Tian Tian Seafood Harbour

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Tian Tian

Seafood Harbour

渔港传统介绍 Traditional 沸腾水煮鱼 Seabass in Hot Chilli Oil 鱼头泡饼 Fish Head Simmer with Pancake 新疆大盘鸡 Chicken Xinjiang Style 四川麻辣烫

£10.00 £8.80 £8.20 £10.80

(猪肚、大肠 、 香肠 、 香菇 、 木耳 、 豆腐 、 鱿鱼 、 腐竹皮 、 鱼蛋 、 竹轮 、 午餐肉 、菠菜 、小油菜 、芽菜 、白 菜 、粉丝 、鱼肉) 任选八样

Szechuan Spicy Soup 十八香焖鸭 Braised Duck with Sweetcorn

£8.00 £8.80 £9.50 £6.80



Stew Pork Spare Ribs with Potato & Fine Beans

天天渔港火锅汤底Tian Tian Hot Pot 清汤锅 Clear Soup Pot 麻辣锅 Spicy Pot 老鸡锅 Chicken Pot 药材锅 Herbal Pot


开煲牛肉 Braised Beef in Claypot 四喜圆肉 Stew Pork Meat Balls 小炒野山兔 Stir Fried Rabbit Meat 香辣田鸡腿 Hot & Spicy Frog Legs 醬焖云土排

鱼头锅 Fish Head Pot 沙爹锅 Satay Pot 羊腩锅 Lamb Brisket Pot 酸菜锅 Pickled Vegetable Pot

(Soup BASE)

时令应季小炒 Seasonal Stir-Fried 生蠔韮菜煎蛋 Fried Oyster with Egg and Chinese Leek 烟肉炒芥菜 Stir Fried Leaf Mustard with Smoked Pork 烟肉炒芥兰 Stir Fried Chinese Broccoli with Smoked Pork 烧汁酿茄子 Fried Aubergine Stuffed with Pork Mince in Homemade Sauce 小白菜 (蒜茸、姜汁) Stir Fried Pak Choi


咸鱼茄子煲 Salted Fish with Aubergine in Pot 上汤皮蛋菠菜 Spinach and Salted Egg in Bone Soup 辣炒香干 Fried Dry Beancurd Hot & Spicy 椒汁肥羊 Lamb with Spicy Sauce 蚕豆烧鸡 Stir Fried Duck with Green Bean 鲜虾辣白菜 King Prawn with Chinese Leaves 葱爆羊肉 Stir Fried Lamb with Spring Onion 汤锅猪尾 Pig Tail in Soup


(Choose from Garlic Sauce, Ginger Sauce)

£7.80 £8.50 £8.00 £7.50

£7.80 £7.80 £7.50 £7.50 £7.50 £8.00 £7.50

锅包肉 Sweet & Sour Sliced Pork 雪里红烧豆腐 Braised Tofu 咸蛋黄焗豆汁 Salted Duck Egg Yolk 咸蛋黄焗南瓜 Deep Fried Pumpkin Coated with Salted Egg Yolk 蟹子韮菜爆蛋 Fried Crab Roe with Egg and Chinese Leek 咸鱼芥兰 Fried Chinese Broccoli with Salted Fish 姜汁芥兰 Fried Chinese Broccoli with Ginger Sauce 京醬肉丝 Shredded Pork in Peking Sauce with Pancake 南瓜焖蟹 Crab and Pumpkin in Soup 地三鲜 Stir Fried Potato, Aubergine and Peppers 坛肉土豆香菜 Braised Pork with Potato & Coriander 醋溜大白菜 Stir Fried Chinese Leaves with Vinegar 干香猪大肠 Dry Fried Spicy Pork Intestines 班腩煲 Braised Fish in Pot

£7.80 £7.50 £8.50 £7.80 £8.80 £8.80 £8.00 £7.80 £8.80 £6.00 £6.50 £6.00 £8.00 £8.00

四川精品推介 Szechuan Specialties 水煮牛肉 Sliced Beef in Hot Chilli Oil 水煮肉片 Sliced Pork in Hot Chilli Oil 山城辣子鸡 Szechuan Style Deep Fried Chicken with Chilli & Pepper 干煸四季豆 Stir Fried Spicy Fine Beans 干煸鱿鱼 Stir Fried Spicy Squid 麻婆豆腐 Mapo Tofu 宫爆鸡丁 Kung Po Chicken 豉椒麻辣牛肚 Pig Stomach with Spicy Black Bean Sauce 干香麻辣虾 Dry Fried Hot & Spicy King Prawn 四川回锅肉 Szechuan Style Double Cooked Sliced Pork 四川家常豆腐 Szechuan Style Sliced Pork with Fried Tofu 宫爆牛蹄筋 Braised Beef Tendons with Spring Onion 鱼香肉丝 Yu Hong Style Shredded Pork

£8.50 £8.20 £7.80 £7.80 £7.80 £7.50 £7.50 £8.00 £8.80 £8.00 £7.80 £8.00 £7.80

渔港应季时价海鲜Seasonal Seafood 拖拨 (清蒸、红烧) Turbot (Steamed or Braised) 鲈鱼 (清蒸、红烧、糖醋、干烧) Seabass (Steamed, Braised, Sweet & Sour Sauce or Pan Fried) 腊鱼 (清蒸、红烧、干烧) Seabream Fish (Steamed, Braised or Pan Fried) 小嘴 (干煎、红烧) Quakerfish (Pan Fried or Braised ) 踏板 (干煎、红烧) Tonguefish (Pan Fried or Braised) 带鱼 (干煎、红烧) Hairtail (Pan Fried or Braised ) 龙虾 (生吃、姜葱 、 蒜蓉蒸 、黄金) Lobster (Raw or Steamed with Ginger & Spring Onion) 鲜鱿 (辣炒、凉拌、炒时菜) Squid (Spicy Sauce, Salad or Stir Fry) 蛏子 (辣炒、凉拌、炒尖椒、蒜蓉蒸) Razor Clam (Spicy Sauce, Salad, Chilli Pepper or Steamed with Garlic Sauce) 螃蟹 (姜葱、香辣) Crab (Ginger & Spring Onion or Hot & Spicy) 白蚬子 (原汁、辣炒) White Clam (Original, Spicy) 带子 (清蒸、蒜蓉蒸) Scallop (Steamed or Steamed Garlic Sauce) 青口 (原汁、辣炒) Mussels (Original, Spicy) 鲜虾 (香辣、盐水、干香) Fresh King Prawn (Hot & Spicy, Salty or Dry Fried Hot & Spicy) 炸生蚝 Deep Fried Oyster


Seasonal Price


Seasonal Price


Seasonal Price


Seasonal Price


Seasonal Price


Seasonal Price


Advanced Booking


Seasonal Price


Seasonal Price


Seasonal Price


Seasonal Price


Seasonal Price


Seasonal Price


Seasonal Price


夏季凉拌 Cold Dishes 红油猪耳 Shredded Pig Ear in Chilli Sauce 青瓜海蜇 Jellyfish with Shredded Cucumber in Garlic Sauce 泰式凤爪 Chicken Feet Thai Style 椒麻肚丝 Shredded Pork Belly with Spicy Chilli Sauce 怪味飘香鸡 Special Flavoured Chicken 椒汁香鹵麻竹 Dry Beancurd with Spicy Sauce 葱油干豆丝 Shredded Potato with Spring Onion 蒜泥海带丝 Shredded Seaweed with Garlic Sauce 怪味麻辣鸭 Special Flavoured Spicy Taste Duck 手撕野山兔 Spicy Poached Sliced Rabbit 皮蛋豆腐 Tofu with Preserved Egg 川味凉拌(杂肉) Mixed Meats in Szechuan Chilli Sauce

£6.00 £7.50 £7.50 £7.00 £8.00 £7.00 £7.00 £5.50 £8.00 £8.50 £8.00 £7.50

渔港主食 TianTian Main Food 三鲜水饺 Dumpling with Pork & Chinese Leek Filling 白菜水饺 Dumpling with Pork & Chinese Cabbage Filling 海鲜炒河粉 Ho Fan with Seafood 牛肉炒河粉 Ho Fan with Beef Slices 海鲜炒乌冬 Udon with Seafood 牛肉炒乌冬 Udon with Beef Slices

£6.50 £6.50 £7.50 £7.00 £7.50

家常烙饼 Homemade Fried Pancake 京都肉饼 Peking Steamed Minced Pork Pie 花卷 Steamed Twisted Roll 三鲜疙瘩汤 Dough Drop & Assorted Vegetable Soup 米饭 Boiled Rice

£5.00 £7.50 £0.60 £7.00 £1.80


汤羹炖菜类 Soup & Stew 蛏子韮菜豆腐汤 Tofu, Chinese Leek and Solen Soup 海蛎豆腐汤 Oyster and Tofu Soup 芥菜海鲜汤 Seafood and Leaf Mustard Soup 白蚬豆腐汤 White Clam and Tofu Soup 番茄蛋花豆腐汤 Tomato, Tofu and Egg Drop Soup 酸辣鱼片汤 Szechuan Style Hot & Sour Fish Soup 西湖牛肉羹 Westlake Beef Soup 海鲜素绘豆腐羹 Seafood, Vegetable and Tofu Soup 坛肉炖酸菜 Pork and Pickled Cabbage Soup 东北乱炖 Mixed Vegetable and Pork Stew 排骨土豆炖豆角 Pork Spare Ribs, Potato and Fine Beans Stew

£9.00 £9.00 £8.80 £9.00 £6.00 £8.00 £6.80 £7.50 £8.50 £8.50 £8.00

Tian Tian

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