Project 2 Third edition Student's Book

Page 1

Unit topic


be can have got questions

Vocabulary and pronunciation

Greetings p4 What's your name? p4 Rooms and possessions p6 Pronunciation:

Spelling and sound p7 Present simple: Affirmative, negative and questions p9

Communication and skills

Culture, Across the curriculum, Project

Hokey Cokey p7

Greetings p4 Asking for sports centre membership p5 What's in your bag? p7



A typical year in Britain / festivals p16


Housework p14

Birthdays p11



Months of the year p10 Dates p10


Intonation: yes / no

questions p13

Adverbs of frequency p15

th /8/ and /0/ p11

Yes / no and wh- questions p13

Ordinal numbers p10

Phonetic alphabet p9

Important dates p11 What do you usually do? p15 Listening:

Dates p11 What does Jessica do? p15 Writing:

Birthdays p11


Across the curriculum:

Science / Maths: measuring time p17 Project:

A year in my life p19 Song

Friday, I'm in love by The Cure p19


Present continuous p20 questions and short answers p23 Present continuous v. present simple p25

Animals pp21, 24


Pronunciation: Syllables p21 Stress and rhythm p23 Syllable stress p24


Animals p28 Biology: animal classification p29

Game: What am I? p21

Across the curriculum:

Meerkats p25 Chicken Licken p26 Speaking:

Animals p31

What are the animals? p21 Talk about favourite animals p25




Object pronouns p27


The ending of a story p27


Kookabura sits in the old gum tree p31 --



Regular verbs p35

Holiday transport p34

Holiday problems p36

Past simple -be p33

Weak and strong forms p33 -ed endings p35

Irregular verbs p36

Negative auxiliaries p37

British holidays p40

Dominic's holiday p33 Helena's holiday p34



Across the curriculum: Project:

Where were you ... ? p33 Who was the man? p35 Talking about a holiday p39

History: transport p41


Holidays p43 Song


Runaway train p43

To a sports instructor p33 A holiday p39 Writing:

Mr X p35 A holiday postcard p37


Unit topic


Countable and uncountable nouns p44

Vocabulary and pronunciation

Communication and skills

Culture, Across the curriculum, Project

Food pp44, 46




Stone soup p46

Meal times p52

Phrasal stress p45


Across the curriculum:

a I an p45

ItJI and Id:J p47

Some I any p47

Geography: food from around the world p53

IA! p49

Asking for things in a cafe p45 Acting out the story p47 How many ... do you eat? p49

How much ?I How many ?

Words with the same sound p51


Food p55

What do people have for lunch? p45 A shopping list p47 Alice's recipe p51

Song Sausages and ice-cream p55

p49 Articles: a I an, some, the p51



A little, a few

What you eat p49 Writing a recipe p51


How questions

Geographical names p56



p56 Comparative adjectives p59 Superlative adjectives p61

The weather p58

The UK p57 Puzzle p61

The USA p64


Geography: the weather p65

As ... as p63

/0:/ p59

Comparing seasons, food, etc p59, Comparing your life p61 In a shop p67

Syllable stress p61


Vowel sounds p63

The UK p57 As ... as p63

Adjectives p59

Pronunciation: Stress and rhythm p57

Across the curriculum:

Project: My country p67

Song This land is your land p67

Writing: Comparing seasons, food, etc p59, Comparing your life p61

Going to p69 Adjectives and adverbs p71

Types of TV programmes p68



Doctor X p70

The British cinema

Types of films p72

Speaking: What are you going to do? p69

Across the curriculum: History I Art: The Greek

Acting a story p71 Arranging a meeting p75

theatre p77


Favourite forms of entertainment p79

Pronunciation: Sentence stress p69 The letter /1'1 p71 The letter 'a' p73 Rhythm p75

What are the people going to do? p69 Why can't Liz... ? p73 What are people going to do? p75


Song Act naturally p79

Writing: The beginning of a story p71

Revision pages:

pp18, 30,42, 54, 66, 78


Workbook p74

Grammar summary:

Workbook p66


Hello 1



a ~ Read and listen. Who are the two people?


a ~ Read

and listen. Who are the people?

Mike Alice Jojo Karen Stephen Helena

Mike is George's dad.

b Work with a partner. Ask and answer about the people.

b Work with a partner. Practise the dialogue.


• Who's Mike? He's George's dad.





Work in a group. Practise the greetings. Use these phrases. Good evening Good morning Good afternoon Hi


Complete what Millie says.

Bye Goodnight See you later See you

Hi. 1 This is



And this is 4 What's 5

name's Millie.


name's Mickey.

dog, Mut.



What can

you do?

At the sports centre 1 ~ George wants to join the sports centre. Listen and answer the questions.

1 ~ Read and listen. Complete the

1 What is George's full name?

2 Howald is he?

3 Where does he live?

4 What sports and activities is he interested in?


1 George can play 2 He can't play 3 Alice can play GRANDMA

... ~






Open seven days a week


Sports and activities include: • • • •

Swimming Badminton Volleyball Yoga

• • • •

Table tennis Basketball Karate Children's Club

• • • •


Weight training Fitness classes Tennis Football





Can you playa musical instrument, George) Yes, I can. I

can play the


Can you play

the guitar?

No, I can't.

What about


She can play

the violin.

a Look at the

questions. Write

about yourself.

....... .• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •.



a ~ Look at George's membership card. Listen again, and complete it. Membership Card



~~~;~~~.::::::::::::::::::::::::::. : . : ~ m= Postcode E-mail address Sports / Activities Signed

Telephone number

. ,

. . .. .


What questions does the receptionist ask?

1 Can you play the piano?



3 Can you swim? 4 Can you play ice hockey?



Can you write with both hands?



6 Can you throw a ball 50 metres?


• • •

Can you speak French?

: 7

Can you spell your name in English?

• 8 •

Can you divide sixty-eight by four?


• Can you play the piano? Yes, I can. / No, I can't.


b Work with a partner. Student A is George. Student B is the receptionist. Practise their dialogue.

4 Write about yourself. Hello. My name's and I'm from

b Work with a partner. Ask and answer.

b ~ Listen again and check.

3 a

,. I'm _

years old


Write your answers to the questionnaire.

I can't play the piano, but I can play the guitar.

• •

• :




My 100m. 1 a

Look at the picture of Stephen's room. How many things can you name?


the computer?


the tennis racquet?

the animal poster?

Stephen's trainers?

1 2 3 4 5

Where is I are:


a ~ How good is your memory? Close your book. Listen and write the answers to the questions.


Work with a partner. Ask more questions about the picture. Use these phrases.

Questions 1 2 3 4 5 6

What's this? What colour is / are? What is / are doing! How many are there? Where is / are the... What is ... wearing?


It's a / an ...

It's / They're ...

He's / She's / They're ... ing.

There are ...

It's / They're in / on / under the.

He / She's wearing a ...

4 Write eight sentences about the picture. Stephen is sitting on the bed.

b Check your answers.


What has she got? 1 Look at the picture. Has Alice got these things


on her desk?

Test a partner. Student B closes his / her book. Student A asks questions.

She's got two keys.

She hasn't got a photograph.


1 2 3 4 5 6

two keys a photograph an apple two oranges a sandwich an umbrella

7 8 9 10 11 12

• Has Alice got an apple on her desk? Yes, she has. / No, she hasn't.

a letter a drink a mobile phone a ruler three pens an exercise book


• How many pens has Alice got on her desk? She's got .,.



Look at the things on Alice's desk again. Have you got these things in your bag today?

I've got / I haven't got two oranges in my bag.

Pronunciation Spelling and sound In English the spelling and the sound aren't always the same.

4 ~ Look and listen. same spelling, same sound

that lre/ cat lrel

pen lei men lei

same spelling, different sound

your I'J:I our lou~1

fat lrel what 101

5 Song

different spelling, same sound

door hi four !'J:I

ha i r le~1 where le~1

We use the phonetic alphabet to show the sounds. Look at the phonetic alphabet in your Workbook.

1 ~ Listen, sing and do the actions. Hokey Cokey You put your left arm in, Your left arm out. In out, in out You shake it all about. You do the hokey cokey And you turn around. That's what it's all about.

Oh, the hokey cokey cokey. Oh, the hokey cokey cokey. Oh, the hokey cokey cokey. Knees bend, arms stretch Ra ra ra.

Repeat with: your right arm your left leg your right leg your whole self


A My school



~ Read and listen. Complete the sentences with J (Jessica) or C (Cameron). 1 _ is ten years old. 2 _ is twelve years old. 3 _ goes to Watermead High School. 4 _ goes to a primary school. 5 _ takes the bus to school. 6 _ walks to school.



My name's Jessica Poole. I'm twelve years old and I live in London. I go to Watermead High School. I'm in class 88. My favourite subjects are Chemistry and Geography. I don't like French or Maths. I take the bus to school with my friends. We meet at the bus stop at quarter past eight. School starts at quarter to nine and finishes at half-past three. After school, I go home and I do my homework. In the evening, I watch TV or go on the Internet. I practise the clarinet, too. On Wednesdays, I don't go home at half past three. I play table tennis in the school gym. I'm not very good, but it's fun. I like sport. On Saturday mornings, I have a clarinet lesson. I've got a brother. His name's Cameron. He doesn't go to the same school as me. He's only ten years old, so he goes to a primary school near our house. He walks to school. Their lessons start at nine o'clock, so Cameron leaves home at ten to nine.





watch has go watches start

We use the present simple

to talk about



at 8.45.

a clarinet lesson.


home at 3.30.

1 2 3 4 5 6


8.50 a.m. in the evening after school on Wednesdays on Saturday mornings

a.m. a.m. p.m. a.m.

Write sentences about yourself. Use the present simple. get up






1/ like / history. Jessica / start / school at nine o'clock. 1/ play / tennis on Saturdays. Cameron / go / to the same school as his sister. Jessica / have / clarinet lessons. Jessica and her friends I meet / at 8.30. Cameron / leave / home after Jessica. 1/ watch / TV in bed.



Write about your life. Use Jessica's text as a model. I live in ... I go to ... School.


I get up at seven o'e/ock.


plays table tennis on Thursdays.

likes French.

has a guitar lesson on Saturdays.

walks to school.

does her homework in the evening.

goes to a primary school.

Make true sentences. Use the cues. 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8

Read the text again. What do Jessica and Cameron do at these times? 8.15 8.45 3.30 9.00

She She She She She She

I like history. / I don't like history.

at 8.45. home at 3.30. I TV. a clarinet lesson.

He She It



I You We They


She doesn't play table tennis on Thursdays, She plays table tennis on Wednesdays.

Copy and complete the table with these verbs, goes have

Correct the sentences about Jessica.


Copy and complete the table with don't or


~lnmrI1j·~· . • . I We You They

do karate.

play the trumpet.

get up at half past six.

go home for lunch.

+-----; take the bus to school. He watch TV after school. She like sport. It have a piano lesson on Tuesdays.

b Look at the activities in the table. Make true sentences about yourself. I do karate. / I don't do karate.

Phonetic alphabet


a ~ What are the words?

1 IpleI!


2 IW'J:kl 3 !h;;)um! 4 Inam/ 5 Isto:tl 6 /frendl 7 Ili:vl 8 /sku:lI










b ~ Listen and check.




a ~ Listen and repeat.














Copy the list. Write the ordinal numbers.

2nd 2nd 3rd 5th 6th

second 7th 9th 11th 16th

17th 22nd 24th 28th

31st 33rd 39th 66th

d ~ Listen and check.

e ~ Listen

again and repeat.



~ Read and listen. Match the dates to the days. Today Cameron's birthday Jessica's birthday

b Say the months round the class.


a ~ Listen. Which

7 June 20 September 21 September

months do you hear?


b Write about yourself. Complete the sentences with the names of the months. 1 My favourite month is 2 My birthday is in 3 We go on holiday in 4 I don't like _

_ _ .





Read about the months.

We say

21 September


Write the dates in full.

10 May 2 9/11 3 23/3 4 2/10

5 the eighth month 6 the sixth month 7 the eleventh month 8 the third month

tenth month seventh month twelfth month ninth month

a Look. We write

January is the first month of the year.

February is the second month.

March is the third month.

April is the fourth month.

May is the fifth month.

the the the the

5 4/4 6 20/8

1 10/5

b Which months are these? 1 2 3 4

7 18/7 8 12/6

9 5/2 10 29/9 11 31/12 12 1/1

C Say the dates.

the tenth of May


Listening and speaking

b Read the text again. Answer the questions.

6 a (j) Listen. Write the dates you hear.

1 What do people give to someone on their birthday? 2 Where do some children go on their birthday! 3 Does everyone have a party? 4 Do people in Britain have 'name days'! 5 Do people give flowers!

3 December

b Talk about six important dates in your life. • The first date on my list is the fifth of January o What is it? • It's my birthday. What's your first date?

Reading and writing


a (j) Read and listen. Find these things in the picture.

1 2 3 4

birthday cards

a birthday cake

birthday presents


On your birthday you get cards and presents from

your family and friends. Parents often buy a big

present like a bike or MP3 player. Other people give

toys, sweets, books, clothes, CDs, DVDs and things

like that.

People normally have a birthday party for their

friends. There's usually a birthday cake with one

candle for each year of your age. The person

with the birthday blows out the candles and

makes a wish. Then everybody sings 'Happy Birthday!'

People often have a party in their own home.

Some older children don't have a party. They take

their friends to the cinema, a bowling alley or

somewhere like that.

My friend, Anna, in Hungary says that they have

'name days' in her country, but we don't have 'name

days'. Anna also says that people in Hungary give

flowers on name days and birthdays. In Britain. we

usually only give flowers to women.

Cameron and I give flowers to our mum on

her birthday.

C Write about how people celebrate

birthdays in your country.

Pronunciation th lei and 151


a Put the words in the correct column. month brother this birthday fourth there think maths father with

b c

/8 /




(j) Listen, check and repeat. (j) Listen. Say this tongue twister. They think that Matthew'S thirteenth birthday's on the thirtieth of this month.

Mickey, Millie and Mut

II ~



a ~ Read and listen to the story. Tick (of) the things Mickey asks about.

o Andorra


o polar bears

elephants 0 the US President 0 February a computer 0 summer 0 sleep 0 a calculator



c Can you answer any of the questions in the story? Work in small groups. Act

the story.

b What does Mickey learn? Millie, does the US President live " in New York?



Do polar bears live in the Arctic or the ......... Antarctic? ,



Listening and speaking

a Copy and complete the table with questions from the story. Choose the correct short answer.





the US President in New York? _ _ polar bears in the Arctic?

a ~ Look at the chart. Listen to an interview with Harry. Tick V') the answers Harry gives.

Yes, he does. No, he doesn't. _


Yes, they do. No they don't.

1 live?

• • •

2 get up? 3 musical instrument?

How do we make questions in the present simple?

b Complete the questions with Do or Does.


1 2 3 4 5 6

Do __ __ __


Answer the questions. Use short answers.


Complete the questions from the story.

you like Mut?

you live in a village?

your best friend live near you?

Mickey ask a lot of questions?

Millie answer his questions?

_ _ his parents answer his questions?


How Why the time?

4 sports? 5 brothers or sisters? 6 pet? 7 help in the house?


8 go to bed?


b Work with a partner. Ask and answer about Harry.

• ---', Mum? questions all

• Where does he live? He lives in ... • When ... ?



Interview your partner. Use the questions from the chart.

Pronunciation b Put the words in the correct order to make questions. 1 do I they / What I speak / language I in Chile? 2 start / When I winter I does? 3 lions I do / Where / live? 4 your name / How / spell/do I you? 5 Jessica I does I get up / When? 6 What time / she / does I to school/go?

c Answer the questions.

Intonation: yes I no questions

6 ~ Listen and repeat. Copy the intonation. 1 2 3 4 5 6


Do you live in London?

Does Millie ask a lot of questions?

Do you like sport?

Does Jessica walk to school?

Does she go out with her friends?

Do you play the piano?

-.:I Daily life



~ Listen and repeat.

wash up

6 set the table

2 cook the dinner




~ Read and listen. Answer the questions.

3 do the shopping

8 tidy your room

4 make a bed

9 clean the car

5 vacuum the floor

10 take the rubbish out

Quasar always tidies my room, but he doesn't often put things in the right places. My chair's usually in the wardrobe.

1 What's the robot's name?

2 What jobs does he do?

3 Which job is he good at?

This is our robot.

His name's Quasar. He does lots of jobs

in the house. He normally sets the table, but

he never puts the knives and forks

in the right place.





Listening and writing



a look.

a ~ listen. Jessica is talking to a radio DJ. Tick (V) the jobs she does.





* *

sometimes -;f-te-n- ----~*-+-*~-+----j

usually / normally


* *


~ I~L*,*t;



How often

make her bed


tidy her room vacuum the floor


set the table wash up

b Rewrite the sentences below with the

cook the dinner

correct adverbs of frequency. Quasar tidies my room, but he doesn't put things in the right places. My chair's in the wardrobe.


b ~ listen again. How often does Jessica do

with a normal verb?

with auxiliary verbs (have, do I don't, etc)?

with the verb be?

the jobs? Write the adverbs of frequency.

Put the adverbs of frequency in the correct place.

c What does Jessica do?

She normally makes her bed.

S Write sentences about your life. Write about

Quasar usually takes out the rubbish.

something that:

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

look at the other jobs in exercise 1 again. What do you think Quasar does wrong? Use the adverbs of frequency.

He sometimes cooks the dinner, but he usually burns it.


do the shopping

c Where do the adverbs of frequency go?

Quasar takes out the rubbish. (usually)

He doesn't do the shopping. (normally)

My homework is very easy. (always)

I don't help in the house. (often)

Quasar feeds the cat. (sometimes)

He takes newspapers to the recycling centre.


7 Quasar is busy. (always)

8 I clean the car. (never)


feed the dog

How often do you do these things? I always make my bed. 1 2 3 4

make my bed play the piano tidy my bedroom wash up

5 6 7 8

do the shopping go swimming get up early cook a meal

you always do

you usually do at the weekend

you don't often do

is usually in the kitchen

doesn't often happen

is usually good

you never watch on TV

you don't normally play

Pronunciation -es endings


a Which verbs have an hz! ending? Tick (v") them. takes watches catches

washes v" goes writes

makes likes cycles

b ~ listen, check and repeat.

practises uses finishes



Read the text. Answer the questions. 1 2 3 4

How many weeks' holiday do British schoolchildren have 7 Which holiday is the longest? How long are holidays in February and October 7 How many terms are there in the school year?

A typical year in Britain School Holidays The school year always starts at the beginning of September. There are six terms in the school year and three main holidays: • the Christmas holidays - two weeks • the Easter holidays - two weeks • the summer holidays - six weeks There are also short holidays in October, February and May These are for one week or ten days.


Christmas is the biggest festival of the year. Families usually come together to celebrate it. People put up decorations and decorate a Christmas tree. On Christmas Day (25 December), they open their presents and there is a traditional meal of turkey with vegetables, followed by Christmas pudding. The next day, (26 December) is a holiday too. We call it Boxing Day. On Boxing Day, people often visit friends, or go to sports matches. At New Year, a lot of people have

a party to 'see in' the new year.

At midnight, they usually join hands

and sing Auld Lang Syne. New Year

is an important festival in Scotland.

In Edinburgh, there is a big street

party with famous bands and


Look at the chart. Tick (.....) the things for each festival. Christmas





I New Year




~ ..~ .

We also celebrate Easter in Britain. The Easter holiday lasts four days from Good Friday to Easter Monday. People eat sweet bread buns called hot-cross buns on Good Friday and on Easter Sunday people usually give chocolate Easter eggs. In some towns, there are Ea.ster egg hunts in the parks

l~j~>~"'~ for chIldren.

chocolate eggs presents



Answer the questions. 1 What school holidays do you have in your country? What festivals do you have? Which is the biggest festival 7 How long does it last? How do you celebrate it 7


2 3 4 5

a tree Auld Lang Syne


Science and Maths: lReasuring tilRe


Here are nine units of time measurement. Put the letters in the correct order. 1 2 3 4 5


odsnce - second tiumen rouh yda kewe

6 7 8 9


Read the puzzles and answer the questions.

• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

• ••

hntom ryae dceaed ytnurce

'- Time puzzles

:1• The party starts at 7.30 p.m. and lasts for


three hours and fifteen minutes. What time

: does it finish? • 2 The film lasts for 87 minutes. It ends at • : 10.45 p.m. What time does it start?


What things can people use to measure time? Find three objects which measure other things.

• 3 Sarah has a 45-minute Maths lesson four

a ruler

times a week. How many hours of Maths does she have at school every week? 4 Tom needs to be at the station at 2.15 p.m. It is a 25-minute walk from where he lives. What time does he have to leave? 5 Every summer Kati visits her grandmother for three weeks. After that, she goes to a summer camp for 14 days and then spends ten days with her friend. How long does she stay away from home? 6 Jack leaves home at 7.30 a.m. He walks to

• • •

• •

b What time units do people usually

a Answer the questions. 1 How long does it take you to change your shoes? 2 How long does it normally take you to eat breakfast? 3 How long do you usually sleep? 4 How long is it to the end of the month I 5 How long is it until your next birthday? 6 How long is it until the next school holiday?

b Talk to other students in class. Compare

another 4 minutes. When does he arrive at :

•• school? : 7 The sun rises at 4.54 a.m. and sets at 8.13 p.m. How many hours of daylight are :

•• • • • there? ••••••••••••••••

measure with these things?


the bus stop for 12 minutes, then he takes • the bus for 34 minutes and finally walks for :


•• •


Write your own puzzle. Use some of the expressions below.

start finish at last for how long what time when how many

b Tell other students in the class your puzzle. Do they know the answer?

your answers.







~ Listen. Complete the sentences about Clare's life. Use the pictures and the times below.

Put the words in the correct order to make questions.

. .bere 2

7.30 in the evening 3.30 8.15

on Wednesdays before dinner



3 Art 4 toda,

. .bat . .ben'.

5 blrtbda, 1 She gets up at half past seven. 6

. .bat'.




4 She


3 She


2 She


~ Write the ordinal

numbers you hear.

_ _

5 6



_ _

1 2 3



Find the letters in the sentence below. Use the letters to make a word. What does Patrick get for his birthday?

My cousin Patrick's birthday is on the twelfth of May.


6 She


5 She

the the the the the the the the

first letter of the tenth word M third letter of the second word _ fi rst letter of the sixth word _ third letter of the eighth word _ first letter of the second word _ third letter of the fourth word _ third letter of the third word _ first letter of the third word _

His present was a



What to do Tell people about your year. Write about

these things:

Which months do you like?

When are: your school holidays? important birthdays. special events or festivals. 2 Draw a calendar and add some photos or draw some pictures to illustrate your year.



A Year in My Life January Sometimes it snows and we go sledging in the park. We go back to school after the Christmas holidays.


w.e have a week's holiday. I usually go skiing Wlth my parents and my brother, Cameron. I love skiing. And we have pancake day. I love pancakes.

April We have two weeks' holiday for Easter. We get Easter eggs. Mmm ... lots oflovely chocolate.

October I buy three birthday presents in October. Mum, Dad and my cousin Beth all have their ~irthdays in October. We have another holiday In October.

December December is my favourite month. We have two weeks' holiday for Christmas and I get lots of presents. My cousin, Beth, comes to our house for Christmas with her parents and we have a lot of fun.




Find words in the song with these sounds ledl lu:1 lreJ lo:t/.

b ~ Listen and sing. Friday I'm In Love by The Cure I don't care if Monday's blue

Tuesday's grey and Wednesday too

Thursday I don't care about you

It's Friday I'm in love

Monday you can fall apart Tuesday Wednesday break my heart Thursday doesn't even start It's Friday I'm in love

Saturday wait And Sunday always comes too late But Friday never hesitate ...

I don't care if Monday's black

Tuesday Wednesday heart attack

Thursday never looking back

It's Friday I'm in love

Monday you can hold your head

Tuesday Wednesday stay in bed

Or Thursday watch the walls instead

It's Friday I'm in love


2 Our school trip Comprehension


(j Read and listen. Why aren't Dominic

and his friends at school today?

It's 9 o'clock and Dominic's outside his school.

He's very happy. He isn't going to his classroom.

He's getting on a coach with his friends. They're

going on a school trip.

If's one o'clock. We're having our lunch at the zoo. I'm eating an apple. The zebras J.+.. are watching us now!


2 What's Dominic doing at these times?




Complete the sentences about Dominic's school trip.

1 They 2 He 3 I

on a school trip. on a coach. about the school trip.


b ~ Copy the chart. Listen. Then write the animals you hear.

b Look at exercise 1. Make sentences with the correct subjects. Put the verbs into the present continuous tense. The zebras are watching Dominic in picture 3. 1 watch 2 learn


3 write 4 go

5 do 6 get on

7 have

8 eat

a Find the negative of the sentences in the story.

Correct the sentences.

Dominic and his friends aren't going to their classroom. They're going on a school trip.


1 bats 2

They're flying.

c ~ Listen again.

What are the animals doing? Complete the chart. Choose from these verbs.

1 I'm watching TV.

2 He's going to his classroom.

3 They're looking at us.



swim drink


run hide fly climb jump eat sleep throw

Work with a partner. Mime an animal. Your partner must guess what animal you are and what you are doing. Take turns.

1 picture 1, Dominic and his friends are going to their classroom. 2 pictu re 1, They're getti ng on a trai n. 3 picture 2, Dominic's watching the lions. 4 picture 2, The camels are running. S picture 3, Dominic and his friends are playing football. 6 picture 3, Dominic's eating a hamburger. 7 picture 4, Dominic's sister is doing her homework. 8 picture 4, Dominic's listening to the radio.

Listening and speaking


a ~ Listen and repeat.


Pronunciation Syllables 7 a ~ Listen. How many syllables has

1 a lion

each word got? elephant 3 homework favourite kangaroo crocodile

3 an elephant

5 a snake

evening lion friend programme geography

6 a bat


Underline the syllable with the stress.

c ~ Listen again, check and 7 a croead iIe

8 a monkey


Mickey's lII.odel dinosaur



~ Read and listen. Answer the questions.



Match the beginnings of the sentences in A to the endings in B.

A 1 Mickey is making Millie is reading She's sitting on Mut is eating He's sitting on

Why are Mickey and Millie at home in the afternoon? 2 Why doesn't Mut go to the park with Mickey and Millie?

2 3 4 5

B a a bone. b the instructions. c the glue. d a model dinosaur. e a magazine.

b Work in groups of three. Act the story. Saturday afternoon. It's raining, so Mickey and Millie can't go to the park.


Which part of the verb do we use in short answers?



a Copy the table. Complete the question and short answers.

Listening, writing and speaking



Look at the pictures and complete the dialogues. FRIEND

Yes, he _ _

He's eating the glue.


_________ the glue? No, he _ _

b Copy and complete the table.


How do we make questions in the present continuous?






Make questions and answers. Use the cues.

they I go to the park l I No


you I read a magazine l / Yes

What I you / look fori I The glue

Mutl eat the glue? I No

you I sit on the glue? / No

Where / they / go? I To the park

What I Mut I eat! I A bone

b Work with a partner. Practise the dialogues.

What A sandwich.

? TV?


Yes, I am.


? It's a programme about dinosaurs.


Are they going to the park? No, they aren't. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

- ..


What doing?

I'm making a model dinosaur.


What ?

I'm waiting for the bus. ?

To the sports centre.

with you? No, he isn't.

b ~ Listen and check. C


Work with a partner. Practise the dialogues.

Make new dialogues. Use the cues. What! play tennis Millie I too I? Yes win / I No

2 Where? to the park Mickey I too I? No What / he I ? make a model

Pronunciation Stress and rhythm

7 a ~ Listen and repeat. Keep the rhythm. 1 2 3 4 5

What are you doing? Where are you going? Who are you phoning? Why are you laughing? What are you eating?

b ~ Listen again. Underline the words with the stress.


~ Say the rhyme.

It's raining. It's pouring.

The old man's snoring.

He went to bed

And banged his head

And couldn't get up in the morning.

My favourite anill1.als



a ~ Listen and repeat.



Read about Ben. Answer the questions. 1 Where does Ben work? 2 What is he doing in each picture? 3 How often does he do the things?

8 an ostrich

7 an insect

6 a shark

5 a goat

4 a frog

3 an eagle

2 a giraffe

1 a cow


' A f ' t)

~, I


9 a dolphin

11 a hippopotamus



9 1


10 a pig


It's two o'clock now and Ben's cleaning one of the animal houses. He always cleans them in the afternoon. Today he's cleaning the tapirs' house.

12 a sheep

b Copy the chart. Put the words from exercise 1 in the correct column.



a giraffe

Syllable stress

Wild animals

Farm animals


a ~ Listen. Which syllable has the



c What other animals do you know? Add them to the chart.


moment today animal eleven

Answer the questions about yourself.

programme kangaroo instructions dinosaur

favourite elephant giraffe afternoon

b ~ Listen again and repeat.

1 What animals do you like? 2 What animals don't you like?



5 a Complete the sentences. What tenses are they in? 1 At the moment I the tapirs. I them every day. 2 Ben one of the animal houses now. He always _ _ _ them in the afternoon.

b Complete the sentence with the verbs in the correct tense.

1 feed I'm feeding the bears at the moment. I feed the bears at 2 o'clock every day. 2 clean Ben Today, he

the cages in the afternoon. the monkey's cage.

3 put

My favourite animals are meerkats. They live in southern Africa in the Kalahari Desert.

4 visit We often We

Meerkats are brown with grey stripes and black ears.

They're quite small - about the same size as a rabbit.

They've got a long body and a long tail, but short legs.

They can stand on two legs.

the wildlife park at the weekend. the wildlife park now.

5 go Ben to work at 6.30. It's to work. 6.30 now and he

Reading and speaking



He clean water in the tapir's pen now. clean water in their pen every He afternoon.


Read the text. What are Dominic's favourite animals? Where do they live?

b Are the statements true or false? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Meerkats are black.

They've got a long tail.

They can stand on two legs.

They live in pairs.

They sleep in holes in the ground.

They eat fish.

They can eat scorpions.

Eagles eat meerkats.

7 Work with a partner. Tell him I her about your favourite animal.

They live in groups. There are between five and thirty

meerkats in a group.

They sleep in holes in the ground. Early in the morning, they leave their holes and look for food. They eat insects plants, lizards, eggs and mice. They can even eat ' poisonous animals like scorpions and spiders. When meerkats eat, some of them stand on

two legs and guard

the others. That's

because some other animals like to eat meerkats. When the guards see an eagle, a snake or a fox, they bark and all the meerkats run back to their holes.

The story of Chicken licken



~ Read and listen to the story. Answer the questions.


Match the words to the pictures. 1 a chick 2 a nut 3 a tree

1 Where are Chicken Licken and his friends going?

2 Why?

3 Why don't they get there?

Chicken Licken is in the farmyard. He's eating under a tree when suddenly a nut falls on . . . . . .~ his head. 'Oh, no: says Chicken Licken. 'The sky is falling down. I must go to London and tell the King.'

4 the sky 5 the King 6 a hen

7 a duck 8 a goose 9 a fox

Chicken Licken runs down the road. When he meets Henny Penny, he stops. 'Where are you going?' she says. 'Oh, Henny Penny,' says Chicken Licken, 'the sky is falling down and I'm going to London to tell the King.' 'Well, I must come with you,' says Henny Penny.

Chicken Licken, Henny Penny, Ducky Lucky and Goosey Loosey run down the road. At the side of the road is Foxy Loxy. He's sitting under a tree. When they see him, they stop. 'Hello,' says Foxy Loxy, 'where are you going?' , Oh, Foxy Loxy,' says Chicken Licken, 'The sky is falling down and we're going to London to tell the King. Do you want to come with us?' , To London?' says Foxy Loxy. 'Well, you're going the wrong way. That isn't the road to London. Follow me.' So Chicken Licken, d Henny Penny, Ducky Lucky and Goosey Loosey follow Foxy Loxy. But, oh dear, he doesn't take them to London. He takes them to his den. His wife and children are waiting for him - and they're very hungry!

So Chicken Licken and Henny Penny run down the road. In the village, Ducky Lucky and Goosey Loosey are swimming on the pond. When Chicken Licken and Henny Penny see them, they stop. 'Hello,' says Ducky Lucky. 'Where are you running to?' 'Oh, Ducky Lucky,' says Chicken Licken, 'the sky is falling down and we're going to London to tell the King. Do you want to join us?' 'Yes, we must come with you,' say Ducky Lucky and Goosey Loosey.

Chicken Licken, Henny Penny, Ducky Lucky and Goosey Loosey never get to London and they never tell the King that the sky is falling down.







a Look. I We

go to London. come with you.


b Look at the pictures. What must these people do? Use the cues. We I clean the car We I feed the dog She I get up

They I wash up They I tidy the room He I have a drink



b Copy and complete the table with pronouns from the story. She must get up.



you he it we

her it c Write two things that you must do this week.

Writing These are subject pronouns.

c Choose the correct words. 1 I've got a pet rabbit. II Me put she I her on the grass. She I Her likes it, but my friend's dog watches she I her. He I Him wants to eat she I her, so I don't leave she I her in the garden. 2 I've got a hamster. I can't keep he I him in my bedroom, because he I him makes a lot of noise at night and he I him wakes II me up. 3 There are lots of animals in the pet shop. II Me love to watch they I them. We I Us don't live in the town, so my mum takes II me to the shop. She I Her likes the pet shop, too.


Write a different ending for the story of Chicken licken.

Pronunciation Same sound? (1)


a Which pairs of words have the same vowel sound? Tick (.I) them. 1 2 3 4

eat must take goose

head duck .I wait look

5 6 7 8

tree wrong they nut

b ~ listen, check and repeat.

feed down them run



Read the text. Match the topics to the paragraphs. TV programmes safari pa rks zoos



Are the statements true or false? 1 Families don't normally have a pet.

2 Horse shows are popular.

3 There aren't many TV programmes about animals.

4 Zoos can help to save wild animals.

5 The animals in safari parks live in cages.

6 Most children live on farms.

pets farms

Find all the names of animals in the text.




Most people in Britain like animals. A lot of families have got a pet. Dogs, cats, hamsters, rabbits, guinea pigs and budgerigars (budgies) are all popular pets. Horses are popular, too. Some children go to riding schools, where they learn how to ride and how to look after horses. There are lots of horse shows called gymkhanas with prizes for riding, jumping and other events.

look at the paragraph topics in exercise 1. Write one or two sentences on each topic about your country.


D There are lots of zoos in Britain, but nowadays they don't keep big animals in cages. They are usually in big pens, where they can run and jump. Zoos are very important, because a lot of animals are disappearing in the wild. Zoos can help to save them.

o You can also see animals in safari parks. In these parks, the animals don't live in cages or pens. They live in fields and woods. People drive round the park in their cars to watch the animals. You mustn't get out of your car!


Most children in Britain live in towns and cities, so they don't see wild or farm animals every day. You can visit some farms and learn about farm life and see animals like sheep, pigs and cows. Some of these farms are in the country but others are in towns and pupils go to them on school trips.


A lot of TV programmes are about animals. There are programmes about wild animals from all over the world from lions, whales and bears to fish and even insects.


Biology: anilllal classification

1 ~ Read and listen. Write the names of the animals in the correct column.




Add some more animals to the chart. Use your dictionary to help you. Look at the animals in the pictures. Complete the diagram with their names.






Look at the pictures. Write sentences in the present continuous. Use the cues.

He's having breakfast.

He isn't having lunch.

4 play football; play volleyball


~ have breakfast; have lunch


6 eat; drink

2 write; use a computer

What's Amy doing? d

Are they doing their homework?

Who are we waiting for?

What's Tim doing in the kitchen?

Who are you writing to?

Are you going out?

Is Daniel getting dressed?

Is Ann playing a computer game?



5 wear shorts; wear jeans

7 stand up; sit down

3 watch TV ; listen to music

Match the questions to the answers. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

a No, he isn't. He's still in bed.

b He's making a sandwich.

c No, she isn't. She's using the Internet.

d She's feeding the cat.

e My penfriend in Hong Kong.

f Kelly. She's on the phone.

g Yes. I'm going to the shops.

h No, they aren't. They're watching TV.

Vocabulary and listening

3 a Put the letters in the correct order to make animal names.

1 tisorch ostrich






2 3 4 5 6

b ~ Listen. Which animals in exercise 3a are the speakers talking about? 1







What to do Tell people about an animal that you are

interested in.

Where does it live 7

What does it look like 7

What does it eat?

How does it find food?

Find or draw some pictures of the animal.

Draw a map to show where it lives.



a ~

Listen. What things does the Kookaburra do?

b ~ Listen again and sing. Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree

Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree,

Merry, merry king of the bush is he,

Laugh, Kookaburra, Laugh, Kookaburra, Gay your life must be. Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree Eating all the gumdrops he can see Stop, Kookaburra, Stop, Kookaburra Leave some there for me.

Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree, Counting all the monkeys he can see Stop, Kookaburra, stop, Kookaburra, That's no monkey, that's me.



Whele wele you last week?



~ Read and listen. Match the people to pictures a-d. On Saturday mornings Helena and her friends are normally at the sports centre. They weren't there last week.

3 Dominic was on holiday with his parents.

2 Jessica was at a theme park with her brother.

4 George wasn/t on holiday or at a theme park.

1 Helena was in Manchester.

a Complete the sentences with was or were.



1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8

a ~ Copy and complete the table.

I He She It

We You They

was not

on holiday

ill at home here were not weren't

yesterday. last week. last Saturday.

I _ _ here last Monday. We _ _ on a school trip yesterday. Our neighbours _ _ on holiday last week. You _ _ away at the weekend. Dominic _ _ in Croatia for two weeks. He _ _ at the sports centre yesterday. Our Maths teacher _ _ here last week. Tim _ _ ill yesterday.

b Make the sentences negative. I wasn't here last Monday.



Where were these people last Saturday?

1 Helena 2 Dominic and his parents

b Make sentences with the table.

3 Jessica and her brother 4 George





~ Listen to the instructor at the sports centre. Write the names of the people he's talking to.

1 2

3 4


5 Copy and complete the table. He was here last week. - - - - here last week? They were at a theme park. _ _ _ _ at a theme park?


Yes, he _ _. No, he - _ . Yes, they _ _. No, they _ _.

6 a Make the dialogues. Use the cues. Was George at school last week?

No, he wasn't.

Was he ...

1 George / at school last week? / No he / ill? / Yes 2 Petra and Mark / at home last night? / No they / at the cinema? / Yes 3 you / on holiday last week? / Yes you / in Spain? / No 4 Zoe / at the sports centre on Monday? / Yes her brother / there too? / No 5 Dominic / here / last week? / No he / on holiday? / Yes

b Work with a partner. Practise the dialogues.

7 Ask and answer with a partner where he / she was at these times. yesterday evening on Friday afternoon

• Where were you on Sunday afternoon? I was at the park.


a Complete Dominic's email with was, wasn't, were and weren't.

~i Hi Patrick, I was on holiday last week with my parents. We 1_ _ in Croatia. We 2_ _ in a hotel. We 3_ _ in an apartment in a small town near Split. The apartment 4_ _ very good. It 5_ _ next to the beach, but the beach 6_ _ very far, and there 7_ _ a swimming pool at the apartment. There 8_ _ some boys and girls in the other apartments, too, so that 9_ _ fun. They 10_ _ from Britain. They were from Germany and Hungary. One boy 11 _ _ from Slovakia. The weather 12_ _ very good for the first two days, but after that it 13_ _ great. We 14_ _ there for ten days. And how are you? Hope you're OK. Were you at home last week? Dominic

b ~ Listen and check.

c Are the statements true or false? Correct the false ones. 1 2 3 4 5 6

Dominic was on holiday with his friends. They were in an apartment. The apartment was in Split. It was a long way from the beach. There was a swimming pool at the apartment. All the people in the other apartments were from Croatia. 7 The weather was bad for five days. 8 Dominic was in Croatia for two weeks.

Pronunciation Weak and strong forms

Speaking on Sunday afternoon last week



a ~ Listen and repeat. 1 2 3 4

Was she on holiday? Yes, she was. Were you at home? Yes, we were. Was John ill? Yes, he was. Were they at school? Yes, they were.

b What do you notice about was and were?


Ou:r holiday Vocabulary


~ Listen and repeat.

~.~~ ~

1 a plane

2 a train


7 a suitcase

8 a trolley

~ 3 a taxi

9 an airport



4 a boat

10 a hotel



...... .

We were on holiday in JUly. We travelled to Spain by plane. We arrived at the airport in Malaga. A

man checked our passports and then we waited for our suitcases. Soon the bags and suitcases started to arrive. Mum and Dad's bag was first. Then my brother, Frank, shouted: 'There's our

suitcase!' He grabbed it and we followed Mum

and Dad with the trolley.

• •• • •


5 a ticket



-q;p; ___




6 a passport

12 a tent

a Copy and complete the table with verbs from the story. ~ If:J:eIlIr.H"~'I:lU



Verbs ending in -e: add -d


Most verbs: add -ed Verbs with a short vowel and one consonant: double the consonant and add -ed Verbs ending in -I: double the -/ and add -ed




Verbs ending in -y: remove

-y and add -ied


b ~ Listen again. What do you notice about the verbs?

When we arrived at our hotel, we started to unpack. Mum and Dad opened their bag and

Frank tried to open our suitcase. 'Is this the right key?' he asked. 'I can't open it.' Then I looked at the name on the label. It wasn't our suitcase! We phoned the airport. Our bag was still there. There was a very angry man there, too. Dad wasn't very happy, because we needed a taxi to take the

man's suitcase back to the airport and collect our



11 a caravan


a ~ Read and listen. Helena is talking about her holiday. What was the problem? - They missed their plane. - Someone picked up their bag.

- They picked up someone else's suitcase.

b Which of the words from exercise 1 does Helena mention?

• • • • • •

• ••







Write the past tense of the verbs.

open travel phone play like

stop close want collect practise

• •• ••






Write sentences about Helena's holiday. Use the verbs in brackets in the past simple. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

We / tennis. (play) 1/ to speak Spanish. (try) It / on our last day. (rain) We / DVDs in our hotel room. (watch) 1/ my friends at home. (phone) We / to the beach. (walk) We / Granada. (visit) We / around Spain by bus. (travel)

5 ~ Read and listen. .


We checked the label.

We didn't check the label at the airport.

Frank grabbed the bag.

I didn't grab it.

This is the past simple negative.

How do we make it? What part of the verb

do we use after didn't?


Make the sentences negative.

We didn't travel by train. 1 2 3 4 S 6 7

We travelled by train.

We stayed in an apartment.

Dad wanted to go to the beach every day.

We played tennis every afternoon.

We visited a lot of museums.

It rained a lot.

We arrived in the evening.

Pronunciation -ed endings


a Are the -ed endings of the verbs pronounced IIdl, Idl or It/? play decide arrive wait phone

played decided arrived waited phoned

start look watch need want

b ~ Listen, check and repeat.

started looked watched needed wanted

Writing and speaking


Yesterday a man died. But who was he? These things were in his pockets. Write everything that you know about Mr X. Use the verbs in the past simple. play be live like work collect watch want travel phone

He played table tennis.






~ Read and listen. Match the sentences to the pictures. --­

1 2 3 4 5

She went skiing and she broke her leg.

I ate something and I had stomach ache.

He forgot his ticket

Someone stole her passport

We left our suitcase on the train.



a Copy and complete the table with the past tense.

nmJ~rrmmntID~ present leave break forget steal eat go have

I past

b What problems did these people have? Complete the sentences. Put the verbs in brackets into the past tense.

Which verbs in exercise 2b are irregular?


We our keys. (lose) They to the wrong station. (go) James an accident (have) I my camera in the sea. (drop) Suzzy the train. (miss) I my arm (break) It all week. (rain) The weather was bad so they the airport (close)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


a Look at the table. How do we make the negative with an irregular verb?

nml~I.I:l'" He forgot his ticket.

I didn't forget my I ticket.

They left their suitcase on the train.

We didn't leave our suitcase on the train.

b Work in a group. Playa game. A I had an accident. B I didn't have an accident. A dog bit me. C I didn't have an accident and a dog didn't bite me. I lost my passport.


Reading and writing


a Complete the postcards with the past tense of the verbs. 1 forget have put stop play travel

find lose drive

2 look play visit swim arrive have rain sleep go enjoy


b ~ Listen and check your ideas.


a Complete the sentences about Tamara. 1 2 3 4 5

Tamara is on holiday in .

She wrote a postcard to .

She travelled by ...

On the journey she ...

Yesterday she ... because ...


Write five sentences about John. Use the expressions in exercise Sa.


Write a postcard to a friend about your holiday. Hi ...

Greetings from ...

Pronunciation Negative auxiliaries 7 a ~ Listen. Which words change the sound of the first syllable in the negative? Tick (.I) them. does have can did

doesn't haven't can't didn't

has do IS


hasn't don't isn't aren't

b ~ Listen to the short form and say the long form.

Mut's holiday



a ~ Read and listen. Answer the questions.

b Work in groups of three. Act the story.

1 Where were Mickey and Millie last week! 2 Where was Mut last week? Hello, Mickey.

ello, Millie. Were you on

holiday last week?





Are the statements true or false? 1 Mickey and Millie went to Spain for their holiday.


• What ? I went skiing. • Who with? o I went with Mark and his sister. • What in the evenings? o We went for walks and played games.

4 Mut didn't go to France with them.

5 The neighbours looked after Mut.

6 Mut didn't want to go to the dogs' holiday home.

7 He didn't have a good time at the dogs' home.

8 He wanted to stay at the dogs' home.


b Work with a partner. Read the dialogue.

Grammar a

Copy and complete the questions and short answers from the story.




_ _ _ _ enjoy it there? Ves, he _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mut with you? No, we _ _





Copy and complete the chart. Charlie




Which part of the verb do we use after did?

with him?

Did you _ _ a good time? Yes, we did. We _ _ a great time. Did you _ _ Mut with you? No, we didn't. We _ _ him to the Happy Hounds Holiday Home.

Where did they go? What did they do? How did they travel? Where did they stay? Did they have a

good time?


Work with a partner. Make dialogues. Use the chart. • Where did you go on holiday, Charlie? o We went ...


Ask your partner about his / her last holiday.

Make questions and answers. Use the cues.

Did you go camping last month? Yes, I did. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

a ~ Listen.


b Complete the sentences with these words: took, have, take or had. 1 2 3 4

Listening speaking and writing





Complete the questions to fit the answers.

• Where did you go on holiday last year'l I went to Austria.

2 They travelled by plane.

3 They enjoyed their holiday.



you you you you you you you

/ / / / / / /

go camping last month? /./ take your bike? / ./ swim in the sea? / X have picnics on the beach? / ./ speak English? / X buy anything? / X eat paella? /,/

b Work with a partner. Practise the dialogues.

Pronunciation Ihl


~ Say these. He's at the Happy Hounds Holiday Home.

Hi, Hannah. How was your holiday?

Harry's at Uncle Humphrey's house.

Our hotel's over here.




Helena and her grandfather are talking about holidays. Read the texts. Complete the chart. Grandfather


How many holidays

a year?

2 How many of these can you find in the texts? places

forms of transport

places to stay




a Read the text again and look at the chart in exercise 1. Copy it and make a column about your holidays.

b Write about typical holidays in your


Travel by?


We usually have

two holidays a year

- a long holiday in

the summer and

a short one in the


When I was a boy; most people didn't go to other countries for their holidays. Some rich people went abroad, but most people stayed in Britain.

We take our long

holiday in July or

August When we

aren't at school.

We go away for two

weeks and we always

go to a different

place. We go to

somewhere in Europe

- usually France or Italy - but last year

we went to Greece.

They didn't travel by plane and a lot of people didn't have a car. They travelled by train or bus. We only had one holiday a year. My parents worked in a factory In August, the factory always closed for two weeks and all the workers took their holiday then. We always went to Brighton for our holidays. We didn't stay in a hotel. We stayed with my aunt and uncle. They lived near Brighton.

We also take a holiday in winter

for a week or ten days. We

normally go to warm places,

like the Canary Islands or the

Caribbean, but last winter

we went skiing in Slovenia.

It was great fun.

We didn't have a lot of money; but we had a good time. We played on the beach with our cousins and swam in the sea. We didn't have a lot of things, but they were happy days.

We always travel by plane

when we go abroad

and we stay in hotels.

However, a lot of my friends

take a caravan or go camping.

They take their cars to France

on a ferry or through the

Channel Tunnel.


History: transport



Put the forms of transport in order of speed from the slowest to the fastest. plane boat car bicycle train





Put the forms of transport in the correct order from the oldest to the most modern.


b ~ Read and listen to the text. Check

b Work with a partner. Compare your lists.

your answers.


Today people travel a lot. You can travel from one side of the world to the other in one day. Travel wasn't easy in the past. It was often dangerous and journeys took months or even years.

Pl3ttM6 The first bus appeared in 1895. People called it an 'omnibus'. (This means 'for everybody' in Latin.) After 1905, buses became very popular.

PJ30aU The first kind of transport was the boat. We know that in 4000 Be the Egyptians made boats for travel and trade. The Greeks, Romans and Vikings built a lot of boats, too.


The first aeroplane new in 1903. The Wright Brothers' plane was very small and dangerous.

N~car, the first motorcycles cam, in 1885. Gottlieb Daimler designed the first one. It was made of wood and iron.


The first railways appeared in England in the 1840s. For the first time people could travel from one side of the country to the other in just a few hours.


In 1885 Karl Friedrich Benz made the first car in Germany. Early cars were very expensive. Henry Ford in the USA changed that. He built good, cheap cars in his factories.


Baron von Drais made the first bicycle in 1817. ~ It was a heavy, ""ode. hike with .0 pedals. ~



Crammar and writing


a ~ Listen to the story about Ted's day. Put the pictures in the correct order.

b Write sentences about Ted's day. Use the pictures in 1a and the cues below. At seven thirty Ted was in bed. He didn't hear the alarm clock. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

At 7.30 I Ted I be lin bed He I not hear I alarm clock Mother I come I in his bedroom She I tell I Ted the time He I jump lout of bed I and brush I his teeth Ted I fun I downstairs He I arrive I at the bus stop He I be I too late The bus / leave I without him When Ted / arrive I at school The teacher / be / in the classroom She / say I Where's your homework? Ted I look I in his bag His homework I be I at home The teacher I give I him more work



Which verbs have got an extra syllable in the past tense? Tick (,/) them. verb 1 dance want play wait use watch need phone arrive decide

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

past danced wanted ,/ played waited used watched needed phoned arrived decided

verb 11 paint check look happen start clean visit help live work

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

past painted checked looked happened started cleaned visited helped lived worked




What to do 1 Tell people about your last holiday or your ideal holiday. Write about these things:

Where did you go? Who did you go with? Where did you stay? What was it like?

What was the weather like?

What things did you do?

How long did you stay?

2 Illustrate your project with pictures and photos. 3 Write a postcard to a friend about your holiday.



~ Listen and sing. The runaway train

It was in the year of '89 on that old Great

Western line,

When the winter wind was blowing shrill,

The rails were frozen, the wheels were cold,

then the air brakes didn't hold,

And Number 9 came roaring down the hill- oh!

The runaway train came down the track and she

blew, (repeat)

The runaway train came down the track, her

whistle wide and her throttle back,

And she blew, blew, blew, blew, blew.

The conductor said there'd be a wreck and she

blew, (repeat)

The conductor said there'd be a wreck and he felt

the chills run up his neck,

And she blew, blew, blew, blew, blew.

The runaway train went over the hill and she blew,


The runaway train went over the hill and the last

we heard she was going still,

And she blew, blew,

blew, blew, blew.

The engineer said the train must halt and she

blew, (repeat)

The engineer said the train must halt - he said it

was all the fireman's fault,

And she blew, blew, blew, blew, blew.



some and any

Pood and d~ink





I. I

. /',



or~nge jUice

"-~ ~8tea

~ Listen and repeat.







20 lemonade

You can count some

things. They have a singular

and a plural form.

a Look.


an apple



three apples



What other kinds of food and drinks do you know?

b Are these words countable or uncountable? Write Cor U.

a Which things in the list do you like best? Choose four things. Which things don't you like?

lemonade U tomato C vegetable sandwich orange beef

b Ask and answer with a partner. • Do you like coffee? o Yes, I do.! No, I don't. I never drink it. • Do you like grapes?

coffee banana nut chicken fruit meat

rice tuna egg fish tea bean


With plural nouns and uncountable nouns we don't need a or an. With a singular noun we must have a or an.


Listening and speaking



a ~ Look at the menu. Listen. What does George order?

I like apples.

Can I have cheese in my sandwich, please?


I always have a sandwich for lunch.

b Complete the sentences with a or an where necessary.

1 2 3 4 5

Can I have _ _ orange, please?

Do you like _ _ fish?

I usually have _ _ egg for breakfast

I don't eat _ _ meat

We always have _ _ tomatoes with our

dinner. 6 I had _ _ apple and _ _ banana today. 7 I love _ _ fruit, but I don't like _ _ vegeta bles. 8 Can I have _ _ sandwich, please, with _ _, cheese and _ _ lettuce!

Menu Spaghetti bolognaise ... £1.20 Cheeseburger. . . . . . . £1.50 Chicken salad. . . . . . . £4.60 Fish £4.20 Chips . . . . . . . . . . . £1.30 Mixed vegetables 65p Salad 80p Sandwiches Cheese and tomato. . . . £2.10 Tuna and salad £2.30

b ~ Listen again and complete the dialogue. WAITRESS GEORGE





a ~ Listen. What do the people have for lunch? Complete the chart.


c Carl




Yes, please? Can I have a

and chips,

_ _ _ _7



Desserts Apple pie £2.75 Chocolate cake £2.60 Fruit salad £2.40 Ice-cream . . . . . . . . . 95p Drinks Orange juice £1.30 Lemonade. . . . . . . . . 80p Cola 80p Milk shake £1.75 Coffee 90p Tea 80p Hot chocolate. . . . . . . 95p

Anything else?

Yes, can I have an , please!


Do you want anything to Yes, a , please.

Is everything?

Yes, thank _

That's £ .50, please.

Here you _

Thank you.

Work with a partner. Practise the dialogue.

S Make new dialogues. Use the menu. Pronunciation Phrasal stress


~ Listen. Which word has the most


b Describe each person's lunch.

Carl has _ _ He usually has _ _ or _ _

in it. He has _ _ with that. He drinks _ _.

fish and chips chocolate cake fruit salad fruit and vegetables

a chicken sandwich orange juice apple pie meat and potatoes

b ~ Listen again and repeat.


Stone soup



a ~ look at the different kinds of food / drink. Listen and repeat the words. b What kind of things can you make with these foods?



~ Read and listen to the story. Which of the things from exercise 1a did the tramp put in the soup?



~<[)~~ ( 17 mushrooms)

some potatoes, carrots, beans and a big onion. The tramp put the vegetables into the saucepan. 'Is it ready now?' asked the old woman. 'Almost; said the tramp. 'It really needs some meat. It's a pity you haven't got any meat.' 'Oh, I can find some meat,' said the old woman. She ran to the cellar and came back with some ham and some sausages. The tramp put them into the saucepan.

ne day a tramp came to an old woman's house. 'Excuse me; said the tramp. 'I'm very hungry. Have you got anything to eat?' But the old woman was very mean. 'Go away,' she said. 'I haven't got any food for you.' 'Oh; said the tramp, 'well, have you got any water? You see, I've got a magic stone and I can make soup with it. But I need some water.' 'A magic stone, eh?' said the mean old woman. 'Yes, I've got some water.'


'Right; said the tramp after a while. 'I can't see the stone now, so the soup is ready. Bread is very good with stone soup. It's a pity you haven't got any bread.' 'Oh, I can find some bread,' said the woman. She went to the cupboard and fetched a loaf of bread, some butter and a bottle of wine. She put them on the table with some knives, forks and spoons. 'Mmm, this is delicious; said the old woman when she tasted the soup. 'And you made it with just that magic stone.' The tramp smiled, picked up his knife and cut another slice of bread.

She fetched a big saucepan of water and put it on the cooker. The tramp put the stone into it. After a while he tasted the soup. 'Mmm. It's very good; he said. 'Have you got any salt and pepper?' The old woman fetched some salt and pepper. 'Mmm. That's better; said the tramp. 'It really needs some vegetables. It's a pity you haven't got any vegetables.' 'Oh, I can find some vegetables; said the old woman. She ran into the garden and brought back





5 ~ George and Alice are making a shopping

a Complete the sentences from the story.

list. Listen and write their list.

1 I haven't got _ _ food for you.

2 Well, have you got _ _ water?

3 Oh, I can find _ _ vegetables.

b Copy and complete the table.


A. •.

We use _ _ for affi rmative statements.

We use some and any with uncountable nouns and plural nouns.

We use _ _ for negative statements and questions. c Look at the things in exercise 1. Say

whether the tramp used each thing to

make the soup.

He used some water. He didn't use any lemons.


Shopping liM

C.hees e

a What have you got in your cupboard? Write five kinds of food or drink from exercise 1. Don't show it to anyone.

b ~ Listen again. What things don't they need to buy?



Read the story again. Work with a partner. Act the story.

Pronunciation ItJI and Id31

7 b Ask and answer with a partner. Find out what's in your partner's cupboard.

a ~ Listen. If you hear the ItJI sound say 'cheese'. If you hear the Id31 sound say 'oranges'.

• Have you got any water?

b ~ Listen again and write down the

o No, I haven't got any water. Have you got


any water? • Yes, I've got some water. Have you got ... ?

c ~ Listen again and repeat.

r,rr , Ii




~ Read and listen to the story. Answer the questions. 1 Where do Mickey and Millie go? 2 What do they buy~

3 What does Mut want! 4 Why does he think they need it?

5 Where is the dog food? 6 Who put it there?

- Here's the

shopping list. We don't need

a lot of things.


But we haven't got any dog food!


Read the story again. Are the statements true or false? 1 2 3 4

Mickey and Millie are going to do some shopping. There isn't any dog food on the shelf. Millie's got the cheese. They buy everything at the supermarket.

5 6 7 8

They buy six bananas. They don't buy any dog food at the market. Millie decides to feed Mut when they get home. The dog food is in the cupboard.





Copy and complete the table. Use the dialogues from the story.

Are these words countable or uncountable?

b Look. We talk about

quantities like this. Don't

forget 'of'.

We need some bananas. _ _ _ _ do we need? We need some cheese. _ _ _ _ do we need? a ti n of dog food

b Copy and complete the table.

. ...

How _ _?

1 • We need some tomatoes. o How many do we need? 2 • We need some bread. o How much do we need?

d listen and check.


Match the words to the pictures.

1 a loaf 2 a cup 3 a packet

What's in the pictures in exercise 4a?

three packets of crisps

How _ _?

c ~ listen. Make questions.



two tins of dog food

4 a glass 5 a tin 6 a bar

Speaking and writing


a Work with a partner. Find out what he I she eats and drinks in a week. Ask about these things. crisps milk sweets eggs chocolate bananas lemonade coffee

How many packets of crisps do you eat each


How much milk do you drink?

b Write about your partner and yourself.

In a week my partner eats six packets of crisps.

I don't eat any crisps.

He I She eats ...

Pronunciation IAI


Look at these words. Which words have the IAI sound? Tick (.f) them. some.f much double tuna fruit

home come put pound onion

b ~ Listen, check and repeat.

Mum lettuce money butter cup


apple c~um.ble


1 a

George is making apple crumble. Look at the pictures. Put them in the correct order,

b ~ Read and listen to the recipe. Number the pictures in the correct order.

Apple Crumble Ingredients You will need: 3 large apples 300g flour 200 g butter or margarine


100g sugar water creanl or ice-cream

Instructions 1 Peel the apples and slice them.

2 Put the apples in a saucepan with a little water

and 50 grams of the sugar. Boil the apples for 10

minutes. 3 Put the flour, the butter or margarine and the rest of the sugar into a bowl. Mix them with a fork. 4 Pour the cooked apples into a dish. 5 Cover the apples with the flour, butter and sugar


a Look at the pictures. What is George doing in each picture? a He's putting butter into a bowl.

mixture. 6 Put the dish into the oven at 180°C for 30 minutes. 7 Serve the apple crumble with cream or ice-cream.

b Find these things in the pictures.

a knife a bowl

a fork a dish

a saucepan an oven

a spoon a peeler



Listening and writing



a Look at the sentences.

a ~ Here's another recipe. Listen. Tick (v') the ingredients you hear.

You need a saucepan and some water. These are indefinite articles.

half an onion one tomato mil~

Put the water in the saucepan.

bread 50 9 grated c:heefle buffer Mit pepper

2- fllic:efl

These are definite articles.

Worc:eMer Mute

b Complete the text with a, some or the. 1 Put

flour and 2_ _ butter in 3_ _ bowl. Now take 4_ _ fork. Mix 5_ _ flour and 6_ _ butter with 7_ _ fork. Then pour 8_ _ sugar into 9_ _ bowl and mix it with 10_ _ flour and 11_ _ butter. 2 First, you need 1_ _ mushrooms and 2_ _ knife. Slice 3_ _ mushrooms with 4_ _ knife. Now put 5_ _ oil in 6_ _ frying pan and put 7_ _ mushrooms in 8_ _ oil. Then fry 9_ _ mushrooms in 10_ _ frying pan for five minutes.


a Look at what George says in exercise 1. Complete the sentences.

. ...

a __

C Complete these expressions with a

little or

a few. _ _ _ oranges _ _ _ butter _ _ _ sugar _ _ _ tomatoes

~ Listen again and write down the

instructions. Use these cues.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Grate .

Add .

Then mix ...

Make ... toast

Cover with ...

Put ... the grill ...

Chop ... and put ...



b Look at exercise 4a. Copy and complete the table.


Same sound? (2)

You need a few apples. You need a _ _ water.

1 2 3 4

b ~ r';Jow listen to the instructions.

1_ _

5 6 7 8

_ _ _ salt _ _ _ cheese _ _ _ peas _ _ _ sausages

Which words have the same sound? Tick (v') them. can't most house own school slice

want X both v' round town look dish

bowl red don't bean one flour

how said goes bread stone four

b ~ Listen, check and repeat. C Say this.

Peter Piper picked a pint of pickled peppers.



Read the text. Are the statements true or false or doesn't it say?

2 3 4 5 6

Most people in Britain eat a big breakfast every morning. People often have grapefruit for breakfast People have lunch at 3 o'clock. All children take a packed lunch to school. People usually have dinner in the evening. Most people eat breakfast in the kitchen.

2 a

Complete the chart about food in Britain.



Time Food

b Make a chart about meals in your country.

Most people have a light breakfast. These are some typical things that people have for breakfast: • toast with jam, honey or marmalade • cereal with milk and sugar • fruit (grapefruit is popular) • yoghurt • orange juice • coffee or tea he first meal of the day is breakfast - usually between 7 and 8 o'clock. The traditional British breakfast is very big: bacon, eggs,sausages,tomatoes,mushrooms,baked beans and fried bread! But nowadays people don't usually cook a big breakfast every morning. They only have a cooked breakfast on Sundays, or when they stay in a hotel.


Between 12 o'clock and two o'clock people have lunch. This is often a light meal of soup, sandwiches and I or a salad. Most children have their lunch at school. They can take sandwiches from home (a packed lunch) or they can buy food at the school canteen. The main meal of the day is dinner. People usually eat this between about six and seven o'clock in the evening. A traditional dinner is meat or fish with potatoes and vegetables, but many people nowadays cook foreign food. Lasagne, risotto or curry are popular and some people are vegetarians. After the main course, some people have dessert (also called 'pudding') - such as fruit, chocolate cake, or apple pie with ice-cream or custard.

In some parts of England, people have the main meal at mid-day and call it 'dinner'. They call the light meal they have in the afternoon or evening 'tea'. Some people also call the evening meal 'supper' . This can be a light meal or a main meal.


Work with a partner. Ask and answer about the meals you eat. 1 When do you have them? 2 What do you eat? 3 What do you like to eat for dinner?

Geography: food from. around the world



Match the words to the pictures. avocados coffee peppers tea chocolate potatoes tomatoes sweetcorn turkey

1 2 3 4 5




(j Read and

listen to the text. Find the words from exercise 1.

Read the text again and match the food to the places. a North America b China c Mexico d South America e Africa

Complete the sentences. 1 2 3 4 5


chocolate sweetcorn potatoes coffee tea

The The The The The

Aztecs drank chocolate with pepper. Spanish _ Swiss _ Turks _ British _

a Write a quiz question about the text. Where do avocados come from?

a Africa

b America

c Asia

b Read your quiz question to the class.

e eat a lot of different kinds of food today. Before the 16th century, people in Europe didn't have a lot of the things that we eat and drink every day. At the end of the 15th century, people from Europe started to travel to other parts of the world. They went to America, Africa and Asia. They brought back a lot of new kinds of food. Chocolate came from Mexico. The Aztecs there drank chocolate with pepper! The Spanish brought chocolate to Europe and they were the first to put sugar in it. Until the 1870s, chocolate was only a drink. The Swiss made the first bar of chocolate in 1876.


Tomatoes, peppers and avocados all came from Mexico, too. The Spanish took seeds back to Spain and started to grow the plants there. Soon they spread to other countries in Europe and then to other parts of the world. The words tomato, chocolate and avocado all come from the old Aztec language. Potatoes came from South America. Potatoes like cold, wet weather. They grew in the mountains of Peru. Sweetcorn (or maize) came from North America. Turkeys came from North America, too. They didn't come from Turkey! Coffee came from Africa. The Turks took it to

Turkey and then to Europe.

Tea came from China in the 17th century. At first it was very expensive and only rich people drank it, but in the 19th century the British started to grow tea in India. They produced a lot, so it was cheap and everybody drank it.


Revision Grammar


Complete the sentences with a, an, some or any.

2 3

4 5 6

7 8




There isn't salt in the cupboard. There are tins of tomatoes in the cupboard vegetables? Do we need apple, please? Can I have I had plate of cheese and bread for lunch. For this recipe you need _ apples, flour, sugar and _ egg. bread. We didn't buy Put onions, tomatoes and oil in frying pan and stir them with fork.

a Write the

things you see in the pictures.

1 three packets of peas, ...




~_- . . l


Put a, an, some or the in the right place. 1 • Is Donna on the phone?


o No, she's watching a video in the

living room. 2 To make this model you need 2 1 paper, plastic pencil,4 cup, 3 scissors and 5 glue. First, put 6 plastic cup on 7 paper. With B pencil draw 9 circle round 10 cup. scissors and cut Now take out 12


b Write questions about the things in exercise 3a. Use How much ... / How many ... How much milk is there?



3 • I've got



Find the names of eight more types of food and drink in the square.


parcel and letters for Mr Smith.

o Give 3 letters to me and put 4 parcel on 5 large desk over there.

4 • Can I have


o Yes, there's 3















apple 7 fruit on















T !!V






R y A














0 N









fYoU1 ploject . What to do Write about food in your country.

Write about these things:

When do people usually eat their meals?

What do they normally eat at each meal 7

Where do people buy their food?



Replace the pictures with words to complete the song.


~ Listen and check your ideas. Sausages with ice-cream


2 Write your own favourite recipe. 3 Illustrate your project with pictures of: kinds of food cafes and restaurants shops and markets

I like


Katy likes Peter puts






Edward likes

with cheese



But John likes sausages with

Sausages with

on his baked beans

. ,

And Jessica loves 6







Sausages with'


John likes sausages with'"


I like sticky toffee


Donna likes a cup of 11 Daniel likes a nice



Wendy loves apple



But nobody can tell us why

John likes sausages with ice-cream.



My country Vocabulary



~ Listen and repeat.

Answer the questions about your home. Is your town or city near: a the sea? b a lake? c a river? 2 Is your home: a in a valley! b on a hill? c on an island? 3 In your town or city are there any: a bridges? b tunnels? c canals! 4 Are there any of these near your town or city! a a mountain b an airport c a forest



~ Read and listen. Choose the correct measu rements. 10,000 m 6 km 60 km 1000 m

500 m

5000 km

How high is that hill?

It's _ _


How wide

is this lake?

It's _ _

metres wide and it's

_ _ kilometres





.tl 1l=i-l ue high long wide deep

How ...............


is that mountain? is this tunnel?

is th is river?

is the lake?

-----+-1- - ­

6000 metres 2 kilometres 1 kilometre 50 metres







How do you

say these things in

your language?



Reading and listening



Look at the map. Complete the text.

b ~ Listen and check.

Loch ess is a very deep 2 • It's • 226 metres deep in the • middle. People say that a ___ ~~~ { monster lives here! ....

_--------_ ...

----------------hiS is the United Kingdom of ~


Great Britain and Northern • Ireland. There are four countries • •I in the UK - 1 , Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. •


.- .-





• I

: • :

There are a lot of hills and 3 _ in Scotland. You can go skiing here in the winter. This is Ben Nevis. It's 1,343 m high. There are lots of 4 here, too.



London is the capital of the UK. It's a very big 5 _ About seven million people live here. In this picture you can see Tower Bridge. The 6 is called the Thames.


------------ ....

There are lots of 7 : I around the coast of the UK. I

I This is the Isle of Wight. I I W. I I e sometlmes go here for I .-'- .- .- .­ I our holidays. There are some .. .-':







Correct the sentences. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

The English Channel

Wales isn't part of the United Kingdom.

Loch Ness isn't very deep.

Ben Nevis is an airport.

London is the capital of Ireland. Ten million people live in London.

The bridge in the picture is London Bridge.

The Channel Tunnel goes from England to

Scotland. 8 The Isle of Wight is a lake.

The Channel Tunne goes under the

_ _ _ between England and France. I 's about 50 km long.


Pronunciation Stress and rhythm 7 a ~ Listen and repeat. • • •

Oh, the grand old Duke of York He had ten thousand men He marched them up to the top of the hill

And he marched them down again

When they were up, they were up

And when they were down, they were down And when they were only halfway up

They were neither up nor down

b ~ Listen again and mark the stress.

NOl'th and south




~ Listen and repeat.

1:111.1111' \

I~ ~



a ~ Read and listen. Where do Alice and Nick live?

5 It's wet.

4 cold

3 cool hot

It's raining.


2 warm ~







6 It's dry. It's fine.

9 It's windy.

8 It's cloudy.

7 It's sunny.


I live in the south-east of England. The weather in the south is nicer than in the north. It's warmer and drier. However; more people live in the south, so it's more crowded and houses are more expensive.

10 It's snowing.

a ~ Listen. Alice is talking about the weather.

Complete the second column of the chart.

I'm Alice's cousin,

Nick. I live in the north-west

of England. The weather here is cooler

and wetter than in the south. However; the people here are friendlier. I think the north is more beautiful, too. We've got lakes and hills here. The south is much flatter.

We're doing some work on the weather for our Geography lesson.

The weather in England

b Write N (North) or S (South).

in your country

The weather is cooler. The weather is nicer. It's warmer. It's wetter. It's drier. The people are friendlier. It's more crowded. It's flatter. It's more beautiful. Houses are more expensive.

today yesterday in winter in spring In summer in autumn

b Complete the third column about the weather in your country.



Writing and speaking





Compare the things. Write two sentences for each.

Summer is hotter than winter.

Winter is more beautiful than summer.


1 2 3 4 5


~ cheap



We call these

comparatives. How do you

make comparatives in your


b Copy and complete the table. Use the adjectives in exercise 3a.

• ••




-e ending

-- --


two or more syllables (except when the second syllable is -y)





I crowded

c Find more examples of comparatives in the texts in exercise 3a. Which rule do they follow?

5 What are the comparatives of these adjectives? cold big difficult large deep flat

heavy hilly wide windy red famous

short old hot high white cloudy



kinds of food

school subjects


rooms in your house

Compare the things below. How many differences can you think of? Tell the class. • your country /the Antarctic • a bicycle / a car • a mouse / an elephant


listen. Choose the correct adjectives to complete the sentences. Use the comparative form. big easy young high cloudy small sunny old difficult expensive low

I wet

short vowel and one consonant

two two two two two

Compare two parts of your country. Use the words. hilly crowded friendly sunny warm expensive flat wet small nice

1 2 3 4 5 6


Bluebell Hill is higher than Windy Hill.

John is his sister.

Yesterday was today.

Number 6 is number 5.

Beth's new house is her old house.

The red bag is the blue bag.

Pronunciation /';):/


a •

listen. Which words have the h:l sound? Tick (.I) them.

cold forest autumn airport warm south

b •

more .I






listen again and repeat.

Record breakers Comprehension


a ~ Look at the quiz. Listen and answer the questions.

What is the longest river in the world? a the Nile b the Mississippi ~­ f~ c the Amazon




b Compare your answers with other people in your class. C

~ Listen and check your answers.

I .what is the highest mountain in the world? a Mount Everest b MontBlanc c Mount Kilimanjaro


Where is the hottest

place in the world?

a inAfrica

b in North America c inOceania

What is the largest continent? a Europe b Asia c South America

What is the smallest country in the world? a Luxembourg b Vatican City c Andorra

..... What is the most

crowded country

in the world?

a Indonesia

b Monaco

c Bangladesh

What is the biggest city? a Mexico City b Tokyo c New York

Which is the heaviest metal? a lead (Pb)

b gold (Au)

c iron (Fe)




Writing and speaking



a Look.

Write true sentences. Use the cues.

... is the youngest person in our class. 40




o -'0




the coldest

b How do we make the superlatives of these words? Check in the quiz. large C




b Compare your answers with a partner.

Copy and complete the table.

r:.\. ... •

l • • IIII • •


long nice wet









. .....,.1.· -..-

longer nicer

1 young / person / our class 2 old / person / my family 3 famous / sportsperson / our country 4 large / room / my house (or flat) 5 big / city / our country 6 high / mountain / our country 7 long / river / our country 8 easy / subject / our timetable 9 expensive / shop / our town 10 heavy / thing / my bag

Who is the youngest person in our class?

. 1

... is the youngest person in our class.

the longest



Find the names of the seven continents in the puzzle.

b Read the clues and number the continents from the largest to the smallest.

1 North America is larger than South America but smaller than Africa and Asia.



2 South America is larger than Antarctica. Europe and


Write the answers to the quiz.


is the longest river in the world.


3 The fifth largest continent is the coldest place in the world.

4 China and India are in the largest continent.


S The South Atlantic Ocean is between the

Syllable stress 4 a (t Listen. Which syllable has the


Europe America Africa Asia continent Atlantic


Antarctica Pacific Arctic

(t Listen again and repeat.

second largest and the fourth largest continents.

6 Australia is the biggest country in the smallest continent.

7 South America isn't the second largest continent. B The name of the sixth largest continent doesn't end in -8.


Mickey and Millie go caDlping


1 a 1 2 3 4

Mickey, Millie and Mut are going camping.

~ Read and listen. Which is the best campsite? Which is the worst campsite? Why do they put their tent in the field? What is making the noise?

b Work with a partner. Act the story.








Copy and complete the table with the words.


the best





.. .

• ••• better


Complete what Mickey and Millie say.

We're as

as a

in here.

b Match the adjectives to the nouns to make phrases.

as heavy as lead the worst noun


the sea

Translate the words into your language.

2 high


b Check your ideas in the story.

3 cold

the sky

4 deep


S white

a feather

6 blue

an elephant

7 warm

a mountain

8 black


9 big


10 light


C Complete the sentences. Use the words in

the table. 1 2 3 4 S



Buttercup Farm is _ _ campsite in the area.

It's than Hillside.

Lake View is than Hillside.

Hillside is _ _ than Buttercup Farm.

Lake View is _ _ campsite in the country.

a Compare the hotels in the guidebook.


!J!k ~ ~ ***** y~~~**


~ Listen and check your phrases.

6 Think of five things. Describe them using the expressions in exercise 5b.


Compare the test results.




4-9% {,4-70



What do you think are the best and worst of these things? 1 2 3 4

school subjects sports TV programmes football teams

5 6 7 8

days of the week times of day seasons pop groups

I think the best subject is Maths.

The worst subject is History.

lana's bag is as heavy as lead.

Pronunciation Same sound (3)? 7 a ~ Which pairs have got the same vowel sound? Tick (/) them. south girl worse farm guide

country bird / horse warm sign

big worst hot bull heavy

ice world oven full feather

b ~ Listen again and repeat.





~ Read and listen to the text. Answer the questions.

1 2 3 4 5


Can you name the following in your country? 1 2 3 4 5

How many states are there in the USA?

Who lives in the White House?

What is the Stars and Stripes?

When did the USA start?

Where did the first settlers come from?

the the the the the

second and third largest cities longest river highest mountain largest region biggest lake

2 Find the names of the places in the text. 1 2 3 4 5 6

the fourth largest country in the world the largest country in North America the third longest river in the world the largest city in the USA the third largest city in the USA The largest state in the USA

The United States of America is the fourth largest country in the world. It's bigger than the whole of Europe, but it isn't the largest country in North America. That's Canada. There are five time zones in the USA. So, when it's twelve o'clock in New York, it's only eight o'clock in Alaska. The third longest river in the world is in the USA. It's the Mississippi-Missouri River. The USA is the richest country in the world. It produces more food, iron, cars, aeroplanes, books, music and TV programmes than any other country in the world. The USA has a population of about 300 million people. Most of them live in cities. The largest city in the USA is New York. About 8 million people live there. The second largest city is Los

Angeles in California and the third largest is Chicago. There are fifty states in the United States. Some of the eastern states, like Rhode Island and Delaware, are quite small, but others, like Texas, California and Alaska, are bigger than a lot of countries. Alaska is the largest state. Each state has got its own government and its own capital city. The federal capital for the whole of the USA is Washington DC. The US President lives there, in the White House. The flag of the USA is called the 'Stars and Stripes'. On the flag there is one star for each of the fifty states. The thirteen stripes are for the original thirteen states. These states formed the USA in

1776. The first settlers in the USA came from Britain, but now the USA has people from all over the world - from Europe, Asia, Africa and South America.


Geography: east and west 1


Read the text. Write W for western Europe or E for eastern Europe.

1 2 3 4

It's wetter. W It's further from the Atlantic Ocean. It's colder in winter. It's cooler in summer.

b Choose the correct word. 1 2 3 4 5

The air above the ocean is wet I dry. The air above the land is usually wet I dry. Water gets hotter quickly I slowly. The land gets hotter quickly / slowly. The Atlantic keeps western Europe cooler in winter I summer. 6 It keeps western Europe warmer / cooler in




Look at the symbols. Draw the weather for the seasons in your country. Use the symbols below.


eastern Europe?


ill ill ill ill





b What is the weather. Read out your partner's symbols.

:(J~ ~ H'

C Why do the seasons change quickly in



Springs are sunny and warm.


estern Europe is wetter than eastern Europe. This is. because count~ies like Britain. France and Portugal are closer to the Atlantic Ocean. The air above the ocean is wet. so when the wind comes from the west. it brings alot of rain to these western countries.


In summer. eastern Europe is usually hotter than the west. but in winter it's much colder. Why does this happen? Again. the answer is because ofthe Atlantic Ocean. Water changes its temperature slowly, but the land changes very quickly. In summer, the ocean is cooler than the land, so it keeps western Europe cooler than the east. In winter, the ocean is warmer than the land, so it keeps western Europe warmer. The countries in eastern Europe are further from the ocean. SQ it doesn't affect the temperatures there. It doesn't cool the land in the summer. and it doesn't warm the land in the winter. This also means that the seasons are different in eastern and western Europe. The temperature of the land changes quickly. so the weather changes from a hot summer to a cold winter quickly. too. Spring and autumn are short. but summer and winter are longer. In western Europe the temperature changes slowly. so spring and autumn are longer and summer and winter are shorter.





Complete the chart.






3 Superlative

a Tick (.I) the pairs that have the same vowel sound. 1 move 2 west 3 worse 4 warm 5 shoes 6 bird 7 buy 8 great 9 thin 10 south 11 short 12 bone 13 size 14 east

the coldest

miserable happy short good large easy cool delicious thin interesting

love feather .I shirt north does world build lead white down worst won't dry heavy


b ~ Listen


and check.

far hot gorgeous





Zoli and Rita are thinking about their holiday. Compare the places. Write a sentence for each of the adjectives below. wet long short dry

cold expensive good interesting near hot



Alima is wetter than Brigtown.

18 degrees

30 degrees


2 hours

1 hour






10 ems

How far from

40 minutes the airport?





Catambo 2.5 hours

2 ems

22 degrees 15 cms

1 hour



Things to do



30 minutes £46


I ***



at to do -

eople about your country. Write about these things:

- : e different parts of the country. 0 e of the interesting places. - • e weather. a 3


a map of your country and label the most important places.

strate your project with pictures of interesting places.

Song 1 a ~ Listen and complete the song with the words. forest









b ~ Listen again and sing. This land is your land This land is your land, land This land is 1 From California To the New York 2 _ _ From the redwood 3 To the Gulf Stream waters was made for you and me. This 4

As I 5 walking _ That ribbon of a 6 I saw above me The endless skyway 17 below me The golden 8 _ This land was made for you and





going to

making suggestions

TV prograBlBles Comprehension



a ~ Listen and repeat.


~ Read

and listen. Answer the questions.

1 What does Nick want to do this evening 7 Why? 2 What kind of programme is: Frank's Friends? Megastructures?

3 Why can't he watch TV?

2 a soap opera



6 the news

5 a documentary

4 a police drama

3 a cartoon

---lit> -





~ ~ 7 a reality show







8 a comedy programme







10 a nature programme

11 a sports programme

Hi. What are you going to do this evening? Well, my parents aren't going to be at home, so I'm not going to do any homework. I'm going to watch all my favourite TV programmes. What about your sister, Liz? Is she going to be at home? Yes, she is, but I'm going to keep the remote control. Are you going to watch Frank's Friends! That's my favourite comedy programme. No, I'm not. I'm going to record it, because I'm going to watch Megastruetures. It's a documentary about big buildings and tunnels and things like that. Yes, it's going to be a great evening.

12 a chat show

b Give an example from TV in your country of each kind of programme.


Answer the questions.


1 What are your favourite programmes!

2 What kind of programmes are they?

3 When are they on!

4 What programmes don't you normally watch!

TV isn't working. Oh, no l


Mum l Why is the TV set in the hall? We're going to take it to your grandma's. Her





Listening and speaking



a Copy and complete the table with the full forms.

a (6) Listen. What are the people going

to do on Saturday morning? Write the activities.

Names 'm not He

She It

1 Rick

watch TV.

revise for a test.


going to

2 Melanie

be at home.

3 Alice and Millie

record a





4 Max and Jim


5 Oliver


6 Bart and Liz We use going

to for what we plan to

b Work with a partner. Ask about the people.

do in the future.

• What's Rick going to do? He's going to ...

b Complete these sentences with going to. 1 2 3 4 S




Jerry _ _ read a book this evening. We _ _ play basketball on Wednesday. I _ _ watch the news at 10 a' clock. Heidi _ _ do her homework after dinner. Nick's parents _ _ buy a new TV at the weekend.

Ask and answer with a partner about the activities. C

• Are you going to play football? o Yes, I am. / No, I'm not.


Make the sentences negative.

a Copy and complete the questions and short answers.

•• • • •

You are going to watch TV. Yes, I _ _. _ _ _ _ going to watch TV? No,

at New Year on Saturday morning on your next birthday

this evening after school on Sunday afternoon

Pronunciation .

b Write down six TV programmes that are going to be on this week. Ask and answer with your partner. • Are you going to watch the Nine o'clock news? o Yes, I am / No, I'm not.

Work in a group. Plan the perfect evening's TV. What programmes are you going to watch? Tell the class.


Ask your partner. What are you going to do at these times?

Sentence stress 8 a (6) listen. Mark the syllables with the stress. There are three in each sentence.

They're going to watch the news.

1 2 3 4

He's going to record a programme.

We're going to play football.

I'm going to stay in bed.

You're going to have a test.

b (6) listen again and repeat.


At the Iftovies



a look at the pictures. Find the names of the people in the story.



~ Read and listen to the story.

Number the

pictures in the correct order.

What is happening in each picture?

Doctor X Justin Time opened his eyes slowly. He was on a bed in a strange room. The bed was very hard. Chelsea was there, too. She was very sad. 'Are you all right?' she asked qUietly. 'It doesn't matter. You're both going to die here: It was Justin's old enemy, Dr X. She laughed horribly. 'I've got the computer now. So goodbye, MY Time: Dr X left the room and the guard locked the door. 'We must stop her: said Justin. 'With that computer she can control all the world's satellites: 'I think we can escape easily: whispered Chelsea. 'That guard is very slow. Listen: 'That's a good idea: said Justin. Then he shouted very loudly. 'Oh, my stomach! Help! Help!' The guard rushed into the room. 'What's all that horrible noise?' he said. Chelsea was by the door. She threw the blanket over the guard's head, while Justin quickly grabbed the keys from the guard's belt. They locked the guard in the room and ran outside.


'You did that very well: said Justin. 'Oh, it was easy: said Chelsea.

'Well, can you run fast, too?' he said, and they ran to the harbour. 'Look: said Justin. 'That's Dr X's boat. She's going to take the computer to her secret island. Come on: They got into the boat and hid behind the seats. Soon Dr X arrived. She carefully put a briefcase on the seat and started the engine. The boat was very fast. When they were near the island, Dr X opened the briefcase. 'With this computer I'm going to control the world: she said. Suddenly Justin jumped up and took the briefcase. 'Give that to me,' said Dr X. She grabbed the briefcase and pulled hard. But the briefcase was open and the computer fell into the water. 'Aren't you going to jump in and get it, Dr X?' asked Justin. 'I can't swim!' she said sadly, as the computer slowly sank to the bottom of the sea. 'The world is safe again now: said Justin. While he watched Dr X, Chelsea took the boat safely back to the harbour.


3 Answer the questions. 1 Why did Dr X want the computer? 2 How did Justin and Chelsea escape from the room 7 3 What did they do with the guard 7 4 Where did Justin and Chelsea go after they escaped? 5 Where did they hide? 6 Where did Dr X want to go? 7 What happened to the computer? 8 Why didn't Dr X try to save the computer?

1 The guard moved very slow / slowly.

2 Dr X is a horrible / horribly woman.

3 Chelsea spoke quiet / quietly

4 They ran to the harbour quick / quickly

5 The engines made a very loud / loudly noise.

6 Justin grabbed the briefcase sudden / suddenly.

7 Dr X opened the briefcase careful/carefully.

8 She pushed Justin very hard / hardly.

9 'We're safe / safely now,' said Justin happy/happily

10 Chelsea can swim very good / well.

6 Write sentences about yourself with these




a Copy and complete the table.


~.!!.[Jm.D~'~m·mJ· .• . •


Adverbs describe verbs.

Chelsea took the boat _ _ back to the


I think we can escape _ _.

She laughed _ _.

b What letters do a lot of adverbs end with? Find more adverbs in the story. Complete the sentences with words from the story. Are the missing words adverbs or adjectives? 'That's a _ _ idea.' said Justin.

'You did that very _ _.'

2 'Well, can you run _ _, too?'

he said.

The boat was very _ _.

Be careful 3 The bed was very _ _. with these She grabbed the adverbs! briefcase and pulled _ _.





I can speak English well.

Adjectives describe nouns or pronouns.

'The world is _ _ again now,' said Justin.

'Oh, it was _ _,' said Chelsea.

'What's that _ _ noise?' said the guard.


Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

Writing and speaking


a You only have the last part of the story of Dr X in exercise 1. Think about what happened before this. What happened to Justin?

Why were he and Chelsea in the room?

How did Dr X get the computer chip 7

Why did she want it?

b Work with three friends. Write the first part of the story. C

Act the story.

Pronunciation III

8 a

~ Listen and

read grab


run ride throw rush

room strange secret horrible

b ~ Listen and sing. Row, row, row your boat

Gently down the stream.

Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily

Life is but a dream.

Pilm., cam.e:ras, action



a Look at these types of film. What type do you like best? a comedy film a horror film a sci-fi film (science fiction)

a musical

a cartoon

a western a thriller a romcom (romantic comedy)

It's Saturday morning. Nick doesn't have to go to school today, but he has to get up early. He's going to be in a film.

b Give examples of the different types of film. a sci-fi film: War of the Worlds



~ Read and listen. 1 What day is it?

2 What is Nick going to do today?

3 What is he practising!

4 Why do they have to do the scene again?

I don't have to do ~nything in this scene, so I'm practising my line for the next scene. I have to say 'Look! This is Carrie's hat!' Oh, they need me nolN, so I have to go.


I want to be an actor

when I leave school, so I hope

I do well today. A-IIIII.

• • •t~






Complete the sentences from the text.

1 2 3 4

He _ _ get up early.

He _ _ go to school today.

1_ _ say 'Look! This is Carrie's hat.'

I _ _ do anything in this scene




How do we

make questions with

'have to?

go to the theatre. get up early.

revise for a test.


b Use the cues in exercise 4a. Ask and


• Does Nick have to say any lines? o Yes, he does. • Does he have to be in every scene? o No, he doesn't.

a ~ Listen. Liz is asking Nick some questions. Tick (.. . . ) the things Nick has to do. say any lines be in every scene learn a lot of lines sing

wear make-up dance playa musical instrument do any scenes again

b Say what Nick has to do. He has to say some lines.

He doesn't have to be in every scene.

Pronunciation Saying the letter'a'


Do you have to say any lines?

Yes, I do.

Do you have

to be in every


No, I don't.

I learn the lines.

He She





b Copy and complete the table.



We They


Listening, writing and speaking


a ~ Listen. Why can't Liz do the things? Match the invitations to the situation.



1 play tennis

a visit my grandparents

2 go to the cinema

b do my homework

3 watch a DVD

c go to the dentist's

4 playa computer game

d practise the piano

5 go to the park

e help with the


6 go to the shops

f clean the car

a Put the words in the correct column.









take farm have watch hard make play travel start what

b ~ Listen, check and repeat.

actor wash

b Write sentences about Liz. Liz can't play tennis, because she has to go to the dentist's. Work with a partner. Practise the dialogues in exercise 7a.


The lost penguin



~ Read and listen to the story. Complete the sentences. 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8


_ _ decide to go to the park. _ _ sees a penguin. _ _ is watching Mickey and Millie play football. _ _ is lost. _ _ says 'Take the penguin to the zoo.' _ _ take the penguin to the zoo. _ _ sees Mickey, Millie and Mut the next day. _ _ are going to take the penguin to the cinema.

2 Work in groups of three. Act the story.

We did. We took him to the zoo yesterday afternoon.



b Complete the dialogues.



a Look at the story. Copy and complete the table.





Why don't we take him to the zoo?

_ _ _ _ _ go to the park today?

_ _ _ _ _ ask that policeman.





Find the answers to these suggestions in the story.


1 Shall we go to the park today?


2 Why don't you take him to the






Match the cues to the pictures. GIRL

Let's go 1_ _ this morning. That's a good 2_ _ . Where shall we meet? Why don't we meet outside the 3_ _ ? OK. What 4_ _ ? Is half past 5_ _ all right for you? Fine. SO I'll 6_ _ you outside the sports centre at half 7_ _ eleven. OK. 8_ _ you. What 9_ _ we do today? Why don't we play 10_ _ 7 OK Where shall we 11 _ _ 1 Let's meet at the bus 12_ _ . OK. 13_ _ time? How about twenty past two. There's a bus at half past 14_ _ . Fine. I'll see you at the bus station at 15_ _ past two. OK. See 16_ _ .

go on the Internet

c ~ listen again

2 go cycling

3 play table tennis


4 go sWimming


5 playa computer game

6 watch a DVD 7 go to the zoo

8 have a drink


Work with a partner. Student A suggests one of the things. Student B gives an answer. A Let's playa computer game.

S That's a good idea.



a ~ listen to the dialogues and answer the questions. 1 2 3 4

What are the people going to do?

When are they going to do it?

Where are they going to meet?

What time are they going to meet!

and check.

Work with a partner. Make new dialogues with the cues. go to the cinema this afternoon at the bus stop half past three

2 play table tennis this evening at the sports centre quarter past eight

Pronunciation Rhythm

7 ~ listen and repeat. Keep the rhythm. 1 Why Why 2 Why Why 3 Why Why 4 Why Why 5 Why Why

don't we don't we don't we don't we don't we don't we don't we don't we don't we don't we

go go to the park? have have a party? watch watch a film? play play tennis? meet meet at the shops?



Look at the names in the four headings in the text. Which of them is an actor?

2 Read the text. Match the names to the films. 1 2 3 4 5

Charlie Chaplin Alfred Hitchcock Sean Connery Daniel Craig Wallace and Gromit


a DrNo b The Wrong Trousers c The Kid d Casino Royale

e Psycho


3 Answer the questions. 1 In what year did Charlie Chaplin go to the USA? Who was 'the little tramp'? What kind of films did Alfred Hitchcock make? What did he do in all his films? Who wrote the James Bond books? What does James Bond do! Who made the Wallace and Gromit films! How many of his films won Oscars?

2 3 4 5 6 7 8



Write about some famous people in the cinema in your country. 1 What are their names?

2 When were they born?

3 What films have they appeared in?

1 Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977) Charlie Chaplin was the first international film star. He was born in London, but when he was 23 years old he went to the USA. He worked in the theatre at first and then moved to Hollywood. He starred in several silent movies. In most of his early films he played 'the little tramp'. People all over the world loved his films. His most famous film was The Kid (921).

3 James Bond One of the most famous characters in British films is the secret agent James Bond (007). Ian Fleming created the character. He wrote the first James Bond book in 1952. Ten years later, the first James Bond film appeared. Dr No starred Sean Connery as James Bond. In 2006, Daniel Craig became the sixth James Bond in Casino Royale.

2 Alfred Hitchcock (l899-1980)

Alfred Hitchcock was a film director. Like Charlie Chaplin, he was born in Britain, but he made his films in the USA. He made thrillers, like North by Northwest and Rear Window. His most famous film was Psycho. He wasn't an actor, but he always appeared in one scene in all his films.

Nick Park created these two characters - Wallace, the inventor, and Gromit, his very clever dog. They're made of plasticine. In their first film, A Great Day Out (1989), Wallace and Gromit go to the moon. Two later films, The Wrong Trousers and A Close Shave, both won Oscars.


English across the curriculum History I Art: the Greek theatre 1 ~ Read and listen to the text. Are the

statements true or false?

1 2 3 4 S 6

Greek theatres were in the open air.

They built them on top of hills.

The theatres were very small.

The stage was at the bottom.

Only women acted in Greek plays.

The actors all wore masks.

eople in Ancient Greece enjoyed dancing and

singing and they also liked plays. Almost every

Greek city had a theatre.


The Greeks built theatres in the open air, often

on hillsides. They called them 'amphitheatres'. The

amphitheatres were very big. There were about 18,000

seats for the audience in some theatres. The theatres

had a semi-circular shape.

The seats were on the hillside and the stage was at the bottom of the theatre. So the audience could see the stage very well.

All the actors in the Greek theatre were men. They wore masks with a big hole for the mouth. There were masks with happy faces for comedies and masks with sad faces for tragedies. Tragedies were often about the past. The actors in tragedies usually wore dark colours. Comedies were funny and told stories about everyday life. The actors in comedies often wore light colours. Two of the most famous playwrights were Euripides and Aristophanes. Euripides lived in the fifth century between 480 BC and 406 Be. He wrote tragedies. Aristophanes lived between 446 BC and 388 Be. He wrote comedies and is known as the 'Father of Comedy'. Today people still remember their names.

Complete the sentences with the words. comedies Euripides

the past light Aristophanes tragedies happy sad dark everyday life

In tragedies, the actors wore These plays were usually about 2 In , the actors wore These plays were usually about

masks and clothes. wrote tragedies. masks and clothes. wrote comedies.






Write the adverbs.

























a What are they going to do? Complete the bubbles. Use these expressions. paint the door wash up

play the violin go skiing


-­ 2I'm


-­ -­

-­ -­

-­ -­ -­ -­

Match picturesof Mia in a-i to the jobs in











b Use the cues. Make dialogues about the pictures. Adam / play the trumpet

• Is Adam going to play the trumpet? No, He isn't. He's going to play the violin.


1 make her bed ./ get her breakfast X make her lunch vi' clean her shoes vi' do the shopping )<

2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9

cook the dinner X set the table ./ wash up X feed the dog ./

2 Anna / go skiing

3 Paul and Tamsin / cook lunch.

b What does Mia have to do? Use the cues. Do you have to do these things?

4 Charles / paint his bedroom

She has to make her bed.

I have to / don't have to make my bed.


Your project

What to do


Make a project about entertainment. Choose one of these.

What kinds of entertainment do you like best! What things do

you watch and Iisten to 7

2 Who are your favourite actors, actresses, TV stars and pop stars?

3 Write the story of a book, film, play or TV programme that you liked.

/It If ~atJoutzlte


My favourite films are the three Pirates of the Caribbean films. They're great fun. I like them all, but I think that the second film, Dead Man's Chest, is the best.

The stars The films' stars are Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightley and Johnny Depp. Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley are both from Britain, but Johnny Depp is American.



~ listen and answer the questions.

Orlando Bloom was born in 1977- He had parts in some TV dramas and was also in several plays in the theatre before his first big part in Lord ofthe Rings. Keira Knightley was born in 1985. She always wanted to be an actress. She starred in Bend it like Beckham and Pride and Prejudice. Johnny Depp was born in 1963. He played the guitar in a rock band before he became a TV actor. His first big part in films was in Edward Scissorhands. He was also in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. In the Pirates of the Caribbean films he plays Captain Jack Sparrow, a pirate. He's very funny. The story In the first film ...

1 How does the singer feel7

2 What are they going to do to him!

3 What does he have to do?

Act naturally They're gonna put me in the movies they're gonna make a big star out of me We'll make a film about a man that's sad and lonely and all I gotta do is act naturally Well, I'll bet you I'm gonna be a big star might win an Oscar you can never tell the movies gonna make me a big star 'Cause I can play the part so well

Well I hope you come and see me in the movies then I know that you will plainly see The biggest fool that ever hit the big time and all I gotta do is act naturally Well I hope you come and see me in the movies then I know that you will plainly see The biggest fool that ever hit the big time and all I gotta do is act naturally


gotta have (got) to gonna = going to


OXFORD ENGLISH ISBN 978-0-19-476305-9


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