Thunder Roads Texas

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It’s not about the bike... it’s about the RIDE!

Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!

What will be awaiting YOU at The Texas Rally? Septemebr 6-9, 2012 Big Creek Park, Lake Somerville Also Inside:  Lest We Forget: AMRR Ride  Ride Map: Riding Around the Rally  Biker Band Corner:

August 2012

Charlie Parker Band

Contents 


August 2012 On the Cover 34 Surprise, Surprise, Surprise: The Texas Rally This Month 17 30



Ride Map: Riding Around the Rally Lest We Forget: AMRR Ride

Regular Features 8 From the Editor 10 From the Road: Letters to the Editor 12 Two Wheel Thunder TV Review: Widow Wax 14 Pig Writes: Summertime Means Vacation Time 20 Pink Thunder: In the Saddle Romance 32 Snapshots: The Boot Wearing Rules 38 ThunderCam 40 Joker’s Wild 42

Biker Band Corner: Charlie Parker Band

Resources 23 Event Listing CENTER - Pull-Out August 2012 Calendar 43

32 34

Biker Friendly Listing

On the cover: The Texas Rally is full of surprises! Cover design by Shelly Horan.

OWNERS Bob Cooney, CEO/Photography Shelly “TX Dragonfly” Horan, Editor



Peggy Beck - Two Wheel Thunder TV Reviews; sharing Pink Thunder, each submitting quarterly: Joni “Even Meaner” Kelton (Jan/Apr/Jul/Oct), Shelly “Cricket” Beatty (Feb/May/Aug/Sep), & Terri Williams (TMRA2; Mar/Jun/Sep/Dec); and “Pig” Meinhardt - Pig Writes

CORRESPONDENTS Thunder Roads Texas Main Office 281.866.8149 Laura Mae Benson - Sales Manager 979.481.9642 Bill “Shovelhead” Barnes - Houston * 321.960.6161 Bonnie Estes - Austin/Hill Country * 512.673.6679 Shelly “Cricket” Beatty - San Antonio/Hill Country * 210.445.2477 Don “DB” McGovern - Dallas/Fort Worth * 972.896.1919 D. Grey - Houston * 832.881.9244 Diane G. - Houston * 832.253.3262

Thunder Roads Texas Bob Cooney & Shelly Horan State Edition Owners 4631 Cashel Glen Drive Houston, TX 77069 281.866.8149

Thunder Publishing, LLC Toni & Brian Shearon National Founders 1528 Matlock Drive Chapmansboro, TN 37035 615.792.0040

Michael Jackson - Galveston; Joyce Siegert - D/FW; Dean Downey Amarillo; Linda Nilsson - East Texas; Mary “Ima Ryder” Taylor - Austin; “Pig” - San Antonio”; Randy McCamey - West Texas; Don Brewer Livingston; Donny Phillips - LaPorte; Mike “Biker” Boone - Houston/Gulf Coast; Dan Harp - Keller; Jason English - East Texas; Gwen Tucker Central Texas; Don McGovern - Houston; Travis Jacobs; Houston; Jason English - Rusk; Donna Herrin - Edinburgh; Leah Hanscom - Piney Woods; Amy Jacobs - Gulf Coast; MORE COMING ONBOARD EVERY MONTH!

Layout & Design Shelly Horan Top of Mind Marketing 832.585.4045 Thunder Roads Magazine® is Trade Marked and may not be used in any way without consent from Thunder Publishing. Thunder Roads Magazine of Texas is published by Thunder Roads Texas. All rights reserved. No part of its’ content may be reproduced without written permission. Publisher assumes no responsibility and is not to be held liable for errors beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error, slander of any group or individual, failure to produce any issue as scheduled due to reasons beyond our control, any and all suits for liable, plagiarism, copyright infringement and unauthorized use of a person’s name or photograph. Opinions and claims made by advertisers and authors are their own and do not necessarily represent the policy of Thunder Roads Magazine®, Thunder Publishing, or Thunder Roads Texas. Publisher does not promote the abuse of alcohol or other drugs. Ride & live responsibly. Thank you. Thunder Roads Magazine®, Thunder Publishing, and Thunder Roads Texas. Thunder Roads Texas is a wholly separate entity from Thunder Publishing LLC and Thunder Roads Magazine editions in other states. As such, content that runs in other states’ editions has no relation to the content in Thunder Roads Texas. Unless specifically stated, Thunder Roads Texas does not endorse, and is not responsible for, any content in other Thunder Roads Magazine editions.

It’s August and the hottest month of the Texas year. Most of us have been getting regular rain showers that have kept some of us off the road more than we like. But considering last year’s record highs, draughts, and resulting wild fires, the rain is more than welcome! We take a moment to say a prayer and remember our biker brothers and sisters lost or injured in motorcycle accidents. We encourage you to let us know about benefits and organizations that are working to help downed bikers and/or their families. We head into the rally season and we’re ready… are you? Do you have your calendar filled with the great events around the state of Texas? If you haven’t yet made all your plans for riding your steed – be sure to take a look at our Events listing (starting on page 23). Not only do we offer a list of all the events we can find in Texas and into the first two weeks of September, we also offer a substantial “future” event list so you can make plans for those larger rallies. Of course, we’re going to encourage you to attend the ones we sponsor (4b Wild West Rally in Brownfield, Summertime Bikes & Blues Festival in Freeport, The Texas Rally in Somerville, Oldest Town in Texas Rally in Nacogdoches, Boo Benefit in Jefferson, and Lone Star Rally in Galveston), but also those who’ve recognized our readers are the BEST and attend rallies and events… and advertise with us. For those who don’t advertise, tell the organizers they should! Speaking of advertisers, a friendly reminder that is because of them that you get this magazine for FREE. Advertising revenue is our only source of income that keeps our doors open. Make sure they know you’ve seen them in Thunder Roads Texas and for those that aren’t – tell them they should be! We work hard to provide a solid balance of ads and content that keeps our doors open while still providing you with valuable and useful information. To add content and pages, we must first add advertisers. We hope your August is great! Ride safe... and ride with THUNDER! Shelly “TX Dragonfly” Horan Editor / Owner

Find us, Befriend us, Follow us, Join us!

Owner, Top of Mind Marketing

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August 2012

Pig & I went to a birthday party last night. We gave the birthday girl a copy of Thunder Roads. At first she looked at us like we were just a little nuts. That is until I showed her her picture with me in the Thunder Cam section. She is the one in the center holding me up high. She took one look and screamed “I’m in the magazine, I’m in the magazine and proceeded to show everyone at the party that she was in fact “in” the magazine. Then all of a sudden, something happened. People came up to me and said “Are you that Pig?” Yes ladies and gentlemen, I am that Pig. Once again Thunder Roads come through and made another one of their readers happy. Have a nice day. Pig

Howdy y’all! My name is Brooklyn and I am 9 months old. Last weekend my papa and gramma took me to the Texas State H.O.G. Rally in Fort Worth. It was my very first time to see motorcycles! It sure was exciting! I saw lots of grown-ups in biker clothes playing with lots of fun biker “toys” under the tents. I even met a nice couple who liked to bring along their Pinscher puppy on their motorcycle adventures. My favorite part was sitting by the street watching all the colorful motorcycles vroom by me, and then seeing the longhorn cows in the Fort Worth Stockyards cattle drive! It was so much fun! I can’t wait ‘til I’m big enough to ride around on the bike with my papa and go to another rally! ~Brooklyn Hi Shelly I was honored to attend, along with an Awesome Group of fellow Bikers as the Mayor of Caldwell proclaimed May as “Motorcycle Safety and Awareness” Month. Cyndi Smith of “Cyndi Hawg Hang Out” in Hogg, Texas, accepted the Proclamation from Mayor Norris L. McManus of Caldwell, Texas on Sunday afternoon May 20, 2012. We here in Lee County have seen several of our friends meet with there demise on the area roads due to the negligence of motorist just not paying attention to motorcyclist on the Hi ways and By ways of some of the most beautiful cruising in Texas. I think we need “Motorcycle Safety and Awareness” on a daily basis. I just wish we could get the word out to the deer and wild hogs as well. Keep the Shinny side up. Bonnie Estes

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Last week I got a call from my Mom’s nurses that her health was failing quickly and not sure how long she would live.So I left work, got my clothes together and took off home. A discussion was held at work of how I was going, truck or motorcycle? Well I said motorcycle and everyone thought I was nuts! I said that the MOTORCYCLE WAS GREAT THERAPY and off I went. As I got to cruising speed, I listened to some good music and after 50 or so miles, the music was turned off and the therapy began. As I cruised the next 200 miles, I recounted my entire life with a very good friend, my Mom. I believe I went over everything we ever did together. Watching her make my school clothes, cooking pecan pie, frying chicken to punishing me for my bad deeds. As I see it, everyone has a relief valve. Mine just happens to be a motorcycle. I have ridden pretty much all my life but never really understood what people meant when they would say “It’s not the destination that’s cool, it’s the ride and comradery”. Usually my comrades are friends within the Harley world. This time it was my Mom. It was as if she was on that ride with me, talking to me. Reminding me all things that are good. Mom taught me alot of things as she did many people in her life. She taught elementary school for 35 years! She is the kindest person I will ever know. Her nurses reminded me that even as she was in the nursing home, she would tell stories, teaching them things in life. She never stopped teaching. As I am writing this she is still alive but by the time it is published she will probably have passed and joined my Dad. She lost him 41 years ago. Her one and only husband and love. Never remarried. She is still in love with him to this day. I told her it was ok to leave us and go be with him. The only response she gave me all weekend was when I said that and she looked at me and smiled real big! I think the kids today call it “cheesimg”. LOL So why do I ride? Its real simple, it relaxes me, gives me time to think about things that really matter! So when will you ride with that someone special and relax? Enjoy all that is good and smile! Hope to see ya on the road “cheesing” because someone is making you happy! Russell “Dog” Caraway

Widow Wax here are still some basic fundamental truths in life. If you ride your bike it will get dirty. That is the extent of the philosophy you will get here! You purchased your motorcycle, in part, because you liked the way it looked. The shiny chrome, beautiful paint, and all the accessories made that particular motorcycle stand out and call your name. What you may not know is that cleaning your bike improperly can actually damage your scoot and ruin those attractive features that made you choose it in the first place. There are a lot of cleaning products out there to choose from. One very good product we recently tried and liked was Widow Wax. It’s easy and it’s good. It is as close to ‘one product does all’ as we have found. Widow Wax is made to help reduce elbow grease while leaving the bike glossy and protected. It not only helps remove dirt and debris, it also adds shine back to your surfaces. After all the time you’ve put into customizing your bike to your specifications, you want your baby to shine as clean, spot free, protected, and with a lustrous shine as the day it rolled off the showroom floor. Reviewing and comparing motorcycle cleaners, polishes and wax products is an extremely difficult task. But Widow Wax makes it easy.

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August 2012

It has been used by dealerships on many fine luxury automobiles like Mercedes and Porsche, and is widely used on NASCAR autos. It’s all about protection and prevention. An advanced synthetic-polymer product like Widow Wax is the best place to start. It gives the best protection, hands down. Application could not be easier. Widow Wax is so confident in their product they offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee! Created by partners, Justin Kuhn and Jason Dietsch, Widow Wax is a white Brazilian carnauba wax that provides extended protection of vehicle surfaces with amplified reflectivity delivering unmatched results. It’s more than just a cleaner, it is a thin-film polymer coating created from NASA-based technology. It provides the ultimate, durable high-gloss protective finish for all vehicles. This ThinFilm technology leaves a hard glass like finish

on all painted surfaces. It dries clear in cracks and crevices and is guaranteed not to leave behind a dusty chalky residue; the ultimate in sealers and conditioners. Widow Wax is safe for today’s paint jobs and all clear coats. It is known for its easy-on-easy off application while leaving behind an ultra high gloss “wet look.” For information about Widow Wax and to find a retailer near you, visit And yes this product is manufactured in the USA!

Texas-based, Texas-focused, Texas PROUD!

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Summertime Means Vacation Time very summer comes around with the same old discussion – where to go for vacation. Translated it means “whose family do we visit this year”? This time I suggested instead of the dreaded family visit we go to Las Vegas. We could go see some shows (showgirls), do some gambling (win some coin), have some drinks (party hard), and take in some of the night life (HOOKERS!). But that idea was quickly shot down by Rainman when he said “Can’t do Vegas this year little buddy, we’re broke.” “What do you mean we’re broke” I exclaimed. My heart was broken. Thinking quickly, I suggested that we could charge our way to Vegas. That idea was met with a stern “NO!” It seems that Rainman never forgave me since the time I charged up all the credit cards with beer purchases. Oh well, can’t say I didn’t try. Rainman continued to say “With our current economic situation, we wouldn’t be going anywhere for vacation this year, being too broke to travel. “Well, mama will lend us the money if you want to go see her” my loving mom (Rainman’s better half)

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suggested. I just love it when the family discusses visiting Rainman’s dear old, broom-stick flying, mother-in-law. It sounded like a bowling ball had hit the floor when Rainman put his foot down on that idea. Seems that Rainman never hasn’t quite forgiven his excommunicated mother-in-law for the things she has said about him for the past 22 years. So what is there to do for nine whole days of vacation and no money to travel? I have to say, that Rainman is a pretty smart guy. (You could say his mom raised dumb looking kids, instead of dumb kids.) What I didn’t know is that he had already had it all planned out. Each day of his vacation, he and I would take off on the bike on several, short, unplanned rides. Rainman called it “Going to Nowhere, TX”. One day we would head north, one day east; then one day south and of course one day we would head west. Oh and don’t forget to throw in a couple of bike nights, too. What we would do is fill the gas tank up and ride out for 60 minutes. The trip had to be on back-roads only, no interstate riding allowed. At the end of 60 minutes we would stop to see where we were. What was the

purpose of that? I’m glad you

asked. It was all just to see things we have never seen before. Sounds a little goofy, I know. But look at it this way… we all ride like a “bat outta hell”. In doing lot of times we never down or even stop to what else the world has to offer. For one time, Rainman wanted to take the road less traveled and ride the posted speed limit.

so, a slow s e e

I have to admit I was a little leery of this idea. It did sound a little boring to me. The first day of vacation had arrived and it was time to go ride. For the first trip our buddy Keyman went with us. With no set plans or destination planned we headed north on every Farm-to-Market road north of San Antonio. We ended up on River Road riding along the Guadalupe River. It was a nice ride that included a shady canopy provided by the tree tops grown over the road. We didn’t stick to our 60 minute rule on this trip. We were forced to make a stop when the river beckoned us to come and swim in her. (At lease I did.) Back on the road our destination ended up being the dam on Canyon Lake. There we hiked down to the shore, sat on the bank

Texas-based, Texas-focused, Texas PROUD!

and had a vivid real man talk type discussion of the good old glory days. (Real man talk about who could water ski the best when those two were younger. Much younger I might add. I have to admit, it was a good time. For day two, Rainman and I headed out alone. We were up early that morning, real early, more like about an hour before dawn. We loaded up and headed out east past Seguin. When the skyline began to turn red, we stopped and parked to watch the sunrise. It was really neat. The glowing red rays of sunlight mixed with the cool of the morning gave way to a view of ducks flying in their V-formation overhead. There was the smell of fresh grass and little bits of wildlife retreating into the shadows before the heat of the day. Dude, this time, we were in the middle of Nowhere, TX. After taking all that in, we continued east on into the next town and stopped at a Buc-ees for coffee. There we had the pleasure of talking with some of the locals about bikes and good places to go ride. After all that, we were home by nine that morning. We still had the whole day ahead of us. On day three, we decided to head west towards Hondo. We (I) wanted a picture of the old sign at the beginning of town. You know the one, “Please don’t drive through our town like hell”. We picked up Highway 90 West over to Loop 1604 to Macdona Lacoste Road and there we started our 60 minute back-road time. We headed west to FM 471 and zig-zagged to County Road 4516 over to FM 2676

and dropped down into Hondo. The ride was good. The clean Texas air mixed in with lots of greenery. Along the way I was proud to see how many people still fly the American flag from their fence post. We cruised into Hondo where a sad surprise awaited us. “The old sign is gone”, one of the locals told us as he poked at my rib cage. “Back off dude, these ribs are not for Q’ing,” I told him. Day four we headed south on Highway 87 towards Stockdale. We made the mistake of waiting too late in the day to head out. We rode for less than 40 miles south when we realized it was just plain old HOT, in fact, it was too hot to enjoy the ride. We blew off going any further and back-tracked to head over to Texas Pride BBQ for bike night a little early. An extended stop there allowed us to refuel our bodies with some great BBQ and iced tea as we hung out with some friends. Yeah, even though we didn’t make it to Las Vegas this year to enjoy my kind of fun, we still had a pretty good vacation. The rides may have been short but at lease we were able to spend some quality time together. Mom was all too happy to keep us out of her way for a while. The total cost of all our trips was less than $130.00 (gas, oil, drinks). Maybe next year we can go to Vegas via Route 66. Does anyone know if Route 66 even goes to Vegas? If so, wanna go? Ride HARD or Stay Home

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Ridi ng Around the Rally


his month, to accompany our cover story, we offer a ride map to “holster” in your saddle bags for your trip to The Texas Rally at Big Creek Park & Marina on Lake Somerville in September. Ride time is about three hours with historic stops, Points Across Texas™ photo opportunities (it’s easy and it’s FREE; see for details), and interesting roads and eateries along the way. Leaving The Texas Rally grounds, take the main road out of Big Creek Park, Recreational Road #4/Lakeview Drive. Go left on FM 60; it will jog at FM 976 for about half-a-mile (left on FM 976 then right to continue on FM 60). Right on FM 127. Left on Country Road 126. CR 126 turns into FM

Burleson County Courthouse Texas-based, Texas-focused, Texas PROUD!

975, heading into Caldwell. Caldwell is the seat of Burleson County. As such, it houses the county courthouse. It is also the Kolache Capital of Texas (can you say, Points Across Texas?). This quaint town offers quite a bit to see and do. The same weekend as the rally, they host their annual Kolache Festival on the Square Downtown. The festival celebrates the Czech heritage that permeates the area. Want more history? Be sure to spend some time in their Czech Heritage Museum, open to the public Saturdays, 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Next on our map is the San Antonio Prairie Cemetery. Simply take Highway 21 West out of Caldwell. The old

Czech Heritage Museum

cemetery is located on Highway 21, at County Road 114. The name, San Antonio Prairie, originally referred to a belt of blackland prairie that extends through the center of Burleson, along Old San Antonio Road (Highway 21 is part of this historic route). This is an ecoregion that runs from the Red River to San Antonio. Old San Antonio Road (also known as “El Camino Real” or “King’s Highway”) is a historic roadway that defined old trails where Spanish explorers, such as Alonso de Leon, blazed trails eastward from Mexico. The trail followed various Indian and buffalo trails that crossed the Rio Grande. The Daughters of the American Revolution have

Continued on next page...

San Antonio Prairie Cemetery Marker

King’s Highway Marker August 2012


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Riding Around the Rally

... continued placed pink granite markers along the route. You will also see signs along Highway 21, identifying it as the Presidential Corridor. This refers to a 1997 Texas Legislative Act that recognizes the connection between the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library in Austin and the George Herbert Walker Bush Library in College Station. Take Highway 21 into Lincoln, the next stopping point on our map. This is a small country town that boasts less than 300 residents. But one big boast it has is a small eatery, the Elm Creek Café that offers “the best Chicken Fried Steak” – grilled or fried – in the area. So stop in for a bite! Out of Lincoln, continue on Highway 21 for little more than a mile, then catch FM 1624 (going left) and pick up Highway 77. This will take you into Giddings.

Elm Creek Cafe

Lee County Courthouse

In Giddings, pick up Highway 290 East; the next place on the map is Carmine. Originally named Sylvan, the name was changed in 1892 to honor the first postmaster, Newton Carmean. Although spelled “Carmine”, it is pronounced “car – mean”. While it is a small town that basically withered after the railroad left, one of its claims to fame was that the local bank was robbed by Ray Hamilton and other associates of the Barrow Gang (see last month’s Ride Map – “Riding in Their Footsteps”). Today, the small town is an antique shopper’s paradise.



Texas Wendish Museum

Cotton Gin Museum

Giddings offers more Points Across Texas opportunities, being the seat of Lee County. This is one of the prettier courthouses in Texas – an old red brick building built in 1897 by architect, J. Riely Gordon in the Romansque Revival style. Just gorgeous! You can also visit the local Post Office on Highway 290, in which one of the Post Office Murals “Cowboys Receiving the Mail” resides (Roosevelt-depression era effort). If you’re into museums, visit The Texas Wendish Heritage Museum and nearby is the Wesley Brethren Church, an old Painted Church (see our February 2012 Ride Map archived on online). The fourth Sunday in September every year (this year, September 23, 2012), the museum hosts their Annual Wendish Festival.

Wesley Brethren Church

Next up is the town of Burton. Take the exit for FM 390 West/La Bahia Trail and follow the signs in to downtown. The town is full of historic buildings, with a wonderful walking tour. Be sure to visit the Burton Cotton Gin and Museum. It is a National Historic Mechanical Engineering Landmark and hosts the Burton Cotton Gin Festival. In the multi-roofed structure, the Gin itself is an evolutionary journey through the cotton industry; housing equipment that was never replaced as technology developed. Records dating back to the incorporation of the Gin in 1913 are displayed and the Smithsonian Institution has recognized the location for its “frozen-in-time” historical value. Definitely worth a look! Before heading out of Burton, stop in at the Pig & Whistle Pub. Often compared to Austin-area music watering holes, they offer live music every Friday and Saturday nights (7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.) and on Sunday afternoons (3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.). The route out of Burton is FM 390 West, part of the La Bahia Trail, a recognized “scenic byway” (one of the few in Texas. This will take you into Gay Hill, named for Thomas Gay, a partner in the local store. There is another Gay Hill in Fayette County, near La Grange, named for his brother, James Gay. If you like visiting ghost towns, this is a good one.

Antique Shop in Carmine Pig & Whistle

36th Division Memorial Highway Marker

Continue on FM 390 West and catch Highway 36 North, also known as the 36th Division Memorial Highway (see our November 2011 Ride Map – “Honoring Our Troops” by Randy McCamey). This will take you into the small town of Somerville. Named after Albert Somerville, president of the Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe Railway Company of Galveston (say that five times fast!). The railroad came through the area to access East Texas forests and became a railroad industrial hub for the area. In 1962, the US Army Corps of Engineers started work on a dam at Yegua Creek at the southwestern edge of town. Completed four years later, Somerville Lake was filled in and is today, one of the largest man-made recreational areas in the state. Visit the Somerville Historical Museum to learn more about the rich history of the area. And on Sunday after the rally, get your “jubilee on” at the Somerville Jubilee Christian Center – a biker friendly church (17462 Highway 36 South; 979.229.2291; Head on North on Highway 36, into the town of Lyons, where you’ll turn left on County Road 416, heading back to The Texas Rally. We hope you join us for the 6th Annual Texas Rally – Luau & Biker Bash, September 6-9, 2012. For more information, see page ____ or visit

Somerville Historical Museum Page 18


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La Bahia Trail Marker


Texas-based, Texas-focused, Texas PROUD!

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In the Saddle Romance Shelly “Cricket” Beatty (Feb/May/Aug/Nov) thought I’d write about “in the saddle romance” this month. You know the things that couples do to bring romance to riding motorcycles. Yes, bikers are romantic, too. Love is alive in the biker community and it doesn’t matter if you ride together or on separate bikes. I spent the last few months interviewing couples of all types to see what others had to say about the subject. I got tons of smiles as I introduced the topic to them. Apparently, most were recalling some of the things they have brought to their riding adventures. I assumed that we women would have men beat in this romance thing hands down. Boy was I wrong! Men were far more romantic when it came to their creativity on this topic. Yeah, for us women, we get to enjoy some of the romance. Truly though, I applaud you men who contributed to this article and of course you women, too. I found most couples were willing to share their romantic side with me, but none wanted to be quoted. So, I will give you a broad list of what and how our biker community shares some “in the saddle romance”. Topping my list was a couple who ride their own. They shared what the call “make out spots”. When they ride, they stop at different places just to go make out. After talking about it with me they decided it truly was a special

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thing and might purchase a map to mark all their stops they make for the special moments. This in turn would be a map of places they have traveled on bikes together, a true memento. Other couples that ride their own had some ideas like blowing kisses to one another as they ride, winking in the mirror when the other was looking, radio communications… oh, what they whisper to one another I can’t write, but you get the idea. Washing bikes for each other and general maintenance were some ideas. Some of the things that men came up with were riding holding their significant others leg, a pat every now on then on the leg, kisses every time she climbs on the back, riding to a view for a picnic packed on the bike of course, sunset views as a stop, overnight trips for some private time, buying her a shirt or trinket from every place they go, surprise stops that mean one thing or another, snuggling in against her for a bit, turning up a special song, and the list went on from here. Women, do a good job of adding to the romance, too. It was said that cuddling up of course we all do, but there were a lot that did special things like washing his bike, making breakfast before the ride, whispering in his ear at stop lights or tracing words on their back, wearing his

favorite outfit so he can show of a bit, making a special picture of his bike, or just being in some fun photos on his bike. Mostly, after talking to couples it was not so much what little things are done on a bike or off, but the time that the couple spends together sharing an interest. A way to be together and enjoying that time whether you’re in a large group or out on the road alone, you’re together sharing the experience. Some couples said that riding actually brought them closer together just because of the time together, the trips they took and friends made along the way. So, I say to you… don’t stop at this list. Add your own fun stuff, saddle up, and ride!

Texas-based, Texas-focused, Texas PROUD!

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Event Listing

The MOST comprehensive motorcycle event listing published in the State of Texas!

12 15-19

TMRA2 Texas Freedom Riders Mtg 713.376.0290 Richmond Region: Gulf Coast Metro: Houston


Womens Center of Brazoria County Annual Benefit Angleton Region: Gulf Coast Metro: Houston

Scruffy’s Memorial Toy Run & Food Drive 214.399.8353; 469.230.1616 Denton Region: Prairies & Lakes Metro: Dallas/Fort Worth

Astros Motorcycle Night Houston Region: Gulf Coast Metro: Houston

TMRA2 Brazoria Chapter Mtg 979.849.4932 Angleton Region: Gulf Coast Metro: Houston

TMRA2 Riders For Rights Chapter Mtg Point Blank Region: Piney Woods Metro: Houston


Women’s Center Benefit Kick Off Party Alvin Region: Gulf Coast Metro: Houston

Kensley Jones Cruise for a Cause 214.498.1365 Forney Region: Prairies & Lakes Metro: Dallas/Fort Worth Not at Sturgis Fundraiser Adkins Region: South Texas Metro: San Antonio Texas COC&I Meeting Magnolia Region: Piney Woods Metro: Houston

Thunder Roads Texas BIKE NIGHT Houston Region: Gulf Coast Metro: Houston Our monthly (third Thursday) biker party with a few hundred of our closest friends! Held at Concert Pub North (2470 FM 1960 West, Houston, 77068). Cohosted by the Outlaw Dave Show. Live music with no cover or drink minimum, drink specials (big ass beer night!), vendors, stage games, door prizes, and MORE! LARGE reserved motorcycle-only parking, with plenty of cage parking, too. Rain or shine… the BEST and longest continually held bike night in Houston! Lone Star Bike Night DFW-Area Region: Prairies & Lakes Metro: Dallas/Fort Worth It’s a roaming bike night! Randy James of Lone Star 92.5 hosts an every Thursday bike night at various locations around town. Visit for information about upcoming bike nights. Proudly sponsored by Thunder Roads Texas! 5th Annual Michael “Buck” Buckley Memorial BBQ Cook Off Cleveland Region: Piney Woods Metro: Houston August 17-19



dreaMS of a Cure Car, Truck & Motorcycle Show Dumas Region: Panhandle Metro: Amarillo

4b Wild West Rally Brownfield Region: Panhandle Metro: Lubbock Live music by #1 AC/DC cover band, Back In Black! Returning by popular demand, Whips and Kisses. PLUS 6 other bands! FMX Brigade Stunt Team. Over 100 vendors. Must be 18 to enter and 21 to consume alcohol – BYOB. Biker games, poker run (included in weekend rally pricing)… and 400+ acres of camping area (no hook ups). Weekend pass ONLY $20. 100% of net proceeds go to local area cancer patients. Sponsored by Thunder Roads Texas!


6-12 9

26th Annual Hot Summer Fun Run New Summerfield Region: Piney Woods Metro: Tyler

6th Annual Burke Rally Driftwood Region: Hill Country Metro: Austin Busted in Baylor County 940.256.0743; 940.212.0411 Seymour Region: Panhandle Metro: Wichita Falls Surfside Beach Bash Oyster Creek Region: Gulf Coast Metro: Houston

Continued on Page 26... Texas-based, Texas-focused, Texas PROUD!

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3rd Annual Ain’t Going to Sturgis Fun Run Deer Park Region: Gulf Coast Metro: Houston City Line Cycles invites you to join them for a fun run benefitting Houston Children’s Charity. They use the funds to purchase backpacks and school supplies for kids in need. Run starts at City Line Cycles and ends at Neon Moon Saloon in La Porte. Registration begins at 10am. First bike out at 11am; Last bike in at 4pm. $10/rider; all cash donations welcome. Silent auction, door prizes, 50/50 drawing and live music by Ray T & The City Crew. Cash prizes for 1st and 2nd place. For more information, visit the website or call 281.479.0900.

Lone Star Bike Night DFW-Area Region: Prairies & Lakes Metro: Dallas/Fort Worth It’s a roaming bike night! Randy James of Lone Star 92.5 hosts an every Thursday bike night at various locations around town. Visit for information about upcoming bike nights. Proudly sponsored by Thunder Roads Texas!

Battle on the Bay Car & Bike Show Corpus Christi Region: Gulf Coast Metro: Corpus Christi


Lone Star Bike Night DFW-Area Region: Prairies & Lakes Metro: Dallas/Fort Worth It’s a roaming bike night! Randy James of Lone Star 92.5 hosts an every Thursday bike night at various locations around town. Visit LoneStar925. com for information about upcoming bike nights. Proudly sponsored by Thunder Roads Texas!


70th Annual Sturgis Bike Week Sturgis, SD



Ride for Teal (Houston to Sturgis) Houston Region: Gulf Coast Metro: Houston



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5th Annual Fisher House Fundraiser Spring Branch Region: Hill Country Metro: San Antonio


2nd Annual Red Hot Road Rally McKinney Region: Prairies & Lakes Metro: Dallas/Fort Worth

3rd Annual Watermelon Run for the Fallen Hempstead Region: Gulf Coast Metro: Houston

Lone Star Bike Night DFW-Area Region: Prairies & Lakes Metro: Dallas/Fort Worth It’s a roaming bike night! Randy James of Lone Star 92.5 hosts an every Thursday bike night at various locations around town. Visit for information about upcoming bike nights. Proudly sponsored by Thunder Roads Texas!

30-Sep 3

Lone Star Bike Night DFW-Area Region: Prairies & Lakes Metro: Dallas/Fort Worth It’s a roaming bike night! Randy James of Lone Star 92.5 hosts an every Thursday bike night at various locations around town. Visit for information about upcoming bike nights. Proudly sponsored by Thunder Roads Texas!

TMRA2 Freedom Bay Riders (Baytown) Meeting Baytown Region: Gulf Coast Metro: Houston

Ignacio Bike Week Ignacio, CO

31-Sep 1

TMRA2 North Houston Liberty Riders Chapter Meeting Conroe Region: Piney Woods Metro: Houston

10th Annual Moonlight Fun Run Burleson Region: Prairies & Lakes Metro: Dallas/Fort Worth

Poker Run benefiting CASA of Highland Lakes 830.285.0860; 830.285.2221 Marble Falls Region: Hill Country Metro: Austin

... continued



Texas Rally Kick Off Party @ Loading Dock Too Bacliff Region: Gulf Coast Metro: Houston The 6th Annual Texas Rally and the Loading Dock Too invite you to the Rally kick off party; Noonclose. Live bands, day and night. 50/50 raffles. Free hot dogs (while they last). Live broadcast by the Outlaw Dave Show. For more information, visit the rally website or call 979.742.3284.


EvenT Listing

Summertime Bikes & Blues Festival Freeport Region: Gulf Coast Metro: Houston Live music all weekend featuring Jackyl from the popular TV show, Full Throttle Saloon in Sturgis, and Micro Midget Wrestling on Saturday! Kidfriendly carnival, bike games, bike show, tattoo contest, vendors, food and more! Sponsored by Thunder Roads Texas!


TMRA2 Brazoria Chatper Meeting Angleton Region: Gulf Coast Metro: Houston

6-9 2

Biker Bash Granbury Region: Prairies & Lakes Metro: Dallas/Fort Worth

The Texas Rally Somerville Region: Prairies & Lakes Metro: Bryan/College Station It’s a Luau and Biker Bash at Big Creek Park & Marina! Free Luau dinner Saturday night with Stage Host Outlaw Dave and headliner – Skid Row! Great live entertainment, biker games, bike contests, feasts, Tiki Lounge, parades, Get Leid Bike Run, tattoo contests, and CMA services Sunday morning! Proceeds benefit the Texas Biker Relief Organization (T-Bro). The Zoo (RV camping) sells out quickly – better reserve today! Sponsored by Thunder Roads Texas! Bikers for Heroe’s Parade for Veterans Westminster Region: Prairies & Lakes Metro: Dallas/Fort Worth

Hot Springs Rally Hot Springs, AR

3rd Annual CVMA Chapter 23-1 Fundraiser Coppell Region: Prairies & Lakes Metro: Dallas/Fort Worth

Continued on Page 28...



Texas-based, Texas-focused, Texas PROUD!








31-Jun 3





16th Annual Run from the Heart 817.902.9734 Milsap Region: Prairies & Lakes Metro: Dallas/Fort Worth

Bone Marrow Ride Houston Region: Gulf Coast Metro: Houston

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TMRA2 Riders for Rights Chapter Meeting Point Blank Region: Piney Woods Metro: Houston

6-8 27 1-3


... continued

30th & FINAL All Harley Party Drags Temple Region: Prairies & Lakes Metro: Killeen/Temple Taking place at Little River Dragway, located 9 miles south of Temple on Hwy 95. Harleys have thundered down the 1/8th mile strip since the late 70s. When it’s race time, everything’s as straight/fair/safe as possible. HOWEVER, when the racing ends, the party begins! Complete with field events, cannon fire, vendors, bikini contests and great bands. This year, Pete Barbeck & 7th Son from Dallas headline Saturday.


Four Corners Biker Rally Durango, CO


19-20 1

26 1-2

Labor Day Rally 409.787.4566 Hemphill Region: Piney Woods Metro: Beaumont


31-Sep 19 3 31-Sep 2

EvenT Listing

20-23 22-23

Gulf Coast Classic Custom Car & Body Art Festival Houston Region: Gulf Coast Metro: Houston Located at Sam Houston Race Park there will be 600+ cars and trucks; 200+ bikes; 70+ body art shops; 40+ class groups; family zone; live music; sound off; vendors and more. Pin Up Contest hosted by Miss V Haven with $1000 in cash and prizes. Trophy presentations on Sunday for best body art shop, best car club, best Mustang, best Cadillac, best in show, best body art, and more. A portion of the proceeds benefit the Wounded Warrior Fund.

Fort Worth Harley-Davidson Water4Life Ride Fort Worth Region: Prairies & Lakes Metro: Dallas/Fort Worth Fort Worth Harley-Davidson (FWHD) is partnering with World Vision to save children in Africa. We are raffling off a brand new 2012 Harley-Davidson Road King for $10 per ticket!!! The ride is FREE. Ride departs FWHD @ 11:30am. Destination: FREE lunch at Billy Bob’s Texas. .Every rider and passenger FWHF donates $50 to provide a child with safe water for the rest of their lives. Visit our website for more information. Pet Adoption Day & Motorcycle Raffle Houston Region: Gulf Coast Metro: Houston Stubbs Harley-Davidson is giving away a Softail Deluxe. Limited number of tickets available – call to purchase. Join them on September 15 for their Open House and the drawing. While there, adopt a pet! If you already have all the pets you want, donate to SAVE Rescue Coalition and Friends for Life. You’ll get a gift for any amount you donate. 4400 Telephone Road.

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The Oldest Town in Texas (OTT) Rally Nacogdoches Region: Piney Woods Metro: Tyler Join the OTT team for another rockin’ year in Nacogdoches! They have a great band line up, including Iron Cowgirl Missy, Dean Seltzer, CrossTown Renegades, Dazed, and more! Also, custom ride-in bike show, bikini contest, burnout competition, BBQ Cook Off, Charity Poker Run (We Fight Like a Girl), Downtown Parade, vendors, onsite camping, beer gardens, biker games, and awesome scenic rides through the beautiful East Texas Piney Woods. Sponsored by Thunder Roads Texas!

Bikes, Blues & BBQ Fayetteville, AR


8-9 12-16

The Golden Aspen Rally Ruidoso, NM


Twisted Swap Meet 281.614.9143 Alvin Region: Gulf Coast Metro: Houston

... continued

Rumble on the River Bandera Region: Hill Country Metro: San Antonio All the fun you’ve come to expect from Biker Rallies of Texas! Held at Mansfield Park in Bandera, this is one of the “must” rallies of the year! Bike show, biker games, wet t-shirt and naughty nighty contests, tattoo contest, burn out pit, live concerts, vendors, plenty of RV & tent camping. This year – Thursday night meet & greet party! Pre-register NOW online for only $35/person for the weekend and get a free t-shirt.

Benefit for Sparta Fire Department Temple Region: Prairies & Lakes Metro: Killeen/Temple

Celebration of Freedom Amarillo Region: Panhandle Metro: Amarillo




EvenT Listing

Deacons of Deadwood 11th Annual Charity Ball Houston Region: Gulf Coast Metro: Houston




October 3-7 Myrtle Beach Fall Rally Myrtle Beach, SC October 12-14 Boo Benefit Jefferson Region: Piney Woods Metro: Tyler 2011 saw a record year - $253,000 raised for burn victims. Join them again this year for vendors, bands, beautiful rides, and more! Over 50,000 bikes take over the small town of Jefferson each year – all to help “Boo” raise money for burn victims. Boo, a burn victim himself, started the ride/event in 1997 and it has continued growing and growing. Help him make a difference! Sponsored by Thunder Roads Texas! October 18-21 Biketoberfest Daytona, FL

October 27 3rd Annual Pumpkin Head Run Spring Branch Region: Hill Country Metro: San Antonio Raffles - Live Band – Vendors; Starting and ending at The Shade Tree Saloon and Grill; First bike out 10:30am, Last bike in 4:00pm; Entry fee: $10.00, includes a ticket for the “Runners only drawing”. Runners get an extra drawing ticket for: Wearing a costume, painting their faces like a pumpkin, or making extra stops on the run. Please consider the operation of your bike when choosing a costume. Benefiting: Comal County Crisis Center and The Guardians of the Children-Hill Country Chapter. For Vendor Booths or more information call Cricket at 210445-2477. Sponsored by Thunder Roads Texas! November 1-4 Lone Star Motorcycle Rally Galveston Region: Gulf Coast Metro: Houston November 8-11 Three Sisters Rally Camp Wood Region: Hill Country Metro: San Antonio The Party Is ON! Registration is open NOW! Activities include Veterans’ Honor Ceremony, Thursday Night Pot Luck, organized rides, live music, games, vendors, food, contests, and raffles. All at the NEW Three Sisters Lodging and Event Center on beautiful Nueces River. Online Registration only $20 for the weekend and includes a free rally koozie. $30 at the door; $10 Saturday only pass. About Our EventListing: Basic Event listings are FREE. Premium Event Listings (bold and up to 75 word description) are only $45/month. Send your event to: To be included in the print version, information must be received by the 10th of the month prior to the month in which the event is scheduled or the month before you wish a Premium Event Listing to appear. Events must have some motorcycle element. Subscribe to our FREE Web-zine for updates with events that don’t make print, two weeks’ worth of events are provided every week to your email inbox. You can always visit our website to download a list of the “next two weeks” events. Thunder Roads Texas does not guarantee the accuracy of the information provided and cannot be held liable. Things change, there may be typos, and weather happens. So before you climb on your steed and ride to one of these events, contact the organizers and verify the latest information.



Texas-based, Texas-focused, Texas PROUD!

August 2012


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By Don “DB” McGovern, TRT Sales/Correspondent


June 30, 2012 Bikers from across the United Kingdom, United States, and Canada participated in the fourth Allied Memorial Remembrance Ride creating one ride in three nations. All riders were united in remembrance of our fallen heroes from the allied forces when fighting for our freedoms overseas and not returning home.

School (BFTS) in the British Museum at the Terrell Airport. The BFTS Terrell was the largest Training base out of six here in the United States. Over 2,000 pilots were trained here from the United Kingdom and the United States; unfortunately, through training accidents, 20 airmen, R.A.F. Cadets, did not make it home. A brief museum tour was led by our gracious hosts, Mike Grout and Becky Sullivan. Then, under escort from the Terrell Police, a mass ride proceeded the short distance to Oakland Memorial Park Cemetery. Playing bagpipe, Terrell’s Mike Ecklund led the riders on a foot parade to the RAF Memorial site. George “Tank” Sherman (AMRR /Texas Organizer) a member of American Legion Riders of Post 297 in Benbrook, Texas provided opening comments and narrated the history of the memorial ride. Mark Hardin provided us with an authentic training plane flyover. Tank was followed by a memorial prayer and poem from John “Padre” Retos, Chaplain for the 12th District ALR and for Post 297. Dale Sherman played “Last Post” on the bugle (British version of Taps.) The Marine Corps League of Terrell offered their color guard, which flew all three flags of the countries involved, and provided a traditional three-volley, M14 salute. Farewells were said with handshakes and hugs with pledges made to fellow riders to return for next year’s memorial ride. We rode with pride, rode with respect, and rode to remember.

place as the altar under a festive canopy. The smoker was a smokin’ and the Cotton Hill Band did some final tuning to their axes. The aisle was now lined by “Thundering” bikes racking their pipes in anticipation of the bride. “Tank” assumed a calm bravado awaiting his “Chula” for life. And there she was, beaming with radiance as she climbed down from her chariot with her escorts in waiting. Bikes shut down in pairs as the bride approached the altar and a wonderful ceremony was followed. Amidst hugs and backslapping from family and friends, the newlyweds climbed aboard their “ultra” for their first escorted ride as Mr. and Mrs. Sherman; the party then commenced in earnest. So congratulations to Tank and Debbie and thanks to “Roundman,” and so many more of the Chula Chasers, for their hospitality and generosity shared with DB and Thunder Roads Texas.

Wait… we’re not done with this story. As a special treat from Tank and Debbie, DB joined Benbrook’s Chula Chasers as a guest at the Sherman wedding following the memorial. This was not to be a traditional wedding but a full blown “biker wedding.” Thunder Roads Texas Magazine attended the Texas ride with riders from Fort Worth, Dallas, Plano and Tyler. Riders represented numerous American Legion Posts, Patriot Guard Chapters, Combat Veterans Association Chapters, motorcycle clubs/groups and many individual veteran riders. All riders convened at the #1 British Flight Training

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Hosted at the Holiday Inn Express of Terrell the manager, Kelly, coned off the entire rear parking lot for the celebration. As the Bride readied in the wedding suite, her three-wheeled chariot waited at the entrance to the Inn. Meanwhile the bridal couple’s new Ultraglide took its’ rightful


Texas-based, Texas-focused, Texas PROUD!

August 2012


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The Boot Wearing Rules


ery early this year, both Donald Ryan and Gloria Ingram earned their Points Across Texas patch. Heck – they tried to earn it before we even announced the program! As of going to print, they have submitted more than 175 qualified photos… and they’re still submitting!

cheek group have reached global news outlet. There is so much more to the organization than just the “boot rules”, but for our purposes, we offer this information in case you want to go get your boots on at the monument for the Points Across Texas program!

So last month, they sent us a set of pictures about the Texas State Symbol – the Cowboy Boot. They found this monument to the boot in Madisonville. Their comment: “It’s set in stone, so it must be true. Only in Texas!”

Oh… and while there – get another picture in Madisonville, as it’s the Mushroom Capital of Texas!

Doing a little research, we not only offer this monument up as a creative Points Across Texas State Symbol submission, but the story (as always in Texas) is a good one! On March 25, 1941 a group was organized with the sole purpose of regulating the wearing of cowboy boots – the Madisonville Sidewalk Cattlemen’s Association ( The association grew out of remarks made by the then Madisonville Meteor (paper) editor, Henry Fox, in a column that poked fun at people wearing cowboy boots around town without any purpose, since most of the boot-wearers didn’t even keep a cow. They set about identifying rules for wearing cowboy boots and penalties to be assessed for infractions. These were first published on March 6, 1941 (Henry Fox was treasurer of the new organization). A few days later, Ralph Ritcheson, a salesman from Waco, visited Fox wearing cowboy boots. He was unable to prove ownership of a single cow, so was escorted to a drug store and forced to buy a round of drinksfor everything in “yelling distance”. Additionally, his boots were filled with ice water. Today, this has been replaced with the custom of ducking violators in either of the two horse troughs on the courthouse lawn. Since those first days, the stunts that have come from this tongue-in-

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SPONSOR (qualified destination) Tommaso’s Italian Grill 507 N Gordon St Alvin, TX 77511 BIZ LISTINGS (qualified destinations) D’Rose Inn & Cabins US 83 Leakey, TX 78873

If you haven’t started your Points trek yet, it’s not too late. You can The Hog Pound earn your patch through the end 13710 RR 12, #14 of the year and have until October 30, 2012 to send submissions to Wimberley, TX 78676 be entered into a drawing for a weekend stay at Koyote Ranch (winner announced in December 2012 issue). It is so easy to earn a patch – most can earn it in your own “neck of the woods” in just a weekend. Remember – it’s all FREE!

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August 2012


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Surprise, Surprise, Surprise! What will be awaiting YOU at The Texas Rally? Septemeber 6-9, 2012 Big Creek Park, Lake Somerville


ell here it is, six years after the creation of the Texas Rally Luau and Biker Bash in 2007. The first year the rally was free to the public; only cages and RV campers were charged. The rally had a great attendance that year, with over 2000 in all. As the economy dictates these days, free entrance is a thing of the past but The Texas Rally has always managed to keep it different. Every rally they hold, they offer something free. Since its inception, the Rally has offered their signature Luau meal free on Saturday. The Rally has its very own cook team just for this meal and they do a great job under head cook Don Danford. The meal typically includes a pig roast, ribs, or beef clod (shoulder roast); with butter potatoes and/or other yummy veggies and sides. Starting around 5:30 p.m., the Luau feeds the first 400 to 500 bikers, until the food runs out. Sponsors and onsite campers get first crack at the food line, then it is opened up to the rest of the crowd. Of the five previous years, The Texas Rally has seen its fair share of interesting weather predicaments. 2008 was the worst rally year to-date, with Hurricane Ike stopping in for the party. The few that attended anyway made the best of it. As the story is told by Damon Dave, he was in his RV, pretty much chillin’; feeling the blues… or as they use to say on the wide world of sports, feeling “the agony of defeat”. Around 1:00 a.m. there were horns, headlights, and a naked parade of rally diehards led by Blowout; no doubt the event started as an impromptu drive-by on Dave’s camp! Dave looked out the blinds and recalls that all he could do was smile, shake his head and say, “That’s my peeps for ya!” 2009 was another hard year as heavy rains dumped for two days. But this did not slow the rally goers down. Bag Lady Sue and Point Blank were the main acts and the crowd loved them both. Not the kind to let things get the better of him, that year, Dave had the beer trucks back up, put out tubs, iced it all down. He then called out from the Page 34


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stage, “I want to have a drink with my friends!” And 2010 brought Tropical Storm Herme, which stopped in for a day just to let them know he was there and the rally again moved on, in soggy fields, but high spirits. Last year’s party was one of the best to date featuring Molly Hatchet and Blackfoot as major headliners. But this is the Texas Rally something must happen with the weather, where was the rain? It was a first, no rain! But wait… what’s this? It was the worst draught in the last 100+ years of Texas history. Take that one step further and add raging fires in the areas around Somerville and Bastrop! What are the odds? The Rally crew was very concerned for many of their rally friends who lost homes and property to the fires. Many of which still managed to attend the Rally! That’s rally support! As a matter of fact, The Texas Rally loaded up all the left over water sodas and anything not tied down and joined Cyndi and her crew from Cyndi’s Hawg Hangout on Highway 21 in Caldwell to drop off relief and visit friends that had lost all. Most everyone you talk to will tell you Big Creek is the park to be in if the bottom falls out as long as you are not in the hay fields like the old days of “Dawgs On Hawgs”. But that’s another story all together. When attending The Texas Rally, remember one thing: Be ready for another “first”! This they can promise! The year now is 2012 and Dave reminds everyone to be prepared to rock like the days of old. After five years of keeping the party in “The Zoo”, they are back to the original “Dawgs On Hawgs” festval layout. This was originally laid out by Damon Dave in the Rock 101 years. What this means in old school terms is more vendors, bigger stage, more bands (13 to be exact), and the ability to cruise to the zoo for late night parties when the main stage shuts down. Anyone who has attended those parties will tell you they were the good ole days.

everything from comedy with the Whiskey Brothers to The Hairy Bikers, Bill and Paul; and Cristy from TruTV’s Full Throttle Saloon series running Outlaw Dave’s Tiki Lounge to the Luau Lympics. More games are planned and the biggest party on the lake is just getting bigger every year. And let’s not forget Skid Row for the first time ever in Big Creek Park! For you Bikers that like a bit of the Blues and Country, be in front of the main stage on Friday for some of the best. There is just too much to mention, so visit their website at or call 979.742.3284. The Texas rally would like to thank all of its sponsors: Black Iguana; The Loading Dock on Galveston Island, the new Loading Dock Too in Bacliff, South Central Choppers’ Schultz family, Kelly with Dupar, Phillip with Mark III Engineering, West of the Brazos in Damon (our home base), Eric And Rhonda Kennedy, Pekars Auto Body in Wharton, Susie’s and Buck’s in Somerville, Thunder Roads Texas Motorcycle Magazine, The Outlaw Dave Show, Rob’s Fun Center in Brenham, Golf Carts of Texas in Bacliff, along with Brookshire Brothers for the great Luau meals every year. We could not do the rallies without you! Do not miss the 6th Annual Texas Rally Luau and Biker Bash! If you do miss it, you’ll be sorry! PS… Looking for a party before the party? Join Damon Dave, his crew and sponsors at the Loading Dock Too in Bacliff August 18 for a Kick-Off Party. Free hot dogs while they last and bands all day. PSS... Be sure tos top on your way in or out of the rally in Bellville. It offers two Points Across Texas pictures county (courthouse and jail), but more fun is to visit the American Man Cave on the courthouse square. Snag a free beer or cup of Kinky Friedman coffee while you peruse the shop’s man cave wares.

This year The Texas Rally is running two stages; offering


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After becoming very frustrated with the attitude of a local shopkeeper, the young blonde shopper declared, “Well, then, maybe I’ll just go out and catch my own alligator and get a pair of alligator shoes for free!” The shopkeeper replied with a sly smile, “Well, little lady, why don’t you go give it a try?” The blonde headed off to the swamp, determined to catch an alligator. Later in the day, the shopkeeper was driving home, and spotted the young woman standing waist deep in the murky water, shotgun in hand.He saw a huge 9-foot gator swimming rapidly toward her. With lightning reflexes, the blond took aim, shot the creature and hauled it up onto the slippery bank. Nearby were 7 more dead gators all lying belly up. The shopkeeper watched in amazement as the blond struggled with the gator. Then, rolling her eyes, she screamed in frustration, “Damn! This one’s barefoot too!” One hot summer day, a man is filling up his black pickup truck at the local gas station. He isn’t very careful, and he gets gasoline all over his jacket’s left sleeve. He ignores it, and leaves the station after paying for the gas. As he’s driving down the highway, the heat of the sun on his truck’s black paint is enough to ignite his jacket sleeve. He drives faster, waving his arm out the window in an attempt to extinguish the flames, but they burn hotter! As he speeds down the highway, a state trooper sees the situation and pulls him over. He jerks the man out of the truck and rolls him on the ground until the fire is extinguished. As the man dusts himself and thanks his rescuer, he sees the officer is writing him a summons! Confused, he asks, “You’re writing me a ticket!? What for?” The officer replies, “Posession of an illegal fire arm.” You know you’re in Texas when: • Hot water comes out of both taps. • You learn that a seat belt makes a pretty good branding iron.

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For her summer job, my 18-year-old daughter arranged interviews at several day-care centers. At one meeting, she sat down on one of the kiddie seats, no simple task for most people. The interview went well, and at the end, the daycare center director asked the standard question, “Can you give me one good reason we should hire you?” She answered, “Because I fit in the chairs.” She got the job. HOW HOT IS IT? - ODE TO TEXAS The devil wanted a place on earth Sort of a summer home A place to spend his vacation Whenever he wanted to roam. So he picked out Texas A place both wretched and rough Where the climate was to his liking And the cowboys hardened and tough. He dried up the streams in the canyons And ordered no rain to fall He dried up the lakes in the valleys Then baked and scorched it all. Then over his barren country He transplanted shrubs from hell. The cactus, thistle and prickly pear The climate suited them well. Now the home was much to his liking But animal life, he had none. So he created crawling creatures That all mankind would shun. First he made the rattlesnake With it’s forked poisonous tongue. Taught it to strike and rattle And how to swallow it’s young. Then he made scorpions and lizards And the ugly old horned toad. He placed spiders of every description Under rocks by the side of the road. Then he ordered the sun to shine hotter, Hotter and hotter still. Until even the cactus wilted And the old horned lizard took ill.

Then he gazed on his earthly kingdom As any creator would He chuckled a little up his sleeve And admitted that it was good. ‘Twas summer now and Satan lay By a prickly pear to rest. The sweat rolled off his swarthy brow So he took off his coat and vest. “By Golly,” he finally panted, “I did my job too well, I’m going back to where I came from, Texas is hotter than Hell. A Texan dies and goes to hell. While down there the devil notices that the Texan is not suffering like the others He checks the gauges and sees that it’s 100 degrees and about 80% humidity. So he goes over to the Texan and asks why he’s so happy. The Texan says, “I really like it here. The temperature is just like Dallas in June.” The devil isn’t happy with the Texan’s answer and decides to fix him, so he goes over and turns up the thermostat to 120 degrees and the humidity to 90%. After turning everything up he goes looking for the Texan. He finds him standing around unbuttoning his shirt, just as happy as can be. The devil quizzes the Texan again as to why he’s so happy. The Texan says, “This is even better. It’s like Austin in July.” The devil, now really upset, decides to make the Texan really understand that hell is no paradise. He walks over to the controls and turns the heat up to 140 degrees and the humidity to 100%. “Now let’s see what the Texan is up to,” he thinks. So he goes looking for the Texan. The devil finds the Texan taking his shirt off basking in the heat, even happier than before. The devil can’t figure it out. He asks the Texan why he’s happy now. The Texan replies, “This is great, it’s just like Brownsville in August.” The devil says, “That’s it, I’ll get this guy.” He walks over and turns the temperature down to a freezing 25 degrees below zero. “Now let’s see what the Texan has to say about this,” the devil thinks to himself. He looks around and finds the Texan jumping up and down for joy. “What are you so happy about now,” asks

This month, we highlight a Houston-area favorite, the Charlie Parker Band (CPB). The band was formed in 1998 by Charlie Parker. He assembled a small group of local musicians resulting in more than 120 years combined professional experience. Today, the band consists of Charlie on lead guitar and vocals, Quana Easley on bass and vocals, and Angelo on drums and backup vocals. Occasionally, you’ll find their previous drummer, “Scooter” Green sitting in as well. Becoming so well loved in the Houston area, you can find Charlie hosting jams and open mic sessions. The most popular is the Sunday open mic jam at the Jailhouse Saloon in Old Town Spring (north of Houston). Here is where they actually found their current drummer! All musicians have to do is bring their instruments and show up. It’s all fun and great music. During our conversation, Charlie indicated an interest to get back into the studio to record more original music. They keep so busy with rallies and biker bar gigs, they find it hard to get into the studio. Charlie loves what he does, pointing out that it’s a business for him… it’s how he earns his living, “This is what we do for a living. It’s a blessing. I’m not living in a mansion, but I’m happy.” CPB plays good ole fashioned Southern Rock and Blues, adding in a little country. They blend in original music with the ever popular cover songs when out on a gig. Charlie says, “The thing about bikers, they like everything from Country to Hard Rock, so playing a biker gig is easy.” You can find them at rallies and local biker bars throughout the Houston area. As of going to print, their August schedule: 3 4 10 11 17-18 24 25

- - - - - - -

West of the Brazos George’s Bar & Grill Curtis Lowe’s Drifter’s Icehouse Daisy Duke’s Kixtandz Icehouse Kruzzer’s Roadhouse

You’ll also find them at some of the largest rallies around Texas, including the “Zoo Stage” at The Texas Rally (see page ___ for our cover feature on this rally), Blowout’s Lone Star Campgrounds & Party during the Lone Star Rally, and they’re usually at the Biker Rallies of Texas rallies in Bandera (Rumble on the River this fall). For more information about the band and their schedule, visit or find them on Facebook. And a special thank you from Charlie, “Not everybody gets to do this. We just appreciate the people that come out to see us.”

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August 2012

Biker Friendly

These businesses are SERIOUS about serving the Texas Motorcycle Community. The list is set up in business categories. Regional and Metro information is included. An “ * ” means the location is a Thunder Roads Texas distribution point. Visit to find a full listing of distribution points. Tell them you saw them in Thunder Road Texas! Want to be on this list - visit our website or call 281.866.8149 for information. Accessories & Parts

* Hot Rods and Harleys Bar & Grill 13124 FM 306 Canyon Lake, TX 78133 830.864.2911 Region: Hill Country Closest Metro: San Antonio

* Tommaso’s Italian Restaurant 507 N Gordon St Alvin, TX 77511 281.331.6262 Region: Gulf Coast Closest Metro: Houston

* Loading Dock 504 25th St Galveston, TX 77550 409.765.5155 Region: Gulf Coast Closest Metro: Houston

* West of the Brazos 23220 Hwy 36 Damon, TX 77430 979.742.3100 Region: Gulf Coast Closest Metro: Houston

* Barbed Rose (Alvin Restaurant Group) 113 E Sealy St Alvin, TX 77511 281.585.2272 Region: Gulf Coast Closest Metro: Houston

* Loading Dock Too 3505 Hwy 146 Bacliff, TX 77518 281.549.4789 Region: Gulf Coast Closest Metro: Houston

* Yankee’s Tavern 8703 Ada Oaks Ln Anderson, TX 77830 936.873.3314 Region: Prairies & Lakes Closest Metro: Bryan/College Station

* Boll Weevil’s 16003 FM 1236 Needville, TX 77461 979.793.6163 Region: Gulf Coast Closest Metro: Houston

* Noah’s Ark Bar & Grill 4438 Boulevard St Bacliff, TX 77518 281.339.2895 Region: Gulf Coast Closest Metro: Houston

* American Man Cave 18 E Main St Bellville, TX 77418 979.865.9383 * Stitches 1308 Hwy 6 South Houston, TX 77077 281.558.8572 Region: Gulf Coast Closest Metro: Houston Bars & Restaurants

* Deanville Bar & Grill 1789 FM 60 S Deanville, TX 77852 979.535.7776 Region: Prairies & Lakes Closest Metro: Bryan/College Station * Frio Canyon Motorcycle Stop & Bent Rim Grill 657 West Ranch Rd Leakey, TX 78873 830.232.6629 Region: Hill Country Closest Metro: San Antonio

* Rolling Thunder Bar & Grill 6441 County Rd 2173 Fluvanna, TX 79517 325.573.HAWG (4294) Region: Panhandle Closest Metro: Lubbock * RPM’s Bar 26210 FM 2978 Magnolia, TX 77354 281.259.7789 Region: Piney Woods Closest Metro: Houston

Dealerships & Shops * Collin County Choppers (formerly Frisco Custom Cycles) 6427 Main St Frisco, TX 75034 214.387.0650 Region: Prairies & Lakes Closest Metro: Dallas/Fort Worth * Cowboy’s Alamo City H-D 11005 IH 35 North San Antonio, TX 78233 800.397.7875 Region: South Texas Closest Metro: San Antonio

Continued on Page 44...

Texas-based, Texas-focused, Texas PROUD!

August 2012


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Biker Friendly Dealerships & Shops (cont’d) * Custom Cycles Texas 14205 River Rd New Braunfels, TX 78132 210.846.1081 Region: Hill Country Closest Metro: San Antonio * Cycle Heaven 3770 Hwy 69 N Lufkin, TX 75904 936.634.8404 Region: Piney Woods Closest Metro: Tyler * Harley-Davidson of Kingwood 111 Northpines Dr Kingwood, TX 77339 281.358.0457 Region: Gulf Coast Closest Metro: Houston * Harley-Davidson of Waco 4201 S Jack Kultgen Expy Waco, TX 76711 254-753-0393 Region: Prairies & Lakes Closest Metro: Waco * Hawgs N Dawgs Motorcycle Shop & Café 1333 SE Military Dr San Antonio, TX 78214 210.924.0203 Region: South Closest Metro: San Antonio * Javelina Harley-Davidson 29078 I-10 West Boerne, TX 78006 800-860-9696 Region: Hill Country Closest Metro: San Antonio * Legacy Harley-Davidson 12100 W Hwy 80 East Odessa, TX 79765 800.788.6921 Region: Big Bend Closest Metro: Midland/Odessa

* Motorcycle Tire Shop 1917 S Hackberry San Antonio, TX 78210 210.533 BIKE (2453) Region: South Texas Closest Metro: San Antonio

* Insurance Lady Agency 642 W Rhapsody, Ste A San Antonio, TX 78216 210.403.2216 Region: South Texas Closest Metro: San Antonio

* Phantom Rider Choppers 6535 West Hwy 46 New Braunfels, TX 78132 830.228.4606 Region: Hill Country Closest Metro: San Antonio

Walker Texas Lawyer 1924 Portsmouth Houston, TX 77098 713.552.1117 Region: Closest Metro:

* Potterosa Cycles & ATVs 19447 FM 1485 New Caney, TX 77357 281.689.0400 Region: Gulf Coast Closest Metro: Houston * Southern Metal Choppers 11116 Middle Fiskville Rd, Ste E Austin, TX 78753 512.833.5044 Region: Hill Country Closest Metro: Austin * Thunder Alley Cycles 416 NE Wilshire Blvd Burleson, TX 76028 817.295.0955 Region: Prairies & Lakes Closest Metro: Dallas/Ft Worth * Woods Cycle Country 1933 I-35 East New Braunfels, TX 78130 830.606.9828 Region: Hill Country Closest Metro: San Antonio * Yamaha of San Antonio 15664 I-35 Selma, TX 78154 210.655.2625 Region: South Texas Closest Metro: San Antonio Insurance & Attorneys

* Longhorn Harley-Davidson 2830 West I-20 Grand Parairie, TX 75052 972.988.1903 Region: Prairies & Lakes Closest Metro: Dallas/Ft Worth

* Ball Insurance - Texas Edition 416 S Main St Highlands, TX 77562 800.444.7014 Region: Gulf Coast Closest Metro: Houston

* Mancuso Harley Davidson - Crossroads 12710 Crossroads Park Dr Houston, TX 77065 281.970.9700 Region: Gulf Coast Closest Metro: Houston

Farrar & Ball Law Firm; Law Tigers 1010 Lamar, Ste 1600 Houston, TX 77002 713.221.8300 Region: Gulf Coast Closest Metro: Houston

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August 2012

... continued

Lodging & Campgrounds * D’Rose Inn & Cabins Highway 83/Market St Leakey, TX 78873 830.232.5246 Region: Hill Country Closest Metro: San Antonio DUBL-C Guest House (Vacation Rentals by Owner) Kerrville area: located on Hwy 39 between Ingram & Hunt; Stay 2 Nights, get 3rd FREE 866.427.8374 Region: Hill Country Closest Metro: Austin Motorcycle Towing * Cyclone Motorcycle Rescue Tipsy Taxi & Tow for Bikers North Texas 817.308.9086 Pick up the phone, we’ll pick up your ride * Dragonstar Motorcycle Transportation PO Box 444 Bryan, TX 77806 281.935.8890 Region: Prairies & Lakes Closest Metro: Bryan/College Station Riding Gear & Leather Goods * Motorcycle Outpost, The 103 S College Westminster, TX 75409 972.838.8222 Region: Prairies & Lakes Closest Metro: Dallas/Fort Worth Miscellaneous AFL Motorcycle Camping Trailers 281.685.5814 Cell, 832.695.0077 Region: Gulf Coast Closest Metro: Houston Outlaw Dave Productions PO Box 25028 Houston, TX 77265


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