May 2022 VOICE Magazine

Page 15

RedLine Consulting Puts Job Training Into High Gear by Kathryn Millhorn

When all aspects of an organization work together, it pays off for everyone involved. Companies who integrate and provide job training guarantee a skilled workforce dedicated to success. Organized training—or retraining for those switching careers—keeps everyone up to date, introduces new methods and trends, reduces waste, and boosts morale. RedLine Consulting is a team of companies built by industry leaders. Their RedLine Training Academy offers multiple communications construction training courses in a field that’s vital and thriving.

state. Many tribes have interest in assisting their neighbors in receiving high speed internet services and our goal is to assist in that process in any way we can.”

Then there is RedLine Design. They “provide fiber optic President and CEO Paul Walk infrastructure engineering and permitting services to explains that “RedLine is a Ports, PUD’s, Tribes, and broadband service providers,” conglomeration of several explains Walk. “We have designed and permitted multiple companies working in the Washington communities with the required infrastructure communications industry to provide to support 10Gbps symmetrical internet service. Our focus our customers with successful and is helping our customers build future-proof broadband sustainable solutions.” One of these networks for their long-term investments. Our recent efforts is RedLine Communications which have been focused on engineering underserved areas of the “provides technical consulting state where people need internet the most.” services to several tribes and communications providers by offering feasibility studies, business plans, grant assistance, Providing the necessary infrastructure for projects like these project budgeting, broadband surveys, and more.” requires a well-trained workforce. And this is where the RedLine Training Academy comes in. “The Training Academy Through the Communications branch, they “have been was developed out of pure necessity in an industry where assisting tribes in the development of reservation based skilled labor is becoming increasingly more difficult to find broadband services through technical and grant assistance,” and retain,” says Walk. “With industry demand at an all-time says Walk. “RedLine has provided broadband consulting high and human resources at an all-time low, the company’s services for several Washington state tribes and others goal is to bring workers together with employers. We want throughout the United States. RedLine works with tribes to train as many people as possible in a life sustaining and their respective counties to develop high speed internet career. Many industry employers offer great benefits and an solutions for the underserved and unserved areas of the excellent living wage.”

Thurston County Chamber VOICE

I May 2022



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