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study abroad
We Will Help You Sort Through Your Options
Tech Internships Abroad can give you extensive information about the various universities in Spain, Hungary & Italy in which you can study your Bachelor, Master’s, and PhD Programs. After discussing what kind of institution you are looking for, we will help you sort through your options to find the right institution and course for you.
Our Expert Knowledge
Our qualified education agents have excellent knowledge of the education sector and can provide you with all the information you need about the application process and what studying in our universities is really like.
We Can Assist With The Application Process
Our agents will help you to complete the application forms and will deal directly with the institution on your behalf, which will take some of the work out of the application process for you. Our agents may also help you apply for a student visa.
It’s A Free Service
You don’t have to pay for the service that our agents provide because we work directly with the institutions. However, you will still need to pay an application fee to the institution.