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Business management skills are robust tools in the hands of the manager. Regardless the company you work for or the size of the team that you supervise, these skills make you succeed as a manager. The established description of management is restricted to "the process of working with and through others to achieve organizational objectives". A manager's four fundamental competencies are: planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. Planning is a substantial part of business management skills. A manager that can plan is one that has the capacity to accomplish tasks. Planning entails scheduling activities, probing, analyzing, setting goals and objectives, distributing resources, shaping strategies and timelines. As a manager you need ensure that each goal translates into an activity and that each activity helps meet that goal. Strategic planning is a critical element of the managers "planning process". The role of the manager is evolving beyond "the daily operational business". Managers are becoming visionary leaders for their organizations, they landscape future directions, facilitate important relationships to maintain reputation and sustainability. Directing is establishing and communicating particular,detailed action-plans to meet goals and objectives. Organizing and controlling are two additional business management skills required to be successful in the business world. Organizing involves compiling and coordinating the resources and such as human,monetary and other tangible and non-tangible assets, in order to trace activities needed to achieve goals. Further, it entails assigning and delegating tasks to various team members to complete certain tasks and make things happen. The controlling task ensures that work-plans are being executed and goals are attained by overseeing and evaluating performance. The concept of controlling has evolved together with manager's role. Nowadays, controlling consists of monitoring progress by providing guidance and support to the employees. Other valuable business management skills: More and more companies are requiring that managers show a broad collection of competencies on top of their specialized, hard skills.Soft skills are vital to your successful functioning as
managers. Good work ethics, positive attitude, keenness to gain continuous knowledge, cultural sensitivity, exceptional business conduct and standards have enormous impact on employees, stakeholders and organizational setting. If you are looking to enhance the organizational culture, you cannot do it without addressing attitudes, point of views and soft-skills. Social liability is based on attitudes and soft-skills. Cooperation within the agency as well as a wholesome, transparent work atmosphere is based on attitudes and soft-skills.
Management Skills Advisor by Majlinda Priku is for managers who are looking to enhance their management skills and optimize their capacity with contemporary knowledge and techniques in management, problem solving techniques, Smart Goal Setting etc. The creator of managementskillsadvisor.com is an experienced manager, a leader and an expert coach in capacity building, business management and personal development.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Majlinda_Priku
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