1 minute read
Spring 2022, Comprehensive Design Studio
A major problem of contemporary architectural education is the elitist top-down pedagogy that focuses on incubated/ isolated abstractions and speculations without addressing the rich entanglement of disciplines and networks crucial to the dynamic civic contexts architecture school is a meta critique of our tendency to view the ‘public’ as static scenarios; the intervention of inserting a living archive in its agora, and a campus corridor for the public to access, is a provocation of how the dynamic politics of difference should inform and challenge the way we design for two walls of knowledge to replace the original walls which separate professional spaces apart
Geometric Site Plan
Site Plan
School of Engineering
School of Architecture
Section East-West Direction
Rhinocerous/Adobe Illustrator
Detailed Structural Portion
Display wall+Archive desk archives can be displayed, lectures can be held, studio crit can take place, and w
Display wall+Archive wall
Archive Display
th the Glass Walls Intervention
Studio Crit
Archive Study with foldable glass desks, working and studying in front of the displayed
Archive Lecture