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Dear Tattoo Enthusiast Tony, as agreed, I am sending you the PNG image of the actual Uchen Tibetan script for the following submission: " To see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour. " {Excerpt from Auguries of Innocence by William Blake} This means that this mail contains some of the info and images that you have received previously but also completely new information and images; in other words, as far as the spiral designs are concerned, this mail completely replaces all previous (preliminary) communication and all earlier versions of images. On the other hand, whatever info, images, and PDF files containing horizontal or vertical designs you have, they remain valid and are to be considered separate. A word of clarification with respect to the content of the images: As you shall see, I have only supplied the Target Text and have not included the English meanings above (or below, or beside...) the Tibetan. This is quite deliberate and simply is the way I operate. Despite this it is not difficult to figure out what is what in the images if you read the whole Email carefully and also pay attention to the file names. Please find attached herewith the image(s) containing the Tibetan glyphs. For your reference, the following section provides detailed linguistic information.
Transliteration The entire source text, as above, translated / transliterated / transcribed into Tibetan script and then rendered in Wylie-Tibetan (viz. back-transliterated into precise Latinic transcription) would be: @#/_/ bye ma'i rdul phran gcig tsam gyi nang du 'jig rten cha tshang dang / spang rgyan me tog gcig nang zhing khams dag pa mthong ba dang / rang nyid kyi lag mthil gyi nang du nam mkha' mtha' yas dang / chu tshod gcig tsam nang dus mtha' mu med pa 'chang bar 'dod//
Further, special decorative symbols have been employed. These can be considered purely ornamental, although in some cases they have a deep meaning, buried in the past. In Wylie, the symbols that represent the Tibetan-script symbols are: @#/_, <_ _>, etc. Please note that the source item text has been translated differently for this final Spiral design, therefore the transliteration above is different, too. For your convenience the Vocabulary for nearly all individual lexemes contained in this version is provided below.
Pronunciation Phonetic transcription (based on Central-Tibetan pronunciation): ché-méé düül-tréén chik tsum kyee nahng too jik-ten chah-tsung tahng, pung-gyéén mé-tawk chik nahng shing-kum tahk-pah tawng-wah tahng, rung-nyee kyee luk-teel kyee nahng too num-kah tah-yéé tahng, choo-tsöö chik tsum nahng tüü-tah-moo-méé-pah chahng-wahr-döö. (The above is loosely in accordance with Spelled Pronunciation rules and is to be pronounced the way a native English speaker would read these words, except for vowels with Umlaut and other special diacritical marks (ü ö é ñ etc.), which are to be pronounced the German or Spanish way. IPA Pronunciation / Transcription is much more precise and can be supplied upon request. If you are not familiar with the various systems, here is a quick example that demonstrates the drastic differences in the rendering of sounds: E.G. George | IPA Pronunciation: /dʒɔrdʒ/ | Spelled Pronunciation: [jawrj].)
Vocabulary All of the fully-fledged words appearing in the Tibetan translation and their entire dictionary entries are listed below, with the most pertinent meanings / senses highlighted if the entries are very long and the pertinent sense does not appear at the top. Sometimes it is necessary to include translations from alternative sources, or manually modify the automated listings, in which case annotations are supplied in CAPITALS. In Tibetan, it is quite common to see completely unrelated meanings under the same entry word; if this is the case below, simply ignore the unrelated meanings.
bye ma
rdul phran
[1892] sa rdul/ ... rlung gis bye ma ded pa/ ... chus bye ma khyer ba/ ...
bAlukA. vAlukA
SS 532.3. DG 138.5.
*, desert, sandy place, Vimalamitra, SA dri med bshes gnyen, sand hell according to the kalacakra
*, grain, dust, sandy plain
a desert; *
genitive particle
genetive particle: of; 's; which is; that is. (as *) of; by; in; which. (as non-case particle) and; but; (semi-colon)
[2520] rnam dbye drug pa'i rkyen zhig ste 'a dang mtha' med la 'thob pa'i 'brel sgra/ ... de lta bu'i skyed mos tshal de na bung ba'i tshogs du ma 'phur lding g.yo zhing rtse ba/ ...
Comment: One of five genitive particlesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;gi, kyi, gyi, 'i, yi.
SA kyi
between a verb & a noun - who/ that; connecting particle
[genetive particle] of; 's; which; also adjectival genetive; and non-case usage as "but" and "and". (as genitive particle) of; by; in; which. (as non-case particle) and; but; (semi-colon)
[2562] 1.yid/ ... yi rang ba/ ... yi gu dog ... yi brel ba/ ... 2.rnam dbye drug pa'i rkyen te 'a dang mtha' med la 'thob pa'i 'brel sgra/ ... 'a ...
Comment: One of five genitive particlesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;gi, kyi, gyi, 'i, yi.
figure 54, instrumental of yid, SA kyi
{GD:126} atom
[1434] rdul phra rab bdun tsam 'dus pa'i gong bu'o/ ...
small particle, minutest particle, atom, nuclear, physical matter, atom
[minute] particle, atom, molecule, particle the size of 7 {rdul phra rab}, dust, powder types in the realm of desire
atom; iota
*; minute particle, atom, molecule, 2) particle, [in Abhidharma: size of 7 {rdul phra rab}, dust, powder. types in the Realm of Desire particle; molecule, particle, [size of 7 rdul phra rab]; dust, powder. minute particle, particle. particle [thd]
particle; atom; dust
{C}dirt; {GD:594} energy
{C}aNu; {C,MSA}*
[1433] ... 1) phra ba'i gzugs/ ... nyi rdul/ ... chu rdul/ ... thal rdul/ ... rdul phran phra mo/ ... me tog gi rdul/ ... sa rdul/ ... rdo rje'i rdul/ ... sdod mkhan med pa'i khang pa'i nang du rdul chags yong/ ... phyi bdar ma btang ba'i spyad dngos rnams rdul gyis khebs pa/ ... btsan 'dzul byed par yong mkhan su yin kyang rdul du rlog dgos/ ... 2) zla mtshan/ ... 3) nyes skyon/ ... nyon mongs pa'i rdul gyis ma gos pa/ ...
Comment: In SAmkhya this is one of the three material qualities (yon tan gsum, triguNa): lightness (snying stobs, sattva), 2) motility (rdul, *), 3) darkness (mun pa, tamas). Dzong-ka-ba's Great Exposition of Secret Mantra a passage cites a passage calling the three subtler consciousnesses preceding the mind of clear light according to the GuhyasamAja system sattva, *, and tamas.
deriv. from Tib.-Skt. dhU-li q.v. Blan 307.5.
atoms, irreducible particles, perspiration, specks of dust, dust, motes, particles of dust in the air, subtle components, molecule, monad, menstruation, motility
1) minute form/ particle/ atom; 2) dust; 3) pollen; 2) menses; 3) fault; 4) mote, speck of; 5) silt, grains of sand; 5) dusty [color] (6) energy)/ [one of {yon tan gsum} ovum / menstural blood, female contribution to embreyo [tserig]. 1) minute form/ particle/ atom; 2) dust; 3) pollen; 2) menses; 3) fault; 4) mote, speck of; 5) silt, grains of sand; 5) dusty [color]; 6) energy / * ovum / menstrual blood, female contribution to embryo TSE
affectedness (*); menstrual blood; ovum; molecule; dust; (fig.) flaw
the dust. dust, -mote, speck of -, molecule; particle, atom, silt, grains of sand. 2) dusty [color]. 3) energy, affectedness (*); One of {yon tan gsum} 4) ovum, menstrual blood. 5) flaw. 6) anther. materiality, particle [thd]
small; minute
[1770] bdag ... phran bkra shis nas phul/ ...
little, trifle, trifling, part of the body, knives used in surgery, I
1) little, small, trifling, minor, slight, some, few; 2) scalpels and small surgical instruments; 3) part of the body D; 4) I, this lowly 1
little, small, trifling, minor, slight, some; a droplet; minor, small, trivial. your humble servant
one; same; oneness; unitary; single; singular phenomenon
{C}autonomous; first; together; one single; alone; the same as; only one; common; identical; mutual
{MV}*; {MV}ekatva; {MSA}aikyatas; {C}mitha; abhinna {GD:284}
[737] 1.yongs rdzogs dang ril po/ ... mi tshe gcig ... byed na byed gcig ... rgyag na rgyag gcig ... blo gcig sems gcig ... mtha' gcig tu legs pa/ ... gcig tu cha mi mthun pa/ ... 2.bya tshig gi sngon du sbyar nas de'i lan gcig gam thengs gcig gi don du 'jug pa'i phrad cig ... khyod kyis gcig shod dang/ ... nga la gcig ston dang/ ... kho la gcig bltas nas phyin song/ ... rgyug pas gcig brgyab nas bsad pa/ ... gcig 'gro rtsis yod/ ... 3. grangs kyi gcig ste/ grangs ka ril po'i nyung mtha'/ ... nad brgya sman gcig ... tshig brgya don gcig ... gcig la gcig brten/ ... mang gi rnam grangs la zla ba dang/ gzugs/ 'od dkar can/ ri bong can/ bse ru bcas so/
mtshan nyid/ so so ba ma yin pa'i chos
Definition: phenomena that are not separate
dbye ba/ 1 rang ldog gcig pa/ 2 ngo bo gcig pa/ 3 rigs gcig pa/
Divisions: (1) same self isolate; (2) same entity; (3) same type
In Established Base (gzhi grub), this implies a radical identity, and is the opposite of tha dad (conceptual or technical difference); gcig and tha dad are one of the possible divisions of gzhi grub. Examples: pot (bum pa); pillar (ka ba) See: gcig pa
1. rtag gcig rang dbang can ; 2. rtse gcig
1. permanent, unitary, and autonomous; 2. one-pointed
identity, a, unitary, one, oneness, unity, singular, one only, unique, singularity, a single thing, unique state, equal, one single nature, one thing alone, being identical
1) complete whole; 2) before verbs de'i 1 time, once; 3) 1, a [syn: zla ba, gzugs, 'od dkar can, ri bong can, bse ru]. 1) complete whole; 2) before verbs de'i 1 time, once; 3) 1, a * singular, 1 and the same, partless, unitary. something, unity. 1, a something
the sole; single. {gcig po} one/ single
one, oneness [ggd]. one, single, unique, single state, singularity, "*" Skt.; 1) singular, one, one and the same. 2) something. 3) unity, partless, unitary. {gcig kyang med} not even a single one; one/ single
only; merely; just
[2185] ... 1) skor dang/ lta bu ste tshad 'dzin pa'i tshig grogs shig ... don gnad zur bstan pa tsam gyis rtogs pa/ ... na tsha cung sdug tsam du song 'dug ... kha dog dmar tsam 'dug ... sbyong brdar ji tsam mang ba de tsam gyis goms shas che/ ... tshogs 'dur gzhug mkhan mi brgya tsam byung/ ... za che ba ri bo tsam/ 'thung mang ba rgya mtsho tsam/ ... 2) kho na ste don gzhan 'gog pa'i tshig grogs shig ... ming tsam/ ... sems tsam/ ... khang pa tsam las sdod mkhan med/ ... spyi'i phan bde yid kyi yul tsam du'ang mi 'char ba/ ...
mAtrakatA. mAtraka. mAtrA
only, merely, about, around, or so, how much, how many, as much as, denoting comparison as to size or degree or intensity, like, as-as, so-as, so that, denoting contingency and restriction, perhaps, if need be, almost, but, all but, just about, about, approximately, "how ever much ... that much" constructions, a little, as modestly particle, barest, simply, in the very moment
of, nothing but a, nearly
nang du
'jig rten
cha tshang
approximately, about, around, at least, the size of,, - ish, like, tshad 'dzin pa *, only [& excluding others], mere[ly], just [a little], just barely. 1) approximately, about, around, at least, the size of, for so long, as large/ minute as, - ish, like, tshad 'dzin pa [zur tsam only partially,//na tsa cung sdug tsam du song 'dug //kha dog dmar tsam reddish // brgya tsam around/ about/ at least/ as many as 100,//za che ba ri bo tsam, as big as a mt]; 2) only [& excluding others], mere, just [a little] [ming tsam,//sems tsam,//khang pa tsam las sdod mkhan med,//spyi'i phan bde yid kyi yul tsam du'ang mi 'char ba]. 1) approximately, about, around, at least, the size of, for so long, as large/ minute as, - ish, like, tshad 'dzin pa [R]; 2) only [& excluding others], mere[ly], just [a little], just barely [mang tsam: a little more phyed tsam: about half; slebs tsam: just barely arrived; nyo thub tsam barely able to buy: bshad tsam: just saying that] cf ji tsam, de tsam. 1) about, like [don gnad zur bstan pa tsam gyis rtogs pa,//na tsa cung sdug tsam du song 'dug //kha dog dmar tsam 'dug //sbyong brdar ji tsam mang ba de tsam gyis goms shas che,//tsogs 'dur gzhug mkhan mi brgya tsam byung,//za che ba ri bo tsam, 'thung mang ba rgya mtso tsam]; 2) only, mere, just, approximately, about, around, at least, the size of, for so long, as large/ small as, just a little
{tsam du} (to be) mere(ly); simple/ (simply); only; even . . . ; isc. purely
zla ba gcig tsam - for a month or so. about, almost; just, only, merely, approximately, about, around, at least, the size of, for so long, as large / minute as, just a little, a mere; as much as; size, as big as/ simply. amounts to nothing but ..
(as genitive particle) of; by; in; which. (as non-case particle) and; but; (semi-colon)
[382] 1. ming mtha' na ma ra la bcas kyi rjes su sbyor ba'i 'brel sgra'i rkyen zhig ... na ma ra la ... 'dzugs skrun gyi bya gzhag ... lam gyi zur/ ... gsol mar gyi ljags gong/ ... tshe dbang rnam rgyal gyi zhwa mo/ ... 2. (rnying) gri/ ...
Comment: One of five genitive particlesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;gi, kyi, gyi, 'i, yi.
entailing, used for gi after na ma ra la, SA gi, kyi, SA kyi, related to, indicates future tense, for the, of the
1) genitive [after n, m, r, l]; 2) (A) knife; 3) lynx). 1) genitive; 2) [arch] knife
Syn {kyi} used after final n, m, r, and l; but (before a contrary statement)
internally; within
inside, internal, within, into, in the midst of, in, inside
inside, within, inside of, among, into the home/ room of
within/ inside
within, inside; under; inside of, among
[disintegrating-support]; the transient world; world; people
{C}living world; world-system; worldly
loka. laukika
{C,MSA,MV}*; {MSA}*; {MSA}laukya; {L}lokadhAtu; {C}jagat; {C}jagatI
[893] 1) snod 'jig pa la bcud 'khrul ba brten pas 'jig rten zhes bya ste/ phyi snod gling bzhi gling phran lhun po nyi zla dang bcas pa dang/ nang bcud khams gsum gyis bsdus pa'i sems can rnams so/ ... ming gi rnam grangs la skye 'gro dang/ 'gro rten/ gnas rten/ srid pa bcas so/ 2) 'jig rten la sa 'og dang/ sa steng/ sa bla ste gsum yod pas grangs gsum mtshon/ ...
loka, world, transmigratory existence, receptacle of all that is perishable, external world, universe, the external physical world, world-system, phenomenal world, transitory realm, samsara
world: 1) 'jig the destructible environment which the inhabitants sentient beings depend on rten in their confusion is therefore called 'jig rten. It is the external evironment with its continents and subcontinents, Mount Meru, the sun and moon etc. The internal inhabitants are the sentient beings comprising the three realms. syn: skye 'gro dang, 'gro rten, gnas rten, srid pa.; 2) 'the three worlds below, on and above the earth sa 'og, sa steng, sa bla. the [external] world [system], society, death, the receptacle for destruction, liable to fall apart, worldly, *, ordinary, mortal.]. 1) loka, world; 2) mortal, subject to destruction
(ordinary/ perishable) world (system)/ universe
1) the external, physical world, the world, the external world, world system, worldly, *, ordinary, society. 2) mortal, subject to destruction, death, the receptacle for destruction, liable to fall apart; Loka; the world; world, world system, worldly; (ordinary) world(-system)/ universe
[parts-all]; entire
complete in all its parts, complete suit of ornaments, complete entire, full, integrate, complete, all, whole
complete, the whole, entire
complete, the whole, entirely, completion
to disintegrate; disintegrate; destroy
{C}dies; break; break up; broken by; is broken up
gzhig 'jig bshig shigs/
{MSA}nAza; {N}vinaza; {MSA}vinazyati; {C}mriyate; {C}bhidyate (=bhindati)
[893] bskal/ 'jig pa'i bskal pa'i bsdus tshig
Check Tenses {T}
disappearance, destroy, break, vanish, perishing
p bshigs f gzhig shigs!,, [be] destroy[ed], break, exterminate, extinguish, demolish, come to ruin, fall to pieces, decay, perish[ing], disintegrate, collapse, extinction
{bshig pa} to destroy/ do away with. p. {bshigs} f. {gzhig} imp. {shigs} 1) to break, destroy, exterminate, to extinguish, to demolish be destroyed. 2) vi. to come to ruin, to fall to pieces, decay, perish, disintegrate, collapse. {bzhig pa} to be destroyed/ disintegrate; phase of destruction
verb: support; depend; rely noun: basis; support; base
{C}supported; in dependence on; leans on; based upon; inhabiting; dwell on in the mind; puts his trust in; flees back to; returns to; runs back to; shelter; protection; going; route; destiny; resort; where it has gone to; means of salvation; departure; situation; place of rebirth; goal; depend on; contain; hold; what is founded; receptacle; physical/bodily basis; body; foundation; by resorting to (as a foundation)
brten/ rten/ brtend/ rtend/
nizraya. nizritya. pratisaraNa. saMnizraya. adhiSThAna. AdhAra. Azraya
{LCH,C,MSA}*; {C,MSA}nizrita; {L}*; {MSA}*; {MSA}*; {C}vy-apa-Azrayate; {MSA}*; {MSA}pratiSThA; {MSA,N}*; {C}AdheyatA; {C}pratisarati; {MSA}*; {C}trANa; {C}gati; {MV}dhRti
[1072] 1. rten pa'i skul tshig 2 ... .1) gzhi'am/ gnas sa/ ... 'tsho rten/ ... khral rten/ ... dmag. [1073] ... dmigs rten/ ... mi'i lus rten/ ... lha rten/ ... 2) skyes kyi rten/ ... skyabs rten/ ... mjal rten/ ... zhu rten/ ...
Comment: one of the similar associations (?) (mtshungs ldan lnga); for others see: mtshungs ldan
'reminder' (Dagyab), support, prop, dependency, object of veneration. Skt. Azraya, nizraya, etc.
basis, support, object, representation, seat, dwelling place, reliance, base, shrine, sacred, temple, because of, due to, owing to, because, for, working basis (the most precious human body and mind with the 3 kinds of confidence), being-there and being-oneself, situation, substratum, relic in shape of stupa or god that originated from parts of the corpse during cremation, hold, locative case, that which holds or contains or supports a thing
support [a technical term for physical embodiments of enlightened body, speech or mind], a hold, base, basis, foundation, site, dwelling place, abode, an individual, physical form, ordination, means of salvation, what is founded, cultivation, receptacle, representation, shrine, holy object, object of worship, depend on, have recourse to, symbol; physical form, body; 1. Rten pa! ; 1) object/ person w a certain characteristic, place something is ['Tsho rten,...Khral rten,...Dmag rten,...Dmigs rten,...Mi'i lus rten,...Lha rten...Skyabs rten,...Mjal rten,...Zhu rten]. support *, a hold, base, basis, prop, foundation, site, dwelling place, abode, individual, physical form, ordination, means of salvation, what is founded, cultivation, receptacle, representation, shrine, holy object, object of worship, depend/ rely on, have recourse to, symbol, physical form, body, Rten pa!
support(ing element of a mandala); (working) basis; foundation; representation (iso. image/ statute); isc. context (that allows for . . . ); isc. matrix (esp. to distinguish from rten med)
imp. of {rten pa}; support, basis, foundation, site, dwelling place, abode; physical form, body; ordination; re presentation, shrine, holy object, object of worship; to depend on, have recourse to; symbol; a shrine/ a support, prop/ to depend on, rely upon; support(ing element of a mandala); (working) basis; offering; "support", a technical term for physical embodiments of enlightened body, speech or mind, a hold, support, base, support, basis, foundation, site, dwelling place, abode, an individual, physical form, ordination, means of salvation, what is founded, cultivation, receptacle, representation, shrine, holy object, object of worship, to depend on, have recourse to, symbol; bzod pa'i rten - catalyst for developing patience
part; factor; an odd number (see example 2); all of (the parts of something; see example 3). portion
{C}pair; fraction; place; region; rain; fitting; proper; seemly
kalA. pratirUpa. bhAga
{LCh}aMza; {LCh}*; {C,MSA}*; {C}deza; {L}tamA; {L}tamI; {C}*; {MSA}tulya; {MSA}zrutka
[772] bod yig gsal byed drug pa 'di'i nga ro 'don tshul la skye gnas rkan dang/ byed pa lce dbus/ nang gi rtsol ba mgrin pa phye ba dang/ phyi'i rtsol ba srog chen sgra med/ ... 1. 1) ming gzhi'i ma ning yi ge zhig ... 2) brjod bde'i dbang gis drangs pa'i ming gi cha shas shig ... skad cha/ ... dgos cha/ ... rgyan cha/ ... dpe cha/ ... mtshon cha/ ... yig cha/ ... ras cha/ ... lag cha/ ... 2 ... .1) zung/ ... cha sgrig pa/ ... cha 'grig pa/ ... cha min ya min/ ... lham cha gnyis/ ... gdung ma ring thung phra sbom cha ma yin pa/ ... 2) rgyus mnga'/ ... cha ma mchis/ ... gar song cha med/ ... sang phod than pa gtong gi yin min da lta cha ma 'tshal/ ... 3) dum bu'am tshan khag ... brgya cha/ ... stong cha/ ... stod cha/ ... smad cha/ ... thob cha/ ... chag cha/ ... 'phar cha/ ... zla ba'i dkar cha/ ... byi la ni gcan gzan gyi char gtogs pa red/ ... 4) 'phrin/ ... cha skur ba/ ... phan tshun gyi bar du ngag thog nas cha 'bul ba/ ... 5) gos kyi zheng tshad/ ... mi gzugs stobs chen po la gyon pa cha chen po dgos/ ...
Is example 2 correctâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;an odd number of opposite form being something should be opposite from being something? {T}
Stein. (16) 'digits' of the moon, symbolic for byang sems dkar po.
relates to, means, even, pair, set, part, fraction, share, portion, anything divided, news, intelligence, word, sound, prospect, auspices, things, 1/16 part of month, particle, factor, side, couple, equivalent, pair, match, fraction particle, on the side of, aspects, positive force, quality
CHA, side, fraction, portion, share, part[ial], aspect, pair, match, side, direction, division, mode, factor, choosy, same, the aspect of/ -ness, together
(kyi) + cha - quality; aspect/ side; (component) factor; isc. point of view/ perspective; isc. what pertains to (something). {. . . gi cha nas} from the point of view/ perspective of . . . ; from the aspect of . . .
factors, parts [ggd]. 1) the letter cha. 2) fraction, portion, share, part. 3) aspect, pair, match, side, direction, part, division, partial, choosy, mode, factor, certainty. 4) to change an adjective to its abstract noun form. 5) same, 6) onomatopoeia. aspect, part, quality [thd]
complete; full; entire; complete in; contained in
[2251] 'jog sa'am sdod sa'i nang khyim/ ... mi tshang/ ... gnas tshang/ ... sbrang tshang/ ... jag tshang/ ... g.yul sar mchong
dus rgya stag tshang nas thon pa 'dra/ ... bye'us tshang 'cha' ba/ ...
spang rgyan me tog
ci la yang tshang ste ni ci zhig smos te. BBNP 466.
endowed, complete in itself, nest, habitation for any kind, abode, dwelling, den, nests
* 1) in a complete form, [be] complete, full, entire, intact two group, division; 3) house[hold], residence, *, home; 4) nest, dwelling, lair. ['jog sa'am sdod sa'i nang khyim,//mi tshang,//gnas tshang,//sbrang tshang,//jag tshang,//gul sar mchong dus rgya stag tshang nas thon pa 'dra,//bye'us tshang 'cha' ba]
nest, den; isc. matrix
home, abode; 1) in a complete form, complete, intact. 2) group, division. [can be linked with names | {bkra shis ljongs gi tshang} 'The Tashi Jong Group.'] 3) household, residence, house, home. [can mean labrang | {dge bshes tshang} 4) nest, dwelling, lair. full, entire; nest; complete
and; with; or
{C}but; moreover; however; together with
{C}*; {MSA}prasanna; {MSA}prasAda; {C}atha; {C}sArdham
[1239] 1. sum cu par/ gsum pa la ni gnyis pa sbyar/ de ni sdud dang 'byed pa dang/ rgyu mtshan tshe skabs gdams ngag lnga'o/ zhes pa ltar dang sgra 'di ni don lnga la 'jug pa'i phrad cig ... dang ... 1) sdud pa la 'jug pa/ ... skra dang kha spu/ ... gcig dang gnyis/ ... 2) 'byed pa la 'jug pa/ ... 1. gzhi gcig nas du ma 'byed pa/ ... dbang po lnga ni mig dang rna ba dang sna dang lce dang lus so/ ... 2. 'byed sdud rgyu mtshan tshe skabs gdams ngag gang yang ma yin par bya tshig sogs dang sbyar ba/ ... khong dang lhan cig tu sleb pa/ ... khyod dang mnyam du 'gro/ ... khrims dang 'gal ba/ ... khrims tshul bzhin khur na dang/ gal srid ma khur na nyes pa yong/ ... gong dang mtshungs pa/ ... mi dang 'dra ba/ ... grogs po dang 'grogs pa/ ... dgra dang 'thab pa/ ... chu dang gcig me dang gnyis/ rlung dang gsum/ ... lugs dang mthun pa/ ... chu dang thag nye ba/ ... nyen kha dang 'phrad pa/ ... gnyen dang bral ba/ ... pha ma dang 'grogs pa/ ... yi ge dang sbrags nas btang ba/ ... 3) rgyu mtshan la 'jug pa/ ... sman zos pa dang nad drag pa/ ... 'grel bshad zhib gsal byas pa dang don gnad rtogs pa/ ... 4) tshe skabs la 'jug pa/ ... nyi ma shar ba dang phyin pa/ ... kho slebs pa dang 'go btsugs pa/ ... 2. gdams ngag la 'jug pa/ ... ltos dang/ ... legs par slobs dang/ ...
Acc. to Stein, equiv. to rang.
and, as, as well as, off, away, from, together with, with, (connecting, separating), because of, on account of, by reason of, when, as soon as, occasion, opportunity, exhortation, advice, entreaty, (continuative particle at end of clause), meadow, and, SA pa dang, polite verbal imperative, conjunction of *adjectives, with
: 1) five [Sum cu par, gsum pa la ni gnyis pa sbyar, de ni sdud dang 'byed pa &, rgyu mtshan tshe skabs gdams ngag 5] ; 1) Sdud pa la 'jug pa,...Skra dang kha spu,...Gcig dang gnyis,...2) 'Byed pa la 'jug pa,...; 1) Gzhi gcig nas du ma 'byed pa,...Dbang po lnga ni mig dang rna ba dang sna dang lce dang lus so,...2. 'Byed sdud rgyu mtshan tshe skabs gdams ngag gang yang ma yin par bya tshig sogs dang sbyar ba,...Khong dang lhan cig tu sleb pa,...Khyod dang mnyam du 'gro,...Khrims dang 'gal ba,...Khrims tshul bzhin khur na dang, gal srid ma khur na nyes pa yong,...Gong dang mtshungs pa,...Mi dang 'dra ba,...Grogs po dang 'grogs pa,...Dgra dang 'thab pa,...Chu dang gcig me dang gnyis, rlung dang gsum,...Lugs dang mthun pa,...Chu dang thag nye ba,...Nyen kha dang 'phrad pa,...Gnyen dang bral ba,...Pha ma dang 'grogs pa,...Yi ge dang sbrags nas btang ba,...3) Rgyu mtshan la 'jug pa,...Sman zos pa dang nad drag pa,...'Grel bshad zhib gsal byas pa dang don gnad rtogs pa; 4) Tshe skabs la 'jug pa,...Nyi ma shar ba dang phyin pa,...Kho slebs pa dang 'go btsugs pa,...2. Gdams ngag la 'jug pa,...Ltos dang,...Legs par slobs dang,... conj and, moreover (This particle has five uses connecting: {sdud pa/ distinguishing {'byed pa/ causal {rgyu mtshan/ time and place {tshe skabs / and advice or ! {gdams ngag}- meadow read in a singing or drawling manner] &, [together] w, as soon as, immediately after x polite imperative. skyes nas 'da' ba dang, gong du 'pho ba rnams so. * &, [together] w, as soon as, immediately after x polite imperative
+ # - acts to total up a list just mentioned; and. This particle has five uses. connecting {sdud pa} distinguishing {'byed pa} causal {rgyu mtshan} time and place {tshe skabs} and advice or imperative {gdams ngag} meadow, to read in a singing or drawling manner, moreover, with, together with, as soon as, immediately after, polite imperative; + number - an enumeration (1, 2, 3.)
[1650] spang gi thog shar ba'i me tog chung chung tshos gzhi sna tshogs yod pa zhig ... ming gi rnam grangs la kun tu gas dang/ khyab 'jug gnon pa/ ston gyi me tog ba lang zas/ gzhan gyis mi thub/ gzhan las rgyal/ ri bo'i rna rgyan bcas so/
flower, SA gzhan las rgyal, daisy, SA kun tu gas, meadow flower, WILD FLOWER, name of a Lhasa newspaper
spang rgyan flower
the flowers, the meadow's ornaments
abandon; give up; eliminate; dispel; dispell; set aside
{C}take away; remove; kills
spang spong spangs spongs
{C}harati; {MSA}pratikSepa; {MSA}vivAsa
[1649] ... 1) rtswa sngon thung ngu khyab par skyes pa'i sa cha/ ... dbyar kha'i spang la mi skye dgu skye skye/ 'jig rten mi la mi yong dgu yong yong/ 2) tshon ljang khu ste spang ma yang zer/ ... 3) zangs kyi 'g.ya' ljang khu la yang zer/ ...
green from malachite stone. Anyetsang in TSB 15 (1980) 6.
grassland, meadow, lawn, aversion, abandoned, gone beyond, *, board, plank, soft springy turf yielding to the feet, rebuttal of opponent's arguments against one's own view, discard, abandon
1) meadow, lawn, sod, turf * {2 malachite = medium green pigment; 3) green copper 'gya'; 4) give up, renounce, abandon, discard, abolish, revoke [p {spong}, put aside, reject, abandon, *, cast away
turf, green-sward, meadow; moss, bog. rid yourself of, do not, be free of, abandon. avoid; x {de dag spang te} avoid all these errors and. grassland, meadow, lawn; to give up, renounce, abandon, discard, p. of {spong} malachite, the medium green derived from malachite, put aside, give up, grassland, meadow, lawn, reject, abandon, *, cast away, discard, renounce, to reject; grass; a meadow. meadows. to abstain from
ornament; adornment
{C}mass; (miraculous) harmony; display
{LCh,C,L}AlaMkAra; {LCh,C}bhUSaNa; {C}vyUha (=samUhaH); {MSA}*; vibhUSaNa
[544] 1. rgyan pa'i skul tshig 2. ... 1) mdzes chas/ ... mdzes byed kyi rgyan/ ... rang bzhin gyi rgyan/ ... bcos ma'i rgyan/ ... rta nor lug gsum ri bo'i rgyan du mdzes/ 'bru sna lnga po zhing gi rgyan du mdzes/ ... khang bzang gi nang du 'phan gdugs dra ba dra phyed la sogs pa'i rgyan sna tshogs bkod pa/ ... 'phrin yig la snyan ngag gi tshig rgyan bkod pa/ ... gzhon nu lang tsho can la yon tan gyi rgyan gyis spud pa/ ... dpa' bos rma rjes rgyan du 'dzin/ ... mgo dang ske la me tog phreng ba'i rgyan 'dogs pa/ ... g.yu byur spel ma'i spa phrug gi rgyan spras pa/ ... ming gi rnam grangs la rgyan cha dang/ rnam rgyan/ mdzes byed/ legs byed bcas so/ 2) rgyal dang skugs/ ... sho sbag brgyab nas rgyan rgyal ba/ ... dngul zong ci rigs kyi rgyan 'gyed pa/ ... shing bu dang/ rde'u sogs bsgrugs te rgyan rgyag pa/ ... rgyal pham thob shor gyi ched du rgyan 'phen pa/ ... rtsed mo thob shor gyi ched du dngul 'bor chen rgyan du btsugs pa/ ... 3) (mngon) klu sgrub dang/ saryA de ba/ thogs med/ dbyig gnyen/ phyogs glang/ chos grags te 'dzam gling rgyan la drug yod pas grangs drug mtshon/ ...
Comment: This often refers to Maitreya's Ornament for the Great Vehicle SUtras (mdo sde rgyan, mahAyAnasUtrAlaMkAra; P5521, vol. 108) or Ornament for Clear Realization (mngon rtogs rgyan, abhisamayAlaMkAra; P5184, vol. 88).
alaMkAra. AbharaNa
Ornament (of Realm of Dharmas). Consider also the translation 'gloss.' Skt. alaMkAra; ornament, decoration. Also used as verb: brgyan pa, ornamented.
ornament, decoration, stake, pledge, lot beauty, enhancement, attributes, result, bet, to adorn, decorate, adornment, ornaments
1) rgyan pa!; 2) ornaments, decoration, jewelry; 2) gamble, bet, stake, lots; 3) p {brgyan} decorate, adorn, ornament; 4) ornaments [in poetics]; 5) election
adornment (of being)*
Ornament [Sutralamkara]. p. {brgyan}, imp. of {rgyan pa}; to decorate, adorn, ornament. {rig pa'i rgyan} the adornment of insight. ornament, ornaments [in poetics], decoration, jewelry. "beauty", enhancement; adornment; 2) Lamkara, Ornament (of Realization / the Sutras) by Maitreya / Asanga; ornament
tejas. agni
{LCh,C,MSA,MV}*; {C,MSA}*; {C,MSA,MV}vahni; {C}jvalana
[2106] ... 1) 'bar byed dam 'byung ba chen po me/ ... gser sa le sbram me la mi skrag ... me 'bar ba'i sgang la shing bshags pa/ ... mes 'tshig mer gtugs/ ... ming gi rnam grangs la 'khyog 'bar dang/ chu yi skye gnas/ dag byed/ du ba'i tog ldan/ nor las rgyal/ bi shwa na ra'i bu/ 'bar ba'i lce ldan/ 'bar byed/ sbyin sreg lag pa/ gtsug phud can/ gtsang byed/ rtse mo can/ 'od kyi shing rta/ rlung gi grogs po/ lam nag zhugs/ lus ma bsrung/ shing las 'phel bcas so/ 2) (mngon) 1. 'dzam gling lho phyogs kyi rta gdong me dang/ khyim gyi nyi ma dang/ bsreg bya za ba'i me ste me gsum yod pas grangs gsum mtshon/ ... 3. 2. (mngon) me 'brug lo/ ...
mtshan nyid/ tsha zhing sreg pa/
Definition: hot and burning
one of the four tangible objects which are elements ('byung bar gyur pa'i reg bya); the others are: earth (sa, pRthivI); water (chu, Ap); wind (rlung vAyu)
a clan. Btsan-lha.
element, *, temperature, heat, flame of a lamp, 1 of 'jigs pa rnam par brgyad, * hell according to the kalacakra
1) *, flame, ember [Notes this is to describe the source of dharmas in vajrayogini's secret place, another suggestion was "glowing like a * mandala"]; 2) anaka, (the 50th year, male * dragon)/'Dzam gling lho phyogs kyi rta gdong me dang, khyim gyi nyi ma dang, bsreg bya za ba'i me ste me gsum yod pas grangs gsum mtson] 'bar byed dam 'byung ba chen po me,//gser sa le sbram me la mi skrag //me 'bar ba'i sgang la shing bshags pa,//mes 'tsig mer gtugs,//ming gi rnam grangs la 'khyog 'bar dang, chu yi skye gnas, dag byed, du ba'i tog ldan, nor las rgyal, bi shva na ra'i bu, 'bar ba'i lce ldan, 'bar byed, sbyin sreg lag pa, gtsug phud can, gtsang byed, rtse mo can, 'od kyi shing rta, rlung gi grogs po, lam nag zhugs, lus ma bsrung, shing las 'phel bcas so,. , 1) ; 1) *, flame, ember [R]; 2) anaka, (the 50th year, male * dragon; 3) three
*, flame, ember, Anaka, [the 50th year, Male Fire Dragon]
[1030] ... 1) dbal lam/ rtse mo/ ... dar shing gi tog ... 2) go gnas mtshon byed kyi zhwa mo'i rgyan cha zhig ... rim pa gsum pa'i tog gnas/ ... 3) nying khu'am snying po/ ...
the top of anything, top ornament, button on cap of dignitaries, essence, pith, point
1) tip/ top [ornament] [of]; 2) rank signifying hat ornament; 3) essence, essential juice; 4) point
{rdo rje'i tog} on top is a vajra, vajra-top / tip. the top, a top ornament, tip of something; a top ornament
in; internal; inside; interior; house
{C}inner; inward; subjective; middle; middling
adhyAtma. AdhyAtmika
{LCh,MSA}*; {MSA}adhyAtman; {MSA}*; {MSA}vivaraka; {C}madhya
[1502] ... 1) phyi nang gi zlas phye ba'i nang/ ... sems nang/ ... khang pa'i nang/ ... chu'i nang/ ... mi mang po'i nang du 'tshang ba/ ... tshogs khang gi phyi nang tshang ma mis gang 'dug ... nang skor kha 'chams/ phyi skor gros mthun/ ... nang dpa' bo'i dpa' gral ma bshig na/ phyi ge sar dmag la skrag mi dgos/ ... 2) khyim mam sdod sa/ ... khong nang la bzhugs mi 'dug ... khong nang la log phyin song/ ... 3) 'phros don sems la'ang 'jug ... dka' tshegs che yang nang du ma zhum/ ... 4) 'phros don gsang ba'i don/ ... nang khul gyi yig cha/ ...
antaH. antar-gata. antarbhAva. abhyantara
inside, inner, interior, middle, in the midst of, among, internal, subjective world, esoteric home, in, space within a thing, indoors, house, esoteric, morning or day, 1 of dus bzhi, inside, home, home, inner aspect
1) within, in[side], inner, in the midst of, among interior, internal; 2) house, home, place 1 stays; 3) supplementary explanation 'phros don? entering into the mind; 4) supplementary explanation 'phros don secret meaning in; 5) morning
inner/ inward(ly)/ internal(ly)
1) in, within, inside, inner, in the midst of, among, interior, internal, inner aspect; inward(ly), internally. 2) among 3) home, house, abode, [someone's] place, 4) morning
zhing khams dag pa
pure land; HEAVEN
zhing khams
[2388] 1) yul spyi'i ming/ ... 2) sangs rgyas byang sems kyi gnas yul dag zhing bde ba can lta bu'o/ ...
buddha-field, universe, realm, heavenly, paradise, holy sphere, spiritual sphere, country
1) place, region; 2) pure fields/realms/ abodes of buddhas and bodhisattva *, universe, realm, planet, heavenly, buddha-field. 1) place, region; 2) pure fields that are the relms/ abodes of buddhas and bodhisattva [EG bde ba can], universe, realm, heavenly, buddhafield. 1) place, region; 2) pure fields/realms/ abodes of buddhas and bodhisattva [R], universe, realm, heavenly, buddha-field
pure realm/ field of experience
celestial land. realm, pure land, buddhafield, universe, heaven; *. Pure Land, {zhing mchog, dag pa'i zhing}. a realm inhabited entirely by Arya bodhisattvas, where Buddhas teach in Sambhoga-kaya form
lacking; free of; devoid of; pure of; clear; correct
{C}pure; clean clear; bright; one who is pure; purification
zuddha. zuddhi. vizuddhi
{LCh,C,MSA}*; {C}parizuddha; {C}zuddhaka; {C,MV,MSA}*; {MSA}*; {MSA}zuddhA; {C}zuci
[1237] 1. 'dag pa'i 'das pa/ 2. lhad med pa dang/ skyon gyis ma gos pa/ ... bsam blo dag pa/ ... spyod lam dag pa/ ... yi ge dag pa/ ... las spus dag pa/ ... khron chu dag pa/ ... smon lam dag pa/ ...
sometimes--'uniformity, unanimity.'
pure, pure & transparent, clean, cleansed, purified of stain, sublime, exalted, passionless, bleached, bathed, washed, rubbed, dusted, swept out, SA 'dag pa, purity, dissolve
1) [R]; 2) w/o adulteration and not obscured by faults accurate, clean, pure, *, authentic, purified, cleanness, purity, purify, wash, belong to [kho la dag pa: belongs to him], *, authentic. 1) [p 'Dag pa]; 2) w/o adulteration and not obscured by faults accurate, clean, pure, *, authentic, purified, cleanness, purity, purify, wash, belong to [kho la dag pa: belongs to him]. w/o adulteration and not obscured by faults accurate, pure, *, authentic, purified, clean[ness], purity, purify, wash, belong to *, *, authentic
immaculacy/ purity; immaculate/ pure; pure/ purified aspect; isc. to be uncontaminated by . . ./ to be clear(ed) of; isc. innate purity/ innately pure [with cases of "the purity of the five poisons," for example]; isc. accurate
upright, respectable, decent. pf. of {'dag pa}; 1) correct, true, accurate; 2) clean, pure, purified; immaculate; 3) cleanness, purity, immaculacy; purified aspect 4) *, authentic, 5) freed; liberated. a pure virgin
dag pa
(1) present and past participle (2) *; ground; province; sphere (3) connective particle; sometimes accompanying particle: and; or
{LCh,L,MSA,MV}*; ca; vA
[2387] 1.yul lung dang rgyal khams/ ... zhing chung/ ... zhing chen/ ... dag pa'i zhing/ ... bde ba can gyi zhing khams/ ... sangs rgyas kyi zhing/ ... 'dul zhing/ ... bsod nams kyi zhing/ ... snying rje'i zhing/ ... tshogs. [2388] ... zhing la phebs pa/ ... zhing la gshegs pa/ ... 2.nga na ma 'a ra la mtha' med rnams kyi mthar sbyor rgyu mtshams sbyor tshig phrad gzhan dbang can zhig ... nga na ma 'a ra la ... zhing ... 'on zhing blun/ ... bde zhing skyid/ ... nor zhing 'khrul/ ... ja dkar ja dwangs kyis bkang zhing sar bzhag pa/ ...
flayed human skin, sphere, body, holy place, *, ground, soil, cultivation, realm, buddha (joins things on the same level; continuation particle), arable land, verbal conjunctive clause connective, with adjectives, sacred places
1) region, country, province; 2) object of ...; 2) [buddha] *; 3) source of; 4) place something is; 5) universe; 6) and; 7) farmer. and, because. 1) region, country, province; 2) object of ...; 2) [buddha] *; 3) source of; 4) place something is; 5) universe (6) and [nga na ma ' ra la mtha' med rnams kyi mthar sbyor rgyu mtshams sbyor tshig phrad gzhan dbang can zhig. and, bacause [after final ga, da, and ba], {cing}. and, bacause [R]. 1) region, country, province; 2) object of ...; 2) [buddha] *; 3)
source of; 4) place something is; 5) universe (6) and [R]
{zhing khams} pure realm/ * of experience
*; realm, buddhafield, [particle]. universe, Virgin land; a corpse; abode
realm; constituent; element; basic/essential constituent; disposition; type; constitution [as in health]
[223] ... 1) yul lam lung pa/ ... rgyal khams/ ... bod khams/ ... 2) ris/ ... 'dod khams/ ... 'jig rten gyi khams/ ... 3) 'byung ba'am rang bzhin/ ... lo khams/ ... me khams 'gyur ba/ ... khams snyoms pa/ ... khams log pa/ ... 4) lus po/ ... sku khams/ ... khams dub pa bsang ba/ ... lus kyi 'byung khams cha ma snyoms pa/ ... 5) rgyu dang sa bon/ ... 6) bod yul dbus gtsang khams gsum du zlas dbye byas pa'i ya gyal zhig gi ming/ ... mdo khams/ ... dbus gtsang khams gsum/ ... 7) (mngon) rnam shes kyi khams drug dang/ dbang po'i khams drug yul gyi khams drug ste khams la bco brgyad yod pas grangs bco brgyad mtshon/ ...
gzugs khams
dbye ba/ 1 'dod khams/ 2 */ 3 gzugs med khams; dbye ba/ yul drug dbang po drug rnam shes drug dang bco brgyad//
Div.: (1) desire realm; (2) form realm; (3) formless realm Div.: the eighteen consisting of the six objects, the six sense powers, and the six consciousnesses
Comment: For other divisions see khams du ma and khams tha dad pa.
form realm (rUpadhAtu)
Tshad Rig.
dhatu, materializing forces, elements, essence, essential nature, individual constitution, constituents, disposition, psychological makeup of individual, atmosphere, interactional fields, sensory fields, world plane, psycho-physical heritage, field, space, world, world sphere, area, realm, tonus, man's nature, existentiality, total make-up, gzugs to reg bya, chos 6, mig to lus, yid shes to yid kyi rnam shes 6 for total of 18, SA yid kyi khams. appetite, health, condition, physical constitution of the body, root, essential part, that which constitutes the nature of a thing, 6 elements (sa chu me rlung nam mkha' rnam shes), empire, territory, world, easternmost districts of tibet, semen, essence, proper name of Eastern Tibet, experiential element, sensory spheres, sense bases, sensory bases, acumen, elemental constitution, elemental condition, physical condition
1) region; 2) realm; 3) element; 4) nature; 5) health, body; 5) cause and seed (6) Kham, E Tibet [Bod yul dbus gtsang khams gsum du zlas dbye byas pa] (7) dhatu [rnam shes kyi khams drug dang, dbangpo'i khams drug yul gyi khams drug (8) 18 [from 18 dhatus] capacity, property, constituent, potential,, existentiality, elements of our experiential make-up, character, nature, natural temperament, propensity, disposition, ability, organs of the body, fields of sense, sensory sphere, sensory base, buddha-nature, {snying po}, realm, region, dominion, world, plane, sphere, space, expanse (sm {dbyings}-) physical constitution/ condition, domain, kingdom, empire, world, territory, land, semen, essence, fortification, appetite, types, subtle nature, constituent, the six elements, (earth, air, fire, water, ether, psycho-physical base {dngos po'i gnas tshul}, {ngo bo}, {rigs}, {bde bar gshegs pa'i snying po} (for example the khams of fire is heat the khams of water is wetness. There are 18 khams, the khams of earth, fire, wind, space, etc sugatagarbha is the greatest khams of all khams whereas the 18 khams are partial; {bye brag} sm {'byung ba}, {rang bzhin}. 1) region; 2) realm, domain, territory; 3) element; 4) nature; 5) health, body; 5) cause and seed; 6) Kham, E Tibet; 7) dhatu; 8) 18; 9) the dhatu, sugatagarbha * ?
realm; factor/ constituent element/ component of (ordinary) experience [in sense of eighteen dhatus]; fundamental nature/ constituent of being (in the sense of buddha nature) (specific) character type/ termperament subtle essence [in anuyoga/ tsalung contexts; e.g., khams dkar dmar] isc. element [of periodic table]
General meanings: expanse/ character; east Tibet. domain, territory, land; area, province; realm; constituent element/ component of experience; fundamental constituent of being (in the sense of buddha nature); character type; 1) Skt. dhatu, element, nature, capacity, property, constituent, {dngos po'i gnas tshul}, {ngo bo}, {rigs}, {bde bar gshegs pa'i snying po} For example the khams of fire is heat. The {dbyings} of water is wetness. Syn {'byung ba}, {rang bzhin}. 2) potential, seed. Syn {rgyu}, {sa bon}. 2) existentiality, [elements of our experiential make-up], character, nature, natural temperament, propensity, disposition, ability. 3) organs of the body, fields of sense, sensory sphere / base. 4) buddha-nature [s0. {snying po} 5) realm, region, dominion, world, plane, sphere, space, expanse [sm. {dbyings} 6) physical constitution / condition, health, sate of health. 7) Kham A province in eastern Tibet. Kham [the general area of east Tibet]. 8) domain, kingdom, empire, world, territory, land. 9) semen, essence. 10) fortification. 11) appetite. 12) types. 13) subtle nature, constituent. 14) the six elements, [earth, air, fire, water, ether, mind]. 15) state of health. 16) psycho-physical base; / Def. by JamgĂśn KongtrĂźl: {dhA tu'i sgra las sa bon 'dzin pa'am rang gi mtshan nyid 'dzin pa'i don gyis khams shes bya ba}. 17) character, nature, natural temperament, propensity, disposition, ability. element [thd]
(1) to purify; to clean; (2) plural marker
'dag 'dag dag 'dag gam 'dags/
{MV,MSA}vizuddha; {C}zuddhatva; {MSA}vizuddhi; {MSA}zuddha; {MSA}zuddhi; {MSA}zuddhA
[1236] ... 1) gnyis tshig la 'gro ba'i rnam dbye dang po'i ming mtha' zhig ... mi 'di dag ... las ka de dag ... 2) mang tshig la 'gro ba'i rnam dbye dang po'i ming mtha' zhig ... mi 'di dag ... las ka de dag ...
clear, purity, (plural which is countable), lighten, sign of plural, elegant for rnams, sometimes added to 'di, de, and numerals, dual number when translating sanskrit, certainly, it is true, free of, plural particle, dissolved
pluralizing particle, [be] [washed] clean/ cleansed/ purified, be free from dirt, [be] right/ correct, be pure, perfect, clean, noble, holy, sacred, purified, edited, revised, corrected, purity, (pure) symbolism, symbology, belong to [kho la dag pa: belongs to him]. pluralizing particle, [be] [washed] clean/ cleansed/ purified, be free from dirt, [be] right/ correct, be pure, perfect, clean, noble, holy, sacred, purified, edited, revised, corrected, purity, (pure symbolism, symbology, belong to
mthong ba
rang nyid
pure, perfect, correct, clean, noble, holy, sac red, cleansed, purified; edited, revised, corrected; purity; [pure] symbolism; blank nothingness (??); 1) pluralizing particle. 2) vi. to be clean, free from dirt, 3) vi. to be correct, right. pure, perfect, correct, clean, noble, holy, sacred, cleansed, purified, edited, revised, corrected, purity, [pure] symbolism, symbolism
[1605] bod yig gsal byed bcu gsum pa 'di'i nga ro 'don tshul la skye gnas mchu dang/ byed pa mchu/ nang gi rtsol ba mchu gnyis phrad pa dang/ phyi'i rtsol ba srog chung sgra med/ ... 1) ming gzhi'i pho yig cig ... 2) pho mtshon par byed pa'i bdag po'i sgra zhig ... rta pa/ ... bod pa/ ... 3) ming mtha' zhig ... ga da na ba ma sa ... da drag ... nga ... phyin pa/ ... shes pa/ ... rkang pa/ ... skyob pa/ ... rgyag pa/ ... gnod pa/ ... dam pa/ ... 4) grangs kyi rim pa ston byed kyi ming gi cha shas/ ... gsum pa/ ... 5) grangs kyi sde tshan ston byed kyi ming gi cha shas/ ... bcu bdun pa/ ... sum cu pa/ ... lnga bcu pa/ ...
term of address
ah, oh, bdag po'i sgra (particle expressive of ownership or possession), affixed to many words from custom, often changed to ba after vowel or nga, la or ra, sign of infinitive and participle, often used for finite tense and for par, person who deals with whatever, inhabitants of a place, ordinal numeral, peculiarity of dialects, distinguish different meanings, used mistakenly for pa'i or ba'i, =don dam pa or fallaciousness, rain, agentive particle, part of past complement, in nominalized constructions
1) agentive particle; 2) person from ... country; 3) nominalizing particle; 4) past tense particle; 5) PA. [bod yig gsal byed bcu gsum pa 'di'i nga ro 'don tsul la skye gnas mchu dang, byed pa mchu, nang gi rtsol ba mchu gnyis phrad pa dang, phyi'i rtsol ba srog chung sgra med] 1) Ming gzhi'i pho yig cig; 2) male bdag po'i sgra zhig Rta pa,...Bod pa; 3) Ming mtha' zhig [Ga da na ba ma sa...Da drag ...Nga...Phyin pa,...Shes pa,...Rkang pa,...Skyob pa,...Rgyag pa,...Gnod pa,...Dam pa]; 4) ordinal # [gsum pa]. 1) male agentive particle; 2) person/ male from ... country; 3) nominalizing particle for verbs, -ing [all finals except ng, ' l r]; 4) past tense particle; 5) PA. [R] (6) ordinal #)/ [R]. 1) male agentive particle; 2) person/ male from ... country; 3) nominalizing particle for verbs, -ing; 4) past tense particle; 5) PA.; 6) ordinal #
1) agentive particle. 2) person from a country. 3) nominalizing particle. 4) past tense particle
to perceive; to see; perception; seeing
darzana. saMdarzana
{C}pazyati; {MV}paz-; {MSA}pazyat; {C,MV,MSA}*; {MSA,MV}dRSTi; {MSA}(nir _/IkS): nirIkSate; {MSA}*; darzanam
[1221] 1.(tha mi dad pa) rig pa dang/ snang ba/ ... mig mthong gzuD grub/ ... mig mthong lag zin/ ... nyin mor bltas kyang mi mthong long ba yin/ ... mig 'phrul yin pas mig gis mthong yang yid mi ches/ ... gdong ris ngan pa mthong na 'jigs su rung/ ... mdun lam gsal por mthong ba/ ... zab don legs par mthong/ ... 2.rtsis mthong/ ... mi'i bsam 'char mthong med du ma 'jog ...
darzin. dRSTa. dRSTvA. pazyat. prekSin. saMpazyat. saMpazyanta. sam-anu-/paz:samanupazyati. /dRz:dRzyate. /paz:pazyati. /paz:pazyat
see, notice, recognize, peruse, view, look, perceive, behold any object, witness, observe, experience, endure, perception by inference, actual sight by personal observation, sight, to identify, to believe, to discover
seeing, perceiving, insight [into], vision 1.(Tha mi dad pa) rig pa, appearance; 2) consideration for Rtsis mthong,...Mi'i bsam 'char mthong med du ma 'jog
to see/ perceive; isc. to realize
came upon. to observe. 1) to see, perceive; 2) appearance, vision, sight, seeing, insight, insight into. {mthong ba, mthong ba, mthong ba} intr. v. to consider {rang thams cad mkhyen par mthong ba} he considers himself omniscient
to see; to perceive
{C}sight; exhibit; visible; act of seeing; seeing; vision; exhibition; surveys; view; have understood; convinced; having known; having seen/noticed
{C,MV}darzana; {MSA}dRzya; {MV}darzin; {C}darzanu (e.g.: saha darzanenaiva); {C}pazyati; {MSA}pazyanA; {MSA}prapazyati; {C}IkSate; {C}viditvA
[1219] (mngon) tshes gnam gang/ ...
discern, be attached, dignity, personality, perceive, seeing
see, notice, perceive, experience, realize, witness, have insight, notice, sight, vision, the seen, perceived, experienced, great view, insight, be attached, hang onto, full moon day, esteem, status
insight; 1) [lit] to see, notice, perceive, realize, witness, to have insight. see [intuitively]. 2) sight, vision, the seen, perceived, experienced. 3) great view.4. to be attached, hang onto, experience, have insight into, witness, notice, sight, vision, in sight, the seen, perceived
oneself; just; itself
{C}of their own accord; on their own
{C}svayam eva
[2647] bdag nyid dam rang gcig pu/ ... rang nyid skyid rlom/ ... rang nyid mtho bar sems pa/ ... rang nyid bsgyur bkod/ ... rang nyid kyis rang la brnyas pa/ ...
rang nyid ngos gzung ba la chos gzhan ngos gzung ba la ltos dgos pa btags yod zer
something whose identification must depend upon the identification of another phenomenon is said to be imputedly existent{Lati}
nature of a thing, oneself, haeceity, individual, oneself, personally, i, myself, self, SA rang, itself, oneself
1self, itself, 1's own, individual, personal
oneself, yourself; I, oneself, yourself; oneself
own; itself; himself; herself
lag mthil
{C}one's own; self; himself; myself; for themselves; his own
svaka. svayam. sva. Atman
{L,MSA}*; {C,MSA}*; {MSA}*; {MSA}*
[2641] 1.nyid/ ... nga rang/ ... kho rang tsho/ ... khyed rang nyid/ ... rang cag ... rang re/ ... rang gis rang nyid med par bzo ba/ ... 2 ... .1) de kho na/ ... dmar po rang/ ... gsal po rang mi 'dug ... chen po rang min pa/ ... 2) de nyid ston pa'i tshig phrad cig ... de rang/ ... bka' gnang rang/ ... slob grwa de rang la yod/ ... de kho'i khyim rang yin/ ...
specific, oneself, you, one's own state of being, pratyekabuddha, SA rang sangs rgyas, ego, ourself, self, just, exactly, precisely, merely, the very, (added to personal pronouns without meaning), inherent, one's actual, of oneself, self, oneself, "no choice" construction, itself, its
1) I, [1]-self, own; 2) itself[reflexive maker], just that, exactly; 3) -hood -ness; 4) intrinsic, natural, spontaneous; 5) real[ly], definite[ly], sure[ly], actual[ly], very muc; 6) no choice but to [las ka ma byas rang byas red: we have no choice but to work]. 1) I, [1]-self, own; 2) itself*, just that, exactly; 3) - hood -ness; 4) intrinsic, natural, spontaneous; 5) real[ly], definite[ly], sure[ly], actual[ly], very much; 6) no choice but to; 7) [p rangs],, be happy joyful, rejoice
natural(ly)/ innate(ly) . . . (in and of itself); self-
See {rjes yi rang} himself, self, self spontaneous, oneself, myself, etc, natural, own, intrinsic; self, itself, one's own, inherent, [sva ]; spontaneous/ natural / self-/ own; very; 1) oneself, own, self. 2) intrinsic, natural
only; itself; just; particle abstracting a noun; -ness
self; own; oneself
{LCh,MSA}sva; {C}tva; {MV}*; {MSA}svaka
[952] 1.tsam dang kho na'i don te nges gzung gi sgra'am rnam gcod kyi sgra/ ... khyod nyid/ ... kho nyid/ ... de nyid/ ... chos nyid/ ... stong nyid/ ... rang bzhin nyid/ ... 2.khyod kyi zhe sa/ ... nyid kyis gsungs pa bden/ ...
Other examples: yod pa nyid du nges pa, ascertained as only existent; mnyam nyid, equality, sameness; med pa nyid du nges pa, ascertained as just non-existent
= nged rang. "I, myself." Kuijp (1986) 36.
self, same, not other, the very, just, abstract noun indicator, thou, you, itself, state, condition, the state of, real condition, themselves
1) just, only; 2) -hood, -ness; 3) it, the very, the same, namely, just/ exactly [that]; 4) self, itself, oneself, himself, herself you[rself] [h]; 5) nature; 6) as soon as
-ness; (the thing) itself/ selfsame; . . . in and of itself; in fact; as such
1) -ness, [used to form abstract nouns. 2) it, itself, the very, the same, namely, just, exactly. 3) self, itself, oneself, himself, herself, yourself. 4) nature. 5) as soon as; ness; (the thing) itself/ selfsame; in fact; himself, itself; you; himself, herself, itself, myself; very, same
[as genitive particle] of; by; in; which [as non-case particle] and; but; (semi-colon)
[34] ming mtha' da ba sa dang/ da drag gi rjes su sbyar bya'i 'brel sgra'i rkyen zhig ... da ba sa ... da ... bod kyi sa bab/ ... ri rgyab kyi shing nags/ ... sa gnas kyi gnas tshul/ ... chu'i pha rold kyi ri rnams/ ... dag zhing kund kyi sangs rgyas dang byang chub sems dpa'/ ... gzhan 'byord kyi yan lag .... [36] ... khyod kyis yig thog tu 'khod dang/ ngas dpod chog ... brjod kyis mi lang/ ... gser khab kyis rma kha brtol/ ...
Comment: One of five genitive particlesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;gi, kyi, gyi, 'i, yi.
= khyi. 'dog.' Kuijp (1986) 35.
as regards, which belongs to, (inflecting affix after da ba sa), as much as, as far as, (verbal connector), genitive particle, relative clauses, related, belonging to
[ming mtha' da ba sa dang, da drag gi rjes su sbyar bya'i'brel sgra'i rkyen zhig ...Da ba sa...Da...Bod kyi sa bab,...Rirgyab kyi shing nags,...Sa gnas kyi gnas tshul,...Chu'i pha roldkyi ri rnams,...Dag zhing kund kyi sangs rgyas dang byang chubsems dpa',...Gzhan 'byord kyi yan lag] of 's, which, who, that, particle in present and future tense of verbs, an inflecting aflix denoting the genitive case, attached to nouns partidesct, by, because, though -. * of 's, which, who, that * by, because, though
Syn {gyi}; 1) of. 's. 2) which, who, that. 3) particle in present and future tense of verbs. 4) an inflecting affix denoting the genitive case, attached to nouns. adj. 5) by, because, though. {khyod 'jigs mi dgos kyi} you need not fear. for, which is, who is
* of the hand
the *
lag pa'i mthil/
[2750] lag pa'i nang gi dbus/ ... lag mthil gyen du bstan pa/ ... lag mthil gyi ri mo ltar gsal ler mngon/ ... sa gnas 'di'i cha rgyus shel sgong lag mthil du blangs pa 'dra ba/ ...
*, *
[2748] ... 1) rgyu skar nyi shu rtsa brgyad kyi ya gyal zhig ... 2) mi gcig gis bdag skul byed pa'i rta drel bcu re'am bdun re'i ming/ ...
1 of 28 constellations, SA rgyu skar, la ga la, 5th lunar mansion or constellation, alpha orionis, 1 of rgyu skar, hand
nam mkha' mtha' yas
hand, arm
1) {lag}; 2) team of 10/ 7 horses/ mules; 3) *
[1209] ... shog shog bu sngon po/ .... [1209] ... 1) dbus sam/ gtso bo/ ... grong khyer gyi mthil/ ... las don gyi mthil/ ... nang don gyi mthil shes pa/ ... 2) 'og zhabs sam gting/ ... rkang mthil/ ... lag mthil/ ... lham mthil/ ... rgya mtsho'i mthil/ ... gtsang po'i mthil/ ... dkar yol gyi mthil/ ...
"*," the measure of the length of the * and fingers of the hand, a synonym for cha chen. Jackson. snying po. gtso bo sogs. Btsan-lha.
depth, base, bottom, sole, middle, SA dkyil, bottom, lowermost part, the depths, hollow part of anything, center, principal part of a town, chief place, fundamental point, final goal, main point
1) main/ central/ chief/ lowest part/ point; 2) * of hand/ glove, sole of foot/ shoe; 3) length of the * and fingers of the hand; 4) cha chen; 5) bottom, floor, foundation, base
depths/ center; pith/ core
*; "*", the measure of the length of the * and fingers of the hand, a synonym for cha chen; 1) central. 2) bottom, floor, foundation, base. 3) main point. 4) * of the hand. {dgongs pa'i mthil} the depth of the mind. bottom [of a container]
limitless space [first of the four formless absorptions], INFINITY
infinite/limitless space
Infinite Space; one of {skye mched mu bzhi} {gzugs med pa'i khams bzhi}. Infinite Space. The second abode in the Formless Realm dwelling on the thought, "Space is infinite!"
or; and; when; time
[1517] 1 ... .1) gang gi dus su/ ... char pa nam 'bab nges med/ ... las 'gan nam 'grub yong/ ... slob grwar nam 'gro/ ... sngon chad nam yang thos ma myong la phyin chad kyang nam yang 'byung mi srid/ ... ngal rtsol mi dmangs bde skyid 'thob ched nam yang 'bad brtson lhur len byed/ ... gza' nyi ma nam shar la ngal gso yin/ ... 2) mtshan mo/ ... nam mi langs ka med nyi mas 'ded/ ... 2.ming mtha' na'i rjes su sbyor ba'i 'byed sdud kyi sgra'i rkyen zhig ... na ... dga' ston nam tshogs 'du/ ... g.yas g.yon nam stod smad/ ... 3.ming mtha' na'i rjes su sbyor ba'i the tshom ston byed kyi sgra'i rkyen zhig ... na ... yin nam min nam/ ... sman 'dis na tsha 'di rigs la phan nam mi phan/ ...
nam is also used as a question particle; see example 3
rajanI. rAtra
In the phrase gser nam, a drachma of gold. Karmay, Treasury. See under drug nam. gser zho'i skar ma. Btsan-lha. When used directly before a verb: from the time when you start[ed] [the verbal action].
ever, when night, when, interrogative particle after the letter na, when, whenever, also, or
1) when[ever]; 2) [mid]night; 3) or; 4) ? [words ending in m]; 5) part whenever; 6) at day-break
1) question particle for words ending in 'n'. 2) when, whenever. night, at day-break, midnight; (coll) time/ when; when, now; now
space; sky
ambara; {MSA}AkAza; {C}vyoma
[297] 1) gnam/ ... 2) (mngon) grangs kyi thig gi ming/ ...
space, sky
*, heaven, external space
*, heaven, dwelling in the sky, vacuity, the air, the celestial realm, sky traveler, zero
sky/ space; openness
sky, space; 1) space. 2) sky, heaven, dwelling in the sky. 3) vacuity. 4) the 'air'. Syn {mkha' spyod} celestial realm, sky traveler
extreme; limit; end; alternative; possibility{N}
{C}extremes; beginning; point; boundary; ultimate; final; final conclusion; shore; edge; around
{LCh,C,MSA,MV}*; {C}paryanta; {C}koTi; {C}niSThA (e.g.: niSThAM gacchati); {C}tIra
[1201] ... 1) zad pa'i mu dang/ mtshams sam/ sne/ ... gangs ri chen pos yul lung 'di'i mtha' nas bskor ba/ ... gzhong dbyibs can gyi sa bab mtha' mtho la dbus dma' ba/ ... gtso bo'i mtha' la bskor nas bsdad pa/ ... dmag gis mtha' bskor ba/ ... 2) yi ge'i mtha' rten/ ... ga mtha' can/ ... ga ... 'a mtha' can/ ... 'a ...
extreme, alternatives, last, limitations, border, boundary, limit, edge, margin, skirt, periphery, limiting concept, end (space or time), brink, termination, conclusion, terminal letters, shape, the utmost, the last, foreign, brim, outer, verge, SA cha shas, poles, conceptual limits, at the end, limitation
final [letter (*)/ conclusion], fringe, boundary, limit[ing concept/ position (phil], limitation, ultimate, extreme, final[ity], side, brink, brim, shore, flank, end[ing], edge, margin, creation, point, end, border, tip
limit(ation)/ extreme/ boundary; isc. scope; isc. (utmost) extent
chu tshod gcig chu
extreme [thd]. 1) [*] end, limit, fringe, limitation, boundary, limiting concept, ultimate, final, extreme, finality. 2) side, brink, flank. {spros pa'i mtha'} extremes. 3) end, ending, edge, margin, brink, brim, final conclusion {mtha' sgrub pa} creation, point, shore; extreme, limiting position [in philosophical contexts, limitation; foreign; limit, limitation, extreme, end, [*]; limit/ extreme; sides; edge, fringe; extreme; brink; boundary; border country; basis. edge, border
[2561] ... 1) stod dang yan/ ... mig btsum skabs pags pas steng nas yas 'gebs byed pa/ ... 2) bon po'i glud rdzas mdos gtor sogs/ ...
See g.yas. Norbu, Drung 80. A rather uncommon (and probably rather old) form of second-person pronoun, noticed by Cyrus Stearns in his study of Dmar-ston's history. Note also the use of this syllable in Bsam yas and mtha' yas, etc.
demons, devoid of, less than, without, from off, from above, the state in which there is no unhappiness, nominalizing particle, ransom rites which provide a gift to free oneself of disturbances
w/o, devoid of, -less, from off/ above. 1) [from] above *[wards]; 2) B"n ransom offerings thread crosses, tormas etc.; 3) nominalizing particle, for; 4) have no chance to
1 hour, 24 minutes, (= 60 chu srang
Abhidharma: one hour, 24 minutes, {60 chu srang}
{C}moisture; streams of cold *
jala. toya. pAnIya. ap. vAri. udaka
{LCh,C,L,MSA}*; {LCh,C,MSA}*; {C}daka (=*); {MSA}uda; {MSA}*; {MSA}*; {MSA}nadI; {MSA}*; {C}*; Ap
[795] ... 1)rlan zhing gsher ba/ ... khron chu/ ... rgyug chu/ ... rngul chu/ ... sna chu/ ... chu gtor ba/ ... chu len pa/ ... chu bshang ba/ ... chu bshos pa/ ... chu'i gzegs ma/ ... chu'i zer/ ... 2) gtsang po/ ... skyid chu/ ... 'bri chu/ ... rma chu/ ... chu mi rgyas thabs med char gyis ded/ ... chu pha ri tshur ri/ ... ming gi rnam grangs la sgo kun 'gro dang/ ngan sel/ nyal 'gro/ btung bya/ thur 'gro/ dag byed/ 'bru phan bcas so/ 3) gcin pa/ ... dri chu/ ... chu rtags/ ... 4) dkyus sam srid/ ... chu zheng/ ...
mtshan nyid/ brlan zhing gsher ba
Definition: wet and moistening
one of the four elements ('byung bar gyur pa'i reg bya; the others are: earth (sa); fire (me); air (rlung)
salila. arNava. Apa
1. (mod.)
*, cohesion, river, aqua, fluidity, flood, 1 of 'jigs pa rnam par brgyad, ten
1) * ..Khron chu,...Rgyug chu,...Rngul chu,...Sna chu,...Chu gtor ba,...Chu len pa,...Chu bshang ba,...{chu bshos pa} Chu'i gzegs ma,...Chu'i zer,...(2 river...Skyid chu,...'Bri chu,...Rma chu,..Chu mi rgyas thabs med char gyis ded,...Chu pha ri tshur ri [= sgo kun 'gro dang, ngan sel, nyal 'gro, btung bya, thur 'gro, dag byed, 'bru phan] three urine [Chu rtags]; 4) Dkyus sam srid,...Chu zheng,... *, river, spring, fountain, rain
1) *. 2) river, spring, fountain etc
[2297] 1.tshad pa'i skul tshig 2 ... .1) ran pa'i skabs mtshams sam rags tsam gyi tshad/ ... bza' tshod/ ... 'thung tshod/ ... gdeng tshod/ ... gnam gshis bzang ngan gyi tshod thig pa/ ... pha rol pos tshur rgol zing cha nam slong tshod mi thig pa/ ... lto chas mang nyung za tshod ran pa/ ... tshod med po la gros ma 'dri/ kha mang po la snying gtam ma shod/ ... 2) tshod ma'i bsdus tshig
mAtra. vayas
frequency, measure, proportion, estimation, supposition, conjecture, guess, makes abstract noun from adjectives, hour, watch
1) tshad pa!; 2) judgement, guess, estimation, approximation Ran pa'i skabs mtshams/ rags tsam gyi tshad; 2) tshod ma measurement, cooked vegetables; 3) correct/ right amount; 4) looks like [red/ yin yod tshod. 1) tshad pa!; 2) judgement, guess, estimation, approximation Ran pa'i skabs mtshams/ rags tsam gyi tshad [,//bza' tshod,//'thung tshod,//gdeng tshod,//gnam gshis bzang ngan gyi tshod thig pa,//pha rol pos tshur rgol zing cha nam slong tshod mi thig pa,//lto chas mang nyung za tshod ran pa,//tshod med po la gros ma 'dri, kha mang po la snying gtam ma shod]; 2) tshod ma measurement, cooked vegetables; 3) correct/ right amount; 4) looks like [red/ yin yod tshod
imp. of {tshad pa}; measure, capacity; measure, proportion; measurement. edible plants. {blo tshod} mental aptitude
dus mtha' mu med pa dus mtha'
[1272] 1) dus yun thung shos/ ... 2) bskal pa'i mtha' ma/ ... 3) nad mug mtshon 'khrug dar ba'i dus/ ...
1) shortest possible time; 2) end of the kalpa/ world [when disease famine weapons and strife will spread]
the *; the end of the age, time
time; occasion
{C}period (of time)
kAla. avasthA. adhvan
{C,MSA,MV}*; {C}kAli; {C}*; {MV}adhva; {MV}*; {MSA}samaya
[1267] ... 1) tshe skabs/ ... gna' snga ma'i dus/ ... pha mes kyi dus/ ... deng dus/ ... dus de'i bar/ ... rang nyid 'tsho zhing gnas pa'i dus don yod par byed pa/ ... rgya mtsho'i rba rlabs dus las mi yol bar 'phyur ba/ ... dus dang dus su mdza' bar byed
pa/ ... las khungs la dus thog tu 'gro ba/ ... tshes bzang dus bzang/ ... ming gi rnam grangs la bgrang bya dang/ yang dag 'gro/ slar byung bcas so/ 2) (mngon) dpyid dang so ga / dbyar/ ston/ dgun stod/ dgun smad de dus mtshams la drug yod pas grangs drug mtshon/ ... 6. 3) rgyu dang 'bras bu rgyun du 'byung ba'i yun gyi gnas skabs/ ldan min 'du byed kyi nang gses shig ...
mu med
med pa
one of the five associational causes (mtshungs ldan lnga); for others see: mtshungs ldan
kalpa. yuga. adhvAna. velA
time, sequence, day, date, then, at that time, temporality, timing, cosmic term, season, certain time, for awhile, sometimes, "when" connective, time, phase, during
1) [point in] time, when [syn: bgrang bya dang, yang dag 'gro, slar byung]; 2) 6: [from dpyid, so ga, dbyar, ston, dgun stod, dgun smad]; 3) cause and effect rgyun du 'byung ba'i yun gyi gnas skabs, ldan min 'du byed kyi nang gses shig time, period of time, season, age, period, occasion, timely (vb+--) at the time of, while, when, as creator, [one of the 10 non- concurrent formations] temporal sequence, moment [rgyu dang 'bras bu byung nas 'gags pa 'das pa dang/ ma byung ba ni ma 'ongs pa dang/ byung ba ma 'gag pa ni da ltar ba'o]. 1) [point in] [period of] time; 2) when, at the time of, while, [at the] moment [of]; 3) 6:; 4) cause and effect; 5) * season, age, period, occasion; 6) timely (vb+- * temporal sequence
. . . (verb +) dus - when . . . ; even as . . . ; isc. at the point that . . . ; once . . . ; isc. chance of . . .. time; temporal relationship; isc. context
kyi dus su - while. (verb)-dus - when. at the point that. once.; 1) time, period of time, season, age, period, occasion, timely. 2) [vb.+--] at the time of, while, when. temporal sequence. day, date; age, aeon; time, moment; time, season, age, period, occasion; timely; time; temporal relationship; when. Syn {tshe}. 3) Time, as one of the ten non-concurrent formations. Def. by JamgĂśn KongtrĂźl: {rgyu dang 'bras bu byung nas 'gags pa 'das pa dang, ma byung ba ni ma 'ongs pa dang, byung ba ma 'gag pa ni da ltar ba'o,}
possibility; alternative; permutation
{LCh,N}*; {N}anta
[2100] ... 1) mtshams dang/ mtha'/ ... 'di nas rgyal mtshams kyi sa mur thug pa/ ... mnga' khongs rgya mtsho'i mur thug bris pa/ ... dus rabs snga phyi'i mu/ ... pang leb kyi bcad kha'i mu khad mnyam pa/ ... 2) 'phro ma dang/ zhor ma'am/ ngang/ ... nor 'khrul byung rigs de mur bzhag na mi 'grig ... rgyal kha 'thob mu nas 'bad brtson lhur len byed dgos/ ... las don byed mu la slob sbyong yang byed pa/ ...
koTika. paryanta
kha. 'gram. Btsan-lha.
sulphur, a kind, a species, border, boundary, limit, edge, margin, end, skirt, alternative
1) border, end, extreme, boundary, limit, edge; 2) [uncompleted] remainder and zhor ma'am, ngang; 3) kind, category [rgyal kha 'thob mu nas 'bad brtson lhur len byed dgos, , las don byed mu la slob sbyong yang byed pa. 1) border, end, extreme, boundary, limit, edge; 2) [uncompleted] remainder and zhor ma'am, ngang; 3) kind, category * mu'u
(philosophical) alternative; boundary; restriction
sole option, alternative [thd]. edge, border [of a field]. extreme, edge, border; alternative, boundary, limit, end, category
[end-not exist]; limitless; boundless; endless
[2103] mtha' mtshams med pa/ ... dka' tshegs mu med ma red mu mtha' yod/ ... rgya mtsho'i chu rdul grangs ni mu med red/ ...
mtha' 'dir thug dang mu 'dir thug med pa. Btsan-lha.
boundless, limitless, no end
limitless, w/o bound, boundless, endless, vast, w/o extremes
{mtha' yas mu med} without end, without limits
non-existence; non-existent{N}; does not exist; not exist; not be; without
{C}all gone; without; vanished; free from; left behind; departed; has departed; ignorance; fact of its non-existence; absent; what is not (there); is not; 'there is not'; not-is-ness; non-beingness; 'it is not'
apagata. vigata. vinA. virahita
{C,MSA,MV}abhAva; {C}avidyamAna; {MSA}avidyamAnatA; {C}asaMvidyamAnatA; {C}*; {MSA}*; (e.g.: apa-zabda-*); {C}vigatatva; {C}vina; {C}avidya; {MV}nAsti; {C}nAstitA; {C,MSA}asat; {MV}asattva; {MSA}apeta (e.g.: malApeta); {MSA}jaha (e.g.: punar-ukta-doSa-jaha); {MSA}rahita (e.g.: buddha-rahita); {MSA}* (e.g.: buddha-nAma-*); *
[2115] ... 1) yod pa ma yin pa ste ming gi tha mar 'jug pa'i dgag sgra zhig ... go skabs med pa/ ... mthun rkyen med du mi rung ba/ ... skyon cha med bzhin du yod par 'dzin pa/ ... rgyu med rkyen med/ ... 2) yod pa'i ldog zla ste/ tshad mas ma dmigs pa'am shes bya la mi srid pa ri bong gi rwa dang/ nam mkha'i padma lta bu'o/ ...
de ni rang gi ngo bos yod pa ma yin pa med pa yang ma yin no
Such a nature is not existent by way of its own entity and is not [utterly] non-existent either. (na tadasti na cApi nAsti svarUpataH) [PP, 264.3]
na-vidyate. n^astikatA. n^astika. n^asti. bhraMza. a-vidyamAna. apagatatva. a-bhAva. a-sattva. a-sat. a-sadbhAva. a-sadbhUta. vivarjita. vikala. vigama. vIhIna. vaikalya
non-existent (nothing, not relation; 1 of 4 dam tshig), lack, be short, of no real existence, lack identity, nothing, without, devoid, negative of yod pa and red pa, be not, not to be, be without, not to have, devoid of any substance, non-being, cannot be reduced to, not something concrete, to be devoid of, absence, ineffability, nonexistence, nonexistent
non-existent, absent, free from, not, not to be w/o being, w/o negation, freedom from, lack of exist not
(in the "lower" sense, as the opposite of existence) (to be) nonexistent; to lack/ be without; not to involve; nonexistence; isc. to be negated/ denied (in the "higher" sense, beyond limitations or opposites) ineffability; ineffable
to be absent. absence, non-existence [thd]. (to be) nonexistent; to lack/ be without; nonexistence; the have-nots/ poor people; free from/ nothing; absence; {med} nonexistent, absent, not, not to be, without being, negation, free from, lack, to exist not
comprehension, to hold, to keep in mind
1) hold [on to]; 2) keep (in mind; 3) wield/ bear; 4) uphold; 5) embrace; 6) touch, handle; 7) bark
p. {bcangs}, f {bcang}, to hold, to keep [in mind], wield, bear, uphold, embrace
BAR=BA+R, SEE BELOW; intervening; middle; between; [when preceded by nas]: from ... up to; ranging from ... to; until; intermediate space
{C}midway; period; interval; incidence; in the intervening; the range (from)
*; {C}antarAle; {C}antari; nipAta; {MSA}madhya; antar-Ala
[1816] dbar dang/ mtshams/ dbrag ... la gnyis bar/ ... chu gnyis bar/ ... rgya nag nas bod bar/ ... sngar nas da bar/ ... de'i bar/ ...
dbye na/ gzugs 'dzin yid mngon nas reg bya 'dzin pa'i yid mngon gyi bar lnga /
when one divides [mental direct perceivers indicated on this occasion] there are five, ranging from those apprehending forms to those apprehending tangible objects{BR}
yAvat. antataH. antarikA
between, middle, midst, intermediate, inbetween, also, up to, until, as far as, during, betwixt, intermediate space, that which lies or comes between, that which intervenes, up to, in between, infinitive usage, until , median, up to this point
1) between; 2) from...up to, until; 3) the middle/ midst/ midway; 4) [intermediate] [space], *, interval; 5) straits, narrow sea; 6) isthmus, neck of land; 7) middle world; 8) neutral
middle; interval
*, space in between [thd]. x {de ltar lan drug gi bar de bzhin byung ste} six times it happened like this. neutral, middle, midst, intermediate, intermediate space, *, interval, straits, narrow sea, isthmus, neck of land, middle world, midway, through, from, up to, until, intermediate
[1800] bod yig gsal byed bco lnga pa 'di'i nga ro 'don tshul la skye gnas mchu dang/ byed pa mchu/ nang gi rtsol ba mchu gnyis phrad pa dang/ phyi'i rtsol ba srog chung sgra ldan/ ... 1. 1) ming gzhi'i mo yig cig ... 2) sngon 'jug gi pho yig cig ... 3) rjes 'jug pho yig gi skyes bu 'bring ba zhig ... 4) ming mtha' zhig ... 'a ra la ... nga ... 'chi ba/ ... dga' ba/ ... 'dar ba/ ... rgyal ba/ ... gtong ba/ ... 5) pho mtshon par byed pa'i bdag sgra zhig ... shing bzo ba/ ... lha sa ba/ ... 2. sgo phyugs bye brag pa zhig ... ba las 'o ma bzhos/ ... ming gi rnam grangs la 'jo ma dang/ drus ma/ nu rgyas ma/ ba mo/ 'bab byed lus ldan/ zho srung byed/ bzhon ma/ 'o 'phel/ 'o ma 'ching/ yongs 'jo ma bcas so/. [1897] ... nyes can rnams gnam mtha' sa mtha' gang du byol 'gro byas kyang mi thar/ ...
See ba glang.
ox, cow, bull, affix, SA pa, folio side b as in 189-95b
1) 15th consonant; 2) noun making particle; 3) prefix/suffix letter; 4) common second part of a word ['chi ba, rgyal ba…]; 5) male personifying/agent particle [shing bzo ba, lha sa ba] (6) cow [R] (7) intermediate state). 1) 15th consonant; 2) noun making particle; 3) prefix/ suffix letter; 4) common 2nd part of a word [R]; 5) male personifying/ agent particle [R] (6) cow [R] (7) intermediate state (8) past tense [ng ' r l]. / (6) cow [= 'jo ma dang, drus ma, nu rgyas ma, ba mo, 'bab byed lus ldan, zho srung byed, bzhon ma, 'o 'phel, 'o ma 'ching, yongs 'jo ma. 1) 15th consonant; 2) noun making particle; 3) prefix/ suffix letter; 4) common 2nd part of a word; 5) male personifying/ agent particle; 6) cow; 7) intermediate state; 8) past tense
female cow; a cow; 1) common appended particle as the second part of a word. 2) indicator of the person, agent. 3) cow
r la
(1) [accusative, adverbial accusative, dative, * locative particle:] to; as; -ly; in; at; conjunction: *; but (2) mountain pass
{C}as being; with regard to
[2743] bod yig gsal byed nyer drug pa 'di'i nga ro 'don tshul la skye gnas so dang/ byed pa lce rtse/ nang gi rtsol ba so dang lce rtse cung zad phrad pa dang/ phyi'i rtsol ba srog chung sgra ldan/ ... 1.1) ming gzhi'i mo gsham yi ge zhig ... 2) rjes 'jug gi ma ning yi ge zhig ... 3) ming gzhi 'ga' zhig gi yas nas sam/ mas nas 'dogs rgyu'i yi ge zhig ... 2.gyen du 'gro sa'i ri lam/ ... la brgal ba/ ... la brgyab chu brgal/ ... la la 'dzeg pa/ ... spyang kis sha za ba mthong yang la brgyab pa ma mthong/ ... 3.mtshams sbyor dang mtshams sbyor lhag bcas la 'jug pa'i tshig phrad cig ... 4.la don gyi phrad cig ... la ...
tu. antike
at, in, *, for, of, to, as to, into, up to, by, from, unto, among, under, hillside, mountain slope, towards, mountain pass, candle,
taper, wax-light, figure 26, the dative-locative particle, conjunctive of adjectives ("as well *as"), as a clause connector, a mountain pass, can indicate "while something was going on", regarding
'chang ba
LA; 2) upward going mt path; 3) pass; 4) adv particle [Mtshams sbyor dang mtshams sbyor lhag bcas la 'jug pa'i tshig phrad cig] to, for, as well as; 5) La don gyi phrad; 6) what! how!; 7) as for. LA; 2) upward going mt path; 3) pass; 4) adv particle * to, for, as well as; 5) La don gyi phrad; 6) what! how!; 7) as for
what! how! {bla ma'i thugs rje} how kind is the guru!. [particle] as for; {gsung sgros} as for the sayings [of.]. mountain pass. [particle] as for, {gsung sgros} as for the sayings [of.]; mountain pass; so/ in order to; what! how! {bla ma'i thugs rje} how kind is the guru!; what! how! {bla ma'i thugs rje} how kind is the guru!. [particle] as for; {gsung sgros} as for the sayings [of.]; hillside, mountain slope; a mountain pass; / la ka - a mountain pass; [particle] as for, {gsung sgros} as for the sayings [of.]
accept; assert; wish; desire; consider
{C}concern; love; learnt; learn of; known; is understood; regarded; considered; longing; aspire for; plan; until he wishes; one who desires; just as he plans; one who is eager; long for; temptation; wish for; intention; intent; purpose; attempt (to hurt)
{C}kAmatA; {C}spRhA; {C}spRhate; {C,MSA}mata; (_/kAGkS): {MSA}kAGkSanti; {C}AkAGkSamAna; {C}AkAGkSati; {C}abhilASin; {MSA; Xyl: 'dor; 'dar}(abhi _/nand): abhinandati; {MV}iccha; {MV}iSTa; {MV 1.4}iSyate; {C}icchA; {MV}ruci; {MV}abhipreta; {C}abhipraya; {MSA}(A _/zaMs): AzaMsante
claim, yes, agreed, 1 of 28 astrological terms for harmony of influence in the destiny of a person, want particle, one may feel like
desire / want/ wish to ['dod byed OR byed 'dod] passion. 1) belief/ proclamation of one's view; 2) want, desire [to]; 3) believe/ assert/ accept[!]/ [pro]claim/ maintain, hold; 4) admit; 5) [is] consider[ed]; 6) wish/ longing; 7) attachment; 8) lust/ passion; 9) desirable
"I accept it!."; accept, proclaim, maintain, {khas len}
{C}bear in mind
bcang / 'chang / bcangs/ chongs/
{C}dhArayanti; {MSA}dhArana
[859] 1. (tha dad pa) bcangs pa/ bcang ba/ chongs/ /1) 'dzin pa/ ... dbang cha legs par 'chang ba/ ... me mda' ma bcangs pa/ ... lag pa nas 'chang ba/ ... sdom pa 'chang ba/ ... 2) sems la 'jog pa dang nges pa/ ... man ngag rnams yid du bcangs/ ... mi dmangs tshang ma sems la bcang ba/ ... bka' drin snying 'chang/ ... 2. yu ba/ ... phyag g.yas kyis ral gri'i 'chang ba nas bzung/ g.yon gyis snying kha'i thad kyi gos bzung ba/ ...
dhAraNatA. dhAraNa. parigraha. /dhR:dhArayati. /dhR:dhArayanti
hold, keeping to, hold, take hold of, keep, bear, possession, carry, wear, carry about with one, have, assume, bite, bark at
1) grasp hold[er]; 2) handle
wearing. {'chang ba, bcangs pa, bcang ba, chongs} trans. v.; to hold, to keep
Translation / Meaning / Style Though Tibetan is normally a difficult language to translate into, in this case the translated phrase follows the structure of the English source text relatively closely, which means that the „atmosphere“ of the target text (i.e. the translated phrase) can easily be discerned simply by studying the ample information on individual lexical items in the Vocabulary section directly above and hence no special comment regarding translation issues is needed here. (N.B. When I say that "the translation follows the structure of the original closely", I am of course aware that to a non-linguist examining a Tibetan translation it may often seem that the Tibetan is completely upside-down! This is simply owing to the fact that Tibetan, in terms of its syntax, tends to have an unusual word-order as it is an SOV language, although, in terms of the script, it is written Left > Right.)
One or two of the parameters that do need to be mentioned explicitly would be as follows: when I first thought of creating this design (Auguries of Innocence by William Blake) a couple of years back I took "in the palm of my hand" as the Source Text (and not "in the palm of your hand"). This is not a major issue, however, and for the final spiral design I modified this bit and used a word that can denote either "your’s" or "one's" and is generally considered very elegant. the only problematic aspect of this translation-cum-design was the fact that “rgyu”, namely, the word used to express the infinitive “to” in earlier versions happens to be a relatively “tall” glyph which is not suitable for a “dense spiral” type of design and eventually had to be relinquished. A sintactically nearly equivalent (though visually less “spectacular”) substitute for rgyu used in the present version is the pseudo-infinitive construction -r 'dod, see the tables above. (Note that -r 'dod functions with both mthong ba and 'chang ba).
In terms of style and aesthetics: - as per your order the target text is arranged spirally in the raster-format images attached, and the images are of a printing size (density) suitable even for T-shirt printing. The design is exactly the same in both PNGs, the only difference is the cropping (circular vs square) and logos etc.
As requested I endeavoured to create a Spiral with tight layers/arms/twirls, and I am very satisfied with the final result. This design is perhaps my best to date in the "Tight Spiral" category, as it has a large number of layers (five, counting from any point on the perimeter inwards), and esp. thanks to the high ratio between the maximum and minimum font size employed. This time too, I used the modern-looking font and no classical. The classicallooking font was "falling apart" too much and I had to relinquish that. Since you have paid generously I put extra effort into the matter; In the finalised spiral (as attached) I even went as far as manually intervening in a couple of very stubborn glyphs to achieve the perfect orientation / shape / proportions.
With textual tattoos, There are some other factors you may wish to consider; below are a few excerpts from my correspondence with previous customers which describe the issues succinctly; --When selecting the area of the body to be inked with text, in case your artist has little experience with textual designs, it's generally a good idea to allow more space for the words, because this enables the artist to make the fine calligraphic detail more pronounced. --Yet another factor is the amount, or "density", of text: generally, for tattoos, "shorter is better"; brevity of Tibetan text results in the individual glyphs' being large relative to the overall size (length&width) of the verbiage, and this in turn makes the fine calligraphic detail of the individual graphemes stand out more. Therefore, if in your design the individual glyphs' are SMALL relative to the overall size (length&width) of the verbiage, it is particularly recommended to allow more space / larger area for the words. --It is good that you are ordering the linguistic info, The main reason being that I believe it is good for people to know the meaning of each syllable separately, as this makes their tattoo more powerful; tattoos have auras of their own, and since they interact with the "wearer's" aura, their intensity depends on the the mental attitude towards the design!
Reminder: There may be further remarks regarding this Tibetan translation as compared with earlier versions scattered in the Emails we have exchanged heretofore.
The PDF File The PDF is an exceedingly useful format as it contains vector-defined text which can be easily reduced / enlarged and printed without any distortion or loss of quality. The content of your PDF file is as follows: N/A (not supplied for Spirals) Image Please find the JPG / PNG images of the actual Tibetan glyphs attached. The content of the images is as follows: (The text/design is exactly the same in both PNGs, the only difference is the cropping (circular vs square) and logos etc.) The Spiral, reading from the outside inwards = Target text: @#/_/bye ma'i rdul phran gcig tsam gyi nang du 'jig rten cha tshang dang /_spang rgyan me tog gcig nang zhing khams dag pa mthong ba dang /_rang nyid kyi lag mthil gyi nang du nam mkha' mtha' yas dang /_chu tshod gcig tsam nang dus mtha' mu med pa 'chang bar 'dod//
in the Uchen Tibetan script; spiral arrangement; modern-looking font; with ornamental symbols and full punctuation; Raster image formats such as JPG or PNG tend to become distorted at different zoom levels so please be sure to view and print them at an appropriate magnification. However, since you have ordered a .pdf you likely will not use
the JPG's / PNG's much (except to verify that the text in the PDF is displayed correctly). Please read this important note which explains how the two file-types are to be used: The main purpose of the JPG format is to convey the Tibetan script text to a customer (who is not literate in Tibetan) as an image that is 100% certain to display correctly on any computer. Unfortunately, viewing and printing the minutest details of the script while retaining the high-definition quality is simply not possible with images. One major advantage PDF's have over images is that they print much better. Moreover, even when text is magnified, the edges of the graphemes do not become jagged at all. Thus, owing to this particular PDF advantage which enables tattoo artists to work off enlarged printouts, I now offer the option to generate PDFs for more demanding customers. Having received a PDF as well as a JPG, please remember: Images are the basic format; they enable you to verify whether the PDF is displaying Tibetan correctly on your computer. If there is no problem with the rendering of the Tibetan script, the PDF's are a very useful format that will complement the images, and can be used for advanced printing, or to generate new images using Photoshop, GIMP, etc. Please peruse the JPG vs. PDF file to learn how to take advantage of your PDF file. (LINK
The Actual Tattoo A word of advice to the tattooist: Please try to reproduce the shape of the graphemes faithfully, paying particular attention to the width of the strokes (lines): if the line is thin/narrow on paper, it should be thin/narrow on the skin, too; and if the line is thick/wide on paper, it should be thick/wide on the skin, too. This may be a bit difficult if the tattoo is intended to be relatively small, and the tattoo artist is working off a small image. It is therefore important for the tattooist to study a larger image where all the details are clearly visible as well. The photos on my Tibetan-Tattoo Webpage show a tattoo that was executed quite well although the graphemes are rather small. (Click here to view the actual ink.) There is, however, what some would consider a very slight â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;faultâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; in that tattoo which may be relatively easy to avoid: there are unnecessary gaps between strokes, i.e. at the junctures where the individual strokes are supposed to meet. It is, of course, possible that some people would actually prefer the gaps for aesthetic reasons (because the gaps lend the design a special visual effect in its own right). They would therefore deliberately have the graphemes executed in that manner, and there is nothing wrong with that. Generally, however, there should be no such gaps. Again, the "as on paper, so on skin" rule applies. Please let me know in case there are any uncertainties. ~ ~ ~ Thank you for your participation in this project andâ&#x20AC;Ś have a co[s]mic century!
http://TIBETALIA.com/ http://PROZ.com/translator/756388 http://Tibetan-Translation.blogspot.com/
TIBETALIA Tibetan Translation Terms: Translations of up to 10 words into Tibetan cost 8 EUR, translations of 10-100 words cost 20 EUR. For translations of over 100 words where only a file containing text displayed through standard Tibetan fonts and no JPG image is required please refer to my rates on http://www.proz.com/translator/756388 Special rates apply for transliterations of personal names into Tibetan or Tibetanised Sanskrit. A surcharge, typically around 8 EUR, will be added if any design that goes beyond supplying an image of standard Tibetan fonts is required and/or if the client requires a consultation as to what target text exactly he or she needs. There is a small surcharge of 2 EUR for additional file formats such as .psd, .pdf etc. Physical persons whose identity cannot be confirmed are required to pay in advance, in full. PayPal, Moneybookers, Wire, and other methods are accepted.
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