What You Don't Know About Movie Trailers

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==== ==== Over 5,000 FREE movie trailers in an easily searchable format. View trailers and get complete information about a particular movie. http://movietrailersite.org ==== ====

Even though the trailer was made available in 2008, I just recently got to viewing Eddie Lebron's Mega Man movie trailer. Despite it being a "fan made" movie trailer, Mega Man returns in a live action, two dimensional, platforming glory, giving it an incredibly feel and stirring up feelings of nostalgia at the same time. Eddie's development team went all out in making the movie trailer look, act, and truly feel like the classic Nintendo game, adding in extras like original remixed songs & an appearance by Protoman. The Mega Man movie trailer will send you on a trip down memory lane, but it's also one of the best fan made trailers. Even avid fans of the classic Rockman are likely to give a thumbs up to Eddie Lebron's adaptation. And one may wonder about how to find the Lebron movie trailer. Better yet how to find more information on the Eddie Lebron film itself. In the category of "fan made" movies, this is top grade. As a blue bomber fan since childhood, I always dreamt of a Mega Man film. This is the best video-game-based film so far, so if you haven't seen the clip, I personally invite you to check it out. Not to mention there is a 2nd promo of the film. Yes not 1 but 2, so it's a 2 for 1 deal. Great huh? It just debut last week. And the good news, the movie is only days away - May 7th. Book your calanders Capcom fans! So where can you view this awesome Eddie Lebron movie preview?

View it at http://www.squidoo.com/mega-man-movie. A site fans will enjoy about the new Mega Man motion picture.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ray_B_Smith

==== ==== Over 5,000 FREE movie trailers in an easily searchable format. View trailers and get complete

information about a particular movie. http://movietrailersite.org ==== ====

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