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Standard: Uhuru, Ruto renew call for peace (Pg 1) President-elect Uhuru Kenyatta went to church in Mombasa and his designated deputy Mr William Ruto worshipped in Nairobi but both leaders had a common message for Kenyans; pray for peace and prosperity. Standard: CORD leaders say March 4 events ‘painful’ to bear(Pg 1) Prime Minister Raila Odinga says events that transpired in March 4 presidential election he is challenging in Supreme Court were “so painful” because they reminded him of 2007’s elections fiasco. Standard: UDF leaders deny Amani signed post-election pact with Jubilee The United Democratic Forum (UDF) has distanced itself from an alleged post-election deal between Jubilee and Amani coalitions. Standard: Kajwang’ says if party wins petition, UN to preside re-run (Pg 2) Homa Bay County senator-elect has urged Kenyans to prepare for another presidential elections following the petition by Coalition for Democracy filed on Standard: Why Supreme Court needs Solomonic logic in CORD’s case (Pg 3) The country waits anxiously as the Supreme Court undertakes the most challenging task in its lifetime of deciding the validity of the March 4 presidential election Standard: Mutunga urges Kenyans to defend gains from Constitution (Pg 6) Chief Justice Willy Mutunga has said the Constitution must be protected because Kenyans had paid the price paid for democracy to flourish in the country. Standard: Governors face huge challenges (Pg 7) Governors-elect face major challenges in ensuring devolved units take off despite assurance by the central Government of total support in laying down structures Standard: Why bid to stop tallying of presidential votes flopped (Pg 11) The outcome of the March 4 presidential election is the subject of several petitions at Supreme Court. The petitions, one by Prime Minister Raila Odinga, the CORD candidate, have been filed after declaration of Uhuru Kenyatta as president-elect. Standard: New leaders protest salary team’s pay proposals, call for review (Pg 18) Two South Rift governors-elect have demanded a review of the recently gazetted salary proposals by the Salaries and Remunerations Commission (SRC). Standard: Sh2.3 billion set aside for county offices (Pg 19) The Transitional Authority has set aside Sh2.3 billion to construct or renovate county headquarters in all the 47 counties as discontent mounts over dilapidated infrastructure at the devolved units.

Nation: IEBC bought faulty kits despite warning (Pg 1) The electoral commission ignored advice from its Information and Technology director and went ahead to buy electronic voter identification kits which largely failed on the day of the March 4 General Election, whose presidential results are the subject of several court cases. Nation: Election was a sham, says Raila (Pg 5) Prime Minister Raila Odinga has sharply criticised the electoral commission for the way in which it conducted the March 4 General Election

Nation:Senate to hold sessions at KICC. (Pg 6) Kenya’s Senate will hold its meetings at Nairobi’s Kenyatta International Conference Centre as they wait for the construction works at the main Parliament buildings, also in the city centre, to be completed Nation: New CDF law curtails MPs’ control of kitty (Pg 6) The new regulations for the Constituency Development Fund have clipped lawmakers’ powers in the Fund’s administration.

Nation: Rwanda denies hosting rebel sought by ICC (Pg 21) Bosco Ntaganda, a leader of the Democratic Republic of Congo's M23 rebel group who is wanted by the International Criminal Court, has fled to neighbouring Rwanda, the Congolese government said Sunday.

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