulance thought I had run over a mine or a shell had landed on me. They said I made a big cloud of dust and when it cleared up I was standing up and they could see that my collar bone was broken, and that I was dazed. I think that I completely flipped and came down on my head and right shoulder. When the medics pushed on my collar bone I passed out. They put big pieces of adhesive tape to hold my collar bone in place and started the 70 mile ambulance ride to an evacuation hospital. After we arrived they took me to a tent and laid me on the ground. I was on a stretcher and remember how dark it was in there. It was full of dead, wounded and injured soldiers. About midnight they came in and announced that we were to evacuate. All walking patients would ride in British ambulances and other patients would go by plane. I had never been in an airplane and I didn’t want to start then. I said that I could walk and that I wanted to go in the ambulance. The ambulance had benches on both sides that held patients on each side, stacked up. I had a small burlap bag with my personal things in it. I put it on my lap and rested my arm on top of the bag to relieve the pain on my broken collar bone. We hadn’t gone very far when I got sick and vomited. They laid me on the floor and that’s where I stayed for the rest of the trip to the General Hospital in Constantine, Africa. The hospital was an arrangement of tents set up in a wheat field. The next morning I walked over to the operating tent and got my collar bone fixed and they put a jacket cast down to my waist. My arms were free to move. I had that on for 20 days. Our “barracks” were long tents and our “cots” were five or six inches of wheat. Our “air conditioning” was when we rolled up the sides of the tents. That is where I spent Easter Sunday, 1943. By May 1st I was back with my company and got right back on my motorcycle. The operations against the Axis powers had ended in Africa while I was in the hospital. It had been a good rest for me. We didn’t have to do anything but lie around and play cards all day. The incident with the British 8th Army and my injury showed me a lot about how luck and coincidence help you survive a war. Thunder Roads Magazine OHIO ®

Command Posts were a good target for German planes and artillery especially it’s officers, vehicles and, in the following case, my motorcycle. It was in March 1943 that I was at the command post and assembled there were 2 motorcycles, two half-track radio vehicles in addition to my motorcycle. A captain stopped for information and told his driver to put the camouflage net over his command car. Two German planes spotted that green net and attacked. The first bomb covered my fox hole and I had to use all my strength to push myself out of the hole through the dirt to get air or I would have suffocated like four other soldiers did right near me. When I stood up shaking the dirt off me and getting air, I saw the other German plane coming right at me as he released his bomb. That plane was so low that I felt like I was looking at the German pilot right in his eyes. I jumped back into my fox hole and took cover as best I could since it was full of dirt. I don’t know if I said it out loud or to myself, but I prayed “Please, God, I don’t want to die yet”. As soon as the planes left we started to dig in fox holes for the soldiers that got buried. We dug with our hands. I got hold of a soldier’s arm and another soldier helped me pull him out. He was dead. I got the order to pull out immediately because soon as those German Planes got back at their base they would give their artillery our location and they would shell us. We moved forward about two hundred yards and about one hundred yards off to the left of the black top road at the foot of some small hills. It was getting dark and I was getting in my sleeping bag because I was dead tired. An officer came up to me and said, “Peepers, you have to go back and get the Company Commander at the old command post.” And I said, “Sir, can you get someone else to go, I am too tired. He said “It’s an order” and I said “Yes, sir”. So I got on my motorcycle and counted two small hills I had to get over to get out on the black top road. By that time it was getting pretty dark and I had to drag my feet to keep on the road. The only light I had on my motorcycle was my black out light. No head lights were allowed on the front lines. When I got to the old command post, the captain yelled out “Is that you Peepers?” And I said “Yes, Sir.” He said, “Follow me!” One the way back an infantry soldier yelled “Watch out there is a hole here”. It was too late; I was already in the hole. I just gave the motorcycle more gas and climbed right back out. When we got back to the new command post, the officer that was with the captain came up to me and said, “How could you see?” I said, “Sir, I couldn’t see a damn thing, I felt my way back by dragging my feet on the road”. The officer said they had a hard time following my black out light on my tail light. The Germans didn’t drop any bombs on us that night, so I got a good night’s sleep next to my motorcycle. I was surprised those bombs didn’t damage my motorcycle. Of all the bombs and artillery that we were in, we never got hit. After the war ended in Africa, it was six more months of training



before I was sent to Italy. We only stayed in Italy about ten days and they took all our equipment away from us and sent us to England for the invasion of France. There I got another new Harley Davidson. Eventually they took that one away from me and assigned me as driver of an armored car for the second in command. He never rode with me and I had it all for myself. This is the armored car I drove onto Omaha Beach June 10th, 1944. On July 20th, I was made a tank commander for the next 5 months when I was made Platoon (Staff) Sergeant. George Kegyes died 34 years ago and I put flowers on his grave last Memorial Day. I will continue to do so as I do for my close buddy who died during the war. He is buried in Ravenna, Ohio, about 60 miles from where I live. I have put flowers on his grave for 66 years. He got killed by artillery fire. THE WAR AFTER “D” DAY Recalling operations in Africa brings back a lot of memories. It became a different kind of war after “D” Day. I lived through battles in France, Belgium, and Germany. As I met the British in Africa, I met the Russians at the Elbe River in Germany. Between those events we liberated thousands of French and Belgians and many prisoner of war camps. Even the Germans were glad to see us, but not the Russians. Four times I got into no-man’s land. Although there are many stories to tell about “no-man’s land”, one I remember clearly. In Germany in 1945 my platoon officer said we have to move up to the German lines and knock out a German machine gun that has our infantry pinned down behind trees in the woods. I guess the look that I gave him caused him to say, “It is an order from the infantry Colonel, and we have to do it”. He said “come on I’ll show you where it is”. At the edge of the woods there was high grass and we got down on

our bellies and crawled like a couple of snakes. A couple of times he looked back at me and whispered “keep your head down”. He pointed out to me the German machine gun. We crawled back the same way. I got in my tank and we moved up toward the machine gun. I could see our infantry lying behind the trees. I was giving the driver instructions and the gunner and we were right up in the German line. I could see the German soldiers as clearly as I could the American soldiers. I pulled out my pistol and shot at the closest Germans and hit one of them. We knocked out the machine gun and our soldiers attacked. Another time I was in a jeep and got about a mile into the German lines. There were five of us in the jeep when we saw three German soldiers coming out of a building. They ran for cover and our jeep driver slammed on the brakes and he backed down the road as fast as we could and turned the jeep around and we escaped with the three German soldiers shooting at us. No one got hit. When we got down the road about a mile we met our soldiers riding on our tanks. Our officer gave the Colonel the information and they spread the infantry out in the woods and the tanks down the road. The Germans pulled out real quick and not a shot was fired. The next day the Germans gave us a hard time before they retreated. I have many more stories to tell and now’s the time to do it. I had many close calls and spent 24 days in the hospital in Africa and about two weeks in Germany. I’m 93 years old and still in the color guard of the VFW Post 9871 in North Ridgeville, the American Legion in Elyria and the DAV in Elyria, and the Senior Fellowship of Elyria. I’m a life member of all of them.

Gear down and unwind on the “Country Roads” of Greater MORE!gantown, W.Va.: incredible twists and turns, crystal clear mountain streams, and plenty of motorcycle-friendly accommodations– from cabins to luxury resorts. River Rafting! Cool off this summer on a scenic, refreshing float trip through the Cheat Narrows.

Greater Morgantown CVB is a Proud Sponsor of MountainFest Motorcycle Rally: July 24-28 Three Dog Night, July 26 Joan Jett and the Black Hearts, July 27

Download our Motorcycle Road Trips Brochure at


Hike! Nearby Coopers Rock State Forest has 50 miles of leg-stretching trails and a 1,200-ft. spine-tingling overlook into a mile-wide gorge. . . . Plus kayaking, canopy tours and caving! Call Ben, our local motorcycle road tour expert 18





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juLY 2013

The Operating Budget (HB 59) has been passed by the Senate. This bill has language which clarifies motorcycle parking. The wording was changed by the Senate. This bill makes it legal to park a motorcycle in any direction in any parking space. It will also be legal to park no more than two motorcycles in any parking space, including metered parking spaces. Rep. Green had an interested party meeting on the Road Guarding bill. Law enforcement agencies are in opposition to this bill at this point. Rep. Green is collecting ideas from the law enforcement agencies on what needs to be changed in the bill to make it acceptable. At this point the ROW bill has not been introduced. Sen. Shaffer is planning an interested party meeting on this bill. My thoughts on the bill are that we need to increase the penalties for traffic violations which result in serious injury or death. We need to look at what the courts are currently using as penalties and increase those penalties. Over the past 4 years I have seen cases which included serious injury and death. All of the cases that I have seen included more than one charge. A ROW violation was given, and the defendant was also charged with vehicular assault or vehicular homicide. Vehicular assault and vehicular homicide are not covered under our ROW bill. Vehicular assault and vehicular homicide both carry jail time penalties if the courts give the maximum penalty. In most cases the court reduces the penalty. The reason defendants are not being given more fines is not an issue with the law as it is written in these cases. The reason is in the judicial system. Regards, Scott “ Woody” Wood Government Relations Director, ABATE of Ohio, Inc.

Hi Friends,


2013 is looking better as far as motorcycle accidents. Accidents: 2013 - 558 2012 - 1819 Fatalities: 2013 - 24 2012 – 61 Way to keep safe everyone! If we keep spreading the word, we can keep that fatality rate down. I was listening to an insurance company ad and it said that we all swim in the ocean and we know that man-eaters swim there too. Forty nine states have poisonous snakes but we still go for walks in the woods. When it rains we go out and play in it knowing that lightning can kill you. There are hazards everywhere we go. As bikers, we know when we ride that we can get run over & killed but we still do it because we love it. We would rather be riding than in the ocean, in the woods and for sure would rather be riding than in the rain. Be safe out there! We now have a sound meter to measure the noise levels of our bikes. If you are interested in knowing, check it out at the next ABATE function where we have a booth set up. You may be surprised. It will also be good info for the future when we may need to mobilize to keep our state from enacting noise laws. When you read this, we will be half way through the riding season. It’s time to check your tires for low tread and punctures. A good back tire can usually go 10,000 - 12,000 miles and the front tire can usually go double that. A tire going down is dangerous while you are riding and very expensive when it happens away from home. Better to be safe than sorry where tires are concerned. Our place to visit this month is Roscoe Village in Coshocton. It has lots of gift shops and a restaurant with a good tavern in the basement. While in Coshocton, you can also visit the country’s largest inland lighthouse - 65 feet to the top of the dome. Built by Gospel Hill Ministries, the lighthouse is open daily with free admission. Woodbury Wildlife area is the largest public wildlife area in Ohio with over 20,000 acres. All you outdoor types should enjoy that. For something really different look up the Heritage Quilt Barn Trail. It will take you on the back roads in Amish country for an interesting ride. See you all down the road. Ride Within Your Limits Mike Stock, Safety & Education Director, ABATE of Ohio, Inc. Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO





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ait, I need to go to the bathroom before we leave. I don’t have one on my house anymore.” I heard this while standing in a Carney, Okla., church overf owing with women, men and children bearing shovels, paper towels, flashlights, water, diapers, trash bags, snacks and gloves. I’d never heard that before nor ever dreamed would hear it. However, millions of us had never experienced what we saw, heard and felt in the days following the Oklahoma tornados on May 19th and 20th. My mind is still reeling from the week we have just experienced. I can’t imagine what those who were directly affected by loss of life, home and normalcy must be feeling. The scene being played out live on the television was horrifying. Millions watched the tornado drop from the sky onto the ground and bounce back to the sky, only to return to the ground to begin its 17 mile path of destruction through Moore, Okla.All I could do was pray, text people I knew were in its path, call, pray, text and pray some more. Then I began to cry. I didn’t know what else to do. I could only sit idly by, watching it unfold on television while safe in my home 50 miles away. As the twister carved its path, I could picture what parts of town were being destroyed. I called Fort Thunder Harley-Davidson. They answered! Frantically, I described the mile-wide monster lurking three miles from their building, urging them to take cover immediately. Then I watched and prayed as the tornado passed over them. Soon, the weatherman who showed a a flattened building and said, “that’s the Harley-Davidson store.” My heart sunk, and continued to sink as they showed seemingly endless hours of life lost, children buried, broken homes and crushed buildings. It was hours before my texts began to get answered. The television finally showed the Fort Thunder building again and I saw my friends’ building was standing! Although relieved to see they were spared, I felt a deep sadness for the other lives and homes torn, tattered and lost. Within a few hours, friends began calling me to find out if I was safe. One of the calls was from Dennis, the editor of the Missouri Thunder Roads Magazine. He said he’d already called Hideout Harley-Davidson in Joplin and arranged for them to start collecting donations. He said to me, “get on the phone right away and get in contact with your dealership advertisers and set up donation locations. Your readers will want to know where to donate.” Two minutes later, I was texting Forman Harley-Davidson to ask. Their answer was a quick, “YES!” As the sun began shining through the clouds onto the tornado torn state, I was making calls to dealerships and people. I received a call from Soldiers for Jesus’ Mike. He said that the Oklahoma CoC Christian Unity Mobile Resource Team, Coalition of Independent Riders (C.O.I.R) and CoC US Defenders wanted to partner with me. I wasn’t even sure how he knew I was considering it, but there was the divine call that started the ball rolling. I knew with their help this was possible. In what seemed like minutes, “Stick”, C.O.I.R., US Defenders Oklahoma Unit Commander, was on the phone with me preparing to set up at Harley-Davidson World in OKC. Did he have the ok? “Sure.” I said. Jim Strickland, general manager of Harley-Davidson World had agreed to let us set up a collection and distribution center in the parking lot. BAM! We were ready to help. Two awnings were erected, some emails, and phone calls made. Donations started rolling in to Hideout Harley-Davidson, Forman Harley-



Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

Torn Tattered and rebuilding Davidson and Harley-Davidson World. Fort Thunder Harley-Davidson was cleaning up the debris around their place, but they would be a distribution point for ground zero in Moore when ready. Their store is located yards away from the destroyed Medical Center (see story this issue The Rumble Was Moore Than Thunder). The managers of Myers-Duren Harley-Davidson, who had been out of town, called the next day and asked us to add them as a collection point as well. The days that follow are a blur. Carl Woods of BikeTow jumped into action on Tuesday. Numerous people helped by donating time, supplies, energy, trucks, trailers, mattresses, boxes, tape, tents, awnings and more. Items appeared immediately at our collection centers. A few of us made late-night, cross-state treks to distribute and transfer supplies. I’m not sure “Stick” ever slept. I do know gave the boots off of his own feet to a victim. He told me the victim drove up in a car half smashed by debris, no windows in it and he was wearing goggles to drive. He shopped for a few items and left. The next day he came back to shop for more. “Stick” was so taken back by the fact the man’s foot was cut open and he was wearing a pair of duct taped flip flops, that he handed the man a package of new socks from the stack, asked his shoe size, then handed the man the boots off his feet. “Stick” worked in his socked feet for a day, then in a pair of women’s Crocs. Two days later I was able to deliver “Stick” a new pair of Harley-Davidson boots to be donated thanks to Forman Harley-Davidson. Early Thursday morning our compound in OKC was torn to shreds by wind. We were scrambling to find more tents, awnings and enclosed trailers. Within an hour we had a vendor tent, barrels, trailers, trucks and drivers moving our way. Rusty, of Papa’s Leather, volunteered a 44’ enclosed trailer with shelves for us to set up as a storeroom for people to come shop. Friday came with new challenges. A collection was taken up for a woman who needed a freezer to store a trunk load of frozen meat she had been given to feed her family of five. We were able to buy the freezer and deliver it to her temporary housing. The number of trucks that went into Moore was endless. I was able to take 15 pizzas, with the help of Hideaway Pizza and Stillwater Living Magazine, to the Carney victims who greatly appreciated it. We met a couple there, Keith and Debbie, whose untouched home stood amidst the wreckage of 18 neighbors who lost absolutely everything. Keith told us “the hand of God protected our home so we could rescue and help our elderly neighbors.” Saturday was a day of donation at Forman Harley-Davidson. Then I went to Moore. It was the 4-foot-tall piles of wreckage except the looming outline of the debris of the Tower Plaza School where seven precious children had lost their lives. The scene was eerie and took my breath away. It was impossible to keep from weeping. Sunday brought us to the small community of Dale, OK. A tent city had been set up where a mobile home park once stood. We were able to set up a temporary kitchen with the help of Papa’s Leather, Lowe’s of Stillwater and C.O.I.R member, Hellfighters- Bo. We were assisted by many from ABATE of Oklahoma and Texas as well as Vaqueros from Denton, TX who rode in to help. The response from bikers and the community was amazing and allowed us to give truckloads of items directly to the victims. We had boots on the ground taking action. We want to thank everyone who helped us make this possible for so many in need. At press time, I didn’t have the complete list, but we will do a proper thank you in our July issue. Oklahoma is tattered and torn, but today we rebuild with partners around our state and across the nation. God Bless America! Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO





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we’ll go riding...I’ll buy the gas”.

Big Mike, Thunder Roads Ohio

There was Henry James, he was going to marry Rena and told Linda she could be his Wife-in-law.

ow, what a way to end a great week. The last day of OBW, Jay Allen invited everyone to ride over to the Ohio Veteran’s Home in Sandusky. We joined him in a visit that he does around the country, displaying Military Tribute bikes built by himself, Dar Holdsworth, Brigitte Bourget, Billy Lane and Kiwi Mike dedicated to each Branch of the Military. And man am I glad we took him up on his offer! To start with....when we rolled up, the sight of all of those TRUE HEROES, of the greatest generation, sitting in their wheelchairs waiting for us...just amazed me. Then as we started unloading the bikes, they sat patiently waiting to see their Branch’s Tribute, while others in our group started mingling with the Vets. All of them made special connections.


They would reminisce...telling stories of riding 50 years ago, old girlfriends, their Mom & Dad and of course WWII, Korea and Vietnam. I had one guy telling me how he liked where he was stationed so much during the war that he stayed overseas another year. After the war ended, stories of driving Generals, Senators and Congressman around. Sharing their memories just made them happy. These men and women are still so full of love and life, just as ornery and feisty as ever. Never asking for anything, but have given SO much for our Freedoms. I don’t care how tough or big and bad you think you are, just give one hour of you’re life to visit and talk with these people.... not even talk, just listen. The stories they tell, the happiness they show will melt your heart.

Just a simple little “Hi, how are you and what Military Branch were you in” would lead to some of the greatest stories I’ve ever heard. And the smiles we saw on these great people’s faces will never be forgotten.

You try to thank them for risking their lives for you and they stop and say thank you for coming and listening. One guy told me he has no family around and that he appreciates us breaking up the day. You know people donate money, food, clothing etc... and all that is great and makes you feel good and is needed. But, to donate some TIME means so much to these Vets. Thank God for people like Connie S, with little Chino at OVH. and Stan F. with Tiki from Stein Hospice who Volunteer with their Therapy Dogs who come to just “hang out”. They provide some much needed companionship.

There was an Army Veteran who said he had a Son that is a biker, and he has not seen him in a while. He said his Son would be so surprised to see a picture of him on a motorcycle. He could barely walk, but we put him on that Army Tribute Bike. We got that picture, not to mention the world’s biggest smile! Then there was the guy that the Nursing Staff said had Alzheimer’s, he kept calling my girlfriend’s name out. “Linda, hey why don’t you come back sometime and pick me up and



Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

The Ohio Veteran’s Home opened in 1888 to care for veterans of the Civil War and has been in continuous operation since. It is located in Sandusky, minutes from the shores of Lake Erie.”

Thank you to all our new found friends at Ohio Veteran’s Home, Stan F./TikiStein Hospice and Connie S./ChinoOhio Veteran’s Home Volunteer and my riding brothers and sisters, Brian Smith, Rena Crandell, Bobby Hotchkiss, George Merrow, and Linda Feathers.

I want to thank Jay Allen for letting us be involved in one of his special tributes. I will personally be delivering this month’s magazines to the Ohio Veteran’s Home. Anyone interested in making the ride up with us, please contact TRO. For more on the bikes visit rollingthunderrun. com and click on Tribute bikes. VETERANS HOME TODAY


And finally, I’d like to send a special thank you out to Michael E. Waldecki for the picture and poem. Mike is a Writer and an Air Force Veteran. Mike, this is my first

attempt at writing, whattcha think?

Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO





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SATURDAY, JULY 13 Boom Audio, Shirts, Eyewear and Daymaker LED Headlights! *Offer valid on day indicated, While supplies last, No rain checks, Not valid on previous purchases or motorcycles,

The Greater Cleveland Fisher House

Poker Run SATURDAY, JULY 27 First Group Out 10am Last Bike into HDSC 2pm

Staging next to Cleveland VA Hospital 105th & Magnolia at 8:30am SEE STORE FOR COMPLETE DETAILS!

$15 Per Bike / $25 2-Up

$10 Party Door Charge for Non-Riders

bailey rd 1/8

SUMMER STORE HOURS M-F 9am – 7pm Sat 9am – 5pm Sun Closed facebook.com/cleveland.harleydavidson Thunder Roads Magazine OHIO ThunderRoadsOhio.com ®

CHINESE RAFFLE! MUSIC BY THE GREEN! CASH PRIZES! Register at HDSC Today First 100 Registered Get Commemorative Patch/Rocker.




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BIKE NIGHTS Thunder Roads速 Magazine OHIO





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Fight Card subject to change • WWW.KINGSGYMOHIO.COM

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BIKE NIGHTS Thunder Roads速 Magazine OHIO




by Nancy Beach

have to start out by saying…WOW! Ohio Bike Week was unbelievable this year! I had the opportunity to talk to people from all over the country. And it was fun and it just keeps growing! Thank you to all that allowed me to take your picture and I hope you enjoy them! Now… on to the latest news. You know how we love to ride that old bike. And you know that we never go very far because of the well-known Shovel temperament. As we speak, we are still working on putting back together the newer one…the 88’ Heritage Softail otherwise known as Precious. Uh Oh! I just realized that I can’t call her the newer bike anymore. Yeah..we did it! We got a dresser! Now let’s make this clear that no bikes, not a one, were traded in or sold for this bike. So we still have our Shovel to putt around town on and we are still working on Precious. However, we actually took a day trip over Memorial Day Weekend that we could not have done before! There are a lot of mixed emotions about this new bike. First of all, she is awesome! She is smooth and very comfortable which I am having trouble getting used to. My guy keeps saying that I can sit back and relax and don’t have to hold on anymore. Really? I never have even had a sissy bar so me sitting back is a totally new experience. And when I do, it’s like sitting in a very comfortable chair…I might as well be in a recliner! Not only am I still holding on but I am still listening for parts to fall off. And believe me…no parts are falling off of this one. Then there is the stereo. I always felt that the ride should be about the sights and sounds of the journey. Who needs music on a ride? But, you have to try new things when it’s right in front of you, right? And… it does sound pretty good. Then there’s the cruise control and there is a gas gauge that actually works and shows you how much gas you have left. Guess we won’t be running out of gas on this one! 42

Ferry Island to Dice Run

The Bikes Oh..and blinkers! It has them! And there is this button that if you push it...it starts the bike! You don’t have to kick anything! You may be thinking that I sound a little crazy but you know what my experiences have been. They have been more of adventures than experiences and I wouldn’t trade them for anything. And I have been very aware of all these bells and whistles on other


Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO


OBW Kelley’s Is

OBW Kelley’s Dice Run bikes. Just not on the ones that I was on the back of.

nanacial Mike Bailey Chief Fi o Bike Week, sion, Ohi Officer-Security Divi ads to Dalys Pub delivering Thunder Ro

Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

We have been looking at Dressers for about 12 years. New and used ones. But we never found that one that got us excited and we always came home and said we were happy with the bikes we have. I think the actual remark was: “We really don’t need a dresser, do we?” Well, I guess we do now because this was love at first sight. You just know when it’s the one and its right! This bike really does open up some more riding opportunities for us and that is a nice thing. Taking a ride of


Mike and Jodi any distance has presented challenges in the past but don’t think for a minute that that old girl isn’t going to get her turn many times on the roads this summer. We now have options. “Options” is just another way of saying that we may just be getting older! So, is it hard to believe? The bike that we used to call the Geezer Glide is our new scoot and we like her a lot! And whether I’m holding on and listening for parts to fall off or kicking back and listening to music, the wind is still in our hair and we are having fun and… I am enjoying life from the back of the bikes.




Thunder Roads速 Magazine OHIO

Thunder Roads Ohio is proud to announce that the BUCKEYE THUNDER RUN IS BACK! This is a state-wide, summer-long riding challenge hitting the coolest riding destinations and events across Ohio, presented by Ohio’s #1 Biker Mag - Thunder Roads Ohio! It’s a ride like no-other and features great prizes every month!

The Way it Works

The Winners

Each month Thunder Roads Ohio we will announce a list of Thunder Run Stops here in the magazine and online. These stops are selected based upon the recommendations of our readers and confirmed by our editors. Riders can then hit these locations and present their Rider Cards in order to register. Once a Rider has registered at the stop - their Card number is then entered into the drawing for that stop. Thunder Roads will then select rider checks-in’s randomly each month from across the state for special prizes and incentives.

If your check-in is drawn, Thunder Roads will post your card number both online and in the magazine. Riders will then have at least 45 days to “claim” their prizes. For state-wide prizes, winners will often have the opportunity to select from a number of prize options. For instance, a rider might have the option of winning a Biketoberfest Rally Package that includes accommodations and extras for attending the Fall Rally. If that rider isn’t able to take advantage of that prize - they might opt for a Premium Leather Jacket instead.

Prizes are developed by both Thunder Roads and our sponsors - allowing for some exciting options. They may include stays at exciting stops, riding gear or accessories, gift certificates, cash, and even the opportunity to win a motorcycle or two! The beauty and simplicity of this program is that anyone can win with any check-in, but your chances of winning are increased by the amount you ride! The dedicated rider trekking across the state has a greater chance of accumulating prizes - but the couple that can only get out a few days a month to ride can also win! Every check-in counts as an entry in the “drawing” - so if you hit 40 stops in a month, you have twice as many chances of winning as someone that only hits 20. The more you ride - the more opportunities you will have to win! That’s the whole idea to encourage everyone to get out and ride!

• Riders are able to win multiple prizes - based upon the drawing of their check-in’s. • Some prize drawings are specific to only checkin’s for the particular month - while others prizes are drawn from check-in’s season long. • ALL CHECK-IN’s remain in the system for end of the season prizes! • Riders are able to check-in once a week at a stop (Monday-Sunday), for a maximum of 4 check-in’s per month (not counting bonuses).

State and Stop Prizes Every month the TRO staff will randomly select winners from the check-ins. Some prizes will be specific to the particular stop and usually sponsored by that stop. For instance, a leather shop may award a custom leather vest to someone visiting their store during the month of June. That would be a prize specific to that stop and only riders checking in at that location would be eligible for that prize. Other prizes will be state wide, with everyone checking in at any location eligible to win! Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

BONUS Check-in’s! The 2013 Buckeye Thunder Run is supported by our sponsors, so we want to encourage everyone to support them in turn. For that reason, we will issue a BONUS CHECK-IN to riders spending $10 or more at the stop. The bonus criteria may be adjusted at some stops to accommodate riders or particulars of that stop. Specifics of each stop will be listed each month in Thunder Roads as part of the Stop Listing.



It’s really that simple! 1. Get your Ohio Ride Card.

not consecutive. A cool winery in Geneva might be a stop early in the season, and then we bring them back during the harvest season! We can also modify the run if it turns out that something just isn’t working.

2. Get the list of stops each month from your Thunder Roads Magazine, the website (ThunderRoadsOhio.com), or facebook.

We want to keep things exciting for you – the readers and riders on the run. We’re bikers and it’s all about the ride. We want to help create fun experiences for you and share some cool spots in our state. And we want to discover new spots as well, which is why we are encouraging everyone to nominate their favorite riding destinations. Again this is not simply a sales tool for us or meant to subsidize the magazine! We have designed this run to entertain and challenge our readers – as well as promote our partners that make cool ride stops!

3. Ride out to these stops and show them your card. 4. And then you win cool prizes, including cold hard CASH! The first step will be for riders to register for their Thunder Roads Ohio Ride Cards. A number of select locations will serve as Registration Centers. Riders can easily register at these points – free of charge. They will then receive their Ride Cards. PLEASE NOTE: You can still use your 2012 Ohio Ride Cards. All Ride Card registrations carry over. Some stops will also extra prizes for those with 2012 Ride Cards - for those “veteran riders”! Thunder Roads will also be registering riders for Ride Cards at specific events throughout the year as we distribute magazines. Key events, such as Ohio Bike Week or Bike Nights will have special booth for Ride Card registrations. In most cases, we will be offering special incentives both for those registering for the cards and those checking in with their previously issued cards at these stops.

As we mentioned, this is a dynamic event – intended to be tweaked and developed over time. If you have ideas, suggestions, or concerns – please don’t hesitate to let us know. You can email us at BuckeyeThunderRun@gmail.com

CHANGES FROM 2012 We’ve had changes in ownership and management since last summer’s run, so we feel obligated to make some big changes in the contest as well! The 2013 Buckeye Thunder Run is built upon the same fundamental idea as last year’s - TO GET OUT AND RIDE! but, we’ve made some key changes in the program.

Thunder Roads will also be working with charities and various nonprofit events to include them in the Run schedule as well. This will be an easy means of encouraging participation and attracting riders from outside the local communities. In many cases, we will have specific prize drawings for those at these events.

We are no longer tracking points - which seemed to confuse many people. It’s all based upon check-ins.

All prizes are awarded based upon check-in’s. The more checkin’s the greater chance to win cool prizes!

The Ride Cards will allow participants to easily and safely check in at all stops. Some Thunder Roads Sponsors will also be offering discounts to readers that present the cards. Thunder Roads will be listing special discounts and offers in the magazine throughout the year as an added value to readers and means of encouraging our partners to offer these extra savings.

Bonus “Check-In’s” are still awarded for spending over $10 at a stop, but we are no longer giving a $100 bonus. Some people felt that this allowed riders to “buy” their way to victory.

Prize Winners are listed every month in the magazine, online, and in our eNewsletters. Winners will have 45 days to contact Thunder Roads Ohio to collect their prize.

There is no longer a distance bonus, but the more you ride - the more chances you have of winning. Some prizes are restricted only to those riders checking in at a particular location. For instance, we may be awarding a $500 Gift Certificate to riders checking in at a particular dealership. Only riders making the trip to that particular dealership have a chance of winning. For the chance at winning $500 - it might be worth taking the ride to that dealership, especially if it’s a great ride!

PLEASE NOTE: Once you have received your OHIO RIDE CARD, you will not be asked to provide personal information or emails at any location for check-in. You simply enter your ride card number! One key aspect of the BTR is that we will be limiting the number of stops to a reasonable amount each month. We are NOT simply adding anyone willing to write a check. We will be considering stops recommended by our readers and editors, and we will only select those that offer a legitimate interest to riders – making them worth the ride to visit. We are not hosting the run as simply a means of supporting the magazine, but as a fun way to promote partners and cool destinations all across the state. This is not simply a “Chinese fire drill” or mad-dash across the state. This is a Ride program. It is meant to be a means for readers to discover new riding destinations and enjoy the ride there. In fact, we have designed the program to encourage folks to break out of their local routes and trek to the furthest corners of the state. Just Get Out and RIDE! One of the really exciting aspects of the program is that the Buckeye Thunder Run can be modified and added to throughout the summer – if not the entire year. We will be adding and dropping stops each month. Readers will be able to nominate stops, we’ll investigate them, and if we agree that it’s a suitable stop – they’ll be invited to join the run. Some stops will only run a few months – and possibly 46


We will be awarding FIFTY annual subscriptions to Buckeye Thunder Run check-in’s during the Month of JULY, 2013. This means that you will get your very own Thunder Roads delivered to your home, office, shop - wherever you’d like for an entire year! How cool is that?! Oh, and you also have a chance to win a few motorcycles as well but does that really compare to Ohio’s #1 Motorcycle Mag getting delivered to your own mailbox each month? Ok, so maybe its pretty cool as well.


Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO


Courtesy Competition Accessories, Springfield OH to be awarded in SEPTEMBER at Jackass Flats, in Dayton. Contest Rules and Restrictions Apply and are subject to change. Contact Thunder Roads Ohio for additional information.


THUNDER RUN EVENTS Thursday, July 4th - Rock n Rev at Western Reserve HarleyDavidson, Mentor Ohio Western Reserve hosts a fun day with live music, games, food and beverages with the Mentor City fireworks as a background. Saturday, July 13th - Demo Days at Century HarleyDavidson, Medina Ohio Go ahead and take a new Harley out for a spin - and get a Free T-shirt for your “trouble”? Sounds like a deal that can’t be beat - but the folks at Century might even through in a Free Lunch if you come by around 11:30! Seems like it should be the other way around. Sunday, July 14, 2013 - Gatsby’s 9th Annual Poker Run to Benefit Natasha Starkey 17 year old Natasha has a rare genetic skin disorder called Epidermolysis Bullosa that . causes the skin and membranes to be so fragile that the slightest touch may cause painful blistering or tearing of her skin. It’s a horrific disease and the folks at Gatsby’s have adopted Natasha as a beneficiary of its charity fund raising events. All profits from this event will go to Natasha and the Gatsby’s Charitable Trust which assists other children in need. Driven by this heart wrenching cause, this Run has grown to be one of the largest and certainly offers one of the biggest payouts. In addition to the Poker Run, there is a pretty serious raffle as well. Grand prize is the Harley-Davidson Road Glide Custom, Second place wins $1,000 and Third place wins $500. Raffle Tickets cost $20.00 and are available at Gatsby’s. Thunder Run participants have the chance to win Raffle Tickets - and the Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

2013 Road Glide itself through TRO sponsored tickets. But it’s a worthy cause, so bump up your odds a little with a few tickets of your own! Thursday, July 18th - Harleys and Hot Rods at Napoleon Harley-Davidson, Napoleon, Ohio Classic cars and cool motorcycles make the perfect combination at one of our favorite dealerships - Napoleon H-D. This is a great stop anytime with their friendly staff and make sure to take a stroll back in time - to 1962 with their Harley boulevard out front. Beautiful vintage bikes restored to better then new condition are like a page out of Harley history! Wednesday, July 31st - Lake Erie Harley-Davidson Summer Bike Nite Series 5-9pm The folks at Lake Erie Harley-Davidson love to throw a party - and they like to do it up big! In this case, it’s with one of our favorite entertainers - Colin Dussault. Colin brings his full band - The Colin Dussaut Blues Project - to the dealership for a summertime show. If you’ve never seen Colin - you are missing out! Even if you’ve never really experienced a real “blues show” - Colin will draw you in with his fun lyrics and upbeat riffs that get the entire crowd moving. He is the consummate entertainer.


Avon Boot 38450 Chester Rd, Avon avonboot.com There’s a saying amongst many riders that the most critical part on any motorcycle is where the rubber meets the road - ie., the tire; and the same might be said for your riding or work gear. A good boot or proper footwear can make all of the difference when it comes to your comfort and safety. It’s true both on the road and in the workplace. When it comes to choosing and properly fitting the right boot - it may be more complicated then picking out bike tires for many. That’s why it’s important to head to the right place for your next boots - a shop like Avon Boot. Since 1948, Avon Boot has been serving the riding community. First as a hardware store - then as Avon Gun and Tack Shop - and finally as Avon Boot Shop, the business has evolved to meet the needs of their customers. Today, Avon Boot is one of the largest suppliers of work, western, and biker boots in the area. They combine an outstanding selection with knowledgeable staff that can help you find the perfect boot. Something that fits and meets your needs. And this month, stop by and enter in their drawing for a new pair of boots (up to a $125 value) while you’re registering your Ride Card!

Neidengard’s Harley-Davidson, 284 Canton Road RT 43, Wintersville www.neidengards.com Along the Eastern edge of Ohio, lies Ohio’s oldest family owned Harley-Davidson dealership and one of the oldest in the country Neidengard’s. In 1906 G.H. Neidengard purchased his first motorcycle and sparked a business that has endured for more than a century. He originally started off selling Excelsior motorcycles at his Steubenville location but soon realized that Harley-Davidson was the way to go. G.H. was an avid enthusiast and participated in hill-climb competitions both locally and nationally and, in one 13 year period, won every event in which he was entered. Generations later, John G Neidengard continued this racing spirit in drag racing competition winning both local and national events and, in the process, setting national records in both modified street and open class gas dragster classes. He assumed leadership at the business in 1980 and, to this day, is commited, along with his wife Kimberly, to continuing to serve the motorcycling community. While the dealership is certainly a great stop - as is often the case, the journey there is what really makes the trip. For those of you in the “flatter” western or central portions of the state you may wonder if you’ve crossed into West Virginia at some point. The hills progress into mountains and wonderful switchbacks run along the rivers. For those of you unfamiliar with this area - you might be just as intrigued by the industry along the river as you are by the mountains and valleys. Massive coal power plants, damns, and locks run along the river. At one point the highway runs under at least one of the plants. It’s pretty impressive. Neidengards is an Official Registration Stop for the Buckeye Thunder Run, so you can pick up your card and start there - or you can simply check in if you already have your card. Either way, it’s a cool stop that’s worth the trip!





Thunder Roads速 Magazine OHIO



American Power Sport

Registration and Ride Stop

4922 Milan Rd, Sandusky, OH 44870 (419) 625-9253

A new Victory Dealership in the midst of Sandusky and all the Bike Week activities. Offers a full range of motorsport options.

Avon Boot Shop

Ride Stop

38450 Chester Road Avon, Ohio 44011 (440) 934-3230

A great stop for all your leather needs - as well as boots, gloves, and plenty more.

Bailey Road Tavern

Ride Stop

2920 Bailey Road, Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221 (330) 920-8350

Biker Friendly Neighborhood Pub with Great Food


Ride Stop

408 West Main St, Ravenna, OH 44266 (330) 297-7755

Vintage Harley Museum and one of the coolest, most knowledgable proprietors around make this a must stop for any rider.

Buckminn’s D&D HarleyDavidson

Registration Stop

1213 Cincinnati Ave Xenia, OH 45385 (866) 218-1452

An active Harley-Davidson® Dealership with plenty of great events!

Carlton Harley-Davidson

Registration Stop and Ride Stop

11771 State Route 44, Mantua, OH 44255 (330) 274-3141

A family owned Harley-Davidson ® Dealership that you can ride 10-20 minutes in any direction from - without hitting a light!

Century Harley-Davidson

Registration and Ride Stop

3053 Eastpointe Dr., Medina, OH 44256 (330) 721-1702

Conveniently off 71, Century is a great stop for those riding between Columbus and Cleveland.

Cheshire Choppers

Registration Stop and Ride Stop

2102 Elm Rd, Cortland, OH 44410 (740) 362-0695

Great shop with a fun, unique approach to bikes.

Clinton County Motorsports

Registration and Ride Stop

6002 N. US Highway 68, Wilmington, Ohio 45177 (937) 283-2220

A family owned dealership ran by motorsport enthusiasts with a passion for taking care of their customers.

Competition Accessories

Registration Stop and Ride Stop

343 W. Leffel, Springfield, OH 45506 (937) 323-0513

Incredible Motorcycle Superstore with great selection of bikes, parts, and accessories.

Crazy Fox

Ride Stop

112 W. Mansfield St., Bucyrus, OH 44820 (419) 562-1256

A great old school biker bar with live music, a great patio, and just an authentic feel. Not to be missed!

Dave’s Hideaway

Ride Stop

1730 Lima Ave. Findley, Ohio 45840 (419) 425-1027

Live Music, an outdoor patio, and great folks make this a must stop for those riding along 75 near Findley.

Dog’s Breath Tavern

Ride Stop

1912 Whipp Rd, Kettering, OH 45440 (937) 4390649

Live Entertainment , fun folks, and a biker friendly menu. Tuesday Bike Nights

Frog Town

Ride Stop

2515 South 3rd St., Ironton, OH 45638 (740) 532-8337

A Motorcycle Rally In-Itself, Frog Town is worthy of a ride from anywhere in the state.


Ride Stop

151 N. Hamilton Road Gahanna, Ohio 43230 (614) 476-0088

A laid back biker friendly bar with a great patio. Saturday Bike Nights are all day affairs for those riding in the area.

Harley-Davidson of Cincinnati

Registration and Ride Stop

1799 Tennessee Ave, Cincinnati OH 45229 (513) 641-1188

Great Harley-Davidson ® Dealership that hosts events and appreciation parties all summer long.

Harley-Davidson Sales & Service

Registration Stop

862 County Rd R3, Napoleon, OH 43545 (419) 592-7123

Northwest Ohio Harley-Davidson ® Dealership celebrating it’s 50th Anniversary this year!

Harley-Davidson Sales Company

Registration Stop and Ride Stop

14550 Lorain Ave., Cleveland, OH 44111 (216) 252-3111

Family owned Harley-Davidson dealership with a long history of active involvement in the motorcycle community.

Hudson Leather

Registration Stop and Ride Stop

14-700 St Rt 15 Pioneer, Ohio 43554 419-485-8532

Hudson Leather offers “rally prices” on quality products every day. Everything from rain gear and gloves, to luggage and of course leather jackets.


Registration Stop and Ride Stop

5436 Westerville Road, Westerville, OH 43081 (614) 901-PONY

The Motorcycle SUPERSTORE that you just have to see. Possibly the largest motorcycle store in the world? And it’s right here in Ohio.

Irv’s Cycle Leather

Ride Stop

9156 St. Rt 14 Streetsboro, Ohio 44241 (330) 626-9600

Quality leather and riding accessories - at a reasonable price? Worth a stop to visit this free standing, year round Rally Booth!

Jackass Flats

Ride Stop

6024 Rip Rap Road, Dayton, OH 45424 (937) 236-4329

Enjoy an escape to the Outback and take in one of the best bike nights in the state, worth a ride from the far corners of the Buckeye State! ONE OF THE BEST BIKE NIGHTS ANYWHERE - EVERY WEDNESDAY.

Joe’s Cycle Shop

Ride Stop

3315 N. Dixie Drive Dayton, Ohio 45414 (937) 278-8081

A great family owned dealership celebrating over 50 years of serving the riding community.


Ride Stop

2012 Cleveland Rd W, Huron, OH 44839 (419) 433-6944

A real, “old school” biker bar nestled in a shopping center right off Route 2.

Lake Erie Harley-Davidson

Registration and Ride Stop

38401 Chester Road Avon, OH 44011 (440)934-5000

Harley-Davidson Dealership that hosts great events year-round, including national act concerts!

Neidengard’s Harley-Davidson

Registration and Ride Stop

38401 Chester Road Avon, OH 44011 (440)934-5000

Harley-Davidson Dealership that hosts great events year-round, including national act concerts!

Norton Sporting Goods

Ride Stop

100 Norton Road Waldo, Ohio 43356 (740) 726-2616

A cool stop for riders offering something for everyone with a love of the outdoors. Great people as well!

Paradise Island Saloon

Ride Stop

2383 Kings Center Court, Mason, OH (513) 204-6962

830 Babbitt Rad, Euclid OH 44123 (216) 732-7101

Powder Keg Harley-Davidson

Registration Stop

2383 Kings Center Court, Mason, OH (513) 204-6962

A stone’s throw from King’s Island - this active Harley-Davidson® dealership hosts regular Bike Nights and plenty of other events!

Quaker Steak & Lube Canton

Ride Stop

6073 Dressler Road NW Canton, OH 44720 (330) 433-9464

Hosts a great Bike Night every Wednesday night that’s not to be missed!

Quaker Steak & Lube Columbus

Ride Stop

8500 Lyra Drive Columbus, OH (614) 430-9464

Easily central Ohio’s biggest bike night hosted by Mr. Bike Night himself - Rich the Lube Guy!

Quaker Steak & Lube Dayton

Ride Stop

3725 Presidential Drive Dayton, OH (937) 427-0500

Hosts one of the area’s largest Bike Nights every Thursday night. It’s a family friendly event - so bring the kids along!

Quaker Steak & Lube Mentor

Ride Stop

7834 Reynolds Rd, Mentor, OH 44060 (440) 954-9464

Join the Thunder Roads crew at one of Northeast Ohio’s Largest Bike Nights - every Thursday.


Ride Stop

140 E. Pratt St Johnstown, Ohio 43031 740-966-3073

Stop by and visit with Gypsy at this great old school shop that offers a Combat Vet Discount. Certified PHD Master Tech with over 20 years experience.

Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO




STOPS Ride Stop

10755 Ravenna Rd., Twinsburg, OH 44087 (330) 998-6529

A very female friendly biker bar with a cool cutting edge look to it. Oh - and they have great food as well! BIKE NIGHT EVERY TUESDAY!


Registration and Ride Stop

1840 Town Park Blvd Uniontown, OH 44685

A fun stop offering something for just about anyone that reads Thunder Roads - from motorcycle parts to CCW Instruction.

South East Gears & Cheers

Ride Stop

23333 Aurora Road Bedford Heights, OH 44146

Launches a new Bike Night this summer with a great patio in the midst of the Bedford Heights Motorcycle Mile!

South East Harley-Davidson

Registration Stop and Ride Stop

23105 Aurora Rd, Bedford Heights, OH 44146 (440) 439-5300

A great family owned Harley-Davidson ® Dealership with the world famous Harley Diner inside!


Ride Stop

5422 Lake Rd E., Geneva, OH 44041 (440) 466-2361

Great riding destination in the midst of Geneva-On-The-Lake. Possibly the most Biker Friendly Town in Ohio

The Boneyard Mayfield Heights

Ride Stop

5900 Mayfield Road Mayfield Heights, Ohio (440) 995-0500

Cleveland’s East Side has one bike night - and it’s THE BONEYARD. Enjoy a great patio that was designed for bike night.

The Pump

Ride Stop

4024 Hayes Ave, Sandusky OH 44870 (419) 621-1041

Sandusky’s year round Party Central is always one of our favorite stops during Bike Week.

The Train Stop

Ride Stop

7837 Old 3C Highway Maineville, Ohio 45039 (513) 683-0207

Minutes from a little secret that Southern Ohio riders know well (Oregonia) - this is a TRUE biker friendly bar that welcomes all. Relax along the river and ask the bartender why this was known as the “Monkey Bar” for years. (still is to many)

The Viaduct Bar & Grill

Ride Stop

84 N. Washington St. Tiffin, Ohio 44883 (419) 618-1009

One of the oldest back bars in Ohio graces this cool biker friendly bar that hosts great live music shows!

The Villa

Ride Stop

6303 Rip Rap Road, Huber Heights, OH 45424 (937) 237-0091

The Villa was chosen as our very first Biker Bar of the month and it remains one of our favorites. A late night Wednesday Bike Night is always a great time. Outdoor bars and stage.

Tri-County Harley-Davidson

Registration and Ride Stop

5960 Dixie Highway, Fairfield OH 45014 (513) 874-4343

Harley-Davidson ® Dealership hosting great Bike Nights twice a month - stop by for a good time.

Triumph of Cincinnati

Registration and Ride Stop

3251 Highland Ave Cincinnati, OH 45213

Solid Triumph dealership in the midst of Cincinnati. Pick up your Ride Cards here.

Valley Harley-Davidson

Registration Stop and Ride Stop

41255 Reco Road, Belmont, OH (740) 695-9591

Harley-Davidson ® Dealership in the midst of Southeastern Ohio and beautiful riding country!


Ride Stop

10983 State Route 212 NE Bolivar, Ohio 44612 (330) 874-1092

A very cool, laid back stop that offers great food in a casual atmosphere. Great patio and they don’t mind you parking on the grass!

Warren Harley-Davidson

Registration Stop and Ride Stop

2102 Elm Rd, Cortland, OH 44410 (330) 395-4700

Great community oriented Harley-Davidson ® Dealership with a Racing Team that brought home a AHDRA National Championship

Western Reserve HarleyDavidson

Registration and Ride Stop

8567 Tyler Blvd, Mentor, OH 44060 (440) 974-6900

Harley-Davidson ® Dealership in Lake County with plenty of great stops in the area.


Ride Stop

11110 Kinsman Rd., Newbury, OH 44065 (440) 564-1300

Great food and a comfortable patio, surrounded by open roads with limited lights or stops make this a solid riding destination. Wednesday Bike Nights.




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BIKE NIGHTS Thunder Roads速 Magazine OHIO



1946 Harley-Davidson WL by Doug Mitchel Owner: The John Lindemann Collection


y the time the 1946 models from Harley-Davidson began rolling off the production lines the U.S. had already been entrenched in the Second World War for nearly 3 years. With a majority of the raw materials being used for wartime production civilian product was severely limited. As the world began to climb out of the rubble caused by the war the Milwaukee builder still showed signs of strength while other U.S. builders would soon be gone from the game. Not only did Harley sell a ton of machines to the military for the battle they had always continued planning for civilian production once the war was over. Having begun building motorcycles in 1903 Harley had gone through a number of engine styles that led to the Side-Valve layout. Even two different twin-cylinder, horizontally-opposed engines had been fitted for a few years but as now the Harley enthusiast liked their V-twins. One of these opposed engines was use in the military only XA model. Only 1000 copies were sold for that use while more than 15,000 examples of the WLA were used in battle. The WF Sport model was the other opposed cylinder machine and it was sold to the civilian market in limited quantities. The previous F-Head was getting long in the tooth and the Side-Valve replaced it for the 1930 model year. The new 45 cubic inch motor would continue to be used in production up until 1973 in the Servi-car models. The WL designation was tied to a 45 inch motor tied to a three-speed gearbox and was the model that was most built for the year with 4410 copies produced. With an MSRP of only

$395.97 it sounds like a real bargain today but people were paid a lot less than we are now. Since the War had just ended some shortages of raw materials were being experienced and many civilian models were sold devoid of chrome or other flashy metals. Even the tank badges are painted to match the body color on this example and that was typical for the day. Only a few options in the color choices were seen either as that part of the design would lag until the world got back to a more normal state. Harley also sold a 74 inch version of the same bike for 1946 and it was called the U or UL with high compression. Of course the wildly popular “Knucklehead” models were still sold alongside the flathead models and appealed to a different flavor of rider. Changes to the entire line of Harleys for the year would be minimum as they tried to allow production to get caught up to meet with the demands of soldiers returning home and an improved feeling that the war’s end brought to the world. The saddles on the 1946 models came stuffed with “spun” latex in place of the previous “whipped” variety and we can only assume it was a more comfortable option but without first hand or butt experience I can only speculate. The big twin models received a 30 degree angle to the steering heads to enhance handling although many found the change to actually make riding the upgraded versions more difficult. The face of the circular speedometer showed speeds up to 120 miles per hour which as usual was probably a bit optimistic. White numbers against a black

The 1946 WL from Harley-Davidson was one in a long line of dependable machines that had seen action in the states as well as in the course of battle. 54


Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

background made them easy to read no matter what velocity you were traveling at. The red and green “cats eye” indicators were still in place and bring a classic touch to the bottom end model WL. In keeping with the limited supply of some materials, only small sections of shiny polished alloy was seen on the sides of the fuel tank. The frame, rims and engine guards were all painted black along with the handlebars and seat hardware. Another touch of shine was found at the tail light housing, still being seen in the “tombstone” configuration. Subsequent years of production saw incremental improvements made to the Harley catalog and as history tells us by 1953 Harley’s biggest competitor Indian was out of business, leaving the Milwaukee maker at the head of the class. 1948 saw the Harley-Davidson “Panhead” motor come to the A 45 cubic inch V-twin powered the WL and proven fold and the flathead was again relegated to second slot in the to be a truly reliable motor that would be pushed into lineup. The Panhead replaced the Knucklehead and would go on service until 1973 under the Harley-Davidson banner. being used as their primary motor until the Shovelhead made its debut for 1966. Despite this ongoing train of new models in the engine division the flathead motor would continue to power the three-wheeled Servi-car until 1973 proving the resilience and reliability of the motor that was first put into action in 1930.

The solo saddle was now filled with “spun” latex replacing the “whipped” variety used during the war. I can only guess it was an improvement.

The shortage of some materials after the war ended forced the use of some non-glamorous materials to be used in name badges etc. on the road going motorcycles.

The rider was faced with a simple array of gauges on the dashboard. The large speedometer was joined by the pair of cats-eye warning lights to complete the display. Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO





Thunder Roads速 Magazine OHIO



CALL ONE OF OUR CENTRAL OHIO LOCATIONS FOR MORE DETAILS! For use on Black or dark background (this text does not print)

MAY 25 & 26 CENTENNIAL-PARK PATASKALA - 740.964.2205 JUNE 29 & 30 A.D. FARROW CO. COLUMBUS - 614.228.6353


Thunder Roads速 Magazine OHIO



JULY 20 & 21 A.D. FARROW CO. SUNBURY - 740.965.9900



Motor came from my wife Tammy’s asphalt drag sled that ran a very low 10’s


1990 VX 800 Suzuki

1995 Arctic Cat (Suzuki) ThunderCat 900 Engine Frame was stretched 4.5” Channeled 5” Racked 20 degrees over stock Wheels are Big Dog Choppers 310mm Rear Owners / Builders: Brent and Tammy Soper Paint - PPG “O So Sexy”, layed by Keith Mulvane, Bellevue, OH Photos - Bob Mazur, Thunder Roads Ohio Model - Lisa Tattoos - YoYo 60


Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

nner i W e c a l P t 1s Bike o i h O 3 1 0 2 how Week Bike S

ilders: u B / s r e n w O y Soper m m a T d n a t Bren Thunder Roads速 Magazine OHIO



1990 VX 800 Suzuki es d a r All T ome c Wel 3711 Commerce Drive Franklin, OH 45005

(513) 422-5471 Hours Mon: 9:30 - 7:00 Tue: 9:30 - 7:00 Wed: 9:30 - 6:00 Thu: 9:30 - 7:00 Fri: 9:30 - 7:00 Sat: 9:30 - 4:00 Sun: 12:00 - 4:00



OPEN 7-DAYS A WEEK Thunder Roads速 Magazine OHIO

Thunder Roads速 Magazine OHIO



vets corner A

cross the United States, “retreats” have opened up to help wounded warriors and their families adjust to life back in the U.S. and “wind down” from the war. There are probably more in Michigan, but I am going to tell you about two that I know of.

David McCallister


thunder Roads Michigan Retired AF MSgt computer tech. Norad Cheyenne Mt CO, Misawa AB Japan, Boerfink MTK Germany, RAF Croughton England, Tinker AFB OK.

A very generous individual donated Wilwin Lodge to the American Legion, department of Michigan. Wilwin Lodge is located in the Upper Peninsula northwest of Trout Lake. From their web site: http://www.wilwin.org, Wilwin is on property that once hosted a large lumbering operation, complete with a mill, railroad spurs and it’s own village. It is now a peaceful retreat deep in the north woods of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. The lodge sleeps up to 15 people in a total of 6 bedrooms. With a 2 story atrium and dual stone fireplaces, it’s a stunning building. The property consists of nearly 600 wooded acres, a total of 5 buildings, including the lodge and Soldier’s retreat, and nearly 10 miles of wellmaintained trails. Wilwin has three missions: Mission #1: Provide free rest and recuperation vacations for returning service members and their families.

Jim is a combat Vietnam vet, and the camp’s focus is for combat vets to be able to relax and talk with someone who has “been there, done that”, communicate with someone who has shared similar experiences. Another use Jim has for the camp is for a veteran who needs a place to stay for a couple of days. The camp’s website is not operational yet, but in the near future will be at http://www.campsanto.com. Individuals interested in the facility can call Jim at 989-828-4651. David McCallister “Possum” Retired AF MSgt computer tech. Norad Cheyenne Mt CO, Misawa AB Japan, Boerfink MTK Germany, RAF Croughton England, Tinker AFB OK.

Mission #2: Add other uses and be self-sustaining in 5 years. Mission #3: Improve and increase facilities and capacity for more uses and be established as a permanent function of The American Legion in 10 years. Individuals who are interested in staying at Wilwin can fill out the application located at http://www.michiganlegion. org/pdfs/wilwin_application.pdf A recent retreat in progress is Camp Santo. Camp Santo is run by Jim Santo and is located near Shepherd, near the Isabella county line. Jim recently obtained 501c3 status for Camp Santo. The camp consists of 20 acres that are wooded with a river running through it. The “bunkhouse” is a work in progress. 64


Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

Thunder Roads速 Magazine OHIO




celebrated the start of Ohio Bike Week in Cincinnati at a Rally of a different sort - the 2nd Annual Mods vs Rockers Rally. This was a three-day event to develop the sense of community around the regional motorcycle & scooter enthusiasts. Organized by the Cincinnati Café Racers, a local café and vintage motorcycle enthusiast group, along with assistance from several local scooter clubs - including the Might Ohio Scooter Club.



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Mods Vs. Rockers events have begun developing across the United States with Chicago, Detroit, and Cleveland hosting their own versions in the Midwest. The concept is built around the theme of British social strife - an almost European West Side Story. Gangs of mods and rockers fighting in 1964 sparked a moral panic about British youths, and the two groups were seen as folk devils by main stream society. The rockers adopted a macho biker gang image, wearing clothes such as black leather jackets. The mods adopted a pose of scooter-driving sophistication, wearing suits and other cleancut outfits. By late 1966, the two subcultures had faded until a revival in the mid 80’s. Recently, motorcycle and scooter enthusiasts have developed the Mods Vs. Rockers events as a celebration of their own counter-culture or retro focus. Vintage British and European motor scooters are certainly the most popular modes of transportation at these rallies. It’s hard to imagine a more diverse mix of motorcycles and scooters at any motorcycle event - drawing from not only around the globe, but from the last forty to fifty years as well. All of the riders, though, are bound by a passion for these iconic machines and the sense of freedom they represent. - Iron Cowboy, Thunder Roads Ohio

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Mods v Rockers, Cincinnati 2013



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Mods v Rockers, Cincinnati 2013

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A g n i t n Stu n A O ter s t h Nig

An Interview with Jarrod “Durty J” Daniel By Aimee R, Thunder Roads Ohio

have to take it serious, but not so serious to where it becomes no fun.

Thunder Roads Ohio caught up with daring stunt rider Jarrod “Durty J” Daniel during Ohio Bike Week 2013 to learn how the self-proclaimed country boy from Bucyrus combines his need for stunt riding with his love for Harleys:

TRO: Most stunt riders use sport bikes. Why the Harley?

Thunder Roads Ohio (TRO): How old were you when you got your first motorcycle and what was it? Durty J: I was 19. My parents didn’t want me having a motorized bike as a child; they were afraid I would do crazy stuff on it. So after I moved out I bought a 1993 Yamaha FZR. It was a turd, but at the time I loved that ugly POS. TRO: When did you begin stunting? Tell us how you progressed to where you are now. Durty J: It depends on what you consider stunting. I’ve been riding wheelies everywhere since I got my first bike, but it wasn’t until about 7 years ago I learned how to set my bike up so I could do more technical tricks and progress. I became 72

addicted to the sport. I kept challenging myself to do more and take it to the next level which helped me advance as a rider and entertainer. TRO: Is this your only job, or more of a hobby? Durty J: I am currently in school at OSU to be a physical therapist, but I treat stunting as a job and a hobby. I try to find a happy medium because you definitely ThunderRoadsOhio.com

Durty J: Why not a harley??? They look better, sound waayyyyy better, and are more fun to watch and ride!!! Really though, I had always wanted a Harley, and after I got my first Harley I found myself ignoring my sportbike. I started riding wheelies on my Harley and realized how much fun it was. Also the first time I broke out the Harley in a show and saw the crowd’s reaction I knew I was on to something. Plus it is definitely more challenging; that aspect helps keep stunting interesting and new for me. A Harley gives you a different feel, not just cruising down the highway but also stunting. I can feel the motor working and the mechanics of the bike underneath me. It helps me become more in tune with the machine when I’m riding it. It’s an unbelievable feeling! I feel lame explaining it because unless someone feels it for themselves they won’t fully understand. Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

dirtbike bars, and of course a handbrake. Other than that the bike is bone stock, but we are working on more modifications that should help make it more practical for my purposes. I am working on putting a different front end on it, and a good tuner. Jon Miller the master mechanic, engine builder, and machinist at Thiel’s Wheels HD has helped me out with a lot of the main mods on the bike. TRO: Other than tires what parts do you go through the most? TRO: What model Harley is it? Durty J: It is a 2008 Harley Davidson 1200 Nightster.

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TRO: What modifications have been done to the Harley? Durty J: I converted it from belt to chain drive, put an idle adjustment on it, added


Durty J: I really don’t go through parts. Oil and tires. Other than the basics the Harley has been bulletproof, and I’m not easy on it by any means.


TRO: What is your favorite trick? Durty J: I don’t really have a favorite trick, but I do prefer doing any trick on the Harley opposed to any other bike. TRO: Which was the hardest trick to learn? Durty J: When I first started learning circles I did a lot of cursing! Other tricks came more natural, but circle wheelies took a few practice sessions for sure. TRO: Do you have a training regimen? Durty J: I work out in the gym about 4 days a week whenever possible. My gym workouts have great benefits on my riding and focus. I try to keep a strict workout schedule and also make time to practice on the bikes. In my down time I am usually working on the bikes. TRO: Do you have any dream venues? Places or events that you’d love to perform? Durty J: STURGIS!!! I really want to ride at Sturgis. It’s a dream of mine, a personal goal, and on my bucket list no doubt. I know my riding technique on the HD, my personality, and crowd interaction would be perfect for that event. TRO: Do you have any pre show rituals or superstitions? Durty J: I double lace my shoe strings, dump baby powder down my pants, close my eyes, block everything out, and talk to myself for a minute - but I’m not telling you what I say to myself!! TRO: What’s the worst accident, or injury you have ever sustained riding/stunting? Durty J: I have only gotten the average scrapes, bumps, and bruises while stunting. However, while just out riding on my cruising bikes I have had a few severe injuries. In Atlanta, a car pulled out in front of me, and I had to have CPR performed on me. I had multiple concussions, a punctured and collapsed lung, broken ribs, and brain tissue damage. I’ve hit two deer on my bike which resulted in a separated ACL, a broken collar bone, and being treated in the burn unit for road rash. In July of 2011, a driver was texting while driving and t-boned me nearly chopping off my leg and almost severing my Achilles tendon all the way through. I was life-flighted to Lima Hospital, where they 74

did emergency surgery which involved taking off my knee cap, putting in rods, screws, and pins, and basically rebuilding my leg the best they could. I was told I would never walk right, and it would be difficult for me to ever consider stunting again. That pissed me off and made me work harder than ever to rehabilitate my leg and get back on the bike. I was strapping my shattered leg to my highway peg and riding my Harley before I was out of the wheelchair. By Ohio Bike Week 2012 I was doing my first comeback show since the accident, and I haven’t looked back since. TRO: What is your favorite thing about riding/stunting? Durty J: It’s like medicine for my head. It makes me feel revived, refreshed, and ready to look at things in a different light. When I’m on that bike I’m not thinking about bills, or fights, or any of the daily stresses that we all have. At that moment it’s just me and that bike. It clears my mind and helps me put things into perspective. It becomes an addiction, and something I need to keep me normal and sane. Plus the adrenaline you get from pushing a bike to its limits is amazing. TRO: So where can the good people of Ohio go to check out your shows? Durty J: Right now, I try to keep my shows posted on my Facebook page (www.facebook.com/jarroddurtyj.independentstunts), but you can also check the Thunder Roads Ohio Facebook pages for announcements. TRO: Any shout outs you’d like to give? Durty J: I would really like to thank some of my supporters. Speed and Strength Gear and Clothing (http://ssgear.com/), Thiel’s Wheel’s Harley Davidson (http://www.twheelshd.com/), Bikestyles (http://ridebs.com/), Led Sled Customs (http://ledsledcustoms. com/), Autolite Spark Plugs (http://www.autolite.com), and all the friends, fans, and family that have supported me throughout the years. Ohio Bike Week 2013 photography by Matt Shepherd Other photos by TM Photography


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Racing 101


. . See it all in one weekend

Not sure what style of off road racing your interested in? Motocross. . Flat Track . . Harescramble? Do you have a youngster that would like to get involved in racing? Well the C.R.A. has it all for you in one fun filled weekend. August 2 – 4 Big Game Raceway in Hubbard, Ohio will be holding their annual Triathlon. Events from the weekends Saturday and Sunday events combined into one score to see who is the ultimate Ironman. Who will take on all three of the events and become the Triathlon Champion? On August 2, It a Friday night under the lights flat track. Two, three and four wheel machines flying around the oval course at top speeds. On Saturday August 3rd the race action begin early in the morning with motocross. Five hours of jumps and turns on a well groomed, newly laid out course. Riders and spectators alike will enjoy the high flying action. Then it’s more flat track Saturday night. Sunday is the harescramble - a woods race. Manuver thru a tight course through trees and possibly a water crossing - You never know what a promoter will put in for the days challenge. See us at Big Game Raceway August 2 -4. 2601 Elmwood Drive Ext. Hubbard, Ohio 44425 or call 330-5347958 for more information. Primitive camping is available. Motocross Sunoco Series Finals A huge Thank you to Bazel Race Fuels for once again sponsoring the C.R.A. Sunoco Spring Motocross Series. The six race series sponsored by the fuel company has been a driving force in the C.R.A. for many years and was a great series again this year. Events were held at six different tracks including Amherst, Big Game, Lightning, Pymatuning, TV Land and Western Reserve. FREE fuel certificates were awarded to individuals at each of the events. Each participant also received a $10.00 gift card from Rocky Mountain ATV/MC for participating in the events. Congratulations to all of our finishers.






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motocross gear

Equipping yourself with all the motocross gear you need to go racing can be expensive, we’ve listed it all in order of importance and offer a few tips to help you decide what to spend your hard earned dollars on.

Helmet With out a doubt the most important bit of motocross gear you’ll ever own is a helmet. Don’t even think about buying a second hand one, you’ll have no idea what’s been done to it, even if it looks like it’s in good shape. Regardless of what sport you’re in, your head is the most precious part of your body even if you’re a bit like me and it’s not the best looking part!

What You Need To Know When Choosing A Dirt Bike Helmet. OK, you’re looking to buy a new dirt bike helmet. There’s a few things you need to consider.

Safety Standards Before you start looking for dirt bike helmets, you should be aware of different safety standards that apply in different parts of the world. In the United States, the applicable standard is the Department of Transportation (DOT), in Europe


it’s the ECE 22.05 which is the standard in over 50 countries, in Britain it’s the British Standard (BS) and here in Australia helmets have to be Australian Standards certified. The Snell Memorial Foundation does helmet testing worldwide and is considered to be the leading standard in helmet safety so the Snell rating of a helmet should be the one to consider. Certified dirt bike helmets will have a sticker on the rear of the shell saying which standard they conform to.

Features Consider what features you think are important when deciding what type of dirt bike helmet to buy. Different helmets will have different features such as venting, weight (particularly important if you’re going to be wearing the helmet for long events ie; enduro or cross country events instead of shorter events like motocross), appearance and price. You should spend the most you can afford on your helmet, after all it’s a pretty important piece of gear. Does the helmet have a removable liner? These are very convenient for washing, there’s nothing worse than a manky smelling helmet! What is the construction of the helmet shell? There are all sorts of constructions on the market now, carbon


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Thor Womens Gear

Arai won’t sell helmets online or through mail order, it’s their company policy to only sell their helmets face to face so that a qualified salesperson can help with the fitting. You can make some great savings if you buy online but if possible go to a motorbike shop and try on some helmets and decide what suits you best.

Goggles Thor Womens Gear

Next up on the list is a good pair of goggles. Apart from obviously protecting your eyes, they’re also pretty important to fiber/kevlar, fibreglass shells and composite fibre shells. see exactly where you’re going! There’s plenty of quality goggle brands out there so it’s pretty much a personal preference. Just a little tip that I learnt the hard way, some helmets will come with either plastic or metal visor mounting screws. Use the plastic screws so that in the event of a get off, the screws shear off and don’t destroy the visor. Boots are one of the most expensive bits of motocross gear Probably not much of an issue for most of you out there unless you’ll have to buy but they’re also important for protection. it happens to be a custom painted helmet with a custom They range a lot in price and quality so you should do your painted visor. I couldn’t buy one of those off the shelf.... homework before deciding what to buy.


Different brand helmets have different size eyeports, Arnette and Scott goggles seem to have bigger frames than other brand goggles so make sure your goggles can comfortably fit in the eyeport of the helmet.

Fit Your new dirt bike helmet should fit uniformly on your head and not feel tight in any one area. Bear in mind that the liner will compact a little after you first start wearing it so if it feels just a little too tight when you first try it, it will probably end up just right. Push the helmet back and forward on your head, it should wrinkle your brow when pushed forward and should not slide back on your head when pushed backwards. Different people have different shaped heads so some dirt bike helmets will fit better than others.

Knee and Elbow Guards I think just about anyone who has thrown their leg over a dirt bike will know the feeling of removing the skin from their elbows. Elbow guards are just the thing to stop that from happening. I wear a pair of Fox elbow guards under my jersey and they do a pretty good job. Just a couple of points to note, some elbow guards have a velcro strap set up to secure them in place. That’s fine but be aware that anything strapped too tightly around your arms will restrict the blood flow and can make arm pump worse. The Fox guards I use have a Lycra sleeve arrangment that you slip your arm through, they’re not too restrictive but they can slip down your arm after they become older and the Lycra stretches. Your list of motocross gear should include a pair of knee guards. They range from basic padded plastic shells all the way up to custom fitted, kevlar composite knee braces. The cheaper knee guards really only offer impact. continued...

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and rocks thrown up by the bikes in front of you (Why are you behind? You should be in front!) You can save yourself a few dollars buying secondhand body armour, this is a good idea if you’re ‘team mum and dad’ and you’re trying to keep kids in gear as they grow. Just have a good look at any items offered for sale to make sure that straps and buckles etc. aren’t worn and broken.

Riding Pants/Jersey/ Gloves protection (regardless of what the manufacturers would like you to believe) but the more expensive guards do offer some protection against your knee being turned and twisted in ways it shouldn’t, obviously the more expensive knee braces are the preferred option here if you need the most protection for your knees.


CTi knee braces (pictured left) are at the top of the heap as far as protective motocross gear goes, the level of protection and fit is top notch but they’re very expensive, then again, so’s a knee

If you have some knee guards it’s a bit of an eye opener to actually have a good look at them. You’ll probably see plenty of scratches and nicks in the plastic, that’s what your kneecaps would look like if you didn’t have them!

Kidney Belt and Body Armour A kidney belt isn’t quite a must have bit of motocross gear but they do save your back and kidneys from a lot of the impact and jarring that you receive when you’re belting around a rough motocross track for a few hours. Some body armour suits incorporate a kidney belt, chest protector and shoulder pads. These types of armour are usually worn under your jersey and are made from padded material. The body armour that is worn outside of your jersey is commonly made from a hard plastic and usually has bicep and shoulder protectors attached also. They offer protection from falls as well as protection from roost


Whizbang riding gear is probably one of the least important items on your motocross gear list as far as functionality and protection goes but it’s the definitely the most important if you’re out there on the track desperately pretending to look like you know what you’re doing. What sort of gear you get here is usually dependent on your budget but there’s a few things to keep in mind. Look for pants that have some sort of durable material (usually Kevlar) on the inside of the knee. This area cops a hiding not only from rubbing as you grip the bike with your knees but also from your knee guards inside your pants rubbing as well. A lot of the pants on the market are made from a nylon composite material which is pretty tough, dries quickly when wet and is resistant to tearing. My personal preference for jerseys is the nylon type because, like the pants, they dry quickly when wet and are resistant to tears. They also tend to slide on the ground better if you crash on a dry, hardpack track. What can happen, depending on which way you hit the ground, is that your sleeves or the waist of your jersey can ride up, leaving all that tender skin to be abraded away. Things to look for in a pair of gloves are, firstly, a good fit. Put them on and make your hand the shape that they would be if you were holding onto your handlebars, make sure they feel comfortable in that position. Be aware of any seams on the inside of the glove that may rub on your fingers, particularly in between your fingers. Look to make sure they don’t bunch up in your palm with your hand curled also. When wearing gloves don’t have the wristband too tight, you want them done up to keep mud and dirt out but not too tight that they restrict the flow of blood into your hands. Beware the dreaded arm pump! Getting yourself a complete set of motocross gear can be a gradual process, not everyone has the cash to get it all at once but there are certain bits that are more important than others. Get these first and the rest when you can.


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DIY SHOP PROJECT Spark Plug Performance: Side Gapping - How to improve performance without spending a lot!

into the majority of the combustion mix. This procedure of exposing the electrode is called “Side Gapping”, and has been a well kept secret for many years in the racing circles. While some may debate the amount of Horsepower, Torque & Fuel economy increases, there is no disputing that side gapped plugs significantly improve spark propagation as well as reduce These miniature lightning bolts are commonly called sparkplug plug fouling and loading up, with no sacrifice to your wallet. firing by most mechanics. If the sparkplug doesn’t fire, the engine doesn’t start. When diagnosing a no start condition some The sharper edges also encourages the spark to ignite quicker mechanics will say the reason the engine won’t start is because and stronger, much like striking an arc with a welder on an edge there is no fire. rather than a flat surface. However, there is one minor drawIt is the ignition system that produces the electrical energy that back, and that would be the center electrode will wear one fires the plug. Spark also must be maintained long enough to al- side sooner due to the spark now being directed to one specific low complete combustion of the air fuel mixture in the cylinder. area on the plug edge, rather than a random path all around The ignition system then has to deliver this electrical energy to the electrode point. Even though the plugs may wear slightly each sparkplug at the right time. quicker, since your home-modified plugs can cost up to four times Not enough spark - causes loss of power and poor perfor- less than that of “premium” versions, they can be more readily mance. It also forces your engine to work harder (inefficiently) changed, leaving you with fresh new plugs during your engine’s to move your bike - thus extra stress on the engine, poor fuel operation more of the time than with the costly premium versions. In a gasoline engine the importance of good spark plugs cannot be denied. The electrical arc between the electrode and the ground strap is like a miniature bolt of lightning that ignites the air fuel mixture and in turn generates the power that drives the wheels.

economy, and less fun riding!

In most cases, the spark plug is the least expensive operating part in your engine - but it is clearly one of the most important. Maintaining your plugs is a relatively easy process and in most cases requires a few hand tools that are commonly found. A more challenging prospect is selecting the right plug for the job - as there are many options available, spanning a wide price range. One of the problems of buying the “premium” type spark plugs, is not only the initial cash outlay, but the hesitation to replace them at sooner than “normal” intervals. Hesitation to replace expensive plugs when attempting to diagnose an unknown problem is common and many times can waste a lot of time in the diagnostics procedure, especially when it turns out the plugs were the culprit. First, obtain a high quality over the counter version that carries an economical price. Motorcraft and Autolite come to mind for their performance and safety features of inherently melting before the piston does. Then carefully shorten the electrode arm by taking a die grinder with a small cut-off wheel and remove a small portion from the end. *Do not* nick any part of the center electrode or porcelain! As seen in the photos below, nearly the entire center electrode can be seen from the bottom of the plug as compared to the standard version being completely shrouded from view. This modification will expose more of the generated spark to the combustion chamber, thereby more completely igniting the air/fuel charge instead of the spark being forced to propagate in a sideways direction and not directly 90

As the photos show, the side gapped plug exposes more of the spark path to the open combustion chamber than the Standard version, as well as even the Splitfire® or Bosch+4® types. And this can be done to any of your favorite brands of plugs you already like, to make them better! To gap the new plug, slide the feeler gauge in at a 45 degree angle to read the tightest clearance between the center electrode and the arm. Slightly tighter than OEM recommended gaps can be taken advantage of, measuring the actual space between the closest surfaces of the two electrodes. Reduce gaps by approximately .010”. Closer clearances will yield the same if not more of the spark front, and at the same time resist the flame from being “blown out” when using Nitrous Oxide injection or supercharging. The closer “sharp edged” surfaces will more easily propagate the initial spark while the main mass of surface area being farther away, will increase the spark travel (volume). Re-gap periodically, as the accelerated wear on the electrode edges will increase the gap sooner. NOTE: Side Gapping spark plugs has been the serious racer’s secret since the early 60’s. Only recently have major manufactures started producing this style of plug for mass production, but with unreproducible sophisticated designs, since if their expensive plugs looked like these, they would lose all their business to home mechanics copying that simple to do at home design. Experiment with different configurations.


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This photo illustrates the shrouded standard type plug (red arrow) “squeezing” the spark sideways rather than downwards directly into the homogenized combustion mix in the cylinder such as the newly modified Side Gapped version does (yellow arrow). The Yellow graduation shows how much of the arm that was cut off:

This photo compares three types of plugs. Note the center electrode exposure the combustion chamber sees: Cut the electrode arm off even with the edge of the center electrode. *do not* touch the center electrode or porcelain!

Carefully file the edges of the electrode arm to remove any remaining burrs, but keep the edges clean and sharp.

With a feeler gauge, set the gap at the narrowest point between the center electrode and the electrode arm. Reduce the gap by .010” than norm specifications. How it works: The closer gap (1-Yellow) allows for easier ignition while the angled surfaces (2-orange) allow the ignited spark to grow in size to exceed that of normally shaped plugs. As the spark column flows along the electrode surface it grows outwards in size towards the combustion chamber and down towards the piston (3) creating a larger spark presence but with an easier starting spark for situations where more spark is needed, such as high compression cylinders, high rpm’s and increased fuel conditions as well as preventing “spark blow-out” in nitrous and super/turbo charging applications. The increased electrode exposure guides the angle of the flame front down towards the center of the combustion chamber promoting a faster, more complete and even burn thus increase power, performance and fuel mileage as well as reducing plug fouling.

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Buckeye firearms foundation commissions six more teacher classes In the wake of the killings at Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut, Buckeye Firearms Foundation partnered with John Benner of Tactical Defense Institute (TDI) to give teachers and administrators training on the best ways to stop an active killer in a school. The idea garnered worldwide attention and the first class was a resounding success. Many Ohio schools finished the year with armed teachers/administrators available to protect children and employees from violence. Sadly, more schools have still done nothing to deal with a similar situation.

By Jim Irvine

Many schools didn’t want to make any “rash decisions” or “over-react” to the Sandy Hook massacre, especially something perceived as controversial as authorizing teachers to carry firearms in defense of children. But this is really about “safety” and not about “guns.” Every school board member, teacher, administrator and parent cares about safety. Safety should trump political correctness every time, but especially when the lives of our kids are at stake. We are working with school districts that have already made the decision to authorize certain volunteers to be armed while at school. They have asked us for help in training additional persons so that all of the schools in their district have at least one person trained. Having multiple people trained and available further reduces the time to stop a killer, especially in large schools. We continue to work with other school districts who have not made a decision to arm, but remain uncomfortable knowing they have nothing in place to stop an active killer. The locks, buzzers, cameras, and other safety features are good, but they will not stop a determined attacker who is inside the school. Sandy Hook is proof of that. Many school boards have received advice from local police or attorneys that they should not authorize anyone to carry firearms. We continue to ask anyone opposed to our program to give us a better way to stop an active killer, but thus far no one has a real solution. Some want to scare people with the “increased liability” of guns in schools. But they never compare

the liability born by schools that had no armed security. (Jonesboro, Red Lake, Paducah, Newtown to name a few.) Dead bodies equal liability. More dead bodies leads to more liability, and loss of life will cause loss of money to the district. There are lots of “what ifs” to scare people, but no discussion of real problems in the places that have had armed protection, many for a decade. Armed persons in schools is not a radical new idea, it’s a proven solution to an increasingly common danger.

One by one, as schools boards learn the truth about active killer events, and how the FASTER program can reduce the death toll, their concerns are giving way to support. They are working with Buckeye Firearms Foundation and to train their people and add a critical last line of defense for their employees and children. Through the FASTER program, teachers learn about past active killer situations and the lessons learned from them. They develop a mindset that may help them recognize an event to stop it before it starts. They are also taught shooting techniques to use in schools to stop killers and limit the number of people shot during the event. Lastly, they learn trauma care to treat the injured. Lives can be saved before, during, and after an event. Every life is sacred and we must do everything we can to ensure the safety of our kids. Successful completion of the Ohio law-enforcement shooting qualification course is required to complete the class. Now that school is out, many teachers will be students in a summer class. Buckeye Firearms Foundation has committed $100,000 to our FASTER (Faculty/Administrator Safety Training and Emergency Response) training. It will pay for three additional classes at TDI this summer, and three additional classes in NE Ohio with “Top Shot” finalist Chris Cerino. The same threeday class will be taught in both locations, but the demand exceeds any one person’s ability to meet, so we are branching out to other highly-qualified instructors. The key element in active killer situations is time. The longer a killer has before he is interrupted, the more people he harms. The faster someone is able to confront and stop him, the more lives are saved. Reducing response time is great, but it will never be as fast as a response from inside the building. Giving teachers and administrators the skills, tools, and mindset to stop an active killer is the fastest way to stop the killing. FASTER is better. For more information on this program or how you can help support it - go to www.buckeyefirearms.org

Storing Guns at Home When you purchase a firearm, an immediate question arises – how and where to store it. Keeping it in the kitchen drawer does not seem to be a good idea for many reasons. A better solution is required. Unfortunately there is no good-for-everybody universal solution. People live in different environments and have different, 92


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frequently conflicting requirements, which cannot be easily satisfied together. For many people they are as following: • The firearm should be unreachable by children, any other untrained member of the household, and guests. • The firearm should be easily obtainable and ready for use in case of home invasion. • The firearm storage should be burglary proofed. Additional factors, such as area you live in (rural vs. urban), age of children, types and amount of firearms play significant role in the final choice. This post provides an overview of the most popular systems for storing guns at home with their pros and cons related to the requirements above.

Trigger and bore locks

Childproof: poor-medium, Availability: poor, Burglarproof: poor Trigger and bore locks are the cheapest solutions to keep your gun somewhat safe. A simple cable lock can be bought for couple of bucks; moreover, in the United States all firearm manufacturers are obligated by law to ship their guns with a simple cable lock included. Of course firearm manufacturers did not like the new law when it was introduced. They negotiated much more relaxed requirements than the law had originally intended and they try to save on the lock quality as much as they can. As a result, the cable locks do not provide virtually any protection and can be broken or opened without any special tools or skills. Nevertheless, the idea is valid, and there are better solutions on the market. One of the most famous is LifeJacket gun lock, but other, simpler models are available as well. Bore locks, instead of limiting access to the trigger, put a plug into the chamber of the gun blocking it from loading a live round. The plug can be removed with a special key. The bore locks are not as universal as trigger locks, since different calibers and barrel lengths will require different size locks. The weak point for all those locks is that the gun is stored completely The Franzen Bore Lock exposed; it can be picked up and worked on in a different place. Another problem is the dependency on a separate key which can be lost, not easily accessible, or found by a child.


There are many different options for storing guns safely at home. The most common ones are: • Trigger, bore, and slide locks • Concealment containers • Small gun safes • Consumer gun and fire safes and gun cabinets • “Real” gun safes Which one will work for you depends on your circumstances. A childless bachelor professional, living in a guarded apartment will need something completely different comparing to a gun collector who lives in a rural area and have a family with five kids. You have to weight pros and cons of each storage type and choose what is the best for you. Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO





Thunder Roads速 Magazine OHIO

Thunder Roads速 Magazine OHIO





Thunder Roads速 Magazine OHIO

Thunder Roads速 Magazine OHIO



day tripper Hard to believe that you are reading this in the July Issue already isn’t it? The summer is flying by, much to this bikers chagrin! June wasn’t the summer month I remember as a kid. Those were blazing hot summer days spent swimming in our pond on the farm. For those of you that made it to Ohio Bike Week you know how chilly it was during that week. It was the same thing last year. I stayed in a Cabin at the campground last year and had to have a brother who came up bring me a heater! It was about that bad this year as well, but that didn’t stop many of you from making it out. I saw hundreds of you. That was a pretty damn good time as always. We’re fortunate to have something that big and still growing within reach and such an affordable trip for many. There are still many more trips to be made this summer and great upcoming events. As I mentioned before The Wetzelland Party is coming up July 26, 27 & 28. I will be there with my club Brothers and it’s always a great time. They have several bands lined up including the Headliner Saturday night “Saving Able”. They are also holding a raffle as they do every year. You are automatically entered when you pay your admission and this year they are giving away a 2013 Harley Davidson FLHR Road King! Hey, I love my 2005 HD Ultra Classic.. but I wouldn’t mind a 2013 Road King to add to the collection! Of course they have many Parts and Apparel vendors, a Tattoo Contest, Rodeo Games, an AMA Sanctioned Poker Run and so much more. Check them out online at www.wetzelmc.com. They are a great group of guys. Even if you can’t make it to the large events, I hope you are at least getting some wind in your wheels as much as possible. Just yesterday I grabbed up a half dozen club Brothers and we put our knees in the breeze for a few hundred miles. It couldn’t have been a more perfect day to ride. It was kind of overcast with a high of only about 76 degrees. No sweaty butt! We rode over to Indian Lake in Ohio and grabbed a burger at the “Tilton Hilton”. I’m sure many of you readers have been there, but if you have not and are in that neck of the woods I would suggest a visit. The burgers are ridiculously large, almost a mini meatloaf sized, but somehow juicy as hell and never dry. I have no idea how they do that because if I tried it at home it would be either raw in the middle or dry as an old dusty bone! They have it mastered. After we completely stuffed our bellies at the Tilton we progressed to meet up with some more of our patches that were already headed out to a big biker memorial party held by the brothers of the American Thunder. Detoured only by one little stop


on the side of the road to fix my broken front shifter lever. But hey, if you haven’t had to stop on the side of the road and scrape your elbows and skin your knuckles, I think you’re just not riding enough! We met up in the tiny little town of Woodstock. Another one of those little crossroad towns you probably have never had any reason to go through. At least I hadn’t until that day. There is an old local hang out there called the Woodstock Inn and it’s definitely Biker Friendly. We had a couple cold ones before all rolling over the American Thunders party. Those folks throw a hell of an annual biker bash. Everything you would expect from a big biker event, but on a smaller scale. There was plenty of Hog and fixins, Camping, Rodeo Games, Bands, Beers and Boobs. Everything I love in a club event! After throwing down some roasted pig and meeting some other clubs from the area, we headed back to “The Ranch” (which is what we affectingly call our clubhouse) and finished up the evening partying it up with even more club Brothers. That was a great day. So even if you’re not in a club, or don’t have the time or funds to attend the big events, make the most of what you can while it’s at least not freezing outside! A day trip can be a blast. I too also restrained by work but will spend the summer getting out to as many parties and make as many short one days trips on the weekend as I can. I’ll post some stores this summer on our travels to throw out some ideas for you to get out and roll to, and then you too can be a Day Tripper! As always, thanks for reading! Tabasco Tabasco.TRO@gmail.com


Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

And my very Special Guest Doug Gray From The Marshall Tucker Band


t is my pleasure to invite Doug to come up here on the porch and rock a little while with me. Like most of you I have been listening to the MTB far back as I can remember. I blame them for a lot of the things I can’t remember from the early 70’s. I know some of you are smiling because you know exactly what I’m talking about. I grew up loving any Southern rock music. For you young folks it’s bands like The Allman Brothers, Charlie Daniels, MTB, Wet Willie , Elvin Bishop, .38 Special, Molly Hatchet, and of course Lynryd Skynrd. Now being an old Hillbilly like I am I don’t get a lot of time to sip and rock with some of the greats of rock and roll. I caught up with MTB at Old Glory Harley Davidson’s Red ,White and Blues event at Laurel Race Track. Today is truly a treat and an honor to talk with Doug. So grab a mason jar, cigar and let’s talk to one of the legends of southern rock music. HB-How did you get started and how have you kept it going for all these years especially after losing Toy and Tommy Caldwell the other founders of MTB? DG-When we started doing this Toy, Tommy and I was all friends. Tommy was younger but we all grew up together in a little cotton mill town in the south. We had no idea what we going to do in life. We just didn’t know. Uncle Sam helped Toy and I figure out the immediate future. He sent us to Vietnam. When we got back we thought that we should work during the day and play at night. Toy’s Dad was a master plumber so he went to work with him. I went to work for a bank. I realized pretty quickly that I didn’t know anything about banking. The day we all decided to play music full time we said Hell let’s give it a shot. It wasn’t too long after that we were signed by Capricorn records. HB- A lots of bands take a long time to reach the top. It seems like it happened overnight with you. DG-We went out opening for the Allman Brothers Band for the first year. Next thing you know we were big. It was overwhelming. We didn’t expect it .We were just playing and hanging out together. We got more excited about it all the time. We were traveling in an old Dodge van across the country opening for Joe Walsh and The Eagles and we started wondering what our next step was. So we decided the next step would be to do it as long as we could. Being from where we came from and I lived on mill hill like everyone else did we didn’t know what that would be like. My Daddy took me to the mill when I was 10 because he wanted to show me where he lived. My Daddy worked there 40 some years and made a good living there. I knew that God gives us gifts and expects us to use them. The mill was out and music was for me. HB- You mentioned your Daddy any other family influences?

DG- My Momma use to always say come on Doug sing them a song. Everywhere we went I had to sing. She helped me realize I was blessed with this gift and needed to use it. We were all blessed the whole way and we continue to be blessed. Our fans are amazing. We are in the Wash., D. C. on Memorial Day weekend. We have all these people waiting for us when they could be doing hundreds of things around here. Our fans have been loyal for all these 40 some years. I like to think of our concerts now as tributes. Mainly to our loyal fans, but to all the past members of the band as well. I know why we started this band. It was because we wanted to see what we could do and wanted to have some fun. I still want to see what we can do and want to have some fun that’s why none of our concerts are the same. HB- do you still feel the Caldwell brothers with you? DG- All the time. They always will be with me. Tommy rolled over in that land cruiser and that thing was decked out with safety features. I still miss Ronnie Van Zandt that was a good friend of mine. I guess I now believe when it’s your time it’s your time to go. Life is short we need to enjoy it. HB- How about the U.S. Navy Seals Foundation that this concert is benefiting? DG- Well I already said I served in Vietnam. We went to Iraq to entertain the troops. They always will have a special place in my heart. Too many times we all forget that right now there are first responders and military men and women protecting us now. I thank up above for them. HB-The one question I really wanted to ask you was how incredible is it to be involved in a song like Can’t You See? I consider it one the GREAT songs of my lifetime like Freebird . It must be very special to you. DG-I have people call me all the time and say hey listen; they are playing your song. Then another friend called and said I just heard a band do Heard it in a Love song. They did better than you guys. Well, I told him go see them more often then. (laughing) I really don’t know what it is. Twenty some movies later and people still call up saying we are going to use this or can we use this one. When we sing it I still get goose bumps from the fans reaction. I always get the feeling that I need to do something special when it plays. Maybe that’s the magic from those songs. I get on my bike a 2002 Road King and take a ride into the mountains and listen to those songs and sometimes it’s like I hear them fresh as the first time we did them. They are very special to me. As far as those songs go there is never anything to embarrass me about. Those songs were written by Toy and I had to write them down. I had to be quick cause they were coming fast. He kept asking me, did you get that Doug? I still have the original paper that those songs were written on. They are priceless to me. HB- Where do you see it going from here? DG- Well I just turned 65. I just see it getting better and better from here . I love playing the shows and seeing the fans. It’s going to be a Great Ride! I watched MTB perform and kept looking at the crowd. There was nothing but smiles everywhere. I know we are all a little older and it seems like life is flying by. It’s really good when I get a chance to take a time out and enjoy a show like this. If you get a chance this summer to catch a MTB show Do It. The current band members are B. B. Borden -drums, Pat Elwood -Bass, Marcus James Henderson -keyboards flute and saxophone, Chris Hicks -guitar, Rick Willis -Guitar and Doug Gray -Vocals .They will be Apple’s East Coast Rally in August. Check your copy of Thunder Roads magazine for more info. I usually have the last word here on my porch. This time Doug brought shine. I love it when the guests start taking care of me. After all I deserve it. Til next time. Remember, Throw the lid away and always share it with your friends. Can’t you see oh Can’t you see what that shine been doing to me. Oops sorry but I love that damn song! – Hillbilly

Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO



The Thunder Roads Live Music Listing is a listing of recommended stops and entertainment presented for your enjoyment. For information on listing your local music shows here, please email Jinx.TRO@gmail.com Ace’s Bar & Grill 32650 Lorain Rd North Ridgeville, Ohio 440-327-3333 Blind Bob’s 430 East 5th St Dayton, OH 45402 937-638-6405 July 5 When Sparks Fly July 6 Human Cannonball July 13 Bearer of Bad News July 19 Abertooth Lincoln July 20 Making movies July 26 Yakuza Heart Attack July 27 The Holy Smokes The Boneyard-Mayfield Hts 5900 Mayfield Rd Mayfield, Ohio 44124 440-995-0500 July 3 Disco Inferno July 5 Pop Fiction July 12 The Spazmatics July 13 Pop Culture July 19 1988 July 20 Weird Science July 26 Cleveland’s Breakfast Club July 27 London Flatts Brother’s Lounge/ Brother’s Wine Bar 11609 Detroit Ave Cleveland, Ohio 216-226-2767 July 5 Armstrong Bearcat July 6 Jimmy Jack July 12 Colin Dussault’s Blues Project July 13 Disco Inferno July 19 Crusin July 20 Italian Sound Machine July 26 Pompous Ass July 27 Matt Thomas Dueling Pianos Bullfrog’s Sports Cafe 33137 Center Ridge Rd North Ridgeville, Ohio 440-327-3764 Every Friday Night is Country Night with DJ KB July 6 TBA July 26 Sunset Country July 13 V-Mob July 20 Mourning Glory July 27 Waynes World Bottom’s Up Bar & Grill 301 E. 2nd St Manchester, Ohio 45144 937-549-4892 July 5 Rebel Sound Club July 6 Kentucky Express July 20 3rd Degree Capt’n Woody’s -Buckeye Lake 10055 Avondale Rd Thornville, Ohio 43076 740-527-2306 July 5 Trailer Park Ninja’s July 6 Chillin Sun July 12 Reptile Smile July 13 Jukebox Hero (3pm) Fat Dog July 19 Feedback July 20 Trailer Park Ninja’s (3pm) Shucking Bubba Deluxe July 26 The Jack July 27 Bon Journey 100

Courtyard Lounge 320 National Rd Englewood, Ohio 45322 (937) 836-9511 Tuesday Night Bike Night’s 6-10pm, different band each week July 13 Michelle’s 40th Birthday Bash 10pm-2am with the Rock O’ Sonics $5 Cover Every Thursday 3A.M. No Cover 10pm2am

The Hooley House (Mentor) 7861 Reynolds Rd Mentor, Ohio 440-942-6611 All Music starts at 9:30pm July 6 Cocktail Johnny July 7 UFC Fight Night July 12 Dueling Pianos July 19 pOUT July 26 Carlos Jones and the P.L.U.S Band Jult 27 Jinx

The Cove Nite Club 5326 Lake Rd Geneva-on-the -Lake, Ohio 440-446-8888 July 5 Samantha Fitzpatrick Band July 6 1988 Almost Famous July 13 The Hern Brothers July 19 7% Superstar July 26 Sykosis Summer Bash July 27 Disco Inferno

The Hooley House (Brooklyn) 10310 Cascade Crossing Brooklyn, Ohio 216-362-7700 All Music starts at 9:30pm July 6 Carlos Jones and the P.L.U.S Band July 7 UFC Fight Night July 12 The Green July 19 Abby Normal July 20 Pants On Fire July 26 Mary’s Lane July 27 Fabulous Disaster

Dapper Dan’s 9327 Columbia Road SW Pataskala, Ohio 43026 740-927-5259 Live Music Every Thursday Night Dave’s Hideaway 1730 Lima Ave Findlay, Ohio 45840 July 10 Midnite Riders July 20 Decending Root July 24 Diesal July 27 Spoiled Rotten July 31 Foreplay The Eastland Inn 33 Eastland Rd Berea, Ohio 440-234-7260 July 6 Freddie jackson July 13 Eastland Inn’s 15th Anniversary Bash featuring Spina, Sullivan and Hudac July 18 No Strangers Here July 20 Adam and the Auntacids July 27 WIXY 1260 Frogtown 25150 S. 3rd Street Ironton, Ohio 740-532-8337 July 4-7 Gypsy Rose July 12-13 TBA July 19-21 Against The Grain July 26-28 Gypsy Rose Grayton Road Tavern 4760 Grayton Road Cleveland, Ohio 216-265-7770 July 19 Brittney Reilly Band July 20 Devon Deville & The Funkaholics Griller’s Pub 5455 State Rd. Parma, Ohio 216-741-7200 July 6 Blue Collar Blues July 13 Armstrong Bearcat July 20 Becky Boydd and the Real Life July 27 School Girl Crush Every Thursday 8:30pm Jam Night with Butch Armstrong and the Tower City Blues SUNDAY Bikes Day, Free Breakfast Buffet 12-2 Acoustic Shows every Sunday at 4PM.

Little River Cafe 5527 Orgonia Rd Orgonia, Ohio 513-932-4770 July 2 Friends of Lee July 5 Muddy River Band July 6 TD Brown July 9 Wish List July 12 Darrell Sallee July 13 Rollin Souls July 16 Three Road Junction July 19 Joshua & Whitley July 20 Wish List July 23 Rollin Souls July 26 Darrell Sallee July 27 Tom Caper July 30 Friends of Lee

Sassy’s 10755 Ravenna Road Twinsburg, Ohio 330-998-6529 Bike Night every Tuesday with Butch Armstrong July 12 Drunken Horses July 13 Frankie Starr July 19 East Wind July 20 Bit O’ Honey July 26 Mind Riot July 27 Strange Brew

Smedley’s Bar & Grill 17004 Lorain Ave Cleveland, Ohio 44111 216-941-0124 FREEBYRDS Jam Night with new host EVERY Thursday Skully’s Music Diner 1151 N. High St. Columbus, Ohio 43201 614-291-8856 July 12 The Columbus Music Showdown* Multiple Bands* July 27 Bass Jam Live Reggae with The Flex Crew every Sunday SouthEast Gears & Cheers 2333 Aurora Rd Bedford Hts, Ohio 216-937-0029

LaPorte Inn 2092 Grafton Rd Elyria, Ohio 44035 440-458-4444 July 6 Hard Drive July 12 New Decade July 13 Alcohol Powered Jukebox July 26 Three July 27 Wannabees Legend’s Sports Pub & Grille 1840 Town Park Blvd Uniontown, Ohio 44685 330-896-4433 Tuesday Night Bike Nights with Live Music


Rock City Tap House 5324 State Road Parma, Ohio 44134 440-799-4737 July 6 DieSektor July 15 The Bakers July 20 Blight vs. Blight

Shaker’s Tavern 2350 Brookpark Rd. Cleveland, Ohio 216351-3102 July 12 Night Prowler July 19 Blue Collar Band

Jackass Flats 6024 Rip Rap Road Dayton, Ohio 45424 937-236-4329 Bike Night every Wednesday with Live Music July 3 Time Machine July 10 The Latter July 14 Soul Express July 17 Left Overs July 21 Michael Locke July 24 St. Hellion

McGuffy’s House of Rock 5418 Burkhart Rd Dayton, Ohio 45431 937-256-3005

Quaker Steak & Lube Dayton 3725 Presidential Drive Beavercreek, Fairborn OH 45324 BIKE NIGHT With Live Music

Thirsty Cowboy 2743 Medina Rd Medina, Ohio 330-722-5400 July 5 ALL In July 6 Riverhawk July 12 Post Road July 13 Rebel-Yun July 19 Coalies Run July 20 Hard Drive July 26 John Hardy Band July 27 Rebel-Yun Viaduct 84 N. Washington St. Tiffin, Ohio 44883 567-220-4275 Zeppe’s 1110 Kinsman Rd Newbury, Ohio 440-564-1300

Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

Attorneys Motor Eagles motoreagles.com 1-888-75-BIKER

Chuck’s Place Bar & Grill 3830 Saint Clair Ave Cleveland, OH 44114 (216) 361-9031

Jimmy Bukkett’s 2815 N. County Rd 198 Fremont, OH 43420 (419) 334-3313

Ralph Buss RalphBuss.com 1-800-ON-A-BIKE

Courtyard Lounge 320 National Rd Englewood, OH 45322 (937) 836-9511

Knucklehead Saloon 2012 Cleveland Rd W Huron, OH 44839 (419) 433-6944

Russ Brown russbrown.com 1-800-4-BIKERS Bail Bonds Frank Valli Agency 1907 Cleveland Rd. Sandusky, OH 44870 (419) 626-5673 Bands Brazin Bull (419) 618-1035 Rock-n-Roll Outlaws (567) 208-3920 Night Prowler (216) 548-9455 Biker Friendly Establishments for Food and Drink 306 Lounge 7377 Lakeshore Blvd Mentor, OH 44060 (440) 257-3557 Adult Day Care 729 West 130th Hinckley, OH 44233 330-220-9500 American Spirits 365 E. Pike St. Morrow, OH 45152 (513) 692-4877 Bailey Road Tavern 2920 Bailey Rd Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221 (330) 920-8350 Brew Company 5513 Pearl Road Parma, Ohio 44129 (440) 882-3365 Bluto’s Sport’s Bar & Grill 33 E. Seminary St. Norwalk, OH 44857 (419) 668-8862 The Boneyard 5900 Mayfield Rd. Cleveland, OH 44124 (440) 995-0500

Crazy Fox Saloon 112 W. Mansfield St. Bucyrus, OH 44820 (419) 562-1256

Kurt’s Getaway 8909 Garfield Blvd. Garfield Heights, OH 44125

Dave’s Hideaway 1730 Lima Ave Findlay, OH 45840 (419) 425-1027

Lake Wilmer Bar & Grill 5012 Campbell St. Sandusky, OH 44840 (419) 627-6213

Delaney’s Chase Inn 8702 Mentor Ave Mentor, OH 44060 (440) 255-6645

LaPorte Inn 2092 Grafton Rd Elyria, OH 44035 (440) 458-4444

Dog’s Breath Tavern 1912 Whipp Rd Kettering, OH 45440 (937) 439-0649

Little Bar on the Prairie 400 N. Stone St Fremont, OH 43420 (419) 334-9244

Eddies Club 1433 Lowell St. Elyria, OH 44035 (440) 731-7727

Little River Cafe 5527 Oregonia Road Oregonia,OH 45054 (513) 932-4770

Frog Town USA 2515 S.3rd St. Ironton, OH 45638

Little York Tavern & Pizza 4120 Little York Road Dayton, OH 45414 (937) 890-6700

Gatsby’s 151 North Hamilton Rd Gahanna, OH 43230 (614) 476-0088 Goodtimes 5771 Pearl Road Parma, Ohio 44130 (216) 287-2289 Griller’s Pub 5455 State Rd Parma, OH (216) 741-7200

The Mason Jar 4408 Mason Rd Sandusky, OH 44870 (419) 359-1159 Paradise Island Saloon 830 Babbitt Rd. Euclid, OH 44123 (216) 732-7101

High Tide 5504 Lake Road Geneva-on-the-Lake, OH 44004 (440) 466-7990 Jackass Flats 6024 Rip Rap Road Dayton, OH 45424 (937) 236-4329

Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

Main Street Saloon 1481 South Main St. Akron, OH 44301 (330) 724-8855

The Pump 4024 Hayes Ave Sandusky, OH 44870 419-621-1041 Quaker Steak & Lube 5800 Interstate Blvd Austintown, Ohio 44515 (330) 349-9464 7834 Reynolds Rd Mentor, OH 44060 (440) 954-9464 6073 Dressler Rd, NW North Canton, OH 44720 (330) 433-9464 4900 Transportation Drive Sheffield, Ohio 44054 (440) 934-9464 5935 Canal Rd Valley View, OH 44125 (216) 986-9500 5150 Liberty Avenue Vermilion, OH 44089 (440) 967-3724 Sassy’s Bar & Grill 10755 Ravenna Rd. Twinsburg, OH 44087 (330) 486-0978 Shag-A-Lee’s 381 Ashland Rd. Mansfield, OH 44905 (419) 526-9179 Shakers Tavern 2350 Brookpark Rd. Cleveland, OH 44134 (216) 351-3102 Snuffy’s Reloaded 1313 St. Rt. 6 Bradner, OH 43406 (419) 288-1718 Sportsterz 5422 Lake Rd E. Geneva, OH 44041 (440) 466-2361 Train Stop 7837 Old 3C Highway Maineville, OH 45039 (513) 683-0207

Petticoat Junction 8376 Tyler Blvd Mentor, OH 44060 (440) 255-4793

Vanity Gentlemen’s Club 2880 Bethel Rd. Columbus, OH 43220 f(614) 764-1700

Playmakers Sports Grille 9729 Granger Rd. Garfield Heights, OH 44125 (216) 663-8000

Vaughan’s Pub & Grill 20983 State Rte 212 NE Bolivar, OH 44612 (330) 874-1092



service sPECIALISTS 102

continued... Biker Friendly Establishments for Food and Drink

CCW Classes Dayton CCW (937) 486-4229 daytonccw.com

The Viaduct Bar & Grill 84 N Washington St Tiffin, OH, 44883 (419) 448-7839

Freedom Health and Safety Training Center (740) CPR-LIVE freedomhealthandsafety.com

The Villa Tavern 6303 Rip Rap Road Huber Heights, OH 45424 (937) 237-0091

Great Lakes Gun Worx 419 Superior St. Rossford, OH 43460 (419) 754-9265

Vs Sports Bar & Grill 864 Cochoction Johnstown, OH 43031 (740) 966-3245

Mike’s Gun Sales (937) 570-0437 mikesgunsales@aol.com

Zeppe’s Tavern & Pizzeria 11110 Kinsman Rd. Newbury, OH 44065 (440) 564-1300 Bike Washes Wet Willy’s 21813 Aurora Rd Bedford Heights, OH 44146 Camping The Broken Spoke Saloon Campground Sturgis, SD (877) 653-6679 brokenspoke.com/campground Buffalo Chip 20622 131st Ave. Sturgis, SD 57785 (605) 347-9000 Camp Sandusky 3518 Tiffin Ave Sandusky, OH 44870 (419) 626-1133 Glencoe Campground 20555 Glencoe Dr. Sturgis, SD 57785 (605) 347-4712 glencoecamp.com Iron Horse Campground 20446 State Highway 79 Sturgis, SD 57785 (605) 450-0321 Shade Valley Camp Resort 20158 137th Place Sturgis, SD 57785 (605) 347--5556 Spur Campgrounds 23282 Schramm Road Greta, NB 68028 (877) 411-7787


Ohio CCW4u (740) 621-1584 ohioccw4u.com Right To Carry LLC (216) 469-0866 righttocarryllc.com Scooterz-N-Shooterz 1840 Town Park Blvd # D Uniontown, OH 44685 (330) 563-4683 Construction Beattys Builders 1219 W. High St. New Philadelphia, OH 44663 (330) 339-2333 Custom Paint & Airbrush FlameThrower Customs Doylestown, OH flamethrowercustoms.com (330) 658-2805 Sinner’s & Saints 1515 Alum Creek Drive Columbus, OH 43209 (614) 231-SINS Wizard Graphics 11497 Youngstown Pittsburg Rd New Middleton, OH 44442 (330) 542-4444 Gym & Fitness Centers King’s Gym 24775 Aurora Rd Bedford Heights, OH 44146 (440) 439-KING Insurance Geico Motorcycle Insurance (513) 794-3426 geico.com Rider Insurance (800) 595-6393 rider.com Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

Irv’s Cycle Leather Outlet 9156 State Route 14 Streetsboro, OH 44241 (330) 626-9057

Santa’s Cycle Supply 3819 W. 140th St. Cleveland, OH 44111 (216) 671-RIDE

Century Harley-Davidson 3053 Eastpointe Drive Medina, OH 44256 (330) 721-1702

Hampton Inn Exit 118 off Ohio Turnpike Sandusky, OH 44870

L.A. Alterations 526 Fouse Ave. Akron, OH 44310 (330) 375-1850

Scooterz-N-Shooterz 1840 Town Park Blvd Suite D Uniontown, OH 44685 (330) 563-4683

La Quinta 3304 Milan Rd (Rt. 250) Sandusky, OH 44870 419.626.6766

Photography Sheila Pack Photography (330) 220-0290 sheilapack.com

Vizon Xtreme vizonxtreme.com

Cleveland’s Harley-Davidson Sales Company 14550 Lorain Ave. Cleveland, OH 44111 (216) 252-3111

Plantation Motel 2815 Cleveland Rd. East Huron, OH 44839 (877) 677-2770

Retail Avon Boot Shop 38450 Chester Rd. Avon, OH 44011 (440) 934-3230

Lodging Hampton Inn Rts 250 and 2 Sandusky, OH 44870 419-609-9000

Parts and Accessories Amsoil Thunderroadsohio.com Amsoil Tom LaPuma Independent Dealer Willoughby, Ohio (440) 477-8085 Arts Parts Custom Cycle & Service 35 E. Church St. Marshallville, OH 44645 (330) 855-3762 Bear’s Vintage MetalWorks 408 West Main St Ravenna, OH 44266 (330) 297-7755 Bikes2NV 5728 Westbourne Ave Columbus, OH 43213 (866) 739-BIKE Cycle Tech 950 W. Mansfield St. Bucyrus, OH 44820 (419) 562-6931 F-4 Custom Windshields f4customs.com (330) 968-4644 Rock Tamers *Mud Flap Systems* 1-800-545-1894 rocktamers.com VIP Autoworks 7564-A Mentor Ave Mentor, OH 44060 (440) 527-8743 Patch Sewing Estelle’s Leather Stop 60 North Harrison St. Enon, OH 45323 (937) 864-7254

CobraXtreme 1809 Small Ct Raleigh, NC 27612 USA (919) 780-7897 cobraxtreme.com Guardian Oil Protector kbents.com Hudson Leather 14700 Ohio 15 Pioneer, OH 43554 (419) 485-8531 Estelle’s Leather Stop 60 North Harrison St. Enon, OH 45323 (937) 864-7254 INKtastic (330) 345-0911 INKtastic.com Irv’s Cycle Leather Outlet 9156 State Route 14 Streetsboro, OH 44241 (330) 626-9057 Jazz Motorsports 1542 Reynolds Rd. Maumee, OH 43537 (800) 655-1460 Medina Cigar & Tobacco 307 E. Washington St. Medina, OH 44256 (330) 764-9700 MotorcycleCloset.com (877) 511-8916 Norton Sporting Goods 100 Norton Rd Waldo, OH 43356 (740) 726-2616 Outlaw Eyewear OutLawEyewear.com

Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

Sales (Cages) Ride Now! Auto Sales 3743 Pearl Rd. Medina, OH 44256 (330) 721-7800 Sales (Motorcycle) A.D. Farrow Co. Downtown Columbus 491 West Broad St. Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 228-6353 A.D. Farrow Co. Shop at North Star 7754 St. Rt. 37, E Sunbury, OH 43074 (740) 965-9900 A.D. Farrow Co. Centennial Park 12477 East Broad St., SW Pataskala, OH 43062 (740) 964-2205 Adventure Harley-Davidson 1465 State Rt 39 NW Dover, OH 44622 (330) 364-6519 American PowerSports 3690 Speedway Dr. Findley, OH 45840 (419) 422-9253 4922 Milan Rd. Sandusky, OH 44870 (419) 625-9253

BMW Motorcycles of Cleveland 7315 Aurora Rd. Aurora, OH 44202 (330) 562-5200 Buckminn’s D&D 1213 Cincinnati Ave Xenia, OH 45385 (937) 376-3344 Ca$H 4 Motorcycles (877) 778-BIKE cash4motorcycles.com Carlton Harley-Davidson 11771 State Route 44 Mantua, OH 44255 (330) 274-3141


Clinton County Motorsports 6002 U.S. 68 Wilmington, OH 45177 (937) 283-2220 Competiton Accessories 343 W. Leffel Springfield, OH 45506 (937) 323-0513 Harley-Davidson of Cincinnati 1799 Tennessee Ave Cincinnati, OH 45229 513-641-1188 Harley-Davidson Sales & Service 862 County Rd R3 Napoleon, OH 43545 (419) 592-7123 High Point Harley-Davidson 643 Stockyard Rd #217 Bellefontaine, OH 43311 Integrity Cycles 156 Dering Ave Columbus, OH 43207 (800) 969-2005 Iron Hogz Powersports 6387 N. St. Rt. 48 Lebanon, OH 45036 (513) 836- 3824 Joe’s Cycle Shop 3315 N. Dixie Dr. Dayton, OH 45414 (937) 278-8081 Johnny K’s Powersports 420 Youngstown Warren Rd. Niles, OH 44446 (330) 544-9696 Lake Erie Harley-Davidson 38401 Chester Rd Avon, OH 44011 (440) 934-5000 Lima Harley-Davidson 3255 Fort Shawnee Industrial Dr Lima, OH 45808 (419) 331-3027 Mad River Harley-Davidson 5316 State Rt. 250/Milan Rd Sandusky, OH 44870 (419) 502-2244


Sales (Motorcycle) continued ... Mathias BMW Cycle 851 Commercial Ave SE New Philadelphia, OH 44663 (330) 308-8868 Mid-Ohio Harley-Davidson 2100 Quality Lane Springfield, OH 45505 (937) 322-3590 Middletown Cycle 3711 Commerce Drive Middletown, OH 45005 (513) 422-5471 Motohio 5936 Scarborough Blvd. Columbus, OH 43232 (614) 759-6686 Motorcycle Maxx 5838 Columbus Blvd Lewis Center, OH 43035 (614) 883-5800 Motor Sports of Dayton 2135 State Route 235 S. New Carlisle, Ohio 45344 (937) 849-1838 Napoleon Harley-Davidson 862 American Rd Napoloen, OH 43545 419-592-7123

Powder Keg Harley-Davidson 2383 Kings Center Court Mason, OH (513) 204-6962 Resurrection Cycle 627 East 185th Street Euclid, Ohio 44119 (216) 481-9949 Rubber City Harley-Davidson 32 E. Cuyahoga Falls Ave Akron, OH 44310 (330) 535-9900 Schiets Motorsports 1557 Oak Harbor Road Fremont, OH 43420 (419) 332-9902 South East Cycles 23105 Aurora Rd Bedford Heights, OH 44146 (440) 439-5300 South East Harley-Davidson 23105 Aurora Rd Bedford Heights, Oh 44146 (440) 439-5300 Spike’s Vintage Motorsports 3145 W. Tuscarawas Canton, OH 44708 (330) 456-7745 Sporty’s Trikes & Bikes 7426 North Dixie Dr Dayton, OH 45414 (937) 387-6294

Neidengards Harley-Davidson 284 Canton Road Wintersville, OH 43953 (740) 266-6188

Thoroughbred Harley-Davidson 8025 Action Blvd Florence, Kentucky 41042 (859) 282-2111

Northern Ohio Ducati and Triumph 1955 Brittain Rd. Akron, OH 44310 (330) 630-9340

Tri-County Harley-Davidson 5960 Dixie Highway Fairfield, OH 45014 (513) 874-4343

North Ridge Yamaha 5929 North Ridge West (Rt. 20) Geneva, Ohio (440) 466-2712 Northstar Power Sports 1482 N. Hermitage Rd Hermitage, PA (724) 962-6001 Ohio Motorcycle

7300 Fair Oak Rd. Oakwood, OH 44146 (440) 735-2000 3747 Park Mill Run Dr. Hilliard, OH 43026 (614) 771-0771


Triumph of Cincinnati 3251 Highland Ave Cincinnati, OH 45213 513-631-2000 triumphofcincinnati.com Warren Harley-Davidson 2102 Elm Rd Cortland, OH 44410 (330) 395-4700 Western Reserve HarleyDavidson 8567 Tyler Blvd Mentor, OH 44060 (440) 974-6900

Service (Motorcycle) Balcer Performance & Restoration 565 Broadway Ave Unit R Bedford, OH 44146 (440) 945-6829 Cheshire Choppers 5750 St. Rt. 37, E Delaware, OH 43015 (740) 362-0695

Steel Core Customs 20217 US RT 23 North Circleville, OH 43113 (740) 474-1011 Twin Visions 4520 Alum Creek Dr Columbus, OH 43207 (614) 409-1060 Tattoo Shops Akron Electric Tattoo 109 E. Market St. Akron, Ohio (330) 252-1255

Chrome & Speed Cycle 3490 Dayton-Xenia Rd. Beavercreek, Ohio (937) 429-5656 Cleveland Motorcycle MFG Co. 4327 Lorain Ave Cleveland, OH 44113 (216) 961-5151

Bare Knuckle Tattoo 1726 S. Raccoon Rd. Youngstown, OH 44515 (330) 270-5877

Criminal Customz Shop 1053 Broadway Lorain, Ohio (440) 245-8626

Blackmark 941 North Court St Medina, OH 44256 (330)952-0129 www.blackmarkstudios.com

Cycle Analysis 4984 West 150th St Cleveland, OH 44135 (216) 362-9060

Evolved Tattoo 1880 North High Street Columbus, OH 43201 (614) 421-2222

Cycles R Us 7384 Lake Rd. Chippewa Lake, OH 44215 (330) 769-2629

Glass House Tattoo Supply www.glasshouseohio.com

Cycle Tech 950 W. Mansfield St. Bucyrus, OH 44820 (419) 562-6931

Iron Clad Tattoos 36221 Lakeshore Blvd Eastlake, OH 44095 (440) 951-4-INK Monster Tattoo Supply www.monstertattoosupply.com

Evolution Machine Cycle 15385 Gaskill Dr. NE Alliance, Ohio 44601 (330) 823-5454

My Museum Tattoo 209 E. Ohio Ave. Dover, OH 44622 (330) 343-8500

Full Throttle Works 15532 E. State Route 12 Findlay, OH 45840 (419) 420-0339

Pain & Pleasure Tattoo & Body Piercing Studio 6015 Milan Rd Sandusky, OH 44870 (419) 625-0069

Kickstand’s Custom Cycles 13375 National Rd SW Reynoldsburg OH 43068 (740) 927-9300 QuickSilver Cycle Works 140 E. Pratt Street Johnstown, OH 43031 (740) 966-3073 South East Cycles 23105 Aurora Rd. Bedford Heights, OH 44146 (440) 439-5300


Route 42 Tattoo 201 S. Franklin St. Ashley, OH 43003 (740) 413-4042 Stained Skin 1255 N. High St Columbus, OH 43201 (614) 297-SKIN Technical Training PowerSport Institute 21210 Emery Rd Cleveland, OH 44128 (216) 587-5000 Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

Tracks Amherst Meadowlarks Facebook: Amherst.meadowlarks 6600 Cross Road, Amherst, OH 44001 www.meadowlarks.org Big Game Raceway 330-534-7958 Big Game Raceway Harescramble and Flat Track 2601 Elmwood Drive Ext., Hubbard, OH 44425 Big Game Raceway Motocross 2290 South Price Road, Hubbard, OH 44425 Big Valley Raceway 5558 St. Rt.170, East Palestine, OH 44413 Coal Hollow 43911 Hibbetts Mill Road, Wellsville, OH 43968

Lightning Raceway 82585 Craigo Rd. Tippecanoe, OH 44699 (740) 922-1661 LL Raceway Harescramble Location: 6531 Rt. 66, Fairmount City, PA 16224 814-275-3400 or 724-822-3834 www.llraceway.com, www. facebook.com/llraceway Flat Track Location: Redbank Valley Municipal Park (Flat Track Location) 137 Park Road Fairmont City, PA 16224 Mansfield MC Club 3593 Cookton Grange Road, Mansfield, OH 44903 419-526-5964 or 419-589-2856 Mansfield Clubhouse 419-529-6561

Hand Promotions 330-388-7024 www.handracing.com

Milan Dragway 10860 Plank Rd. Milan, MI 48160 (734) 439-7368

J&B Raceway 4413 State Rt. 7, Burghill, OH 44404

Outlaw Extreme 6848 Mottice Drive SE, Waynesburg, OH 44688

Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

Patriot Promotions 330-465-1990 or 330-948-4517 Summit County Indoors Summit Co. Fairgrounds 229 East Howe Road, Tallmadge, OH 44278 Pine Lake 3796 Maple Road, Ashtabula, OH 44004 Pymatuning Holeshot Raceway 15729 Maples Road, Linesville, PA 16424 814-683-5655 www.pymatuningmx.com Salem Motorcycle Club 330-332-9465 www.salemmotorcycleclub.com Sanders Promotions 330-465-5623 State Line Farm 8227 Chestnut Ridge Road, Hubbard, OH 44425

Vines Racing / TV LAND 440-577-1964 773 St. Rt. 7, Pierpont, OH 44082 Western Reserve MC Club 14439 Middletown Road, Salem, OH 44460 330-332-0818 www.westernreservemc.com Trailers Tourtec Trailers 7447 Allentown Road Elida, OH 45807 (419) 236-5911 Trikes Schiets Motorsports 1557 Oak Harbor Rd. Fremont, OH 43420 (419) 332-9902 Sporty’s Trikes & Bikes 7426 North Dixie Dr Dayton, OH 45414 (937) 387-6294

Skyview Raceway 37462 Mattix Road, Lisbon, OH 44432






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Thunder Roads速 Magazine OHIO






Thunder Roads速 Magazine OHIO


Make your next oil change the best change ever. Get all the dirty oil out! Sure you drained the oil pan but did you know

that there is more oil in the engine? 24-32 ounces of dirty black oil in the sump and around the engine just waiting to contaminate that clean oil you are about to pour in.

Don’t mix old dirty oil with new clean oil!

Scavenger Total Oil Change System™

The safe and effective way to flush the whole system. Engineered tools and simple methods so that you can do the job yourself. No loss of oil pressure, no silly vacuum pumps, works with all oil coolers, no gimmicks. Printed instructions with photo’s, DVD and toll-free support. Built to last a lifetime so that you can make every future oil change the best change ever. Made in USA. 30-day, no hassle guarantee! The Scavenger fits the following bikes: Harley-Davidson® models from 1985-present. Except VRSC models.

See videos online of how the Scavenger works or call toll free for a free info pack.

Legal Disclaimer: Rogue Chopper is not affiliated with nor an entity of or in any way endorsed, approved, authorized or sponsored by Harley-Davidson Motorcycles, Inc., H-D Michigan, Inc., or any of its affiliates, vendors, subsidiaries or group of international companies aka “Harley-Davidson”. All third party trademarks, brands, insignias, or logos including but not limited to those of Harley-Davidson Motorcycles, used or displayed on this site are the intellectual property of their respective owners.

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Thunder Roads速 Magazine OHIO






Thunder Roads速 Magazine OHIO


Thunder Fun



Inspiration AThe more a man knows, the more he forgives. ~ Catherine the Great

One who understands much displays a greater simplicity of

character than one who understands little. ~ Alexander Chase

Govern thy life and thoughts as if the whole world were to see the one, and read the other. ~ Thomas Fuller

Life is short, art long, opportunity fleeting, experience treacherous, judgment difficult. ~ Hypocrites

Riddles A. Every dawn begins with me. At dusk I’ll be the first you see

and daybreak couldn’t come without. What midday centers all about, Daises grow from me, I’m told and when I come, I end all cold. But in the sun I won’t be found. Yet still, each day I’ll be around.

B. Kings and queens may cling to power and the jester’s got his

call. But, as you may all discover, the common one outranks them all.

C. One by one we fall from heaven, down into the depths of past. And our world is ever upturned so that yet some time we’ll last.

D. I can be long, or I can be short. I can be grown, and I can be bought. I can be painted, or left bare. I can be round, or square. What am I? (Answers below)

Fun Facts A dragonfly has a lifespan of 24 hours. A fully loaded supertanker travelling at normal speed takes at least twenty minutes to stop.

A “jiffy” is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a second. A sneeze travels out your mouth at over 100 m.p.h. Weird Laws Arkansas drive-in aren’t very convenient thanks to this law... No person shall drive a motor vehicle onto the premises of a drive-in restaurant and leave the premises without parking

Illinois: A state law requires that a man’s female companion shall call him “master” while out on a date. The law does not apply to married couples. wow!

Answers: A). the letter d B). an ace (in a deck of cards) C). sands in an hourglass D). a fingernail

Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO




The Barber’s Wife This guys sticks his head into a barber shop and asks “How long before I can get a haircut?”. The barber looks around the shop and says “About 2 hours”. The guy leaves. A few days later the same guy sticks his head in the door and asks “How long before I can get a haircut?”. The barber looks around the shop full of customers and says “About 2 hours”. The guy leaves. A week later the same guy sticks his head in the door and asks “How long before I can get a haircut?”. The barber looks around the shop and says “About an hour and a half”. The guy leaves. The barber looks over at a friend in his shop and says “Hey Bill. Follow that guy and see where he goes”. In a little while Bill comes back into the shop laughing hysterically. The barber asks “Bill where did he go when he left here?”. Bill looks up and says “To your house”.


A cannibal once passed his brother in the woods. _______________________________________________________ Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson were going camping. They pitched their tent under the stars and went to sleep. Sometime in the middle of the night Holmes woke Watson up and said: “Watson, look up at the stars, and tell me what you see.” Watson replied: “I see millions and millions of stars.” Holmes said: “And what do you deduce from that?” Watson replied: “Well, if there are millions of stars, and if even a few of those have planets, it’s quite likely there are some planets like Earth out there. And if there are a few planets like Earth out there, there might also be life.” And Holmes said: “Watson, you idiot, it means that somebody stole our tent.”


Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

Upcoming Motorcycle Events 7/3/2013


Rolling Bike Night South 6-9pm @ Ripper’s Rock House, 2727 Manchester Rd Akron, OH 44319 Music / Door Prizes / 6 RBN Key Giveaways, Finalist to Win a Motorcycle More info: 330-535-9900 Work Stinks Ride Rubber City Harley Davudson 1120 Main St Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio Skip work and take a mystery ride with one of our employees! Come prepared to ride, eat & enjoy!! Questions: 330-535-9900


Tri County Harley Davidson Bike Night 5960 Dixie Highway Fairfield, Ohio 45014 6:00:00 PM Freedom celebration - Jim Burns Band scheduled to perform - Hooter Girls! More info: 513-874-4343


2nd Annual Drew’s Ride Jackass Flats-6024 Rip Rap Road Join us for the 2nd Annual Event -The ride starts & ends at Jackass Flats with great stops including a tour of the new Flat Rock Spirits!Registration at 11am, kickstands up at 12noon! Join the After Party at Jackass Flats featuring the talented tunes of LATTER, then featuring Scotty Bratcher! There will be auction/raffle items, 50/50 & more. This is a DONATION ONLY ride, so we hope you give generously or what you can. “Droopy” Drew Donisi was a friend, father comedian, rider, and one of those unique individuals who brought joy to so many. He was called home in March 10, 2012 but he will be remembered warmly by the many who knew him. More info:937-751-8060 Lisa Gaffney


July 6, 2013

Jul/8 Jul/12/2013

July 7, 2013

Walneck’s Motorcycle Swap Meet & Bike Show Martinsville, Indiana www.walneckswap.com


Century Bike Afternoon at Fiore’s Ride over for a great Sunday afternoon with live music and great food. 3pm 6pm.Fiore’s is located at 2179 E. Lincoln Way, Wooster, OH. Additional details www.centuryhd.com

Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

AVA’s 24th Annual International Motorcycle Rally Holiday Inn Express American Voyager Association’s 24th Annual International Rally in Logan, OH, July 8-12, 2013. Fun Run, Bike Games, Welcome Dinner, Awards Banquet, Guided and Self-guided Rides--all included in one low rally registration price. Go to: http://www. amervoyassoc.org/2013rally.htm for rally information and registration form. More info: 208-746-3530 Duane Ash American Voyager Association - We’re all voyagers on the road!

July 9, 2013

Century Bike Night Sonic Drive-In - rider over for live music, bikes, great food, fun people .99 c burgers and hotdogs. There will be live music by Cold Blue Steele.....6pm 9pm. Sonic is located at 3280 Center Road, Brunswick, OH. Additional details www.centuryhd.com


Concert Series- Mongo’s Barn Valley HD-Belmont Location 41255 Reco Road, Belmont, OH 43718 6pm-9pm A free concert with food & beer on-site. Adults 21yrs+ only; please drink responsibly


Ride For A Purpose Warren Harley-Davidson 2102 Elm Rd Cortland, OH 44410 Join bikes of all types as we help raise funds for people who are having difficulties meeting the true cost of their cancer treatment. Sign up & light lunch 11am - first bike out at 2:15 $15 per person First 25 to sign up get a free ride pin. More info: 330-395-4700 Harley-Davidson DEMO Ride & Customer Appreciation Day Harley-Davidson of Cincinnati 1799 Tennessee Ave, Cincinnati OH 45229 www.harley-davidsonofcincinnati.com

presented by

July 12 - 14, 2013

Amvets Post 71 Riders’ 6th Annual Bike Run to benefit Honor Flight AMVETS Post 71 4829 Industry Dr The Riders of Amvets Post 71 will hold their 6th Annual Bike Run Benefitting Honor Flight of Dayton, OH on July 13ty 2013. The run leaves the Post at 12 noon, will make three stops and return at approximately 4p.m. A D.J. will perform from 4-7p.m with a live band performing from 8-midnight. The Riders will also be selling T-shirts, holding raffles and split the pots. Food and entertainment is included for registered participants. Cost for the run is $10 a bike $5 for additional rider until July 5th, $15 a bike and $5 for additional rider July 6th to July 13th. Can’t make the run? Then join the fun that evening for $10 (food and entertainment) and help the Riders help Honor Flight. To pre-register or donate send checks payable to Amvets Post 71 Riders, (note Honor Flight) along with your name, number of participants and contact info to ATTN Ray, P.O. Box 18712, Fairfield OH, 45014. Check out the Riders at www.facebook.com/ AMVETSRiders71 GEICO Motorcycle AMA Pro Road Racing Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course has been a well-deserved mainstay on the American road racing scene since 1962, and the legendary asphalt has seen some of the most exciting road racing action in the country. The weekend of July 12-14, 2013 does not intend to be the exception as the series heads back to Lexington, Ohio for the 31st time to take on the 2.4mile, 15-turn natural terrain road course for another set of exciting shootouts. Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course, Lexington Ohio www.amaproracing.com



The Bug Ride Buckminn’s D&D Harley Davidson 1213 Cincinnati Avenue Xenia, Oh 45385 The Bug Ride. Join us for this hilarious & very fun ride. This is a self-led ride for obvious reasons. Get your ride sticker starting at 10am, be back by 2:45pm, Judging will begin at 3pm. All Day Event More info: 866-218-1452

July 13, 2013

Xenia Chrome Divas Riding Away Pain Poker Run This is a Poker Run which benefits the Family Violence Prevention Center of Greene County. There will be a 50/50 raffle, door prizes and plenty of fun. Ride will be throughout Greene County, Ohio. Registration at 11:00 am. Bikes out at noon. Buckminn’s D&D Harley-Davidson 1213 Cincinnati Ave., Xenia Ohio 45385 www.facebook.com/xeniachromedivas

July 13, 2013

CPHD HOG Freedom Ride A.D. Farrow Co Centennial Park 12477 Broad St. Pataskala , OH 43062 9:30am-5pm Led by Tim. Going to Charley HD in West Virginia. Meet at CPHD Parking Lot. Meet at 9:30AM. Leave at 10:00AM. BRING HELMETS!

July 13, 2013

DEMO RIDE & Customer Appreciation Day Thoroughbred Harley-Davidson 8025 Action Blvd. Florence, KY 41042 859-282-2111

July 13, 2013

Red, White, and Blue BBQ Bike Town Harley-Davidson, Youngstown 5700 Interstate Blvd, Youngstown, OH 44515 www.hdbiketown.com

July 13, 2013

New Life Baby Pantry Poker Run All Bikes Welcome - 50/50, Live Music, Trophies, Food Hebron, Ohio newlifepokerrun@gmail.com

July 13, 2013

CPT Nick Rozanski Memorial Charity Ride The ride will begin at C&A HarleyDavidson in Plain City, OH and will end at Quaker Steak & Lube on Polaris Pkwy. There will also be a planned stop at the Ohio Fallen Heroes Memorial in Sunbury, OH for a short ceremony and moment of silence. Pre-registration ticket sales will be available until midnight on June 23, 2013. Event day ticket sales will be available at C&A Harley-Davidson in Plain City. Check-in & Registration: 9:00 am Ride Begins: 12:00 pm www.ca-hd.com


Upcoming Motorcycle Events July 14, 2013

July 14, 2013

July 13, 2013


Walneck’s Motorcycle Swap Meet & Bike Show 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM Rt. 37 & Hospital Rd. 252 Hospital Rd. Martinsville INDIANA Phone 630-985-2097 www.walneckswap.com Madison Walker Memorial Toy Run This year will be our 8th annual run. Raising money for children, local families in need, and meningitis awareness. Located yearly at the Suffield Lyons Club in Suffield Ohio. Suffield Lyons Club madisonwalkertoyrun.org SOLON ITALIAN CLUB ANNUAL BENEFIT POKER RUN This year’s beneficiary: Salvatore Pulito He was born with Pulmonary Atresia, which is a lack of blood flow to the lungs. He is currently on a waiting list for a heart and double lung transplant. Includes dinner, music and after party $750/$250 prizes for best & worst hands Close hands can purchase 6th card at the end 50/50 Raffle SideboardsTV Raffle Start Registration: 10:00 am - 11:00 am Panini’s Bar & Grill, Twinsburg8870 Darrow Rd. (Rt. 91) Twinsburg, OH 44087 Finish Dinner starts: 5:00 pm Drawings: 6:30 pm Freeway Lanes, Solon 33185 Bainbridge Rd. Solon, OH 44139 www. SolonItalianClub.org

presented by

July 14-21, 2013

Ogemaw Hills Bike Week Motorcycle Rally w/ Bike Shows, Races, Live Entertainment, Field Events, Vendors, and much more. A full week of fun! All motorcycles welcome - camping available. www.ogemawhillsbikeweek.com


Tri County Harley Davidson Bike Night 5960 Dixie Highway Fairfield, Ohio 45014 90 Proof Twang scheduled to perform Hooter Girls! Food by their own HOG chapter. More info: 513-874-4343

July 18, 2013

HARLEY’S & HOT RODS Event 5pm-9pm With DJ Tommy-GAMES Napoleon Harley-Davidson 862 County Road R3 Napoleon, OH 43545 (419) 592-7123 419-592-7123 www.H-Dsales.com

July 19 - 21, 2013

July 18-21, 2013

Indiana Boogie 2013 It’s been called a number of things... Bean Blossom Boogie, ABATE of Indiana’s Boogie, A.B.A.T.E. Boogie, The Boogie, etc. But now it is just the BOOGIE. Motorcycle Rodeo, Ride-In Bike Show, Scenic Bike Run, and so much more! Presented by ABATE of Indiana Lawrence County Recreational Park Springville, Indiana www.abateofindiana.org/events/boogie. html

AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days Every year, tens of thousands enthusiasts join the AMA and the Motorcycle Hall of Fame Museum, and nearly 1,000 independent vendors at vintage motorcycling’s biggest bash. The event includes racing, the country’s largest motorcycle swap meet, seminars, stars from the sports past and present, bike shows and more, all designed to recapture a simpler time and remind us what’s fundamentally cool about riding motorcycles. Lexington, Ohio www.americanmotorcyclist.com/events/ amavintagemotorcycledays

July 19 - 21, 2013

Wauseon National Motorcycle Show and Swap Meet 31st Annual event - featuring dirt and vintage racing and an antique motorcycle show. Fulton County Fairgrounds, Wauseon Ohio www.wauseonnationalmeet.org/


Bikes for the Brave Poker Run In honor of Cpl Dustin Derga & Sgt Adam Knox Proceeds to benefit The Lima Company Memorial Rule 3 (Behind Kroger) 650 Windmiller Place Pickerington, Ohio 43147 (Behind Kroger) Registration 11am Bikes go out 12 noon and return 4pm Rider $15 Passenger $5 Live bandsColumbus Police Pipes & Drums-50/50/ Raffle Route: Rule 3-glenn Rest Memorial-RP3Captain Jack’s-Rule 3 More info: mgladwell22@aol.com

July 20, 2013

Annual Biker Bash Poker Run 8255 Strine Road in Ashley, OH 43003. Registration at 10am. General Admission is $5, Single Riders $20, Couples $25 (includes Event Admission). First Bike out at 11a, last Bike in at 5p. The Entertainment lineup includes Sky High Productions DJ & Karaoke, Just 2 Guys, Skull’Rz Bane, Reckless Abandonment, and special headliners Mari Jayn. 50/50 raffle, many vendors, biker games and tent camping is allowed

July 20, 2013

Cruisin for St. Jude 46/7 Rolling Thunder Chapter 2 and VFW Post 3383 host a Poker Run to Benefit St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. 690 West Waterloo Road, Akron Ohio For more information visit www. rollingthunderohio2.org 2nd Ribaganza/BBQ Cookoff Buckminn’s D&D Harley Davidson 1213 Cincinnati Rd Xenia, Ohio 45385 More info 866-218-1452

July 18-20, 2013

Roar On The Shore Motorcycle Rally Erie, Pennsylvania www.roarontheshore.com

July 18-21, 2013

Kentucky Bike Rally Formerly the Little Sturgis Rally Union County Fairgrounds Sturgis, Kentucky 42459 www.kentuckybikerally.com


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events Thunder Roads速 Magazine OHIO



Upcoming Motorcycle Events July 20, 2013

4th Annual Shawn Wilkes Memorial Poker Run Hickory Lake Inn - Newbury, Ohio Live Music, Chinese Auction, Door Prizes. Registration starts at 10:30, First Bike Out at Noon For more information please call - Becky (440)313-8803 or Tammy (440) 8299168

July 20, 2013

SPRC Biker Bash & Poker Run Live Music, Vendors, Food, Raffles, Bike Games, and so much more! 10am-12am. Poker Run first bike out at 11am, Last Bike in at 5pm 2882 State Route 229, Ashley, OH 43003

July 20 & 21, 2013

Demo Days A.D. Farrow Co-NorthStar 7754 St. Rt. 37 E. Sunbury, OH 43074 9am-5pm



Mogodore Bike Show Lion’s Park (Hale St) Mogodore Ohio Part of Mogodore Summer Festival July 19-21 Registration 9am-11:30am Show Noon-4pm Awards announced at 4PM All finalists featured in Thunder Roads Ohio magazine ALL BIKES WELCOME -$25 for first bike, $15 each additional Free T-shirts for first 50 Exhibitors registered

presented by

July 21, 2013

Greater Cleveland Scholarship Ride More details www.centuryhd.com

July 21, 2013

West Side Cats 2nd Annual Poker Run & Bike Show Austintown Township Park – 6000 Kirk Road – Austintown, Ohio Special Guest : Don Cockcroft #12 from the Cleveland Browns and Author of “The 1980 Kardiac Kids - Our Untold Stories” will be there. Registration at 10:00am / First Bike Out 11:00am / Last Bike Out 12:00 noon ALL MOTORCYCLES WELCOME !!! Fee $15.00 per Bike / $5.00 Passenger / Bike Show $10.00 Bike Show at 1:00pm till 5:00pm / 12 Catagories - 30 Trophies Door Prizes – Chinese Raffle – 50/50 Raffle – Cornhole Contest

July 25-27, 2013

Michigan State HOG Rally 2013 There will be Music, Vendors, Activities, Multiple choices in Lodging, Restaurants and more! Alpena, Michigan www.mistatehogrally.com/


Century Bike Night Quaker Steak and Lube 7:00pm ride over for great wings, bikes....4094 Pearl Road, Medina, OH. Additional details www.centuryhd.com


July 26-28, 2013

Wetzelland Motorcycle Rally Each year during the last weekend in July, Wetzel M.C. holds it’s annual swap meet and party. People are drawn from across the United States and Canada as well as several foreign countries. Fun and entertainment include... Great Bands, Rodeo Games, Tattoo Contest, Bike Show, Poker Run and more. We also have Vendors, Food, Camping & Showers. The party is for adults only, NO ONE UNDER 21 IS ADMITTED. We hope to see you there! Van Wert, Ohio www.wetzelmc.com


Villa Tavern Birthday Party 6303 Rip Rap Rd, Dayton, OH 45424 Come out & celebrate The Villa’s birthday More info: 330-237-0091

July 27, 2013

Dulle Ride Powder Keg Harley-Davidson 2383 Kings Center Ct. Mason, OH 45040 Phone: (513) 204-6962 8am reg. kickstands up at 10

Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

Upcoming Motorcycle Events July 27, 2013

July 27, 2013

SBMC ‘s 2nd Annual Scavenger Hunt Come out and enjoy a nice ride through the country while collecting answers to our clues. Be the first one back and win a $75 gift card to Centennial Park HD and more. Our clues will be given before leaving for the hunt. Come enjoy a Scavenger Hunt with us! Singles $10 ..Couples $15 All Proceeds go to Gerad Maggard Memorial Children’s Charities. Centennial Park Harley-Davidson 12477 Broad St SW Pataskala, OH 43062 (740) 964-2205 steelhorsebrotherhood.org/home.html Armed Forces MC 3rd Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Poker Run Reg Begins at 10:30am, Last Bike out at Noon - Last Bike in by 5pm Last Stop is at the Airport Inn - 61561 Wintergreen Rd, Lore City OH Starting at the Park Circle Café 610 Park Circle, Cambridge OH www.afmcsooh.com/runflyers.htm

presented by

July 27, 2013

2nd Annual Memorial Poker Run To Benefit the Cleveland Police Athletic League Starting 11am - Quaker Steak & Lube Valley View 5935 Canal Rd Cleveland (216) 986-9500 www.clevelandpal.org or www.meetup. com/neohbikers


Greater Cleveland Fisher House Benefit Ride Harley Davidson Sales Company 14550 Lorain Rd cleveland, Ohio 44111 More info: 216-252-3111 Come out and support the new Greater Cleveland Fisher House being built @ 10:00 am

July 27, 2013

The Ohio Ride for Autism 2013 C&A Harley-Davidson 7610 Commerce Place Plain City, ohio 43064 Registration begins at 9am, First Bike Out at 10:30 Run will be leaving C&A and ending at Quaker Steak & Lube Plain City, ohio 43064 9am-5pm. More info 605-720-0800

July 28, 2013

Marysville Ride for Kids Hosted by Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation - Ride for Kids When you join hundreds of other motorcyclists for this scenic ride through the Ohio countryside, you’ll have a great time while raising funds for the PBTF’s medical research and family support programs! Riders on all makes and models are welcome. Honda Marysville Motorsports 630 Colemans Crossing Blvd. Marysville, OH 43040 www.pbtfus.org/rideforkids/ events/2013/marysville.html

August 2, 2013

Blood Drive at Napoleon HD Noon till 5pm 862 American Dr Napoleon, Oh 43545

August 2-4, 2013

5th Annual Flying Horse Ride Cost: $125 Organizer: Flying Horse Farms Phone: 419-751-7077 Email: Britni@FlyingHorseFarms.org Venue: Columbus, OH to Nashville, TN Join riders from across the state for the fifth annual Flying Horse Ride. This year, we will journey from A.D. Farrow Co. in Downtown Columbus, Ohio to Nashville, Tennessee where we’ll visit the Grand Ole Opry Raising funds to help more children with serious illnesses experience camp at Flying Horse Farms.

Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO


August 3, 2013

Harley-Davidson DEMO Ride & Customer Appreciation Day Harley-Davidson of Cincinnati 1799 Tennessee Ave, Cincinnati OH 45229 www.harley-davidsonofcincinnati.com


Satin & Steel Biker Bash The Delaware Eagles 127 East William Street Delaware, Ohio 43015 Poker Run-Car Show-Bands-Vendors Registration 12:30-2pm $20 double/$15 single (includes 1 entry to Biker Bash) First out 11am last in 5pm LIVE music-Event to help Humane Society of Delaware County

August 3, 2013

5th Annual Run to Ohio Memorials, Wall & Rally Ride with us-it’s free! 5th Annual Run to Ohio Memorials, Wall & Rally - August 3, 2013. Visit 4 veterans’ memorials including MAPS Museum free. Stage Century HD, Medina, 9 to 10 comp. Pancake breakfast. After ride party Wadsworth Am. Legion #170 live bands, great food, raffle & more. Proceeds Gr. Clev. Fisher House & Valor Home Akron. Details & registration http://www. runtoohiowall.org Century H-D, Medina Ohio http//www.runtoohiowall.org;

August 5-11, 2013

Sturgis Motorcycle Rally The “World Famous” Sturgis Rally is the largest motorcycle event in the world! www.sturgismotorcyclerally.com

August 10, 2013

DEMO RIDE & Customer Appreciation Day Thoroughbred Harley-Davidson 8025 Action Blvd. Florence, KY 41042 859-282-2111




Thunder Roads速 Magazine OHIO

Upcoming Motorcycle Events August 11, 2013

August 10, 2013

August 11, 2013

August 23 25, 2013

Walneck’s Motorcycle Swap Meet & Bike Show Swap meet with American, British, Japanese, Euro, Dirt Bikes, parts, used and new, Leather, Patches & Sewing,TShirts and all kinds of bikes and what-nots for sale; including motorcycle posters. Clark County Fairgrounds Springfield, OH 8am-3pm $6 Admission walneckswap.com 2nd Annual Knights of Columbus Bikes and Bears Run Registration 9am - 11:45, Kickstands up at Noon Knights of Columbus Sandusky www.facebook.com/knightsde. sandusky county For more information call Jose 419-307-4268 www.facebook.com/knightsde. sanduskycounty Forever on Patrol Memorial Poker Run The Youngstown Fraternal Order of Police #28 is presenting the 3rd Annual Forever On Patrol. Poker Run to benefit the Fallen Officers Memorial Fund Quaker Steak & Lube - Boardman 436 Boardman-Poland Rd, Youngstown, Ohio 44512 www.ypdfop.com

presented by

August 15, 2013

Harleys and Hot Rods Event Napoleon HD 862 County Road Napoleon, OH 43545 5pm - 9pm Music by The Fare GameBand

August 1517, 2013

Ironton Rally On The River Motorcycle Rally with Music, Entertainment, Bike Show, Field Events, Poker Run, Beer Gardens and Lots More Ironton, Ohio www.rallyontheriver.com

August 17, 2013

Mansfield Prison Run Join us for the annual Mansfield Prison Run! Proceeds benefit the Greater Cleveland Police Scholarship Fund For more details www.centuryhd.com

August 17, 2013

All About Autism Car, Truck, and Motorcycle Show 7th Annual Event Quaker Steak & Lube 8500 Lyra Drive, Columbus, OH 43 Live Auction! Special Drawings! Bounce house for the kids! Live Music! 11am until 5pm

August 17, 2013

Lady Riders Against Cancer, Inc. 3rd Annual HONORS Ride A great ride and party with several live bands, cool vendors and fantastic people. All to celebrate, honor and remember those we have lost to cancer. Reg 10-11, Kickstands up at 11, Honor Ride returns at 1:30 First Band begins at Noon, Event ends at 4pm. Ballon Launch at 3:45 Powder Keg H-D, Mason Ohio

Circleville Moose Riders 14th Annual Biker Bash Poker Run, Bike Games, Live Band, Camping, Vendors and more www.circlevillemooseriders.org/rides.html

August 17, 2013

2nd Annual Knights of Columbus Teddy Bear Run 2045 Lake St Fremont, OH 9am-4pm $10/rider Registration 9am-11:45am Kickstands Up @ Noon Rain Date August 18 Food, Raffles, Vendors, Music & Fun For More Information Call: Jose Garcia @ (419) 307-4268

August 24, 2013

110th Send Off Party Napoleon HD 862 American Rd Napoleon, Ohio Send off Party for the 110th Anniversary Celebration in Milwaukee

August 24, 2013

Century Harley Bike Show Join us for our annual Bike Show! FREE food from 11:30am-gone! Only $10 to enter! Trophies will be awarded to the top 3 bikes in several categories! Only ONE will win by popular vote! Enter your bike or come check out the competition. LIVE Music! Categories:Sportster Dyna Softail Touring Trike Classic Custom Non-Harley

August 2931, 2013

110th Anniversary Party in Milwaukee Milwaukee Labor Day weekend to an epic anniversary celebration at the Henry Maier Festival Park (Summerfest Grounds) and the Harley-Davidson®Museum. harley-davidson.com

Deputy Sheriff

Saturday, July 27, 2013 (Rainout Date Sunday, July 28, 2013)

Join the Iron Shields LE MC and Powder Keg HOG Chapter 2713 on a benefit motorcycle ride honoring Warren County Deputy Sheriff Brian Dulle, killed in the line of duty on May 10 th , 2011. ALL proceeds will go to support the Brian Dulle Scholarship Fund, The Shield and Maddie’s Hope. • PRE-REGISTER on line at http://www.ironshieldsohio.com or download forms at http://www.powderkeghog.com and mail to Dulle/Shield Ride, PO Box 1235, Mason, OH 45040. • FREE Event T-Shirt for rider only with PRE-REGISTRATION. Additional T-Shirts $15 available online or day of the ride. • REGISTRATION begins 8 AM at Powder Keg Harley-Davidson, 2383 Kings Center Ct, Mason, OH (FREE pre ride pancake breakfast). • PRE DEPARTURE MEETING: 9:30 AM. DEPARTS: 10 AM SHARP!! • COST: $20 single rider; $5 for passengers. • Live Bands, Door Prizes, Food, Drinks, Gun Raffle, Split the Pot until 3 pm.

Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO





Thunder Roads速 Magazine OHIO

WE WOULD LIKE TO THANK OUR SPONSORS FOR THEIR SUPPORT We would like to thank all of our sponsors that help make this magazine possible. It is only with their support and commitment that we can produce what we believe to be the finest regional motorcycle publication in the nation. ADVERTISER PAGE





Dog’s Breath - BIKE NIGHT...............75

Monster Tattoo Supply.....................99

Shade Valley....................................13

A.D. Farrow Harley-Davidson...........57

Easyrider’s Rodeo..............................1

Morgantown Visitors Bureau............18

Shakers ..........................................34

Adult Day Care................................34

Eddie’s Club.....................................41

Motorcycle Maxx.............................56

Sheila Pack Photography................115

Akron Electric Co - Tattoo.................98

Evolution Machine Cycle..................110

Motorsports of Dayton.....................78

Sherwin Shooting Sports..................95

American Powersports.....................44

Evolve Tattoo...................................97


American Spirits...............................77

Frog Town USA................................56

My Museum....................................98


Full Throttle Works........................103

Napoleon Harley-Davidson...............41

Art’s Parts.....................................111

Gatsby’s .........................................53

Neidengard Harley-Davidson..............9

Ashland County Fairgrouds.............119

Glass House.......................Inside Cover

Night Prowler....................................7

Avon Boot Shop.............................111

Glencoe - Sturgis..............................14

North Ridge Yamaha......................110

Bailey Road Tavern .........................37


North Star Polaris..............................8

Balcer Performance........................111


Norton Sporting Goods.....................94

Bareknuckle Tattoo...........................98

Guardian Oil..................................107

Ohio Motorcycle...............................51

South East Gears & Cheers...............29


Harley-Davidson of Cincinatti............65

Old School Biker Brew....................114

South East Harley-Davidson..............28

Bears - Seat King...........................112

Harley-Davidson Sales Company of Cleveland................................................33

Outlaw Biker Glasses.....................116

Speedway Shelters.........................108

Papa Bags.....................................109


Paradise Island Saloon.....................36

Spur Campground Sturgis..................10

Petticoat Junction...........................100

The Boneyard...................................36

Piston Power Show........................124

The Pump........................................44

Beatty Construction........................115 BIKE n BBQ....................................122 Blackmark Studios - Tattoo...............99 BMW Motorcycles of Cleveland.......108 BREW CO........................................40 Buckminn’s D&D Harley-Davidson.....74 Buffalo Chip - Sturgis.......................12 Carlton Harley-Davidson...................25 Cash 4 Motorcycles..........................51 CASH 4 MOTORCYCLES....................51 Century Harley-Davidson..................35 Cheshire Choppers............................63 Chrome & Speed..............................77 Chuck’s Place...................................32 City Mission....................................32 Clinton County Motorsports..............56 Competition Accessories...................85 Competition Riders of America.... 82-83 Courtyard Lounge.............................77 Criminal Customz.............................51 Cycle Analysis................................107 Dave’s Hideaway.............................51 Dirt Country Raceway......................89

INKTASTIC.....................................107 Integrity Cycles..............................111 Iron Hogs Power Sports...................76 Iron Horse Campground - STURGIS....11 Irv’s Leather Outlet........................115 Jackass Flats - BIKE NIGHT...............79 Joe’s Cycle.......................................66 Kentucky Bike Week........................71 King’s Gym......................................39 Knuckleheads...................................40 LA Alterations................................115 Lake Erie Harley-Davidson..............129 Lighntning Raceway.........................89 Little River Cafe..........................77,92 Little York Tavern.............................80 Mad River / Adventure / Rubber City H-D...................................19 Meadowlarks Motorcycle Club..........89 Medina Cigar...................................34 Merriman Valley Bar District.............23 Mickey’s In The Valley......................37 Middletown Cycle............................62 Mogadore Bike Show.....................128

Powder Keg Harley-Davidson...........76 Power Sports Institute...................112 Quaker Steak & Lube Canton............37 Quaker Steak & Lube Columbus.........53 Quaker Steak & Lube Dayton............81 Quaker Steak & Lube Mentor............39 Quaker Steak & Lube Milford............71 Quaker Steak & Lube Sheffield..........41

SHOP SPEC - CRIMINAL CUSTOMZ.. 103 SHOP SPEC - CYCLE TECH ..............103 SHOP SPEC - KICKSTAND................103 SHOP SPEC -ARTS PARTS ..............103 SHOP SPEC: BALCER PERFORMANCE.103 SHOP SPEC: Cheshire Choppers.......103 SHOP SPEC: CHROME SPEED...........103 SHOP SPEC: Quicksilver..................103 SHOP SPEC: TWIN VISIONS............103

Thoroughbred Harley-Davidson.........65 Tourtec Trailers..............................108 Train Stop........................................77 Tri-County Harley-Davidson..............70 Trinity Chappel - Biker BBQ...............40 Triumph of Cincinnati........................69 Twin Visions....................................51 Twisted Tea.....................................15 Used Motorcycle Parts...................107

Quicksilver Cycle Works...................53

Vanity Gentlemen’s Club...................96

Ralph Buss......................... Back Cover


Ressurection Cycle.........................108

Villa Tavern.....................................80

Ride Now Auto sales........................34

VIP Autoworks................................39

Rider Insurance................................50

Vizion Extreme..............................107

Rock Tamers..................................110

Walnecks Swap Meet, Indiana........106

Route 42.........................................99

Walnecks Swap Meet, Springfield...111


Warren Harley-Davidson....................9

Scavenger Oil Systems...................111 Schiets Motorsports.........................43 Scooters n Shooters........................107

Wendy’s............................................5 Western Reserve Harley-Davidson....22 Yuengling........................................24 Zeppe’s Pizza..................................31

all of our subscribers... and of course the avid readers that bring it all together. Thank you for making all of this possible, for supporting this organization, and our families. Sincerely, The Thunder Roads Ohio Team Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO





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Thunder Roads速 Magazine OHIO



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