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Upcoming Events 2023
shaky finances didn’t stop his fortitude and 100% discipline to turn TIADA into what you see today. With currently over 1300 members, over a $2 million budget, almost $1 million in reserve, and a real voice at the Capitol, TIADA has been recognized as an association with genuine influence that is extremely dedicated to the auto industry and its members.
Given Jeff’s modest disposition toward his accomplishments over his tenure with TIADA, I’d like to highlight just a few recent wins that will have a long-lasting impact on Texas dealers: Eliminating the form VTR 136 (County of Title Issuance), which now allows a dealer to transfer titles in any county where a tax assessor will accept the paperwork. Many Texas dealers were directly affected by the restrictions of the VTR136, especially during COVID. Stopping the crusher bill, which would have allowed consumers or our customers the ability to dispose of certain vehicles at a local dismantler or salvage yard without the need for a title.
Legislatively eliminating Named Drivers Insurance policies to help Texas dealers and consumers stay protected from junk insurance policies filled with loopholes. Raising the documentary fees that dealers are allowed to charge.
Increased penalties for curbstoning and making it easier for law enforcement to remove vehicles being offered for sale by unlicensed dealers. Allowing dealers with related finance companies to defer sales tax.
Addressing fraudulent mechanic liens.
Ensuring an independent dealer has a seat on the TxDMV Board.
Some of the bigger and less visible differences Jeff has made in the area of advocacy have been in his work to create relationships between the association and other stakeholders. From the OCCC to TxDMV to the policy advisors for the governor to tax assessor-collectors and powerful Texas legislators, he has furthered the interests of TIADA and all independent dealers in Texas from the ground up.
Under his leadership, TIADA has developed an online learning platform that has seen insurmountable growth over the past several years, and our annual conference is second to none in our industry. There is a much longer list of successes surrounding his work at TIADA over the years. I feel the one he cherishes the most would be his personal assembly of our highly effective staff. He has inspired a culture within the TIADA office that is visible at each and every board meeting and event.
Having known Jeff for the past 16 years, none have been more rewarding than this one. Traveling with him to El Paso, Washington DC, Abilene, Austin, Rockport, Arlington, and recently back to our state Capitol, has given me a glimpse into a more personal side of Jeff that you will not find on social media. He has become an unexpected mentor of mine in many ways and remains a true inspiration for the people closest to him. There couldn’t be a more fitting time in his career to accept this new opportunity with NIADA.
On behalf of our board of directors, I’d like to congratulate Jeff on his next chapter, and finish with a huge thank you for all the productive years you gave us at TIADA. We look forward to continuing your legacy.