4 minute read



Ejected Out Of The Headquarters

1. An eleven-year-old girl named Riley moves from Minnesota to San Francisco. Her emotions, Joy, Sadness, Anger, Disgust, and Fear, try their best to make Riley happy. When it's Riley's first day of school, Joy and Sadness are ejected from the Headquarters through a series of mishaps.

2. Riley's memories are housed in glass spheres known as Memory Orbs. The most relevant memories, known as core memories, power up five "islands" in Riley's subconscious, each reflecting a different aspect of her personality.

3. Joy gives Sadness happy memories, and they turn into sad ones. Sadness takes control of the panel, and Riley finally reveals her true feelings to her parents as she begins to cry, telling her parents that she hates San Francisco and misses her old life in Minnesota.


Find the fun. I don't know how to do that.

Okay. Well, try to think of something funny.

Narrative Structure

Blue represents sadness

Yellow represents happness

Riley can't adapt to the new environment and has a melancholy mood in her body.

Reach the ball on the pipe

Happiness disappears

Sadness disappears

As Riley kept suppressing her emotions, she lost control of her feelings.

Happiness control sadness

Pretend to be happy the top of the and you get a blue ball

Riley did many happy things to make herself happy. But the result is getting worse and worse.

Narrative Structure

Eating alone makes Riley feel strange and lonely.

She misses the time when she used to play hockey with her partner.

Sadness relieves her lousy mood by reading books.

Crying helps me slow down and obsess over the weight of life's problems.


Bing Bong's rocket dumped into "the Memory Dump". Sadness comforts her.

Sadness wants to escape Happiness control to release and express himself.


I'm on my way to the next island. I will accompany you to grow up

I’ve fallen into the Memory Dump


1. Enjoy the show

6. Bing Bong: got core memory

2. On the train

5. Sadness: rescues

3. Making dreams: Performance

3. On the stage

4. Happness: rescues

1. Enter the dreamland

2. The train stopped Facing fear Release anger Express disgust

4. Go into a place of darkness and terror

8. Bing Bong is disappearing

6. Bing Bong was saved

7. Riley woke up frightened by the Jangles

5. Joy finds clues through the candy wrappers

Enjoy happiness Accept sadness

Climb up on the net Pick the mood ball Play with the mood ball Slide down from the net



Anger : resistance to the transgression of others. Help us establish our boundaries

Fear: an automatic response to physical or emotional danger

Sadness : face reality, experience life, and know what you need

Joy :help us achieve our goals. Other emotions are also important

Disgust: protect you from possible fear and harm

Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture Hall

The design is inspired by Acupuncture and Moxibustion

Location:Chengdu, Sichuan, China Individual

Traditional Chinese Medicine has a long history in China. Acupuncture has a remarkable therapeutic effect on diseases. It uses metal needles to pierce specific acupoints of the human body to stimulate meridians to achieve the purposes of regulating viscera and blood, promoting the balance of yin and yang (the two opposing principles in nature, the former feminine and negative, the latter masculine and positive), metabolism and preventing and treating diseases.

This design is inspired by Acupuncture. The components with different uses are designed by observing the depth and angle of doctors' acupuncture points. These components are combined to form spaces with other functions, including meditation rooms, therapy rooms, etc.

CONCEPT AND SITE ANALYSIS Traditional Chinese Medical Science

MANUAL MODEL Materials : Wood and Gauze


A B C D Type: Type: Num.:2 Num.:1

Elements of Building Constructions two Systems Merge Descending Component Ascending Component Transition Component Decorative Component Stair + Bench Roof

Stair Pillar


Acupuncture and moxibustion in traditional Chinese medicine regulate emotions and make the human body reach a balanced

The design is divided into common building space and creative Ordinary building spaces include a hall, treatment rooms, a Chinese offices, and other auxiliary rooms.

Innovative spaces include outdoor stairs, leisure seats, meditation

The two systems cooperate and are independent in functions, thus

Acupuncture needles, like sunlight, penetrate the skin and transmit body and mind. Through this design, I hope more people can innovating the traditional acupuncture technique to meet modern can not only treat physical diseases but also state. space combined with components.

Chinese pharmacy, restrooms, medical staff meditation areas, etc. thus forming this design together transmit energy to the body to heal the injured can understand Chinese medicine and continue modern people's needs.

OTHER WORKS Medical Module Design Under Epidemic Situation

In the Outbreak: Modules Aggregation

After the epidemic outbreak, the modules converge at the centre to form a sizeable infectious disease hospital.



The novel coronavirus epidemic is severe worldwide, and human beings can coexist with novel coronavirus in the future.

Site Analysis

Site Analysis

Based on this background, I selected Jinpu District in northeastern China - Dalian, where the outbreak was severe, to study the spreading path of the virus.


In addition, the design schemes of hospitals of different sizes are collected, and modular design is considered to divide various medical systems into other modules according to different functions. Modular treatment is adopted for all modules, which is convenient for disassembly and combination.

Current Situation of Medical System Distribution


Considering the later demand, the modules are combined vertically according to the functional requirements, and different medical modules are spliced together to form a vertical hospital in the future.

OTHER WORKS Medical Module Design Under Epidemic Situation

Ordinary Period: Modules Dispersed

In ordinary times, the extensive modules will be split into small modules, which will be distributed in densely populated residential areas.

OTHER WORKS Sketches and Photographs

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